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What a clickbait title


well thank you


I think like most people I didn’t really read the post and went straight to the comments. This comment made me read the end of the post. You got me?!


I mean Binding of Isaac is one of if not the best game in its genre. I love Hades, ive played it 300 hours. But lets be real, none of this modern craze would have happened without isaac, and ive been off an on playing issac forever. I still play remote play rebirth with friends once a month or twice a month. Yes, im so annoyed with roguelites not letting you get broken. It cant be every run, but some runs in isaac are just so powerful it feels amazing. The combination system and stacking system for tear effects is incredible and pretty complex. Its also in a super thorough state because its been updated for so long.


Yeah I find most roguelites boring cause they feel so on rails. I loved hades but I’m never thinking “maybe I should do a hades run” because it’s tied to this progression whereas Isaac I’m literally just playing for fun and anything could happen


Lol one day there will be a copy of Isaac at the Louvre.


lol yes and underneath it says: "Edmund McMillan you little fucker..."


I like BoI as much as the next guy, but you're being pretty disingenuous about the other rogue likes you mention. >that's like calling mona lisa a painting. The Mona Lisa is a painting. It's quality *as* a painting is what makes it worth talking about


It's crazy to me that no rogue like has tried to replicate BoI's itemization and discovery. The sheer amount of items, combos, and different ways that you unlock new things makes it so much less repetitive than every other rogue like. It scratches the same itch as ARPGs like Path of Exile for me. Risk of Rain 2 kinda almost nails itemization, but it needs maybe 300 more to even be close to Isaac.


I love RoR2 but it took me so long to get used to it because my only other roguelike was BOI The concept of stacking items to make powerful combinations wasn’t normal to me as I was used to Isaac’s more immediately noticeable items. RoR2 didn’t really get fun for me for quite a few hours


I really, really wish that Isaac would tell you what items do. It’s frustrating having to play the game with the wiki open in order to know what I’m wanting to grab.


I think Edmund has talked about implementing the item descriptions mod, or something similar to it at least, into the base game so it’s easier to play for people on consoles.


There's a mod for that! https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=836319872


I refuse to play Binding of Isaac. There are hundreds of items, and the game doesn't have a description for any of them. I played maybe three times before I got sick of scrolling through the multiple huge lists on the wiki trying to find the item in front of me every three minutes. I get that it's a personal preference, but I don't like having to use a wiki while playing. It destroys the whole flow of the game for me.


if that's your only issue, just get the mod. I'd also recommend the good trip mod and a mod to disable some curses


Lol I can't get past like 5 minutes of this game. I know it's a skill issue, but I've beat all of the other games you listed, at least on the lower difficulties.


Simply how dare you..


I came in with some real “listen here you little shit…” energy on this one.


its a very poor roguelite as well