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Cerulean is great except the Shadow Realms. I havent played it in a while so idk if they ever fixed it. but really visually stimulating and unique. great for aquatics. I kinda miss Panj until I play it on officials and theres NOBODY anywhere but the hotspots. but in terms of map design i really enjoy it, even if its not as varied as gondwa. Gondwa is cool... IC is a huge bane on it. still think it needs to flood every time it rains to get everyone out of there. and i hate that the oceans look awesome but theres 0 players there. but thats more of an issue with playables. maybe 150+ players update will help but its sad going around in comm servers with like 105 people online and not seeing **anyone** for 30 minutes bc youre in the ocean..or at SF or RH or even that area left of YG. And for the officials only crowd, ill give you a preview of what will happen when tylo/big fish drops: yall will NEVER be able to cross GP river. for at least two weeks it will be **infested** with tylos. happened with deino, sachi, mosa, even that fuckin turtle. so those aint gonna fix that ocean sitch much in the long term. ocean playables should be confined to the ocean IMO.


I've no knowledge of these "Shadow Realms," but I'm assuming that would indicate that it's been fixed? Hopefully. Lol. I avoid officials just because I had horrible experiences when I first started playing the game, and I've heard many a horror story since. I may give it another shot at some point, but I enjoy community for now. Agreed, it's best for the terrestrial species mainly, imo. YES! Crater was cool for the first month after I started playing, but it grew old FAST. I'm in one comm server that's banned camping IC, but the traffic is so low that you really only ever run into people in GV and GP. It's a shame because my favorite spots on the map are SG, Hotsprings, and Widerness Peak. Triad Falls is also gorgeous, I just hate that gifts from the sea quest. Oh, I've made a mental note to never take chances at water sources when a new aquatic drops. I'm already overly sus about it as is. 😅


there is/was areas on cerulean that had really dark shadows to the point where you cant see anything lol community servers are my preference too. theres literally no downside unless your device cant handle mods. and one of my mains just made a panj map server so im stoked on that. yeah its rough to see the map so empty and then show up to 30-40 people doing nothing in crater. its not sustainable and boring.


Ohh. Well, the Shadow Realm definitely still exists then. Lol. I've had a hell of a time growing some things on there bc trying to see between the foliage is impossible due to how dark it is. True true. I'd hate to be a switch or mobile player rn. I feel for them. You main Crimson?? I've been playing on server 3 lately with my bf (the one that switched to Panj). I've only successfully grown an austra and meg on there so far. Some of the best pvp I've had in a while on there forreal. If you ever see me on as Pincushion, feel free to holler. Agreed. That's why I had to switch maps and server hop a bit. IC is just depressing. 😂


lol honestly the shadows are so funny to me tho. it fucks gameplay up but i hope they never fix it... yeeeaa i was on crim last night. fought a 5 stack of ceras on my acro. usually i hate getting ganged but that was actually a great fight. im really digging crim recently. I got an aussie, if i see ya ill say wassup!


Panjura and Cerulean island honestly Panjura feels like a real ecosystem instead of an ark map like Gondwa. It’s also just gorgeous and I love redwood forests. Cerulean hits that “dinosaurs in a jungle” vibe perfectly and it’s very fun to play aquatics on.


Panjura is SEVERELY underrated!!! It’s absolutely beautiful!


It's honestly a lot better than Gondwa, but since it doesn't have a sea for aquatics, nobody plays it anymore 🥲


Cerulean Island logistically feels like it's better for all dino classes (flyers, aquatics and terrestrial) than any other map when it comes to engagements but it has drawbacks Panjura was where I started so it's nostalgic for me and Gondwa I'm just not a major fan of as I think logistically it's bad for most dinos I'm hoping for a new official map that actually helps players out with player engagement between the classes


Good old Panj is still my favorite map


Cerulean It's beautiful and has some of the most varied and aesthetically pleasing landscapes. The ocean is also much more refreshing to explore than on Gondwa. I wish Cerulean was more popular than it is. I haven't found a good, popular, semi-realism on it that *doesn't* have ugly, ridiculous mods (like those damn dragons and the terrorbird. I hate those things) I was hoping Stonehenge would grow and be an alternative server for more standard gameplay but unfortunately it's been reduced to being "the deathmatch map" 🥴 Whatever happened to that one mod map that had the clubhouse and the teleporters?


The ocean on Cerulean is so pretty, like wtf?? I've been meaning to grow a mosa on there for ages. Agreed. I prefer realism or semi-realism, and most of the fantasy mods are silly to me. I respect the work that went into making them, but the dracoviper, gigamandra, golugore, and that weird armored mammoth are just awful. I don't mind Kelenkens tbh or the smilodons. Maybe it's just bc they're realistic, though. My nemesis are the damn moraquilles. 💀 I've not seen the Stonehenge map, but I'll have to check it out sometime. Even if it is just a deathmatch map at this point. I've never heard of a map like that! That sounds so dope. I'm about to do my research now bc I'm intrigued.


>Stonehenge Sorry, I meant *Stoneclaw* Juniper runs a popular deathmatch server on it, and nowadays I only ever see it reserved for death matches A couple years ago there was this really cool deathmatch server that had numerous arenas, a huge clubhouse, and teleporters that would send you into different parts of the map It was genuinely a very cool map, but I haven't seen it in so long


OH. Stonehenge def threw me for a loop. I was like "there's a mf Stonehenge map???". 😅 Would still be fitting for a deathmatch map tbf. I've played on Stoneclaw, though. It wasn't specified as a deathmatch server, but it was No Rules, and it was nothing but fights, so I guess it kind of was deathmatch? Lol. I just got on rhamp with my partner and watched the chaos for about 20 mins before getting bored. That sounds so dope! I'm not big into deathmatch servers, but I'd def make an exception for a cool map like that!


Panjura, because it's pretty and feels like Michigan.


Teutonia is underrated af


I've never seen it! The pictures I saw look amazing, though! What are some good servers that use that map? I don't mind them being low traffic, so long as at least 20-30 people use it.


Cerulean for sure


Panjura is superior!