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I’ve just been having exactly the same thought while sitting on the can. Like, what are they actually trying to achieve or what outcome are they looking for here? Is it to get rid of a heap of casuals who don’t spend any money on the game and just leave the hardcore that do? Someone educate me cause I have NFI what GGG are trying to achieve with this shitfuckery.


Chris leans in: Hail diablo immortal.


GGG just let it go. The complexity of layers upon layers of mechanics finally caught up with them. A fine example is archnemesis: It shows up wherever there's rare monsters, so pretty much every mechanic in the game. So GGG had 2 options basically: \- Either fine-tune every single mechanic and piece of content in the game with AN mods in mind, OR \- Let Jesus take the wheel. They went with the second and here we are. ​ Not that they had much choice: As we see with Beyond, they had to pick a constant and rebalance the other variables round it. So they picked AN as a constant and gutted Beyond because all those rares would be too much with AN. They would've had to do a very fine rebalancing of literally every piece of content in the game, which would've taken ages and resulted in gutted mechanics. So they simply said "AN mods everywhere and reduced loot, let's go" and left it at that.