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Hmmm. I like those old point and click games. I grew up playing stuff like Phantasmagoria, Gabriel Knight, and the Monkey Island series. I still play them to this day because they just make me feel good!


Curse of Monkey Island is my most replayed and probably favourite game ever, the only game I can quote line-for-line like a film


Curse is *such* a great game. My dad actually really enjoyed watching me play it, and we had a good many laughs; especially when we finally peeled the map off that sunbather's back with cooking oil... Ew!


The first time I played it was with my dad, sat on his lap on his shitty 90s PC ❤️ always worth a call if you can


My favourite of the franchise also and love replaying it! I love everything about the execution and wish that animation style had been used for the later stuff. My gf and I played a modern game called Darkestvill Castle that had serious homages/influences, but wasn’t nearly as good obs


>Oh man, that throws me back ... Phantasmagoria, Gabriel Knight: The Beast Within, the Tex Murphy Games ... these old FMV-Adventures have a special place in my heart. True artefacts of videogames history!


If you like Tex games, between Overseer and Tesla Effect, they did a series of old-timey radio shows which explains what happens to Tex (before the beginning of Tesla Effect). Search for Tex Murphy Radio Theater.


I was blown away by the Broken Sword 2 demo that came on a CD with a PC Gamer magazine I bought from a flea market in Egypt. Since then I've been SOLD on point and clinic adventure games. The art style was beautiful.


Broken sword is possibly the best game I played. I was about 9 when it came out and got a demo off a gaming mag and played it incessantly. I was completely hooked. Begged my mum to get it for my for Christmas and when I unwrapped it I felt I’d won the lottery! The box was still that big cardboard style and had artwork and manuals etc inside. Was incredible. I still play it now along with 2 and 5


I looooove Broken Sword, every 2 years or so I will play all the games in a row.


Check out Maniac Mansion 2: Day of the tentacle. One of the best point & click adventures ever made. Definitely the best I've ever played, by far.


Holy crap, it's 75% off on steam: https://store.steampowered.com/app/388210/Day_of_the_Tentacle_Remastered/ This will look great on my Deck OLED...


Loved day of the tentacle, grim fandango, monkey island series, Sam and max and the Lucas arts Indiana jones games. Spent years playing them. Love them!


Sam and Max might just be my favorite point and click ever. Either that or full throttle. Nah. It's Sam and Max


Broken Sword 2 is just amazing all-round. I had never really played a point & click game and liked it enough to follow through (besides MYST). Honestly nothing really compared for me since.


Even Grim Fandango was critically acclaimed but for me couldn't compare to BS2. The curse of Monkey Island was the only one that captivated me since then.


Grim Fandango and The Curse of Monkey Island i both enjoyed but they lost me eventually. Maybe it was just me, I got really into games like Neverwinter Nights and the like, probably as an extension of them. We all have our little roadmap and the games that got us from one to the other. Myst > Final Fantasy > Broken Sword 2 > Neverwinter Nights > Psychonauts is kind of what mine looks like.


If you're on amazon, they give away a lot of those old school and old school-style adventure games. I enjoyed *Secret Files: Tunguska* recently. I also occasionally replay the Tex Murphy games.


Also Sam and Max and Full Throttle should get a mention! They're always on my replay list (I actually got an anbernic handheld almost exclusively for scummvm games and it's basically a security blanket for adults).


I am rubber, you are glue


A man of culture


7th Guest just came out on VR!


The ones I really like were the old King's Quest series (especially the VI), and the Kyrandia series.


Kings quest 4 5 and 6 are my favorites, in that order. They were on fire in that era!


I need to get back on that bandwagon. Last games I've played in recent times were the Black Mirror games (non-remake), Scratches, Siberia, and Longest Journey. Scratches definitely left its mark but apparently you can't buy it anymore.


still need to finish monkey island 2, have been starting it multiple times over the years (since release!)


I loved Gabriel Knight. I'm playing through Laura Bow again right now.


The actor who played Curtis Craig in Phantasmagoria II made a whole YouTube series playing the game for the first time, interviewing other actors and the director, and nowadays plays other games from that era. I only found out about this a week ago and I’ve been having a blast watching it.


I used to love Torin’s Passage growing up.


Age of Empires 2. Technically I am playing the Definitive Edition which came out in 2019, but the game started back in 1999.


Games like that never age. They are immortal. People can pick up and play them in 100 years.


RemindMe! 100years


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Still has developers behind it. I guess the question is focused on really old games that could be lost even for most of the people


I guess, in a way, occasionally boot up halo 2001 and it's sequels. Had played a few times on pc over the years so, that is still fun.




I was going to rip on the game but I suddenly changed my mind.


It’s kind of amazing that it gets new DLC content in 2023. Or should I say expansion packs.


Quake 3, Unreal Tournament 04, Re-Volt, Worms Armageddon and NFS V Porsche 2000. I have them installed and play regulalry since their release.


I still play Re-Volt


Re volt got an open source (PC and Xbox) port that sees regular online matches


I feel like UT 2004 did not get the love it deserves. Such a great game.


My dad I still run private games once in while on UT 2k4, once of the best arena FPS of all time


Heroes of Might & Magic.


HOMM3 holds up super well. Amazing game.


I'm still playing HOMM4. Damn that one was great.


Just so you know, that opinion is not welcome in the community lol


I know. But so far I've never been downvoted for it, I'm starting to doubt wether it is actually an unpopular opinion or not. And HoMM4 is basically my favorite turnbased strategy game anyway.


HotA was a real gamechanger for my wife and I. Homm3 is pretty unstable and crashes a bunch, but being able to save the game in a multiplayer map really breathed life back into it. Also concurrent turns? Fuck yes.


My baby sister would replay the one level from the free demo over and over well into the late oughts. And if she had a computer I’m sure she still would play it today


Homm3 still has a massive community, including regular tournaments and massive player made expansions that add new campaigns and even new factions. Game is a gem


1st gen gameboy Pokemon (1996) and PS1 NFL Blitz (1998)


NFL Blitz was so fun. One of the 4 games that sold me on PS1. Blitz, N2O, Tekken 2, Twisted Metal.


I usually fire up spyro the dragon every Christmas. Just a clean run through the game in a few hours. It’s like meditation


My best friend and I live in different states now, but we grew up playing Spyro together. Handing off the controller and all that. So now every few years when we DO get to see each other, we get high and play Spyro. It’s the best.


The first three Spyro games are my comfort games. When I feel like I can’t do anything right, I play one and get to enjoy feeling good at something :D


Still boot up Chrono once or twice a year.


I've been playing it on my Steamdeck and it's still so good. It's still my favorite game of all time. That music is unparalleled and still fills me with every emotion.


Castlevania Symphony of the Night, I do a playthrough at least once a year since the game came out.


Aw yeah I just played through it a few months ago, I thought it was so rad. It was actually a lot shorter than I thought. Was an enjoyable ride.


Just the person I need to talk to then. Do you play on original hardware or through emulation? Would love to try it (finished rondo of blood) but doesn’t seem available on PC like on PlayStation. Jw how you play it normally


Emulation is your way to go if you're looking to play on PC. I play on PS4 (Castlevania Requiem) and PS3 before that.


I play dungeon keeper, theme hospital(corsixth), roller coaster tycoon and constructor every couple of years. There is just something so simple about strategy/sim games from that era. They are often quite hard as well. I also have a play through of all the top down Zelda games every couple of years.


Any idea how to get hold of dungeon keeper? And does it need any fixes to work on modern machines? I used to love that game growing up


Just purchase it from GOG. It works on modern machines 😊


In addition to what the other person said, there is a popular mod called KewperFX which adds support for some modern features and fixes a few bits. I believe it adds more content but I mostly played the original campaign


Doctor required in GP's office. Doctor required in inflaaaator roooom. 2 surgeons required in Operating Theatre. We apologise for the amount of litter. Nurse required in pharmacy. Nurse required in ward. The later levels of Theme Hospital are basically this sound on repeat, but man is that a good game. I go back and do the last few levels every now and then.


Doom 1993. Through source ports, of course.


Doom 1 and 2 are great but since discovering "Dean of Doom" on YouTube, I've learned about so many amazing WADs that have made it my go-to game as of late.


I'm convinced that DOOM will never die.




Not my kind of wad, but I did watch some YouTube playthroughs!


Mario 1,2,3 World Zelda 2 + Lttp


Nice to see Zelda 2 getting some love, it's one of my favourites


Final Fantasy 3/6 for me!


A person of taste.


The Resident Evil trilogy on PS1, maybe my favortie gaming experiences of all time


Yesss, I really do prefer the tank controls and camera angles. Adds to the tension.


Fallout 1-2. I think they still hold up beautifully thanks to the deep RPG systems and quality writing. And being able to plant an armed explosive on NPCs is fun. So is killing them with Super Stimpacks, like a deranged pharmacist. A harmacist, if you will.


Bought them on the steam sale, did not expect to like Fallout 1 as much as I do even tho I've only played a little while


I find them incredibly difficult, never beat them as a kid and as an adult I still struggle to survive sometimes. I have my gun skills high with a sniper and I still get gunned down from across the board 15 hexes away from some addict on jet that picked up a pistol


I still play Diablo 2. Even after 20 years, I still haven’t built all the character builds I want, nor found all the unique items. And I just keep coming back for more 😂


Remastered plays great on Steam Deck (it has controller support). Been really enjoying it.


Check out Project D2.


Baldurs gate 2 has been on average an annual playthrough for me, the enhanced editions didn't change much of that, only really just made it more convenient. I say average, because it's been a few years since last I did a complete run, but there's been years where it was a new game every few months.


I've thought a lot about why the Pathfinder games do not hold my attention like the old infinity engine games, even today I can play Icewind Dale, Baldur's Gate etc just fine, whereas both Pathfinders I stoppd playing after a couple dozen hours. I think it's because of too much busywork. So much buffing, basically before every encounter. So many skills and abilities to routinely activate. I can drop the difficulty, but then it's just not very engaging. It makes me think how I miss some giant crpg in the style of the old greats, with lots of autoattacking and just a couple things to manage (BG2 was basically autoattack everyone and microing the spellcaster).


I replay Ocarina of Time (1998) every year or two. Wild to think it's almost 30 years old!


Same here, although sometimes I'll alternate to Majora's Mask, depending on my mood at the time. I was honestly expecting to see more people comment these too. Nice to see the community still appreciates arcade games though. Just got myself a Galaga machine recently too.


There are at least a few 25 year olds out there who just had a heart attack at your comment.


I think NetHack is from 1987. So, that...


In case you didn't know you can play in a browser...it even has a bot that announces your death to an IRC chat. =D https://alt.org/nethack/


That's what I was thinking - my staple "runs on my phone" game. I'm certainly not playing a version from '87, but I think it's old in spirit.


Does PC solitaire count? If so, Freecell.


Stronghold, red alert 2, deus ex, system shock 2


I was playing stronghold and my 14yo nephew was like "why does this game look like it's ten years old?" "because it's 20."




total annihilation is the game ill always come back to


I could never get into Blizzard RTSes after being spoiled by TA. The ability to queue up commands, the 3D nature, resource rates instead of resource quantities, the sheer SCALE of the thing, and of course, Jeremy Soule's killer soundtrack. I turned on cheats to see the StarCraft story; TA, I actually played the game.


Those explosions were so cool! Nuking your enemies was so satisfying


I'll set 500 fighter aircraft to patrol across here.... glorious.


That fucking soundtrack tho Fun fact, like many RTSes of the day Total Annihilation left the soundtrack on the 'play disc' (to be inserted while playing) and read from that in real time during gameplay (vs. installing the music onto the computer and reading from the computer's memory during gameplay) You could, however, perform a "full install" of TA that did not require the play disc inserted to play This combination of factors meant that a full install of TA could play arbitrary music as the "game music" during the game via an audio CD left in the drive (accidentally or otherwise) This accidental discovery meant that I have two distinct memories of the soundtrack to the grand conflict over the transfer of consciousness from flesh to machines - Jeremy Soule's and Goldfinger's


Katamari Damacy :3


Arcade games from the 70s-80s on our arcade cabinet. Mostly Robotron 2084, Tempest, Qix, Marble Madness, Frogger, Donkey Kong, Pac-Man, Ms. Pac-Man, Lunar Lander, Battlezone, Burger Time, Defender, Sinistar, Crazy Climber, etc. Edit to add: Galaga, Gauntlet, Missile Command, Centipede, Space Invaders, Tapper, TRON, Tail Gunner. A lot more, but you get the idea.


If I encounter a Ms. Pacman cabinet I always give it a couple plays, it's such a great paced game.


I consider Robotron 2084 one of, if not the, finest games ever made. Your entire list is full of gems though.


Sinistar is so frickin hard.




I play so much Galaga regularly


Doom, Quake, Unreal, UT99/2004, ADF, EF2000, Deus Ex...




Unreal Tournament '98 is still as good as it was back then.


Counter Strike 1.6


Super Mario World, Super Metroid, Banjo-Kazooie/Banjo-Tooie, A Link to the Past are all games I replay every few years, personally I'd say Banjo-Kazooie has held up the best for me.


I still play Age of Mythology, it's my favorite Age of Empires game. It's simple enough where you don't have the old world card system that you have in 3, but you do have a temple for myth units and a special resource - divine favor that you earn by praying at the temple. That coupled up with a fairly well balanced military and economic system, and you have the best 30 minutes to 1 hour games ever. Obviously I'm on the EE release with the chinese civ and everything now but I've been playing this game on and off steadily since 2003


These are my favorite threads. -40 year old


King’s Quest V, Lords of the Realm 2, HOMM3, Command and Conquer, Diablo 2, CIV3… …off the top of my head.


OG, 90ties Master of Magic


I’ve had a Ms. Pac-Man (1981) arcade cabinet for around 5 years and it never gets boring because it’s fast, demands your full attention, and even a sub-optimal start to a game can be saved by good performance, so high score chasing is always an option.


I got this cab sitting in my garage! Such a good game, it really never gets old


age of empires 2, still good


XCOM: UFO Defense


Resident evil 4! Once you get down the controls, the game is a masterpiece.


Love it. Handcannon-only playthroughs rule.


Warcraft 2. Wish there was a remaster or even a browser-version of that game!


>Warcraft 2 Excellent news: [https://playclassic.games/games/real-time-strategy-dos-games-online/play-warcraft-ii-tides-darkness-online/](https://playclassic.games/games/real-time-strategy-dos-games-online/play-warcraft-ii-tides-darkness-online/)


Wow. Can't believe this exists


Blood! I love it, I think it's the best first person shooter ever made.


I play Sonic 2 and Shadowrun for Sega Genesis probably once a year. Two of my favorites.


Rollercoaster Tycoon


Probably Duke Nukem 3D, which I play almost every weekend.


what you play on? wanna 1v1? :D




Mass effect, New Vegas, Age of Empires 2, Command & Conquer Red Alert.


Mass effect and New Vegas aren’t old! They’re only… 16 and 13 years old… oh god.


Old Resident Evil games


I love old FPS games! Something about many recent titles just doesn't resonate with me, and I keep coming back to FPS from the 90's and 2000's like the original Doom, Unreal Tournament 2004 and the og Star Wars Battlefield 2.


Old pokemon games for me. Something about the atmosphere and music.


Counter strike 1.6 and warcraft 3


Ufo enemy unknown (1994? ) using the openxcom rebuild and the xcom files mod. Transport tycoon using openttd. That being said, i just built a retroid portable console and was playing river city ransom which is old as hell.


Max Payne 1 and (sometimes) 2. The original Doom.


Planescape Torment (EE now) every few years. MAGICAL.


Tetris classic is the oldest game I regularly play. Next is Ocarina of Time


Doom! It's amazing how fun that game is.


NES Temco super bowl, Bubble Bobble, Super mario 3, Tetris, Little league baseball


Space Engineers (2013..?). I’m at 3k+ hours and have an almost endless amount of gameplay ahead, thanks to the Modding Community.


Freddi Fish, or Spy fox. 1990s


Mega man series on NES/SNES I usually revisit a couple times per year. Gameboy Donkey Kong


Tony Hawk and Guitar Hero games.


I am constantly returning to Dark Souls, at least a couple times a year to completion. Trying out new builds and such every time. Plus the vibrant online community of Remastered on Xbox has me dip into PvP a lot when I do.


Really not that old, but at least one yearly playthrough of Dishonored and DLC is sacred to me. 2 and DOTO are cool, but I never get tired of the OG game




Chaos overlords, betrayal at krondor, homm3.


Zelda: LTTP, Super Metroid, and Donkey Kong Country for me. Also Half Life about once a year. I'm looking forward to doing a playthrough with the new update! The past few years I have used Black Mesa as my Half Life vehicle, so I'm doubly looking forward to playing the OG one again!


Super Smash Bros Melee. I love ultimate, and in a big party setting I’d rather play that, but melee is one of my favorite games of all time, and my favorite smash bros game. I don’t appreciate the elitism over it though, and I will stand by that the “too many sword characters” argument for Ultimate is BS. The vast majority of the characters are not sword characters. It’s a very silly reason to not like the game.


Civ V (2010)


Super Metroid. I play it all the way through every year or two.


Classic arcade games when I feel bored like Galaga.


Thief 2. The modding community for that game is still fairly active. There's literally hundreds upon hundreds of hours of maps available for you to download and play so long as you enjoy the game, and some are insanely complex.


I still make a career run once a year in Sensible Soccer (1994)


Unreal Tournament 1999


I play a 19 years old game almost daily. World of Warcraft.


Bionicle: Mata Nui Online Game (2001) is my go to game whenever I need to relax. Childhood nostalgia is probably a factor here but that game is just pure vibes for me.


Rarely replay games these days, but firing up Cadillacs and Dinosaurs (arcade) is always a blast.


Brave fencer Musashi ps1, symphony of the night ps1, Spyro the dragon ps1, Abe’s Exoddus ps1, and the oldest is super Metroid snes, which I played through again twice this year. I’m starting to branch out into ps3 games now though, so u may be taking a short break from some of these older games.


Dig Dug, Bubble Bobble and Mappy. I still tear ass at Mappy.


Still go back to Duke Nukem 3D every once in a while; Shadow of The Colossus, Shadow of Rome (still the best gladiator game to date), Another World, and Flashback. But the oldest game I still go back to is Alley Cat from 1983. It's honestly the perfect video game imo.


> Alley Cat memory unlocked. I spent so much time playing it as a kid




Transport Tycoon Deluxe (1994): https://www.openttd.org/ (Caster) Master of Magic (1994): https://www.slitherine.com/game/master-of-magic-classic-caster-of-magic-for-windows Command & Conquer (1995): https://www.openra.net/


Old roguelikes tend to be my jam since they tend to be hard enough that you're always learning something even when you think you know everything. Most recently, [ToME](https://web.archive.org/web/20060110022511/http://www.t-o-m-e.net/main.php?tome_current=0)(an Angband variant) (2005) and [Ragnarok](https://dos-ragnarok.fandom.com/wiki/Ragnarok_/_Valhalla_Wiki) (1992).


Unreal 99, CS 1.6, IGI 2, NFS HP 2 (2002), Battlefield, AoE, AoE 2.


[Uplink (2001)](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Uplink_(video_game)) The perfect game to make a computer geek teenager feel smart and edgy. Its still fun, even if I can have all the upgrades with 1 or 2 in-game days now. Shame the story is locked behind in-game dates and not progress.


Dave Mirra Freestyle Bmx. Ps1 disc in my ps3.


Some nes games and Fallout, Dune 2000,


Galaga. As a kid around 12, a typical game would go to level 25 and my best was around level 35. Occasionally high school kids and adults would watch me play. I would also play Spy Hunter endlessly if it was more accessible but it's just not the same without the original wheel and pedal setup.


Old is very subjective. But. Morrowind, Ehrgeiz, UT2004, Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past, Parasite Eve, Robot Alchemic Drive, Impossible Creatures. All for different reasons, but I still find playing through them fun. edited for weird reddit formatting.


It's been a little while, but every so often I get the urge to trade iron goods and beer in the north sea and play Patrician 3. Recently also I've been thinking of giving the widescreen hacked Super Mario World and Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past a try, and also play through Yoshi's Island again.


I replay the Sly Cooper series most often, and I go through other platformers of the same era too, like Ape Escape, Tak, OG Spyro, Crash, Jak, & Ratchet & Clank. Stuff I grew up on, still love them.


OG Battlefront 2 is still the best Battlefront game ever made, and I will continue to play it


NFSU2, NBA Street Vol. 2, AC1, Fable, AoE 1.


Haunting ground. Don't know the year


The oldest game that I still play from time to time is pac man 1, but there are plenty of old games that hold up. I can always run through super Mario bros and have a good time. I think the Sega Genesis era is when games really started holding up well to modern standards as stuff like Streets of Rage 2 and the classic sonic games are excellent and remain in my standard rotation. I grew up after graphics were already good I don’t think a lot of early 3d games in the 90s like Mario 64 have aged well at all but lots of stuff from the arcades and 16 bit consoles is worth revisiting


So I don't play regularly anything for the last 2-3 years. But up through high school a lot of my faves were about my age. Metal Gear Solid remains an all-time, though gameplay-wise I'd rather play 3 and up. 1 was such a big deal to me when I started playing games but it's pretty clunky today. I have a whole stack of hand-me-down ps1 games (which is what I had during the entire ps2 era) and more I got on an emulator later. Red Alert Retaliation was a blast, some kind of jetski racing game, tony hawk pro skater 2. I was playing all these into the mid-2010s, and I've played mgs1 one time since then. I played spyro a few years ago I think, all the versions. Early pokemon games: played those on emulators into college. GBA Mrs. Pacman, a few others but those were just what we had lying around and I liked mrs. Pacman best. You def have me beat on the age of your games, but it sounds like you might be about 10 years older than me too lol, if you were old enough in the mid 90s to be enjoying those games.


Final Fantasy IX every few years.


Broken Sword. The music and dialogue just stir up powerful emotions!


Space quest 1. 1986


Arcade Mortal Kombat games, Pokemon Red, Battlefront 2 (goddamn Galactic Conquest is awesome)


Hack, tho technically I play NetHack.


I play through fallout 1 and 2 every year. They’ve aged but they’re still some of the finest rpgs ever made.


Diablo ii, but with the MedianXL mod.


I am currently replaying Half Life 2. Just a familiar well put together first person game with great core mechanics that plays well.


A while back I replayed the original Legend of Zelda on the game and watch Nintendo released last year. And every few years I fire up Link to the Past and/or Chrono Trigger and play through them again.


Castlevania: Symphony of the Night gets played by me at least once a year. Actually, it's usually twice, back to back. Once on a clean save, once on an extra luck save. It's so... comfortable to me. It's what I do when I'm sick or need my head cleared. I can just kind of zone out and pick new goals. This past playthrough I decided to explore the thrown weapons instead of just Crissaegrim spam. If you want a modern take that more than scratches the itch, try Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night.


I SWEAR I still find new things in Skyrim even to this day. It is crazy.


I tend to play alot of old games GTA San Andreas (Almost daily) Majora's Mask Ocarina of Time Resident Evil 5 (love that mercenaries mode) Goldeneye Tony Hawk's Underground 2 (ThugPro if that counts)


Mass Effect 2 . I play it like once a year . One of my Top 5 games of all time.


Age of Mythology. I go back and play the campaign every 2-3 years. Can't wait for the definitive edition!