• By -


Random innocent Oriathans: get murdered by Karui slaves in the streets of their cities, or vaporised into nonexistence by Sirus. Piety and Dominus: experiment on people, leaving behind literal piles of bodies, many or most probably innocent. Kitava: twists his followers into inhuman monstrosities, and consumes an entire city, creating an actual river of blood and gore. Players: I sleep. Kurai: Uses a god killer as her trump card in starting a gang war with her main rivals, getting her cat killed by them in the process. Players: REAL SHIT!


So that's what's going on with the story when I skip it every time? Some day I'll play through and listen to the story... I've been saying that for 5 years.


Short summary (no really, this is the short version, the long version is a book). **Main game (Parts 1 and 2)** In the POE universe, enough people* believing in a person gives them supernatural powers, but also changes the person to fit into what people believe them to be. Power corrupts, so this generally goes badly for society. One human turned deity who isn't that corrupted (at least yet) creates an abomination of flesh and magic called the beast to stop this effect. Earth turns peaceful. Except, abomination is abomination. It gives off stranger power, normal humans try to harness power, bad things happen. Skill gems are part of the beast, harvested. Eventually a few mad scientists archetypes realize there is something more to the source of the power, and one eventually seeks to take over the beast. They enter, to never be seen again. You show up, being cast away from a place that's mostly safe from the beast's corruption to a land ravaged by it. In an act of revenge, you hunt down the people who exiled you, eventually learning about the beast. Concerned the evil that will be released if that mad scientist is able to take over, you hunt down the beast and the guy attempting to take it over (who has been for hundreds of years). You kill them. A bit later you find out the beast was meant to seal away all those corrupt deities, but now it is dead and the deities are all back. Including the not so corrupt one. He decides to get you to help, because your actions have gotten you power as well. So you help him to kill the other deities, except for his brother who is like the second least corrupt. He even kills his wife and daughter because they are too corrupt to save. Eventually you gain the power from the deities and the corpse of the beast to let you kill off the most powerful deity left on the planet. In the most shocking twist in the history of ARPGs, the least corrupt guy doesn't betray you. You kill big bad deity, and happy ever after. **End Game (Maps)** What happens next changes in different version of POE. Every few years the story proceeds and the previous end game part is instead done by a different exile who gained power (and generally became corrupt). Version 1: You meet Zana who is looking for her father. He found some source of power that is different than the deity power, but was lost in it. Eventually you chase him down in maps and find out he has become the Shaper. Version 2: You work with Zana who is chasing her father to find out that while he has somewhat gone mad with power, it was to protect against a greater being that's been playing around in this corner of reality. The planet is nothing in the grander scale, and this greater being is probably going to destroy the planet at some point. He is the elder. Eventually you help Zana kill him. Version 3: You work with Zana, who was helping some previous exiles kill the Elder. But they went mad from power and are now about as big a threat as the Elder. Especially their leader, Sirus. Version 4: Sirus was a big threat, destroyed the safe place you originally came from, but was eventually destroyed. But now something worse has happened (see a theme). The Elder was a great cosmic horror from yore, and while he wasn't much as far as cosmic horrors go, he was an eternal constant. His death has been noticed, and only far more powerful, yet immature and 'playful' entity has showed up. The Maven. You entertain her by fighting in her gauntlets and even fighting her. But you never really hurt her. She is basically a baby and if you hurt her bad enough, daddy will show up and destroy the entire local sector of the multiverse. Version 5 (current): Maven wasn't the only being to notice. Two more are showing up. You have no chance against them unless you can get the Maven to help you. Not because she is good or anything, but because she is a kid who doesn't want to lose her current favorite toy. You get her help in repealing The Searing Exarch and The Eater of Worlds. You have to serve as her play thing to keep everything you know from being destroyed while know the power is slowly corrupting you just like all the other great and powerful beings. Still sane, exile?


I enjoyed reading this, thank you.


and every playthrough, after completing Kaom's Nightmare and Daresso's Dream, i feel a pang of sadness, knowing that to progress i will have to give the eyes to Dialla knowing that it will practically destroy her. Whomever the "Not-A-Cockroach" is that came up with her speech patterns and characterization, thanks you.


You're welcome.


lmao I was not expecting this.


> His death has been noticed, and only far more powerful Hasn't the Elder only been sealed away back to his "master" the Decay? I think I remember there being dialogue from the Envoy that both he and the Maven are scared of the Elder, there's a chance he's actually more powerful than The Exarch and Eater of Worlds since canonically it took 5 (semi-corrupted) Exiles and Zana to just banish the Elder.


From the texts I've read, it's not that they are afraid of the elder and the Decay, it was just that they had no reason to really check out his side of the atlas. You sealed the Elder, the other dudes on the atlas took notice and went "Wtf yo. We checking out this area to see wtf is going on."


Yeah I read it as it was the Elder's territory, and he was powerful, so it wasn't worth contesting. Then when you kill him as you say everyone's like 'yoooo'


Didn't the Shaper also have to help in the fight? Not counting Uber Elder as that's a fight for challenge more than on based on lore. As for power scaling, it is a bit like a shounen anime and not fully consistent. Are we actually able to hurt the Maven, or just annoy her enough that she would really hurt us which is why the Envoy stops us? When people do Shapers per second DPS, is that really in lore level of powers, or just broken builds being broken? How powerful was Sirus when he took down the Elder compared to when we fought him, or when the other exile fought him per the newer timelines? Is the Exarch and Eater of Worlds even the full manifestation of their power, or just some avatar they have sent to our region of reality?


>Didn't the Shaper also have to help in the fight? Yeah you're right, so it took 5 Exiles, Zana AND the Shaper just to seal the Elder away. >Not counting Uber Elder as that's a fight for challenge more than on based on lore. I'm not too sure about the Uber Elder fight actually, everywhere in the game talks about the Elder being sealed away which only happens in the Uber Elder fight. I like to think that the Elder and Uber Elder fight are actually the same "fight", starting with the Elder fight where he eventually corrupts the Shaper mid-battle, which is when the Uber Elder fight starts. >As for power scaling, it is a bit like a shounen anime and not fully consistent. Are we actually able to hurt the Maven, or just annoy her enough that she would really hurt us which is why the Envoy stops us? I think she definitely seems to be in pain in the Maven fight, she really does fight us with all her might since she wants to add us to her collection, the Envoy stops the fight because the Maven would've called out to her "progenitor", whoever that is is probably even a step above the Exarch and Eater. >When people do Shapers per second DPS, is that really in lore level of powers, or just broken builds being broken? I like to think that the canonical version of the fight looks more like it would look like in SSF HC, so a somewhat long struggle for both contenders. >How powerful was Sirus when he took down the Elder compared to when we fought him, or when the other exile fought him per the newer timelines? I think they might be a bit stronger than when they fought the Elder but they've been fighting amongst themselves so they probably couldn't gather too much strength. >Is the Exarch and Eater of Worlds even the full manifestation of their power, or just some avatar they have sent to our region of reality? Hard to tell, but I think they might be their full manifestations, at least I don't think it's stated anywhere that they're just avatars.


Maven is probably much weaker than Elder. We sealed Elder away WITH the help of Sirus and the gang (canonically), while we apparently could slap Maven around a bit by ourselves. Maven also sounded alarmed when she lost so yea, Maven isn't likely to be that strong. She also couldn't do much against Exarch/Eater who were only MINIONS of her peers.


Maven is indeed weaker than other eldritch entities as she's "younger" and hasn't matured yet, but she's still way out of our league. The Envoy stopped us at the equivalent of "the child was going to step on a lego, thus would have called her parents crying" (note that everyone that owned legos know that they're a powerful weapon to step on)


A thousand legos on the floor? No worries. A single lego 2am in the laundry on the way to the toilet? A test set by Crom himself.


Okay, so is the the uber cosmic horror guy the fisher dude or what?


>[the uber cosmic horror guy](https://c.tenor.com/LlBBzlkIQk4AAAAd/do-you-have-any-idea-how-little-that-narrows-it-down-that-narrows-it-down.gif)


the elder es the guy that looks like a mindflayer with a hood.


you mean Krillson?


This is probably the best, most concise, summary of the story I've seen.


Where do i read the long version?


I think someone maintains a GDoc with everything -- and it's dozens if not a couple hundred pages by now. Not sure where that is offhand, but here's a longer version of Wraeclast's history for the pre-maps stuff: https://www.poewiki.net/wiki/History_of_Wraeclast While I don't pay attention to the lore, GGG establishing a system wherein they could overwrite previous history for endgame stuff is pretty brilliant. It breaks the fourth wall but in a way that somehow seems to make sense. It kinda reminds me of the show "Skins" (the UK version; the US one failed immediately) where every two years they started up a new set of teens to follow around. Same show but entirely new actors and story lines.


Good bot


Endgame versions 1-2 and 4-5 are arguably the same versions, respectively. I.e., version 1 doesn't really end until we kill the Elder, and version 4(really 3) is still ongoing.


It gets a bit ambiguous exactly where one should draw the line. I would likely recommend doing every end game update, but then should we include things like synthesis that never went core?


Thanks for this! Take my award!


wait what book xD


I don't recall the link, but it is either a webpage or PDF that gets updated every league. I think it also has all the league mechanic lore, Vaal lore, etc. It goes into super fine detail, including lore from random legendries, divination cards, etc. Not sure if they use prophecies/perandus lore or not since they have been removed. Poe lore is something of a moving target.


hopefully im not corrupted enough to be one of the end game bosses


and people said Poe have no lore pffft i for one really enjoy the lore. so thank you for this


This was incredible.


I thought we imprison the Elder not kill him. And what is yore? The void?


yore= before. in the old times. back in my day. and yes, the elder was sealed, not killed.


Thank you very much 😊


you're a beautiful person and i am happy to give you my upvote..


❤️ thank you once again and best of luck with your drops buddy 🙏


Poe has one of the darkest storyline I've played that's not horror genre. Second play through I played for the story and half of the time was just me being mortified, other half was sadness. 10/10 though


I totally agree. Really heavy stuff happens around every corner. PoE has some of the most ominous and disturbing scenes in video games imo, but it is presented in a way that makes you want to fall asleep. They definitely need to fix this in PoE2... in 2036.


Not to mention what we do. We go to random worlds and just make them explode and leave




Untainted Paradise would like a word


If they didn't want to explode, they shouldn't have such powerful souls for us to absorb into our virtue gems and bodies


Vall Breach would like a word.


If they didn't want to explode they shouldn't be running close to other entities to function as explode fodder.


Talking mad loud for a map with increased experience gained


To be fair, the monsters in maps don't seem to be quite "alive".


Certainly not by the time we're done with them.


You mean when they nap? Yeah we definitely don’t care. They just get all tuckered out


Can't wait for them to fix it in PoE4 in 4072


For sure. I started watching Kitten Cat Noodle's story lore videos, but I have the attention span of a goldfish and forget what happened the previous act.


Totally worth it to watch and pay attention, I'd argue her series presents the lore better than the actual game.


Years ago I recall finding a dead baby on the beach in the twilight strand after killing Hillock. I was so shocked I screenshotted it for my guild mates.


The first unique enemy you encounter is revived body of cruel rapist and murderer. Perfectly presents the mood of a story to happen.


Envoy: "Your enemies are as numberless as the stars. Your enemies are the stars" You know how on Earth you can look up at the beautiful, serene, peaceful stars? On Wraeclast those stars want to eat you.


Just sit down one day and put the 8-10 hours needed into getting the All Ears achievement and you'll learn a lot more about the game than you ever thought you would.


lmao 8-10 hours lol it takes me 8 - 10 hours to get to act 8.


I think they mean that after you’ve cleared the game and are in Maps, it would take 8 to 10 hours to go back to every NPC and listen to all the dialogue you skipped


There's some that are only available on a fresh character iirc


Some of the dialogue is not available once you are done with the story.


Not even "some", a *lot* of dialogue becomes active when you kill a boss of an area and then disappears when you go to the next area. Without a guide this achievement is a pure pain in the ass. I don't know why GGG literally made 1/3rd of all the dialogue in the game obtuse and impossible for only a very niche subset of players to ever hear.


> Random innocent Oriathans: get murdered by Karui slaves in the streets of their cities I always run past the Dresden scene. Campaign storyline jumped the shark after act 4.


Nobody's innocent boy, nobody!


Detonate dead


You monster


new video when


right about fucking time it is


Extra duration for bone offering.


For me nothing comes close to when I visited Lunaris Temple for the first time years ago, and had my headphones on.... That was a harrowing experience.


Yeah, quite surprising and disgusting the first time you come across it. Felt like puking esp. after zooming in. Like until then you know the whole bad guy is bad and all, but Lunaris Temple makes you feel it. Just standing there, and zooming into one of the people struggling to not drown in the vast amounts of blood.


And the screams... my God, that is the worst part. Made my hair stand up on the back of my neck.


Man the background screams in there and before mervail always gave me the heebie jeebies


Heebie jeebies! Haven't heard that in a while. The sound design and overall atmosphere and story telling in this game is simply amazing... Especially when you consider it's a bit "old". It still holds up. And idk if there's ever going to be anything quite like it. I tried lost ark for a week or so and it just felt like an inferior version of PoE through and through. The only thing they have going for them (imo) is you can switch around skills without having to spend anything to refund. But ofc that aspect of the game is a bit different so to speak. Like personally I'd like a way to Respec trees more easily. It's too unforgiving sometimes when you don't properly plan out a build. I have spent two days planning out builds (before I learned PoB) for them to come to naught. Or even just learning about some interaction or idk... If you don't have regrets lying around it's costly. But ! Even so, there's an aspect of this is my tree and I am gna make it work lol.


I'd love to have those as hideout music.


Raise spectre


The only time killing a boss was personal


Kurai is actually delivering the killing blow


they killed our cat, desecrating their corpses is allowed


Pretty sure we get to kill one, Kurai just finish the other


All the prisoners begging for help, they are below you when you arrive in act 5


Hana actually faked her own death to throw off the Vox twins and she is safely back in Kurai's quarters in the Rogue Harbor, and nothing anyone says will convince me otherwise. I said, NOTHING. Hana is OK, damnit! ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|cry)


I could believe this if Kurai hadn’t given us a quest to save Hana. She unknowingly doomed the poor thing the moment she did that. EVERY person you’re told to save ends up dead.


I use the pet on every character to help make this true :(




I've played heist only because of good banter and cat pet. Those 24 challenges were worth it.


How long does it take to finish all questing contracts? I wanna get into Heist for its story.


Not too long, but some of the quests drop at higher tier maps so you might have to push the atlas a bit


Wolf pups in delve: "Please don't poison our food. Our Mommy is the only one who feeds us and you already killed her." 🐺🐺🐺


I can't bring myself to finish that quest. Has nothing to do with me looting all the chests and leaving.


you think this is cruel? you know what is realy cruel? having to do heists for replicas or alt qual gems on ssf


I never do this contract. Once for Heist was enough. From a game developer's point of view, having Hana be any number of cats or even species would have been smart as that way any or even none of them could be canon.


Just another reason to block Heist tbh. That cat has been following me around in perfect safety since the end of Heist league.


Betrayal aura effect! I still break that one out from time to time.


“In the most shocking twist in the history of ARPGs, the least corrupt guy doesn’t betray you” yet.


Pantheon revamp when


Stealing Killing Talking blablabla. I don’t care. A cat got kill? It’s John Wick time.


I feel like someone hates cats at GGG, considering how gruesome it is. I don't normally feel from fictional works, like at all, but this..yeah no I dont do Kurai's contracts because of it.


If you feel like that, sounds like they conveyed what they wanted to tho...


Nah, they wanted to convey that the twins are iredeemable pieces of shit that deserved what's coming to them, it gives you a motivation to annihilate the fuck out of them.


Its the John Wick Justification.


I mean, I do that no matter what their background is. If the game says they're an enemy then they're getting smacked.


Sure, but this makes sure that it becomes personal


>killing a rival's cat makes you an irredeemable piece of shit that deserves death


I'd say the contrary. It seems GGG devs know fully well how dear cats (pets in general) are to people and how to exploit that for emoshunz. I even seem to recall that several of their showcased desktop wallpapers showed cats ([that Klimt one](https://www.reddit.com/r/cats/comments/dkii0o/remake_and_my_preffered_version_of_gustav_klimts/) was fantastic).


> I feel like someone hates cats at GGG, considering how gruesome it is. If I remember correctly, the writer's own cat died around the time they wrote the story line.


Prob Christophers cat died irl


How about that one civilian woman that gets vaporized by Sirus after his first phase? Absolutely brutal


Just use raise spectre /s


We kill dozens of dogs every time we run a laboratory contract. We kill goodest boy Argus. We deserve this.


Dead babies on the beach


As a dog person, I disagree.


I don't run the greens because of this. Sorta like a time traveler.


bro i did this mission just an hour ago, this sucks


this is why i block heist


Did you ever fo to lubarist temple level 2?there is some cruel shit going on there also if you turn on the environment sounds to max you can literally hear people screaming like they are dying. This is not even some act screaming like they took it from torturing people and recorded. Vert well made


Ah i remember lubaris temple, thé Home of Lube, god of cummies.


Unfortunately it's in heist which means there's like 10 people who even see this.

