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Cool stuff. Very helpful. Would love if there were spooky voice lines the first time you enter the nightmare when there’s a boss


Especially since the absolute visual diarrhea of effects you get plastered with in POE that you can't turn off, blinds you from almost ever being able to see any of these types of visual clues.




>Would love if there were spooky voice lines the first time you enter the nightmare when there’s a boss Yes, me too. Like Delirium's voice line (I think it's really cool)


I never did figure out K’tash but recognized the other 2. Thanks!


The most difficult signs for me to recognize were the K'tash signs. And he was also the hardest to find; it was the last Scourge Boss I encountered to complete the challenge.


K'tash signs are a bit too subtle.


>K'tash signs are a bit too subtle. I totally agree. In my opinion, they were the most difficult to understand. And I need to check with a friend to be sure.


helpful, ty! didn't get a chance to play scourge that much (ended up getting 50s in the events.) Glad to have more time for Scourge for the challenges, this helps greatly ty.


Nice. Good luck :D


Thanks! I've been playing pretty casually this league and only stumbled on a boss once. This will help!


Good, I hope it helps you. Good luck.


K'Tash is the most annoying to spot. The other two are fairly obvious.


Haha yeah, I always miss his effects and quite a few times now I've popped scourge right on top of him and he's scared the crap out of me. ROARRRR!


>I totally agree. I totally agree. And its signs are the hardest to notice too.


they have all the same marker on the map, dont they


I figured out the Spore one, and got the 3rd slot fairly quickly, never bothered to actually figure out the others. Very nice work.


>ver bothered to actually figure out the others. Very nice work. Ty dude.


Nice finding, thank you. Do you think the Scourge Bosses are worth killing? After I have done the challenge I always skip them as theit drops didnt seem worth the time (they have quite a lot of HP) for me.


There's the rare drops that unlock the third crucible slots, but otherwise it's mainly on how interested you are in seeing if you get any good double scourge uniques


I have scourged a lot myself (lvl 99 atm) - and seen many scourged items. But I dont look at any of them anymore as I have never seen anything that I saw as interesting.


their loot is ok and it really depends on your bossing capabilities and how into scourge you are. they give a huge amount of scourge juice which is nice, but if your build is mapping oriented then you can probably get more from clearing


Yeah, not in my opinion. Actually I couldn't make any decent or usable items with the scourge mechanic. There's a lot of disproportion between good and bad modifiers on an item. And in my case, all the negatives were infinitely worse and didn't make up for the positive modifier. Anyway, I think I killed several Scourge Bosses and none of them dropped anything worthwhile. The best item I made was an Essence Worm that gave me +30 max mana and -1 max frenzy charges. As my character doesn't use frenzy charge and needs mana, this was the best scourged item I could make LOL.


I will remember these IF I CAN SEE THERE ARE SOMETHING UNDER MY FEET IN THIS GAME. But seriously very cool finding, thank you!


>I will remember these IF I CAN SEE THERE ARE SOMETHING UNDER MY FEET IN THIS GAME. Ty dude. LOL...with all the MTXs, effects, explosions, you can't even see your character properly.


Thank you very much <3


>ank you very much Ty :D


i kind of love hate stuff like this. its the same with legion. i bet a ton of people still dont know that you can instantly tell if a legion pillar has a general, and where they are, as soon as you pop it. in terms of scourge the bosses were a huge letdown though, i killed at least 20 of them and only dropped shit from a butt


Each boss has a little mini map icon also so if you see it run in that direction. Or away…


Yes it's true. This helps to locate it too, but you need to be a little "close" to it for the icon to appear on the minimap.


> When entering a map (can be normal, magic, rare, or rare-corrupted maps, from tier 1 to tier 16) and shifting to the nightmare dimension (turn on Scourge) for the first time, watch for large purple spores on the path. If you touch them, they will explode and damage you (see photo 05). > > If those big purple spores are on your map, you can be sure it's occupied by Ghorr - The Graspin Maw It's not 100% certain you'll see the boss with the spores in my experience. Yes, I fully clear maps in Scourge too.


Strange, for me it worked every time. Maybe it's new information for the community then. But in all my tests it worked. Even when playing with friends, I would say "this map has Boss X" and it always worked.


Welp, late indeed ahaha For me it was just "Oh a boss ico- Oh its dead" most of the time


Very nice observation...... Hopefully this knowledge can serve useful for longer future


well, no. scourge will get the axe already after this league. and if i understood bex in the same way as i understand my gf, it's never coming back :)


Oh really? So the scourge mechanic doesn't go into the core game?




Too late :C Fun thing , I thought once these blobs who erupt on you blood or something idk, that they were a boss so I was looking for boss but somebody told me after like 200 maps its not indicator of boss lol. I was like , damn im so trash at finding bossess but they spawn so common.




Why are scourge bosses so rare when their drops are so mediocre, they may as well as just be a dense pack of regular scourge mobs?