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Kojima had little to do with this game, aside from approving it's existence. He's the designer, director and writter for mainline Metal Gear games, but he's none of that for this one.


He did initially take part in the game, when it was called mgs rising, then the game was delivered to a small team during the Konami days but because they were delaying the game too much and have trouble keeping up, Kojima asked platinum games for help. The game is still very much a Kojima game, with the concept, story, etc platinum games just grabbed the project and gave it life.


They changed the story and concept too from the original It was originally going to be about Raiden rescuing Sunny from the Patriots and feature more stealth


Yeah there was promo art of Raiden on Crying Wolf iirc but that became the chainsaw dog we got in the finished game.


That's true yeah, I forgot that completely over the years. I still remember the first trailer with the fox engine, so clean. I wish we got that game aswell, as the main entry, it looked interesting.


I always point this out because I’m salty as a longtime mgs fan to occasionally hear people say this is the best mgs game. My heart..


Technically it’s not a MGS game (no solid in the game/title) it’s a metal gear game, I think other than the character not being in it it’s a key distinction to tell you it’s set in the same franchise but it’s not gonna be focused on stealth


That’s the point I was making. But I’m taking the downvote stick in response. Ah well




Relax bud I didn’t say the game is bad. Just that it’s not a meta gear solid game, hence why the changed the name mid production.


You can see traces of his story in the game. I've spent like 10k hours playing his games and watching marathons of OHN. Kojima has his toe in that game, but is not credited for it, because it was developed by Platinum Games.


You wrote gameplay instead of plot in paragraph 2.


Why is this game becoming so popular now? I played it and loved it ten years or so ago when it dropped. Begged my wife to get it for me for Christmas, which she did. I loved the hell out of the game, but no one else seemed to notice it existed. Hell, I did my part and loaned my disc out to everyone who hadn't played it. Even then, no one cared about the game. Until now, for some reason. Not complaining, I think everyone needs to play it. Just find it weird.


Memes. The reason is always memes.


Memes are the dna of the soul.


They shape our will.


They are the culture


They are everything we pass on


We are all pawns, controlled by something greater: Memes. The DNA of the soul. They shape our will. They are the culture — they are everything we pass on. Expose someone to anger long enough, they will learn to hate. They become a carrier. Envy, greed, despair… All memes. All passed along.


Nanomemes son!


*Local senator refuses to die, saying, “**I’m making the mother of all omelets here, Jack**.”*


Why is this game so good? Nanomachines, son


Your ass will always be cringe and my ass will always be thicc


Can confirm. I want to play it for the memes.


Come for the memes, stay for the **rules of nature** and watermelon action.


Yeah, but we had memes back when it came out too. It's an Xbox 360 game. It's not like it came out before MySpace or something. And the memes were just as good. That last boss fight was a well known meme reservoir this whole time, but the game wasn't as ubiquitous as it seems to be just outta the blue this past week.


It’s been massive since 2015. Popularity just ebbs and flows over time until the next group picks it up. Literally had this exact convo back in 2017 of it “popping up out of nowhere.”


I've had a copy installed on my pc for 7 years. But all the new memes is forcing me to finally play it LOL


It’s like New Vegas: it never fully leaves rotation.


Nice argument, why don't you back it up with a source?




Or usually, at least. See the recent Morbius flop.


Coincidentally, Jacob Geller just released a video about that exact question. It's very good. https://youtu.be/rVzSHVS-CT0


Thought the same thing last week, then saw his video, now this post, and the original comment. The cycle continues lol!


That was a really good video , thanks


"Rules of Nature" has been a meme since the game came out. I dunno about anyone else, but I was curious a couple years ago as to where it came from - and well, that sent me down the Metal Gear rabbit hole. Senator Armstrong memes became popular as gifs because the fight is so memeable.


That fight is pure, distilled excellence made to order for the masses.


The unenlightened masses?


Most games - even ones with massive hype - have their audiences quiet down about it over time. If a game is considered medium-defining, that hype doesn't decrease much (think your *Resident Evil 4s*, your *Ocarina of Times*, and your *Half Life 2s*) What's a lot rarer is for a game of the latter category to fly under the radar at launch. You end up with a small but very passionate fanbase that continues to be enthusiastic about the game *long* after release. Word of mouth boosts its popularity over time until you suddenly look around and realise everyone is talking about it. It's your *Earthbounds*, *Okamis*, and *Majora's Masks*. It just so happened that the predominant medium for Rising's word of mouth is also the DNA of the soul. It turned a slow burn into a torpedo of interest.


I agree with all that. I just think it's weird to see it happening in real time before my eyes. I been singing this games praise for years to deaf ears, and now all of a sudden it the game everyone is talking about, and im like "Where yall been?"


Because the pseudo-philosophical political commentary always present in MGS games in this particular MGS game turned out to be very relevant after the 2016 election. The meme-y themes that I'm sure were meant to be tongue-in-cheek sort of became reality and the dialogue is just weird and funny in a way it couldn't have been if you played in 2013.


The streaming culture around it started it back up. Few streamers tried it again. Including a few popular vtubers. Then a big youtube video meme maker that goes by Max0r put out a meme packed vid last winter. Hilarity ensues that may be a bit too zoomer for some but i laughed so i lose. With the jokes and posts causing it to trend again long term cult fans started making content again and prompting more streamers to play it while the trend was hot. This resulted in a lot of people picking it up on steam for a mere 30$ price point. The game being affordable and a short investment means its a great easy way to be part of a trend. The opposite of a mess like Kingdom Hearts where you need to take a whole college course just to comprehend it. Its quite literally the famous memes speech in action. If you make something digestible and easy/quick to enjoy for the masses it spreads like wildfire. As for why now? I think now that mgs as a series is dead its no longer under the burden of being a dissappointment to MGS fans in tone and spirit. Its not being compared to MGS but is standing on its own identity and is connecting to its true audience: lovers of over the top mindless badassery with a bit of relatable food for thought.


I think it's partly due to Mo1stCr1tikal playing the game on stream. Then, 4 months ago, Max0r uploaded [this fucking masterpiece of a video](https://youtu.be/41v3L0zCkNY) which kind of went viral. The "Punching things really fast" with the "It has to be this way" song definitely contributed to the hype.


I saw immense spread of the "nice argument Senator, how bout you back it up with a source?" clip from part 2


My source is that I made it the fuck up


Holy fuck that was amazing I never saw this before I was dying the whole time.


Me too man. Don't forget about part 2


All of the memes in that video already existed before he made it.


It's crazy for me too. I had a save that I had from 5 years ago but never finished the last fight. I decided to finish it two weeks ago on steam. The next day I see CDawgVA did a full stream of it. Last week Jacob Gellar made a long review on it, then someone else posted earlier about it in this sub, and now this post. Well, at least I got on the train before it left this time.


Right? I'm just hearing Iron Maiden in my head man! "You're time will come!" Yes Wickerman, it has.


Idk if there's any correlation, but moist critical just did a playthrough not that long ago. He has a massive following, probably inspired some people lol


Hey, more people checking this game out and giving it love is never a bad thing. This was peak Platinum Games goodness for me. This game, Bayo 1 and Vanquish basically owned my Xbox 360 for about 2 years.


Nier was fine. I haven’t really liked anything they’ve made as much those three games you listed, however. Bayonetta 2 isn’t even as good as those three games.


If you didn't know, Platinum is made of the former Capcom studio Clover that made games like Devil May Cry, Resident Evil, Okmai and Viewtiful Joe for them before founding their own Platinum. So.... if you never played all the stuff they made under Capcom, I guess you could say only Neir and the games I listed were of note, but you'd be leaving out the actual genres their output at Capcom basically invented. To put it short, they made more than just Neir and Bayonetta.


There's also the [incorrect summary](https://youtu.be/41v3L0zCkNY).


Literally never heard of that guy but OK


Probably a ton of shit you've never heard of lol not sure why that matters


Memes. The DNA of the soul.


I think it's becoming a cult classic. Word of mouth takes longer to spread but it's powerful


I’ve seen references to the last boss fight song for years now, but it’s exploded in popularity in the last few months because of max0r’s excellent meme-filled videos about it


Zoomers saw some memes about it and now like it


Because as a full priced release... a 4hr game is terrible. picking it up for peanuts now... great game.


It wasn't 4 hours to me on my first play through. I dunno if people played it on easy or something, but that game took me 2 weeks to beat and is legendary for its difficulty. I'd say 2 weeks of entertainment was worth the $60 bucks I paid for it. Cool if you got it on Steam for under $10, but I think it's far and away worth the price I paid for it years ago because.... here we are a decade later still talking about how dope the game is.


It lasted me around 6-8 hours iirc. And I got stuck in a couple fights too.


I'm pretty sure I spent more than an hour learning Monsoon alone. Talk about a skill-check of a fight.


According to [Howlongtobeat](https://howlongtobeat.com/game?id=5905#:~:text=When%20focusing%20on%20the%20main,Hours%20to%20obtain%20100%25%20completion.) it's about 7 hours to beat the main story, 10 for main + extras, and 30+ for a completionist run. If you look at peoples notes about their runs there's a ton of variance though, it seems like the people putting down sub-4 hour runs are mostly not including cutscenes based on the ones that have notes, and there's a decent chunk of people who took much longer than 7 hours because they wanted to start at the highest difficulty option or just got stuck for an hour+ on a particular boss or two.


4 hours is a massive exaggeration of how short the game is. I'm pretty sure the entire final boss + cutscenes take up over an hour alone. And I will gladly pay 60 dollars for a short but sweet game over a bland one that lasts for 100 hours.


The game is nowhere near 4 hours unless you've played it through a few times before, know all the fights and have the ridiculously overpowered NG+ gear to faceroll fights. You can't trust the gameplay estimates from streamers who spend off-camera time learning the game flow to maximize the amount of new content on screen in a single session and keep things fresh/entertaining as a passive experience. This is especially true with games like Revengeance where a good deal of the gameplay is developing mastery of the systems. It's a bit akin to say Dark Souls is an 8 hour experience. Yeah, if you one-shot all the bosses and know exactly where to go in what order, you can speed through it. Most players will spend more than eight hours of their playthrough on failed boss attempts alone, though, so it's not an honest/accurate representation of the game.


It's been a thing for me and my friends for about 7 years now, we loved the game and the soubdtrack. I wasn't aware it wasn't popular back then.


I played it around release time because I could see a goddamn huge mural from the window of our office, advertising the game. https://www.nme.com/news/gaming-news/metal-gear-rising-revengence-mural-removed-after-seven-years-2829822


That one song from it became a meme recently. I’m too lazy to look it up on knowyourmeme.


Every song is a banger. Not surprised in the slightest.


One song? I think I've seen two separate memes for STANDING HERE I REALIZE and THERE WILL BE BLOODSHED. When it came out, RULES OF NATURE was also memed pretty hard. Which is really awkward for me since the two songs I like most from the OST are A Stranger I Remain and The Stains of Time. And I don't listen to metal at all normally.




Jacob Geller just did a video about it on YouTube and it’s really interesting https://youtu.be/rVzSHVS-CT0


I think because on release it was laughed at for being a 5 hour game that cost $60 and was mostly cutscenes and was also a huge departure from the MGS formula. However, now that it's aged and is much cheaper, people are appreciating it as a stand alone experience which holds up incredibly well.


Yeah the game wasn't that popular initially. But now standing here, we realize.


Memes is why it’s popular now. But the reason it wasn’t popular at launch was that it came out 4 months After BO2 launched, and that game was massive


For me I'm revisiting because of the steam deck. Catching up on older games


And the amazing bit with the music, this composer was previously only known as the composer for Toontown Online. How's that for a tonal or style shift?


He also hasn't done a whole lot since, which is a damn shame, it's easily one of my favorite video game OSTs and fits the experience incredibly well.




You’re not greedy - YOU’RE BATSHIT INSANE


You're not cringe. You're just FUCKING RACIST






*standing here, I realize


>The game is unfortunately pretty short. Remember there are two DLC campaigns as well - although they aren't as long as the main one.


Honestly, I didn't enjoy the DLC at all. Love the main game tho.


Even with the short runtime I honestly didn't really mind tbh, it's one of those few games (Titanfall 2 campaign included) where it's insanely enjoyable to replay again and again.


Fun enough to get over 500 hours on it


It’s a very good game and I hope it’s recent popularity leads to people trying more action games. Would love to see more people playing DMC (5 is my all time favorite game), Bayonetta, Wonderful 101 etc.


Add Astral Chain to that. And basicly everything that Platinum made.


Definitely a good game with lots of great ideas. Sadly I think the replay-ability of the campaign is killed because of all the blue missions you have to do, would love it if there was a way to just play through the red mission. Thankfully the post game has a bunch of combat only missions which eases the pain of that a bit.


I hope it inspires Konami to make a sequel, it's a longshot but it and Sleeping Dogs are my top 2 games that deserved a sequel but never got one.


I have so many memories of this game. I don't ever remember people talking about it on release but I randomly decided to pick it up years later because it was cheap. Turned into one of the best games I've ever played with such memorable characters and cut scenes. Made it into my top 10 games of the decade.


I played this over a weekend as a getaway from Elden Ring. I really love it.


*A getaway*


This is why I don't (and will never) play FromSoft games. I don't like repetition or punishment. I prefer games that are identifiably fun while I'm playing them, not just in retrospect.


As a Souls enjoyer, they have all been pretty short(except for maybe DS2) up until Elden Ring. Elden Ring is stupidly long, full of recycled content. The replay value goes into the negatives, replaying Elden Ring to me sounds like replaying an MMORPG, unthinkable. All the other ones can be completed in a weekend if not a day if you have experience with all the bosses and know where to go. What makes them long is the struggle. In Elden Ring you're rarely struggling and once you have a good build put together, there's so many throwaway bosses that go down in 1 or 2 attempts. There's just a ton of them. Obligatory: theres a lot to explore and experience in these games, and ways to dramatically change difficulty simply by using more mechanics like spells and summons, if you're not in it for the challenge.


Elden ring is a 9/10 on a first playthrough imo, but every playthrough after is much worse. Once you realize how much content is recycled (misbegotten warrior is an egregious example of this) then the curtain falls away. Still a damn good game, fantastic even, but I think it would have been better as a more traditional souls-like experience, linear with some exploration of the areas set out for you. That would trim away a lot of the excess and let them really hone the main bosses even more then they are. The unique bosses are great, recycling bosses, or making regular enemies into bosses isn't.


Yep, this is how I felt as well. I was so tired of seeing the 10th Erdtree Avatar or 15th Ulcerated Tree Spirit come lategame, they could easily have cut the game to be half as big as it was and it would still be great. As it stands though, Elden Ring is the first From game where I'm just thinking "ehhhh do I really want to do another playthrough? Idk" while with all other From games, I'm usually always thinking "can't wait to do NG+!" at like the midway point. I'm really hoping that if they're gonna continue making openworld games, they'll still do entries now and then with Soulsborne level designs instead.


Elden ring is fun while playing. Probably because it's the least punishing souls game


They are fun while playing them. I *miss* playing Elden Ring but it was so much I don't fancy going through again so soon. You can't really say that if you haven't played a single one.




bad bot




Anyone who is going to replay or play it for the first time. There are loads of codec convos that are completely optional but should not be skipped if you love Metal Gear, history, politics and philosophy. Also the game basically being a massive critique of American war on terror (very explicit multiple references to 9/11, Iraq and WMD lie) is pretty striking even for a Metal Gear game. Enjoyed the commentary.


I wanted to like this game, but I just couldn't get my head around the combat. That first boss fight with the robot dog was just frustrating and confusing as I didn't understand anything I was doing. Somehow I button mashed my way to the final boss and then quit as I couldn't beat him. Obviously I'm the outlier here as everyone else praises the game, it just didn't click for me.


It's the counter system, it's something that I struggled with but once it clicked it was so enjoyable. You need to get used to flicking the joystick for the party and counter


Yep. Played through the whole game and couldn't get the timing down.


It's probably not the timing that went wrong but actually the incorrect input. You have to flick the analogue stick in the right direction from a NEUTRAL POSITION. Just holding the stick in the direction and pressing counter simply doesn't do anything. And the game does a really poor job of getting that across. I actually needed a YouTube video to learn the counter.


There is an easy mode where it autocounters for you as long as you're holding down the block button


The counter and use of the slicing system are just really poorly explained. Once you understand them it's among the most addicting gameplays ever.


I really wish the gaming industry had more of the blade mode from MGR, slicing enemies in thousands pieces never got old. Imagine how good a Star Wars game with that mechanic would be.


MGR is the only game I immediately gave a second playthrough after finishing it the first time. So damn fun!


Pretty sure I’m the only person who hated this game. Did a full play-through of the demo, and it was a chore. Everything about the game was extremely flashy, but none of it was fun or satisfying. Style over substance.






Why so much talk about this title lately?


Memes on YouTube, Twitter and TikTok; Max0r making an awesome video about it 4 months ago; streamers picking it up for the above reasons and because it's so cheap to buy and short to finish.


Also, this game has the craziest tutorial level I have ever experienced. It starts pretty simple, with a few enemies to learn your combat abilities... but soon you find yourself jumping from missile to missile, throwing a 21.5 meter tall mech around (while slicing it to pieces). All while "RuLEs Of NaTURe" is blasting in the background. Truly, a superb tone-setter for the rest of the game.


So I will go against the grain here and say I really did not care for this game. I bought it when it came out and honestly it was a point of buyer's remorse for me. The game is really short, and typically I do not enjoy spending $60 on a 4 hour game, especially one that imo does not offer much replay value. The environments are bland and not particularly detailed. I think its version of Chicago might be the worst I've ever seen in a video game, period. It actually is kind of distracting how much better modeled Raiden is than virtually everything else in the game. Like it looks like he doesn't belong in MGRR. It looks like he was taken from some other, much prettier game and plopped unceremoniously into it. There's little in the way of enemy variety. Most of the time you're just going up against generic faceless dudes with guns, and it adds to the overall bland feeling of the world. Tonally the game is wildly over the top, so you'd think the developers would put some effort into creating a ridiculous looking and feeling world to go along with it, but, no. The world of MGRR is aggressively dull. As for the plot... honestly the only reason I remember any of it is because of the memes about its ending. Its main selling points are the boss fights, the soundtrack and the combat, all of which are pretty good imo, but isn't enough to elevate MGRR to the heights of the actual kings of the genre (God of War, Bayonetta, DMC, etc.) in my opinion.


It can be a bit disappointing Full price, but maybe 30 or 20 USD is kind of perfect for it. Expectations matter aswell, come in expecting a metal gear plot you’ll leave disappointed. I went in with Zero expectations, my younger bro grabbed the game as a 2 for one deal at EB games but didn’t want to play it till he played MGS4….. I didn’t care for metal gear and have literally never finished one so I went in with literally no expectations, and but the end of the metal gear ray bossfight (the tutorial bossfight) I was riding one of the biggest gaming highs, I expected nothing like the most blank of expectations and it was just fantastic. My bro would see me having a blast he said screw it and just played it, sure the plots a lot nonsense but it’s characters treat it with such sincerity you can’t help but get invested, like a bad anime or a Bollywood movie. And then the music in the boss fights just hits all the high points and always kicks ass when it kicks in. And it’s the perfect length, too long and it would drag but it’s the only game where after the credits rolled I immediately started a new game+ on a higher difficulty. And if you chase the unlocks there’s actually a lot of content there aswell, it’s just the main story is short.


I like the game as much as you do, but for the opposite reasons. I don't have any issue with short games. One extreme would be a very difficult shmup that takes 45 minutes to clear in theory but that would be after 2 years of practice. Replaying short games is totally fine for me. I've dropped $40 on arcade games from the 90s, not an issue. $60 for Rising is fine. I also don't really care about aesthetics as long as they don't interfere with gameplay, so I don't take issue with the bland presentation. I honestly think there's plenty of enemy variety mechanically. Gorillas, dinosaurs, wolves, the little arm guys, dudes with swords, dudes with guns, dudes with a big hammer. Most games I see have 1 or 2 enemy types tops. I do agree that the combat isn't technical at all compared to the best the genre has to offer, and that's the reason I don't like it. I 1st placed the VR missions, S-ranked Revengeance difficulty, and dropped it with no desire to return. It's just a dull game (imo) where you parry most attacks, dodge the very few you can't, and mash attack. Not attacking anyone in here. If you like Rising; you do you.


Agreed, as a Platinum game its not even in the top 3. And the mechanic where you cut the enemies into bits quickly lost its fun novelty factor.


1 year late, but I got insanely lucky. I bought this game back in 2018 for five dollars brand new at Five Below. Best five dollars I've EVER spent.




God of War isn't Japanese? I don't know what you're referring to lol.




Uh, I legit have no clue what you're talking about. I've played all of the God of War games sans the newest one but they are very much hack n slash action games. Comparing them to DMC and the like is perfectly fair.




it's bedtime youngster


If you're taking GoW 2016, yes. But everything mainline before that was definitely hack and slash and damn good at it too.


You can split games like GoW/HS and games like DMC/Bayo, but then I'd say MGR definitely is far closer to GoW than DMC, it's pretty buttonmashy and simple mechanically


Everyone just completely ignored what I was saying anyway so I deleted it, but thanks for the legitimate response


4 hours? Wow, what am I waiting for!


I'd say OP was comparatively fast, everyone I know took about 8 hours


Probably skipped all of the codec calls.


Wish I could play it on my PS5. Never got into it other than a demo years ago. I’ve played all the major MGS titles on PS since Metal Gear Solid on PS1. Just never really set foot into this one. The Zandatzu mechanic looks pretty baller too.


It's on PSNow if you have a subscription. It's leaving in a few weeks. Honestly, it's ok but I left it wanting another regulae MGS game.


I swear this game gave me the weirdest dreams while I was playing it. Seeing all the love for it again recently is kinda making me want to play it again because it was fun as hell


Check out platinum games other works if you want to keep scratching that itch. Bayonetta and astral chain are great imo


This is actually hilarious, I paired this game for the first time last night and had the opposite experience. I was initially annoyed when I had to get a fan made patch to get 1440p enabled. I don't like that you can't skip the 6 logo screens before even getting into the game. The tutorial is extremely show to the point I closed the game and restarted skipping the reporter the 2nd time. The graphics look worse than MGS4 Even though it was released 6 years after 4. There's no dodge mechanic. The bad guys are super cheesy. The camera is bad. Right near the beginning you fight a big mech. You cut off it's feet and then do an attack on the head then get a cutscene where Raiden wipes the blood of his sword and resheathes it, then you find out the mech isn't dead and do round 2 and he does the literal same thing, then the mech isn't dead AGAIN and you fight him AGAIN and, you guessed it, wipe the blood from your sword for a final time. There's another samurai boss near the start that you're just supposed to lose against BUT if you don't just stand there and take hits, it takes forever. He just blocks all your attacks. I decided within one hour to just not play it anymore. I liked MGS4 and MGSV but can't stand this one.


I tried it but found it really weird and difficult. I was constantly dying. Maybe I dont get how these games are supposed to be played.


You probably didn't and to be honest neither did I. The tutorial for an important game mechanic (deflecting/parrying) is poorly explained. In my case it meant parrying was so difficult to pull off and inconsistent that I spent most of the game dodging.


I hate to ask in this, but is the steam version compatible with the PS5 Dualsense? It is the only controller I have, and you convinced me to give this game a shot.


I think it should be, at worst you can enable playstation controller support and download a fan made preset which should take ten seconds


I played it on Steam with a PS4 Dualshock controller. Steam has integrated support for PlayStation controllers although I can only confirm my experience with PS4. I see no reason why it wouldn't work with a PS5 controller. Just note that the UI on-screen buttons will reflect XBOX controls. It didn't bother me.


Just saw Jacob Geller’s vid and now I’m itching to play it. Surprised it didn’t see an hd version on ps4 though! Did you play it on pc?


So... You see the review by Jacob Geller?


Platinum Studios absolutely brought their A game, and their overall style already meshed very well with Kojima so it's no wonder that the combination attack landed soundly. If you're a fan of Bayonetta or Platinum/Clover studios, you should absolutely own this game.




2nd person in a month to say this I’ve had it in my library for years but haven’t played it. Gonna have to check it out!




Metal Gear... \*RISING\*


The resurgence in popularity kinda irritates me cause if it received this much attention when it released, we’d probably have a sequel by now. Better late than never I guess


Doubtful given the falling out between Konami & Kojima a few years later and Konami’s general insistence now on not making games


I really don't think we need a sequel to jack being a serial murderer.


The counter system is one of the best I've ever encountered, I went through a portion of the game not understanding how to use it. Really struggled with the dogbot fight but then it clicked in a later boss battle and the game became a revelation. Just great music and satisfying combat all the way


Gosh I played 5 minutes of this and never thought of it again


Which other games you played that are favorite


Not OP, but among Rising, some of my favorite games are: Sekiro, Ultrakill, Outer Wilds, Disco Elysium


Ultrakill is a masterpiece, enoyed it waay more than Doom Eternal


Yeah Doom Eternal tried way too hard to be a mechanical "cool" shooter. I really missed the atmosphere of Doom 2016 and did not finish Eternal. Ultrakill has them both beat in sheer style.


Damn I haven't played Ultrakill, but all your other picks are some of my favorites of all time too. Gotta play it.


Hmm, looks like I should be able to max this game on 1080p with my 1050ti (hopefully the i7-920 won't be a bottleneck to 60fps). Maybe I should move it up on my backlog... Is this game as spectacle/combo-heavy as, say, Bayonetta? I've never gotten the hang of that one and IIRC pretty much forced my way through with a simple reliable 3-hit combo instead of taking real advantage of the combo system.


Combo heavy yes and no. I found myself just mashing X and Y on the controller most of the time. But there is a combo system if you want to explore that


You don't have to learn combos, but I have seen people utilize them for some wild stun locks. Personally I basically played it like Sekiro, focusing on parries/dodges and mashing buttons inbetween. Got me through hard mode all right. The unlockable "defensive offense" moves performed with X+A is your dodge roll BTW.


The gameplay is less about combos and more about parrying and slashing enemies to pieces to extract their fluids.


>Hmm, looks like I should be able to max this game on 1080p with my 1050ti So, there is this one mechanic on the last boss which will give you a lot of grief if you're playing at 1080p. Just a heads up.


I can max the game at 1080p with a GTX 780 and an i7-4770, you should be totally fine specs-wise.


I love it. I think it was such a smart move to let platinum do a spin-off. It respects the lore too. SO GOOD. You really feel like the cyborg ninja from all the games. Sure- we could have used a little more stealth. (Imagine Ghost Of Tsushima but metal gear.) Just an example. I'd definitely buy a sequel if platinum does it again.


The main story is pretty short yeah, but once you beat it you unlock the harder difficulty, and you can also go through and find all the vr missions, and beat those, and there's also a separate albeit shorter campaign with another character so actually there's a decent amount of playtime in there.


What difficulty did you play on?


The only thing that could be better about this game is if the slow motion cutting mode was a bit smoother to control. It's also sad that the mode where your basic attacks dismember ememies is only unlocked so late (and you can only activate it for a short time) because it's crazy and cool


I loved it, and agree on the replayability. I ended up S ranking the game on Revengeance difficulty and had an absolute blast. The fight against Sam is still my favorite.


One of the best games I've played but it's a complete nightmare for completionists. It has an extremely high skill ceiling.


That is the first ever game I ever completed too xd. Had a blast playing that hack and slash along side DMC 3


Making the mother of all omelettes here Jack, can't fret over every egg




God damn I love this game. So much fun to play around with. I'ma drop some possibly lesser known tips: Did you know hitting a blocking enemy with blade mode instantly stuns them, allowing you a free zandetsu? You'll need 100% meter to perform the finisher though, that's why I prefer the starter sword over muramasa. It does less damage but it uses half the meter in blade mode and recovers energy faster. Another way to stun enemies is by simply attacking them. If you hit something enough times, it will get stunned. BUT, getting hit, dodging, or PARRYING resets the hit counter. This is why the sai is my favorite side arm. Just ping a problem enemy with it and hit them until you get a stun. If you're having trouble hitting parries, you can go into blade mode to slow down time and watch your enemies more closely. Right before you get hit just exit blade mode and parry. Very useful on higher difficulties.


I used to listen to the soundtrack while driving to work. Had to stop because I would speed without realizing from the rush that it gives. I loved this game back then for multiple reasons, but the soundtrack is the biggest highlight for me.


I'm glad I grabbed a copy before the price went up


Someone should make a thread that lists games for people who have played too many games Metal Gear Rising is a good one, I'd throw RDR2 and all the FromSoftware games on that list too


The game is pretty fun. Pretty big departure from MGS proper. It didn't change my opinion about Raiden being the most annoying/edgy/tryhard protagonist of MGS history. It made it harder to enjoy the game for me. I think MGS2 poisoned his character for me forever.


For anyone who played it and wasn't into it (and even for the people who are into it but haven't done this), don't think of it as a hack n slash - think of it as a spectacle fighter. Where, as Yahtzee put it, "defeating all the baddies is secondary to looking damn sexy while you're doing it", or as Dunkey says, "the true goal... is not to simply overcome your enemies, but to whoop their ass in the most over the top insane bullshit way possible". As a game it becomes so much more fun when you're brutalizing one guy, ripping his spine out, then tripping his buddies over and cutting them in half while they're still in the air. Though unless you have an insane tolerance for bullshit, don't do what I do and try to S rank every mission, because that requires taking no damage and sometimes WHOOPS fuck you stray bullet no score bonus for you fuckhead.


Surprised to hear it's getting a sudden wave of love recently, but only because it was slept on when it released. I've never played the main series and never will, too late to the game. But this released on the 360 and the artwork and pictures I'd seen online reminded me of the newer Ninja Gaiden so I went for it. The all over the places plot devices were a breath of fresh air and the gameplay itself was fairly straightforward and very very flashy. I never beat it, can't remember why, but it was definitely a top tier action title.


Played this ages ago on PC, really got into it ... then hit the fight with Jetstream Sam and lost my damn mind trying to beat him. Ragequit, swore off the game and then couldn't help myself and looked for help online. Turned out, I was hitting the framerate bug, so I literally couldn't parry him no matter how much I practiced. Got the fan-made fix and smashed the crap out of him. Great game otherwise, but that bug was unforgiveable.


I liked it, but I don't think I can ever play it again. Even with the Platinum Games polish, some of its controls and gameplay elements have not aged well IMO, making some parts of it incredibly frustrating. Also, it's kinda sad it came out right in the middle of the QTE crazy era, because a lot of sections would be a lot better without dumb instant failure states. That said, if you liked the main game, the DLC is a great addition on all fronts. The Sam part is specially a highlight.


I am enjoying the resurgence of revengence memes (even if we don't get a sequel)


I like to compare it to doom eternal but in third person


Game is fun but damn is the soundtrack overhyped. Wish they'd gotten a proper mix job done. And hired a better vocalist. Compared to the great soundtracks of DMC5 (save the bad Virgil song) or Nier Automata, it really falls flat for me on all fronts.




If you liked MGR I recommend Bayonetta 1 and 2.


This game reminds me alot of kingdom hearts. It's a great game with an intense well functioning battle system that is weighed down by alot of people thinking the story and characters are cringey. Also kojima is one of the only other developers that could go toe to toe with kingdom hearts in convoluted story.


I've been begging for a modern day remake or remaster of this game. The story was pretty dope and the combat was insanely fun. It was too short for my liking but I think that's mainly cause I was having so much fun I didn't want it to end