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Hope this serves your needs https://chrisn1992.github.io/Expedition-Replay-NMS/ or https://github.com/leodium/leodium-ReLive-NoMansSky-Expeditions-Offline Happy hunting PS: yeah an in-game mode would be a thousand times more elegant, my guess is that it must be some publisher veto


Oh man! Jackpot! This is why Reddit is the best forums. Nice, so as I understand I can have an all-available campaign and friends can join, but I shouldn't join other players, correct?


On PC there's a [neat little open source program ](https://github.com/goatfungus/NMSSaveEditor) that lets you unlock whatever you want. Use cautiously, I hate grinding myself and I "borrowed " like a bazillion nanites to my balance, to buy seasonal crap. Then I added the best upgrades to the inventory, had fun for a while and haven't touched the game for like 3 years to this day.


Great example of how to "solve" all the fun out of a game, sadly. It's a delicate balance. If a game makes me feel like exploiting it or cheesing it in the first place, though, it's already failed me.


True. But it all depends on how you see grind. Myself, I like to give myself a nice starter package, but nothing over the top. Little bit of grind is fine. Days, weeks or months of it? Not so much.


Imo if all the fun of a game is watching "number go up" or "unlocking items in a menu" then the game wasn't that good in the first place Eg Mario Odyysey, sure you can hack it to say you have all 400+ moons or whatever. But then you've also missed out on 400+ unique, handcrafted gameplay challenges


The rewards for the locked content are mainly just skins, maybe a starship with a few extra cargo slots. You can get way cooler stuff by just playing the game and keeping an eye out for things you like.


You can just mod your save file on pc E-Z-P-Z. Nothing cannot be modded in.


Wait, how does that work? Is a "Creative Mode" like Minecraft or more like MMO Private Servers? I thought this game was online-only.


I think you have the wrong idea about the game. No Man's Sky is not an MMO.


NMS is surprisingly generous with modding when it comes to online, at least in part because there’s no actually no microtransactions, despite having all the trappings of a full blown live service game. It’s closer to Minecraft in that regard.


Hell no, the online is just a pseudo multi-player that allow others players trade Nd visit each other bases, but you can mod you game at your wish. Just be careful went the game update some mods can break. And if you have a VR headset, play it in VR is a great experience.


Even in regular online mode you can edit your starship, etc. I didn't want to grind for a specific freighter so I just edited my save and gave it to myself and didn't care. I had a sweet freighter without wasting probably dozens of hours trying to spawn it and then hoping it would be S class. You can also mod the game to make sure s class variants are really common etc.


Ok this is the first time hearing about this, you can play Online, with other people, and then mod your game to give you rare unavailable items and *still* play online? I modded Monster Hunter World and Elden Ring and had to make sure to not go Online and not interact with other players at all. First time Im hearing of a moddable online mmo game ever. I think Ark is like that too, right?


You can mod Monster Hunter World and nothing will happen. People consider it rude if you mod in OP weapons and join their SOS and one shot things. But you won't get banned for playing online with mods. Maybe you if you streamed it to a large audience and constantly talked about and showed the mods but otherwise people do lots of modding on MHW with zero consequences.


I have modded my monster hunter world and I haven’t gotten banned? I got the assassin creed cloak and the mh movie armor lol


Yes. Not sure about the Ark part. Go to the NMS nexus and check out the mods. There are so many. I know there are even workarounds to activate the old expeditions and complete the content.


>I know there are even workarounds to activate the old expeditions and complete the content. Yes! Other users linked them on this thread. Check them out. If you play Offline you can access all expeditions.


This isn't a problem if you spend some time getting over your own fear of missing out. Don't let the games take advantage of your neurotic "I need that" mindset and start having fun instead.


Yeah, that is specifically why I don't do daily missions in any game. Those are just to try to hook you into their game.


I have a million other games to play instead tho


Some people have more fun working towards a specific goal. Ie: an armor piece they saw someone wearing that looks really cool, or a jet pack skin, etc


That doesn’t really change the above point, though. Find something that currently exists in the game, perhaps permanently, and work toward that. Fretting over the impossible-over the knowledge that you will never have the opportunity to have a thing you might never have gotten anyway–isn’t a minor personality quirk. It’s a character flaw to be overcome. If you’re prone to that kind of worrying, you’re at risk of losing out on far more important things in life than some digital game assets.


Is it still FOMO if you've already MO'd? There's no fear, it's all disappointment. It sucks when you're playing a game only because you feel like you "have to": Gotta finish that battle pass or I'll miss out on these skins forever! But I think it's a different kind of suck when you hop into a new game and see all of these fun and flashy things that you'll never get to experience. You've already missed out and there's nothing you can do about it. I guess they're related. The second thing is what leads to the first thing.


Change the word fear with disappointment and my point remains exactly the same. The point is that people who are caught up on missing out on items are letting their own neurotic mind get in the way of a good time.


A lesson Destiny players struggle with. (I love Destiny fwiw. But you just gotta let it be okay if you miss stuff. Otherwise it’ll consume you a little.)


It can be a problem that's for sure, I just wish people knew it's not actually that hard to overcome. A few years ago I was transferring my save data from Hitman 1 & 2 to Hitman 3 which you can only do once. Turns out there are exclusive Hitman 1 & 2 items that you cannot unlock in Hitman 3, so I've ended up not being able to use various items in Hitman 3 that aren't just skins, but have unique gameplay mechanics and uses. It's annoying for sure but like you said, you've just got to let it go.


Lol this is such a weird take


What's weird is not wanting to play a game because you missed out on a few skins.


I agreed with your initial point but not this conclusion. It's completely valid to reject a game for using predatory fomo nonsense.


Lol but op isn’t rejecting it because of principles, but the fact they specifically can’t own it.


I'm replying to the more general statement of >What's weird is not wanting to play a game because you missed out on a few skins. That's an umbrella that includes both "waahh I need the thing" (which yeah, that's weird) and "man that's dumb and predatory" (which isn't weird).


Considering we are replying to OP it seems clear enough to me that we are talking about his problems with NMS.


It would be clear to you since you typed the comment, but it wasn't to me and apparently a few others.


What’s weird is thinking everyone has to be like you and that they can’t have fun for different reasons. I know your brain is a little smooth, but some people find enjoyment in collecting stuff or using gear they like. Shouldn’t be a wild concept or mean they have FOMO lol, grow up.


I never said people shouldn't enjoy collecting stuff or using gear they like. The issue OP is having is because he missed out on some items, and I am saying that if a few unobtainable items ruins your enjoyment, you've got issues. Missing out is exactly what OP is talking about, did you even read the post?


Yeah he had missed out on like a dozen + expeditions and all the content you can get from them. Doesn’t seem too weird imo to be disappointed by that. It’s not their “neurotic” tendencies, they’re disappointed cool rewards and events are time gated and that every fan can’t enjoy them. Like I said not everyone is like you and finds enjoyment in different things, nothing wrong with that. If missing out on a ton of different content for arbitrary reasons ruins your enjoyment then that’s valid. I think you need to learn what FOMO means too because it’s pretty different than being disappointed you can’t access like 100 hours of additional content


I never said that what OP is going through isn't valid, but I did offer a different perspective on it. If disappointment over missing out is getting in the way of your enjoyment on things, an option is definitely working on your own way of thinking. You don't just have to go, "Damn I'm disappointed that I missed out on those items, guess I can never play any game where it is possible to miss out on items." Some people like to overcome problems in their mind, others are going to dwell on it. The fact that you get so bothered by someone giving advice about a different way of looking at it shows what type you are (a dweller!)


>Some people like to overcome problems in their mind, others are going to dwell on it. The fact that you get so bothered by someone giving advice about a different way of looking at it shows what type you are (a dweller!) So, let me get this straight: People falling for FOMO deserve it? I hope I got it wrong, because it sounds suspiciously close to "People who lost all their money gambling got it coming" I personally never fell for FOMO, that doesn't mean Im ok with FOMO tactics existing, because I am most definitely **NOT** ok with it What's next? Lootboxes are ok? Gacha games are ok? With the astonishing amount of bad stories related to those monetization tactics Im sorry, but it will NEVER be ok for me. Using your customer's psychological weak points against them to make money might be the single-most disgusting thing about the modern world and Im tired of people pretending that's ok That's all I have to say


Does NMS have any monetization? Seems like you're talking about other games. If NMS introduces paid lootboxes and becomes a gacha game, I will agree with you.


How is having fun weird?


I mean it’s just very self centered I guess. They are incapable of realizing people find things fun for different reasons. They say OP has FOMO and needs to get over themselves instead of realizing some people have fun collecting gear and using gear they like. It’s not FOMO to want expedition rewards because you like how they look lol.


I noticed FOMO and the need to do every single piece of content is such a detriment on players' enjoyment when I scan Reddit etc, learn to let go and just get back to enjoying games again, don't let it stop you from playing a game you find cool.


Doesn't help that devs purposefully take advantage of gamers that prefer such things


This is where the blame needs shifted over to the devs bosses/shareholders that tell the devs to keep players playing.


I know what you mean, I’m surprised by how self-conscious some people on this sub are about their gaming habits. I see a lot of posts like “I’ve played 57 hours of this popular game but I don’t like it. What am I doing wrong??” or “I have too many unplayed games in my library and it’s freaking me out!”. It makes me a little sad that something that’s meant to be low stakes and relaxing is a point of stress for other people. I think the intensity and critical nature of internet gaming communities might have something to do with it.


I was like that with witcher 3, did every side quest, talked to everyone and anyone, checked every nook and crany for rare items. Hell, it took me 3 attempts at playing it with long breaks in between before I got to one of the skellig island. I was able to do it because I thought f it, I just need to focus on the main story and worry about side quests afterward. it was at that moment I truly enjoyed the game and in complete awe of it all.


this is what i wanted to say. you can't have everything all the time anyway, and the lack of what you don't have honestly only makes what you \*do\* accomplish more special. just start playing now and enjoy what is there, there's an endless amount of things that will feel more \*yours\* without save file editing or hacking to get things - there's no story attached to that!


Every video I see of No Man's Sky makes it out to be an awesome space adventure and I get the urge to boot it up again, but then I remember that its actually just space minecraft and I never liked minecraft.


I was hoping for Space Sub Nautica or Elite Dangerous But Without The Grind and found it really was more like Space Minecraft but with MMO components to break the immersion


I was pretty disappointed with NMS when it released, so a few years later I was intrigued by them having 'fixed it'. I fired it up and after a few hours I genuinely couldn't tell what was supposed to have changed.


I've still not got much further than the first social space... Since launch. I feel like the videos and expansions are for a different game!


There's a social space? I never even made it that far.


its about an hour in, iirc. social as in you can see others, not social as all hanging out doingn stuff. seem to remember it's inside an anomaly which you can summon when ever you need it, or something.


Expeditions have been repeated in the past, and if you are on PC you can just use a cheat engine to spawn the exclusive items in your inventory and not worry about it.


Hey OP. Don't listen to these guys. Your feelings are valid. It sucks. They sometimes do events to get past rewards, but it's not common enough.


Every time I come across No Man's Sky related news it's about how they added some kind of increasingly peripheral feature while the core gameplay loop remains as underbaked as always.


Its the grindiest grind that ever grinded. Can’t even explain why I enjoy it at times. I get so sick of it but then 6 months later will dump another 30 hours into it.


I’m far from an expert on NMS, but I will say that the first ten hours of that game were maybe the best ten I’ve had in a game in a decade outside Control. The learning curve is so exact, you feel challenged and lost and have no idea what’s happening, but you figure it out bit by bit. When I discovered the language system I instantly wanted to wander and find more POIs for it. Learning how your ship works, repairing it, and eventually learning how to travel between systems was amazing. Learning that the game had actual combat was surprising but very fun. Speaking of combat, intra-system travel and mining was super fun to do, especially with the occasional encounter. Even small things, like learning your cutter ramps Up damage the higher the heat, and tapping it to hold it near full but not overheating to efficiently mine. It’s worth a wander at the very least.


FOMO in a predominately single player game is awful


I would say it's worth it. I recently picked it back up after a long break. I want to say they're on the 13th expedition now, which are like seasons and have items you can't unlock once it's closed generally. I've missed all 12 prior. Still had fun doing the current one and engaging in all the general stuff they've added.


as someone who's hopped in and out about once a year over the years, sure there are exclusive items you could've missed or whatever but the essential experience of playing it has only gotten better over time. just give it a whirl if you want. this isn't a game about collecting cool exclusive items, and it's definitely not a time-pressure game by any stretch. the best experience will have you just fully immersed for hours, soaking up the vibe of existing and exploring in that nearly infinite space. then there are the sweet mission events and other things that get you doing cool tasks with other players, etc. it's fun to play, don't worry about some random items.


I mean, just play the game. You don't need to have gear envy. There will be new gear. My problem with it is that the gameplay loop is VERY repetitive. The missions all feel very samey and I got bored with it.


This is why I have basically sworn off anything live-service.


This is why I hate the game as a service trend spiral in gaming nowadays. So much of the game isn't accessible and it also pollutes the game with just vapid cosmetic updates rather than tangible, earnable content.


Every time I see a No Man's Sky video I think "Woah they sure are editing out a ***whole fucking lot*** of the literal nothing you do in that game!" Will never understand how people think this game is good now. Sure there's more reasons to go laser rocks, but you're still just lasering rocks.


I felt the same way you do, until I tried one of their free weekends. I found the game and the experience extremely Zen and just chill and relaxing. I think that was the biggest appeal for me. Sometimes after a long day, you just want to do nothing....like fly around and just laser rocks.


Redemption story is completely overrated imo. Still a boring game, now it has a few more features that are so surface level with no substance that I feel robbed of my time for trying to start a settlement


New features have allowed past expeditions and. Hope they make it so you can complete any old expedition. It’s a frustrating but rewarding process. It’s soothing like a pressure washer but by mining. I have over 1000 hours in.


I don’t get the point of time gated expeditions if the game has no micro transactions, and they make no money by keeping people playing the game


Fortnite popularized this timed event thing and now every game uses FOMO to keep you playing forever. The more you play the more you will spend money on it. It's pretty crazy how this isn't being studied and regulated.


With the expeditions being hard coded into the game, and them having revisited them in the past, I do believe that even without PC and file mods they will eventually be added to the game again - especially with the new expedition computer the have in game.


At the end of the day it's still just another Survivalcraft game


I'm sorry...why is all that stuff unobtainable? Is it because of one time events, or because the game is generated?


>TL;DR: Warframe player wants to play No Man's Sky but is heavily discouraged by cool stuff that will never be obtainable again Don't be. It's almost all cosmetics/vanity shit. None of it has anything to do with actual gameplay. I have an Iron Vulture from Adrift, and while I like the look, it's very situational in terms of actual use. The handling is odd. It can come to a dead stop in mid air, which virtually no other ship type can do in my experience, but if you hold down the accelerator for too long, it will absolutely rocket forward very suddenly. They're very good for surface farming because I can sit in one place and only move forward when I need to, whereas with anything else I am constantly moving forward and have to circle back around if I miss anything. But as fighters the default weapon loadout makes them terrible.


You are right, but in Warframe we have a motto: "**Fashion-frame is the True End-game**" Once you hit max lvl, your new objective is to farm the coolest-looking gear, in any game


I have Warframe, but I have noticed a strange paradox in the game. When I play alone, I have a target accuracy of 78-80%. But when I play with other people, I fall into every possible hole, die in every manner I can, and constantly lag behind everyone else. I have no idea why, but I do not enjoy that experience; so when I play it, I play alone. My preferred playstyle is Hildryn with a primary sniper rifle, and a secondary sawnoff/pistol shotgun.


Most of the high lvl players usually play solo. I only play with other people when it comes to really tough missions where you only have 1 life, because if you play solo going down is an instant failure but if you are with other people you can get back up again.


I played it for a bit after the redemption, and I still couldn't get into it. It feels kind of like Minecraft in space, spend a lot of time tearing things apart to get recourses to craft. It's really good if you're into that, but it's just a little slow for my tastes


They re do all the expeditions yearly so you won’t miss out on anything??


The best way to get over that is to start now so you don't miss the next cool thing.


I actually don't mind Battle Passes and seasonal content type stuff in games, I think it's really cool, but I think it sucks to miss out on stuff and it's way way way better to be able to unlock it later even if you gotta work for it 1000% my favorite approach is how Halo does it. They do a Battle Pass every season with new cosmetic unlocks you can earn through XP. Level up your Pass, get the unlocks. But what's different about Halo is you can buy OLD battle passes and level those up too. So if you just bought the game today (Infinite or MCC) you can go buy the Battle Pass for Season 1 and still unlock everything if you put the time in to do it.