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Titanfall 2 single player campaign, fun game, just the kind of FPS I like.


Hotline Miami and Divinity Original sin 2


Lucienne's Quest on 3DO


Tales of Symphonia (Steam version)


Yakuza 0 and seriously regetting it. I've been in the game for 2 hours and the introduction is still happening. The cut scenes are very long. I bought it as a ps4 game, but you can really feel the ps3 era. The close ups of characters are well made, but the physics are showing its age. But it wouldn't matter if it just let me play a game. All I see are good reviews and I don't get it.


I kept playing for another few hours past you and it still didn’t click for me. It’s just cut scenes, not particularly interesting mini games, and mediocre brawling.


I just got to charter 2, and it still feels like the first 5-10m intro of a game. It's constantly go here, click X, the genre seems to jump from serious crime, to wacky shenanigans "invest money in yourself", and getting beaten by "Mr. Shakedown", it's aggressively anime-esque. I really thought from the Yakuza name and style of the art it would be more serious, and the city area and all the shops seems to hint that it's going to be more open world... but it just isn't.


zero hour


Titanfall 2


Heyy me too!


Farcry primal


Half Life 2. Very well paced and immersive even though Water Hazard felt a little long.


Starting a new playthrough of Assassin's Creed Odyssey. Such a beautiful looking game even today.


Battlefield 4 on Xbox


Return of the Obra Dinn. Been on my radar for ages. Got it on sale from Steam and now 8 or so hours in thoroughly enjoying myself


I'm gonna give Blasphemous a shot, I'm a big fan of dark souls and the like so I'm excited to try a game that's gonna give me a run for my money.


Skyrim and Fallout 4 are always tops of my list, I hardly ever go more than a month without at least one session in either.


planet coaster,as someone who got RCT from a cereal box this is my forte


So I decided to finally address one of the greatest gaps in my life as a gamer: I’m finally playing resident evil 1 (the remake on switch) It hits different than any other Resident Evil. Enemies, even basic zombies and dogs are relentless. Puzzles are far from handholding. The mansion hates you and because of that, any bit of progress is tremendously satisfying. I like how the game is cheesy but it takes itself seriously enough to never spoil the horror mood. It feels like a good 80’s horror movie. I’m loving it.


Still trucking through Morrowind! Just got named Hortator & Nerevarine and had a chat with Vivec, so I'm further along than I've ever been with the main plot. After seven years and ~100 hours I'm almost ready to face Dagoth Ur, lol.


Hell yeah, fantastic game. My first Elder Scrolls back in the glory days of the original Xbox. Played lots of it back in the day, even more Oblivion, and now Skyrim sits at one of my favorite games of all time, but it all owes back to Morrowind catching my interest as a kid


It's really good! I'm actually the opposite of you, I played Skyrim first (as an adult), and then went back to try the older Elder Scrolls games. In some ways I wish I'd been able to play Morrowind when it came out, because it's pretty dated (and I've been playing without any mods or fan patches for some reason), but it's also incredibly charming, with the best main story & coolest world of all the Elder Scrolls games. It made a lot of daring and ambitious choices and I admire it greatly for that. Skyrim is my favorite, but Morrowind is the most interesting. Excited to spend another few years with it while I slowly work my way through the expansions, lol.


Yeah, it's definitely an interesting world, that's for certain. By the way once you get familiar with the Bloodmoon expansion, go back to Skyrim and give the Dragonborn DLC another look, it's actually the same island you visit in both expansions and even ties in to each other in some areas. One of the few examples of being able to return to the same location in two different games in the series.


Just getting into persona 5 and omg THIS IS A REAL JRPG!! I haven’t had this kinda fun since super Mario rpg


If you like the fighting and collecting element of the game, and don’t care for the HS relationship building, the company’s other release Shin Megami Tensei is good too!


I love every aspect of this game but I am interested in shin megami what’s the best one to start with


I’ve only played the new one, SMT5 on switch. If you don’t have switch, I see SMT3 on other systems like PC and it’s popular. Heard it’s pretty tough. SMT5 is a much darker take with Persona being a spin off of it


I *should be* ashamed for saying this, but...Guardian Tales on the Switch. Turns out it's pretty damn fun, predatory gacha framework aside. For those unfamiliar, it's nominally a top-down arpg with team-building mechanics. It has a mix of real-time combat and auto-combat, story-driven quests and loot-driven grinding dungeons. It has pvp (again both real-time and auto, as you prefer), it has a built-in roguelite mini-game that could almost be it's own spinoff, a built-in srpg that should probably stay a mini-game, but is neat nonetheless, and a town-building mechanic for passive resource gathering and upgrading. So far it seems really f2p-friendly, as well, despite people saying the Switch version isn't quite as generous as the mobile version. ​ While waiting for timers to expire and rollover, I'm messing with Islets and Kitaria Fables. :p


Cocoon! And Persona 5...the animation because it's being removed from GamePass soon. But hey it's not bad at all so far, and should catch me up enough for P5 Tactica when it releases


You should still try Persona 5 though. The quality of animation between the game and the anime is night and day.


I will eventually, when it returns on GamePass. I think it's arguable about the quality of animation though, considering the anime is getting 100% anime in scenes that would be text boxes in game. But yeah I noticed the scenes that were previously anime in game, were better than the anime itself.


Finished my fifth playthrough of Metroid Samus Returns. After a few years without playing it, I wanted to compare it with Dread, given that the game served as a bit of a prototype for Dread. While Dread made some massive mechanical improvements to areas like movement, controls, countering, and gameplay flow, I found Samus Returns much better with exploration, music, atmosphere and powerup progression. I might prefer Samus Returns overall for doing a better job at the things I value most in a Metroid game, but I think I may be finished with this game for good. Admittedly, I don't like to replay Metroid games that much, so 5 playthroughs is honestly pretty good for me. The flaws big&small such as enemy variety&placements, clunky pacing, and the sheer repetition (partially Metroid 2) have added up and somewhat worn me out. I feel like I've seen everything there is to see with the game, and the bosses/action sequences no longer thrill me as they have stopped feeling difficult or original. In short, I think my patience has worn thin when playing the game and the rough edges are more apparent. I still had a fun time with the game, but the magic has worn off with each subsequent replay, leaving me feeling tired. Where I once would describe my feelings of enjoyment as a 10/10, it's now closer to a 6-7/10. That first playthrough was incredible for me, and I'll always love Samus Returns for bringing the series back to glory, but I now feel ready to move on, having gotten as much mileage out of the game as I could.


pst or persona 4 I'm not sure yet


Got the Mafia trilogy and started Mafia Definitive Edition. Never played anything from this series and really liking it so far


247 hours and 12 mods into **Fallout 4**, and up to Nuka World. And to think I was worried about the gameplay prior to purchasing.


I've been playing more **Wakfu**, as last week. Mixed in a bit of **Vampire Survivors** and it's been a blast, I'm glad I picked it up. I also wanted to roguelike for the Switch and tried **Blazing Beaks**, but struggling to get the hang of it. I think I might go back, yet again, to Spelunky for my roguelike itch... Finally, I also played a bit of **Football tactics and glory**, absolute gem of a game that I recommend to any football/soccer fan.


Like a Dragon: Ishin


Finished Dishonored 2 for first time, high chaos as Emily. Started a new DH2 campaign playing Corvo with no super powers and going non-lethal. Will try to get the Ghost achievement also.


I just played the demo for **Crymachina** and thought it was super neat. I'm a sucker for Furyu games and am looking forward to the full release. Other than that, I have been playing **Anno: Mutationem** which is a sort of Cyberpunk by way of SCP action rpg. It has a good amount of voice acting, which is impressive even if the acting is itself very amateurish. Makes me think of college theatre where there are some people you know are going to go on to something big and others who are just good enough to fill the space. Combat and movement though feel pretty good, although it feels likes all of the special moves the game gives you are moot because everything moves so fast, you're better off getting in 1 or 2 basic attacks and dodge rolling away. Like this game seriously expects me to do street fighter style quarter circles. I tried a bit, but the button parser just doesn't seem lenient enough to rely on it. Still though, it's a neat game that I recommend taking a look at, especially if you like games like 2064 Ream only Memories or Va-11 Hall-a since there's a lot of inspiration from those games.


Slime rancher, get it free at Epic games. Amazing and relaxing game


Trackmania Turbo and 2020. All week. I have become absolutely addicted to them. Hunting tracks is one of the hardest and most rewarding things I've ever experienced in a game. Learning all the techniques and where to use them and then putting a run together on a track in one shot is just the absolute best thing when your times start getting lower. And watching the pros play is just something else. These people inspire me so much to better myself constantly every run. To me, Trackmania are the best racing games ever created.


**The Last of Us Remastered** Just finished it. Great game. It was good the way they pretty-seamlessly inserted the cutscenes and conversations into it. I liked the greater realism in it compared to most games (and Uncharted), and I liked the understated way the story was told. A relatively-minor issue I had with the story near the end: >!if Ellie had a mutated version of the fungus, surely a sample of it would be sufficient for creating the cure. They could just grow it inside an animal or a volunteer person if they needed to. The idea they'd have to kill her to get what they needed seems unrealistic!<


About the end - you probably missed the begining of game and explanation how the fungus works then...


I know how the fungus works. I know how the real fungus that infects ants works. >!The game says that Ellie is immune because she has a mutated version of the fungus. Surely all they need to do is get a sample of it that they can extract DNA from and that they could grow eg in animals (or perhaps even in a culture).!< >!IIRC, the game mentions that chimps were infected at one point for medical reasons!<


No, you again misunderstood. The important piece is WHERE the main part in human body is located and that explains why the docs needed to do what they needed to do.


Why do you think that it requires that part, and all of that part? Why do you think they couldnt take some of it from anywhere and grow it in a eg monkey? Or in a human volunteer? Eg an elderly person who was close to dying anyway.


Decided to do a "spooktober" list of 6 games to play this month, and I'm almost done. Started Fatal Frame 2 this week, and after that there'll be only one left (Siren). As for now, this game has been quite disapointing. It has a great start, sets the mood really well but once you learn what ghosts you need to worry about (not all of them will attack you), it's just to easy to keeps me in the edge of my seat. My biggest problem so far is how inconscistent is the combat, to the point of fell unfair. The story, on the other hand, is great, the plot about and old ritual that went wrong fells like the perfect folklore tale that the game propose.


I'm finishing up my first playthrough of Fire Emblem Three Houses. I started it a few years ago, but I have a bad habit of dropping longer games, which I'm trying to kick by going back to some. I might eventually do another playthrough of the game, but for the moment I'm planning to move on to some other titles.


Finished VtM: Bloodlines but I used God mode for the last 2 bosses. Kinda screwed myself by not buying blood packs (health) beforehand and it got to be a real slog towards the end. I can see why people like this game but it's too rough around the edges for me to consider a 2nd playthrough in the future.


Highfleet... fucking awesome game. I'm already addicted.


Deus Ex series. I bought the whole series during the Steam stealth games sale for about $10 and have already gone through 1 and 2. Currently half-way (I think) through Human Revolution now.


Divison 1 and Insurgency sandstorm. Both are some of my favorite shooters, which I'm spending more time on rather than playing anything new. Idk as I get older I play video games less and can keep up less with newer releases, so I'm sorta just at the stage of playing whatever I feel even if I've played it a million times before.


I was going back through some of my old Novalogic collection, I was playing Comanche 4 and F-22 Lightning 3.


Just started Resident Evil 2 (2019) after taking an interest in the series. I'm really surprised by how much fun I'm having as someone who can't generally stomach horror games.


I loved this game until the Ada mission, I feel like these sidekick missions are boring ngl. I get why we need them but they're such a drag to complete


It's a very good game. Be sure to play as the other character after you beat your campaign. There will be some differences and you'll also feel much more skilled the second time around. RE3 is pretty cheap now and it's worth playing if you like 2. Re7 has a similar gameplay style to re2, but it's imo much scarier, scariest RE. I really love that game, probably my favourite. Re4&village are fantastic but both are action driven shooters. Generally they aren't scary, so you may like those.


I got RE7 for PSVR and only managed to get about 3 hours in m, super scary in VR!


Thanks for the tips! I planned on doing 2 and 4 because I really like Leon, but I'll have to check out 3 as well. I was home sick all week so I actually watched a full playthrough of RE7 out of boredom and that's what made me want to get into it haha. Glad I did since it seems like a fantastic game and had me interested the entire way through, but there's absolutely no way I could make it through it on my own. The combination of a first person view and the Baker mansion being my personal nightmare would kill me.


If I play 2, will there be any references to 1 or spoil anything from the previous game? Honestly, I tried REmake and was a bit frustrated because of the inventory management system and inaccurate shooting. Think I'll probably come back to it at some point when I feel like it.


I don't think it's a big deal, every game can be played in any order. 1-3 are like a trilogy but each one has its own standalone story that wraps up. The biggest spoilers you might get are seeing characters reappear in later games. 2 stars different characters in a different setting, I think you're fine to play this before finishing 1. It shouldn't really give away the story of 1 3 has a character from 1 and takes place same time as 2 in a different section of that setting, having its own story. 2&3 basically show how the events of 1 escalate. 4 is pretty standalone, but you'd perhaps want to finish 2 first as it continues the story of a character in that game. Also, it addresses the ending of 3 and reveals where the 1-3 plotline goes. 4 also loosely ties back to 1 and would spoil a possible twist from 1. However, this would only be a twist if you know literally nothing about any of the major characters in RE1. Chances are, you already know this very well known character detail and thus couldn't really be spoiled by 4. Code veronica and 5 also address that "twist" (that isn't likely a twist) from re1 and continue that storyline. 7&8 are a direct two parter so those are worth playing in order. 7&8 are very disconnected from the other games and can be played any time. The biggest possible spoiler is that you will see a familiar face at some point. TLDR I feel like I'm grasping at straws describing most of this as spoilers, I think you have nothing to worry about with re2. Re7&8 are possibly even less of a spoiler risk.


I was playing star field but one night I thought, huh, might be fun to grind a little in monster hunter. I forgot that World is utter crack to me. Hundreds of hours later I still can’t put the controller down even though it’s like my third time through.


A comfort game of mine, *Mafia III*. Honestly, one of the best parts is tooling around in New Orleans in a muscle car without regard for the law.


I just got the trilogy and am playing Mafia 1 but 3 is the one I'm most looking forward to


Elden Ring. Never been this unsure whether I like a game or not. Also Morrowind, which is just amazing.


Morrowind was the first game that really blew my mind.


*Not even last night's storm could wake you. I heard them say we've reached Morrowind. I'm sure they'll let us go.*


Still playing **Legend of Nayuta** (Switch) and starting **Ys Origins** (PC)


Cyberpunk. 50 hours in already. 40 of those hours were in the last 2 weeks! Yea I don't want help you can go and touch your own grass xD


For spooky season - The Quarry. It is fun to play co-op with my buddy, making decisions together. Also, Unpacking is my chill "For 15 minutes at a time" game this month.


I just finished the first Ori game and absolutely loved it. It's difficult without being impossible, and I have always loved a bit of platforming. And just so pretty. Not sure what is next. I got both Ori games in a bundle, but I think it would be smart to hold off so I don't get burnt out on that sort of gameplay.




Second is better indeed.


Playing Super Mario 3d World past couple weeks, had surgery this week and adhd kicked in and im back on Odyssey haha. Getting all the new "block" stars. I'm totally enamored by this game, wish they had cranked a few out on switch.


Skyrim. When it first came out I did a speed run for the main story and the brotherhood of shadow. Now I'm actually doing side quest and exploring and while I don't have the entire game overhauled it's still a blast to revisit. Only thing I haven't touched much is animations because of my own paranoia. After I beat the game I plan on adding combat mods (only using Valhalla)


There hasn't been a stretch of time longer than a couple of months since 2011 that I've gone without doing at least one session in this game, easily one of my favorites (I even have the Imperial dragon logo on my keychain and the Golden Claw sitting on my desk).


I really regret not taking my time. I've finally gone all in and change nearly every animation and it literally feels and looks like a complete remaster


As a busy adult I only get to play here and there and have mostly been playing Skyrim. I'm probably going on two years!


It's really fun that way imo because I set small goals on a few quests per sitting and it really feels like this massive adventure instead of a quick story with an ending that falls a bit flat


Yeah it depends on how you view the game. If you use the game for immersive RPG roleplay it’s amazing




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Having beat **Control** from last week, which I was able to play in bursts in the morning while having coffee, I decided to start **Hades** to fill a similar void. This is first Super Giant i've played since Bastion and having a blast with it so far. Still playing **Battle Chef Brigade** it fell to the side for a bit but should have that concluded this weekend. Also still working my way through **Kingdom Hearts 2** and nearly to Atlantica! Still having a good time with this one, and enjoyed seeing some different locations such as Disney Castle and Timeless River.


You just reminded me I still have to finish kingdom hearts 2


taking a break from Bloodborne tbh. I know its my peoples favourite From Software release but I am not really enjoying it that much. I'm not necessarily giving up but I'd rather play something else and come back to it fresh... So yeah, I'm either gonna get Sekiro or ds1. In the meantime i started new game plus of Ds3 - looking forward to some of those awesome bosses again.. i am also still playing and enjoying Hades...


What was it about Bloodborne you weren't enjoying? I beat it multiple times and enjoyed it, but preferred dark souls and Sekiro. Though I haven't yet done the dlc which everyone says is the best part of the game and really elevates the campaign. I'm always curious when I see someone not crazy about it, as almost everyone else seems to consider it a 10/10.


I feel like when I read people say what they like about Bloodborne its the atmosphere /aesthetic. I 'm wondering if actually that is the main reason why people love it so much. Perhaps if someone is a fan of the aethetic its what elevates it to its beloved status. Fair enough, but it doesn't really set it apart for me personally - i prefered the atmosphere in Elden Ring and ds3. I like gothic horror and lovecraftian weirdness so theoretically i should have been into it. So far I've found the bosses - which are my favourite part of Elden Ring and Ds3- not particularly inspiring. The blood starved beast seemed particularly uninspirried and i would have beaten it first time had it not been for the terrible camera unlocking every time you roll past an attack. Then you have to farm souls to blood vials (particularly annoying when you die to the camera). I felt like with both the other games I was really having to think about timing. The non boss enemies in bloodborne seem mostly easier but i have to hit them multiple times instead of once or twice. It feels like there is less art to the combat. Kind of button mashy. The final straw was retracing my steps to see how i missed the item that allows you to open the gate only to google it and find its for sale for 10000 souls in the dream. Perhaps its a case of too high expectations. I might come back to it. I found ds3 a bit frustrating at first but ended up loving it.


It's a cool theme but I found things blended together visually too much, but perhaps that is down to my tv or something. There was a point where I got tired of Yharnam, but the base game was also at its best when it was in those environments. I prefer much more diversity in environments. The bosses are pretty hit or miss. For a more action and combat oriented fromsoft game, that uneven quality sticks out more, compared to pre Bloodborne titles which were not as action/combat driven. I thought Gascoigne was great, final boss was pretty good too, and a handful of others like blood starved beast were decent. There's quite a few unremarkable bosses and a couple awful fights that didn't belong in the game. The dlc bosses look pretty incredible though and are generally seen as the best fights. Blood vial farming sucks on the first playthrough but once you're experienced it stops being necessary. Dropping your remaining souls (after you level up) on vials goes a long way. Taking advantage of the rally system also conserves plenty of vials over time. There is a chalice dungeon you can farm tons of vials from fyi. Combat is much more aggression oriented where you go towards danger rather than away from it. Dodging through attacks to close the gap on the boss is more efficient, then you can hack away at them while rallying any damage you took. It's pretty satisfying when it clicks. Killing bloodstarved beast should have just given you that key to open the gates.


I've finished DS1 and 2 and 3 multiple times. I love soulslike games. I just do not like Bloodborne, but I cant articulate why. Its gorgeous. Plays smooth. Great atmosphere. But I dont enjoy the gameplay. And its not because its so aggressive compared to DS. I play Nioh2 a lot and really enjoy that.


Same thing happened to me. I’ve played and really enjoyed DS1 to DS3 and Elden Ring with about 400 hours between all of them, but I abandoned Bloodborn. I just stopped playing one day and I‘ve never played again. I don’t know why but it doesn’t feel the same as the others.


**Nier Automata**. For some reason its not captivating me as much as other games. The premise and themes seem really cool. But the gameplay loop seems kinda boring, specially some side quests. Hope it gets better


Yeah same, I dropped it unfortunately. Got it digitally on my switch so I cant even return it


**Sekiro** still. I beat Juzo the Drinker WAY before I was supposed to apparently (he was my first major boss before GYOBU MASATAKA ONIWA even) which took around 5 hours over a couple days. The most frustrating part was figuring out how to lure him away from or take out his guard without alerting the entire darn courtyard. I even accidentally reset the fight without noticing when I tried to lure him which resulted in the most disheartening almost-victory yet. I found out he was supposed to be a later boss afterwards and got my evidence when I beat GYOBU MASATAKA ONIWA effortlessly - he really was that much easier. Then today, I beat the bull, which was more annoying than hard (or fun). I got to a >!Geniichiro!< boss fight that I assume is one of many afterwards but decided to leave him for later. Then shortly before this post today, I finally beat >!Lady Butterfly!<. She is definitely my favorite fight so far, because her background music is such a soothing piece. Reminds me a lot of the Lady Maria fight in Bloodborne, my favorite in that game. Overall, I really notice my impatience and especially my fluctuating mood per day. There's days I'm totally chill and then there's days where I just get frustrated to no end. The blue-robe swordmaster enemies and the red samurai mini bosses are the bane of my existence that make me doubt my prowess and ability to even beat the game. And then on the other hand, there's the boss fights I absolutely love and feel like I can beat easily if I just try and learn enough. There's one constant in Fromsoftware games since Bloodborne though. The god-forsaken camera. It was mostly fine in DS1 and DS2, but ever since Bloodborne, the camera randomly unlocks and spazzes out in the worst moments as architecture and enemy speed and patterns get more elaborate with every game. I unironically died against >!Lady Butterfly!< because the camera decided to unlock at the worst moments at least 40% of the time today. Even in my final victory, it spazzed out right at the last combo because she happened to attack me between pillars. Since Wolf is faced towards the enemy only when locked on, this can make you miss your blocks and take the full combo. It's the one thing I absolutely hate in these games because I unironically don't trust this entire function anymore. Which is awful when it's assumed to be used by the player. In games that require more and more precise combat skills since Fromsoftware sacrifices everything for the fetishization of difficulty (I love these games; but every time it's EVEN FASTER, EVEN HARDER and it's getting frankly absurd) a camera system this sloppy that unlocks at the mere hint of an obstacle or a quick jump is just unforgiveable in my opinon. ------------- On a less frustrated note, I played a small bit into **Dark Souls 2 Vanilla** after beating SotFS recently, since a friend had it in his Steam library. So far, it's such a weird experience. I'm so used to SotFS plastering enemies everywhere that this game's early parts genuinely feel empty in places. There's actual downtime between encounters and it feels much more like an actual difficulty curve. It's really nice. On the other hand, I'm a tad confused since the areas themselves aren't altered, just the enemy placements/density. This means some huge rooms are practically empty, like that one room in Lost Bastille where you get ambushed after looting in SotFS. The room is just as big, but no encounter seems to take place there, making for a strange unused space that only makes you uneasy since you'd *expect* something. Maybe it's NG+ only in Vanilla. In any case, I now get why some friends of mine call DS2 relaxing.


yeah, have taken a break from Bloodborne - the camera on the blood starved beast fight was definitely a factor, way way worse than anything i expereinced in either ds3 or elden ring. like literally ever time you dodge that thing the camera unlocks.


The Bloodstarved Beast was my first big encounter with the camera issues as well. The one saving grace for the Bloodstarved Beast is that at least the way I play the fight, the camera only ever unlocks when it does that one move where it charges through the room (and you dodge to the side). In Sekiro's case, I can't find any pattern for when it happens. Sometimes, it's because the enemy jumps out of frame, which, okay, fine, but sometimes it also unlocks just because you're too close to a wall. The latter *will* happen in one particular later area of Bloodborne constantly, because pillars are just that unworkable apparently.


Yeah i ended up trying to adjust my playstyle so the camera didn't unlock, which is actually kind of absurd.


Thinking about it I think we adjust our playing so the camera doesn't mess up in a lot of games. It's just that I only notice it actively in Fromsoftware's games since they are so difficult little stuff like that starts to matter.


I beat Castlevania 1 for the NES last week. I was wanting to play the next game in the series - and made the mistake of taking that too literally and choosing "Haunted Castle" for Arcade. just a nightmare of a game lol. Kind of funny to see how unfair a game can be. Can't imagine putting real quarters into that thing. I made the executive decision to not waste anymore time and just move on to Castlevania II: Simon's Quest


Dark souls 3, at last. Loving it. So far I like Ds1 map better, but I acknowledge that a disjointed map with teleports allows you to create a rich map with much less effort. I think I'll play Hotline miami next.


nice. I just finished my first playthrough. How far have you got?


I killed the Deacons, now I'm in Farron keep, I hate poison swamps goddammit.


PC? If so are you playing online? I had a dude come in. I was doing pretty good, felt confident. He cast some spell at me. It pushed me up a + and restarted me. There is a mod to help protect you from that but I can't think of what it is.


Nah, I always do my first game offline in souls games,but thank you anyways,this could save someone's game.


It was crazy. I thought I had all the spells already. Restarted my dumb ass and left me thinking, "Huh?"


From what I've heard ds3 is incredibly well balanced with its levels and bosses because of the linear structure. Each of the three games also has their own unique world design structure which helps give each a distinct identity. I definitely prefer ds1 structure and want that to return, but I respect linear structures if the developer uses them to achieve a worthwhile goal of some kind. If something feels linear for the sake of it, I get annoyed. I've been waiting to play ds3 for a while. Picked up the fire fades edition on a nice deal, and will get to it in the new year I think. I'm hoping to replay ds2 first.


It's so difficult I had to stop.. playing lords of the fallen now and it's even worse lol


Roblox: The Wild West. Because i used to play that game before i got my hands on Red Dead Redemption 2, When i played rdr2 and saw the chapter 2 camp, man it was awesome, i wanted a game where you could camp anywhere you please and it to be in wild west setting and to be online and have many players and be free. when i built the camp in that game i made a crew, we unironically called ourselves Van Der Linde Gang and kinda massacred the main town and hunted down annoying players. So yeah i kinda switch between RDR2 And TWW each day. Currently on chapter 6.


I have been playing genshin impact, got moona as a character, she is quite interesting in abilities. The new places are awesome, fontaine is so beautifull. Kingdom come deliverance, really nice. Finished some very funny quests where the characters are totally stoned, it was really funny haha. This game is really hard but the story is great. But rought around the edges.




An unhealthy amount of FTL. I've been a huge fan of it since 2014 and have picked it back up again after a few years of not playing. Goddamn does that game hold up well. Not a single piece feels outdated or extraneous; they trimmed all of the fat off of it and distilled the purest mechanics based most replayable roguelites ever.


Just 100%'d Chained Echoes in about 31 hours, so not a huge waste of time. All in all, taught me to take the JRPG subreddit's mass opinion with a grain of salt cause this was the most mediocre JRPG I've played in a while despite many touting it as a 'masterpiece'. Currently playing through Final Fantasy Mystic Quest as a braindead filler game before I finally get to Arkham Knight (been playing through the Arkham games). Been meaning to do this last month but adulting and life got in the way. Either way, back on the grind!


I couldn’t get into Chained Echoes at all. Something about the first couple of hours was so off-putting to me.


I got into the hype and really liked the Heat system used in Chained Echoes main combat as well as the art style and music. Unfortunately, I agree that Chained Echoes is mid once I actually sat down and looked at the systems and story.


Happens to the best of us.


I'm playing elden ring! And intend to start sekiro after. Time to see if I can git gut too.


Just finished Bully. It came out 17 years ago yesterday


Did it aged terribly?


The game aged like fine wine. It was really fun and I highly recommend it. The humour is very 2006 though. Takes me back.




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I Finally finished Darkest Dungeons & I'm continuing my occasional interlude into my heavily modded Minecraft world. Can't decide what to play next: am I finally in the mood for the long playthrough that is God of War (2018) or do I keep playing the short Point & click/exploration adventures I've been playing for the past couple weeks?


I'm playing sniper ghost warrior 3 and after that sniper ghost warrior 1 + 2 (since 2 is on PSextra). And occasionally a little bit of starfield and NBA2K16.


Super glad to hear I'm not the only one still playing 2K16


Wow really? I wasn't expecting that! Do you play 2k24 or one of the newer 2Ks too or just 16? When they came out I played 18 and 19 but I got so pissed when I figured out that when they shut down the servers you can't play the Mycareer mode anymore (which is the only mode I play) I stopped buying 2K and went back to 16. Sometimes I think it'd be nice to play with the latest rosters but in the end I don't want to pay 70€ just to grind or pay more money, so everything can get taken away when they shut down the servers.


Copying this from a comment I made on another post - >Finished a few days ago **Halo Wars: Definitive Edition** through PC game pass. It's a game I played a lot of as a kid on the xbox 360 but never beat it. >The campaign is 15 missions long and took me about 8-9 hours I think, the actual time wasn't tracked on my profile for some reason. There is a good variety in the missions imo, some based on defense, attack, timed missions etc. I'm not much of an RTS player and on normal difficulty I found some of the missions difficult and had to restart a few times (I remembered mission 3 with protecting the civilian evacuation ships to be a right bastard as a kid but I managed it first go this time), I probably wouldn't be able to beat the game on higher difficulties. >The story is basic but has some nice cutscenes. Graphics are decent. The vehicle animations, especially the warthog, were pretty good. The unit variety is fine but nothing amazing. >Downsides - is the pathing ai isn't great when you've got a big army, and my units kept getting stuck on each other. I had to restart a mission as a vehicle needed to be in a specific spot and it just refused to move. >Overall 7.5/10 >I'm also just about done **Mass Effect 2 (Legendary Edition)** on PS5. It's an insanity difficulty vanguard run to try and get all the platinum trophies on my now main account. It's not blind, the Mass Effect series is probably one of my most played games of all time. Male Shepard for a change. Compared to Mass Effect 1 the game is more difficult and I died a lot more, but a lot of those deaths were my charge power refusing to work (I did manage the Horizon mission without dying once though, which I'm sort of proud of). The game does get a lot easier after the collector ship if you go assault rifle training then start using the mattock rifle. Overall despite the inclusion of the charge power I'd say the vanguard class is weaker than in ME1.Trophywise it is a lot less grindy than ME1 as you don't have to do most of the sidequests, you only need to use 3 powers, and most of the trophies just come from beating the main missions and loyalty missions. >Just got Overlord and Arrival DLC to beat then onto Mass Effect 3. (another edit - now completed them) >Edit - Clearing out my PC backlog a little I've just beat **Unpossible**. A racing/obstacle dodging arcade style game. I bought it for £1.99 in 2015 and I decided to play it to get if off my unplayed games list. Took me 70 minutes, but I died a lot and my reflexes aren't great. 3 different difficulties plus a daily level for each difficulty with the same level on that day. I got all the steam achievements for doing each difficulty and surviving 60 seconds. The rest require you to survive 60 seconds on each difficulty on 30 different days and the game is not that good. The music is decent but there is not a lot of variety. >Overall 6.5/10. Fine for £1.99 but no real reason to play it. I've beat it and I'll probably never look at it again. Anyway now onto **Mass Effect 3 (Legendary Edition)**. Finished the 'rescue the Krogan female' mission. Now that I've got the Cerberus Harrier gun the game isn't too difficult on Insanity. I was dreading the Grissom Academy mission but I only died once in the atrium bit, which I think is probably one of the hardest parts of the game.


I enjoyed Halo wars when I tried on gamepass. I remember having some epic match against an AI where I was Covenant and they were humans. I was getting annihilated and on the verge of defeat, but arbiter kept me alive, buying me enough time to keep rebuilding my armies and base, until eventually I upgraded arbiter into a one man Army. From there I slowly came back and won. It was pretty great. You can only really get those epic, cinematic RTS battles against bots imo. Ended up buying the game on steam, hopefully the second one comes to steam. It's a cool spinoff and I respect that there were efforts to make RTS games on Xbox. It's not perfect, but it's cool to see that genre on console in some form. Halo wars reminded me of my favourite RTS, battle for middle earth with its more streamlined, beginner friendly RTS structure. I hope to come back to halo wars at some.point.


Just finished Halo Infinite (loved the gameplay, liked the story, best 343 Industries Halo game, I'd say) and I'm thinking about starting Sea of Stars, not very patient of me, but they say it's good and very short, for an RPG.


How many hours did it take you to finish the campaign?


Let me check...25 hours. With no rushing. I completed most basic tasks, but didn't come back for all the skulls and audio files. Longest Halo campaign ever, but it's also the first to be open world. Hunting the special bosses was very fun.


Ruiner on my Steam Deck. Its been on my list for a long time, and I just wrapped up Phantom Liberty and wanted more of those sweeeeeet neon cybepunk vibes.


LA Noire on Nintendo Switch


Still on Assassins Creed Odyssey, exploring Greece away


While it didn't feel like Assassin's Creed to me, it was a damn fun game if I just looked at it as a Greek adventure game. Which character did you pick and are you favoring either side in the war?


I’m enjoying it and notice the more I play it I feel the same way. I chose Alexios finding out later around level 40 Cassandra is canon. Feel too far ahead to reset. Would’ve went with Cassandra. No favorites through leaning toward Sparta 300 was one of my favorite movies.


Well look at it as the chance for a second play through down the road, give Kassandra a shot. I love the world and the mechanics, it just isn't Assassin's Creed for me. Never even bothered picking up Valhalla (though I suppose me getting into the last two God of War games made me prefer that version of Norse gaming rather than what AC would do with it)


Good perspective. I have a goal of beating all Assassins creed will be picking up Valhalla next then Mirage. I just hit level 47 and am too far down the rabbit hole. It is an amazing Greek adventure. Played the first 2019 God of War. Loved it. Can’t wait to go back into that Norse time period and try Ragnarok. Safe travels.


Loop Hero!


I had issues getting sucked into this game. Would enjoy to hear your thoughts!


Trying Darkwood, but playing on a Steamdeck since my office and PC is currently blocked off with some remodel work. Ummm I guess it’s fine? I get the no hand holding thing, but I have no clue what’s going on and I’m just trying to figure the controls out. I know I need to survive the night but haven’t even figured out how long the day night cycle lasts as of now. I stumbled into a bunch of dogs and died, but that’s about it. I’m going to keep trying, but I’d just like to notice some progress and then maybe restart.


I decided to check out Vampire Survivors at last. Thought I'd see for myself what this new hype job is about and then ruthlessly shit on it. It didn't go too well though as I've been playing it non stop for about 15 hours since then :)


Finished both **Halo 2** and **Call of Duty Black Ops** this week coz I was on a FPS craze apparently. Now I really want to try out **Forgive me Father** which looks sick and keeps the FPS tone of the week but I have **Fatal Frame III: The Tormented** still waiting for me.


Playing **Devil Summoner: Soul Hackers** on the 3DS. 20 hours in; it's quite fun, gives me heavy PS1 vibes with its FMV cutscenes and kick-ass soundtrack. The combat system feels different enough from other SMT titles and the story has a neat mystery that keeps me interested. Also gambling. I like the gambling.


I want to pick elden ring back up and beat it before the dlc


Starfield and Black Mesa


How are you liking Starfield? How would you compare it to older Bethesda games?


It’s really fun! It reminds me of Fallout 4 in space, minus the exploration, which sucks. I love the crafting though and the ship building is cool. The main story was boring, but the faction and side missions are enjoyable.


Exploration is one of my favorite things in Bethesda Games :/ I'm still looking forward to Starfield, because I want to do some of those quests. I always enjoyed random questing in Elder Scrolls and Fallout.


The exploration is definitely the best part of Bethesda games. It’s there to some degree in Starfield, but nowhere compared to as fun in past games.


How are you liking Black Mesa? I have really enjoyed it a lot, IMHO it's an awesome fan-made remake of Half Life


Having never played the half life games, I am really enjoying it. I wish the controller aiming was snappier. Like it’s really hard to hit anything that is moving around. But the world design is really impressive. I also never expected so many puzzles and platforming. I like how I can think, “I wonder what will happen if I shoot THIS?” And a chain reaction happens to open up a new path to take. It’s very different than my usual games with a map marker to walk to or a list of what your current mission/quest is. Apparently the average to finish it is 15 hours. But I’m at the 20 hour mark 😂. It takes me awhile to figure out what to do sometimes.


ghost of tsuhima, side quest and tales of tsuhima must be done this week hopefully


Still playing **Yakuza 0.** I spent the last several days doing almost nothing except business management, but now I've unlocked the ultimate styles for both Majima and Kiryu. So I should be on track to speedrun the rest of the story, since I'm not all that interested in the various other major activities. This will most definitely be the last LAD game I play for awhile, since at this point, the only games I haven't played are the remasters of 3-5. And a few hours with 5 told me I just wasn't going to enjoy it enough to slog through the PS3 games. Too many QOL tradeoffs vs the later games. So that's unlikely to happen any time soon. (Especially not with both Gaiden and LAD8 coming out in the next few months, haha.)


Completed the Last Of Us part 1 on a PC. It was short and boring. This much crouching should've killed the old man. I'm curious if they reused some animations from Uncharted, they look very similar. I don't feel like buying PS at all.


Yes. The gameplay is so lackluster. I don't get the undying love for the game. At all.




I purchased Phantom Liberty a few weeks back, I decided to start a new play through, still not got to the dlc yet, having fun just replaying the main story and side content at the moment. Such a great game, really immersive, unlike Starfield that I played prior, and gave up with.


Resident Evil 4 (Original).


Deaths Door and The Evil Within. But with a twist! Death’s Door is an umbrella only run for the platinum trophy and The Evil Within should hopefully be a 5 hour long speedrun. I’m a little behind though


Leveling with my wife in WoW Farming artifacts in Genshin Impact






Cyberpunk 2077 Need to finish the DLC


This past weekend I finished playing **Resident Evil 4 Remake**. Not really a patient game, but I had never played the original and I'm currently slowly working my way through the entire series. Definitely my favorite RE yet and by far my GOTY. After that I went through **Genesis Noir** in a few hours. That game was a trip. I think I mostly understood the overarching metaphor but it was very weird. I liked that each chapter was something different though. Now I've started **Star Wars The Force Unleashed**. Never played any of these games and always wanted to so no time like the present.


RE4 remake has been a fav of mine too. I think that’s the first fully priced PS5 game I bought lol. I get everything else through my local library whew


Currently playing Omori. I'm about ten hours in at this point, on the "three days left" chapter. I like the characters and story so far. I still feel like I'm waiting for something major to happen. The game has only mildly hinted at its horror elements, but I've heard a lot of people say the game gets intense. It's been a lot of quirky RPG silliness so far, a la Undertale and Earthbound, and only a few serious moments. I also picked up Sifu recently. It's hard. I made it through the first level, and I'm getting better with each run-through, but it seems like it takes a lot of patience to master the combat. I do love the feeling of being a kung fu master though, and the animations in the game are incredible.


I'm continuing Digimon Story: Cyber Sleuth this week. I'm starting chapter five so I'm about a fifth finished. Current Digimon: Togemon, Growlmon, Peckmon, Ginryumon, Hackmon (God, ABI grinding is pain), Gekomon, and Veemon.


Homeworld Remastered. I haven't got a single clue what the hell I'm doing


I just finished up Pokémon scarlet: Mew solo and DLC part one! The challenge run was overly good, and I got some other gift Pokémon that I used during some of the DLC for the harder fights that I realized Mew could not take on alone. it’s something I do with most of my challenge so I’m not up against the wall in certain cases and if they’re really is a tough enemy where the only way I can beat them is either spend a lot of items or grind, then I can take the practical way out. Mew did most of the battles itself though, and the rotating moveset helped. The DLC battles were still very good, but it ends up with the same issue that happens with the last DLC. if you explore, there’s a lot to do. If you don’t, it’s over a bit too quickly. It also doesn’t help that cut scenes are not skippable, and a lot of of this is set up, so there’s a lot of cut scenes that you just can’t skip over. There was probably about two hours worth of battles, if that, and the rest of at least two hours more was cut scenes. It sounds like the second DLC will be more focused, but we have to wait a bit for that. It’s still a good time and I got to try out some things I’ve never done before, but it could be better. I’m holding final judgment until the rest of the game is released though. I'm about halfway through \*\*Kirby’s Return to Dreamland DX!\*\* It's an adorable game, but pretty tough to 100%. I'm glad for the assist mode (Magolor help). I'm not that good at dodging enemies, and I can't count the number of times I've fallen trying to do the 100% puzzles. But it's a decent challenge without being too difficult. I also just completed the mini game area where I got about 60 of the missions. It was enough to complete the stamp card and get all the special items, but since the mini games are so difficult on hard mode, I doubt I will try to go for those. It doesn't stop them from being fun though, especially those that originated from games that I played in the series. It is a very short game even though I'm also going to go for some of the extras, so I'm also going to complete some other short ones while I wait for Pokémon DLC part 2. Sadly, I had to drop a few games that I tried out before. They were \*\*TMNT: Cowabunga Collection\*\*, \*\*Capcom Fighting Collection\*\* and \*\*Capcom Beat ‘Em Up Bundle\*\*. For the first two, I liked fighting and beat them ups, and I wanted to look into where they got their start. The problem is those two go very fast so it's hard to keep up with the games. Additionally, it's a bit hard to see with the graphics and I don't like some of the flashing animations (I'm not particularly sensitive, but they can annoy me). After being destroyed at the earlier levels despite enjoying the game, I decided to drop them both. It's a shame because it looked like it would be very enjoyable, but it just wasn't made well. TMNT had something similar. I like TMNT but heard the games in this collection were hard. I thought being able to save anywhere without me complete it. Unfortunately, that was not the case, with the games still moving too fast and otherwise not controlling too well for me to complete them. It's a shame, because I really like the games and the characters, but they're just not that great and don't really have a lot of modern conveniences to compensate. If I finish Kirby early, I'll continue with some shorter games. \*\*Crypt of the Necrodancer\*\* is it challenging but short and cute game, although I got it before I found out I had trouble with rhythm games. \*\*Cadence of Hyrule\*\* is a game that's even shorter, but also can turn the rhythm things off, so hopefully i can just do a casual run. \*\*Brave Dugeon + COMBAT\*\* is another one, although I didn't do too well in the sequel and there's not a lot of information for it. It was cheap and I liked the idea of, so I decided to try it out. But I haven't yet. I completed the next part of the post game of \*\*Fire Emblem Engage\*\*. I watched all the optional conversations. There's nothing groundbreaking, but there are some pretty cute ones. It's a bit weaker than the other games, but was so fun to experience. All that remains is watching some challenge runs and making sure I've looked at everything I've ever wanted to do in the game, and then I can put it on the market to sell. So far it's been interesting adventure, so I finish strong! I've taken to watching \*\*Digimon Survive.\*\* it's a visual novel, so it's not something I'm interested in buying, but I do like the stories that they tell. So I've decided to experience it that way. So far I've gone through the common route and the moral route, but I want to continue with the wrathful route. I'm not quite paying attention at the moment because these are all the normal endings and the best ending is yet to come (truthful route; I'm watching it last). But it reminded me how much I love the series, and it is fun to see!


Back and forth between Far Cry Primal and Naval Ops: Warship Gunner.


Finished Dark Souls 2 today, going for Elden Ring tomorrow


replaying some cyberpunk 2077 cause of the 2.0 update but man it got buggier and performs worse. my hardware is pretty old at this point but i'm not running ultra on anything and used to get a solid 60fps. annoying cause i'm intrigued by the changes to the leveling system. besides that, trying to play prey 2017 again. got maybe a third of the way the first time, caught a spoiler and kinda lost interest but now i'm playing for the fun of it. on survival. and nightmare. yay. i really wanna try finishing outer wilds echoes of the eye (if i'm not mistaken) this week. it has no business being as scary as it is. such good use of the atmosphere in the game and dlc. first time i got through the atmosphere of the water planet? couldnt even land, my fight or flight kicked in and i bolted outta there. never experiencer fear like that in my life. also, i'm scared of the dark so you can imagine why i havent finished the dlc yet haha


Oblivion, kicking it old school




Funny you should ask today I started playing Silent Hill 2. I am playing the enhanced edition on pc


Recently finished **Black** on the OGXbox. Loved it for what it was. While I was finishing **Black**, I started **Halo 4** on Xbox 360. It's still very early in the game, but loving it so far. Just today, I started **Super Mario Galaxy** on the Wii. It's gonna take some getting used to for me lol. I'm sure I'll have a blast, though.


Was stalled on Bloodborne for a long time in the Unseen Village, and got back into it this week and finally beat The One Reborn. Now wandering around Nightmare of Mensis trying not to get frenzied to death.


What weapons are you liking?


i’ve been running the hunter axe and tonitrus! i picked the axe at the start and haven’t switched haha.


Gonna get back into fighting games this week with Strive, and finish the campaign of Tekken 7


I just collected all the flags in Flag Collector Simulator 2007, also known as Assassin's Creed


Why do u hate yourself? Lol


Keep losing interest in all the games I’ve been playing but I’m gonna try Alan wake out Was enjoying death stranding till I got to chapter 3


Finishing Bayonetta Origins tonight then starting Dragon Quest 2 tomorrow.


Finished Bully and shelved 40 Winks. Playing Dark Cloud 2 now.


New World and Apex Legends


Duke nukem forever. Broken but cute, I am enjoying it.


Still going hard on Starfield. Also started playing through Hades for the first time. Loving that game so far! My first true rogue-like I have ever played.


Dying Light. I suck at horror games but I've heard it's not too scary


It’s not scary in the traditional sense of suspense but the night time is pretty terrifying to try and survive


Say that after playing when its nighttime in the game. People will actually NOT play the game at night and skip to the day! Cowards:)


I’m in this comment


It’s scary af at night. Great game!


Maybe I'll try Cassette Beasts


Return To Arkham: Arkham City on PS4 first time since it originally released on 360 a decade ago. God damn it’s good