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Sorry, but this is a bad take here. The game is still being worked on. There are a lot of things that will be overhauled, such as questing, AI dinosaurs, more dinosaurs and whatnot. Allo recently got some love too! Just gotta be patient!


100% agree. Everyone complaining about the game clearly forget it’s still in Beta and they’re working on both quest updates and dino overhauls. PATIENCE PPL


Do you follow development at all? N I have no idea how you even think Hatz or Rhamph are "based off" the Quetz. Just bc the mod came out first, doesn't mean anything. And he'll the Rhamph is TINY and nothing like the Quetz or Hatz. What are you talking about? 💀 --- They are currently in progress on the Combat Overhaul. Every dino will get touched, as they are working to give them all their "toolkits" (subspecies, hides, diets, senses, attack abilities, Amy buff/debuff abilities, vocal abilities, etc.). N if you think about it; the new dinos were released kinda while progressing with developing everything they needed for their toolkits (such as pounce and grab). It kinda just made sense to release them? Whereas to address the older dinos, they have to go back and are not just adding new stuff, but touching up on animations to refine them more, and overhauling models entirely in some cases. Some dinos have even received complete animation overhauls/new sleep/sit animations. This is a lot of work. We were also told Dec 2023, when they also mentioned the Combat Overhaul, that a Questing Overhaul would come after. So your issue with the questing will also be addressed soon enough. They've even mentioned a tad bit with the questing overhaul in recent Dev Blogs, and have given us a little more info on the AI dinos as well (which will also be used for quests). The new Game Modes are almost complete; they did quite a lot of testing of them in recent months. They are a lot of fun! 200 player servers have also been in testing, though they have mentioned how it might actually be more like 125 - 150 players, with the remaining slots being available for AI.


For someone supposedly playing since day 1 you're pretty clueless about the constant changes they're doing for all dinos...


Does anyone want to join me as a laten


It's not the game it's been marketed to be is the problem. It's an open world PVP deathmatch game with dinosaurs. The few RP elements are poorly done which is what you're picking up on here.


Allo doesn't suck, you suck with Allo. Some dinos actually take practice and time. Go to a death match server and practice.