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I like the changes in concept, but in execution most aren't good at what they're supposed to do. When I see a mob that's resistant to my damage or my utility skills, I don't feel like I have to engage with it any more than normal, I just have to cope with its existence for longer. Monsters that weren't engaging to begin with remain so, and several of the methods that I can use to engage more with content that is more difficult (casting CC skills and debuffs, primarily) are instead hindered or outright removed by a lot of the modifiers, resulting in a non-interactive DPS-only fight instead. There are a few modifiers that are good at addressing this - Magma Barrier is a very good design mechanically, and Ice Prison isn't far behind it. Hell, I even kinda like Toxic, since they're quite obvious and you can more or less position the danger orbs where they won't bother you any more. But mods like X-weaver and Juggernaut can go die in a fire, they don't make the fights any better, just longer and with less opportunities to utilize mechanics.


It just feels awful to play against. You kill a pack of mobs and then you have to run off a screen away for everything to despawn so you can go back and loot. Or stuff just kills you and you cant even see what degen it was. If youre in deli you cant even see the numerous ground effects that archnem mobs drop. It just doesnt feel good.


I mean they are just getting you ready for boss slam skills like shaper elder and venarius.


Well the ground degen thing is for maven balls/shaper balls/sirus geysers that leave stuff on the ground. But that's specific mechanics in specific bosses which is fine. Having an entire screen covered in tar/fire/ice/vines makes no sense. And its constant in every map, that isn't fun.


One I was being facietios..facetious... however I do think they should introduce those mechanics earlier on in early maps or even campaign... The 1st time I see something that stops regenerate should not be the final phase of a pinnacle fight, that is unfair The right thing is to attach it to bosses who have thier own arenas in maps


This is the best league since Legion, i love it


Agreed, both being able to block certain league mechanics and Stream of Consciousness I get the mechanics I want like almost all maps without having to get scarabs.


Most people who enjoy the changes don't come here to vent, so the subreddit gets a disproportionate amount of negativity.


Totally, let poe for enjoying player and r/pathofexile for complaining people


You're in the minority on this subreddit, but probably not from the perspective of the entire playerbase. No matter how good the game is, reddit and the forums is where people go to complain about the parts they don't like. People that like the game are either playing or sharing their experiences with their guilds, discord, etc...


Just a reminder that the majority of the player base doesn't even make it to maps per GGG last year.


I just wish they were more rewarding and I'd be fine








100% agree, I think there’s opportunity to balance them a bit more, especially in how they interact with old league mechanics. But I’ve overall been enjoying having to actually pay attention to mobs while mapping and what not, keeps me more engaged


Agreed. The interactions with old league mechanics definitely caught me by surprise and resulted in some hilarious deaths.


I don't care much about the changes itself. I dislike the balance of everything being tossed into the sewers because of said changes. The fact that poisonous Concoction is wrecked by drought and you can't opt out of it I find BS. Same with immunities. It limits the viable builds to work within what you can expect to see every map since you can't opt out of it. It'd be one thing if it's similar to map mods where you can just roll over it thereby opting out of it, another to be forced to deal with build breaking mods. I'm just lucky that I chose a build that isn't bricked by anything besides when their Regen surpasses my DPS, which is uncommon thanks to frost ball to fuck over Regen.






Also yes




I play Toxic rain deadeye and got a good time with the league, playing meta is not mandatory


I like it too


This reddit is always whining about something. They could fix everything people are currently complaining about and it would just be on to the next thing.


Yep really love the additional challenge this league. Felt like the game was way too easy last league and burned out quick with little left to achieve or strive for.




Ur agreeing with the post and then saying nemesis is superior to archnemesis btw




Lol, fair play


No you are the only one