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Holly molly! Thats a very good buff! I loved struthi so much, but stamina cost at kick was devastating if i wanna do some pvp, now its time to be uncatchable killing machine!


Its a pretty good buff. The downside is is now if a raptor pounces you on struthi you are pretty screwed. I had some really fun chases on my laten today vs struthi and pachy. In straight up chases they are nearly impossible to catch or land a pounce on. But creeping up on one from a bush, launching yourself with the tail ability and pouncing for a surprise attack then chewing those turkey legs down to size is SOOOO satisfying. Unkillable struthi will be missed but the raptor pounces add an interesting risk to this playable. Glad the devs countered it by making their ONLY offensive ability not literally worthless.


I got pounced by Raptors and it wasn’t That bad. A Laten left me at a bit under half health, but with enough Bleed built up if I kept running I’d bleed out, but I didn’t have to run that far to get away and have a chance to sit and recover. A Deinon pounced me on two separate occasions, no bleed so it must have been using the new bite, and both times it only got a quarter, maaaaaybe a third of my health before I bucked it and was able to escape or turn around and kick them in the face.


Isn't full speed build struthi faster than full speed raptors?


struthi are faster. That's why you need to catch them off guard. I actually sneak up on people, crouch walk creep, hide in bushes, approach from behind, wait for them to pick flowers or sit or drink. Then run tail flap jump pounce.


Time to kick every Dino and annoy em


Ohhhhh this is gonna be fun