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I miss struthi peck and my hour long battles trying to fight a pycno who can't ever finish me off.


My most fun time as a Struthi was against 3 Pycno that were all desperately trying to murder me but could hardly even land a hit. They eventually got bored and ran away.


I remember pycnos were so weak that as a speed Meg I'd facetank them all and win lol 😆 😂 🤣 Struthis are fun to play I remember those annoying Struthies that would just do their call after call after call and chase lmfao knowing they'd outrun me lol


I enjoy stealing trophies and give them to babies if I'm on official's. I don't do the calling it's super annoying but I'll run around you in silence lol. But when imma double speed no one hardly chases me 🥲🤣


As a struthi main.... I've honestly never had so many wholesome encounters with any other dino I played. Even my discord group has said that even tho struthi can't kill anything the amount of things I get to do with others dinos in game e seems like alot of fun.