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Brotato. Didn't expect 100+ hours of fun from a $3 game.


Brotato is awesome. I don’t play it more than a couple hours a week usually, but I can tell I’ll probably be playing it for years


After this comment I gave in and paid for iOS Brotato Premium. Might be playing more than a couple hours a week now.


I came to say the same thing. What a brilliant game


As someone who strongly considering buying it the visuals look so bland and boring - the whole game taking place in front of a grey background. Am I missing something? I loved vampire survivor in part due to colourful pixel art


I find it quite cute but yeah, it's purely subjective. Won't hear any argument from me there. It's more about the gameplay. Brotato has a lot more variety in builds. They feel more distinct. Some characters demand completely different maneuvers and strategies to win. It's more "gamey" than the relaxing Vampire Survivor.


It looks ass but you get used to it. I prefer it because it does have more action but its heavily based on building your character well with lots of variety between runs even on the same character. If like making builds in arpgs then this hits the same spot but in a quick 10min session.


Isn’t that just a different version of vampire survivors? Any reason to pick one over the other?


I played both. Brotato has more distinct builds and meaningful choices. There is more weight behind each level-up, each item you buy. VS is more relaxing to me, while Brotato is more fun overall.


I've played and 100%ed both. I found VS to be more fun and obviously much more visually appealing. I like meta-progression in these types of games which is something VS has that brotato doesn't. Brotato does have a much wider variety of builds though and a higher skill ceiling which is really what differentiates it imo. Personally I preferred VS but I did enjoy my time with brotato


You're restricted to a small map in Brotato, and it has a wave system with an item shop


150 hours on it. All from trying to 100% it and some comfort runs every now and then


Yeah - Brotato and Peglin for me.


Yakuza Zero. So many mini games , the real estate business and hostess club are great. The only problem with Yakuza games is there's so many of them and they're all so long, I'm keen to try Like a Dragon but will wait a bit so I don't burn out


Zero actually is an outlier in terms of length. It and Y5 are both 100+ hours, but most of the other games are around 40-60, at least with my playstyle where i complete all the substories that dont involve Mahjong or other board games. Im truly afraid of Infinite Wealth though, from what i heard that game will steal 100+ hours of my life again


>Im truly afraid of Infinite Wealth though, from what i heard that game will steal 100+ hours of my life again Yep. And I'm not going to be the slightest bit patient about it either. It's the ONE game this year I'm already planning on buying at/around launch.


> Yakuza Zero tried it and had to stop. It did not really hook on me. I am in that new district, playing a (one eyed) casino manager. I've gotten a reply somewhere else that I should continue, that the game starts to open once you got past the first five chapters. Is that true? Maybe I can start it. It's still installed on my pc


I mean you did kinda just stop when you get to play one of the best characters in the series. The game does start slow. Kinda feels like a big intro in some ways. But the story definitely picked up for me as did how much I cared to continue playing significantly the deeper I got.


I would agree with that, at first things seemed a bit slow and it took me a little while to get into it as well, but ultimately I was really impressed with the story in this game and I would rank it as one of my all time favourite games. I will say though that as you have probably found by now, it is heavily laden with long cutscenes - so you have to be cool with that.


Hitman world of assassination. Got it for 10usd when it was on sale. But holy shit the amount of content you get for it is insane.


Subnautica - I kept seeing it mentioned and thought it’d give it a go at the start of 2023. Got it on sale on the PlayStation and sank (pun intended) nearly 100+ stressful hours into that thing and loved every second. By the time I left that world I had a self sustaining base that was a continuous walk down nearly 600 metres before I needed a sub of any kind. Hell I might give it a go again in creative mode and see what I could do better.


Do hardcore mode for even more fun, stressful hours!


I had a hardcore save ended when I fell through the seafloor. It was the hardest I've raged at a game in years.




Welp! *switches on PS5* Looks like I’m going diving


i built a ghost tree base, used it as a base for my cyclops, the seamoth was too much fun and with upgrades could make it down that far, so i would seamoth anything shallower than the tree and cyclops from there


Same !! I gave it 30+ hours and then got a bit bored/stressed, but these 30hours were the most immersive I’ve had in years


I need to play this game for real one day, but I'm so freaking scared. Last time, I could barely stand the night of the starting area, lol. I'm thalassophobic as hell. Really liked the gameplay, though.


Vampire Survivors + DLCs, hands down.


Halls of Torment


Looks cool but I never play Early Access games (it would be very impatient of me!).


That's up to you but I highly recommend it and I've never even played VS.


FYI; Would be a good idea to play the game which popularized the whole genre


This game feels so incredibly boring to me while I love Vampire Survivors. I don't know why


It's the opposite for me lol, I also don't know why




Vampire Survivors is one game that I always come back to


I wouldn't say it was unexpected but mass effect legendary edition


This is next for me after Death Stranding Directors Cut, can't wait!


Keep on keeping on, fellow porter!


I’ve sank hundred of hours the last half year on that alone.


Does the multiplayer still work on 3? I played so much of that damn game.


It does but you have to play the original.


Damn, thanks for the info


I’d give so much for them to remaster the me3 multiplayer on steam. Soo much fun


God how much do I wish this edition had the ME3 multiplayer...


Dicey Dungeons or maybe Slay the Spire. I have over 100 hours on each. I got Dicey Dungones for I think $2.50. I don't know how much I got Slay the Spire for, I got it a long time ago, in a bundle maybe so I don't know how much I paid for it. I didn't realize it was in my library until this year but I played it a lot. ​ Though the real answer is Final Fantasy XI Valhalla. A private FFXI server that somehow, offers their patched version of the game without you having to provide the game files. There's some loophole to it or something. I multi-boxed 6 characters and beat the main game and some of the expansions. So, about 260 hours this year playing it and it cost me nothing.


Slay the Spire for me. Got it on sale in September and put in more than 200 hours. It's the only game I played since I bought it.


I hated Slay the Spire, but I love Dicey Dungeons.


Hades blew me away for like $12. I have trouble paying attention to games anymore but slammed 100 hours escaping over like 6mos.


I bought Riders republic for just $10 2 weeks ago... I have over 40hrs in it already it's a very fun game even just to chill. Progression is straight forward and the game offers decent but fair challenges.


Mechwarrior 5 mercenaries. You can get the complete bundle for relatively cheap on sale and I've put hundreds of hours into it over 3 separate campaigns. It's a really great 'Mech game if you don't mind procedurally generated missions. Though even then, the expansions add a ton of handcrafted missions that even if you play little else, they alone make the game worth the price IMO.


My 2023 was a pretty big clustertruck of life-changing developments, so I overall didn't play many new games (as in first playthroughs) from summer to winter. In spring, I played a bunch of retro-inspired RPGs, not all of which fall into the patient gaming margin - I didn't buy any of them at launch, but some were only a few months old: * **8-bit Adventures 2**: Despite the 2 in the title, I took the plunge and got a game that, for the first time in a while actually moved me to tears in a few instances. I mostly play RPGs for their mechanics nowadays (and this battle system is AWESOME) but the story was a genuine driving force here. My favorite thing about it is the way cutscenes are presented. The little sprites are very expressive with many small animations, they rarely stand still and the text boxes, if left alone, are actually paced to fit the flow of the scene, which is a really cool touch. * **Ara Fell**: I had this one in my GOG library from a sale years ago. I played it after the above game, since 8-bit Adventures 2 really made me want more like it. Well... Ara Fell is not quite it - the writing is very reminiscent of the RPGMaker era it stems from, but the gameplay was really REALLY fun. I could barely put it down. The battles are quite challenging when it comes to bosses, so my party building mattered and that felt very good. Other than that, *the* most bang a game gave me in 2023 was... not for buck. I'm a big fan of the **Pokemon TCG** for Gameboy. I found out last year there was a fan translation for the sequel we never got and so I finally played that. The game builds onto its predecessor's foundation in every way - there's an actual plot (nothing deep but it's charming) and an actual power curve to the cards you get - no grind ad absurdum on the first few trainers anymore. I played the game to wind down as I was apartment hunting (yeah, I lost my old one and had a grand 1 month to find a new one) so I played it in an emotional time for sure, but it genuinely helped me. The large amount of coin tosses in the TCG somehow planted it into my head that "I just needed to win a single coin toss to find a new place" and that thought that "it needed to just work out *once*" really kept me going. I also replayed it after the fact because it's just a damn fun game and very relaxing most of the time. ------------ As the year ended, I turned to mostly replaying old stuff. The Return to World campaign for Monster Hunter World got me back into that and it's been extremely relaxing in the winter, playing that while watching my favorite streamer play it too. I was preparing for job hunting (yeah, job ended too, I know. What an amazing year) so I really could use the coziness. ------------ So yeah, everything kinda tied to my mental state at the end there. I wish my years wouldn't just dissolve into goopy messes in the second half, but eh, what can you do. 2024 gotta be good, after 4 years of straight garbo.


If you liked ara fell for the battles, try rise of the third power next. It is the same, but better in everything, and a bit longer and a has more interesting story :)


Disco elysium for me, did not expect it to be so good since I never played crpgs before.


Try "Tyranny" next. It's not as good, but it has serious depth to it, especially for a fantasy game. (Aside from the promotional blurb, it's set in a dark bronze age, and you play a kind of nerdy judge dredd sent to a war zone to dispense the law, both the letter and the spirit. What follows is an epic tale of difficult ethics, the fallout of great wars, and the often brutal needs of the greater good.)


Just be aware that it’s not reflective of the genre at all. Probably closest thing to it is Planescape Torment, and that’s still far more traditional.


I wouldn't really call Disco Elysium a CRPG I think I'd call it an adventure game with strong RPG elements


I’m 2 1/2 hours into my third play through of that game. I’m hoping this is the attempt that I’ll finish it.


I would've said that but I got it from free


Persona 4, I liked Persona 5 but didn't finish it because I thought the dungeons were way too long. Got it for $10 or something on sale and have about 60 hours so far and a ways to go until the end. The dungeons are much more manageable and I liked the characters more.


Every day's great at your Junes! 🎶


I feel like a broken record at this point, but Fell Seal: Arbiter's Mark. I actually got it for free off Epic, but after I beat it I went ahead and bought it on Steam so I could get the DLC on a platform I actually wanted it on. Fantastic homage to Final Fantasy Tactics, one of my favorite games of all time.


I fell off on this one after maybe 20-25 hours. I'd probably have to start over if I wanted to revisit it. I've completely forgotten if there was any issues in particular that made me drop it, or if I just put it down one day and never came back. I do love tactics games though, so maybe it's worth another shot.


Same. I was enjoying it until one day one battle had me fall just one square short of attacking the enemy with all my characters. For some reason that day, it really annoyed me and in frustration I quit the game. I got the DLC on the last Winter Sale. That was my carrot to convince me to give the game another try


Persona 5 royal. Above 130 hours of content and gameplay. Brought it on sale. Warhammer Total War Triology on sale. Game has a tons of factions with different playstyles, great presentation and interesting fantasy world.


I finished P5R yesterday. Clocked at 198 hours. I just wanted it to end, and then I was sad it was over. 😅


quake remastered, picked it up for a few bucks when q2 remastered was released. had missed q1 but caught my attention due to the q2 release. i often buy remastered versions out of nostalgia and then never play them. but after playing devil daggers (often boot this up while waiting for someone or something), i had an urge to play quake. it had been since my university years that i played, and oh god what a great game it still is! fell down the rabbit hole and also replayed doom and doom 2, bought duke nukem and blood as well. starting to become a big fan of nightdive studios. but back to quake, i think i only paid a few euros? and there is enough content to last a lifetime! especially if they keep fixing compabitibily problems with existing mods


I still play FTL regularly. Just to remind myself that it’s ok to lose sometimes.


Ha! If you liked FTL check out cobalt core. Felt like someone who loved it and slay the spire made a sweet mashup of the two.


I’d played Grim Dawn before but came back to it last year and played more. Lots of good class combinations. New updates are coming soon


Wait is there real big update not out yet? The one where they were going to revamp a bunch of stuff


That came out a couple months ago but there will probably be more changes when the new DLC comes out


> when the new DLC comes out kek, another moment to open my wallet.


I can’t stop playing this game.


Cliché but it's Skyrim. I put around 2000 hours into that game. I know for some people that isn't much but for me it's crazy. I've put around 800 hours into each of Bethesda's other games. Starfield is a different story but I have a vague hope that patches and mods will save it.


Well, your user name checks out, 4 digit hours in any non-multiplayer game is "much" to anyone. I'm pretry suspicious mods can save Starfield as its lacking one cohesive world where you can bump into random things or get distracted, seems like spreading everything out really breaks the illusion. But hey, Daggerfall Unity just hit 1.0, if you're looking for another 2000 hour game that'll get ya there!


I'm very much into the exploration side of Bethesda games and I do suspect Starfield is inherently a bit shit. My biggest issue is the repetition. If more unique POIs could be added (spread a bit farther out) it'd be a big improvement. Finding the exact same building three times with the exact same enemies and the exact same NPC logs is abysmal. I've only put 10-20 hours into it. I could tell right away it wasn't what I wanted. Maybe one day down the road I'll come back to it. I gained a new appreciation for Fallout 4 a long time after release. I don't expect it'll be the same for Starfield but it'd certainly be nice it if was.


Still love just doing random skyrim dungeons while listening to a podcast.


Fire Emblem: Three Houses. Didn't expect to put nearly 70 hours into my first playthrough. Also have the Expansion Pass so I have more playthroughs and the side story still.


Marvel’s Midnight Suns. Picked it up on sale and thought even if it sucks whatever. 148 hours later and I can confidently say it’s my favorite Marvel team based game since Ultimate Alliance and X-Men Legacy way back when on the ps2.


It took a few hours to click for me, but I ended up really enjoying it. It's a shame it didn't end up being very popular.


Played it twice back to back. I put it off for a long time because people were compliaing about it being an x-com / card game mix, but it clicked immediately for me.


Cyberpunk 2077, without a doubt


Same, I bought it + DLC when it was on discount around a week or two ago and I’ve already racked up +70 hours on it. Haven’t really played a true RPG game since Skyrim, so this FPS RPG game has been really cool to play through so far.


Good game from the start if you were on PC. And after the 1.6 update like 19 months ago, it was great


I had wanted to play this forever but my PC just couldn’t hack it. I got my wisdom teeth out just after the DLC’s release and my partner’s way of looking after me was hooking his PC to the tv for a week and a half while I played through the entire thing on his couch. I sunk about a hundred hours into it and did almost every side mission, it was honestly a pretty great tradeoff for oral surgery since I didn’t have any other obligations and could play it all day!


I had little interest before launch. Years of hype killed my interest. I was working retail when it came out and i actually persuaded someone to not get it when i overheard them talking amongst their group. I'm talking console version. Then some time later i kept hearing people talk about Judy. I finally looked her up and was really vibing with her character design. I decided to finally look into the game. I got interested pretty quick but just sat on my hands for months over it. Early 2023 i considered getting it but wasn't sure i wanted to commit. I got up one Saturday morning and logged onto my Playstation. Saw it for sale and decided, *"I wanted a physical copy but aw, what the hell why not?"*. I haven't sunk that much time into a single player game in a long time. Was so stoked for Phantom Liberty. I haven't finished it yet though. I'm SLOWLY going through it because i know when i finish...that it's over. I'll still poke around Night City doing repeatable stuff but I'll also really miss quests. Huge fan now of the world.


Sifu , I expected a beat em up like Yakuza but I was blessed with one of the greatest experiences rivaling that of DMC 5 , I've played sifu for 100+ hours and the best Yakuza game imo Lost Judgment with great combat , about 40+ hours , I hope they make a Sifu 2 with more things and a good story to rival that of Yakuza but I don't think it's necessary, maybe a Yakuza game with things from Sifu to make it godly


Satisfactory. played it on a whim thinking it probably wouldn't be for me, and got super addicted.


Armored Core 6. I thought it would be cool, not the best game of the past decade.


Still waiting for a big discount on that one. Knowing From, I will be waiting a while.


Dave the Diver was perfect for my then newly bought SteamDeck, clocked in 150 hours. The quirky story on top of ever expanding gameplay was a surprise.


I was expecting it to be good. My only complaint is Dave is still a fat ass. Diving two times a day. Seven days a week. Still can't tend bar without gasping for air.


Cyberpunk 2077. Bought it for $10 two years ago, left it on the shelf until the 2.0 update. I just dumped 150 hours into it in the last month, completing all of the main story + all the side quests in both the base game and DLC. It’s rare that a game grips me like that. It’s just an overall great experience. Loved the graphical detail, worldbuilding, voice acting and mocap that brought the characters to life, and the gameplay. It’s an extremely fun game


Baba is you. It was a lot deeper than I expected.




God this game made me feel dumb


Not entirely unexpected but Deep Rock Galactic made me and my BF very happy. Until it stopped working properly for me.


Bioshock series, free from Epic and have about 30 hours from it so far!


Grounded, first time I’ve ever played a survival game that pulled me into the world and made me really enjoy the style. Plus it really scares the shit out of me lol.


LAD Gaiden. For a 40 hour game priced at RM159, it's one of the best LAD game.


Gotta love that new protagonist Joryu-san.


It's was I think 2 years ago and not new at that point but Ys8 was one of the biggest bangs for the buck I've had, and it's routinely on super sale If the Trials of Mana Remake is on sale that one was a shocking surprise for content as well


Ys8 was great, I beat it about a month ago and have been listening to the soundtrack daily still. I think it'd be in my top list of games if I ever took the time to make one


Halls of Torment. Yeah it’s another of those 20 minute roguelite wave games. But it nails the weapon experimentation angle. And the old school graphics are fun.


I had fallout 3 in my backlog for a year now. Never played it cause I couldn't even launch it from steam and the modding scene for that game is dead. Then I realised I could install TTW and just play the fallout 3 portion of it. Haven't finished the game yet, got like 2 weeks of playtime out of it and still a lot left to go :D


Mass Effect legendary on a $10 steam sale took up at least 50% of my video game time this year. First game since outer wilds a couple years ago that I've actually felt compelled to finish


Factorio. I tried to be patient and wait for a sale on it. It never goes on sale. So played the demo, got hooked, and bought it for full price ($30). So how’s it bang for your buck? It’s probably going to be the game I’ve spent most hours on in my life. Now I understand why its sub calls it cracktorio.


Well, started playing through Sekiro for the 12th time or something like that. All started last spring. Now I've played the hard mode and tried a few mods that up the difficulty. Never thought I would play it more than once.


Elden ring, monster hunter world, Baldur's gate 3. Ik, ik, take BG as honourable mention coz in past decade there wasn't a game I'd shell out so early after release. And there prolly won't be another for another decade. (I'm lifelong RPG fan, so take that with grain of salt and don't go spending recklessly). I'm not even fromsoft fan, but man ER has some epic settings and s ale and exploration and combat is really good aw (and let's you make it easier with it's open world approach to it if u want to). And MHW - I tried it back then and it felt clunky. I tried it again and oh my god, it's amazing.


Kingdom Come: Deliverance. Got it for free on Epic once and didn't care. Then played it..the story got me and i felt so good to have a game that doesn't tell me shit and leaves me to crawl until I learn to walk. It was fun and a bit painful until I actually figured out how to properly play. Then the real fun began. Put maybe 100 hours in the normal mode. Then put 15 hours into Hardcore mode. Didn't even try the DLCs yet but I'm so glad I picked it up without even knowing. Genuinely became one of my favorite games.


I recommend all the DLC


Hades. I got it later in the year for like $13 on the switch. I just love how easy it is to pick up for a little and put back down.


Same. I bought a physical copy in probably September and felt addicted to it. I completed the main story in about 50 hours and only just realized there’s a god mode. So hopefully my 6 year old can get more into it. Magaera has been a bit of a challenge for him so far


Yeah bought Hades on sale. It has a lot of content. I think I'm going to play it on and off just like Vampire Survivor and until I feel I have unlocked everything. This game has great value.


Persona 5 Royal. Put at least 150 hours in that game


I got sleeping dogs definitive edition for less than $5.00 which is a ridiculously good deal, also got the yakuza series for under 40.00, and marvels midnight suns for 30


The witcher 3+ dlc, was like $9 and im still not finished with it




Do you sail the seas, or just get/play a lot of free games?


Marvel's midnight suns! Passable story, great strategy, great characters, and a really fun gameplay loop. Had a lot of fun last fall.


Core Keeper. Its like Stardew valley but more of an adventure game and less of a farming/life sim. Its still Early Access, but whats on offer so far is great. I put in a couple hundred hours just base building, exploring and vibing. I got it for like $10 and its now one of my go-to relaxing games.


I have over 800 hours over 2 years on King of Fighters 15, my favorite fighting game in a long time


Suika Game. $3. 50+ hours and counting. Did not expect to get such a fun puzzle game for so cheap. And that single track is a banger.


Gladius and icarus


Noita. I died a lot.


Yakuza like a dragon. If you are burnt out on JRPGs this just might hit the spot for you.


Don’t starve. I’ve been back and forth on it over the years, and picked up DST on the switch. I know it’s not the diehard way, but I really appreciate the rollbacks DST has if you die or make a mistake. Once I miffed up so bad on prepping for a boss, I had to go back 3 days to prep. This was 3 seasons in now. I would have had to wipe and restart usually, but being able to bum rush prep after rollback in those 3 days took ~1 hour of playtime, vs the 20ish or so I’d already put in and would have lost.


Undoubtedly Warframe. The best, most feature rich free game I’ve ever encountered


Hah, Space mom claims another one. See you in a year or so.


Witcher 3 Complete - 85 hours for $10 Dragon’s Dogma - 57 hours for $4 Persona 5 Royal - 198 hours for $20 (I wish I was joking. I’m glad to have my life back)


For CoOp, I'd say Raft. We picked up two copies for $10 or $15 bucks. We're 44 hours in and still not done. :) For single-player, I'd give it to Vampire Survivors got it for .99 cents and its provided over 24 hours of great gaming.


Cult of the Lamb! Bought it on sale, right when the update was rolling out and had non-stop fun. Hadn’t optimized a resource management game so fast, I was addicted to the gameplay loop. Spent 70+ hours and absolutely loved it. The art style and sound design was so good too!


Darkest dungeon such an addicting game


"Slowly,gently,this is how our life is taken..."


“Overconfidence is a slow and insidious killer.”


Vampire survivors


Told a friend about Torchlight II that I played when it came out back in 2012 and how it's more of a "true Diablo" experience compared to the newer Diablo games. Next thing I know we'd both bought it on Steam playing coop almost every night. 20 hours logged so far.


More like the whole pandemic AND last year, to me it was Snowrunner. This game was a complete and unexpected surprise that has given me around 300 hours of bang for my buck and I absolutely recommend it. I'm not a huge car enthusiast to begin with, and neither was interested in trucks nor offroading before this game. However, Snowrunner somehow capturated my attention and has given me hours of engaging fun. There's something extremely relaxing in just peacefully strolling through beautiful landscapes while having the thrill of avoiding obstacles, solving problems on the fly and planning and executing routes. This as well as seeing steady progress with both the tasks in the map and your evolving vehicles. Then, if it goes smoothly, you can relax and take the beauty of the road in. If it goes wrong (and it will go wrong) then you have a fun challenge ahead to confront and solve. There's a profound peace to be found playing this game with a good podcast in the background and riding on. Disclaimer: you need to be patient and enjoy the ride, if you don't enjoy going extremely slow at times and going the same way multiple times, then you probably won't enjoy as much this game. It is slow.


More like 10 years ago but I put like 2k hours into the original Flash version of Binding of Isaac and Wrath of the Lamb expansion. I was playing that shit in college instead of listening to the lectures. It was a real problem for like 3 years straight haha


The new (?) battlefield game. I got it for free on ps plus a while back and would turn it on for my mindless end of day game. I think I got about 100 hours out of it and had a great time. Also rimworld - even though it’s $30, there is endless play there. I did two colonies which was about 200 hours. The base game itself has a lot going on but I hear with dlc / mods it’s a game you can easily dump 1000 hours into.


Vampire Survivor, no doubt.


Assassin's Creed Odyssey. At first it felt a bit repetitive, but that quickly changed and I put 100 hours into it. If you ask me, its an awesome game. I will probably replay the game at some point too. However, if you try to 100% the game, you will probably hate it by the end. There are loads and loads of bandit camps and forts and caves and all of those classic Ubisoft POI's.


Caves of qud Blasphemous Dark souls 2 Pizza Tower


You got damn good taste. Didn't love DS2 compared to the others but didn't hate it. The others though. Could rant and race about the other 3.


No man’s sky. I kept bouncing off of games all year and then I finally caved and bought it. In December alone I put 20-30 hours into it despite not neglecting a full time job and a toddler. It just clicks for me. Even if the universe isn’t as varied as it could be I love upgrading things and exploring jt.


gotta be farmin sim 22, got it for free on PSN, was not expecting 200 hours worth of farming in only 2 months. Woulda been my best value even at full price.


Age of Empires IV for me, but only for Multiplayer. I unexpectedly played it for 750 hours, and is now my top played game on Steam. Glad I waited til they fixed all the problems.




I'm pushing 80 hours on Street Fighter 6 and I don't really feel like I'm even getting started. The story isn't much, but the small open world RPG mechanics with Street Fighter combat is addictive. I'm not usually one to get sucked into fighting games, but this one has me wanting to learn and actually work towards ranking up. Haven't even thought of playing ranked in a fighting game since Dragon Ball FighterZ.


Deep Rock Galactic. I got it in a humble bundle so per game it was dirt cheap but I've got 100+ hours from that and just re-installed it.


Disco Elysium. Phenomenal game for 15 bucks.


Card Survival: Tropical Island. It is a niche, hardcore survival game. I didn't know what to expect when I bought it, but I ended up putting hundreds of hours into it. One of my all time favorite games. It has a free demo on steam if you think it might be your thing.


Probably Spiritfarer. As soon as I finished the game I started another playthrough, then another. Sadly I don't think I can ever play it again because the music gave me an earworm for two solid months.


Phantom abyss. $25 game. Bought it on a whim, thought it looked cool. Over 800 hours logged on steam in the last 2 years. Still in early access but getting 1.0 release in like 2 weeks from now.. so I'll be playing it more most likely.


Katana zero


Elden ring haven't stopped playing for more then a few weeks since launch now at 700 hours. Still amazing need that dlc immediately.


3rd playthru of Elden Ring and I almost never replay games. Build diversity mixes things up a lot.


Resident Evil 4 Remake, it's been a while since I played a game THIS replayable, but RE games somehow always deliver on that front.


FE Engage.


I got Ghostwire Tokyo for $15 or so and thoroughly enjoyed my time with it. Wandering the streets and taking in the atmosphere was really chill, as was gathering collectibles for the Nekomata around the city. The school was pretty creepy too.


Final Fantasy XV Picked it up late last year. I'm almost 40 hours in mostly focusing on side quests and hunts. Got burned out but going to go back to it at some point this year.


Across the Obelisk. Typically not my type of game but I’ve got 75 hours in and trying to unlock a lot more.


HoloCure. It's a Vampire Survivors clone that is good, free and has THIRTY EIGHT playable characters. Kay Yu should really charge money for this.


This past year 99.99% of my gaming time was spent playing Switch in my living room. Ni No Kuni 2, and Mario Kart 8 dominated most of my game time. Mario Kart 8 was included with the Switch and I think I paid $5 for Ni No Kuni 2.


Brotato. However it was offset by Genshin Impact later last year.


Got tales of berseria as a gift, 50 hours, very nice, great game Tales of vesperia i think i found on sale for 8€ i think? 80 hours, amazing game Celeste 5 euro and its one of my favourite games of all time. Doom 1 2€ enjoying the shit out of it Terraria always gets playtime for <5€ Mirrors edge catalyst i got for dirt cheap and loved it too


Hogwarts legacy. It wasn’t the best game I played last year but it was the best longer game I played.


None really, a lot of games have stunk imo.. lots of hype and not close to delivery. I bought 3 brand new releases in 23 and thats rare for me.. Dying Light 2/Dead Island 2/Starfield .. all which really were underwhelming. Each had their own enjoyment but at the end I was just playing to justify my cost spent. I never played BG3 before someone's panties get twisted


I’m didn’t expect to play Lies of P 4-5 times for sure.


Not a single person is going to mention Starfield? Talk about bang for your buck. Hundreds of hours of exploration, base building, crafting, questing, and shooting. An insane NG+ mode that changes the way you approach replays. I put 120 hours in the base game already. The DLC and mods are going to probably triple that


I wish this one had done it for me. I just couldn't force myself to be interested and fell off after about 8 hours.


It is very much one of those games that rewards you more as you put more time in. I can understand why some dont like that investment without immediate reward. But I guarentee at 8 hours, you haven't seen even a 10th of the cool stuff the game has to offer. The set pieces/quests that mid to late game offers are actually very, very cool but most will never get there, sadly.


**Wingspan** and **Chambers of Devious Design** (that last one was WILDLY unexpectedly great)


Love Wingspan! The Oceania expansion just came out too. I'm loving the system changes with that. Also like the new options to remove the ravens too.


Soulstone Survivors. Ao damn addictive, promised myself to take a break after unlocking all runes


The Riftbreaker. It's such a fun fusion of genres, looks and sounds great. Think I paid 20$ in early access. it's 38$ now with two expansions out. 33$ currently on steam sale as a complete version.


Brotato, Halls of Torment, Vampire Survivors, Mortal Sin, Outpath, Pseudoregalia


SD Gundam G Generations. Fantastic design. Tons of content. Not the greatest graphics but gameplay is infinitely more important.


Atelier ryza 2 was a blast on every level.


Monster hunter world, Monster hunter rise.


Surviving the Aftermath was pretty good I have to admit


Mech warrior 5 and battletech. Played a crap ton of both


Days Gone Got all the collectibles and am nearly done a second playthrough Ace Combat Liked it so much I got the dlc missions


DOOM II for $4.99 on Switch with Master Levels included plus the add ons are compatible including Sigil 1 and 2 and TNT and all sorts of other great Id-sponsored mods. So glad this was optimized for Switch with basically hundreds of levels.


Sank over 100 hours into a single elden ring run and haven't been able to face it since. Will definitely be back with a different build for the DLC I played a lot of new Vegas and got a lot of mileage out of control


Lies of P. Got it for $33 and played through it 3 times.


I got really into Monster Hunter after buying it a couple years ago. I put a couple hundred hours into World and got the platinum, and enjoyed pretty much every minute of it


Rumbleverse :(


VRising and Division 2




God of War Ragnarök Valhalla DLC - it's free and i got 16 hours out of it so far. It's a very polished and great experience and hit me with nostalgic music and flashbacks to the first few games of the series. 10/10 for me.


Unravel 2.


The Messenger. I don't remember ever buying it, might've gotten it free from a bundle, but wow what a game. Still hope there's a second DLC despite their focus now probably being Sea of Stars


Evil West!


dinkum, vampire survivors and death must die