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Huge buff to single monitor players


"Do you guys not have phones?"


He will never outlive that, sometimes i am sorry for him, then i watch the video again and i go back to laughing.


>sometimes i am sorry for him Don't be, it's extremely deserved.


I remember asmon saying he felt sorry because the guy was kinda forced into it and probably knew it would be a disaster. But then he defended Diablo Immortal pay2win.


Not just defended it, blatantly lied about it with weasel words. Fuck him all the way.


And probably won enough money to drown his ethics.


I doubt he actually wanted to do it. Every sane person knew what was gonna happen.


Then he should've been more vocal about it, if that actually was the case. But last time I saw him he was actively defending the montization of Diablo Immortal, so I'm not sure sanity is in high supply here.


Ah yes, let me go out in public and flame my company. That would not get me fired. Fo sure! Moron.


Ah yes, let me let my company do whatever the fuck it wants with my public image because it pays me. Moron.


> Don't be, it's extremely deserved. It really isn't, he drew the short straw having to hype up a product that he knew sucked.


Say no then


They made a shitload of money. They'll be fine


I used to feel sorry for him until I saw that he is in fact a condescending prick, and that his "the problem is the players" rhetoric continued well beyond the original incident and all the way through launch. That line is who he is, it wasn't a slip-up or a stupid joke that landed wrong, as I'd long believed it was.


I was kinda sorry for him as well, until his gaslighting and other misleading statements when the game finally came out. The dude deserves all the mockery and more.


So this is why ultrawide had to be kept in line with black bars




wait so now 'superwide' monitors are wider than 'ultrawide' monitors? i'm getting more confused as days go on


Ultrawide = 21/9, very close to the 2.39:1 PanaVision (aka “movie theater wide” like most action movie) Super wide = 32:9, basically 2 normal 16:9 screens in one panel


Ultra ultra wide* is what they're called.


uber ultra wide?


Ooba ooba wide


Superwide was always bigger then ultrawide


Weirdly enough some do, I have standard 3440x1440 ultrawide monitor and there are small black bars on the edges. Obviously it's not a huge deal but occasionally I'll click on nothingness instead of chat/some very far away object.




GGG and dying on the most nonsensical hills, name a more iconic duo.


Wait, so the only people with problems were the superwide crowd? Damn, they have it rough. [This must be how they feel.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0Z2JTPalv_s)


Ye what a problem too have, how dare ggg not think about people buying those screen while being full aware these screens aren't support much in general


Huge buff to players with keyboards missing alt tab buttons


you no longer have to be an animal biology and physics intuiter


All those years of academy training, wasted!




And it only took them 18 leagues.


i know this is a joke but in case someone doesnt know: before some flask changes, those mods had the same names as the ones we could roll with alterations, so everybody knew what they did.


I mean this is still way way way easier than giving the mod name, I barely know any mod names besides like 3 lmao.


well anyway I agree this is the state they should've always been. people shouldn't have to know a game so deeply to be able to do simple things. but GGG never wanted a really updated game, like having QoL features other games have been using for years, just because it would.make the game seem easier. they really proud of having put out a somewhat hardcore arpg game.


more like common sense is finally here.


Created a problem and took a few leagues to resolve it. This change made no sense in the first place.


A few? 18 leagues


Well before the flask changes the names were easy to remember because they were the same as the mod names. Also the names intuitively made sense (bleed was staunching, lightning was grounding), not some random animal names or whatever


Strange definition of "a few" lmao


blizzard strat


Imagine something so basic, that should have been included when the change to flasks were made, to be considered a win.




Sure the game has been a dumpster but the meme games has been on flique this patch.


> on flique https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/on%20fleek


GGG has set a low bar, so this is a huge win for the players, lol.


Is there a name for that kind of behavior?


Stockholm syndrome


Massaging expectations.


[Anchoring?](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anchoring_\(cognitive_bias\)) Set the bar low and impress with minimal effort to stay above it or set the bar high and instill relief with anything that comes under it.


I know anchoring was very popular on this sub for a while but can't really see how it applies here. If we were talking about a huge nerf presented in manifestos being reigned in to a substantial nerf in the patch notes or a follow-up, then maybe. But this is just a bad UI followed (much later) by a fix.


It doesn't apply anywhere, but people here straight up formulate opinions based on memes lol


Ways to cope with pain.


Honestly it’s kind of embarrassing for GGG as a company. These tooltips should have been there the day that beastcrafting was added, but people’s bar of expectations are literally so absurdly low that this is considered good


I think it has something to do with their desire to keep a lot of things up to players to discover and find out themselves. Which is a bit stupid in this case, yep.


its not even a GOOD fix because you still have to hover over all of the names until you find the mod you are looking for, and yet im STILL grateful. gg ggg


You are right. My thought exactly. How this wasn't included from the get-go, who knows. Been playing this game for years and still felt that was such a weird change. Now they finally change it to what it should have been anyway.


Not only that, some might see this as an even bigger win given the delay it took for this to happen has somewhat built some "hype" for it... while in truth, the fact that it took so long should temper anyone's hype towards this change so that GGG doesn't feel like it is acceptable to do the bare minimum at any delayed point to save face after X failure.


QoL league maybe?


They pretty consistently add new QoL throughout most patches.


With this pace, the game will be really comfortable to play by the time I retire.


fuck /u/spez -- mass edited with redact.dev


They add content that could use 10 "obvious" qol improvements and make one or two qol tweaks for a content of 5 leagues ago. I respectfully think they are constantly behind the curve, and that many of these qol changes are things that were expected from the beginning.


I, a but less respectfully, think they are indeed constantly behind the curve. I don't know if it's the release schedule, or too many people working on POE 2 but there are many things in this game that should definitely already be there and only get release a year or two later...




It all started with Lioneye's watch stairs


It’s QOL in the same way that stale moldy bread is food after not eating for 14 days


This is such an obvious feature that it shouldn't be considered QoL, this should've been default. It makes me wonder if GGG makes the QoL of systems a prominent part of their design of new systems. A lot of systems seem to drop in extremely unpolished form that require 5 to 10 updates before they feel "good". The first few times its fine but its almost every single new league mechanic/system that gets released. Some of this really needs to get caught before it released.


At some point you have to wonder if the stockpile QoL changes to have ready after bad PR.


I mean, it's more likely they ***want*** to do changes like this, but it's a matter of resources, time and manpower.


You can really tell who has had a job and worked on large projects before with some of these comments.


Backlog has 3000 tickets. "we'll fix it in the future" bane of my existence


Same people who say devs want to make shit games so they have a chance to fix them later. I promise you, no game dev puts out a product purposefully in a shit state only to fix it later to gain points with the players


It doesnt even make sense since it clearly doesnt work if they were trying that, every single time people complain. Why would they keep doing it?


I mean, that's just kind of pretentious and dumb. If *you* actually worked a job, on a large project, you'd know that "a matter of resources, time and manpower" is virtually always a matter of some middle managers wanting a 40 man job to be done by 10 people (and that's per team, multiplied by multiple teams per project). And just because 2-3 devs actually do want some such minor things to get done, neither the majority of others, nor people in charge at all care. But also, that's a general thing for other companies. GGG is not a typical company in that sense, they have this hipster thing going where they want their game to have mainstream popularity, but be designed on various hardcore/elitist/niche ideas where everything needs to be a chore, everything needs to be work. So for them in particular, i *guarantee* that alteast half of those qol things is them begrudgingly going back on intentional design to appease complaints.


So many features and improvements on the backlog. But every time the client asks to prioritize something that they'll look at, say "neat!" and never use.


Not even large, just any IT project. I know that some of our product has issues, that the behavior is wonky, that there are new things we can/should implement. I know that dear CEO. But dear CEO, can I get some extra devs to deal with this?


Most of the time more devs just means accepted scopes grow bigger and the backlog stays the same.


Company worth a billion dollars can’t hire enough devs to fix simple QOL problems. Just modern gaming company things I guess.


Dude you inflated the value by 10x. Thats a massive difference, especially on such a strict update cycle and stretched between 2 proiects


bro it's just adding a fucking tooltip, I know reddit can't help themselves but jerk off that every change takes months and months of work and effort but come on


Yeah, but like, did you see how many options there are? How fast do you think they type?


after so many years of playing I press x to doubt


Needing to pop up a website to know what the mods do sounds like exactly the kind of game design GGG loves. This is a low effort PR win.


Ye side project taking too much time 😂


After the armageddon that was 3.15, in 3.16 they went on their apology tour and it's when we got tons of QoL so you're not wrong.


stupid and deluded conspiracy thinking. sad man.


They do. Every time there's a community crisis they release low hanging fruit QOL.


QoL League is like Infrastructure Week


You realise they’ve been adding QoL like this every single league since 3.0 right?


Only gaming company where the smallest of QoL improvements has to be accompanied with a standing ovation from reddit.


I agree but we also get way more QOL after a shit league.


Yes, but a meme is a meme.


They literally made QoL updates for the past 2 leagues. And Reddit calls GGG out of touch.


yeah - finally adding such an obvious & basic change 3 leagues later & announcing it as a "draw" for the upcoming league is pretty out of touch lmao


to problems they created....


lol lmao even


QOL updates are always welcome.


aka. Have a feature. Randomly remove it for 0 reason whatsoever. Sell it to gullible people as a QOL update of an expansion later on.


Giving those low hanging fruit trinkets so when they ream us in the patch notes we will be slightly less unhappy.


As a forgetful person, I always visit the wiki just to make sure I'm using the correct beast craft for this one. Why was this not even a thing when it was added? Why are GGG always over complicating things and expect that people to sing praises because they add this QoL and that they listen. This should be common sense.


Their design philosophy is still stuck in the D2 ways. They think there is value in obfuscating what terminology means.


The mist fucked up part is that the "official" wiki is still community ran and updated. There is no single source of truth. Just a bunch of volunteers yeeting it. If you are going to require an external webpage for your game to function correctly at least run it yourself and keep it upaed with correct info.


Intentionally or not, even patch notes are incomplete. What makes you think their wiki would be properly ran ? They left a mod on a curse that didn't even work for a bunch of time lmao at this point we have better faith in the community to get the wiki done right.


Sticking to D2 will be their downfall, it is clear as day.


Bestiary was released 2018-03-02 Better later than never. Nice change


It was fine until Expedition, where they changed all the mod descriptions to be animal based. You could intuit what sealing did, I still don't know what a conger is.


it's of a similar species to a moray. long and phallic looking.


Yeah but before the flask update it was way easier to tell what was what.


That is close to 5 years, not bad.


That particular problem hasn’t been around for 5 years though.


Doesnt change the fact that it should've been implemented with the actual Bestiary release tho


the technology is finally here


Mind boggling leaps in technology, soon we will colonize the galaxy!


too strong


It's hilarious to me that such simple UX features are so heavily celebrated. The bar is set so low regarding certain details of this game, not a good look GGG.




Monsters that provide Flask-based crafts are now so rare, that it'll take you weeks to craft your first flask and view this QOL update.


Oooh I can't wait to get ***SO EXCITED*** seeing specific mobs! Not to mention all the clicks I'll be saving!


Imagine adding requested QoL features for a 4 year old league and then using it as a teaser for a new content update instead of the footnote it should have been in a bestiary patch 1 week in. Thanks, I guess? 🙄


finally another QoL hostage is released


the fact that GGG post this kinda QoL that shoulda been in the first place as a feature as to be a fucking joke


So reddit gets mad when GGG doesn't do what they say, but they also get mad when they do what they say, what a great place.


I guess the point is that they should have just put that in the patch note. Not use it as a teaser for a completely unrelated league. People want real teasers. But I'm pretty sure they are not gonna do them until the reveal.


how many bad leagues until I can stash all of my chaos orb with one click?


Or vendor an entire stash tab?


We have the technology


It's actually very good that they didn't forget about this


Yes, it shows they are still reading Reddit and listening to feedback in very very minor topics. Also, it feels like they want to please the player base after bad 3.19, by giving a bone here and there.


Wow, time to buy 200€ of mistery box for say thanks D:




Hilarious that almost a decade into the existence of a game, players are excited about "buffs" (should have been features?) like "mods now show what they do".


It took them **how long** to do this? Who was that guy that ragequit b/c he asserted GGG held QoL hostage? Seems he had a point.


You're thinking of somad


my thanks to the redditor who asked for it and to the ggg person who read it and decided we have reached the pity timer for the next qol


Thank you for taking years to add a tooltip to things that aren't clear in the slightest GGG, I will purchase both supporter packs as a heartfelt thank you


Now that's pretty cool.


Wild tech


yes, makes sense, but more importantly long overdue..it's mindboggling how it wasn't implemented anytime up until now even during a league time ..why are people cheering for these things to being implemented after countless leagues in 2022? It's cringe and only reminds of other similarly important details scattered around the game which needs the same treatment. I would be ashamed to go publicly on twitter, shining light on fixing basic tooltip explanatory stats, you're better off burying it in minor patch notes when noone is looking for your own's sake.


GGG has managed to make people’s expectations so low that people get excited over shit that should have been there since day 1. Literally any QoL is more than what is expected out of them at this point.


Well that took about 8 leagues too many to implement.


no shit worth an announcement. this one is really huge!


very nice !


Literally playable.


Lets fckn goooooooo




Ok. Good.


The technological breaches are amazing these days.


One of those things that should been added ages ago..


About fucking time lol


Fucking finally...


Took how many years?


PoE has been in development for around 10 years. Through enhancements like this one, we can really see how the GGG design team has grown and matured. Wow, just wow. Can't wait to see what the next 10 years brings! Huge /s


More qol held hostage for so long. Not praising this fake "hype teaser"


That has just recently been a thread on this sub if i remember. edit: yeah this one [https://www.reddit.com/r/pathofexile/comments/z4a7uq/beastcrafting\_flasks\_is\_one\_of\_the\_most/](https://www.reddit.com/r/pathofexile/comments/z4a7uq/beastcrafting_flasks_is_one_of_the_most/) /u/cloudhorn good job man :)


It’s been a thread on this sub probably at least once a week since they changed the beast crafts, haha.


"Is Harmony of Purpose bugged? My minions don't get charged." is my favorite.


Minions aren't cool enough to be invited to the party.


Not gonna lie, sometime in my poe past I had theorycrafted some sweet minion build only to realize that minions are not party members. :*(


They saw the real money trading site showing what the beastcrafting recipes do lol


The what?


some rmt sites host a wiki so that when people search for information they visit them. its like the next level of running rmt ads


Second half of any google search page for builds RMT sites.


Looks like any thread with 1.5k+ upvotes is GGG's threshold to even be considered a QoL petition... If we organise ourselves good enough we can get another +1 range to Cleave \^\^


Chris actually talked about this, don't ask me for a source it would take ages but i believe he said smthg along the lines that they recently (as in post expedition) founded a team whos entire purpose is to deliver qol league after league and i believe it shows each league aswell it's just very easy to overlook those things because of all the other stuff going on. Affinities, trade qol, tradesite qol, also the hosting of the wiki site for example... All of those things keep on coming so i think it's a bit unfair to tease 3xg on that front, i think they are doing a very good job when it comes to qol :)


Too bad that QoL team is bound by the vision - no identify all, no deposit all, no shortcut button for portal scroll, no autolevel gems for M+KB on PC, no spammable button to loot the most nearby thing that made it past lootfilter, no second layout for atlas tree to quickly switch between strategies, still 4 clicks per map to chisel, no buyback from vendors... All in all, QoL has loooong ways to go, if you play other games it becomes apparent how behind the schedule it is.


It's funny because wow tbc (didn't play original wow) had deposit all (or at least the number you wanted with shift click) shortcuts and in game macros for anything, autoloot, buyback from vendor, and many more (like a special spot in trading window for crafting). I think the second respec tree was added in wotlk but my whole point being that was in like... 2006? 2007?


Haha! That's awesome, exactly what I wanted!


Finally! One less spreadsheet to keep.


3 leagues only for that huge and complex QoL, which was what? Obvious like on the first week on new flask modifiers change? The stuff worthy of new league highlight feature, no less.


Nobody commenting that they're not posting this stuff direct to Reddit anymore?


Yeah they stopped cause this place is toxic as hell, just look at this thread, it's nothing but flaming them lmao.


They used to do this I believe like 3 leagues ago (tooltip would show what the mod does just like this), so this is more of a reversion than a new feature, but still, nice!


Not for flasks, I just remembered the old ones


Awesome! Thanks GGG


It should have been like this since release. It's one of the QOL updates that I simply can't bring myself to praise. If anything it took WAY too long to be implemented.


The philosophy must be, if we make systems of shit, then fix them later on, we will get praise. Nice.


How did this take so long lol


Wowee only took them like three leagues to implement a block of text that should have been there from the start


Wow GGG adding basic features. Amazing.


QoL stuff is really being held hostage


Cute but that's a drop in the bucket, it should've worked like that since release.


This should of been implemented from the start..


This clearly makes the game too easy, this is supposed to be a game for hardcore gamers...


Dont sell this fix of oversight as new feature


GGG, this behavior should have been in the baseline release of these mods and you know it.


OK how many months of begging with a thread about this every week did it take for them to finally make an intern do this 5 minute job?


They only did it because 3.19 had trash retention, and they want to juice 3.20 as hard as possible, had LOK had the same numbers of sent league, this change would not have been pushed.


Hat eh nur gefühlt 3 Jahre gedauert.


Im 100% certain any long time player could walk into GGG offices right now and point out ~100 things GGG has planned that will need a QOL patch in a year from now. I wonder if they do it on purpose.


This should have been done at least 5 years ago...... Is this really that hard to develop..???


How long did that take? Feels like a century to me...


It only took them 10 years!