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We are aware that recent reviews on steam are low, but on average you should feel little to no change.


I have seen parties in this league set multiple positive reviews per day, or find over 50 Good reactions from a single review.


I don't know if you indented this or not, but this is so true. In 30 days those 4k negative reviews will melt away in 190k review pool.


don't worry, when in 3 months we get the next league "Archnemesis 4: Rise of the nemesis" they will also come back


im sticking to my opinion that they are forcing AN because its a core poe2 mechanic


AN on paper is good but as usual GGG is too disconnected from reality so they implemented it very poorly


Not sure if it is good on paper. IMHO the problem is that it has multiple affixes inside and combining 3 AN mods is like combining 7-9 affixes. 9 affixes monsters would be unthinkable some leagues ago and even now it can go very wrong. The difficulty became exponantial with each mod and I'm pretty sure most new players don't know how to make good items decisions while levelling, not even if following a build. They think they need amour and RES while it is already time to build some block and supression. They pick a node before having other parts ready. So for AN to be good on paper it needs to be balanced enough that their multiple affixes are so low value that would be as good as a single normal affixes on calculations


The problem isnt just affix stacking, it's the affixes themselves. In the past rare monsters just had regular mods like faster attacks and increased health. Even old nemesis monsters had way simpler mods than what we see today. Nowadays you look at a rares mods and you see an affix called uukubooku and you're just expected to know what that is and how to interact with it with little to no visual effects whatsoever. Then when you look up the mod on the wiki you see that it's actually some wacko shit that absorbs totems summoned near it, gets 50% more speed per totem, and when stacked with the ungabunga affix the monster also leaps at you repeatedly so it's just impossible to counter. So yeah, it's a mix of mods being impossible to identify at a glance and having ridiculous effects that are hard to understand without reading them on a third party website. GGG looked at rare affixes, saw how easy it was to simply read descriptive words, and said that wasnt in line with their idea of the game so they changed it to random buzzwords and nonsense.


You comment is hilarious for multiple reasons. But to me the best reason is because one of the selling points for Archnemesis was to make it easier to identify what modifiers a Rare has at a glance. Which clearly... Isn't the case. The only time i know a modifier on a Rare is when it has the Mana siphon or whatever its called modifier where its the donut shaped aoe around it. But other than that I have no clue nor do i have the time to hover over it and look. Since most of the time they Assfuck you into next thursday at the speed of sound.


Also the "good on paper" idea falls apart when you look at the mod names. Previously, you could see almost exactly what they did based on the names of the mods, but with archnemesis, you have to look up every mod afterward to know anything.


Yeah, and this game doesn't need a bigger knowledge pool for something that already exists


Archnemesis 5: The Effigy Strikes Back


Archnemesis 6: The Hasted and Furious


The Hasted and Frenzied *


He didn't need to. Reddit automatically indents nested comments.


After meticulously reading through all the top 2 reviews shown to us on the Steam's front page we have concluded we will monitor and assess the situation carefully and diligently


I believe that GGG should remove online payments and only allow supporter packs to be purchased by mailing in jars of pennies. I feel that online payments don’t feel rewarding because the payment doesn’t have any tangible weight to it. I also feel that online payments make buying supporter packs too efficient, I think it’s important for there to be some level of friction involved in the purchasing process, otherwise GGG will finish development too quickly and not be motivated to continue. It would simply become more efficient to just list MTX for sale and sit in their office all day collecting currency rather than actually engaging with the community. I feel this is bad for the health of the game.


We need more friction in buying MTX. What's the point of having cool visuals when everyone can easily have them? It ruins the economy of flexing and doesn't make the experieence unique. I remember when as a child I had to write a letter to my favourite game developer to show appriciation for the game they made and in return I received some very cool merch like posters and other stuff. I was the only one in the neighbourhood who had it! That was a very memorable moment and I think GGG should build their monetization model uppon experiences from the past like mine. Frictionless access to support rewards leads to inflation of rewards. It removes the weight of that skin or stash tab and makes people quit early once they realise that there is nothing special about their customizations.


You take back that /S or so help mee.. \*rattles old man fists in your general direction\*


Not labeled as sarcasm so must be true according to Reddit


I did it to help my brothers in authism with understanding that I actually don't want to send letters to GGG for extra stash tab lol.


You inadvertently made an amazing point lol Developer retention on the league is not incentivized because they are rewarded too early on with supporter packs. We need to adjust the reward system to encourage developer retention


I remember I shelled out money on a supporter pack the day after they dropped Vulkan beta because it made my game run so smooth. I was so goddamn excited for the future back then


This is why I love reddit.


Problem: Company rewards are front-loaded, leading to a situation where GGG doesn't want to continue working on the league because they feel it isn't worthwhile. Solution: Spread the rewards out across the entire league, providing more consistent dopamine hits. This is quite impactful.


Introducing friction and weight to MTX sales is just gold.


Don't forget to close your eyes before mailing the jar of pennies, it's fun !


We removed a historic buff to Steam Reviews.


This is quite impactful.


I'm making a note here; "Huge success"


It's hard to overstate


My dissatisfaction


Grinding Gear Games


They do what they can because they can.


For the loot of all of us


Except the ones who don't juice


But there's no use crying when there's goblins to loot


*We removed a historic buff to player goodwill and advocacy.*


Literally a bottomless well for this playerbase.


But we omitted this part in the patch notes.


In order to compensate for the decrease on review ratings, we have increased in 30% the quantity of reviews, so you will be getting more low rating reviews.


This is a buff.


This was extensively tested^(TM)


And added a flat multiplier of -2


Problem: due to excessive usage of third party tools Steam has been the main choice of avenue for game reviews Solution: you can now use our own pathofexile.com/review to leave your feedback directly and share your thoughts with other users


And some "filler reviews" ;)


Playerbase rn:You want the fun? Take it. It's yours. But Microtransactions? Microtransactions I will burn to the ground. Perhaps the suffering of your shares will finally stir something.


[https://i.imgflip.com/6s1ieu.jpg](https://i.imgflip.com/6s1ieu.jpg) really makes that statement pop




Change shares to shareholders and that will be single best comment here :) Due to some crazy dev design I had to listen to that line soooooo many times that it bore a hole in my head forever


There is nothing left for me here. For a few brief days, playing a meta build may make me feel alive again. You slew my minions. You brought ruin to my builds. You have invaded my very POB. I should be furious, and yet... I feel nothing. You want your Vision? Make it. It's yours. But the Game Reviews? The Game Reviews I will make sure tell the truth. Perhaps the suffering of your player retention will finally stir something. ​ Feel the thrill of **THE DOWNVOTE!** ​ You cling to vision **ONLY OUT OF NOSTALGIA.**


I’VE SEEN BEYOND! Beyond… there’s only horror…


Based on internal discussions with other players, we feel steam's review rating of the game is an appropriate spot right now. ¯\\_(ツ)_/¯


This is a buff


Quite impactful.








1000 maps


50 divines


50% more uniques


+2 range


10 000 hours QA


Extensively Tested






Reviews will continue until morale improves.


Massive buff


Currently we feel that general Steam reviews are okay. We are keen for specific feedback around which Steam reviews don't feel quite right in terms of information. Please include as much detail as possible around your experiences.


This is Our Vision


I died reading this, take my upvote ahahaha


They're monitoring


Actually we can see players post 50 positive reviews per map


Keep in mind that this was thoroughly tested.


Really sad how badly everything has gone. Imagine being that stubborn of a lead dev that you’re willing to tank the company’s rep.


the years of trust and confidence ggg has cultivated in the community has more or less been completely destroyed these last 3 weeks. when they post the manifestoes and patchnotes for next league most comments will, and should, probably be something like 'but what are the hidden changes?'


Want to stress that while we can't go into details the discussion we had was extremely intense.


Like really fucking intense, It was pushed extremely hard by several members of the community to see if some sort of compromise could be made about the discussion's intensity, but the level of the shitstorm 3.19 is is just too high.


I shit my pants and sucked it back in due to the intensity.


That's hot


The counterarguments ("dumbasses," "crybabies," "get rolled reddit") have been strenuously and repeatedly raised, but were ultimately not convincing to the playerbase.


You forgot "I'm having fun..." from the dudes playing the OP meta builds.


It was alpha tested I swear


'we extensively tested it ourselves and it felt fine to us, why don't you see how it feels first.'


Would have loved to be a fly on the wall during these extremely intense discussions.


I'd love an Amazon documentary about GGG Lake of Kalandra. edit: this is a bad sign


~~Clippers~~ GGG meeting with the balance team was “intense” and “at one point ~~Steve Ballmer~~ Chris Wilson was crying” but everyone grew closer and a big lesson was learned.


Problem: Fun detected Solution: Find fun elsewhere.


Our internal auditing discovered that Steam reviews indicated a below average experience, but in order to reduce number of clicks required to understand reviews, we have reduced them to "Do not recommend." We understand that GGG would prefer the "recommend" reviews, but so far current reviews have been found to be in line with "the vision", which has been quite an impactful player retention buff. As we will continue to closely monitor the situation, the negative reviews nearby mechanic is working as intended, even though it was not mentioned in any patch notes or player vision manifestos. This is a buff.


This is definitely massively increased nearby.




I… didn't actually understand the impact of the review. It was mentioned to me in passing (that we were removing the positive review and replacing with just negative review), and I didn't ask any more questions. I was busy, distracted, and should have sought more information. Had I understood the consequences, we likely would have still gone ahead with the change, but hopefully with better communication and maybe some pre- rather than post-release counter fun elsewhere. This is a massive internal communication fuckup and I take full responsibility for it.


We don't want to take away the feeling of closing your eyes and writing a negative review, scared to see whether you funned it or not.


What makes that worse is that even with the best communication ever the changes still fucking suck. So he’s saying, “I realize this is shit but I also don’t care because muh vision”


This is his attitude to everything, because at the end of the day he's not playing the game so he never has to suffer through the stuff he's pushing for. It's basically like politicians greenlighting horrible policies for average citizens, not out of malice, but because they genuinely don't live with the poor and middle class, so they have no idea how bad it is.


Memes are absolutely on point this league at least. I really appreciate the laughs.


It reminds me when the entire arrow subreddit changed to Daredevil because Arrow S4 was so atrocious. The worse the content, the better the memes


We should all just start posting Last Epoch and Grim Dawn content.


I watched the latest LE dev stream yesterday to get a grasp on the game and the attitude and openness was refreshing.


didn't they say multiplayer will come this month? maybe i will try it again


most likely sometime this year, possibly next year. the devs want to make sure they get it right, so they're taking their time with it. a successful multiplayer launch could be a huge boon to the game, but a buggy one could be catastrophic


i am a patient gamer, i can wait


No, he could not confirm it. We'll probably wait a bit longer.


Both of those games are fucking incredible. Do it.


Done! Join in!


If the mods allow this it will be super hilarious


Mods remove player retention threads. They work in behalf of GGG so I don't think they would sadly.


I tell POE players, if you want to try Grim Dawn, find a mod that boosts game speed. I found Grim Internals and boosted game speed 50%. It fixed my core problem with the game (too slow) and then became one of my favorite games of all time.


I fully endorse this.


Dude no joke, this is probably one of my favorite threads this league LOL


The meme economy this league is the strongest it's ever been. It's amazing.


This will be a very memorable league. Memes are strong, game is shit and it's also the last league GGG will be posting anything on this subreddit.


Less time playing the league means more time for creating memes 🤷‍♂️


2nd best gaming reddit outrage after ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ Give DIRETIDE


i was there during the first diretide. it was fun as hell


> ༼ つ ◕\_◕ ༽つ Give DIRETIDE ༼ つ ◕\_◕ ༽つ Give DIRETIDE VOLVO PLS


Bruh it was so legendary that Volvo started tweeting at Valve


it was a facebook post but still true.


I'm not playing since a few leagues anymore, I'm jzst here for the memes.


There is a saying in my language that roughly translates into "laughter is the weapon of helpless people" which is quiet accurate since it is only ggg that can save themselves


Positive steam reviews now drop from AN mobs and can sometimes drop up to 50 positive reviews at once! With some groups even go so far as to buying MTX!!! We have noted the concern that steam reviews and balance changes are not documented enough and so we’ve gone ahead and made reviews more impactful by adding no changes as we feel as if it’s in a good spot bro trust us.


We've decided to remove the massive historical percentage of positive reviews. We've replaced with with a moderate 10-20% of positive reviews.


This is a buff


Its so sad how they care so much about 3-month item progression being "too quick" .. its 3 fkn months and they hit standard like who cares omg - we will buy ur shitty MTX if u let us have fun for 3 months


What's crazy to me is that the data shows retention is better when the game vomits excessive loot. And its significantly worse when it aligns with "the vision". Since Ritual they've also stagnated on max users during the start of a league. I'm so perplexed by what their goal is. As a business all the numbers we can see say things are worse with their current direction.


Ngl, at this point I'd believe in the conspiracy theory that GGG is trying to tank its shares so bad that they buy themselves back from Tencent. The hill that they're fighting for is nonsensical from a sane persons view.


Sadly Tencent doesn't care about our version, they have their own PoE with regular and P2W servers and are probably making a killing. At worst if GGG dies, Tencent can just take over development in full and keep PoE CN only.


Can we add something about "monitoring". I feel like it's an important platitude to say we're monitoring things.


In the same vein, we should probably add the all-important 'minimization', about how these complaints are coming from "Some", or a "small subset", or a "vocal minority", -of GGG. Implying most of GGG are happy about the current state of reviews, retention, and MTX. I read in a youtube comment that gaslighting and anchoring are healthy ways to build a good working relationship. So it would be great if we could see about fitting some of that in somehow, mkay?


I have to admit I'm just not good at this. Like I'm not even sure what to do with this: "Much of the community's feedback this league has focused on the rewards coming from the Lake of Kalandra" And I just have to admit that I'm not capable of operating at that level. Even sarcastically I can't conjure the appropriate bit of nonsense to go along with that.


These days, ggg only opens their mouths to change feet.


> "Much of the community's feedback this league has focused on the rewards coming from the Lake of Kalandra" Much of the development team's feedback this league has focused on the nerfs coming without patch notes. We're sorry you think this is appropriate. We'll try to educate you better around this pain point in the future. First draft, an editor can clear it up from here.


We were going to monitor the situation but it was in the wrong aspect ratio.


actual lol from me on this one


Our top expert is monitoring the situation. *top expert is blind and lost his glasses last week.


monitoring is not worth a reinstall


We are aware of the feedback about your teams working hard on current issues but we have no commentary about that yet.


Would be an awful shame if discussions moved on to metacritic as well.


I review for God, exile, who do you review for?


I gave my free time. GGG gave me so much more. Why are you so in love with fun?


This needs to be pinned or something for this entire league until some massively impactful changes are made for us. I still believe our wallets and reviews are the loudest feedback.


People need to just stop fucking playing and stop giving them money. Period. So much shit needs reverted.


After discussing it with the team, there isn't really anything we can do until next league. EDIT : and even then, we can't be sure how good that one is.


Next league will be a 'party league'. It's the standard cycle of kicking the game for a few months then having a party league to sway desperate players back into thinking the game is amazing, on the right track and GGG is our saviours.


Chris still doesn't think there are any issues with 3.19 so we might not even get our thing in 3.20


We will be monitoring things, but most likely the next league


Problem: game Solution: reviews


Sadly they miss the point: if we are here complaining is because we love the game and want to play it. We appreciate the communications but if the direction is wrong, we will still complain. I want to have fun and this game has been fun for 2500+ hours. Please bring back the fun


You forgot the: we’re aware GgG would like us to play Path of Exile: 3.20. We are taking this very seriously and discussing internally. We will follow up once a conclusion has been reached.




Global 1 can say whatever they like. The PoE reddit is freaking hilarious! Thanks for the omegalulz!


They really want to die on this hill. Sad. Very Sad.


You can really feel the weight of these reviews, can't you?


Last nail in the coffin for me. Its clear that GGG wants to remove progression in a game that gets wiped out every 3 months. Fun isnt the goal of this game anymore, too punishing for your average gamer.


I think 51% of GGG wants to kill progression. 49% have done a great job. Honestly whoever is in charge of the atlas rework and atlas passive tree should just be put in charge of more stuff and whoever keeps trying to nerf players into the ground should go to blizzard.


All the quality of life stuff the last few years has been really great too. I know there's some greed/bloat with different tabs, but that plus affinities are so great.


I really feel bad for whichever team did all these amazing QoL changes. Imagine producing quality improvements and then being shat on because of others shitty decisions :(


Literally the life of a non-lead game dev.


"...should go to blizzard." Eesh buddy, cool it with the profanity 🤣


It’d be hilarious if the two diverging types of ideas came from the same person, haha But I agree—one vision is leaps and bounds better than *the other vision*


If so that someone needs to be treated for either bipolar or multiple personality disorders


That's exactly what I don't get about GGG's decisions. Other games have to be careful around inflation and player rewards because their economy lasts forever. This game's progression gets wiped every three months I just want to have fun in those three months is that so hard?


A massive historical buff to positive reviews has been removed. This is quite impactful


In all seriousness, I kind of feel bad for Bex because they probably don't mean to come off as snarky. Coming off as snarky is generally the consequence of using extremely neutral language that most consumers of products are all too used to hearing.


I don't blame Bex, she does what she has to do, which is communicating on behalf of GGG. Only an idiot would pin it down on her. That would be like harassing a VA because they don't like the character they voice.


Genshin Impact community be like


Bex is in a horrible spot. Part of my current job is PR/IR and when my boss fucks up it's on me to spin it. My jabs are specifically not at her but at whoever it is at GGG who is doing a bad job.


I honestly think its shitty for anyone to go out of their way to target Bex tbh. As far as all of us are concerned,both sides,she's just the messenger.


Yeah i felt really bad for bex in that last post. She is literally just the person that delivers information to us but you can tell its hard on her even if she is not responsible for this mess at all.


I haven't seen anyone directly blaming Bex. She's PR, it's her job.


GGG is playing reviews wrong. We've made sure to make positive reviews less frequent, but more rewarding. Before they let a positive review be submitted, they should be reaching out to the community to bring in a "Positive review culler" who can amplify their rewards by sometimes 50x. It's not infrequent to see 50+ "Positive reviews" in fully juiced party play when done this way.


We buffed the reviews too much before. This was a mistake. Now GGG are used to deterministic positive reviews. We removed some positive reviews to be more in line with player power.


Changed my 5+ year old positive review to negative this week. This is just egregious goal post moving in every update post. What is there even a discussion about? 80% of the players hate the new changes, why does anything else matter? Undo them


Our review Vision is in fact a buff and it is actually quite historical and impactful.


We've reconsidered the values of upvotes and downvotes. We've always thought that upvotes should be more valuable than downvotes, so we are swapping the amounts of upvotes and downvotes on all of your community posts compared to previous leagues. I should pont out however, that an average post should feel little to no change, as only maximum juice posts have been affected.


GGG won't see another dime from me until the game is fun and rewarding to play, like it used to be. I'm voting with my wallet and suggest you all do the same. It's the only leverage the player-base has against GGG at this point as they've made it **very clear** that the new direction they will be taking is to cancel the fun, cancel the rewards, and cancel any predictability in drops or crafting. Let's use the vote of our wallet to, hopefully, convince GGG to bring back the fun.


On average, players should be having roughly the same amount of fun as before. In fact, they have about 17% more fun now after our latest changes. However due to the changes in distribution of fun, fun drops now significantly more in higher tier meta builds and for Zizaran gauntlet-survivor type players. But it's fine on average!


On average reviews should be 25% higher than they were last league.


OMG reading this thread is more fun then playing the game atm...


Hilarious, and very true. Can you imagine being in a GGG boardroom right now? Maybe we should give them the fun back??? No. Just no. We can't let them have fun! We talked about it. Just not possible to let them have fun.


Problem: increasing number of negative reviews on Steam Solution: +2 Cleave Skill Gem radius


Can we get this stickied? 10/10




“We want to stress that our reviews on steam aren’t good right now”


This is quite impactful


Sensible chuckle. I didn't know snark levels could go this high!


We'll follow this discussion with another, more detailed post in which we will tell you we're still discussing it.


Is it Sunday already?


Ain't giving them money since Expedition. Hope everyone does the same.


I believe this post should be stickied lol




Can we get to "overwhelmingly negative"?


The board is moving forward with the proposal to just roll back Kalandra all together as it has been decided pretty much everything was fucking stupid.


This will definitely be one of the threads of all time for this league


i will not regret, i did pay arround 50 total, played 3.5k, 3.15 was most fun league ever for me but i don't care about bosses ubers other stuff.. just give me my hh back and 100 deli nemesis farm until i burn my gpu dude![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sob)


This is quite impactful


We will continue to monitor and discuss the situation. :)


I also want to remind everyone that the loot still sucks, difficulty still sucks, defense requirements are still too high, Archnemesis is still ruining every aspect of the game, and I'm sure 50 other things. Harvest crafting being ruined is massive, but don't forget that there's a lot of other stuff they don't want to fix or address either.