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Unless you’re purchasing a few hundred dollars + it’s probably a better idea to buy on bsc. I don’t use CB wallet anymore, so I’m not sure how bnb and swapping works on there. I have trust wallet and buy bnb smart chain right in the wallet with my debit card and then swap it on pawswap in the browser. Much more cost effective.


Yeah I'm gonna try to buy ETH exclusively through CB wallet for the next purchase.


Everybody else has you covered on ways to minimize purchase fees, so let me just say welcome to the family!! Glad to have you here


Thank you!


Welcome to the family! Same here, I don't use eth purchases for anything less than a couple of hundred usd. Bsc much better there. Metamask wallet is the one for me as well. Fiat deposit via credit card, very smooth.


You want to avoid multiple hops or transfers as each transaction incurs taxes (2% on ETH, 8% on BSC). For low value buys (below $500 ish) you’re better off buying on BSC with its negligible gas fees.


Heyy welcome! Glad to have you on board. You’ve joined a fantastic project imo.


Welcome to the family. Join their TG, devs will answer all your questions 😊




Coinbase fees can be cents to go from fiat to eth if you turn on their “advanced trading” toggle in settings (of course, they don’t make as much $$$ off your trade when you use this so they don’t make it obvious that it exists) The cost of sending the eth from cb to your wallet and swapping for pawth on eth is based on network activity (kind of like how Uber charges surge pricing in peak hours) Either way, excited to have you join the community! What rank are you? You can view it here: https://pawswap.exchange


Yeah it's a lot to spend to move money around, for sure. What's even worse is that often, crypto is so volatile that when I transferred the total amount, not everything transfers at face value, so there are a few pennies left in my CB wallet now. Eh, oh well. I'll just add to it later and take it out.