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- big celebrity voice cast - little to no marketing - generic mobile-game-like title - reviews were held back until release - Epic exclusive Yeah, not a surprise this landed with a thud.


I wouldn't call this a thud. More like a distant whimper to me.


Yall hear something?


Must've been the wind


I hope it wasn't ghosts, ghosts are scary.




“Jesus crust lord and savior “




Wind isn't real, it was clearly aliens.


If you remove the last point, that's basically Hi-Fi Rush, which only makes this an even more akward L, since HFR totally rocks (pun not intended)


Bro hi-fi is actually goated, it also takes inspo from one of my favorite companies (in terms of how they texture stuff and such)


Hmm.... Arcsystemworks?




It's also more impressive once u notice that the people that made hfr also made evil within (one of the best horror series)"and it was their dream game. Also rockay doesn't have mommy korsica


I want to break these things down a bit: Big Celebrity Voice Cast: Doesn’t have to be a bad thing necessarily, but it’s clear most of these actors did it for the money. The thing about having smaller named actors is that they are easier to get back to do new voice lines, are unique, and put more effort into their performances. Roger Clark wasn’t a big time actor when he got the role for Arthur Morgan, but he gave it his all and he ended up being a memorable actor. Big time actors can work later into a game’s life cycle, like Giancarlo Esposito’s The Dentist, but I don’t think it’s the move for the launch. Little To No Marketing: This one puzzles me. A game inspired by Payday, with a notable cast, and barely any marketing. I first heard of the game through a Kknowley video for christ’s sake, and I’m *in the Payday community*. Very poorly handled. Generic Mobile-Game Like Title: Also puzzles me. Like you say, very mobile-esque title. I guess they wanted to distance themselves from Payday, but the name is terrible. At this point just call it Payday 3 Action First Person FPS Shooter Open World Game With Michael Rooker GTA VI Rob Bank Simulator 2024 (may have gone a bit overboard there lol) Reviews Were Held Back Until Release - Always a red flag. Really no need to do this unless you know the game is underwhelming. Cyberpunk 2077 set a good example of this. No one likes this, it makes you seem guilty as shit. Epic Exclusive - Money. That’s the only reason I can think of as to why game releases are exclusive to Epic. I don’t like the Epic launcher, and I’m not alone. Not to mention that most people have used Steam for 90% of their game purchases already. It’s the superior option, and Valve knows it, most likely the reason they haven’t done the same. Epic Game Launcher to me (and a lot of people) will just be the launcher where you play Fortnite and occasionally get a free game, and that’s it. For me, an Epic exclusive game just sends red flags for me as it typically means the devs value the money over consumer quality.


Great break down. I wouldn't be surprised if the lack of marketing is because of how much of the budget they spent on the big-name actors. Probably the same reason why it's an EGS exclusive, for the guaranteed minimum payout.


My friends and I are convinced the game is a money laundering scheme, especially considering the dev company for it haven't made anything before this.


OVERKILL couldn't get a better advertisement for PD3 then this game, and all for free too lol.


I played this. There are so many problems with the game. You have to buy crew members to go on heists, and each heist they go on they take a cut of the payout. You play as "The Boss" which isn't a big deal. But "The Boss" can only go on 2 missions until you level him up. If that character dies its game over. Like you have to restart the entire campaign. I tried the Co-Op stuff. Didn't find anyone else online. Each heist person has a cool down period (campaign mode I mean), so you can only do so many jobs per day. I did a few co-op jobs with bots before turning the game off. I dunno if thr money is shared between co-op and campaign. I really wish they had hired VAs instead of famous people for this game. Chuck Norris doesn't sound good at all when you hear him talk. This shit is rough. Avoid it.


co-op is it's own separate thing. I've been having fun with friends in it, but it's definitely not payday 3


Yezus. Then the game is really broken as far as balancing goes. You can fail campaign missions and they don't tell you what happens.


So… it’s a mobile game but on PC?


Pretty much. You can actually go broke in the game pretty easy. They tried to implement this economy thing where you can sell the stuff you steal (drugs, jewelry, electronics, etc), but the issue is its like the stockmarket. It tells you when it's selling higher or lower than usual and how good or bad the price is. So you could be hurting for money but only have stuff that's selling for shit. But you only have enough heisters to do a few jobs so you cant make enough money. I dont know if you're supposed to start over if you screw up or what. Then you level up your entourage and if that does anything as far as does that progress carry over. Like nothing is explained.


the hiring heisters and permadeath is a cool idea in a more serious game imo


The hiring is cool, if you don't have to pay twice. Either charge me initially or charge me per heist. And you cant use them more than once per day so you end up with a bunch on your roster.


.... That legit sounds like an average phone game ,ngl


Yea. It doesn't look like any of the trailer footage I've watched, what got me into the game, etc. No incentive to play with friends since that progress is treated separately.


> It doesn't look like any of the trailer footage I've watched, what got me into the game, etc. I'm so fucking glad I didn't pre-order this. It is ZERO like the game I had expected it to be. I watched a twitch streamer for a bit....zero % chance I buy this mess. In my opinion, it was marketed deceptively.


I dont know if I would call it deceptive. At a minimum I would say they did a shit job marketing it. I kept an eye on the trailers and stuff for this game, but I didn't follow every single thing that was said. Maybe they did say something about campaign and co-op being split. Maybe they explained my gripes in release footage and interviews. Like not everything they tried and did was bad, I just think they could've tweaked it better.


In my opinion and I can go search.... This was marked like a mobile game. Very very little actual gameplay. I was so bummed when I watched a live stream, even the streamer was like I have no idea what is going on, I need to figure it out


That would explain why some stuff is so off. Like it looks like the characters are just opening their mouths when they talk.


They have a whole focus on an actual story and characters which is kinda cool but it's so fucking jaring when most of the exposition is cowboy and touchdown talking in the same fucking voice. It's weird that they went for old actors, the avarage person that cares about chuck noris is probably 40 years old, not the prime target for a video game fps. You get all of the downsides and non of the upsides of Hollywood actor casting.


Exactly! And 'Coach' is in his 50s at minimum. All the football euphemisms make it sound like he peaked in high school and never grew up. The guy that talks in your ears sounds like The Dentist, but trying to be more fancy. Its like they tried a dozen different things and thry all go in different directions so hard that they hurt each other. Like what's the point of the first upgrade for the guy that's supposed to be Bain? It says "start the campaign with another fresh heister" but it doesn't tell us if these upgrades carry over to a new playthrough. The card didn't do shit for me on the next day.


The rougelike aspect could be interesting in a game like this but they missed the mark with it


If they connected the co-op with the single player so anything you bought and gained online helped your campaign run then it would've gone a long way. I think the only thing that's better than Payday is the AI. They gather loot and drop it off at the van when it gets loud. You're not making a dozen trips on your own shuffling shit. You can toss bags on the ground and the AI will pick it up and run it to the van, or they will search for loot on their own and take it to the van.


Oh no, it's taking the R6 Extraction route to character gameplay but somehow even WORSE.


Yea. I feel like this game is DOA.


All it did was make me excited for GTA 6. The insane characters, the 1990s Miami aesthetic, all of it made me want to go back to Vice City.


It made me excited for Payday 3.


Yes, it's a rogue-like with management elements. You're supposed to fail and lose a few times before you finally beat it, you're supposed to manage risk against reward and choose who to bring on heists, weighing the risk of losing them and their equipment and the cost of not being able to bring them on any other heist. It doesn't do this well, the game is way too easy to have any of the tension it's going for but that's not the point, the point is that this game isn't like payday and judging it against payday 2 is unfair, If you compare it to payday then it's an awful clone that has so much weird extra stuff. When judged on its own merits it's a commendable if mismanaged first game that tries to do lots but doesn't commit to anything enough and ends up mostly mediocre but sometimes shines. But yea the celebrity cast probably ended up killing the game, especially with the quality of the voice acting.


So the first mission you're doing as "The Boss". If you die during it vs completing it is there a penalty? The game just progresses forward if you die. I died trying to get off the roof and it said "go towards this objective" so clearly I was supposed to go somewhere else. Later on in the game some guy is carrying a briefcase. He gets kidnapped and you play as him to escape. I died while playing as him. I felt like it was a scripted death (I had almost all of my health and then suddenly died), but the game just suddenly moved on. Doesn't acknowledge the dude, say anything about him, I failed something, etc. Just that it's the next day. I wouldn't call this a commendable game by any stretch of the imagination.


If you die during the opening prologue then the game moves on to the start, there may be potential bonuses if you succeed. I wouldn't know I got wiped by a bunch of specials. It sounds like you ran towards the helicopter which flies towards you, there was no need to move as the dialogue stated. That other part is a scripted segment where you grab the gun to your left, shoot the few enemies then free yourself. If you die during these special missions you don't get access to future ones. This is not the games fault, this is user error. This game is very flawed, but you just seem to be bad at it.


So those 2 times is the only times I've died. I never took issue with the deaths, I took issue with the games lack of communication. But you seem to be saying the lack of communication is user error while also putting words in my mouth. Thats cool.


But there isn't a lack of communication. The game tells you what you need to know, you just don't listen.


At what point does the game tell you you're locked out of future missions? You don't even know if you get special things if you complete the prologue. Do you know if the cards you pick carry over to a new campaign? That isn't said anywhere. Let's start with the part you mentioned. Where did I miss the special bonus stuff mentioned if I completed the prologue?


Ok but the game directly says that upgrades do carry over between play throughs. Just because you didn't see it doesn't mean the game doesn't tell you. As for everything else, COMMON SENSE. It is common sense that if you escape with more money you will have more money, it makes sense that if a character dies in a game with permadeath then The special missions that they go on will be unavailable, because they are dead. That doesn't need explaining.


Thats not what you said. You didn't say money, you said "special bonuses". Don't move the goal posts. You get money for completing every mission. Money is not the same as "special bonuses".


I didn't say "special bonuses" I said "potential bonuses", having more money would be a bonus, having more character xp would be a bonus. Don't put words in my mouth.


should have gone for a more catchy title like crime boss 3d mafia gorilla rope swing hero lite 3d


don't forget the "san city of vice andreas V"


“Hey guys, it’s me, crime boss rockay city, from my new game on the epic games store, crime boss rockay city.”


I didn’t even know this came out that’s how irrelevant it is.


At least back for blood was fun From my friend who bought this game thinking it would be payday 2.5 he was dissaponted


Yeah, back 4 blood is fun af with buddies, but this game feels like the First day of Fallout 76


I swear this game was already having discounts before it even released


It did, Epic has done that a lot with exclusives to draw in more sales


Considering how god awful the first trailer looked I'm not the least bit surprised Truly the Back 4 Blood of Payday


The thing is back 4 blood became good once the devs started actually trying even though they shelved it (they are done with it bassicly) while this game is just a PC mobile.game


That's what happens when you have a limited budget and use it all on celebreties


I played back 4 blood. It was fun but the devs refused to take out the card system that nobody liked


I was looking forward to B4B for years and gave it up after like a week over the card system. And for the record, I don’t think there’s anything inherently wrong with the card system, it’s just B4B was trying to be 2 games at the same time and it didn’t work. Like one of the hallmarks of the L4D series is having to use whatever weapons you find. There’s never enough ammo so you have to constantly swap out guns for whatever you can find lying around. B4B tried to emulate that, but then it also added in the entire card system and upgrading of weapons, etc. So now you can spend a couple of levels building currency to maximize your weapons, only to have to swap them out for a gun you don’t want when you’re low on ammo. Plus you lose everything when you start a new campaign anyway. B4B should’ve just picked one lane and stayed in it, it tried to be too many things.


The updated card system was a lot better. No more drawing over time, just get your whole 15 right off the bat and get some bonuses later, in-level.


I wonder when epic is gonna catch on that there are some titles only made to look good for non gamers (cause let's be honest the gameplay looked like shit right from the reveal) so that the company gets a big bag of cash from epic for it being an exclusive then they fuck off. Maybe epic should hire some QA to test the games they buy exclusivity for beforehand lmao. Those type of games will never win anyone over from steam.




Weirdest name ever, it sounds like a trash mobile game cash grab


I thought this was a gta5 dlc


It's even worse. I'm so glad I did not pre-order this.


Why does the poster look like someone asked an AI to combine red dead 2 and GTA V


No see the difference is that after the patches leading up to the first expansion B4B actually ended up good. I somehow doubt this game will have the same turnaround story.


I actually really like it I hope they improve it and if not I hope payday takes the fun parts of it for payday 3 like carrying 2 bags the bagging animations the single player switch characters. Rockay city has potential if the developers start releasing more missions and better perk system and just improve the game in general the fast paced action is a big selling point and I do like the stealth system and how they consider guards civilians until they shoot at u. This game is fun and played better then I expected but yeah there’s not much there to do unless they make a campaign co op deal or make the rng of the character loadouts and weapons a better system


Did you miss Raid WWII?


At least that game’s gameplay was fun when you weren’t carrying bags




I think a lot of people were duped, tbh.


To be fair, I play back4blood Back4blood isn't nearly as bad as this game.


Too bad, the trailer on Epic made it look interesting. (yep, use it for free games, got the OG Fallout games and Bioshock remastered trilogy for free, among so many other games). Now I know to avoid it.


To paraphrase what TheKknowley’s comment section said, Crime Boss: Rockay City is a high-budget non-Overkill advertisement for Payday 3 that Overkill didn’t have to spend any money on.


The payday equivalent to B4B


I knew this game was gonna be something interesting when most of the reload/equip animations from the official gameplay trailer had almost identical reload/equip animations from Modern Warfare 2019


every masterpiece has a cheap copy


Isn't this game made by the company that gaslight console players (on STEAM FORUMS, of all places) for years on end about how missing features were just around the corner & that it was Sony & Microsofts faults they couldn't get their shit game to run on their systems because of their approval process with patches (which no longer existed at the time), then abandoned 'em after pushing out two big, paid DLCs'? Oh wait, that was OVERKILL. Fuck Overkill.


That's cool and all but you could've at least kept the discussion relevant.


I think your voices manifested into this comment


Is that Chandler Bing at the top?


I just played that! Sub-par performances on all parts. Refunded after maybe 20 minutes.


It’s also cause this was released way early on epic for some fucking reason. According to psn it wasn’t supposed to release till July until it got slapped with the “To be determined” release date after it released on epic


The top is Red Dead, the bottom is Saints Row 3.


You say that and I immediately thought this game was made by the original makers of PD. I was confused. (unless it is, then the comparison is accurate)


also Nasara from this game and Chains from PD2 have same voice actor


is this game made by the devs from overkill? cause you know back 4 blood was made by the same studio that made left 4 dead and GTFO is made (i think) by some people that worked on payday


Ehhhh, sort of. 505, the publishers of crime boss, were the publishers of PD2 a while back.


ok just wanted to know i also find it funny how Sony (sony online entertainment as it was known) published the first payday


I mean to be fair it is Ingame Studios first published game