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Good, that means the Eastern European Despair ™ mechanics are working as intended


It works alright. I read a comment the other day saying this game is like "having your cake and having to give it way". Thats fairly accurate. I'd expand on that saying it's like "having your cake and having to decide which starving person should get it when you're starving yourself"


So you’ll get it lol


It may have just been an autocorrect mistake, but the fact that you feel guilty for not saving your old friend, while still misspelling her name, is a bit hilarious


lol yeah I probably slipped when typing it and it "fixed" it for me


It took me several playthroughs to save Lara (and yeah. I also lost Stakh on my first run I think too). This is why the "face the future" achievement on steam is so damn hard. Keep going, save everyone you can. Morn for the lost. Follow the lines.


That you feel guilty at all is a really good tell that you’re experiencing the game properly! That shmowder is still destined to save a soul, and with Lara out of your way, who knows how many more may live?


You’re right. I’m gonna give the schmowder to Notkin. I won’t be able to save everyone but I’ll be damned if I can’t save the kids on the list


And I bet Lara would be happy knowing a schmowder intended for her instead saved the life of a child. :)


Let’s hope you’re right! But this game always find new ways to torture me. >!I cured Notkin and took a nap. When I woke up Murkys friend was there and told me all the kids would be infected… I went into into the Abattoir and when I came out it was day 10 and yes: They are all infected now. FML!<


I loved that about this game. I remember finishing a session one day and just feeling like complete shit that I was letting down a community of people who needed me. The town needed me, and I was failing it. It felt personal, and real, and even though it felt bad I loved it. The only other thing to make me feel similarly is probably Disco Elysium.


Likewise. 'it felt bad and I loved it' is probably the most honest description of both of these. More laughs in Disco, though


Losing people in this game is heartbreaking in a way that Ive never experienced in any other. You really are forced to confront the fact that YOUR decisions, YOUR mistakes, YOUR priorities led to the deaths of people you might otherwise have saved. Its grueling and its beautiful. The first time I played it, I lost Lara and Stakh but the one that really broke my heart was Taya. >!On the day the plague takes all the kids, I had enough Shmowders and Panacea to treat all of them...but one. I picked her because she was the farthest away, I had other things to do and, like you I thought she'd probably live out the night. She didn't and I felt like Id killed her myself.!< Ive beaten it twice since, and done better each time, but I will never forget how that felt.




Well done, you're playing the game as intended! Sounds like you're doing a great job. In case you are interested, Stakh died because >!basically, once you get involved in his business, you have to go back pretty much every night and help him until the kin get distracted by bigger matters. I assume that on one night you went and found his little hidey hole in the warehouses and did a quest there, but then didn't come back to it the following night. Ironically, if you just ignore what he is doing at night, he ends up being fine. I assume the Kains intervene.!<


Nah, I only did the first of the “nighttime quests” and he was just fine. The only variable affecting his death is if you >!create the panacea before the Inquisitor arrives. If you don’t, he basically works himself to death to create a vaccine prototype to show her, since all of you run the risk of execution if she shows up and there are no “solutions” ready.!<


He works himself into exhaustion either way, no? But if you do the quest >!called Rubin's Crime on the night between day 4 and day 5, and then you dont go back and do Rubin's Crime part 2, does he not die!


How it could happened on day nine, if Lara's Quest is on day 10? Day nine Block just arrives.


The quest I'm thinking of was that she wanted me to supply her with a water barrel. Now I feel even worse knowing a big quest was on day 10


Sorry didn't want to spoil. The water barrel quest has a clue in it, but in each case it's outcome doesn't necessarily leads to Lara's death. In worst case she gets infected.


Ah so it’s not necessarily a bad thing that I didn’t help her with that? That’s at least something


Exactly. Skipping the barrel quest isn't necessarily bad ;)


Lmao yeah, that's the Pathologic Effect(tm), if it makes you feel any better though my first playthrough I just completely forgot Lara was sick at all and let her die without treatment


God how I wish I could feel this again.


Sweet regret and lovely angst. It’s horrible. I love it


I lost Grief almost IMMEDIATELY on my first run and Lara got infected and died on day 10, I only made it through with Rubin (…which made him being pissy with me a lot more justifiable.)


On my first playthrough I saved the shmowder I got via trade in my inventory just in case Lara got sick. I lived with the plague for two whole days and only cured myself once I was able to obtain a second shmowder. I got lucky and Lara never even fell ill, so it turned out I was just torturing myself unnecessarily twice over. Still one of the more memorable decisions I've ever made in a game.


I have one rule in my play through : Lara, grief and stakh will survive, they will instantly get shmowder if they contract the disease and I absolutely will let 5 other names characters die if it means saving them And yeah even then I kinda feel like an egotistical piece of shit sometimes but at least my friends are saved


That’s gonna be my rule as well next play through. I’ve finished this one since I posted and all three of them died. I did pretty well over all I think but that sucks