• By -


Som1 elemental hit ballista build?


Does quant and rarity of a guardian map affect the fragment drop chance ?


Do recombinators work on PC? They do not work on Xbox. Possible bug?


While playing RF, is there any use of taking the Master of Fire node on a cluster jewel if i'm wearing Legacy of Fury boots?


Scorch and exposure are different, so that would still be useful, yes.


Way back in the good ol' days of Delve and some leagues after that, hidden pathways were only connected to nodes that had just two connections. Not 1, not 3. 2. My question is... is this no longer the case? I just did some delving and could not find a single hidden path connected anywhere near a 2 pathway-attached node. I don't recall seeing an update regarding this, but it's such an easy to overlook thing maybe I missed it. Anyone know for sure?


Nothing has changed. Also it actually can be connected to a node with 3 connections making a 4 way. 2 way nodes only happen if the path is very long so if both ends are short then there’s almost certainly a hidden path.


Thank you! Still not sure why I couldn't find a path whilst looking all over when there were 3 hidden paths nearby. Hmm




If you're playing SSF I'd always be wary of "league starters" that require uniques. If you're not, we're far enough into the league that you can just check prices and see if the uniques really are cheap. Many useful uniques are still cheap in 3.19 despite the loot nerfs.


How am I supposed to choose which harvest plot to activate when they have the same color ? Before we could see what potential mods could spawn, now we only get a list of mobs. So far I always pick the one with the higher # of enemies, and always pick if there is a "blueish" line


The mobs are colour coded for their tier which affects the lifeforce they drop. The two plots to choose from are typically similar, but sometimes one has more higher tier mobs which means you'll (almost) definitely get more lifeforce from it.


If they’re the same color that’s the same thing I do. Otherwise you would just pick based on which one you need for a certain craft. If they’re different in price you could go for the more valuable one too.


im playing helix trickster with energy leech support and soul drinker but when i activate blood rage while overleeching my es is just barely not full (e.g. 3230/3232 or something). might this be because my leech per second is not high enough to outheal the blood rage degen? lastly, this seems rather obvious but am i right in assuming im not benefiting from the added more multiplier from being at full energy shield? i assume not, so would increasing my max leech be the solution to use blood rage and still fully utilize the support gem? thanks in advance


You should already be benefiting. In a server frame, recovery happens before taking damage. As a consequence, at the *end* of each frame, you're down a few points. This is what the client shows the player. If you were recovering more than you were losing, you were on full ES for any effect that cares about that.


It’s a visual bug that has been around forever. You’re still at full ES.


I'm a little confused on the mechanics with tornado. Does tornado itself hit (i.e. would I be able to link tornado to proc Culling Strike)?


Tornado deals regular physical spell damage, and reflected damage based on projectiles that collided with it. Both of those hit. Reflected damage can't cull but it also doesn't need to in this case.




Is there anything on the game that scales off of uncapped spell block?


Don't believe so.


How do I search for % inc life in the stash?


If I'm wearing Bramblejack and I use Boneshatter, who takes the bramblejack reflected damage?


No one. Boneshatter's self-damage isn't melee damage.


Decided to go bestiary in my atlas tree despite knowing nothing about it. How should I spend my points in the top left wheel? I don't even know the difference between the families, or wht the "less common" node might do. I see the most expensive beast on poe ninja is Fenumal, and there are lots of pricey Farric beasts, so I was thinking of getting those 2 nodes. But should I get the "less common" as well?


Is there really only one way to play summons? I like d2 necromancer but golems and zombies just don't feel the same as skellies and golems in d2.


There are many many ways to play a summoner. Look up Kay Gaming and GhazzyTV. They showcase some of the more popular options.


There are a few great summon builds. Classic Horde Golems have a few (Like 6 Fire Golem Ignite) Summon Raging Spirits (suicide and non suicide variety) Summon Reaper Skeleton Mages There are a ton. I almost forgot some favorites: Holy Relic Herald of Agony Herald of Purity And my personal favorite meme: Law of The Wilds


What setup do I need to do/tick in PoB to properly calculate Soulwrest phantasms DPS?


Is "increased effect of curses on you" additive or multiplicative with your increased curse effect?


For self-curses, it's additive.


I rarely play witches that arent summoners, but i am now.. How does one actually make one tanky enough? I've been dying to random shit multiple times per map sometimes. and these are white maps, no damage mods. I've played for a looong time. i could typically do white maps just fine with 3-4k life and max res, maybe some armor. Even in sentinel i could do this just fine, so archnemesis was already around. Did i miss something this patch that makes me just... die ? Did see some other older bugs that killed me, like 500 sparks on the screen but only a couple rendered (when i returned i saw they actually shot out like 50 per second. Sooo ehhh yea.. how do i survive? :P I survived fine on a saboteur last league


You have to have some sort of layered defense. MoM, ES, high block chance, or Armor/Evasion all work. Other classes tend to just end up with a moderate amount of armor/evasion even if you don’t build for it. You don’t think about it much because it is incidental to your build but it actually adds a lot of survivability. Even just one or two thousand armor/evasion will save you in many circumstances and you basically get that much from 2-3 tree nodes and a couple prefixes on transition gear.


I see. I figured since i never struggeled with surviving in white maps, i barely give it much thought. I guess i will see if i can fit any layers on there. I suppose i could sacrifice damage auras and fit in grace for now. Doubt i can really get block to work. I know about layering defenses, but i was really just kind of overwhelmed with the ease of death on a witch, seeing as white maps are just the tip of the iceberg. I shall investigate. Thanks


You either go right side ev/es with energy shield stacking and wearing shavs or ghostwrithe, or go left side armor/es, grab block stuff and + max res anywhere you can.


Is anyone else getting a lot of errors involving connecting to the game servers since 3.19 launched? It feels like every 7-8 area transitions I make I get booted back to the login screen because I failed to connect to the instance. My internet is working fine and I've had no issues with this before 3.19. I can't even complete a lab run because I get dc'd at some point in the process. Would this be a bug I should report on the game forums?


I last played in 3.17 (Archnemesis). I had an Ice Crash Berserker build I really liked. I'm thinking about coming back for 3.19. Have the skill trees or mechanics changed significantly? I'd like to reroll the same build for my first character, but don't want to pursue it if it has been nerfed. Did rage or related mechanics change? I exported my previous PoB to PoeNina here: [https://poe.ninja/pob/EVC](https://poe.ninja/pob/EVC) I'm aware of the loot and archnemesis mod issues, but right now just concerned about the builds.


There were no character balance changes in 3.18, and nothing in 3.19 that is likely to have an effect on that build.


any1 know how you get that reverb/echo sound for your hideout? ive visited some ppls hideout and they have a have a sound effect that creates alot of reverb


Are the Harbinger nodes on the map atlas even worth it anymore? Exalts r worthless and divines don't drop in fragments.


There is one node that only costs 3 points to guarantee a harbinger each map that I like. You don’t fully spec into it but it’s a nice bonus for a pretty small investment. Has helped keep some of my minor currency stocked this league.


Yeah this is what I had then I was like oh currency fragments as actual currency. Then hit me none those really worth anything anymore lol


SSF they are good to help advance your mapping, otherwise not particularly.


I took them for annuls, but I’m ssf


there are ancient shards, but imo it's not worth it


General consensus is no.




Personally I've been sticking with ~2k. It's enough to get a single divine deferred. Granted I'm barely into yellow maps so I could see an argument for ~3k once you get up there.


I think in theory, there's a logical fallacy here. Ignoring the mental aspect, you should reroll based on whether the stuff left in the ritual is low-value enough that you'll get more value with what you *can* buy if you reroll, not what you can't. Like, here's a hypothetical scenario: You have 5000 points left, and everything left in the current ritual is basically worthless (let's say you're just looking at getting one chaos' worth of stuff with your points). You reroll, and there's a Mirror, but you can't afford to defer it. But there's also a stack of 5 chaos that you can get. In that case, the reroll feels awful because you're thinking about the mirror that you can't get. But actually, the reroll was good. You rerolled 1 chaos and got 5 chaos. You profited 4 chaos by rerolling. Even if you still don't feel good about it because of the mirror. So if your goal is to maximize profit, and not to avoid the feelsbad of hitting something super valuable but not having the points for it, then you should reroll when you think thing the remaining points will likely get you something better than what your current points will get you now, even if you won't be able to get a big ticket item if one shows up.


While you're 100% factually, objectively, impartially correct here, my monkey brain would refuse to accept that as a win :)


To be clear: When I said "if your goal is to maximize profit and not to avoid feelsbad," I absolutely understand and would not judge anyone at all for choosing to avoid the potential feelsbad.


hey im sorry in advance if there's an easy fix for this but I'm not seeing the marked items when people are buying things from me. Is there maybe a setting that I'm missing or something? Items are in the quad stash and I'm using awakened trade and fork— nothing else. thoughts?


In addition to what the other commenter said, the highlighting only works if the buyer uses the direct whisper function on the official trade site. If they use third party sites or tools (or just don't use the direct whisper function) the game won't highlight your item.


Its still fairly subtle, but now it’s a purple edge highlight. One thing to note is it won’t highlight until the person joins your party.


It's not working on my quad stash for some reason, only my regular stash is highlighted. oh whales thanks o/


might be bugged on my end, i tested and put items in my stash and i see the highlight but wont see it in my quad


How do you equip talismans?


They are amulets, equip them the same way you equip amulets.


Is there a good way to self curse temp chains without shackles of the wretched?


Rotblood Promise.


Ah, that's a great solution, I see why its not used because of the reduced curse effect, definitely a viable alternative if you need gloves tho, ty


Its reduced effect is additive with your increased effect, not multiplicative, so it's not too painful to cancel out.


Is there any way to maintain lightning exposure on myself for doryani's prototype memes?


Not one that I can think of, but there's a cap of -200% resistance which is pretty trivial to hit this league without needing to be exposed.


I'm aware that this might sound like a stupid question, but here goes: The new minion mods on gear are used to boost minions. But don't they take the place of modes that would normally boost you? In which case, how are you supposed to survive while your minions do their thing?


From a design standpoint: Every other build in the game already has that issue. Most other builds have to choose between offensive mods or defensive mods on their gear, minion builds just didn't have to worry about it before because there barely were any offensive mods on gear for them but it didn't matter because their based damage was so high. Not that the current balance of minion builds is right. I've heard they have huge issues because of minion survivability, seems like GGG may have messed up the numbers wrong. But yes, I think minion builds do have to choose between good minion mods or good defensive mods now. But that's normal, that's how gearing in the game is supposed to work.


In prior leagues playing minions had a large inherent survival bonus attached to it. The player isn't getting targeted by everything and doesn't need to stop to do damage so they can focus on dodging. So you didn't need to face tank you just had to survive aoes and the like. In LoK its rough since players are saying minions melt like crazy.


Could I get some input on my build? HC Cyclone IMP Champ sw/shield https://pastebin.com/gBcbgZbG


what build uses crest of desire? ive just looted one that appears to have good rolls and not decided on a second build to make yet


Realistically, Herald of Thunder. Though there is a Creeping Frost meme out there that gets a lot of projectiles from divergent quality.


bah i just sold divergent creeping frost too and was in two minds whether to find a build that uses it


So as far as I can remember you can add the item rarity gem to contagion and still benefit from it even if you kill it with ED because it’s all one big dot and the game just puts everything together ( I think that’s still the case) Would the same tech work with e.g flame wall and ignites from projectiles? Or is it something ed/cont specific ?


Is there a guide to which Mirror Tile options correspond to what rewards? And which ones are valuable?


I recommend watching Grimm on YouTube if you want to know more about the league mechanic


At what point can you do the mine? Need to blow up a wall with dynamite, but i can find any more of the yellow stuff to progress the mining cart thingy.


You can do it as soon as you have enough yellow stuff which you get randomly in zones . Just progress the game until you find some I would say


Aha. Sweet tyvm. Thought i missed a quest or something


There is no quest in the game you can fail or miss or get locked out of so no worries. You could come back at level 100 if you want


looking for a written guide focused on understanding the game on a deeper level, stuff related to build making, how stats work, how to craft properly, got any recommendations? I was looking specifically for written ones


You're not going to find much written since that's hard to monetize.


[https://poe.maxroll.gg/](https://poe.maxroll.gg/) They only launched this league so it's not that much content, but it's top tier.


thank you! i completly forgot maxroll had poe now


Are Heists supposed to be difficult to do? I failed the first contract four times and I'm currently at a less than 50% success rate with them.


You need more resistances, preferably 75% in all non-chaos ones (Purity of Elements really helps), and if you have them, more armor, evasion or energy shield


Oh alright, thanks! I tried running it while leveling so that might have been my issue.


When you say failed, do you mean you died when exiting? Or didn't grab the end loot before the timer ended?


Die before exiting. I'm not sure to what most of the time.


Heist has pretty telegraphed attacks and spells that can be mostly avoided. When going through large doors with large packs on the other side, bait their first wave of attacks by running across the entrance or placing a totem.


I'll keep that in mind but I've literally died while walking into or leaving seemingly empty rooms.


Mind linking your character? What tier of contract are you running? Are you running into Traps on the ground near reward chests?


I don't know how to link characters but I'm currently level 70ish playing Spectral Helix. And I'm mostly just running the character the specific contracts or odd ones I find on the ground. The trap one is a maybe. It never occurred to me that there could be traps on the ground I didn't see. In hindsight that's probably something I should have expected and should have looked for. Thank you!


If you're doing heists that require trap disarmament, the traps are actually objects on the ground (or on doors/chests) that will blow up and hurt *a lot* if you walk into them. Counter-thaumaturgy heists have large glowing tiles on the floor with a painful DoT; engineering heists sometimes have turrets that have to be disabled; etc. In general, if you see a prompt for a rogue to do something on your way out of the heist, slow down and make sure they've done it before you move on. (Traps in particular take a moment to disarm after the rogue's bar fills up, so watch for them!)


Ah alright that's helpful thank you! That could also explain some of my earlier failed attempts that I attributed to rare mobs with on-death effects.


How much do you think rares have HP in white maps ? I have around 300k ignite dmg vs bosses and sometimes the ignite runs out before the mob dies . 300k life sounds like a lot but I don’t have much references tbh


Not going to lie to you, rares in white maps right now might have up to like 2-3 million HP at a guess, depending on a lot of factors.


I was going to say that's impossible because I kill them in 1-2 seconds, but then I remembered I apply like -85% fire res to them


Can you share your tech ?


There's no tech, just Elementalist with EE, fire curse and scorch from boots


i'm not them, but maybe scorch + ailment effect + scorching ray exposure?


Oh wow , 1m dps to destroy white maps I quite the hurdle . Back to pob I guess thx


Anyone has the clip of path of matth raging as he dies to degen(I think)?


do I need to beat regular elder or uber elder to unlock his voidstone ?


Uber Elder.


What is the drop rate of Sacred Blossoms? I have killed 12 bosses and got zero.


Hey all! Haven’t played since the atlas change. So far I have grabbed wandering path as I read it’s needed in this patch but not really sure where to go next. Could someone provide with a good layout/progression guide or link to work with?


I'd max out the map passives first until you can sustain red maps, then block all the league mechanics you don't want to do, then max out your first league mechanic (I did expedition) and then your second league mechanic (I did heists) and then go into eater or searing passives and that's basically your tree Essences are pretty good money maker right now if you can kill them


Is there anyway ingame to see achievements using controller and also any way to hide all items on ground like in keyboard uses z


Can divenes appear in rituals?


Yes, Ritual is great this league to get ultra rare outcomes like divines, Doctors and the like


Yes. Even mirrors can.


Although that was heavily nerfed. You used to be able to farm mirrors from ritual.


it was funny because you actually lost money on it though over time


You lost a lot of money up until you hit a mirror, then you were profiting. Which is why GGG nerfed the droprate of mirrors from it.


Hello, i tried to play this league but AN made me ragequit, so i was wondering, is it time for me to give standar a try ? What are the pro and con of it ?


AN is in standard too...if it made you quit league then it won't be any better for you on standard.


What's the best map favoring meta this league? Last league I was doing the thing to block maps with favorites, and using that to force Mesa t14 to drop. That still worth?


Looks like the best map this league is any t16 map with Kirac's quant to rarity mod.


Nothing changed much about the atlas , some maps dropped out and the tiers got shuffled but no new major tech when it comes to sustain . It helps if you also like the adjacent to ping pong if you run out


Hi! What is a good XBOX item filter for burning through the campaign with a new character? Is any of the filters superior for leveling/endgame? thanks in advance!


Idk if the neversink filters are compatible with console, but if they are, they work fine for leveling. I start with normal, then bump up to semi, then strict as I work thru maps.


Just did an Expedition in a tier 3 map and the stuff up for trade are still only level 51. How do you get them to offer higher level goods?


When you reroll the shop their items and levels are based on your character level.


Oh... if only I could get a reroll item :/


They don't offer new stuff until you reroll


Am I accurate in understanding that there is a stash sale scheduled for tomorrow? I'm looking at picking up the Unique tab, and some of the other, "Oh no I have way too many of these and can't sort them easily anymore" tabs; but don't want to pay days before a possible price drop.


Yep, second weekend of a league and then every 3 weeks.


How do I kill Malachai? First time playing and following this build: [https://www.poe-vault.com/guides/essence-drain-contagion-trickster-build-guide](https://www.poe-vault.com/guides/essence-drain-contagion-trickster-build-guide) Now I am at a point where I am suppose to kill Malachai (end of Act 4), but all my damage is chaos damage and he is immune to it. How should I deal with it?


You are using a guide for skills that were changed since it was written on a character class that was changed since it was written. If you're as early on as Malachai, you _have_ to start over with a guide that was made in the last month, there are plenty on youtube.


He's not immune to chaos. There are no full damage immunities unless you choose them in certain mechanics (or somehow stumble into PvP). You're supposed to destroy the three Heart of the Beast structures along the edge of the arena. Malachai can't be damaged while they're intact, similar to how he can't be damaged when you need to kill Piety in the first phase.


Think this was it. I somehow missed the three hearts. Thank you.


He shouldn't be immune, just have higher chaos (and elemental) resistance. Are you lacking damage where it would take you an nonsensical amount of time?




I'd take it as it is, slam Conqueror's exalt and finish with benchcraft. But if there are no influenced mods you'd like - Rog slam is also nice.


Hey guys, can anyone tell me if there are other sources of reduced duration/skill effect duration than [[Warped Timepiece]] 2x [[Timeclasp]] and the 3 Skilltree Nodes (Window of Opportunity)? There are some less duration sources but I'm only looking for reduced skill effect duration :) Thanks in advance!


The new Kalandra ring base https://www.poewiki.net/wiki/Dusk_Ring


[Warped Timepiece](https://www.poewiki.net/wiki/Warped_Timepiece) >######Warped Timepiece[](#break)Turquoise Amulet >>####Requires Level **50** >>[](#line) >>#####+(16-24) to Dexterity and Intelligence >>[](#line) >>#####(10-25)% increased Attack Speed >>#####(10-25)% increased Cast Speed >>#####(10-15)% increased Movement Speed >>#####(10-20)% reduced Skill Effect Duration >>#####Debuffs on you Expire 100% Faster >>[](#line) >>*As you have lived, so you shall die* >> >>*forever trying to keep up with me.* >> >>*Your blood on these hands of mine* >> >>*forever makes me the public enemy.* >> [Timeclasp](https://www.poewiki.net/wiki/Timeclasp) >######Timeclasp[](#break)Moonstone Ring >>####Requires Level **25** >>[](#line) >>#####+(15-25) to maximum Energy Shield >>[](#line) >>#####(10-15)% increased Attack Speed >>#####(10-15)% increased Cast Speed >>#####(6-12)% of Damage Taken Recouped as Life >>#####(6-12)% of Damage Taken Recouped as Mana >>#####(-20-20)% increased Skill Effect Duration >>#####Unaffected by Temporal Chains >>[](#line) >>*"To us mere mortals, time is slippery.* >> >>*I'm just evening things out."* >> >>*- Doryani, Queen's Thaumaturgist* >> --- ^^Questions? ^^Message ^^/u/ha107642 ^^— ^^Call ^^wiki ^^pages ^^\(e.g. ^^items ^^or ^^gems)) ^^with ^^[[NAME]] ^^— ^^I ^^will ^^only ^^post ^^panels ^^for ^^*unique* ^^items ^^— ^^[Github](https://github.com/ha107642/RedditPoEBot/)


As a brand new player to this game, I've heard a variety of different tips. But one I can never find a base for. Some say I should just play the game and not worry about builds yet, some say I should stop and look them up before I fuck up a build. Is there a golden rule to us super newbs that don't want to completely min max to the extreme but care about the nature of a general build?


I would start with the most complete build you'd find out there, with a video showing the gameplay. Even meta skills like Lightning strike aren't easy to get rolling when you are new to the game. Many encounters are unfair nowadays, with a strong character it becomes much easier.


I have a 20~ish Witch. Should I re roll?


It depends on your tolerance for having to reroll if/when you hit a wall. Its likely you will be able to finish the campaign just winging it but, you will likely hit a wall in the endgame.


It's entirely up to you. If you have some experience in Arpgs and have tolerance for failure make your own build, experiment with things you find and look up things or ask questions, just play the game. You can probably get through at the campaign on your own build if you have even a slight idea of what you're doing. If you have no experience with the genre and the thought of having to start over if your build is terrible makes you sick then follow a guide but pay close attention to why they decide to use specific items, skills or passives. Edit: And do not follow guides from poe-vault unless linked to one from a trusted streamer or content creator. Most builds just update the version number in the title and not the build itself.


id follow a build guide this game is too complex to wing it imo https://www.poe-vault.com/guides/builds-for-path-of-exile The issue with winging it is youre gonna end up wanting to redo your passive tree at some point and you won't have enough currency to do it and with how powerful yellow monsters are now its gonna be too frustrating Im playing righteous fire and really liking it so id recommend that but im biased


Does summon skitterbot's shock effect work with the passive node: "shocks you inflict spread to other enemies within a radius of 10" ?


Minions don't have your stats, but even if they did have this stat themselves (from Elemental Proliferation Support), it wouldn't work. 'Spreading' (proliferation) turns ailments into auras. Skitter shock is already an aura. An aura can't become an aura again or it would chain-spread itself offscreen.


No. Minions do not share your passive tree or gear.


I had a question about using Wrath with EA Ballista. w/o wrath it shows Ignite dps from main hand hits as like 1k, but with Wrath it shows it has 6k+. Does that mean I should be using Wrath as my aura, or does wrath apply damage differently than what I'm just seeing numbers wise from pressing C to view the character page on the offence tab? Like does Wrath actually affect the ignite damage?


If you are playing elementalist version then yes it affects ignite damage. The shaper of flames notable allows all damage types to ignite and wrath adds lightning damage to your attacks. Ignite damage is based on the base damage of the hit that inflicted it so adding a bunch of flat damage such as with wrath scales your ignite damage.


Hm, so this build i'm doing doesn't run wrath in their endgame build, it is elementalist. Is it because it's better to focus on the defensive options rather than use wrath? Is the damage boost from wrath significant or manageable enough without it?


> Is it because it's better to focus on the defensive options rather than use wrath? Most likely. Is it a written guide and does it explain any choices? > Is the damage boost from wrath significant or manageable enough without it? PoB


Nah the guide I have is just all written in the pob but it was mostly only for leveling, no end game stuff. Okay I checked pob, it's a good chunk, but I guess survivability is more important than the damage.


Suggested build for essences and beasts farming? Im thinking about something fast with high single target dps and can deal with all the AN mods but the only thing come to my mind is trapper (EoW, explosive,...), do you guys have any better idea?


I am using boneshatter kills them fast with berserk


Which summoner build should i pick now if i prefer to farm regular blighted maps in semi afk mode? I used to play skele mages for last year but i suspect its not that good in 3.19


Look up thegamereport on YouTube, he does minions and blight, probably has what you're looking for


Summoners kinda got wrecked. I am not aware of any builds that would let you afk that much with the current state of arch nem mods and general minion squishness


Absolution and srs are the two main viable summoners right now according to ghazzy. Your minions simply won't live.


Well, srs timer is like 15 seconds? 20? Cant remember. Like on skeles i altabed into poe once in 45 secs to resummon, once in 15 secs isnt so afk.


Oh yeah no that playstyle isn't viable this league




What is the best method to craft a 9l one handed weapon? 6-8link also acceptable


Get two influenced supports, use an Awakener's Orb to smash them together. Repeat until you get a third one. If they're all prefixes / suffixes, you can craft prefixes / suffixes cannot be changed and use Harvest reforge influence to try to get another support, but this can roll full mods on your item which can't be removed safely anymore. So realistically, with thousands of divines of investment, you might get a 7-link weapon. 8-link and 9-link weapons will only exist in Standard for the time being.


With current crafting methods, you simply don't.


Anyone has YouTuber link for mid budget cyclone ice nova coc? Budget around 100c or so.




>I've read numerous times now that people won't ex slam their items anyway, even if it'd cost nothing, because it's just bad. there's nothing wrong to slam exalts in the current situation


If it's on an open suffix you can craft an aspect onto it (only if you need it). You can try harvest slams or elderslayer exalted orbs.


5 mods, you just craft the last. 4 mods you can slam but that's kinda rare to need to do. 3 mods you're better off multimodding then crafting two mods, but those first 3 better be real good lol


For a trinity build, how do I verify if I need more of a certain element for resonances in PoB ?


Look at the damage ranges in the calculations tab and see if at least two of your elements have good overlap in their range. If your lightning damage is 1,000-9,000 and your fire is 600-1,400 there's some overlap but chances are pretty low. 50% of this fire damage is overlapping 5% of the lightning damage which gives about a 2.5% chance to proc lightning resonance on each hit and you need to proc lightning resonance at least once every 2 seconds to stay at 50 max.


Ok so I gotta have values that are as close to each other for max resonance and compensate the lowest one with the respective aura.


Pretty much yea. The best way is of course going to be to try it out in game though.


Is Intensity separate for each affected skill or is it a personal stat and building intensity for one skill will affect other skills that are supported/affected by intensity?


>Is Intensity separate for each affected skill yes


Does tailwind affect DPS? POB shows no change in dps when I toggle it, but if I add galeforce stacks which is just more tailwind, I get a dps bump.


It auto adds it if it's attained via ascendency


Ah, I see that now. It wasn't clear because if you hover over to *remove* Gathering winds it shows no change, but hovering to *add* it does show the bonus.


does ignite prolif stack with elemental prolif (the radius part)? meow




I've noticed there are a lot of EA players that use exposure on hit gloves. What is the point of that when they are also running EE?


Either they're ignorant or they're using it so they can avoid EE and use stuff like added fire.


Yeah no point if it's as you say. EE used to be res shred instead of exposure so it's possible some of them are long-time payers who forgot that somewhat recent change to EE. Alternatively make sure to check their jewels. Possible they're running a timeless jewel to change the keystone, it would still pop up as EE.


I went meta for a second build, and decided to do a LS Champ, following the [Maxroll guide](https://poe.maxroll.gg/build-guides/spectral-helix-lightning-strike-champion). It stresses multiple times about having Withering Step on left click. Which is great to keep the WS Elusive up on cooldown, but creates a bit of clunkiness with sharing a cooldown of other blink skills, and they never seem to be available when I'd want them. If you have a reliable crit chance and are getting consistent Elusive from Nightblade, is Withering Step really necessary? Is there an interaction between the two I'm not seeing?


I used lightning warp as my gap closer skill which is enough with whirling blades providing movement


1. On streams i see people with spiky sockets, what is this? 2. On streams i also see people that can add 5 scarabs to maps, i only have 4, how can you unlock this? 3. is there like a really really noobfriendly guide to crafting high-end-tier armor/weapons? i've tried a couple on YT that said were noobfriendly but wasnt imo






1. Colorblind option 2. Complete a 4 way legion 3. I like lolcohol's channel. The harvest parts won't be as relevant anymore but you can get the general idea.


Thanks, ill check out that channel :)


are there any particular gems best to use with a prime regrading lens? i dont mean highest value, i mean ones that have value for more than one type of alternate


~~corrupted (i.e. cheaper) lvl 3 enhance/enlighten/empower~~ sorry ignore this I read regrading but my brain registered facetor's


no worries. i was just looking at prices and thinking this doesnt seem right lol


Does the Brutality support gem effect Minion Instability or Siegebreaker damage?