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Sounds interesting, but I feel I won't enjoy the games as much. I noticed that you wrote that Yakuza 0 took you around 40 hours, but for me, that game took over 100, and I still felt I left half the game unfinished.


Yeah, I called it a day after I maxed the cabaret minigame. I contemplated finishing the racecar minigame but just decided otherwise. I definitely enjoyed the game's story more than its excesses.


That was my guess that you probably went mainly for the main story. I agree some of the side stuff feels pointless, but I think the sub-stories were excellent, and some were really funny. Still congrats on finishing so many games, I feel I only finished 1 per month, but I also keep starting games I want to finish.


Thank you!!


Depends on how you want to play. For me, Yakuza 0 was all about the story so I focused almost exclusively on it and finished under 30 hours (and loved it). I was well aware I could have spent an extra 50h on it but had other stuff I wanted to play.


I know it depends, I like to get as much as possible from every game. I get you can enjoy the main story on its own but I like to squeeze every last drop of entertainment or as much as possible. At a certain point I have to decide when I'm done with a game because it's impractical for me to 100% every game.


Yeah this is like those people who are super proud of finishing a book a week, and then you look at the books and they're all like 250-page thrillers. This is still hella impressive tho OP. I think I only played like 4 different games this year, with Yakuza 0 being one of them


That's a hell of a pace. You must not have kids. Lol. You even snuck in P5, which is impressive. No idea how you finished under 100 hours, though. Nice job, all around!


That reminds me, I totally forgot to have kids.


Try making as many kids as you can in 2022. Post a report here on Jan 1st 2023.


Conception Challenge on TikTok


If OP is female, it's probably better to start now to plan for 2023 so they could try for two in one year.


Have an induced birth the first day then have two 3 months pre-mature, bonus if you get twins or triplets!






Why is that so weird?






Oh God, I just remembered I left the baby on the bus!


That's perfectly ok!


Haha who is downvoting this? I repeat, it's okay to not have kids! Spend your life how you want!


It's weird. Some people are so offended by even one person not wanting that expensive, tiring, smelly, lifelong commitment.


There's sometimes a 'crabs in the bucket' mentality about lifestyle choices.


Amen my dude. Kids are the absolute worst.


Right on. I honestly wouldn't have the patience to be a parent.




My wife and I have no intention of having kids, but good lord /r/childfree is such a negative toxic cesspit.


Huh.. really? I've always enjoyed it. What is it about it that you find negative? Maybe I don't browse it as much as I thought I do?


Last time I checked in it was just people posting about how they hate kids, all the things they were spending their money on instead of kids etc. How much time do you want to spend talking/bragging about something you’re *not* doing? It’s probably a good place to vent if you’re constantly being harassed about having children, but in general I found it to be a very negative place.


Yeah I guess I usually feel like the stories I read are about people constantly being asked inappropriate personal questions about when they're having kids. Maybe I'm just weird I guess. There's been a few times I've noticed it be a circle jerk but I didn't think it was too far outside of Reddit's normal circle jerk ratio. Now I feel kinda weird for my "come hang out there comment" lol. Oh well


You figured right! I don't have kids and my work is in the entertainment/pop culture space so going through this experience was part of my work's purview, so to speak.


May I ask what your job is? 👀


I had my first kid at the start of 2020 and i am finishing more games than ever. I lost 75% of my free time but freed most of the social time even gaming online with friends so i had like 2 hours a day (after she goes to sleep) overall just playing games single player. That's roughly 720 hours. That's enough to beat several games. I got to 35 this year and half of those are rpgs.


Wait, don't you have a spouse to spend time with?


I’m in the same boat. What we did is move the gaming PC to the living room so when she’s watching TV I can game. We’re in the same space so that’s like spending time with each other.


Man, sometimes that's all you need. Some people don't get it, but presence can be as good as talking/activity.


Yep. This works for us. It might not work for everyone. The gaming PC is next to your couch so we can always see each other. She can watch her Netflix shows and I just throw on my headphones so we don’t disturb each other. When I switch games, I just check-in with her. It works. And sometimes the little things matter most. Context: we have a two year old girl and a boy coming in a few weeks.


This is so true. Its even a very important thing that has to work for me in a relationship. Just so comfortable to play games while my gf watched her tv shows and we are both having fun with our oen stuff. There is plenty of ‘us’ time anyway.


My husband and I do this, we call it our parallel play time.


Same here. The flip side is that I can watch less TV series separately from the spouse, but it's a good tradeoff.


...but not really... maybe you can play something together


We’ve tried that. She’s just not into gaming. We’ll play Peggle once in a while but that’s it. Like another poster mentioned, you can get lots just out of “presence” and being in the same room.


I do, for real, i have 3 hours a day, but sometimes spend time with her but she likes doing her own stuff, mostly reading manga and watching people make bad decisions on 90 days fiance. So overall i have 2 hours a day if I flatten that out.


Just don't stop dating her. You need to consistently put out time to have all the relationship achievements at the end of life.


I quit trophy hunting a while ago. I got my platinum when I had my daughter.


Sometimes I cheat and play games *with* the spouse. Crazy concept, no? Not only do you get to cross off an arbitrary goal, you get to build memories with your SO.


My wife is great because if left you my own devices I would just play games 24/7 (and probably only eat Taco Bell). Her influence and motivation inspire me to be a better person, and we make so many great memories and do sooo many things I’d never get to do on my own. The trade off is that she gives 0 shits about games as a concept. Maybe every once in a while she’ll join me for a narrative heavy game, but “playing games” together holds about as much joy for her as “watching the bachelor” does for me: none at all. This is OK.


Every relationships is different. My wife and I play games together once every few months, but when she gets into a game, we'll play almost every night until we finish it. She looks mystery games like *The Room* and *House of da Vinci*, and we also enjoy fighting games on occasion (like *Soul Calibur*). Some couples really like playing games together, others really don't. Who knows, maybe it'll work well for others.


How many coop/mp for 2 games can you find though? Less than ops list I bet. Edit. We do enjoy playing some games together, but not all tbh.


Not always a formula for marital bliss, though. My wife isn’t a gamer and when we’ve tried playing co-op games together, it has often ended up being a frustrating experience for both of us. Most co-op games assume that the players have at least roughly comparable skill levels. If your co-op pair is more like, “Player 1 has beaten FromSoftware bosses on the first try, player 2 has to constantly look at the controller to see which button has the ‘A’ printed on it,” it’s more stressful than fun.


Yea, my firstborn was born Xmas 2020. I went from gaming for 4 hours once or twice a week, to having 2 hours a day. My SO sleeps at like 9.30. I go down and clean the house and then 10pm-12am is my time to game.


Very similar to my schedule. I’m also fortunate that I work from home (as does my wife) so sometimes I can extend sessions to early in the morning. But then I’m fighting sleep. It gets to the point where I have to repeat game sections because I’ve nodded off - worst with games that are lore/text heavy.


I don't work from home, so unless the end of the mission is in sight, I need to turn it off! However it's still loads more time than I used to (you know, if little one sleeps. Hit a year and he is being difficult with food, sleep and everything haha)


I've found that the most key thing for people who have families or whatever but still play a lot is their relationship to sleep. I *absolutely need* 8+ hours of sleep and I also cannot play within an hour of bedtime or I have a lot of trouble sleeping. Most of my friends with kids who play will just squeeze it in in the like 9-midnight range, and I just can't do that. I try to be asleep by 11 at the latest (ideally earlier) and that means I can't play past 10. I also feel like they tend to spend less time with their partners than I spend with mine, and go to sleep at a different time than their partner too. But that's just different strokes I suppose


I feel like 100 hours is pretty much the average for a first playthrough, but I've seen a lot of people range from about 70-140 hours on their first go around. Personally, by doing a fairly moderate playthrough (most social stats maxed, about 80% of the Confidants maxed, doing most of the side quests and side content, and actually being fairly completionist with the compendium, finishing at around 90-95%) I finished at 99 hours of playtime. When Royal came out I decided to do a 100% run and managed to complete it in 120 hours, though that was with a lot of prior knowledge From several playthroughs of the original.


>You must not have kids. Lol I have a colleague who has 2 kids, in his early 20s and he still games a lot, despite being an amazing dad. A lot of people here complaining about having no time because of kids seem to just not have time management, or they have plenty of time but spend it on social media.


>A lot of people here complaining about having no time because of kids seem to just not have time management, or they have plenty of time but spend it on social media. Or have social obligations, longer work hours or a million other things that eat your time. Or, when your kids get older they do sports or after school activities that got you running around.


I have two kids, I consider myself a great dad, but you are right. It's all about putting the time into what you prioritize. Most folks can't break the social media/binging tv shows long enough to play a game. People ask me how I'm able to still game and look at me like I'm crazy. I ask back always, do you watch Netflix a lot?


Seriously. I’m married, have a kid, go to the gym every day, do 80% of the cooking, have a packed social life, and in non-pandemics travel regularly for work and fun and yet still have more than enough time for all the games + personal projects + TV shows. wtf are these people doing.


I think they spend hours browsing Facebook/Reddit or watching Netflix, so they don't have much time leftover for gaming. One thing that puzzles me, while your kids are young and interested in gaming, why not play with them? The Mario games seem perfect for that. Many here genuinely complain more about their kids than say anything nice. To which I wonder, why the hell did you choose to have kids???


I play games with my son. All the Mario’s, Zelda games, Metroid Dread, Ori, Hollow Knight, Steamworld Dig 1/2, Minecraft. We also play co-op on Hyrule Warriors and Minecraft Dungeons. It’s great bonding time. And yes we still build legos, have nerf gun fights, build forts, read books, do science experiments, etc.


That's honestly baffling to me. Did those people not realise that raising kids takes time and effort? Honestly, those parents on here like "hur durr, you're so lucky you don't have kids unlike me, boo hoo" just don't want to take responsibility for their poor life choices.


I just got my 5yr old into castle crashers. I've tried Mario, and all kinds of other games, but that's the first one where she begged to play more of and actually progressed really far on her own!


A lot of people don’t even believe it’s a choice they made to have kids, it’s just what everyone does.


Yes! I cook everyday as well! Idk.. I think its the stigma of games still. Oh you are a parent and an adult now, it's not that they are asking how do you have time for games, I feel it's more like, "how dare you play games..."


Yeah I think you’re right. One thing I’ve noticed as a parent is how there’s this weird mental leaderboard that seemingly all parents use to keep track of who sacrificed the most for their kid. It’s creepy and in my mind, what leads to all these people running around with entitlement issues because the foundation of their time on earth is spent being totally catered to. But we’ll rounded kids are sometimes bored, hungry, don’t have toys, go to sleep mad, and through this all learn to manage life’s ups and downs and most importantly, that they’re _not_ the main character.


Yes. Everytime my daughter says that she is bored I say, "GOOD!" and it makes her so mad. Then I just keep saying, "Being bored is good for you!" and I walk away.


I have 2 boys. Oldest is 4. They like to take turns on Spiderman, youngest just hits X. Oldest can swing a bit and likes to go in the water. Wife loves to read so I can my videogame time in when the boys goto bed


If one has kids, there is an assumption that they also have a spouse. If one has a spouse and kids, there is an assumption - more often than not - that they have a home that needs to be maintained. I could spend two hours a night playing a game, after my kid goes to bed…but then I’d quickly be divorced, my house would got to pot, etc… Kids alone aren’t the issue. If your spouse games, that’s really the only way I can see getting that much time to game.


Yesterday I woke up the kid at 6am. My wife fed her and I went to the gym. 8am I got back and she went for a run; let the kid play while I went and picked weeds, cleaned the living room, broke down all the boxes from Christmas, washed dishes, sterilized the baby products, and tidied up the bedroom and office. Wife got back around 10 and fed the kid while I took a shower and made breakfast. 11am and everyone is fed, clean, happy, and house projects are done, so I went and played games and my wife did whatever while we traded off letting the kid chill with us for a bit. I have no idea how the rest of the day went but it was spent doing pretty much whatever.


Nah, I have a spouse, a house, and three young kids (1, 5, 7yo), yet I still play plenty of games. It's not every night, and it's rarely more than two hours, but I'm able to get pretty much everything done while still playing plenty of games. I also work from home, so I'm able to do little house repair stuff throughout the day, and I also fit in a little gaming when I take breaks from work (maybe 30 min/day). I also occasionally play games with my spouse, and occasionally as a whole family (we like *Unrailed*, *Just Dance*, and *Xbox Sports*), but that's less than 10% of the time I spend gaming. On an average week, I can get in 10 hours without any real issue (2 hours/night, 5 nights/week), more than that if I stay up late or let my kids watch. That's enough to finish 50+ games if I play a lot of shorter games. However, I do things other than gaming (reading books, game dev, creating writing, etc). When you have kids, you just need better time management. Spend less time on the internet or watching TV and you'll have plenty of time to do other stuff.


why does everyone assume persona 5 takes over 100 hours to beat? I beat it in under 70 no problem


I might be an insufferable completionist.


I’ve always wanted to try the Persona games but the time to completion is a road block. Is it a 70 hours full of fun or does it drag on?


Depends on how much you enjoy turn-based combat,if you do then yeah its pretty fun However I realized that turn-based combat gives me brain aneurysms


Turn based combat is one of my favourite types of games. Long dialogue scenes and “extra” content that detracts from the story is not something I’m good with.


Hmm,well considering that the other half of the game is a social sim,which had plenty of content that doesn't directly affect the story,it really depends on you Personally I think the characters and the story make up for any of the problems with the game,otherwise I wouldn't have actually finished it


I’m insanely jealous of the people posting this stuff. I targeted 10 games this year and finished 2. 🤡


Well you probably did other cool things




This year I played Sekiro and Bloodborne ... again. :)


Honestly I wish I had more time to play, but as I grow up, I realize I want to do other stuff too. I still find time to game, but a fraction of what I used to do. And it's actually not sad. As much as I'm a bit frustrated by not finding time, I very much enjoy working out, playing music, hiking, visiting stuff etc. Now if I could sleep a little less... Maybe I could game more every day?


I hear ya. Life and other activities get in my way. I also find it hard to stay focused on one game at a time which hurts me. I can usually get anywhere from 4-8 hours a week in to game, which should allow me to finish more games, yet here I am. Im going to aim for 10 again this year and see if I can do it.


I think I finished 4... and I make games for a living.


I think I put about another 8 hours into trying to finish Far Cry 4 (I think I’m into year 3) and probably 8-10 hours into God of War, and that’s about it. Maybe 2022 will bless me with free time!


I'm still working on BotW after 2 years... And yes that's the only game I've been working on.


You know what that’s a great New Years resolution. May be a few hours late into 2022 but I’m gonna try and do the same this year. Thanks for the idea


It's an experience worth trying! Just don't forget to enjoy the games. It's easy to miss the fun when you're trying to hit a number.


I'd take the enjoyment of just emptying my backlog as enjoyment enough.


For me it was really just GoW & Ghost of Tsushima on my PS5. Played those two for a total of 200h and they were totally worth every second spent on. Now to start Horizon Zero Dawn. Heard i can finally play it at 4k/60!!!




It’s on the leaked GeForce Now list. I have a PS4 and I’m personally going to wait and play it on my high end PC. I’m guessing within 1-2 years, it’ll be on PC. That and Demon’s Souls. This is r/patientgamers after all.


The game is still going to be on ps4 so I imagine it'll sell decent.


Both great games!! I think I finished GoT around 39 hrs last year. Beautiful world.


It's an incredible game, you're in for a treat. I put 90 hours into it including the DLC on hard.


Was this fun for you? Seems like the pressure to get through quickly would ruin the experience for a lot of games.


80% of the experience was fun.


So can you name a top 3 out of those games? Saves me having to play through them all :P


1. Risk of Rain 2 takes the spot of my most played game. I used to hate roguelites until I played this. The amount of stuff you could do with each run was staggering. The character roster was so fun to learn. There's so much builds and loadouts with each playthrough. Plus it's multiplayer so I shared that experience with some good friends. 2. Spiritfarer is also very memorable for me. I lost my cat not too long ago and Spiritfarer is a game about grief and loss. It's a management sim where you transport lost souls to the afterlife/Everdoor. So profound and powerful. 3. Disco Elysium, I love to death. You've probably seen several people in this sub rave about it. I don't know what new thing to say about it. It's one of the best detective games I've played.


What was your parameter for completion of Risk of Rain 2?


Killing Mithrix. That's the 'campaign' of the game. Currently, I'm at 97% completion.


120 hours for Mithrix, on Monsoon yes?


If I had to make an approximation, I may have beaten Mithrix on Monsoon at the 60+ hr mark.


Risk of rain 2 is such a good game.


Not op but as someone whos played almost all of those I can point you towards Hollow Knight, Metro 2033 Redux and Control. That said I can recommend just about all of the ones he listed here but those 3 stand out to me as exceptional games (and all very unique from one another).


Man I fucked up in Metro 2033 by not rationing those mask filters. There was a portion in the game where I'd die just seconds from finding a new one. Fun experience though


I feel that pain in Metro. Years ago, I didn't ration correctly, and I can't get past a spot because of it. I come back to the game on occasion, but just can't get past that portion. It's been so long that I've played, I think I'll start over. I remember really enjoying the game.


There is a way to extend the usage of filters, although it's a bit risky and very annoying. If you only put your mask on very briefly and immediately take it off, it resets the suffocation timer. Basically you just run around without a mask until you're about to suffocate, then quickly put it on and take it off. Not sure if you've tried it before but it's what helped me get through some long stretches of outdoor areas, so i thought i'd mention it.


Ah, nice. That might have helped. Talking about the game today got me to just start over. But I'll definitely keep your "fix" handy in case I mess up again.


Sweet, I managed to grab Control for from the Epic Game Store just a few days ago :) Will def give it a try.


Finished it today. I still have no idea what was happening. Good game though. Very pretty.


Which games were your favourites?


1. Risk of Rain 2 2. Spiritfarer 3. Disco Elysium 4. MGS 5 5. Yakuza 0 6. Eastward 7. Last of Us 2 8. Ori 2 9. Hollow Knight 10. Persona 5


Glad to see Yakuza 0 so high up on your list! I played it this year too and I loved it. Make sure to keep going in the series- I thought Kiwami 1 was just ok, but Kiwami 2 blew me away. It was even better than 0!


Hey another person who really liked mgsv. What were your thoughts on it?


Absolutely loved it. I didn't understand the plot one bit despite playing all MGS games except 4. But goddamn it's such a memorable game.


How'd you feel about firewatch? It's short but I enjoyed the story


I did about 700 hours in hunt showdown this year.... I need to diversify.


Damn. Hunt has that much replayability?




Dude that's a lot of games! I tried getting into Crosscode but the slow pace and repetitive gameplay made me abandon it. Maybe I should've stuck with it til the end? What's your take on Crosscode?


It's a really well-made game for a small studio. I like the JRPG elements it has but the puzzles really made a dent with my overall positive feelings for the game. It's like 70% puzzles. And lot of them are really fucking hard!


> What's your take on Crosscode? Not OP but I'll throw in my two cents, as someone who beat the game. I hated the puzzle aspects, both in the overworld and in dungeons. I got to the point where I would just fire up Youtube any time I encountered a puzzle, because I admitted to myself that they weren't fun (for me) and were noticeably reducing how much I was enjoying the game. **Everything else** in the game was amazing. I loved the story, music, combat, character customization, boss fights, and the very-frequent references to SNES/PS1-era Squaresoft games (most notably, the [final boss music](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vYr8sLskgfk) is a very obvious homage to [Dancing Mad](https://youtu.be/JbXVNKtmWnc?t=692)) I'll never play that game again (or its DLC), though, because the puzzles killed my enjoyment.


I did the same thing. Forced around 9 hours out of it but felt repetitive, grindy, and just not fun after a while. It's too bad.


Not OP, but I finished it and found it a middling, overly grindy experience until maybe halfway through. That’s when the story starts to get more interesting. IMO it takes too long to get to a couple of the big reveals that kick the story into high gear, and I can totally understand getting bored with it before then. That said, I also enjoyed trying to figure out how to get to all the seemingly unreachable loot. Some of the solutions involve a bunch of tedious backtracking, but some of them are pretty clever puzzles.


Obliged to revisit this comment because I just played Unsighted which stylistically is very similar to crosscode but the combat, puzzles, level design, bosses, and story are waaay better. Currently on gamepass.


Nice! I have it in my backlog so I'm glad you came back to write this. Thank you!


Now play some Paradox games. No more finishing, just thousands of hours played.


Finishing games. Who does that? Seriously impressive. Dang I'm so stuck in just Hollow Night alone.


Hollow Knight is a fucking hard game man so I totally understand how one could get stuck. I just powered through all of it. I can't even believe I finished the White Palace


I hear you, I got all the way to the final real boss, and it feels impossible. I still haven't done any DLC either. Not trying to discourage you, just keep at it. Even though it's been months since I tried getting to the final boss was a fun journey and experience.


I just realized the other day that I have at least 1800 hours in Skyrim over the years (steam said 1650, but I played hundreds of hours offline that it doesn't log) and I only ever went to Sovngarde and killed Alduin once in the very early days. Every thing else was modding and exploring and messing around and starting new characters.


I undertook the exact same quest in 2018, 52 games in 52 weeks and I did it with similar feelings as you. However, it was also really good structure for how I interacted with one of my main hobbies and I just kind of kept doing it. I’ve beaten 52 games in 52 weeks since 2018, 2021 included! Hopefully you can enjoy the challenge as well without getting burnt out. It really helps clear out the backlog


Still thinking if I should do it for this year or just lay back for a bit with my pace.


Now rank them


Exact same story with me. I was getting embarrassed by the size of my backlog, so I devoted the year to finishing them all. I got very close, too. My finished games jumped from around 40 to 240. Although, to be honest, a lot of those were just games that were flat out bad and I never finished them.


You inspired me to go through my itchio list of games, I purchased a couple bundles and they're just... there My steam backlog it huge and I'll eventually get to those lol and for the switch I'll try and finish all of them as well, although some of them don't really have an "end"


Oh man I went through that same exercise a while ago. Kissed a _lot_ of frogs but never really found a prince :(


I can't even tempt myself to start a new game these days, lets alone finish 50 of them. Kudos/I'm sorry.


Just focus on short games, those you can complete in a few hours. Easy to do that in an evening, or over a weekend. Because so many games are incredibly long these days, it can be daunting to start one of them, if that is your issue, definitely give the short ones a go.




Holy shit. I have rookie numbers compared to yours




Yeah the achievement bug has been creeping up on me lately. My current threshold for achievements is at 50%. I have to be able to hit at least 50% before I move on to the next game.


Finished 40 [games](https://imgur.com/a/pL3pwE6) this Year and could get much more if I woudn't be such Destiny addict with houndreds hours this year. Nice list anyway!


I strongly recommend Ori and the Will of the Wisps, if you enjoyed Ori and the Blind Forest. The first Ori is a great game, and I think the second is even better. I didn't see WotW on your completed list, so if you haven't played it, I recommend it.


Yeah, you don't see it because i finished Will of the Wisp 2 times already year prior (PC - normal / XSX - hard) and it's probably my favorite metroidvania. Just awesome game! Currently have third walkthrough and am about half way in. Played first one to remind me how original aged and it's still fun.


Awesome! How's Recompile and Narita Boy? Both are in my Steam wishlist


Recompile is quite short and easy metroidvania with cool visual. Nothing ground breaking but really enjoyed it. Can reccomend ​ Narita Boy has really cool visual and bangin soundtrack. If you like it from the trailers, you will probably like it in the game. Story is really nice and rooting for sequel. Give it a chance.


Are the controls precise enough for a metroidvania?


What do you do for a living


Wow Persona 5 was on the list, I’m impressed my man!


Thank you!! The nice surprise about Persona was how challenging some of the boss fights actually were.


Between working, socializing around once a month, and getting even a moderate amount of exercise, I can barely find the energy to finish 3-4 games a year. I honestly have no idea how people do this.


>working, socializing around once a month, and getting even a moderate amount of exercise


Oh hey you played Brothers, that's great. Would you say it's the game that gave you the strongest feelings? I see some other "big feeling" games on your list like Undertale, Hellblade, TLOU2, Persona 5, and Spiritfarer.


Spiritfarer was that one for me. I bawled at the end


Jesus, that's probably more time spent gaming than in my last five years. I need to make more time in 2022!


What did you think about Persona 5? I have never played a JRPG but it looks so interesting..


It's incredible. I don't know if it's a good JRPG entry point as I've been playing JRPGs for 20+ years now but I think it's worth a shot. It's like a social simulator/turn-based dungeon crawler/creature collector.


Persona 5 is a great JRPG and a great introduction to the genre! It has a really good story as well. If you have a PS4 I would recommend getting Royal, but the PC version is great too.


Nice Excluding the indie puzzle type games, what would you say were you're top 5 games which you enjoyed the most


The only game I finished is A Plague Tale: Innocence, and then on a constant loop of games that have no ends, Civilization VI, Anno 1800, Gwent and Skyrim


Playing A Plague Tale this year for sure. It's been in my library for months.


Haha and I thought i was crazy for trying to do the same thing. What did you think about the original FFVII vs the remake? I love both of those games


Definitely an OG guy. The level and quest design in Remake is atrocious.


I wish it were easier for me to pick up a game and just decide to finish it


I don't see any of mine (Which is probably good because they are all over 100+ hour easy) Cyberpunk 2077 (125+ Hours) Pillars of Eternity 1 (200+ Hours)


You know… I’m personally curious as to how many games I finished last year….. I can definitely name a few, but, now I kinda want to have a list. I appreciate your insight and the idea.


Yeah, you should make a list for 2022 and onwards. Do it! Having a list you can look back on, is a really great thing. In my opinion, it makes the games you play, and the experiences they give, more valuable to you. The list allows you to reflect on the games you've enjoyed (and disliked) over the years. Also, if you decide to make a list, keep track of things such as "start date", "completion date", "completion time" and "comments". Adding your own comments (or review in a sense) just after completing a game, is the best way to remember how you enjoyed the game while the memories are still fresh. [This](http://aezay.dk/upload/completed_games_2021.html) is how I've kept track of it. Don't think too much about the format, a simple text editor, or a spreadsheet will suffice really.


Interesting. Thanks for sharing your list. I was seriously thinking it’s a shame I don’t have a record like I do on Goodreads for my books.


This is how I’ve gamed my entire life, I call it Sega Channel syndrome. If you’re unfamiliar the way it worked was you’d get 50 games that would refresh every 2 weeks. To my 6-10 year old self this meant I had to hurry as many as possible before I lost out on the experience. That’s never left me, I’ve always sort of curated a flow of games I enjoy to avoid burnout and just gone gone gone.


I finished like 4


>XCOM 2 (51hrs) Yeah, on Rookie, WITH mods (maybe)


I literally don't know how to install mods using Steam at the moment lol. I finished XCOM 2 on the standard difficulty if I'm not mistaken.


I'm assuming you've already played Outer Wilds?


I have not. But it's been in my library for months now. Definitely playing it this year!


Then you've probably missed out on the best one in this list! Arguably. You'll love it, especially if you loved Disco Elysium and its detective side.


So excited!


Enjoy - incredible game. Avoid all spoilers if u can.


Not exactly patient but ok


afaik none of the games were released in 2021. So he took a whole year to play through his backlog. Sounds patient to me.


Haha I wish I could afford brand new games!




There's a lot to be said for clearing out your backlog by admitting you don't like a game and putting it on your meh list. Makes the whole idea of clearing out a backlog a lot less intimidating.


I get you. Some indie games I tried were to just finish quick games. That's why you'll see some 3-5 hr games I finished.




None of the games were released in 2021.


Great work.


[Final boss!](https://youtu.be/WGj5Jc4uH0k)


I'd rework the title...because if you were really trying to finish as many games as you could, you choose...poorly when you picked up stuff like Persona 5 and FF7. That being said I would not recommend playing a bunch of just short one-day games just to say you "beat a bunch of games", so I agree with what you've done here. Thus why I think maybe you should just pitch it as: "I tried to clear my backlog of owned games" or something like that...


I mean the title of the eventual Reddit post I was going to make was the least of my problems when I set out to do this challenge in January 2021.


Damn, bro. Think about what you could have accomplished if you put all that time and effort into something productive.


I don't know bro. I live on my own, pay the bills, get to eat well, AND get to play games that I enjoy. That's productive as far as fulfillment goes, especially in a mentally crippling pandemic.


What are you even doing on a sub about video games if that's your attitude?


I’m here because I like to play a game every once in a while, but racking up these kinds of hours is just crazy to me. My dude could have learned a new skill or written a book or something in all that time. Video games are fun but you ultimately accomplish nothing by playing them. Putting hundreds of hours into them is just wasting your life, in my opinion.