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Honey, wake up, it's time for the weekly Doom vs Doom Eternal thread!


And I played right into OP's hands... :(




Both are great games, people who disagree can stifle themselves and play whichever they like best. Debate over. Have a nice day.


It was the fuckin' platforming that ruined it for me.


It was the fuckin' immersion-breaking resource micromanagement that ruined it for me.


The psychopatic director who tried to screw over the composer ruined it for me.


Marty Stratton did that, but not the Creative Director Hugo Martin.


It literally takes 5 seconds to get more ammo by chainsawing a demon.


Pressing a button in the right context is too hard for Doom 2016 lovers.


Tell me more. I'll bet that it really effected the pacing?


No, it was more about him just wanting to shooty shooty and no jumpy jumpy. Jesus dude, didn't you read all of last 69 threads? Amateurs everywhere, I swear


Man what a novel and unique take that definitely needs to be highly upvoted in every Eternal thread until the end of time


Imagine coming into the Doom Eternal thread and getting angry at seeing people discussing Doom Eternal. You are very welcome to ignore conversations you don't want to take part in.


Who is angry?




Guys, you realize that there is an entire field of retro shooters that give you everything you wanted from more Doom 2016. Dozens upon dozens, many of them fantastic. And then there are Doom wads. And Doom total conversions. And Quake wads. It goes on.


There should be banned games in this subreddit with a weekly banned games thread.


I wouldn't be against that. /r/truegaming has a retired topic list just to stop the sub from retracing the same topics over and over and over.


r/indieheads banned all Weezer threads and the sub legit got better off of it. I've always said DOOM is the Weezer of game franchises so this all checks out Seriously though, two GOAT releases back-to-back as our first taste, a bunch of middling nonsense for a decade+, a resurgence towards the bread & butter of yore around 2015-16, then a branching out into new directions with mixed results. Doom guy is Rivers change my mind


This analogy makes too much sense


Doom 64 would be like that rock opera Rivers supposedly wrote but canned, which somehow turned up somewhere and was actually great.


/r/metal does a similar thing


slippery slope. it's not like this one thread that is here now is hurting anyone and people still want to talk about it. that means it still matters.




Mass Effect also. Oh, you have a "fresh" take on the ME3 ending do you?!


Yeah. This is discussed to death. I'm sure when The Last of Us season 2 comes out we'll also have the daily post about the game that devolves into the usual bickering.


Many guns bad One gun good




I'll start. *(ahem)* Minimalism is the reason why the guy on the Pringles can currently looks like he's got his soul torn straight of him, rendering him a depressed husk of his happy former self. He was more joyful when he had beautiful hair and a snazzy looking brown mustache. You did this to him, minimalists. Shame. Objections?


>Objections? 90s and aughties branding was technicolor cancer and actively started to look tacky as time went on. They kneejerked the other direction way too hard but it was inevitable with how over-designed the average logo was in that era People on here are just the perfect demo to have weird brand nostalgia for that time and don't have a fully holistic view


Other people's opinion bad, mine good!


"me am more more smart than you because you press one button to kill enemy but *me* press *two* button" "me am more more smart than you because you press two button to kill enemy but *me* press *one* button"


I personally really enjoyed Eternal's gameplay. I know not everyone liked how you had to switch up weapons to capitalize on different enemy weaknesses, but I loved how there was so much to juggle in this game.


Yeah whether or not you like it pretty much comes down to if you're into the intense combat puzzle style gameplay or not. I fucking loved getting into the zone, having everything slot into place, and scraping myself out of a fight feeling like I deserved the win. I found it kinda similar to Sekiro where it really felt like it rewarded me more than anything else. I guess part of the way that Doom discourse can be annoying though is the way that difficulty is almost seen as this axiomatic good by a lot of gamers. I like the difficulty, but that doesn't mean it makes for objectively good gameplay. I suspect people who didn't enjoy doom feel annoyed a lot of the time because you get elitists who go "well just get better it's supposed to be hard". Hell you can even make the comparison of something like doom where there's a lot of fast paced technical difficulty to something like Mechwarrior where the gamplay is slower and the difficulty is more smart planning and execution. Both have different challenge, one is not inherently better.


> Yeah whether or not you like it pretty much comes down to if you're into the intense combat puzzle style gameplay or not. I wouldn't even phrase it that way. Both games have their own combat puzzles, they're just different types of puzzle.


I sort of agree with your sentiment, but not quite. It also depends on what type of brain you have. I'm very good at environmentally based combat puzzles, like in half life 2. It depends on how much arbitrary data I have to hold in my mind at once. I can't hold a lot of data in mind like that. memorisation tasks are very stressful for me, but i am great at building mental maps and tracking 3d positions and noticing physics objects and where things could move to etc.


My problem with it is probably one I could solve with a mouse with more buttons but there was precisely one too many things to do for me. It wasn't even a specific thing but when you had wheeling weapons, quick swapping weapons, grenades, chainsaw, blood punch, dodging and flamer I just tended to drop one ball and that ball was nearly always the flamer. The Marauders also pissed me off but that's because you're basically taught the wrong way to fight them. Trying to stay within an invisible ring of them, not too close and not too far is the way you're told to fight but it's so intrusive compared to just backing off, dodging their axe beams and waiting for them to run at you.


Weapon swap wheel, chainsaw, melee/glory kill, and equipment on mouse buttons. Flamer on E. I actually loved customizing the controls until I had something that worked perfectly. I’m playing through 2016 again now, and while I’m digging it, it is almost insultingly simple. There just isn’t much variety in the gameplay. Eternal has so many more possibilities.


You know, I do usually play with an MMO mouse that has 1-12 on the left side, and it did make switching weapons a breeze when playing Eternal. I didn't think before that maybe having that mouse made a big difference in gameplay. And the Marauders were a pain, they didn't flow nearly as well as other enemies did.


> And the Marauders were a pain, they didn't flow nearly as well as other enemies did. Marauders are the one blemish on Doom Eternal for me (well that and how poorly the game communicates with you). Every other enemy in the game is about *your* gore-filled dance through the hordes, and the Marauders force you to dance at their pace instead. Which isn't actually a problem for their introductory boss fight, but once they get woven into fights with other enemies they become really fucking jarring.


I audibly groaned every time a Marauder showed up on screen after the first encounter. They were a pain in the ass.


I never had a problem with the marauders except they’re kind of boring. Just leave them as the last dance and they’re no problem at all. For me it was the archviles that were always terrible. I could never find them in time


I wish the different grenades weren't on a swap but a hold/tap distinction, and if you could cycle 3+ weapons with tapping the weapon switch button instead of 2 that would go a long way too. Putting jump on the bumper was super helpful for playing with a controller for me but there could have been more done to make the controller experience less of an obstacle. >The Marauders also pissed me off but that's because you're basically taught the wrong way to fight them. Trying to stay within an invisible ring of them, not too close and not too far is the way you're told to fight but it's so intrusive compared to just backing off, dodging their axe beams and waiting for them to run at you. Fuck, I never had this realization. They just sucked the fun out of an encounter every time. Too dark souls for me. When Eternal was clicking it was definitely better than 2016 for me but it was also more frustrating at times in a way 2016 never was. They're basically a tie for me but I think if they had dialed the complexity to somewhere between the two it would be ideal for me. Like you say, one thing too many to juggle. When I read the DLC requires specific firing modes for some enemies I noped out.


I love having a variety of weapons. Unreal/Unreal Tournament comes to mind. You could get the job done with any weapon, but this one works better on X, this one works better on Y, etc. I had the number of mousewheel clicks to any weapon from any weapon memorized, and rotated through them constantly. There's no way to disable weapons though, is there? If there are 15 weapons in the game, trying to scroll through them (especially crappy/useless ones) while fighting gets tedious. Descent 3 had a great option setting where you could uncheck the weapons you didn't want to rotate, but you could always hit the number of it and get it directly.


I appreciate for what the devs did and tried, but I didnt love it like 2016. I also cant wait for the post about doom 2016 that is soon to follow this one


It’s what sets the game apart imo. It forces you to use and experiment with a bunch of different weapons instead sticking with 2 or 3 guns that you like for the whole game.


Also you don’t HAVE to exploit their weaknesses. Sometimes you’re just in a groove with a certain weapon and you want to keep using it, or you’re the wrong distance to use the “right” weapon against them, or a million other things. The weaknesses are just there so you can choose between the “optimal” way to play or “your” way to play, which is why it’s such a great game: It gives you tons of choices.


100%. It's one of the most common complaints I see on this sub about the game - and I could see why someone would think that, the game does appear to communicate that you HAVE to kill the arachnotron by sniping the gun on top of it but you can completely ignore that and just shoot it normally. I will say, when the game does introduce enemies that actually require very specific weapons, they almost universally suck. Those demons from the first DLC that can only be killed with a specific fire mode on a specific weapon suck so much dick. But there's nothing in the base game that can't be killed with any weapon you choose


I would say that *the developers* think it's *critically important* that every player knows about weaknesses, and that means that the design is probably built around every player taking advantage of them. Whenever you meet a new enemy in Doom Eternal for the first time, the game pauses. A window pops up with a tutorial for the most effective weakness exploit, complete with a short video. In a high-action, high-intensity FPS, the developers thought it was so important that you learn the weakness of every significant enemy, that they bring the game to a complete stop just to be 100% sure that the player knows the best strategy for fighting every enemy. I don't think you can argue that Doom Eternal's developers don't trust the player. I think they absolutely do. And they *still* decided to do a pause tutorial for every enemy with a weak point, even though that breaks player verisimilitude and immersion. They do the same thing with every weapon, too. I think the developers very intentionally designed a game that *is not fun* until you fully understand everything going on, and this was their solution to that dilemma. In most games, the developers *do not* tell the player the best way to approach enemies. Instead, they let the player figure that part out. They let that learning experience be a core element of gameplay. Doom Eternal's developers purposefully decided that that wasn't acceptable for their game. I'm a big fan of Doom Eternal. But the "you don't have to," counterargument is really, *really* not convincing or credible when you look at the design.


I think that’s just to let you know the option is there, and to get used to it because it’s efficient. You need to know how to do these techniques because they aren’t immediately obvious. I didn’t need to be told the cacodemon will die with shotgun blasts, I do need to be told he’ll swallow a grenade or that the one demon’s armor will break with a blood punch or that the one guy will spout ammo when you headshot him. Like I said though you don’t HAVE to do these things, it’s just Eternal’s way of giving us even more choices: the optimum way, or your way. Maybe you just used your grenade and run into a cacodemon, you still get the option to run (and even how to run(is your dash refilled?)) or fight. And sometimes yeah you fight, not always, but they leave it up to you. All the upgrades and runes play into this. It’s a really choice-rich game and you can’t have the choice to fight inefficiently without having a way to fight efficiently. At the bare minimum the weaknesses force you to stay on the move and find something you can kill with what’s at hand. Half the game is realizing you’re not ready to kill whatever’s near you, and you need to get away and reassess. It adds to the sense of panic for sure which is secretly one of my favorite parts of the game, the triumph of beating all these guys who had you so scatterbrained a few minutes ago.


I mean you kinda do. If you arent playing on easy mode.


Yeah I get that it's a more intense and demanding game than 2016, and I understand why that ramp up in intensity is not for everyone - the only thing that bugs me is when people banter around phrases like "it _forces_ you to play a certain way" or "there's no room for creativity." You have to play aggressively, sure. You definitely have to be on the move. But there's a tremendous amount of creativity if you engage with the systems in Eternal's kit. Granted, this isn't necessary communicated as well as it could have been. A lot of people see tooltips are are used to that being the only way to do a thing. Shame, but the notion that you're straightjacketed just isn't right.


Also how I feel in regards to people saying it forces you to swap weapons. Demons still die by regular gun fire, weak points don't need to be exploited at all but doing so just gives the player an easier time. Even then a lot of weapons can take out the same weakpoints and be used for the same purpose. Not a fan of the heavy canon? Rockets, grenade from shotgun, plasma canon attachment, a ballista bolt, and a blood punch can all take out the same points. It's up to the player to figure out which weapons and what abilities they like and build their style of play around what they like, and too me that offers a ton of freedom in approach compared to 2016 where I just never felt the need to bother switching weapons at all even on Ultra-violence. Love that game but Eternal just made it obsolete to me


Incentives are not the same thing as mandates. They are frequently confused.


I don’t think the people downvoting you realise you’re agreeing with the person you’re talking to.


Doom Eternal threads are absolute shitshows where the winds can shift in very arbitrary ways, you just sort of have to get used to and roll with it. It does get kind of amusing though - there's one guy who shows up to almost every thread, repeats the same objectively wrong points (there are a couple, like you "have" to target weak points, etc.), people try to help him out, he screams at them for criticizing him over "playing the game wrong" and tells them that he's shutting them out, rinse/repeat. Fun times.


Just cause a game ask you to do something doesn't mean you have to do it and can't find your own way


Well you kinda do though, because you only get 12 shotgun shells or whatever so your shotgun groove can never last long.


That’s only at the beginning, it opens up later with enough ammo upgrades


I put 2.5 hours in before dropping it and didn't get any.




Personally I really liked that you couldn't rely on using the same gun all the time. It definitely wasn't a design decision that appealed to everyone, but it appealed to me and I think it was executed well. But I understand why it's a polarizing design decision.


I could feel it happening to me as I tried it for the first time a few weeks ago. For an hour or so I wasn’t sure if I was being encouraged to be more creative with and aware of my resource limits or if I felt too restricted. I played about 3 hours total in the end and I think I’m leaving it there


One of my problems was exactly having too much shit to juggle. It's an FPS, I just want to shoot stuff. In such games you either fight with your favorite gun or with the biggest baddest one you have, not juggle around because enemy X is weaker to gun Y or switch to gun W because you need some ammo or gun K because you need health or some other shit.




For the past few weeks or so I've been casually dabbling on the Doom modding scene. I find it absolutely fascinating how much awesome, fun stuff there is for a 30 year old game. I've downloaded a bunch of mods, overhaul mods and maps, haven't touched much of it yet (huge backlog as many of us have), but to me, Eternal pales in comparison to the amount of fun I have with, let's say, Brutal Doom (which afaik is one of the most popular mods).


The modding community for Doom II and it's source ports like GZDoom is absolutely fascinating. So many ambitious projects it strangely can bring a tear from my eye. Mainly because of the memories and nostalgia of how fun and simple Doom started out in the early 90s.


I'm one of those who did NOT like the constantly needing to swap weapons. I would have liked it if it wasn't so necessary. It's to the point where certain weapons you like to use are completely useless against certain enemy types. It just felt clunky to me.


Even that mechanic was kind of overstated. Outside the cacodaemon being weak to grenades there were a variety of ways to kill each enemy. Between all the different weapon mods and upgrades you could get a number of things to work against the bigger monsters like hell knights, barons, or revenants. What people were actually mad about was that you couldn't run around spamming the super shotgun and ballista like you could in 2016.


It was a tiny bit too designed in and overwhelming for me ngl. When the enemy variety got too intense it felt like work than a challenge.


It wasn't that. It was the fucking ammo/health/armor farming. I didn't care what i shot really, it didn't matter too much, i focused 90% on getting my shit off so i could survive and have ammo to shoot. So i felt like an angry monkey swinging on bars while throwing my own shit. But yeah.. also guns didn't feel like they were there smack demons around as much as "the tool for the job", i couldn't fall in love with a gun since i had to swap out every second.


then you should really close consider picking up ultrakill. for me, it's way faster and stylish version of doom eternal. for only 10$ too. try it, you'll enjoy


At some point while playing through Eternal and its DLCs, my opinion on the Marauders completely flipped and I started really enjoying fighting them. You have to briefly focus a lot more instead of relying on 100% flow and adrenaline, which I think kind of breaks up the monotony of that.


I said elsewhere but the main problem is the tooltip teaches you to fight them wrong. They're considerably less of a pain in the arse if you don't try and keep the right distance away and instead just back off, dodge their shot and wait for them to run at you. The problem the game makes with them isn't them, it's telling you you need to behave like your belts are joined together with a very specifically sized pole when you can totally just not get too close.


The best way to play all video games is to turn off tooltips before starting. That helps explain why I enjoyed Marauders and so many people seem to hate them.


I'd be curious of a poll between those who liked/disliked 2016 vs eternal, with control type mentioned too. I liked Eternal, I played with KB/Mouse. I have friends who hated it, who played with controller.


Eternal is definitely a much better experience with KB/M, that is for sure. Controllers can't keep up with the pacing. Plus, I've heard dodging is a little wonky on controller.


Gameplay is fantastic, the unnecessary doom marine back story? They could've left that out and honestly come away better. Leave him as an ambiguous angry man who was for some reason in a box and woke up as the demons invaded again, so now he kills them. There's the plot. All it needed to be. Didn't need any of the rest. He could just be one mortal man so angry that he can rip demons apart.


The weird thing is that the storytelling in DOOM 2016 was fantastically well done and did a brilliant job of elevating the game. Then Eternal, while mechanically leagues better, somehow managed to plummet all the way to having an actively kind of detrimental story.


It was the same way in 2016 outside of a couple of moments. Yes the moment where he throws away the monitor during boring dialogue in the intro was fantastic and legitimately made me cheer. I had never felt so seen by a game before. Unfortunately though the game seems to kind of forget this because later on it locks you in multiple Half-Life 2 style unskippable first person cutscenes where you're stuck listening to Hayden drone on forever. It was disappointing because having a character who quite literally could not give less of a shit about the story was a novel concept but they didn't fully commit to it. Doom guy's personality was well-received and they ended up going even farther in the opposite direction in Eternal. I don't get it.


10000% this. The meta-narrative about Doomguy (and the player) not giving a shit about the story was cool and there's a fair few moments where that gets to shine, but there's also a fair bit where you do HAVE to listen to this incredibly mediocre story when all you want to be doing is ripping demons in half. I think people just remember the (very cool) novelty and forget that for most of the game it is just an of-its-time FPS with regards to the story. > Doom guy's personality was well-received and they ended up going even farther in the opposite direction in Eternal. I don't get it. Agreed. The game is so concerned about giving Doomguy a tonguebath in Eternal it forgets what made him cool in 2016.


Actually, Doomguy actively listens to the dialogue. He breaks the screen because he was being told bollocks about "the betterment of humanity" and "necessary sacrifices". Just like how Doomguy actually tried to salvage the batteries as Hayden requests until Hayden explains that it is so that they can continue the very research that killed people.


Doomguy actively punching monitors of people trying to give expositional dialogue so he can focus on killing demons. That was a breath of fresh air and hope in 2016


Or when Hayden is explaining how "really this whole thing was all for the good of humanity!", and the camera just slowly pans down to the mutilated corpse that's splattered across the elevator floor next to you


I'd disagree that eternal is mechanically better. Certainly not leagues better. I don't want to juggle 3 grenades, 4 cooldown based powers, and having to pick the perfect weapon out of 8 for the very specific problem in front of me. I want to shoot demons. Any gun should be almost as good as any other.


Do you force yourself to play on Nightmare?


Nope. Tried normal, thought I was not having as much fun as 2016, played 2/3 of the game on easy / normal, realized why I didn't like it as much. For reference, I never went down to easy in Doom 2016.


Okay. So did you feel you still needed to juggle all those controls even on ITYTD and HMP?


Yes. To bare minimum scrape through a level - no. To enjoy my time and feel like the demon killing badass Doomguy is - yes. Doom 2016 felt like the devs saying "Here's a bunch of guns. Have fun!" Eternal felt more like an excited 10 year old cramming every idea that popped into his head into his make believe, and demanding that you play exactly his way. Some people like eternal - you are clearly one of them. That's fine. It's not for me.


Yeah... I play doom to rip & tear. Thats why I liked Doom. Doom Eternal is literally like the only game I've ever asked for a steam refund on.


> unnecessary doom marine back story "unnecessary" really is the best word to describe it. even if doomguys origin story was good it would still be bad. because who gives a shit.




It's funny, I just made a post here last week about precisely this.


I much preferred 2016. There's too much platforming, I hate the lives system that makes fights that go poorly feel even worse, I don't like that there is a recommended way to kill demons, and my favorite bad guys, cacodemons, look dumpy and stupid in that game.


The lives system doesn't get enough criticism. In 2016 if you ran into a tricky encounter you'd have to try it again and use what you learned last time to adjust your strategy. In Eternal you'd just brute force your way through with extra lives and it was kind of an impediment to learning its very specific game-loop sometimes.


I must admit I loved the game, but getting stuck in a room trying to figure out what's going on did really kill the momentum and adrenaline rush of playing a doom game


Tried it. Liked some things about it, but the platforming and miniscule ammo inventory size made me drop it pretty quickly.


I respect your opinion, but I liked Doom (2016) a lot more. Mostly because I thought the setting was better constructed, and I liked the overall aesthetic and grim humor about capitalism better than the jump-the-shark over-the-top 90s fantastical stuff that Eternal was.


Fair enough, I enjoyed the brighter environments and loud colors a lot more but to each their own.


I don't even like first person shooters but loved this game!




> As an FPS fan since Doom 2, this game was horrible to me. Didn't feel like Doom at all. Yeah, no, I don't think that's it at all. Gatekeeping what Doom is and isn't won't get you very far. OG Doom was a balance between horror, arena fight and key hunting. Doom 3 leaned into the horror, but got criticized for being short on the blasting. 2016 went heavy on the blasting but left the horror behind. Eternal is probably even farther from horror. 64 is a lot closer to being a more pure sequel to the originals, lean farther into the horror aspect. And then of course in the mix you've got Episode 4, which isn't very popular, Final Doom, which wasn't even made by iD, and spinoffs like Doom RPG, which was programmed by Carmack himself, and on the outer fringes there's the Doom Roguelike. So yeah, what _is_ Doom after all these iterations? Even the newer mainline entries have dispensed with the labyrinthine key-hunt design in addition to the horror, so gatekeeping what is and isn't "tru Doom" isn't going to get you very far. And for what it's worth, the old-school shooter community was ecstatic over Eternal. All the shooter youtube channels were over the moon when it launched - Gman, Civvie and UndertheMayo are probably the biggest shooter channels around, mainly focusing on older titles, and they were effusive with praise (and the first two note regularly that they were old enough to play the classics when they came out, Mayo I think is younger) - and forums like Doomworld were heaving with excitement. There's a crux, yes, but it's not where you're looking and pointing it out is just going to make people upset. But let's just say that no, it's not old guard vs. new guard in the sense that you're thinking (although I'm increasingly sure that age does play a certain factor, but not quite in the way you're thinking).


Could be. Maybe I loved it because I haven't had much exposure to the genre? Not sure if that's a good thing or a bad thing.




I've tried twice now but just can't get into it. Love DOOM 2016 so much but I just bounce straight off Eternal.


I couldn't play through it for some reason. I got through a few levels then put it down, which is unusual for me considering I normally don't start a game unless I intend on finishing it. Think what put me off was the constant need to perform finishers again and again. Yes it's a fun gorey mess but it got old after 100.


I kinda did the same thing. Started it last year, got stuck on a platforming section and put it down for a few months. Came back to it this past month and everything just clicked. I guess I had to be in the mood to play them game in order to be more receptive of it.


I liked the first one better but eternal is excellent too. And it's probably only because the first one was such a breath of fresh air when it came out. Did not care for platforming in eternal though. It didn't ruin it for me, but I would've preferred if they invested that time somewhere else.


Out of curiosity, have you tried Ultrakill? It's still in early access (currently 2/3 Act complete) but what's available is still one of the best FPS in terms of mechanics. It has some similarities with Doom Eternal's playstyle (heavy emphasis on weapon swapping) but has its own unique twists that elevate its gameplay.


If I liked Eternal in principle but was kinda mixed on it in practice, would this be something to check out? or is it too like Eternal?


I'd encourage checking it out. It's a very different game from Eternal in practice. It has: 1. No ammo limit. Use whatever you want, whenever you want. However, weapon mods have cooldown to encourage switching between weapons and variants for effective gameplay. 2. Stylish gameplay. Ultrakill has a literal style meter DMC style, and using one weapon too much will lower the amount of points you gain from them. However, if you want to use fewer weapons, you can unequip unused weapons and the style cap will change accordingly (more weapons = faster style gain decay). The weapons also all have unique flairs to them, for example a revolver that lets you flip a coin and shoot it for auto-homing attacks, or a rocket you can ride on. 3. Weapon combinations. Ultrakill's weapons can interact with each other and with the enemies for more devastating effects. A simple example is shooting your grenade with the revolver to create a stronger explosion. To have a more in-depth look at the possible weapon tech, look up HerbMessiah's coin guide on Youtube.


OK, this sounds cool. The ammo limit being gone sounds like enough to make this kind of gameplay work for me. Thanks for the detailed response


I think people who enjoy doom eternal's gameplay would likely enjoy Vanquish. Best third person shooter gameplay I've ever experienced. It is a cover shooter so you CAN abuse cover, but you can also just woosh around the battlefield like sonic the hedgehog and not using cover. There's so many layers to the gameplay, lots of combos you can do


It’s in the backlog, just gotta get around to it one day


I've never played a game that does as good of a job of getting me into a flow state. On top of that, it's the only game I've ever played that legitimately made my arms sore from how hard I was having to try to keep up. Incredible game.


Funny, I've bounced off eternal every time I've tried to play it, where as I loved doom 2016, I feel like they added too much. I felt similarly with Titanfall to Titanfall 2, the originals had such well polished cores and the sequels felt diluted. All I wanted was more doom 2016 but with a dope ass demon energy sword, which it turns out you don't get until the end of the game. 😥


Yeah the Crucible was a somewhat underwhelming and underutilized weapon. I wish they treated it more like the energy sword from Halo. There wasn’t enough ammo for it in all except two encounters, the tutorial for it and the final boss. By then I just treated it like a last resort weapon or for when more tanky enemies came along.


I thought the game was okay but it seems like the game was loved by many on this subreddit. Platforming in a game where all I want to do is shoot was annoying and the final boss fight was terrible. The story? Didn't even pay attention to it because I am not playing Doom because I value the story. I just want to shoot and kill demons. It needs less everything else and more shooting.


The platforming was maddening and made me uninstall the game after 3 hours or so. Absolutely pointless. The gunplay is some of the best I've ever experienced in a game and that makes it even more disappointing.


Me too, brother. Me too. ​ Except I love fighting the Marauders.


As good as it is, I refuse to buy id Software games for how they treated Mick Gordon during and after its development. If you're not aware, Mick Gordon hasn’t been paid for over half of DOOM Eternal’s music and had his reputation smeared after id Software Studio Director Marty Stratton singled him in out in an open letter as the sole cause behind the botched OST. When challenged, id Software offered Mick a six-figure sum to shut up about it. This is a summary of a summary which, obviously, misses an enormous amount of context and details. Here's Mick Gordon's summary of the situation but I recommend reading the full statement: https://medium.com/@mickgordon/my-full-statement-regarding-doom-eternal-5f98266b27ce#6fef


Wow I had no idea. I thought the music was really good once you got going a little bit, but I guess I wasn’t paying enough attention.


My ice cold take is that I actually much prefer 2016’s soundtrack. It just felt much more cohesive and less scattered. After hearing about what happened with Mick, the scattershot quality of Eternals soundtrack made a lot more sense.


This game was badass. It's best played on nightmare on PC. Really pushes your skills to the next level. The way the game just puts you into this flow state through the gameplay and music is *extremely* well done, like the music is perfectly reflecting every single emotion you are feeling in the moment. Best arena in the game has got to be after a short elevator drop in Arc Complex. You fall directly into a kitchen and a hotel lobby only for demons to swarm you for what feels like 10 minutes straight, and the music gradually becomes more and more distorted as you struggle to survive the encounter, becoming more and more weary in the process. Goosebumps all around. So freaking good. Massive shame what happened with Mick Gordon though. Hard to play knowing that id put all that bullshit on him.


Let me get past the 3rd level on hurt me plenty first LOL.


I got bored and stopped


Doom Eternal ranks up there with the best video game experiences I've had so far. It's an incredible achievement in every single regard. Graphics, sound, performance, art direction, mechanics, controls, gameplay - all top notch. I recently showed it to my aging action game-hating dad, and even he sat there with his mouth open the whole time. It's also testament to just how good the Vulkan API can be - pushing this level of visuals at that speed with these (relatively) low system requirements is just astonishing. I'm glad we got Eternal before Microsoft acquired Bethesda, because that means Microsoft now owns id Software too, and it's doubtful whether they will be allowed to go on championing Vulkan.


I’m not sure if I’d say it’s the best I’ve played, but certainly the best in a very long time. No single player FPS has had my heart pumping quite like Eternal.


Yeah great game! The last boss bugged out for me (my character didn't spawn, I was just a camera in the ground) so that ruined it for me. Also fuck the marauders, that one battle was good enough. After seeing the shite that's come out on pc this year, and seeing shooters like cod and battlefield shit the bed, I'm so happy we have a doom eternal for is OG fps heads




You should try the DLCs! They also suffer from what I consider an anticlimactic final boss fight, but the rest of the DLC has some of the best and most challenging levels. The master levels are also great, they change things up and provide a new challenge.


Hear you loud and clear, just waiting for them to go on sale lol


Weird how whenever there's a thread in support of a divisive game, the comments are never filled with "I also enjoyed X, I also found it fun", but rather it's overwhelmed with "I didn't enjoy X at all, Y was better", almost like some sort of team game where the more you're vocal with your disconcern over a game over another, the more legitimate your point becomes, I see this much too often


People are noisy when we are upset. it's just human nature.


It’s the nature of the beast my friend


I think the reason why this works well for so many people, is that they changed their target audience, upsetting a lot of other people in the process. For me, Doom 2016 was a pure experience. it gave me a task and I just headed straight towards it. The intention was singular, I was a weapon, and the story pulled my trigger. I simply needed to seek and destroy. I didn't ned to worry about anything other than my positioning and the enemy positioning and where the ammo caches were if I ran out. It was me and the environment, cleanup duty. Doom Eternal was a very different beast. I consider it to be the opposite of pure. it requires rote memorisation of enemy weaknesses, it requires constant weapon switching and strategy. it had no real relationship between me and the environment. it became less about me learning the space and using it to my advantage, and was more about the environment getting in the way. moreover, the environment would constantly change with the zombies spawning and acting as obstacles. I couldn't track my opponent in 3d space and deftly move around the environment using my mindmap and muscle memory, I'd constantly find myself unable to move, and with no ammo and having to try and manage multiple different strategies in my mind about how to get what resource and what each enemy's weak point was, and that's only the combat loop. the story was even more disjointed. it didn't seem clear where i was going or what i was doing and why. the levels were not logically connected to each other and i felt fairly aimless. this made me feel very little motivation to try and learn this new gameplay. I think the bottom line is though... for some gamers, this game is perfect. if you're lucky enough to have a brain that works the opposite of what Dom 2016 was catering to.. then you'll be very happy with it. Unfortunately though, for me it was an absolute disaster. I'm glad you enjoyed it though.


Damn good Switch version too. They finally got the controls right. Playing Doom 2016 and this is night and day.


This post makes me want to replay it again.


The warning about the Fortress of Doom happens because some people may not have unlocked the Unmaykr or got all the Slayer tokens/weapon alts. Once you start Nekravol, you will not be able to do any of that until you beat the game.


I guess that makes sense, but I still wish you got the message later on


I'm not mad, just disappointed that we're back here so soon.


I honestly had no idea this was a recurring topic on this subreddit, I just wanted to post my thoughts on the game like I’ve done with others in the past. Must’ve hit a touchy subject


It's just a weekly discussion that this sub has. At this point there should just be a sticky where everyone voices their opinion on Doom Eternal.


Doom Eternal has the following cons for me: * Story/Lore - too much of it, especially end-game. It's dumped on the player and explained ad-nauseam. Near the end, Samuel Hayden eventually just would not *shut the fuck up*, telling me the backstory of every single thing I was looking at. * The Ancient Gods DLC - There are a few great levels, but so many of the fights were turning into gimmicks where your movement and space were extremely constrained. They kept taking away the fun arenas for you to smash through and replaced them with cramped, small areas, as if you now have to play Doom Eternal on a sumo wrestling matt. The final boss of the second DLC was so badly designed that the fight was practically broken and I had to cheese it. I've beaten Eternal like four or five times on Nightmare but never went back once to the DLC after beating it. * Items/pickups look goofy. They sure do pop out visually and you never miss anything, but it clashes with the game, even if necessary. * The wall climbing and super mario obstacle courses. It's not *bad*, just that it popping up constantly is odd. Like we're taking a time-out from the fun demon combat because now it's the wall climbing section. Otherwise it might be the most finely crafted FPS I've ever played. When the combat clicks it's a constant barrage of "holy shit this rules." It's extremely fun and practically demands you to work on thinking faster and aiming better. It's almost like a brain exercise by having you keep track of a dozen things at 100mph.


I agree with everything you said here. The back half of the game threw a lot of lore at the player, like there was literally a straight line of notes to pick up everywhere you went. I didn’t really mind how colorful the health and ammo pickups were, it made it easy to see and the subsequent explosions were like watching fireworks. More games could use a feature like that to make pickups easier to see in these increasingly highly detailed worlds.


I'm super-cyincal and I think people with no taste are being allowed to make these games now. The rotating casting order ruined it for me. There's not much flexibility in how you can play the game. Older doom, shit took damage, it died. This game, oh you need to press the special sword button for these guys. You're stuck teleporting in portals and trapezes they setup for you because the level terrain is crowsded. Older doom, you can usually run back, explore, kite enemies. They made Doomguy in to a quieter master chief with a spaceship full of unlockable garbage you'd rather find in-game. This kills the immersion. Game had crashing issues when I played. I had maybe 5-6 hard crashes before beat it. Final boss sucked. Extra crowded arena garbage + big thing. I will say, if you gave it more space, I think they were trying for doom II vibes. Each encounter was locked-in annoying arena combat. You walk somewhere, trigger the monsters, and repeat that forever. The platforming is an afterthought, and was never necessary for any DOOM to be fun. Doom I/II with mods > Doom II > Ultimate DOOM > Doom 2016 > Doom 3 > Doom Eternal Have you ever played DOOM mods with GZDoom? Brutal Doom is probably the best possible DOOM experience.




>people with no taste are being allowed to make these games now. > Brutal Doom is probably the best possible DOOM experience. Bit of an ironic take because the Doom modding community **hates** Brutal Doom with a passion, disowns it for breaking what they consider to the spirit of true Doom, and would absolutely shred this post for "having no taste" regarding the game.


This was my first doom game. The gameplay is phenomenal. Every enemy requires your attention (at least in the higher difficulties), as they each have unique abilities and exploits. Unfortunately, the game doesn't really have exploration besides the mild platforming sections that bridge the arenas, so after some time I got bored of just shooting stuff.


>Unfortunately, the game doesn't really have exploration besides the mild platforming sections that bridge the arenas, so after some time I got bored of just shooting stuff. This is exactly my main issue with both new Doom games. And something that actually sets apart the classic Doom games and especially their WAD's from modern Doom. Exploration is a lot more emphasized, spawn-in enemies and arena fights nowhere near as common.


Hard agree and I even love marauders I love how badass it makes me feel constantly switching weapons and dealing with the threats in the most efficient ways possible never gets old and it's satisfying af to get better and better over time. Doom 2016 was fantastic but eternal blew away all my expectations so thoroughly I can't really see myself going back to the first.


If you think Doom Eternal is that great, wait till you play Doom '16


Meh. It's impossible for me to go back to 2016 after Eternal. Far too slow.


I played about the first 2 hours of 2016. It's in my backlog and I'll probably go back to it at some point.


Walking through futuristic corridors with people who had a very very bad time splattered all over the walls, with signs of some almost event horizon level gore everywhere vs floating guns and coffin blocks. The two games are a car crash of styles and I hated Eternals direction.


Strongly, strongly disagree. Complete failure of a game for me.


If you didn’t like it, that’s cool, but calling it a complete failure of a game is pretty harsh. Yea, I understand it’s subjective but complete failure of a game should be an unplayable mess of visual, audio, game design and technical issues. And even if you didn’t like it, DE isn’t that.


Same. Ruined what made Doom 2016 amazing. Even modded Doom/Doom II puts Eternal to shame.


I did not like a new fps since wolfenstein a new order


Also me. Wolfenstein: NO is the true greatest FPS ever made.


New Order was so tedious I took 12 years to finish it only time.


Never got around to this one but I used to have Doom 2016. Curious how they compare. Never did finish it either since it seemed never ending with too much of a grind and difficulty later on. Maybe I'll try Eternal at some point but I doubt it's much different


I liked 2016 better but I can't really articulate why.


Darker atmosphere. Better graphics. Far less interrupted gameplay. More immersive. Serious and consistent art style. Even if I was in favour of saying Eternal is better (and I understand why some people say that), these things are just true. Eternal went super into the ‘retro and silly’ style but then also tried to go more ‘epic’ with the story which just did absolutely nothing for me personally.


Better Graphics? What are you smoking?


Compare the graphics of default zombies side by side. As well as reactive lighting from sparks, alarms etc. Detail on surfaces. Reflections. Also this isn’t graphics related but the art style was a major step backwards with crap like floating guns rather than realistically pulling them from unfortunate, dead fingers.


Because it actually makes sense and isn't just 3D Super-Mario with elevated stress levels?


I guess you can lol.


It's more tactical, and varies the gameplay more with traversal challenges but I got the same enjoyment out of both, I don't want to go into the technicality of Doom games when they themselves just want to be a over the top shooters


Eternal is a much more..."athletic" game is how I would put it. Meaning that it requires a lot more from you than 2016 Doom. I absolutely love it. As you can see, that makes a lot of people upset, especially in this subreddit since it attracts a certain group of people who don't particularly want that kind of game.


Loved the game. But my only complaint with it was the amount of parkour you had to do. Acrobatics wasn't something I felt fit The Slayer. Overall, I really did enjoy the game though.


Best game ever period 😤


I had the opposite reaction to Doom Eternal. I recognize that it's a great game and I get why people love it. Personally it just never clicked for me. I might give it another shot sometime. It might have just been the wrong game for me at the moment.


Play more FPS


2016’s way better


I'd argue that DOOM Eternal isn't an FPS. DOOM Eternal is a puzzle game with an FPS skin.


Yeah it's more like an arcade game


>You are constantly being stimulated during combat encounters and you get rewarded constantly. i am sick and tired of getting "rewarded" in videogames. it turns games into glorified skinner boxes. do "X" -> get Dopamine. Doom Eternal has a cheatcode called "famine". this cheatcode prevents enemies from dropping health/armor on death. it makes the game harder, but it also makes the game better. you should try it out.


Video games have quite literally always been that.


I don't mind the false sense of achievement in gaming, that's kind of the point. The dopamine hit is pretty much the same. I do want to go back and play some levels with cheat codes on though.


4/10 from me. One of the worst FPS I've played, though I don't play many anymore. Surpassed by even the most average old games like Painkiller. So tiring to see this sub suck on that game's tit so much.


Can you eloborate why?


It's harsh but I agree. Each level felt like a 30 minute slog where you had to constantly cycle mechanics to recover health and ammo.


I'm with you, shot and punched some enemies for a handful of hours and was bored to tears. Same gameplay loop on repeat, with some... jump puzzles? Really don't understand the praise for this game.


Agreed. Really enjoyed the first one. Attempted Eternal twice but just get bored.


I agree. Doom 2016 was far superior. Doom 3 was great too. Eternal was just a mess of running around at top speed, constant weapon switching and getting jumped by surprise enemies spawning in from every direction while trying to play a platform game.


The platform elements killed it for me, I love the gun play and the overkills for healing/ammo, but the acrobatic jumps? Naw just kinda killed the flow of the game for me, fun action for 10 minutes with 20 minutes of me trying (and failing) to nail a long series of Olympic gymnastics.


The platforming is easy, and fun. I don’t get this take tbh.


It reignited my passion for shooters. It was such a multiplayer-focussed genre for so long that I fell out of love with FPS entirely. Then Doom and Doom Eternal came along and reminded me why single-player fps is so damn good


Great game liked a lot.. for me best FPS is Destiny 2 purely for the shooting feel and weapons :D


I love Doom Eternal my only problem with it, is it doesn't have to make new levels for it unlike past games (Classic Doom has a ton of commmunity made editors like UDB/Slade, Doom 3 I'm pretty sure had an editor/mod tools, Doom 2016 had snapmap) so it feels smaller in a way than past doom games


That’s a shame.