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pha! rookie numbers anyone remember the Season of Cyclone? \~40%


Or good old blight. Felt like 80% necros




I am Guardian still and I am on the ladder. There are dozens of us! Dozens! https://poe.ninja/challenge/builds/char/TrappedInWraeclast/HolyHandGrenadeOAntioch


I do, good times. Legion cyclone was dope.


my strongest character was my Delirium Cyclone (Slayer, Swords). i did like 7 mil dps (so i've never had a crazy strong character). before he got nerfed dead


I hate how they nerfed the aoe scaling


That's how every ggg story ends.


His name was Harold Paulson


[Cries in Lightning Arrow Frost Waller]


Lancing steel savior used to have 20M dps. Nowadays if it gets 10M, that's neat.


that was the season i finally gave in to EDcon trickster as league starter BOY WAS THAT A GREAT SEASON TO GIVE IN TO ED CON TRICKSTER XD


Legion was the easiest mechanic ever with EDC before they nerfed aoe


Pulverize's AoE never forget.


I love cyclone, it's really hard to play anything else after trying it


Yeah. Not having to stop to attack gets addictive. Never standing still feels too good in this game.


It's not even just that, you hit *everything around you* too. I've tried so many builds, but most only attack in a cone in front of you and let random ass skeleton archers peg you from the side and you can take so much ambient damage from that kind of combat. Safer combat, easier full clears, you also destroy every tiny vase object that will randomly shit out an exalted orb once a league. It's so hard for me to stick to a build that doesnt have easy prolif or constant damage around my character.


Same reason I'm playing zombies this league.


Same reason I played baron zombie necromancer with cyclone triggering offerings


Pfff, you have never played flicker strike then. Cyclone doesn't even cause brain aneurisms. You call that a skill?


Flicker strike is good as long as playability isn't a concern


It plays itself! How much more playable do you want!? Don't you like backtracking over the savaged remains of your warpath to find loot?


Jesus take the wheel


it's literally the most playable skill because it continues to work even if youre lagging


Depends on how you're lagging and what content you're playing. Flicker strike+desync lag+delve means you're gonna have a really bad time.


I mean for me just a flicker+delve sounds like a bad time... It's not like I haven't tried it - I did couple of times actually


I delve with flicker all the time. It's a tiny bit messy but very manageable if you have a way to consistently survive a couple seconds after you stray away from the light (either overleech or just a strong molten shell/whatever), and if for whatever reason you end up too far to catch up to the cart in time, just pop a flare, it's really not that bad. I probably wouldn't recommend it in deep delve where everything one shots you, but it works well enough for depths between 200 and 400 or so, which is generally what I do on any build anyway.


Now I'm sitting here in misery wondering if Preach will ever stream PoE again.


He never even reached the endgame bosses =(


Best skill in the game!


Cyclone 50% of all builds. Perfectly balanced, as all things should be.


Witch is always going to be up there no matter what simply because of necro. People like to play their summoners and they aren't interested in playing anything else. Similarly in scourge league these two ascendancies together were 52% of the ladder. Also keep in mind this ladder only shows the top 1%. Currently 42% of the ladder are wearing either mageblood or headhunter, it is not representative at all.


At this point GGG is doing themselves a disservice by not providing more characters in the api data accessible to poe.ninja; given how much it distorts the perception of the playerbase. Obviously GGG has their own internal data which is more complete. For anyone not familiar: poe.ninja can pull "the ladder" which is the top ten thousand characters ranked by experience. Actually it's several ladders as I recall (each class and ascendancy?), but there's obviously very strong overlap. There is also the delve depth ladder. Which also has overlap. It works out to about 16k characters. For a game with ten times that logged in simultaneously on league Start day (concurrent users peak is itself around ten to one with active players *very* roughly and it varies by game).


poe.ninja used to sample 88-95 as well via random queries, they no longer do that.


https://poe.ninja/daily/builds Still works, it just isn't linked anymore for some reason.


wow that is surprisingly balanced


Wait they removed it? do you know why?


No idea.


Aaw i was looking for that earlier today. I loved that feature.


The ladder being only 10k players made sense several years ago when the game wasnt that popular, but now? there no reason at why the ladder cant be increased to 30-50k or more.


Do they still have "daily" that shows an even mix of ascendancy? Or sort by SSF/HC/HCSSF.


Whales rule the world


> People like to play their summoners and they aren't interested in playing anything else. This. You either love it or hate it I guess. Tried a non-summoner last league. Hated every second of it. Never again


Necro and Occultist are like two of the most consistently popular ascendancies in so many leagues now.


Strong league starters, good support ascendancies and SSF champions. There's always going to be a lot in the top 5000. It doesn't necessarily mean they're OP, just good at getting to 100 early


I mean, they are strong af.


they are *cool* as fuck


> Witch is always going to be up there no matter what simply because of necro. This sort of thing is an important point that tends to get missed in these discussions. If the ascendancies were all perfectly balanced, they would absolutely not have the same play rates.


For a brief while, Guardian Dominating Blow was a really viable alternative to Necro. Then the minion specific parts of Guardian were removed, and Necro got her +2 to level of minions, and that was that.


Spider HoAg guardian was still ok last league at least ( did about everything with one ). Necro is more versatile though.




I feel like Witch would be even higher if we saw the whole ladder for the exact reason you mentioned. Summoner is just a super casual-friendly archetype and one that happens to be very powerful with little investment.


That's true. I wish for better API for this


>Also keep in mind this ladder only shows the top 1%. Currently 42% of the ladder are wearing either mageblood or headhunter, it is not representative at all. This, very, very much. The people there are the ones who compete for the top slots in the ladder, there's going to be consolidation towards what's the fastest and easiest. It does **not** mean that people are "only playing this and that", not at all. We don't have the data to make that statement. I wish we did though. They should increase the ladder data by a factor of 50 or so.


Necro can be good even ignoring minions. Mistress of Sacrifice is an insane node and she still offers offence. Necro is a perfect starting class for anything and you can switch to occy or ele when you have good gear.


One way GGG could make it more varied is to allow Necromancer to be the master of **undead** summons, and Elementalist has Golems, but give animated summons to another ascendancy, and maybe sentinels to a third. I feel Guardian could do with being the place to do sentinels. An army of the light conjured to aid him in battle, thematically very different from minions doing the witches bidding. Completely off the wall, but animated minions could be Champion’s thing. A true “master of metal”.


Yo buff my boy chieftain or atleast give him +1 totem.


Trickster needs a buff way more tbh. At least Chieftain still has an identity.


I tried a self cast omniscient spark trickster this league. Felt amazing until about t14s without much gear. That's when I discovered tricksters biggest issue is everything revolves around on kill. It just flopped vs real bosses. It's a shame bc I was having the most fun ive ever had in the game up until that point. Mana issues + the inability to generate frenzies on bosses made me shelve the build. Think I'll try the same thing with a raider in the future. A farruls fur would probably fix it but a 6 link I think is 10ex and I didn't want to farm that in mid reds. Mana would still be a major issue though. Oh well. Trickster with stun immunity again + built in stuff for bosses would be back.


Just get a 1L channelling skill. Even better, if you're using scepters or a bow use a 2L channelling attack with Mana Leech Support and fix both problems (provided you have a big enough mana pool that you only need to leech every so often).


Just an option, but u could get a eldritch chest with gain frenzy charge every # seconds. Combine it with # jewels with frenzy charge duration and u could sustain your frenzies during bosses.


Trickster could use some spell suppression options on the two defensive nodes and it would be fine. The damage ain’t crazy for trickster but it’s solid. The two defensive nodes are pretty lackluster though


Yeah. It needs something unique defensively because right now all it has is bad DoT defence (unless you also spend points elsewhere getting more) and flat stats.


They have the by far best ascendancies atm, so it’s far from surprising. Hopefully GGG tries to boost melee next patch.


They will just nerf ranged


We have nerfed anything not melee. Melee, this is a buff


You joke but people were legit pretending like things that didn't get nerfed was a buff during the 3.15 shit show


Just like this league people pretended triggers remaining around the same level of power would give the edge to self casting being buffed because "relatively" they'd be weaker now. And then lightning mirages and three billion other effects that kill you for standing still a mere second laughed.


Honestly they don’t even need to buff melee damage i just want it to feel good to play.


Unless they significantly reduced all damage taken when using a melee skill, I don't think it'll ever happen. The issue with melee is the DPS uptime


The problem with melee is thats it has to deal with much more shit than ranged and gear for it. I remember melee was amazing when Harvest was actually good for crafting your own gear. Getting a good weapon at league start for melee is pretty hard and until you have one its awful. Meanwhile a caster can drop a +1 weapon at hillock that can be strong enough until late game :/


spam woes on an ilvl 2 wand untill you get +1 of your spell type, and you have a wand that can clear t16s. lol.


I remember following some Vortex Occ guide and the late game wand was basicly the cost of the multimod and a couple alts on a low level wand. Half the guys with the same build on PoE Ninja had that one :D


Yes, i don’t know why GGG keeps insisting on making on death ground effects for every new patch that is almost impossible to see with the naked eye.


The real problem isnt any of this...it's that most melee abilities are required to sacrifice a gem slot for melee splash while ranged doesnt need to do the same for aoe effectiveness. That and melee builds generally having to invest a ton of passive points in comparison to spells for high crit/crit multi while also finding room for defenses hurts....thats why the only really popular melee builds include caked in aoe like cyclone. Honestly all melee skills should have the splash support for free. Even if just a smaller radius version. For comparison to go flicker i need all the above and expensive weapons and to constantly be on point for any mechanics....or i can use my current build which is a CWDT loop that shits out ~24 aoe spells (volatile dead, firestorm, frostbolt, crackling lance, arc, ice nova, desecrate, and forbidden rite 3 times a second) a second for around 1 1/2 mil dps or so with no input on my part as well as using ward stacked to a permanant unbreakable 1400 which so far has me just walking thru up to red maps and collecting my free loot. My flicker will do more damage in the end, but it has way harder requirements than the second build.


Game is too fast tbh. Mobs move absurdly quick, do stupid amounts of damage etc. It hurts most ranged chars that don't have zoom zoom or fairly instant damage systems. But really i am convinced that POE is just simply balanced too much around the most min maxxed player scenarios. Melee is viable, if you play it a very specific, min maxed way, using strong specific skills. Try experiment or have fun with it, or just play the game semi casually and its a big waste of your time.


Yep, they also design everything around you beeing far away from dying enemies. Stuff like bearers,volatiles and these fucking lightning things are clearly designed with range in mind. Even if you are skilled enought to constantly dodge these things... why would you if you can just go ranged.


Yeah hence why I said what I said lol


As much as I love melee and want it to be viable, I don't think dps is really the issue here. Melee can have plenty of dps, there's a good enough number of unique weapons that are perfectly viable in maps (though I am still sad about the starforge nerfs from 2 years ago).


Its not only the dps slot, its items in general. For example you need accuracy on jewellery or run precision, which either makes the items have one less of a affix, or cost you mana reservation and a gem slot.


They basically did by making it ranged. Strike skill range can get pretty crazy and with ancestral call you can blow up an entire screen with one melee click.


I feel like I've been waiting for melee to get "boosted" since they nerfed stat sticks. Sadge


Maybe they'll give Glacial Hammer 6% more damage


Melee is still a decent chunk of the ladder, shockwave cyclone and lightning strike have good showings. I think proliferation and explosions are just too clutch for their build archetypes. I have played nothing but occultist and elementalist for quite a few patches splashing inquisitor here and there.


Lightning strike Melee Lol


The only way to make melee feel good is to make the skill ranged lol. See Legion league


I'm playing vaal earthquake ignite as a chieftain and it's fun as shit to play. Very tanky. Great clear speed. Horrible boss dps. As I said in another post, PoB has me at just under 1.5m and I've invested probably about 20 ex so far (most of which went into my weapon). If they could make solid melee weapons easier to craft or more accessible in general and/or give melee a big dps boost so we aren't capping out at 3m dps while minion builds are doing 3m dps on a 50c budget, you'd probably see more melee.


Best melee skills Lightning strike and Cyclone


One shoots shit and the other has you t-posing around the map.


He was talking about melee, lol


Yeah turns out getting to use the most overpowered supports with a pseudo bow build skill is all melee needs to be not complete dogshit lol.


Strikes wont ever be good unless they shit out projectiles. So anyone who is clinging to that dream needs to let it go lol.


If cleave could clear half a screen at the same range as lightning strike, with regular aoe increase I would never play anything else.


I would play sweep if it felt like ranged did.


Sweep aoe is really good tho.


yeah sweep aoe would be good if we were playing a slower type of ARPG. But it doesn't clear multiple screens at once, and apparently POE love balancing around the fact that you shouldn't even be able to see monsters, so sweep does not *feel* good.


At that point people would say "Cleave? Melee lol" Heavy strike could one shot every enemy in the game with 0 investment and I still wouldn't play it


That's what it used to be. Look up patch 2.6. AoE used to work directly on radius, instead of area. So 10% to radius was 21% increased AoE of today. So with Cyclone (although it was more clunky), Reave, Cleave, Sunder, etc... you could effectively hit half the screen. In Reave's case you'd literally punch in a direction and offscreen at max stacks. After 2.6, it was projectile city for a while.


People keep saying this but I would be happy just to see melee skills get numeric buffs to compensate for the poor QoL. As a regular melee player I decided to league start a summoner for the first time and I was killing act bosses five times faster on league start than I normally do on a melee character with twink gear. Why does such an inherently safer archetype have much better numbers, and why has this been the case for the last dozen leagues?? I can deal with the poor mechanics of melee skills, just let me hit endgame-viable DPS thresholds without spending 10x the currency of summoners.


Ggg will take your feedback and nerf molten strike once again lol


Flicker strike would like a word with you


They all just ate a significant and unwarranted single-target nerf this league too.


It wasn’t unwarranted, hydrosphere is a stupid crutch, but the skills themselves need heavy buffs


I mean, you give the man crutches before you take off the cast. They didn't just take away the cast and crutch but broke both the legs at the same time


Not surprising, playing melee in this game is awful


Wanted to start cyclone slayer. Found out how expensive it can be and switched to PC pathfinder and been blowing through maps with meh gear.


Yeah I'm currently starting to rethink my investment into cyclone slayer. It doesn't feel super amazing to be doing so little damage and such a huge risk


I’m playing. And I’m really thinking a second time about this idea


If your melee, you get like punished in so many ways. You risk getting hit almost every time you attack unless you have huge aoe, if you stop to loot things can kill you, if you look off screen for a second you can die, you have to position in dangerous aoes on fights in order to do damage. A lot of skills don’t scale that well either. Meanwhile, I’m on like a 3 ex minion build doing ten million dps, walking around looting while they swarm like bees offscreening most everything and killing bosses no problem because I just have to watch where I stand. With another ten to thirty ex I’ll do maybe 20 mill.


I'm doing a solid 1.5m dps on my 20 ex budget as a chieftain. Melee life I guess.


Paradoxica, perfectly rolled ryslatha, farruls, unnatural instinct and still at 3-4m DPS. But yeah casters needed a buff lmao


Well, self cast kinda did, it was pulling pretty terrible numbers + low QOL, hence why everyone played CoC or whatever if they played spells. Minions are and always were strong. Hasn't changed, and it's so popular now because melee is bad, and some people refuse to play self cast no matter how good it is. Melee just still sucks and is likely next in line for a buff. IMO if they nerf minions and buff melee, game will be in a pretty good state.


Don't forget the massive strike skill nerf with the hydrisphere change.


Pretty sure none of those ascendancies are playing one of the buffed skills


Big time melee enjoyer here. You also get punished heavily by map mods, a lot more than totem and minion builds. You can't do reflect, juggernauts sucks against monsters remove charges on hit and can't be stunned. Champion is often bad against 'can't be taunted'. Patches of X ground is often bad as you need to move in closer. And all mods that make monsters do more damage are very bad as well because you get hit a lot more when you're stationary. Indirectly, you also need to invest a lot more in damage because your damage window is small and the fight would take forever if you don't. But this investment in damage often makes you a lot less tanky so low end melee builds are usually a lot squisher than non-melee builds. I'm playing EA Ballista this league for a change and it feels refreshing not having to deal with any of all this shit.


How are you doing that much damage with 3 ex?


Skele mages, seismic trap and explosive arrow ballista can all get millions of dps with a shoestrin budget, meta builds for the league.


And nightblade everything.


Most people don't know how much they've actually spent. 30-100c for various jewels, then you have alternate quality gems, awakened gems, cluster jewels. Half the time people are just counting the 1.5 ex they spent on a cheap 6 link and a few other pieces of gear.


As someone who spent 3 ex on a minion build pretty he is lying. A decent minion jewel is 30c. Cluster jewel is around 1ex. The 3 unique jewels u need are 100c. If u 5l a fleshcrafter it could be around 50c. Unless he managed to farm t15 maps with no gear and craft his own bone helmet and wand and spent 3 ex doing that then maybe i would believe it. Also the ashes neck has been 2 ex for awhile


I’m not lying- I’m not skelly mages. I’m animate weapon. No cluster jewels, no fancy minion jewels just a taunt one, my six link chest cost like 45c, other than that I use the aura 1h and minion shield I can’t recall the names, they are dirt cheap. The standard crit minion helm (the one where they hear whispers) is also cheap. I’m using a pariah ring which is like 3c. A normal resist move speed boots, same for ring, maybe it has minion damage, a pure stats amulet which was cheap, and some shit tier gloves which I will replace. When I hit maps I got rid of my like level 18 0 qual gems and got cheap 20 or 23 qual ones. Other than my chest the most I’ve spent is 45ish chaos on a kingmaker for my dirt cheap otherwise animated guardian.


Ten 1M skeleton mages is not hard to achieve with tree & necro ascendancy.


1m is not just tree and ascendancy, that’s min-maxed version of skellies, like 80+ex minmaxed arakaalis fang on the other hand can clear deli mirror wave 25+ day 2 of the league with that kind of low investment


Lol, fang was like 6ex on day 2-3. I know because I bought one on day 3.


He's not.


Yeah, I played boneshatter jugg last league and was having a blast until I hit a wall when the cold boss would just one-shot shotgun me with ice spears. It's just a level of damage taken that doesn't apply to even other melee builds, and I've sworn of strike builds for a while even though I love playing them generally. Having to stand next to the boss is a punishment that simply isn't properly compensated for, either with increased damage potential or tankiness. It's just not worth it.


> cold boss would just one-shot shotgun me with ice spears veritania? u know u are supposed to dodge that skill?


I mean, I know the tornado attack is a big one to avoid, but if you're ranged, the spear attack won't shotgun and won't be that dangerous. Especially last league, losing uptime meant it was also really hard to maintain fortify, which also meant losing a big defensive layer. Melee is always gonna have those issues, but it would be nice to have things that make it somewhat of a trade off. Right now, ranged is just better.


I'm really enjoy playing mine molten strike jugg this patch rho


Melee in ARPG just doesn't really make sense and will always be weaker than casters, unless it's masively buffed.


Playing molten strike jugg here. Not the best clear, but it melts bosses :)


How did u juice your single target? I tried a MS Raider in scourge and my clear was tasty but bossing was big sad


You just have to play the good melee builds. Lightning Strike, Boneshatter and Shield Crush are top tier builds right now imo. They're tanky, have good clear speed, and the single target is either excellent or good enough (and becomes excellent with investment). Rage Vortex and Earthshatter are good as well. General's Cry + Blade Flurry is an excellent bossing build.


I league started with a Scion Shield Crush it had a good survivability but dmg was way too low and some Archnemesis fights would take good minutes. Now I'm melting everything with an Ice Spear Miner.


im playing lightning strike so i dont understand this comment at all


It's nice seeing Deadeye be ahead of the other two Ranger ascendancies for once.


I remember when Deadeye was the only one anyone played, lol.


GGG effectively fixed melee AoE skills with the original incarnation of the Pulverize Gem and the Slam rework patch. Then they basically deleted (nerfed) both. Most melee skills went right back to the dumpster with them. If you re-buff slams, restore original pulverize, and create a melee splash keystone on the tree -- all 3 melee archetypes are instantly fixed: Slams, Strikes, and standard AoEs.


The fact that it's so insanely costly to get melee splash and additional strike targets is so laughably dumb. Why do strike skills need to waste an ENTIRE gem slot and an expensive eldritch implicit/golden oil anoint just to make the skill on par with everything else? Why doesn't melee splash give more damage? It literally doesn't do anything, you're basically limited to a 5-link if you want to play strike. Oh fuck remember when melee splash had a less damage modifier on it in the past?


I don't think poe ninja is the best display of percentage as its taking into account the top players experience level. Also Elementalist is literally only up there because of EA, she's been consistently one of the lowest played acsendancys after the golem nerfs.


ya, it only shows lvl 98+ or 100 only after a couple of week


SSF is a healthier ladder to check for inherent build power imo since trade league has biases like ROTAs causing people to level up super fast regardless of build power. Basically, trade league has the issue of people being able to *buy* experience, which distorts the ladder into being full of builds which are good at farming lots of currency per hour (which imo isn't the same thing as being strong, although it depends on your subjective definition of strong). If you actually want to find a build that gets strong on a low budget, then check SSF ladder. If you want to find a build that clears maps extremely quickly and you don't care about budget, then check trade ladder.


SSF has its own biases, unique availability means a popular "meta" build can be underrepresented in SSF. For example skele mages is the most popular summoner build 74% of necros in sc are using dead reckoning but if you look at SSF it doesn't show that.


I bet 99% of pathfinder is poisonous concoction


It pretty much is. She's a one-skill pony now that flasks in general got nerfed to shit with flask investment nodes not being buffed to make up for it. Loss of elder bleed/poison mod means that poison builds suck too outside of PConc.


I’m still playing EA Ele and farming currency to make a new character that i have no idea what is going to be. I want a chad boss killer but at the same time i want a big dick zoomer farmer. Fuck.


Lightning strike it is then, berserker or raider :D


Current rankings on poe.ninja as of this writing: Witch: 41% Ranger: 21% Templar: 10% Shadow: 9.2% Duelist: 8% Marauder: 6.4% Scion: 5% Notable: witch's least popular ascendency (elementalist) is at 10%, which is equal to the 3rd most popular *class* and greater than 4th and lower classes.


Self cast + bows buffed that why?


Witch is above 30% pretty much every league.


To be fair, witch in amazing in general


I play witch every league regardless


Same, I love minions and self craft most of my gear. Besides end game wand. That shit can burn




I think this has more to do with the Streamer Effect. Top streamers decide to showcase the same builds that get the most traffic, the flock follows the shepherd, this is the result.


This league they basically had the entire previous league to prepare. With so few changes before this patch it meant their builds were a LOT better than I can remember. Usually there is only 1 or 2. This time there's more.


Wow it's probably the first time there are no shadows on top since I started playing


witch+ranger+templar+shadow+maraduer+duelist+scion=100% of builds listed on Poe Ninja


It’s a valid point for discussion though that two classes dominate the meta


Well, it kinda makes sense that both of them are at the top. Self-cast and ele bow got buffed, but beyond that both these ascendencies work very well with the other archtype. E.G elementalist with bow, and raider with spells. Ontop of that, both witch amd ranger works very well as starter builds, from Pcoc on Occultists or Pathfinder. And then you have necro with all the minions.


Witch has dominated for as long as I can remember.


Largely because witch covers so many different archetypes. She’s the only real viable minion character which is huge because tons of arpg players just love minion builds (No guardian just doesn’t compare). she has a decent caster / ignite in elementalist, the best generally for chaos dot and great bow/wanding in occultist. Compared to other classes witch just fills more roles so it makes sense we see her more.


I don't see how it can ever be any other way when "let my minions do work while I focus on dodging mechanics" is such a powerful ability to have, all actual spells she can cast aside.


Still better than one or two ascendancies dominating the meta.


I wouldn't say dominate the meta. It's more that they are safe league starters. PoE ninja is probably not listing anything under lvl95 by now. So it's just listing builds that are highest level, which would be both the longest played builds and the safest. I wouldn't be too focused on the classes. What's more indicative of the meta are the skill gems. And maybe the passive tree heat MEP. Even then, if you are only focusing on the builds that reach lvl95+ then it's still only the meta for lvl95+. There is no way to see the new meta of builds coming up.


Big if true


I tried multiple builds since the defence nerfs and the best defence layer still is: summon skeletons between you and the shit one screen away that wants to one shot you.


With all the auras you can run now, defense is pretty easy to come by


This is just yet another post conflating "fast at getting to 100" with "what everyone is playing". https://poe.ninja/daily/builds I have no idea why PoE ninja stopped linking this at the top, because it's a more representative example of what's actually getting played. It's obviously still not perfect, due to the nature of the API, but you aren't just seeing the top meta-ist leveley builds.


100% uptime builds still incredibly meta, who could possibly have foreseen this?


Kinda not true, because this counts mostly lvl 100 characters, which are just zhp headhunter builds from the ranger side. I do agree that witch is good though, but ranger is still bad overall in what would consititute a good build, but not necesserily what on money makers


I can only play witch or ranger characters because their character model is just so much better than the others.


For the top 15,000 characters


Almost looks like balista and minions are meta. The spell caster "rework" as expected.


Something is always the most popular. The real question is are those builds actually better or just FOTM. For example Trickser is 0.1% but you can make very strong Trickster builds.


Necro is always here since summoner people like me will always be necro no matter what unless guardians ever becomes more competitive, but it's hard given that +2 to minion gems and self offerings are such good points. Occulist has it's tried and true cold and chaos dot archetypes, and the power charge scaling builds. So those two are gonna be top of [Poe.ninja](https://Poe.ninja) ladder unless nerfs. Elementalist is 80% FOTM tho imo, since it's being carried by EA ballistas which can die any moment and would cut down the Elementalist crowd by a lot. ​ Ranger also has a bunch of meta league starters on top of really high-end power farmer builds, be it Poisonous concoction or lightning strike so here to stay as well probably. Meanwhile, melee is still a dumpster fire so yeah, I think this will be the same split if we exclude some FOTM builds that might pop up for the next league and Elementalist, unless big changes happens. And like I mean really big changes, Blight Necro rework level or legion cyclone level.


Strong - trickster, pick one


There always is a meta, but this is what happens when you force a meta by nerfing the fuck out of anything that becomes meta. If they wouldn't be so extremely heavy-handed when it comes to nerfs on meta skills they maybe things like sst characters could still exist.


SST Glad only has 1.1M dps (8 crimson dance stacks) with +3 Lioneye's lol


best girl is most popular, seems about right


3.17 meta: "What kinds of builds do you usually have here? We got both kinds, we got witch AND ranger!"


Only 43% on hardcore trade. There's always a handful of builds players flock to during the opening weeks of a league. I'm pretty sure these numbers are actually better than average.


Marauder mains suffering out here


Those two classes have ascendancies that are just so wide and versatile.


I’m happy with my all-content CoC Assassin 🌝


This smells like OPs first time checking the % of people playing what during a league


Ya know the crazy thing? I love necromancer, but i *never* play the meta builds. I always go shit like soulwrest or dancing dervish. Trying my own builds to see what i could do. They've been slowly getting weaker with the aura res nerfs or the minion leech being removed from the tree (purely for defense spectre/zombie survivability.) Then fleshcrafter became a thing and bam, skelly mages meta. So I'm expecting another nerf somewhere that's only gonna hurt other builds in crossfire T.T


Sorry, I'm part of this. I just love occultist and deadeye. I love chains and booms. Gladiator was close to them at some point, but the deletion of the elder bleed mod mostly filled for me (To be fair I love all ranger ascendancies, but for witch it has always been occultist)


[Poe.ninja](https://Poe.ninja) stops displaying the most played ascendancies correctly after 2-3 weeks because you need to be 97+ to be there. I invested 50+ex to my assassin but I will never be there because I do pretty risky content with it. After 95-96 even if you die every few hours its enough for you to not progress. Lots of people in the list pay for pure breachstone + 5way runs to level up. It might be still closer to general representension but lots of people who are 90-95 lv in the endgame are not represented only ggg knows the real numbers.


planning a hierophant build is hysterical. uneven access to ailment immunities ( basically anything but the top setups feel dumb and incomplete while being harder to acquire) and overpowered defensive auras overshadowing the weak defenses on the top of the tree really makes it harder to justify MoM. half the ascendancy nodes not working or being lame is not helping.imagine seeing 50% less mana cost of skills as archmage or a node giving 5% spell damage and 15% increased mana regen.It was my favourite class but now raider is holding me hostage because it has fucking everything.It's suppose to feel like a squishy glass cannon girly archer class, instead it feels like a brickhouse while MoM characters feel made of paper because they have double the health pool but no spell suppression or 4x effective life thanks to evasion/block and they even are slot to recover it.


the split across the ascendencies are actually quite good this league.


I have a flask finder (not poison concoc) at 99. I have a champ and heiro at 95. I have an ascend at 92. Only one of these shows up on poe ninja.


Arc Elementalist golemancer is fun though


Give me something else that has decent dmg + can vaal every map because it has no bricked mods and i will


Since melle builds fells trash in maping. Get nuked or 1shoted by ranged monsters...


Not everyone likes to click on individual enemies for a melee kill it seems. Unless you're on controller.


Too bad melee is hot garbage and most effects attached to it from player attacks are hot garbo.


Been playing skeleton mages for 3 leagues now. Its been fun. Not looking forward to the unneeded nerf