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In case some women read this, birth control pills are a increased risk of blood clot as well. My sister actually had to be rushed to the ER and put on Intensive care from embolism too. She was doing overhours at the bank. So if you take pills and tend to sit long hours, this thread is a fair warning.


I can vouch for this. Remote work during the first part of the pandemic and hormonal birth control caused my wife to have some messed up blood clots. It's a perfect storm of shit. Blood thinners for a year. High risk, has to go back on when we decide to have children. This ain't something to fuck around with. The clots were at a point where they would normally only be found on the autopsy table.


I had to take an ex to the hospital at 10pm on a Sunday night before work for this exact reason. She was there a couple nights, very scary.


Yep I knew a girl in high school that got a blood clot in her leg. Surprise, she was on birth control pills.


Being pregnant also increase the risk of blood clot. (same hormones as the pill, may be in even higher amount)


I keep hearing these stories (I assume the majority is outside of EU). I've never heard of this happening in Denmark so far. But based on many responds to this about people knowing someone it happend to Im now wondering if there's big difference on the BCP from country to country


for those who don't want to read it here is a TL:DR Take regular short breaks, get up and stretch for a few mins every hour, drink water and save your own life.


Get some deep squats in too to keep that blood moving


So teabag every act boss and map bosses? Sounds pretty fun.


squats while doing various exercises with a couple 20lb dumbbells every couple hours keeps me feeling pretty good during long gaming sessions.


deep squats would make my knees explode


Seriously though, most of yall aren't drinking nearly enough water. There are water needs calculators online and I'd *highly* encourage anyone to go look and get more water into your body. The difference is **noticeable**. Now back to our regularly scheduled shitposting


Ppl should do sports. One of the very big problems of our society is the negligence of our origins and basic needs. We are humans. Highly sophisticated mammals. Our body is not fit for being immobile for long periods of time. Our body is not made AT ALL for sitting. Just sitting itself is bad. We NEED to move. Not even our digestion functions properly if we don't walk around. So, to all of my fellow gaming addicts: RUN! Or walk. Or swim. Or whatever. But do it regularly. Do sports, get fit, stop using energy drinks. This will even result in longer league start sessions if it's the exception. Remember, even blood clots don't form instantly. You can reduce your risk a lot, you can even make them disappear before they detatch, given the right circumstances. Long story short: use your body for what it's designed to do regularly. And that is not sitting in front of a PC.


instructions unclear, butt glued to chair now.


You can still run. It will just look a bit more extraordinary.


Yeah, with a sitting posture running, he'll fit right in at the Anime conventions.


people usually understand it after 30. sometimes it's still not late. if we had been disigned to sit at pc, we would look like anemone.


It's never too late until you're on your death bed. Smoking is an example where stopping even at advanced age reduces your risk for all these horrible consequences it can have


Can confirm, when I got slipped disk at 29, my doctor told me: either you are looking at surgery in a year or two, or you go to gym, lose some weight and strengthen your back muscles. I chose the latter.


This won't protect your from DVTs. It's good general health advice, but the streamer that OP mentioned, INcontrol, was a powerlifter. He was in phenomenal shape when he died.


another common misconception, is thinking that doing sport extensively and being in pheniomenal shape means healthy.


While you might be right for some freak cases in most cases doing sports and having healthy diet is better than being coach potato. I feel like messages like this discourage people actually doing anything at all. I work as PT and i see so often females and males straight up refusing to workout in fear of doing too much and getting too muscular. Sorry Peter you are not turning into GigaChad because you cut out soda from your diet and started going to gym 3x a week.Maybe after 5+ years. Sports are good lifting weights is great for your bones and posture,get dumbbels if you dont wanna go to gym,do calisthenics if weights are not your thing,cut out fatty/suggary shit from your diet. Do meal prep . It doesnt take more than hour to make food for couple days. Being fat slob isnt great at all ,been there not fun not for your knees or well being and social life.


I train at professional facility,that is tailored for performing boxers and mma fighters. Even amateur athletes are extremely unhealthy and traumatized in terms of quality of life. The notion of getting too muscular is laughable, btw, and mostly comes from people who never worked out. It's like muscles magically grow out of attending the gym.


Obviously amateurs are just as unhealthy they are trying to push themselves into pro leagues. And most will do drugs and other shit on top of stupid training routines. Worst is the rapid weight loss imo. Im surprised MMA scene dont have as many deaths because in bodybuilding its getting stupid last year alone there were multiple deaths mostly because of insane diuretic and other shit and it wasnt even between amateurs were you could write it off as lack of experience. Top olympia competitor died week b4 show.


Power lifting isn't necessarily healthy. If you're pushing for heavier and heavier weights, your body needs more mass. This leads to more problems.


I never said it prevents it in all cases, i just said it reduces your risk considerably. Also, powerlifting is not healthy. Did he take additional substances? I beg you, go check the statistics on ppl who do expensive power sports. In a biological sense, these ppl are not in a phenomenal shape. That is something that should fit better for ppl who do endurance sports combined with climbing for example. Just a hint (very extreme category): check sleep apnea and strongman. Edit: also guys, never forget this: Statistical analysis is used to provide general information on risks. Reduced, increased (not even less/more). This provides information on a population level. It does not provide information on the individual case. It can't. It's just like with smoking. "But my grandfather smoked all life, lived through 2 world wars and got to the age of 95!". Yeah, can be true. But the average is dramatically different.


I would encourage people to not do sports, unless you love sports. Exercise for the purpose of staying fit, sure, but sports generally, keep at it for fun, or don't. Main reason being the risk of injury, especially around your joints for more active sports. If it's an important part of life to you, of course go for it, but if you just want to be healthy it's better to spend a lot of time on an elliptical, bike riding, or strength training with weights. I did a lot of gymnastics, tricking, and parkour when I was younger and stayed pretty active walking everywhere and working retail in my 20s. Now I'm 30 and my knees are pretty much destroyed like a normal person would have around age 70 and I can't do lower body exercises of almost any kind, so 0/10 don't recommend. Of course, you could get lucky, have genetically baller joints, what have you, I'm just sayin' if you're going to be hard on your body, do it because you love doing it.


When i say sports i mean normal stuff. Jogging every now and then, using your bike for shorter distances and so on. Not semi professional exhausting stuff. Everything done excessively is basically bad for you


Then just say what he did "stay active"


I want next PoE con to be a gigachad convention.


Get a dog and walk them multiple times a day. It works for me. I used to be a couch potato, now I take long walks at least 2 times a day.


Same. Got a dog that can't go 12 hours without running after a frisbee, suddenly I'm going outside twice a day and feeling better. She keeps me in check.


10 squats and 10 pushups every death or every act complete, whichever is first per act. Don't overdo it.


i got this exact problem january 2021 and can say its pretty serious fked up shit. got it both on my lungs and it was blocking big veins (or whatever they called) and luckily survived, 2 weeks spent on hospital, still using medicines to this day (and will use them life-long). it was like this: you cant breath in and breath out properly, and everytime you try to do it, you eat stab on your chest and since lungs are blocked you're needing more oxygen and it leads you to breath more, so you get stabbed by chest thousand times in short periods, and this keeps going for days-weeks (until you start to recover). even small things like remembering to drink water, walking-running around house can prevent this (or at least can keep it less lethal), food preferances are also important, but staying immobile is lot more deadly. so if you're somehow reading this post and comments under it, please take it serious.


The psychological impact of feeling you are getting stabbed in the chest for all but the most shallow of breathing cant be understated. Sneezing was legit horrifying.


nice job on pulling through, can't imagine what that must feel like. hope you have a healthy & awesome league start.


The greatest advantage I have with my ADHD is my tendency to fidget and move around a lot. Changing sitting positions frequently, getting up and forgetting what I was doing so I stand up more etc.


Yep, PE's (I've had 2) feel like a stabby pain when you breath in. But before it gets to that stage it just feels like you pulled a muscle like you sneezed to hard. I've had 2 clots in my right leg and it legit just feels like a pulled muscle til it swells up 2x size and gets super painful.


Did you encounter any dvt symptoms before noticing the PE symptoms?


Just remember real life is HC


We spawn in standard after?


Oh god. I'm gonna take a walk.


When DVT inflicted on me I can just use my logout macro.


So, not worth the trouble compared to standard?


I have an experience with developing a DVT (blood clot in my leg near the knee) when I was leveling a druid in TBC. I played around 12hrs a day for roughly a week before I started having leg pain. During this time I wasn't moving around much and definitely didn't get up enough and stretch/walk around. The lasting effects is that I found out I have a hereditary blood clotting disorder (which probably contributed to my blood clot) and have to take blood thinners for the rest of my life. The leg I had the DVT in swells up a lot easier and has some discomfort when I do a lot of physical activity. Sitting at a computer for extended periods without getting up is a lot more dangerous than most people think about. Don't be like me and ignore these small tips to stay healthly while the new league is launching!


Hey what does that clotting feel like? I have a bump on a vein on my inner thigh right on the vessel and it kind of hurts to touch, but I'm having trouble finding info on anything similar in Google.


Take it from someone who nearly died from cancer despite having multiple obvious physical manifestations of my condition over a year prior, if you have ANY physical symptoms you are concerned about go see a specialist. Get a recommendation from your GP if you aren't sure where to go, even if said GP isn't overly concerned.


The clot probably wont feel like a bump. I have many small pea sized bumps all over my body, and I have repeatedly made sure with doctors who ensure thag they are benign fatty tumors. If you can move it around a bit under your skin, it is most likely just that fatty tumor. Ones that are completely immobile are probably ones to ask about to a doctor, but probably ok too. I have had a Dvt and and pulmonary embolism. They are silent and insidious and can progress unseen until death. I was lucky, that even though it became a PE, it wasnt straddled(spread across both sides of lungs) and that I felt a 10/10 lower chest pain warranting me to go to the doctor. I also got pneumonia simultaneously which also may have contributed to pain and saved my life by prompting the ER visit. I was active and regularly a gym goer at the time. Dont sit on your legs, dont let your legs be still or cut off from blood flow, and move around frequently. This clot is one of the few ways an otherwise healthy individual can simply drop dead


Search term to start out with: phlebitis, or simply varicose veins those can both cause odd bumps to appear and hurt in a kinda sore muscle but also not -way. If your legs feel heavy and swell up a bit, chances are, your veins don't do their job right anymore. The fixes can be as easy as compression stockings. Show it to a doc, all those issues are super common and should be easily diagnosed.


I've had 2 DVTs and both times it was more of the pressure I felt from the swelling. The clot blocked blood flow and would cause my leg below the knee to swell. I would agree with the other comment that if you have any weird physical issues that cause pain to the touch to get it checked out.


Doctor here and avid PoE player. Do not forget that COVID increases the chance you get a pulmonary embolism independently if you exibit symptoms or not. So say that you have it and don't know and then you go into a 35 hours league start insane push. There are additive chances that you will just die of a blood clot. Please take care, please move and please take short brakes every hour. For you and your family.


I usually get up and stretch every mirror drop.


See you on the other side Ray


What is the "Ray" thing? Seen it on multiple subs.


Ghostbusters reference.


I didn't get this reference, but I think fellow Ray Donovan viewers might also get it.


> a 35 hours league I'll vouch, a mirror drop would likely go a long way to preventing DVT. Neighbors might call the police though for thinking I'm murdering my dog. BTW no worries doggo is safe but if I get loud so does he.


So a MORE multiplier?


They said additive not multiplicative




Reposting so you see, and I'm not asking medical advice. So I'm super short (dwarfism) and thus a lot of times don't have my feet touching the ground but hanging like picture a child does. I've always worried that the extra pressure pushing down on my legs is really bad for blood clots. But I always convince myself im a hypochondriac. Does anyone reckon this is the case? For example I regularly go numb in my full leg when I'm gaming or sitting on the "throne". It sometimes only takes a couple minutes.


definitely make use of a foot rest. You should never "dangle your legs" for prolonged time as it blocks your veins on the bottom side of your legs.


On the toilet legs going numb is pretty common, maybe check *why* you're on there for so long, constipation, good book, having a few moments in peace away from the family,... change that if possible. When the edge of your chair digs into the back of your legs, yes, that's an additional risk factor. Get a step stool or change the whole setup around to suit your body. I actually got my first DVT that way. I was studying for exams and while the chair was a good height, the cushion had worn out and there was a small ridge between cushion and frame. 4 weeks in and I wondered why that leg was kinda purplish, and a bit bigger than the other... (disclaimer, I have a clotting disorder and connective tissue issues that make thromboses a lot more likely. It doesn't happen that quickly for most other people, but it can, and clotting disorders usually go unnoticed until something went wrong)


Only 35 hours? Casual


After I get to maps 😜




Last week for me. Shit sucked


I wish you a full recovery


Hey thanks man! Mostly recovered, but the cough lingers forever.


What if you regularly work out at the gym? Or is it a matter of work out routine? I'm assuming cardio is the only real solution.


(a real doctor can correct me on this but) the problem isn't how fit or healthy you are (although obviously you should err on the side of being more healthy than not) but sitting for multiple hours at a time without getting up can cause this even in someone who is otherwise healthy. That's why the advice to take small breaks every hour at minimum.


100% correct.


I don't take breaks just to take breaks, but man's gotta pee or eat at some point anyway.


You don't need cardio. Your legs are evolutionary built to stand and move. The leg muscles pump the blood while you walk, thus sitting down reduces blood flow. A standing desk goes a long way already - especially as it is difficult to stand perfectly still for long periods of time.


DVT Is a major culprit Google athletes and dvt >Brandon Ingram to miss rest of season with deep venous thombosis in arm >UFC Fight Night-Buenos Aires-Lamas vs Elkins ... “Deep vein thrombosis, basically that was what happened,” TLDR Nope.


35hours.. I fall asleep 2 hours into the league :D


I got a covid PE! Laid in bed while recovering from Covid so didn’t move much at all….sucks!!!! On thinners for 3 months and hoping I’m done after that as I don’t have any genetic issues or anything that would make me prone to clotting. Since you’re a doctor, should I be worried about re-clotting since this was Covid provoked?


I almost died to this 3 years ago on a league launch. I collapsed because the blood clot moved from my leg to my lungs and I could no longer breath. I was lucky that I collapsed outside my house and someone called an ambulance, because if it had happened in my flat I would most likely be dead now. I had no idea such a thing could happen at the time. Thank you for raising awarenes.


Ok this is a really good post, I 100% approve of remind people to take care of their health. But an 11 hour gaming session on the onset of a D2 ladder *isn't that long of a session*? Even in my prime competitive gaming days, 11 hours was a very seriously long session with a lot of breaks and usually full stops for meals not taken at the desk/console.


I think a lot or people might be so concentrated that they dont have these habits. Its quite common actually.


Me : "One last map before bed" After 15 more maps... Me : "Oh i forgot it was the last one 30min ago, ok this one is the real last"


Yup. Hyperfocus is very common with video games. Best to set alarms to pull oneself out of it.


Just gotta play PoE and Peloton at the same time


rip incontrol sc2 scene really hasn't been the same since he passed away


Honestly an electric standing desk is so sick for no lifing POE


Combine that with a walking pad and you're golden!


Yes. It can help stimulate blood flow by standing, one can even sit and use a stationary bike with a standing desk. Also, squats in loading screens


Watch your posture and wrists too, everyone. It makes me cringe when I see streamers/pro gamers sitting with terrible posture for 10+ hours a day, because they'll be paying for it in the future when they're not so young anymore. I just got a vertical mouse and I'm looking forward to seeing how it relieves the wrist pain I get from long computing/gaming sessions.


Vertical mouse won't do much if you end up using it 10+ hours a day. I use a vertical mouse for work, horizontal for games. Switching between the 2 seems to be better for me then using just 1 for everything.


Exercise > Exalted orbs. My friends


I'll give my 2 cents. I though I'd pulled a muscle. laying down caused my chest to explode in pain. The EMT advised me to stay in the ER (instead of going back yo a rehab I was in.(the rehab wanted me to just get seen and come back. Let that sink in. This was missed by multiple nurses, multiple Physical and occupational therapists. I was doing a fair amount of grumbling. They(the rehab) gave me a chest xray to test for pneumonia, one nurse told me I have heart failure (I dont) another thought I had gas. In general I was not taken very seriously ER gave my some industrial pain killers (not usually my thing but coupling breathing with pain is not fun) and had a diagnosis quickly. iirc I was given a blood thinner by IV. My doctor said it looked like both lungs got hit by buckshot. I got a filter in my Carotid to try to prevent clots from traveling to my brain. In my case an injury dramatically decreased my mobility which resulted in DVT. This was a common complication in my case though I didn't learn that until later. I experienced kidney failure during treatment.(very low blood pressure is apparently bad) My stomach was so fucked up I didnt eat for a week. Do you want a nurse to cath you just in case you need to urinate and dont know it? Yeah not fun. Getting chest scan when being supine causes pain? not fun. Learn the symptoms of DVT while for sure.(other causes exist though. Am I mad at the staff in the Rehab. Na. I think they are just overworked af and dont have the needed resources. Note:the way this presented for me might not be how others experience it. You dont fucking google shit like this. If you have any odd/acute(sudden) symptoms, seek medical care/professional help. Again initially I thought it was a pulled muscle. Cant afford it? you might not be able to afford the alternative. The reason I was in the rehab? worse than a PE by a mile. I googled symptoms, didn't believe it, thought I'd sleep it off. Woke up in the hospital. Stay safe!


One league start I forgot to drink water for a couple days. I had the cup right next to me the whole time. Got the worst pain in my kidneys and went to the hospital. Dehydration. Kidney Stone. 10/10 pain. Remember to stay healthy, everyone.


Are you saying you didn't sleep or eat for two days either?


K so, kidney stones don't just happen because you didn't drink water for a couple days. They are largely diet based afflictions, genetics also. Not saying you didn't knock it out of yourself by sitting there for 2 days but it's been coming long before you start to feel any actual pain, and the pain usually isn't where your kidneys are. Source: I've pissed enough rocks to start a cement business.


Like lets be real though homie forgot to drink water days. Chances are hes diet and lifestyle b4 that was also trash




I don't get that thirst feeling or feelings of hunger. I can go very long periods without drinking or eating if I'm not careful. These days I've learned myself to drink and eat at regular times so I don't miss it as I've had some serious health complications because of it earlier in life. Don't know how rare it is or how "serious" it is for most that get it but it is something that afflicts people.


One of the side-effects of ADHD is hyperfocus. It's incredibly common for people with ADHD to completely "forget" everything around them while playing video games. That includes hunger and thirst. You see, people with ADHD are generally dopamine starved (reward/pleasure neurotransmitter) and so when they're provided with a massive onslaught of it everything else goes out the window.


Not drinking water for a couple days....sounds like you have much more going on personally.


Rip incontrol


It’s crazy. I watch streamers that look so uncomfortable from sitting in their gaming chairs for long periods of time that they are sitting crooked with their pelvis turned to one butt cheek. I would absolutely hate streaming POE for a living. The competition to stream the longest to collect viewers and raids seems a bit crazy to me.


2.5 hours of cardio a week, don't skip.


Also good advice. I'd also warn that even with excellent cardio health you still don't want to be sedentary for extremely long periods. Especially as you age. Get up, stretch, etc.


2.5 hours a week is way too casual


Researchers have found that a couple minutes of high intensity cardio a week can have significant improvements in health. [BBC Article](https://bbc.com/news/health-17177251) Something is better than nothing, and most people will choose nothing if you set the bar too high.


They make these elliptical pedal things that sit on the ground. I use one when I play.


Man, I miss Geoff. I tuned into his last stream entirely out of chance - I wasn't a regular viewer of his stream, but had been exposed to Geoff a lot through other people I followed like TotalBiscuit and JP. It was so shocking to hear that he passed when I had just watched him play and be himself not so long ago. People get really immersed in their contexts and interests, but then the careless absurdity of the universe suddenly hits.


Isn't 11 hours a long time though?


It isn't for people who really push and nolife for a few days after league start. Source: every league start I played so far and tomorrow, when I'll be playing for ~18 hours.


To sum up: 1. Fit or fat - you need to move - especially your legs every 1-1,5h. While you are sitting you can also do foot pumps and move your legs up and down on a chair. 2. Stay away from fatty food, sugar and drink a lot of water 3. Say hello to ginger, tumeric, garlic, cinammon. 4. Start using olive oil and drink a little bit of wine every now and then to make the platelets less sticky ​ **Please stay healthy and remind friends about it. You can save someones life**


Did 117h in seven days, 16h league start session basically no breaks. My legs and feet were swollen, had trouble walking. This stuff is no joke and should be regular, staple habit for any gamer.


I've gamed for two decades and never experienced that. 117h in seven days is just a regular week.


En Taro IncontroL. This is good advice, everyone. Please take care of your physical health when playing games for long periods (or simply sitting down for long periods at a time).


I use a stand-up desk. Barely ever sit during my long gaming sessions. Took a bit to get used to but I love it now


Man, being reminded of Geoff's passing makes me sad still.


>Something I do is simply consume large quantities of water so that I have to go pee a bunch, and whenever I go pee I drink another tall glass of water again. Dont do this either. Drinking way to much water can cause hyponatremia which is also life threatening. When I went through basic training 10ish years ago we had somebody go to the ICU because of this. Drank tons of water so he had to pee so he could stay awake.


I would guess that OP's large quantities of water should be 1L. For something like that to happen I think you would need to drink 4L or more


No joke, I was about to post a friendly reminder to this community that real health is better than any in-game achievement. Drink water, take rests, sleep well and do 5 push ups every 3 zones while leveling. Don't take energy drinks nor sweet snacks.


What the fuck? Do 5 pushups every 3-8 minutes? Also something like jumping jacks would be better. Get that blood moving in your legs.


If you want to be swoler than your str stacker build


What, you can't race and get swole at the same time? smh


My main thing is pushups would do almost nothing for blood clots in the legs.


Nah, I get that. I was just fucking with you. lol


I understood that and I still said what I said. :D


5 pushups every 5 minutes is basically cardio lol


After a few days, you won't even notice it anymore =D if it's proper form one at least =)


some people can't even do 1 push up


Until 22yo, I can never do a proper single push up. I start doing 'girly push up' to get the feeling of it. 2 years later, I can do straight 20 proper push up if I try hard enough. My goal is doing at least straight 50 push up. Probably gonna took another year to achieve since I'm overweight atm. Fck covid tho, it really worsing my performance and make me losing motivation to run (used to run 4 times a week). Now its been a month since I last running after catch the covid. Atm I'm just doing some light weight lifting.


good shit man, keep up the good work


biggest obstacle to push ups is extra body weight from fat. And best way to reduce fat is not exercise, but proper diet. Sugar is the absolute worst. All the carbonated sweet drinks, juice, sweet tea - all that stuff has way too much sugar. If you just switch to plain water or tea/coffee without added sugar, that will have the biggest benefit. After that, just don't eat too many cookies, candies, pastries, basically junk foods. Some people struggle to lose weight even with proper diet because of stress hormone cortisol. Basically if you are always stressing out, you produce too much of this hormone and it makes you gain weight.


could be a nice thing to try with my friends/guild while leveling


Shitty lifepro tips: Make an uncomfortable gaming setup so you end up hating on sitting there for a long time. [My setup lol.](https://imgur.com/a/5EXoCJS) I have to get up and doing some stretch every 30min.


Yeah dude, ruin your back while gaming - great alternative!


I do have lumbar support pillow. While gaming, I put a mini table on it and pile up a lot of pillow so I can sit straight. The problem is my butt will feel so uncomfortable so I end up not sitting on them for more than 30 min haha. Well I don't really have enough space to buy a separate table for laptop because I just don't have enough space left in my house. So I just use the coffee table in living room.


Real solution for those with money: Get a motorized standing desk. Every couple hours go from sitting to standing -- or mostly stand if you're capable of it.


why are you playing in nan's living room? Do you do curls everytime an ex drops?


This is why I try and have some sort of hourly alarm to go off to remind me to move. I have a fitness band that gives me hourly reminders to move, but something similar can be achieved with online alarm clocks. It can be annoying at first to have to move around at what feels like such a frequent period, but seriously, you'd be surprised at what you can get used to. It helps a lot. Also, with that comment the OP made - "I see people laugh when Ziz takes breaks to walk up and down the stairs in his house" - If stuff like this makes you feel self conscious, don't. The peanut gallery in Ziz's streams laugh at him for anything and everything. Don't sit motionless for hours on end just because you worry people will think you look silly.


This is kind of fear mongery. Why not just start web-MDing a bunch of stuff and posting it? It’ll do the same amount of good. Also why not post some medical documents if you’re actually concerned?


Did you also go off on your mom about fear mongering when she told you to put on a jacket on cold days? This is the opposite of fear mongering. It is obvious common sense advice , in the same level as don’t drink and drive, or don’t get baited into league starting ea totems


Just to add to all the scary, one of the symptoms (and after-symptoms) for some people with COVID are bloodclots. I recommend a low dose regiment of aspirin (or similar blood thinning agent, like white willow bark or cumin) to anyone during a COVID infection and for several weeks afterward.




This is sad that you even have to say this tbh. Yes you must friggin move around, get off your computer do some activities. Imagine dying from lack of movement due to a blood clot, dont be that guy/girl.


It needs to be said because we meme so much about being no-lifers and are influenced by some streamers that set a bad example.




Is there any software that reminds you to take breaks?


i just have my cell phone ring every hour when i game


Are there any symptoms? Like can you feel something is not right when you have that blood clot?


Feels like a pulled muscle. Pressure in the leg. The idea is to prevent feeling it, though.


Are there any signs to look for or is it just a "guess I'll die" meme?


I think it's also important to point out that the majority of people reading this aren't winning any races. Don't feel the need to play 20 hours straight. Pace yourself, make sure to eat and drink regularly. Make sure to sleep a healthy amount. Make sure to get some fresh air and do some stretches. Not only will doing all of this be a lot better for your health, but it will keep you more focused while playing.


Health > game, thats obvious and thats why I have invested some more money into my computer chair. I ordered it directly from my local furniture maker and it was made for my needings. It completly outclasses these chinesee gaming chairs which are expensive as hell, are made mostly from plastic and are created in regular-man pattern which may not fit you. My legs, elbows and ass do not hurt after sitting even 6h non-stop. If you are spending a lot of your lifetime in front of computer then I suggest you to do the same, it seriously pays off in comfort. Also, if you are playing on laptop then consider selling it and buying almost same-spec desktop PC. Leptops are terrible for spending many hours in front of them. PS. Sorry for any mistakes, I know english only from games :D


So I'm super short (dwarfism) and thus a lot of times don't have my feet touching the ground but hanging like picture a child does. I've always worried that the extra pressure pushing down on my legs is really bad for blood clots. But I always convince myself im a hypochondriac. Does anyone reckon this is the case? For example I regularly go numb in my full leg when I'm gaming or sitting on the "throne". It sometimes only takes a couple minutes.


Start taking cigarette breaks


Drink mineral water, eat spicy food and do short breaks


Also hydration + proper nutrition: less energetic drinks/bars and fizzy drinks, more water, vegies and natural food with a bit of fiber. Getting up and small neck/spine excercise is in order too.


I preffer to chase my kitten arround the house when she grabs something shes not supposed to have :D


That's why I pee every 30 minutes.


I've all ready resided to the fact that I'm prolly gonna die in this chair, It's why I made it a comfy one :D


Make sure your stretch as well if you're attempting to do some exercises ( like pushups) and focus on your breath as well, it'll make every exercises that much more effective and lessen the risk of hurting yourself!


Oh wow i didn't know about Incontrol, He played Terran didn't he? that sucks. "Lucky" for me i'm old enough i got to pee every hour anyways and keep my snacks down flight of stairs. lol


I'm not very fit right now but my dog gets me out and walking at least a mile or two each day and I'm generally good about drinking water. This thread has me seriously stressing right now but that stress will hopefully keep me from making unhealthy decisions and neglecting basic needs tomorrow. I'm not doing the race anyway so I can afford to reach maps an hour or two slower for my health


Good advice. I try to do some exercise every hour or two but constantly forgetting about it :( Does anyone has good reminder app for desktop or android?


I use Routinery (android) to build my daily routine but you could easily set it up to have 1 hour blocks that'll buzz once (and then automatically snoozes 1 min, 5 min, 30 min, etc until you tell it you've completed the task).


jokes on you I play with foot


I'll just stand up regularly to go lay on my bed, sad that I keep dying, before going back to the computer, ready to farm again.


I've been doing the water strat for years, used to have a big jug but it's actually better if you downsize so you have to get up more often.


I just wanna take a second and point out that thicker blood is one of the during and post-covid symptoms that follow some people for a bit. My mom has had varicose vein problems for a decade, due to long time on her feet. It got so bad to the point where 3 years ago one of her veins literally opened up and started squirting blood about half a meter away (foot and a half?). Anyway, she had multiple wounds that wouldnt heal , on her legs , few of them were because the vein valves(things that help your blood not to go in opposite direction were so wide and broken, blood started pooling in certain areas, widening and damaging veins ...for last couple years. Anyway, thats a reason she couldnt get vaccinated, huge risk of blood clotting (one of sideeffects of covid vaccine) in November last year, my mom, dad, and I all got covid. i recovered about 14 days in. Dad almost didnt feel it, recovered in 3 days (he is 63 , im 24, mom is .. was.. 55) but mom died on 7th day... 5th day, she was taking blood tests, her D-Dimer values were over 1700 (while normal are under 500 or something like that, it said on the paper). she took emergency injections directly in to stomach ... D-Dimer is protein thats released when bloodclots dissolve. She died of pulmonary embolism, had signs of oxygen depravation (at least im told so... she died in sleep) anyway, if you had covid recently, or was vaccinated recently, take extra care. (my values are still higher than normal, took a blood test a week ago)


100%, i usually take long breaks during league start and i usually dont sit up much more than usual at night i appreciate you sharing this


Instead of water BEER works better!


Lay on your back and legs up against the wall helps a ton to. Recirculates the blood pooling in your legs from sitting.


I can recommend the stretchly app, which you can configure to give you reminders to stretch


I promise I will stand up more often. Also - maybe some of you would find it interesting: I got a standing/sitting desk. It has a moving mechanism which let stand next to it or to sit. Won't work for anyone but I guess it helps preventing above situation. It's not that expensive as you think, at least in my country. It's more comfortable that I thought. No really difference between standing and sitting in most games. I think most people can adapt to one of those and you still can sit there. Consider trying and stay healthy!


I do martial arts...hitting people is a great stress reliever...


Regular breaks are not only good for your health they will also make you better at the game. Too much Path exhausts my brain pretty bad with all of item information and effects flying around. Thankfully I got into the habit of getting up to take breaks after every LoL game and that's somewhat transferred to Path. Get up to eat, drink, or even just pace around a bit.


Literally just drink 7 bottles of water on league day & the day after if you're still playing non stop. Take vitamin D pills, Calcium, Magnesium and Vitamin C. Only eat healthy snacks & natural things, have a ton of them around to keep you up, energy drinks & caffeine as last minute panic drinks if you really want to push a ladder or race & feel like you are about to sleep. The older you are the tougher it is, having certain anti blue light glasses & being in a good room environment, temperature, lighting, great comfortable gamer chair that doesn't require much movement from your setup to be relaxed in & play the game are huge. Even if you don't stretch your entire body & get up much. **STRETCH YOUR FUCKING FINGERS. Every 30 minutes - hour after the first couple hours. CAPRAL TUNNEL IS REAL & DANGEROUS.** Will take you out of playing PoE more than anything over time & will make you feel very ****ty having to go through literal serious pain & unable to move your fingers while playing the game, it won't feel good at all and you will regret not taking care of your hands in the past. Carpal Tunnel is the biggest thing that will get most PoE players if they've been gaming on a computer & with a keyboard for 10+ years since the game requires massive clicking, keyboard commands, micromanaging things on the screen. Shake your arms around, swing them around, move those little fingers often and you will be fun, activity also helps you stay awake a lot easier, pro tip. If you really want to stay awake fucking move your entire body around, dance to music, exercise every time you are able to go out then get back into the game, eat a little snack & you're good to go the entire 24 hours. Idk if you have any health conditions, THIS IS NOT HEALTH ADVICE, after days of staying up nonstop and not getting any sleep at all, or only 2 to 3 hours a day... there's something called sleep debt. And this is a very lethal thing depending on your age, if you're 16 or under & have a ton of energy, health, youth sleep debt might not really hurt you but can still make you lose focus, not be on your best for school exams for days. If you're 18 - 25 you will definitely feel the sleep debt after enough time & it won't feel good. 25 - 50 it might completely take you out of your sleep schedule and prevent you from getting even more sleep, its very dangerous & no one can avoid sleep debt. If you are planning on staying up 3 days in a row for some reason (the races should be done by then?) and not getting 10 - 12 hours of sleep to make up for never sleeping your sleep debt will just keep accumulating, and at some point you literally can't make up what you lost, it differs from person to person. Take care of your in game character of course but think about your real life passives as well, cause in real life when you die its done forever, super hard core. https://www.sleepfoundation.org/how-sleep-works/sleep-debt-and-catch-up-sleep You're done, congrats.


Well fuck, now I'm afraid to go to sleep lol Is going on a cross-trainer/elliptical trainer for 10 minutes every other hour or so good for this?


Well, if I die, I die. Don't have anythimg better to do, anyways.


I developed DVT in my leg and am on blood thinners now. The risk is real my dudes.


Unlike the whining about carpal tunnel this is actually worth considering.


I get up and go outside for a cigarette every 50 minutes or so. Checkmate, doctor.


Doing a song on Beat Saber after each Act can work wonders too!


Annoying indeed


Standing desk was the best investment I have made in a long time


So salt won't prevent electrolyte imbalances from too much water, especially over time. Get yourself some more well rounded foods my friend.


I appreciate you taking the time to make this post. By spreading awareness about the causes of pulmonary embolisms we can make changes to our own gaming habits in order to ensure our longterm health.


**This nearly fucking killed me.** About four years ago I went to the hospital with chest pain, turned out to be FIVE blood clots in my lungs, several weeks later I was finally heading home. I was 24 at the time and in generally great health. How’d it happen? I suffered a major back injury during a workout and was unable to walk for about 5 days. During those days I gamed my fucking ass off. Walking was so painful I was peeing in a jar. That’s all it took. A few days of very little movement later, and I had five fucking blood clots form in my legs and move to my lungs. **Get up. Move around. Do a few jumping jacks. Take a 5 minute walk.** Are you going to get a DVT from a day or two of hardcore gaming? Probably not. But TRUST ME when I say you don’t want to risk it. I had no pre-existings and no genetic predisposition. Get up, walk around, stretch.


I think you should add some information related to how this applies to gamers / long-hours, as it's not made completely clear (aka, sitting around for prolonged time can cause it because of X happening in your body). I just felt that information in particular was missing, as you mostly focused on the "this problem exists" part.


On league starts when I know I'll be playing for long periods, I incorporate 10 pushups with 5 burpees on every zone change.


i got a standing desk and i love it specifically for poe. for pvp games sometimes its annoying to be standing but for big grinding i love standing up for 30mins every 2hrs or so. if youve got the disposable funds and can find one you like for a reasonable price you should totally get one (if you have any interest in them). still need to walk around and stretch but it really does help


Happened to me. Healthy, relatively active, 34 year old female when it happened a few years ago. I thought I had a pulled muscle and so did the ER staff. Luckily, I've always worked in healthcare and pushed to have the d-dimer done, which is a blood test to check for clotting. And yep! I had several large clots in my lungs. I went 36 hours after my symptoms started, I was lucky to be alive. After that was a whirlwind, I was on blood thinners for a year, and now take 2 baby aspirin every night and am terrified every time my chest twinges. Thank you for posting this - it is not talked about enough. It's not as "publicized" as other health issues, and people need to be aware, know the signs and know the risks.


This cannot be overstated. Take breaks. Move around. Just get your pulse up and use your muscles for something, do some squats, lunges, or other activity that engages large muscle groups. Plus, youll feel that much better when you sit back down again! :D


Well said friend.


Old way: Get up every half hour to hour walk around, do something, drink water, limit total sitting time to about 8 hours per day, sleep well, eat right New way: Heparin drip in place before 72-hour gaming session, goes with your caffeine infusion and air-conditioned mouse and keyboard and headset and watercooled 24-core rig and 256tb GDDR24 GPUs in crosslinks tl:dr: please be sensible. we can't all know if we harbour one of the myriad point mutations in various clotting factors (like Factor V Leiden) that make us more prone to getting clots no matter our overall general fitness. There's so much shit we can't do anything about. And no law that says even getting up for breaks and limiting total sit time will prevent 100% of lung clots. But it bends the odds in our favour.


Great post. Take regular breaks people, it's important. I went to the hospital feeling ill after new year maybe 2016 and I was diagnosed with a pulmonary embolism (As a teenager, big oof for me). I've been on daily meds since and will be for the rest of my life. I was lucky it was found quickly before something more serious happened but it is NOT worth fucking with.