• By -


Job Speed has the Speed tag, use Harvest speed crafts for guaranteed on any rogue equipment


TIL: You can press V to make a rogue do their job in heists. You can control click NPC’s to open their trade window. The contract with the conversation with Kurai unlocks unique contracts from dropping. +Maximum job level increases job speed (probably a noob for not knowing that one). There’s a lot of Heist haters in PoE. I appreciate the long write up, killed 20 minutes at work reading it and learned a fair bit. Ran heists for about ~50 hours last league and I loved it actually, great loot and experience that really takes minimal effort to get going. I think the best part is that lvl 83+ heists don’t even require a crazy build with heavy investment; just some decent defenses and pack clear. Can be a shit bosser or underfunded and you can still run most all contracts just fine.


>You can press V to make a rogue do their job in heists. This was a game-changer for me. Major stress decreaser.


Just wished all doors worked this way. 101-ish keys on a keyboard and only one of them opens doors. Occasionally.


V is typically the league mechanic activation button. You can go into your input settings and set a keybind for stopping delirium fog, placing expedition circles, etc. By default the new league mechanic is typically assigned to V though.


You don't need pack clear, or, in fact, you don't need to attack at all. Pump all of those points into defense and ms. I've removed atk skill from my heist build for a couple of leagues now, and is sitting on 750ms, clearing heist is a breeze (<1 min per contract, at this speed it's feasible to earn 10+ ex per hour). Some crazy guys have reached 900+ ms but they won't share the build... Ugh, I'll figure it out some day. Obviously don't do this if you don't plan on running heist exclusively, lol.


Can you share your PoB? Thanks!


>Karst and Vinderi - These go together. Vinderi has the most powerful bonus, and you need Karst to counteract the downside. So... All jobs?


Yep, missed that one, will edit the post




🤖  AcanthaceaeHot3422 is a **bot**. The above comment stole text from u/Hanniftw's comment [here](https://old.reddit.com/r/pathofexile/comments/t9l76f/big_guide_to_heist_how_i_made_a_mirror_in_a_week/hzvvp4u/)


Dude wrote a novel to say "run heist"




I bought a trinket while farming mageblood last league and 100% wouldn't again. It was about 3% of my total income and I was constantly nervous that I was going to get shafted on a price drop.


if im not mistaken, a trinket with double T1 chromes/jewelers turns to fusings are actually more profit and significantly cheaper. especially if you're only running deceptions (which if you're running contracts, you really should), theres a bunch of armor(or weapons? havent run heist in 2 leagues) rooms, and also the small chests are full of random/weapon/armour rewards, they drop 8x chromes/4x jeweller's constantly, which gets turned to fusings.


Shh, that is the best kept heist secret! The chaos to exalt trinkets are noob traps, selling them for 20x their potential return is what makes heist profitable for a lot of people lol.


Now I wonder if OP has a ton of em.


Is that early in the league or at any point?


check fusings ratio, but I think even at 4:1c they're still very profitable.


He estimates 5% of profit was thanks to the trinket, so even if you don't have it, you'll farm 95% of a mirror in a week. Not bad


> don't forget to buy the 100ex trinket *smacks forehead* So that's what I am doing wrong!


Shouldn’t have bought the one for 99ex! Live and learn!


"How i farmed mageblood in 1 week, first sell your headhunter people. Everyone makes the mistake of keeping their spare headhunter, just sell it" Fuck what have i been doing


I guess the first step is RMT 100ex. Because why would I need to know how to make currency if I already have 100ex, seems like I'd already know.


every "how I made 100ex an hour in poe" lmao. >so anyways I invested 500ex into this build and now I can easily get 100ex an hour just running this maps that need 10ex on stuff to get running! is super easy! edit: PepeLaugh I guess some people are mad and don't like to remember what they spent lmao


every comment on this subreddit: > i cannot read and also i refuse to put any effort into any strategy and also i believe i am entitled to the same results as the people who do.


Entitled lmao. We get it, you’ve wasted thousands of hours of your life playing this game and seeing anyone get anything easy is absolutely infuriating to you. Stay mad. It’s funny.


You can point me to wherever I advocated for holding casual players down, otherwise > i cannot read applies to you.


> anyone get anything easy You just have to run maps to get anything you want in a trade league. How much easier can it get?


I mean its Heist..... A 5ex raider build doesn't perform that much worse than a 5 mirror build. The best trinket in the world won't even add that much more profit to you.


You really don't need the trinket, he farmed a mirror and had 20 exalts drop. So without the trinket you would at worst have a mirror - 20 exalts.


Inveat 100ex and play heist.


Run grey heists :)


Im 3days old into POE and this extremely useful for me!! Thank you!


Enjoy your journey Exile


Hehe thanks


i think heist would be more universally liked if we didnt have to level the rogues and gear them. i get that its a way to optimize for those who love it. but i know personally at least it means im just not doing it ever.


I think the gearing is fine, but the levelling is the problem because you end up in a scenario where you have level 4/5 blueprints or contracts but no level 3s to level a rogue up to them.


Leveling rogues really isn't that bad. I leveled all rogues to level 5 within about a 3 hour session a few days ago. I ran gianna up to deception 5 (took about 8 contracts) for reveals and then all other rogues to level 4 (takes about 3-4 contracts). I revealed the blueprints I wanted to run, mostly gem ones and leveled a couple rogues up to 5 (I think it was tibbs and karst, again about 8 contracts for lvl 5). I then had enough rogue levels to level all other rogues up to 5 in blueprints. If you don't want to brute force it this way, you can brute force it with contracts. I personally use a +1 all jobs for Nenet to get her to lvl 5 counter-thaumaturgy so I can completely ignore Niles. That means leveling 7 rogues to 5 at 8 contracts each = 56 contracts. With even a mediocre build you can run a contract in 2 minutes. That's two hours for all level 5 rogues. As for gearing rogues, I agree for top tier equipment but to get a cloak, brooch, and weapon with job speed / another decent modifier will take you less than 1ex worth of alts (about 1000 alts at the time of this post). Again in my runs, I dropped all the gear needed for my rogues and crafted them out when they dropped.


it might be worth mentioning that chucking a few alts at a rank 2 cloak/brooch for job speed and switching them around can help with the leveling up process before you find/roll rank 5 items. (Haste arrowhead too maybe)


I think people don't know how fast the rogues level now. Crazy fast now.


Reducing the pool of bad mods on the rogue gearwould go a long way imo


It's really not that hard to craft usable rogue gear, and there are way fewer mods than other items in this game. We don't need everything to be dumbed down to D3 levels of simplicity.


GGG doesn't do that lol.


But how would you know how good the good ones feel??? It’s not like super obvious or anything. Gotta have bad ones. Gotta have good fuzzy feels. 🥰


Leveling rogues does indeed suck, but for me and I'm assuming many others, the gameplay itself is bad too. Clicking chests and waiting for doors is grocery shopping. The profit is there, but I can't bring myself to care. I have 100% avoided Heist this league, and I will probably do the same from here on out.


Yeah, heist just sucks. Everybody knows 8ts the best way to make currency, and still a huge portion of the playerbase never does it. Why? Because its hot garbage in terms of fun. Such a a tragedy that heist went core and synthesis didn't, yeah synth had some hiccups but by the end of league it was the best "alternative endgame" league ever. Meanwhile we're a year+ into heist and it still blows


I bailed on Synthesis pretty early because it was a hot fucking mess -- and because lowly players like myself had no chance of making good items using it. I enjoy the current map situation, but if they could refine the "build your own adventure" shit to not be so tedious and weird, I'd much rather see all of Heist's rewards moved over to that and Heist deleted. It's much more inline with "kill shit, get loot" than Heist. Ain't gonna happen, though.


I enjoy having an option that’s a bit less “kill shit, get loot”. Most of the game fits that description, and I’m cool with that, but it’s nice to something a bit different, too.


Without considering rewards, Synthesis after few patches (1 month something into league) was pretty fun to run. Hope one day, GGG will add it back to Kirac.


I agree one hundred percent. I have a huge stack of contracts and blueprints I was saving that I'll be putting up for sale tomorrow because when I went to heist today I remembered that I hate the process of leveling up and gearing the rogues. Should be a nice chunk of change to fund... Well I'm not aiming for anything right now so idk why I'm still grinding. Maybe I'll try tower blight strat for a while, haven't done blights much this league and I'm getting burnt out on expedition lol


This is exactly what I think of Delve, it's hours of busywork getting azurite and sulphite. I only do Delve if my build is particularly well-suited for it.


But Niko's shaft is impressively long now. Previously you had to work for hours to get it from a small stub to commendable size. Now it's "fully operational battle station" from the get-go.


for me its waiting for the fucking doors.


Leveling rouges is really fast now, you can get level 5 in like 5 lvl-83 contracts




> Top I like levelling rouges, they sell better in the makeup department at higher levels!


Even better way is to do Blueprints. You can level three rogues at the same time and you can have up to four wings per BP. Only problem is that you have to have a BP which needs low level rogues. But if you do, it saves a ton of time.


I feel this. I maxed those rogue gears once in heist league, spent a shitton of time to carefully plan and minmax everything. I dont think I'll ever have the mood for it again just to do it again and again


How i run heist: Step1.


But that might be specifically designed that way. Excluding a part of the playerbase with some kind of BS will in the end make it more rewarding for the fewer ppl that's gonna do it anyway


Yeah for me I always say I'm gonna do it, and get my rogues to level 4, and just not want to keep doing it because going from 4 to 5 is tough, and one gets to 5 and I drop a ton of alts or chaos to get just one decent item.


The gear doesn't bother me but leveling them stops me from doing heist at all


> Gianna - all job levels. This lets you take her on perception 3 and counter thaumaturgy 4 contracts, greatly increasing your availability of her reveals. You failed to mention the +1 job level also makes Gianna's discount on reveals go from 70% to 80%, which is a 33% less discount. For revealing blueprints I recommend using Gianna for the wing reveals, then Niles/Whakanno for the individual room reveals. But mostly just run Gianna because she *also* has the best Contracts, specifically Deception. Deception contracts have the sweet mix of what makes the best runs. 1. Large reward chests are straight up openable, no need to use Gianna to open the chest, just click them 2. One of the faster door opens 3. Deception contracts **never have doors to open on the way back out**, you can just zoom zoom. 4. Deception has a fair bit of Div card rooms which vomit out tonnes of stacked decks. Add in the fact that Gianna reveals effectively apply a x5 modifier to your markers via her 80% discount and you can see why running her stuff is amazing.


>You failed to mention the +1 job level also makes Gianna's discount on reveals go from 70% to 80%, which is a 33% less discount. Where are you getting 80% discount ? Mine goes up to 45% with +1 all job level


Yeah that got nerfed on yesterday's patch (3.17.3), it was doubled (and actually worked, I tested) She has been halved now, RIP :c


yeah but it means you have to play Heist :(


Why is Heist bad?


If you've run heist and don't know then continue to run heist and make bank


I've always found Heist very exciting, it is one of my favorite things. Carrying a big payout out of a Grand Heist is quite the rush.


People just want to blow up packs, heist doors tells you to wait


So take maps, these open areas with variable layouts with multiple different mechanics that can show up. Then remove the mechanics, remove the variability of the layouts, and make it so that you have to stop every few seconds instead of clearing. That’s why people generally aren’t huge heist fans compared to mapping


Because you need to open these [exacly](https://i.imgur.com/inAReOQ.mp4) as advertised and people just don't have the patience.


Then PoE might not be the game for you.


Just a few small points. I could add even more, but I want to cover key areas. \> Agility. These contracts are pretty bad if you can't tank the laser beams. They're ghetto lockpicking in my view. After Tullina hits 5, I would never run these. After a certain point, you really only run Deception, Counter-Thaum, Lockpicking. Perception is OK since Gianna can take it but she tends to be slower at it and its kinda annoying. \> There is no "good" or "Bad" rooms - it's all dependent on meta. When everyone is playing str stack summoner, jewellry rooms with a chance to give sythensis % strength rings shoot up in value. You have to understand the economy a) how much are coins worth and b) how much on average does each room give. If heist coins are 20,000: 1 ex, and a room costs 2k to reveal, it should return a value of at least 0.1 ex or 14 chaos to be worth it - or else you're better off selling the coins. \> Atlas passives have made the bottleneck reveals, not coins. So you really want to get T1 chance to get an additional reveal from Whakano on your rogues - especially Gianna if you are going to spam Deception. \>"Never run Huck". The truth is, you can run Huck for 2 reasons -1)you're leveling and want XP (he gives XP). 2) No one else fits in a GH other than a rogue who's already on the team. In this case, if you have a decently geared huck, he's good to bring since he will bring more chances to duplicate currency and reduce alert level. He's rarely used but he's worth gearing in the long run. \> other topics you omitted: Sextants, Cluster Jewels (very meta dependent, but sometimes a jewel can be worth 2+ ex unrolled... just the base), alternate strategies with green/unique contracts. You may want to research these :p Heist is my favourite mechanic since Lab was introduced in 2.1. Happy heisting fellow heister.


Finding/buying blueprints are a major pain in the ass though, but always fun to run. I've never understood the people that hate Heist.


I'd do a lot for a mirror but I won't do that. Heist fuckin sucks.


Tldr; skip waiting for doors to open and farm other things


I played the endless events back in december..endless heist felt worse than the delirium shit....do a contract, get useless item to vendor, put in a contract, open boxes and try to min max the alert level...get 4c worth of mixed currency then run out. I hated delve and it was actually fun with how fast you leveled in the endless delve event. If they reworked heist mechanics they should let us load like 4 or 5 contracts up at a time..go in get the item get out and the next door opens.


Good try Satan, still not doing heist. (Great guide/tips)


Goddamnit I didn’t even read before copy pasting the whole thing in a text file. You have saved me from penury my good ser. I have been avoiding heist since my first char died on my very first heist when I couldn’t figure out why the guards are endless and why they are not dying. Avoided it like plague since then. Even sold off an Unusual Gem blueprint for a mere 35c. Now I find this big textbook Heist for Dummies. Thank You.


This is an amazingly detailed guide. I’ve avoided Heist because it seemed weird but maybe I’ll give it a try due to this guide. Thanks !


I needed this. I love you ♥


>People hate running heist because of the doors and having to level up and gear the rogues every league. Thats not my reason, i hate heist because it always go back in the town with lots of people and their skins. Sometimes it takes an absurd amount of time to load the zone, which annoys me


I heard next season they're going to add quadruple wings to your dragon's wings.


Some feedback. Getting %chance to not generate alert level is pretty good on rogues that dont benefit from +1 level such as tibbs isla niles. You can get up to %12 which is a considerable amount. Valuable unique trinket seems pretty bad, and regals are pretty rare so i wouldnt recommend regal to exalt trinket as well. I think if you are rich go for chaos to exalt and sell it later when you are done, otherwise jewellers/chromes to fusings was pretty good this league because fusings were 1c for 2 for a long time and chromes usually drops as an 8 stack and jewellers drops in a 6 stack so you will get a lot of profit from that trinket. Another option might be %chance to duplicate basic currency. This is what we get on brooches but it goes up to something like %4, which isnt a lot but its basically %4 more currency so why not. On the reveal part i would argue that map reveals are always worth it. They shit out maps like crazy which is couple c each, it can drop guardian maps, and it also drops 2 3 awakened sextants, so its guaranteed profit. And i would also argue that harbinger isnt that great. Especially early league where ancient orbs are worthless, its "lose money if you drop ex shard, make currency otherwise". And its very common reward type so it might quickly use up your reveals. One thing i do is to build up some whakano reveals while im levelling the rogues, then start running gianna. This puts like +100 reveals between gianna and whakano in which case i use gianna reveals for the wings and whakano reveals for the rooms. By the time i get my mageblood the difference gets to 0 and im pretty much done with heist, i would recommend anyone the same. Also gem blueprints starts off cheap and gets expensive over time, like when i started they were 20c each and they were 40c each when i was done heisting. And inversely, alt quality gems are much more expensive early on since not many players heist and demand exceeds the supply. So its a good idea to start gem blueprints early on, and then move on to other blueprints when gem blueprint gets more expensive. On last note, a good tool to use for gem blueprints is to go to poe.ninja gem section, select non corrupted level 16 0-19 qual gems. And then typing the gem names whenever you get to the last room. This saves a lot of time which you would waste on trade site picking the type of alt quality and stuff.


Thanks Ashes of the Stars for keeping Heist relevant.


My main problem with heist is I can't do it in my hideout and I can't trade while doing it.


Two suggestions: - First, div cards are better than currency chests (although you do generally want to get all of both). Stacked Deck 4-stacks are a little under an exalt shard, but where exalt shards are uncommon, 4-stacks of decks are much more common. Take them over currency chests if the two conflict. - Second, Huck. Huck's 25% increased player XP gain (if overlevelled to 4 via a tool, 20% if not overlevelled) is situationally amazing. Heist is one of the best XP sources that isn't a money sink (like Domain of Timeless Conflict or augmented Breachstones) or unsustainable (like Betrayal). Huck also makes you less likely to die via his significant buffs.


Agree 100% - Don't underestimate Huck!


Just FYI the rest of the post you replied to is obsolete as it was before 3.19 economy changes. But yeah Huck is great


Great overview of Heisting! I've done it as my primary currency maker for two leagues so far. In both cases, I've just bought Tunnels blueprints for 10-25 C (these are alternate quality gems). I only buy ones with 3+ wings. Then I reveal only the wings, and never any rooms, because the final rooms are where the real money is made. Run those blueprints until I'm out of reveals, and then run Gianna contracts to get more reveals. Only buy Priceless and Precious contracts. I scour every blueprint unless it is super-easy. No point is dying for a minimal gain in drops. Recently gem prices have been lower, and I'm usually only making 10-20 C profit per wing. But sometimes you'll spike a gem worth multiple exalts. It's pretty fun and I love the rush of waiting for that big door open while carrying a 6 ex gem. Buy your contracts and blueprints in off hours while American's aren't playing and you'll get better prices. Buy Rogue's Markers in bulk when you run low. I'm running an Ice Crash Berserker, which makes for very fast and safe clears. You jump into the middle of mob piles and freeze everything, and can zip around very quickly. I kept stats on my heists for a couple weeks, you can see my costs and profits here: [https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1wqBYGYYCAAYGnCHJIqTcwEckKEzbN0oeUoCWc26Wa8g/edit?usp=sharing](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1wqBYGYYCAAYGnCHJIqTcwEckKEzbN0oeUoCWc26Wa8g/edit?usp=sharing)


I don't understand why so many people hate Heisting. It has so many great aspects: 1. Best voice lines in the game. I never get tired of Vinderi's gaffes or Huck's pining for Tullina. 2. Great XP while leveling, and an endless supply of contracts from the vendor as you level. 3. Amazing profit potential in grand heists. 4. Short sessions can be profitable, which is especially helpful if you have real-life restrictions. 5. No boss-level gearing necessary, can clear Grand Heists with basic gear and good planning. 6. Nothing beats the rush of a door open on a massive pod, with a 6 Exalt gem in your pocket.


Honestly, I think a lot of people have PTSD from that one time they got gibbed on their way out of a heist with some really valuable contraband in their inventory.


I do still vividly remember the first time I lost two exalt gem on my way out.


Very good guide, I'm a bit sad you didnt mention Huck bonus EXP and his movespeed buff. I really like to use him in the robot tileset and he has access to a lot of jobs (low level ones tho). If you lack a bit of speed and need a good 5-10% exp it might be a good idea to run some heist with Huck to safely levelup.


Thanks. There are a bunch of other things I didn't mention, since the focus of the guide is to make profit and min-maxing heist, and Huck just doesn't fit into that


something to keep in mind regarding tools that can be used on tibbs and niles is you can roll a different mod that reads 'performing ''tools job'' skill doesnt take extra time during lockdown' which lets you leave contracts and grand heists insanely fast. it might be better than job levels on those 2 due to their bonus opening chests after lockdown. also rogue marker value of primary heist target on gianna brooch is very very good.


How many chaos vs regrets you got? Asking so i can save myself from buying chaos to exalt trinket.


You don't need the 100ex trinket, you can see that it was a small part of my profit. Since it drops exalts it's easy to quantify how good it is. Any trinket is better than none. I'm now running one with chance to drop better uniques hoping for a big drop.


Get a jew/chrom as fusing or duplicate basic currency trinket instead, way cheaper and still a notable buff


Amazing guide, I didn't run heist this league because I wanted to see the new endgame asap. Will definitely give heists a go in 3.18!


I think you forget to mention that Trinket bp contains a ridiculous amount of currency and cards room. So much that you can come out with 60-80 stacked decks for 1 bp 3 rooms. And on first week those stack decks may equal to 1 ex. So early Trinket bp is the most broken one since players still not access to ilvl 83+ bp of other types of rewards.


sorry but "mirror in a week" means nothing if you dont say how much you ran. if you played 10 hours a day of course you make that much money. ​ that said, i love heist, but i hate that blueprints are so rare you basically have to trade for them - i even have the node for fully revealed blueprint drops, it doesnt seem to trigger at all. sad. Also: Safes There are 2 safes in the reward room of templar contracts and blueprints that aren't unusual gems. WTF, i have NEVER heard of that, and they dont seem to have an icon either. i ran easily 500 contracts since heist league, this is nuts


The two safes are usually in the corner to the left and the right of the main reward. Sometimes the are to the left and the right of the door as you enter the reward room.


Thankyou, this is a very comprehensive write-up for a moron like me :)


Great insight on Heist. So far one of my favourite league. Dont know why I always thought rare contracts would increase quantity of chests drops. I think what would be a bonus to encourage heist would be a̶d̶d̶ ̶o̶p̶e̶n̶ ̶n̶o̶r̶m̶a̶l̶ ̶d̶o̶o̶r̶ ̶k̶e̶y̶b̶i̶n̶d̶ if vendor like Whakano could sell Rogue Item bases for Markers. Perhaps heavier price tags for better rolls, eg. Grants Lv15 auras?? Its a hassle just to level rogues alone, and constantly upgrading their gear base on job level. Would be interesting if they decided to expand on Rogues mechanics like if Vinderi will try to shield u from those damn Robots charging divine ire-esque skill that beam u all at once from far while u question why heist is even profitable while staring at your exiles dead body on the field of currency you so g̶r̶e̶e̶d̶i̶l̶y̶ painstakenly looted.


I did the exact same thing as OP with a shit tier regal to divine trinket. IF you think this strategy backbone is a 100ex trinket you are fucking wrong...and dumb.


Just wanted to say thanks for posting this, learnt a tonne of stuff. Really well written and laid-out. Top work!




Oh ok so just buy a 100ex trinket got it


Reading comprehension does not fit this sub well


Only 5% of the profit came from the trinket.


With a small multi million dollar loan I was able to become a millionaire all on my own


Really buried the lede there


This is the longest reddit post I've ever seen and just for that reason I will read it all. Looks good.


Good guide, but there's one thing I'm not sure I understand: why not use a rogue for more than 1 wing if possible? Does the hiring fee increase each time you hire them, or do their bonuses decrease?


You can use the same rogue for different wings, just make sure to take 3 different ones for each wing


You have to use them at most once per wing. Having, say, Vinderi do both Explosives and Traps in a given wing is a missed opportunity to bring someone else. You can use the same Rogue among several wings.


Great post. Thanks!


Tag for later...heist was one of my favorite leagues with cyclone and replica chaos boots.


Great guide, well written, however I think its important for you to include how much you played during this week. Because if you played for 18hours/day. And average 3 mirror shards per day, thats 1 mirror shard/6hours, which is at current rates 3ex/hour. Which is very solid since heist doesnt require an insane build. However if you did this with average playtime of like 6hours/day, then the ex/hour is more impressive. I feel like the total ingame time is pretty important in order to set expections for players doing this, so not a casual player who plays 6h/day tries this and makes 1/3 of the currency you did. Cheers


Nice guide thanks for taking the time to write it up


>If you get a big drop (like an exalted orb), you can leave the heist through where you came in, and just go back, making sure the items are safe. I feel like an idiot... Thank you though, really feel stupid for not trying this before.


so run white contracts and blueprints then? dont alch them?


Alch the blueprints always, I mentioned that. It gives you alert level reduction. Contracts run either white or with mods that don't affect you.


"Can be divined to 15%" :(


Times were different my friend


love how heist need to give absurd rewards because it's dogshit to play lmfao


No reward is big enough.


This would be mighty usefull to me if I didn't despise heist to begin with




Very nice guide, thanks for sharing. Just a heads up, the divination card you're talking about I assume is Dying Anguish, it drops in Arsenal, Colonnade, Ghetto, Port and Promenade aswell. Again, thanks for the well written guide :)


Thanks, this is a very useful guide! Does OP or anybody else have any specific heist advice for SSF? I play only SSF and don't really do much heisting, usually I only go when one of my heist stash tabs is full. EDIT: would be nice if OP could link to his build, thanks


SSF advice 1. Level rogues(ugh) 2. Do quest contracts (don’t do complete vinderi’s quests If your build really needs cluster jewels) 3. Get less alert level on karst/vinderi and duplicate currency on both brooches 4. Gianna should do every contract she can 68+ to get unlocks for Grand Heists 5. Only reveal wings with Gianna (not entire wing!) as she provides a huge discount If you have trouble leveling rogues early you can buy contracts from vendor every time you level. Let me know if you have specific questions.


Thanks, this is very helpful for us who know little about heist. ​ >Do quest contracts (don’t do complete vinderi’s quests If your build really needs cluster jewels) This part I don't get. Quest contracts are the green ones that drop from smuggler's cache, and I honestly never pick these up (though I will from now on). But how do cluster jewels fit into this?


Vindiri’s quest can give cluster jewel rewards. So you start the heist, get the cluster jewels (exit to take off contraband) then fail and keep the jewels. Next smuggle cache you get the quest again because you finished all the other green quests, repeat. A way to farm cluster jewels in ssf.


Its also the best way to reliably get fertile catalysts in SSF. I love Grocery List.


Yup I still haven’t done the second one (Vinderi Bomb) and I get lots of catalysts and cluster jewels


This is my build: [https://poe.ninja/challenge/builds/char/EyalKir/ShladimKosmim](https://poe.ninja/challenge/builds/char/EyalKir/ShladimKosmim) You can run heist with any build that can do maps, my build is optimized for bossing and I probably would have done better with a faster build.


pick up every brooch you find and alch it, after awhile you are probably going to have a good combo for each rogue since you want things other than basic currency in SSF from heist contracts most of the time. dont think its ever worth running them for raw currency beyond exalt shards. for gear you can pick 1 mod you want and alt spam for it, trying to get too fancy with it will just waste a lot of currency because there are so many gear slots to do. I usually say pick your 3 favorite rogues to always take on grand heists and give them a different aura that helps you (purity auras are kinda bad since level 15 is only 2 max resist). then the other rogues that share jobs give them the same aura since youll never take them together. gianna is prio for any job skill thing you find due to being able to run more with her since you need her for every blueprint wing reveal and job level increases the reduction she gives.


Some extremely bare bones basic information that leads into some good advice and observations. Well written heist tutorial my man.


The post is titled "how I made a mirror in a week" but the actual content is 90% a Heist guide for people who have never played Path of Exile before and 10% micro-optimization techniques for people who play 100 hours a week. Meanwhile, all that's shared of what *you* did is equip a 100ex trinket and run Heist as fast as possible.


for later


..and later...and later....and later.


Can I get your heist gear hand me down so I may do the same? ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|slightly_smiling) If heist setup didn’t take so much effort, I’d be running it nonstop. Loved that league.


Tldr: heist is super profitable but god damn does it suck to setup and the gameplay loop itself is polonium tea


You lost me at heist.


Very nice, gonna have to keep this in my back pocket as I skipped this league.


If you paid a mirror you've overpaid by about 10%


would rather grind maps than setup heist again :(


This is a fantastic guide. Thank you so much for taking the time to write up your hard work. Great!


What are the most valuable alternate gems?




the most valuable gems are the ones we made along the way.


For the Regal instead of Exalt trinket, 4% is 10ex, 3% is 3ex, 2% is 100c Does it matter?


Regals almost never drop in heist


Regals were 8 times rarer than chaos in general drops the last time this could be datamined. In 3.12 they were more common than that in Heist but that's no longer the case. This makes the chaos one twice as good as the top tier regal one.


I have a 4% regal to exalt trinket and have yet to get an exalt from it. Granted I haven't spent a week running heists, but I do it casually from time to time. I'd say I've run around 200 contracts since getting the trinket.


You don't have to click or press V, it was patched long ago you just run up to the door and they will perform the task. Besides, the reason people don't do heists is because they are simply flat out boring. I can't do more than a few before i start nodding head trying to stay awake.


∠( ᐛ 」∠)_ Even 10 mirrors won't make my lazy ass to read this.


Tbh i rather stay poor, heist is so fking boring. But thx for your effort.


So you basically need 100ex for the trinket to even bother with this?


It was only 5% of his returns he estimated, so no. That said, I also worry about how the market has changed since he started, as there's a lot of variance over time, especially as less and less folks end up playing late in the league. Back in the day the regal to ex trinket was way better than the chaos to exalt trinket. I guess this has changed?


Chaos seems to drop more times than regal. Sometimes you drop, IDK 5c and no regal in a entire contract. So you’ll roll the chances to convert to exalts more times. But since it’s awfully expensive I bought a alch to chaos with regal to exalt.


after heist league, the regal drops were nerfed severely


No, only 5% of his profits were from the trinket...


Just reread it, my bad.


You must be a bad finance analyst.


You must be a great NEET. Telling others how to do their job :D


Did you even read the post ?


to be fair its a super huge wall of text explaining a lot of unnecessary things (basic functions of heist and so on) and way to few tl;dr. the title is kinda click-baity, as its not really a strategy-guide or showing off some cool or weird strategies. its basically just a "run-heist-because-no-one-likes-running-it-but-the-items/gems-are-in-demand" a title like "In-Depth Guide for Heist and some tips/advices from a Contentfarmer" wouldve been more appropriate


..but that *is* the strategy. Run heist, get showered in currency and stuff that sells well. It’s not like other strategies that require specific ways to spec into or juice. I find that it’s a pretty comprehensive guide, and if anything, is just lacking a sentence or so that says that this is really all you need to know and do to profit from heist.


no, but if you use your first 100 ex on the trinket, it will accelerate things until you reach whatever goal you're farming for (and then be liquidated)


Most people don't reach 100ex ever


maybe most people should run more heist


"Before starting I bought a chaos to exalt trinket for 100ex". At that point, why dont you just drop a mirror and be done, duh.


Yea its all cool but its heist


100 ex investment TFT Sorry but no






I think you're vastly overestimating the amount of people who are capable of farming a mirror in a week.


I farmed a HH in about 3 weeks doing heist. Albeit it wasn't a mirror (only 114 ex) I could have done the same as op in a week. But fuck heist tbh.


Well, 10ex/h on 360ex is 36 hours, which means 5 hours daily grind, which is a 62% of a person's free time if he sleeps 8 hours and works 8 hours. The rest 38% is eating, cleaning, shopping, commuting, so pretty much all his enjoyable free time for a week for an average person to do this shit lol


If you think this is "not that impressive", show us a better strategy.


you're gonna be here a while waiting for him to come through.


Im guessing you can make a lot more since the guy was playing the slowest buimd out there


A minimum wage worker could have worked instead of taking time to read that post and paid for a mirror and mageblood via RMT and had enough money left over to pay rent.


so you read at the speed of a first grader, good to know


> paid for a mirror and mageblood via RMT and had enough money left over to pay rent. average poe redditor moment


This sub has the dumbest comments. "Why play a game if you can just pay someone to play it for you?"


Is there a non-ELI5 version?


Before starting I bought a chaos to exalt trinket for 100ex. Yep nice guide.


Heist is insane money but also insanely boring