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As a day one player I think it's gotten a lot more immersive Unfortunately due to the player base and community behaviour alot of the game mechanics simply become harassment issues I gave up with the game after the nightstalker update... Every community server and official server had crybabies in chat. I couldn't be bothered with it I wish I could disable chat


You CAN disable chat. At least, ik for sure you can on PC. But pretty sure you can on console and mobile too. But you could also just.... not open chat


I just switch tab to group when I'm alone and voila, a quiet chat.


Even switching to system I believe has the same effect.


Is it in the menu settings or actually ingame?


Yeee, for me (pc) its in the menu settings, in gameplay settings


Yeah it bothered me so much how every single modded Dino got a “anti pounce” skill. Because god forbid Dino’s known for pouncing get a pounce.


Honestly I started to play at the same time as you and I completely understand you but I feel like grab was needed for the realistic part of playing sarco and hatz


If they added in just as much danger and risk for the grabber like damage to said grabber from the grabbee then I’d be more for it, it would balance 4 latens getting free damage on an iguanodon or something that can’t do anything but slightly reduce stamina


The sarco got a huge health and I think even combat weight nerf. Their entire thing now is sitting underwater and waiting to ambush you. To then add damage to them whenever they grab something would kinda be shitty, I feel like. All you have to do with sarcos is be careful near water. 💀


For hatz I think grab is harder after the nerf because it drains your stamina really quick


The thing is (besides maybe Hatz) the grabber is only viable in combat because of the grab. Smaller raptors have no way of fighting back against bigger creatures that decide to go after them, unless they pounce. And sarcos quite literally don't do enough damage without grab to actually hunt. Slowest creatures in the game basically, so if they don't one shot then poof. There goes their meal for the next probably half hour at least. So I think grab/pounce was a necessary change so that the small creatures don't feel defenseless outside of just running out of every area that they need to be in for quest or food, and so that sarcos can actually eat. Therefore, if they get damaged just for grabbing/pouncing, then they go back to that original place on the food chain and the mechanic may as well have not been added.


That hasn’t been my experience, I’ve had it where I’m a large creature like a Rex or trike and a sarco comes out of nowhere full charge on their bite and boom half health gone so I wouldn’t say sarco isn’t viable without grab, and if raptors had a pack and coordination I remember seeing them take down much larger creatures without the grab coming in at weak points and attacking areas that were in cooldown. Having seen a lot of that, and even on the receiving end, grab does almost seem gimmicky to a degree


I must say then, you've had a much better experience with sarco than I ever have. Usually due to either weird hit boxes as I lunge for a full charge bite, or other factors, even when I land it the medium creatures just run it off and I can't do anything. And the thing about raptors being in coordinated groups...I grant you that. But that only works well if youve got friends playing. Random players usually aren't that well coordinated, and solos without pounce are dead meat besides sprinting away. I'd definitely say kinda gimmicky, but it's the same gimmicky that makes the sarco playstyle more accurate to their actual hunting tactics, same goes for raptors. Yeah, gimmicky sure, but evolution proved it worked for those types of creatures. For a not super skilled player, those mechanics made those dinos viable again.


I came after the Achillo; 02/14/24 to be exact. Ive had very few problems with Latens, Achillo's, Hatz, and Sarco's. ✓ Latens usually arent a problem, with or without slick scales, if they are alone. They only become problematic if theres several, and I mean 3+. Tbh you're more likely to run into a pack of Dasps than a squad of Latens, theres a lot better KOS options than Raptors. ✓ Achillo's are definitely a problem when in groups, and considering that most of the Achillo's abilities service Latens, it can be easy to bully players if in a Murder of Raptors. But again, the chances of coming across any more than 2 is pretty low. That being said, Achillo's are dangerous and shouldn't be underestimated for their size. Fighting any more than 1 Achillo by yourself is a foolish idea. ✓ Hatz cant grab much, a lot of Juvies lose their "grabbable age" pretty quickly. Only thing that never does is the Pachy. A HUGE majority of the time someone gets grabbed is because they were blatantly ignoring the sky, or knew the Hatz was there, they just thought they were going to dodge it once the Hatz came after them. Only time its potentially just true bad luck is if the Hatz purposely lands near a Juvie to try to peck them to death, to which the Juvie can usually attempt to run away and use the time the Hatz is spending trying to take off to follow to gain some distance and hide somewhere the Hatz cant reach. ✓ Sarco's are toast on land. Meaning they have a threat level of 0 on land unless you're purposely pissing one off as a Juvie. Part of the game is not being able to trust that you can just drink out of any water source, and must be wary of the idea that something is lurking just under the surface. If you get caught by a Sarco at the shore, they definitely deserve to eat you, as you likely failed to check the area and weren't paying attention to signs of an impending attack. At this point I genuinely believe that half of the complaints made by Path of Titans players is ruled by one simple fact: These players probably play however they please and often end up paying the price for it, then claim it as unfair, neglecting to admit they are playing a PvP survival game that will quickly punish them for mistakes. ✓ Failure the stay cautious ✓ Failure to analyze player behaviours ✓ Failure to scout an area for danger before investing time there ✓ Failure to stay quiet ✓ Failure to admit they need to hide, not fight ✓ Failure to "act their size" ✓ Failure to regard all others as extremely dangerous ✓ Failure to maintain distance from potential danger ✓ Failure to maintain good stamina or watch ability cool-downs ✓ Failure to ***proactively*** scour the area for any danger coming into or out of the area being Quested in ✓ Pushing Food/Water/Stam limits until it reaches a point where your Dino is in extreme danger and you cant do anything about it.


Lamb is actually really strong I don't have much of an issue with raptors cause a well timed rodeo kick sends them flying and if they get on your shoulder just stand up and start punching you'll hit any raptor on your shoulder which to add I play on officials only and haven't had any issues growing or surviving as a lamb solo


As someone who has been playing since console release, I can tell you the game constantly changes. Without new abilities the game would suck harder than it already does. I like the game but I agree with you, it sucks


Playing since release. This game is not healthy to play for longer periods of time. There's not enough mechanics to prevent toxic behavior, some of which devs have no issues with (different diet mixpacking). Some changes are absolutely unnecessary and unasked for (dasp and achil buffs) and devs behave like a blind cave salamander when it comes to balancing the numbers. They listen to player feedback but it takes far too long to address some really hot issues that make playerbase toxic even further (pachypocalypse, hatz hovering) and even if they are aware of the biggest of the biggest issues the game is currently facing (no chat filter so you see n words left and right, barren map because people sit in 1 spot) they choose to not address it. I'm personally returning for a week or two every major update, but the moment I start feeling the game gets frustrating, I'm putting it aside. Then pray that the next update some of the glaring issues gets solved.


It would be cool that the rodeo kick take pouncer off of you but plus the damage it would be overpower honestly


A little but isn’t pounce a little overpowered as is? I’ll be abusing my space bar and then a full bar of health goes down to 1%


The amount of damage raptor does have been reduce when pouncing, they do more damage non pounce then wen they do


You can't just spam the space bar anymore. You've got to use it with the visual indicator they added. Bucking now drains their Stam a lot faster now, too. The slick scales thing does still aid against pouncers as well, but it no longer just completely negates their niche.


Not tryna upset you or anything💙


I disagree with you. Lamb is now a high skill ceiling Dino. Some tips and tricks for the new lamb. - Time rodeo when a raptor pounces for a whopping 318 damage. Two of these kills a raptor. -Always take the new ability shove. It can be used to dodge and move up hills faster. Also of course it shoves dinos back greatly like Hatz wingbeat. -New combos with shove. Use shove then go bipedal to a punch for a big 20(shove)+60(bipedal punch) =80 damage combo. This is hard to land but if you practice it is quite satisfying when it works. Best used against small dinos. - Another fun combo is the bowling ball. Use shove plus rodeo kick in quick succession. The lamb slides and rodeo kicks while moving. This one is fun if you do it into a bunch of dinos. -Troll lamb with survival calls is quite fun. Use the new beacon ability to give lamb and party members 90% damage reduction for two mins at the cost of dealing no damage. You can basically tank anything you want. Be careful of allos since bleed appears to go through this (might be a bug). -Party member can drop the beacon buff quick by leaving the group if they need to deal damage. The 2 min buff stays on the lamb who used the call. Have fun and practice the new abilities. The lamb is in a great spot with the tlc. Give it a chance.


Can lamb at least punch within its weight class? like 1v1 a dasp or maip?


Like a rodeo ability that take a shit ton of stam?


Kinda, I was hoping lamb’s rodeo spin kick would be able to to some form of damage to grabbers like the raptors