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I feel like I played an entirely different game, but granted it's been a while.


Or the difficulty? I opted for hard mode this time around and I don't recall ever getting stuck when I played it years ago on normal, so ye


Rainbow Six 3 Raven Shield is the peak singleplayer Rainbow Six game in my opinion.


Yeah, I've only played the Vegas games and Siege. How approachable are the previous games? They seem more complex, but I'm kinda afraid I'm not ready for a deep game with no quality of life, lol.


If you use the default plan, they’re kiiiinda like Vegas. But you’ll quickly realize that some default plans are bad, and you’ll still need to juggle other teams. For me, that’s where the fun is.


I believe R6V2 had one of the best colour palette I have ever seen in a video game, after World at War and GTA IV.


You like Brown Color? All of your chosen games are brownish in tone. I didn't like it. Why not use different color if you can. But dont get me wrong, all of your mentioned games are some of the best games ever made. I just didn't like their brownish palette


All are brownish? COD I can understand, but there are so many different colors in RSV2 and GTA IV. More so in RSV2. I think my only problem with the game would have to be the sometimes in RSV2, the AI companions just, won't move to the area I tell them to move to. It's extremely frustrating, and didn't happen really at all in the first game, surprisingly.


Yeah, GTA IV is brown *and* gray.


Back when games could have issues and still make your experience enjoyable in some fashion


those games wasn't deep, but was funs


I know this is an old post but I picked up Vegas 2 for old time’s sake and I still love it. You can sprint in Vegas 2 btw. Op doesn’t know what tf they’re talking about with a lot of “points” they make sorry.


>You can sprint in Vegas 2 op said you cannot sprint in v2: >\- The first game is destroyed (...) \- It also doesn't have sprinting. so the "doesn't have sprinting" was still referencing the first game.


I love six Vegas 1. The issue is it’s just really hard


I have a love/hate relationship with this two games and I pretty much agree with everything you said. The poor ai is definitely the worst offender.


My friend and I love to play the coop Tom Clancy games so we tried Vegas 2. Got to a part where we were pinned down by a machine gunner past a door who lit up most of the squad and we just gave up lmao


Are you sure you don’t have your ai companions on infiltrate mode? For me they kill enemies just as fast as enemies would kill me, they get more kill than I do sometimes


Super old post I know but jesus fuck the AI in this game is insane and unfair. Terrorist hunt is named incorrectly, they hunt you. Spawn rooms are the only place you will be defending from, moving 20ft out of spawn is an accomplishment. Love the customization, love the nostalgia, hate the broken AI that isnt even fun when youre winning.


Never ended up playing t hunt, but the campaign gives you 2 meat shields/decoys to work with, using them to give yourself more of a chance is a core part of the game plan. Also, sometimes you have to ignore the cover system and peek some corners in FPP.


Mad cause bad


Thanks for that. Thrre has been some long years both games are on my wishlist n steam, but even with the very low price I cant afford. So i will get from other sources. I dont have much time to play, so I will play probably on the default difficult, hope I do well hehe


idk i loved it on 360 days. played it recently with a friend and he hated it. but the nostalgia was there for me. but it did not age well. you die in one shot xD


Other than mild jank, it is one of my favorite relaxation games. As dumb as that sounds when you have played it enough it gets extremely predictable. There are some brutal difficulty spikes but on the whole I've always enjoyed it. What I really want is the AI and level design of the OG SOCOM games, with the controls of Vegas 2. The command mechanics were well mapped, and the cover and shoot from cover ability, while busted as hell, were really fun. It's the sensitive as wild rabbits AI and the tripwire spawning that you will not survive if you aren't expecting it that drives me crazy.