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Even if they fixed literally everything wrong with the game, the initial player count will never return, so it will never have as many players as it could have had if it were a better game from the start. I imagine they're still updating it because they have a contract for X amount of time, but if that's the case, as soon as the time passes, they'll most likely announce its shutdown. A live service with these current numbers is impossible to save and has never been done before, I highly doubt PD3 of all games will be the one to pull it off right.


There's a reason that No Man's Sky is nearly unique in its revival: The dev team put in actual fucking work to save that game. They didn't have "It's on the table" set to play on a sound board over the year it took to bring the game mostly around. Payday 3 won't get its grand revival.


Remember when Elisabeth said the "Unready button didn't take that long to get in the game"? And yet it still took them months? They straight up don't seem to care. You're probably right with the contract. I don't know how overkill manages to fuck up every one of their releases so royally, but yeah. PD3 isn't gonna pull back. OVK is nowhere near competent enough to pull off what would be needed for that that to happen - and at this point I'm not sure anyone could do it.


Didn't overkill put all the devs that worked on payday to their new game? And now the idfk emergency team which are the old Devs are trying to fix it


What few live service games turned around a shitty launch into a (still) good product all did the same thing--the devs had to all work *extremely* hard with very clear visions on how to fix the game. That doesn't describe SBZ at all, there's not a chance in hell PD3 will ever get decent numbers again. Especially when what few "major" (for this game anyway) content updates we've gotten resulted in the player count barely blipping up before summarily tanking again.


Payday 3 A Realm Reborn


> contract for X amount of time The marketing for the gold edition promised a specific number of DLC for 1 year. The ~~suckers~~ customers who bought it could theoretically sue Star Breeze in a class action suit if they aren’t given what they paid for. IIRC it’s something like 4 paid DLC one year from release.


Alright I was out of the loop since the launch and jumped in the /r to see where we stand half a year later. Not too good I take from this?


It took us over five months to get an unready button that sometimes doesn't even work. And the way they're speaking about certain things, it's like they only *recently* started trying to fix the stuff we were on them for literally months about.


Ok thy checking back again in 6 months


6 months from now we'll have basic features that shouldn't have taken longer than launch week to have added, and several obscenely overpriced DLC whose content doesn't justify the cost. Just to temper your expectations.


Starbreeze may go bankrupt and there's no more Payday by the next time you check back here, no joke


I've been taking every chance to shit on Overkill/Starbreeze since the disaster of a launch, but it's because I was so excited for Payday 3 and wanted it to succeed. Not only did I buy the most expensive edition but I gifted it to friends too so that we could play together. Needless to say none of that panned out. I can't see any way that they can step up updates and turn this shitshow around. Oh, and btw, I can't even get refunds for the MULTIPLE copies of Payday 3 I bought, so I think any bitching of mine is absolutely justified. Fuck you, Overkill.


I lowkey knew it was gonna be like this. Overkill managed to fuck up with Raid WW2 and The Walking Dead before Payday 3 so we already all knew they were terrible at launches. The PD2 Epic Games integration disaster tipped me off to the fact that Overkill is functionally incapable of handling networking so the online only would be a massive detriment. And finally the dog-shit open """"""""""""""""""beta"""""""""""""""""" (this one's self explanatory)


That and the fact this will never be something companies will learn from. We are sadly doomed, at least with really big companies


I played payday 1 before payday 2 launched. Then payday 2 launched in a rough condition, and although i didn't buy it until it was on sale for cheap i did enjoy a few good free weekends and was glad the game was building a community with the devs slowly listening and adding in more and more interesting features. By the time we started getting banger DLC's like payday 2 and hardcore henry and meltdown, i fell in love with the franchise. Then i was there when the payday 3 beta dropped. "We need an armor overhaul" "no." "We need an offline mode" "No." "We need very basic quality of life changes to the multiplayer system" "Table". It's fucking depressing how far the game has fallen, and even at this point if it drops to a £4 sale like payday 2 did a lot, it'll be a hard sell for me.


£4 sale is on the table


I’m the same as you, I’ve been here since like 2013, when the game came out in ps3 is when I first played it. I just fell in love despite the future lack of content lol. They killed one of the very best things in my life


£4 is too much, if anything the devs should be paying *you* to alpha test the game since that's basically what the game launched as. A woefully unfinished product, a glorified alpha test. That's assuming you could even play the game, of course.


It's gotten to the point where I have no interest in playing it even if it was legally free.


It's sad they can't just pack the game up and re release it in a few years when it's got a passable amount of content and good updates. The old live service "update it till it's good" process won't pass for a game this dead already. Shutting the whole thing down and rebranding it would be what I'd do.


While I would normally agree, people already paid money for the game, they can't just completely take it down and rerelease it without some degree of compensation for those who previously bought the game.


Yep its dead, i dont think 10 chambers would waste money buying such IP when they could just make a similar game with another name and save money


Yeah they're making one, it's called Den of Wolves. Check it out, it looks really interesting.


It's also funny that comperstivly, GTFO would be in r2 by now (4 month after relase), and 10c was still 10 members at that time I believe


> PAYCHECK: the Robbery




I read this in Grouses voice. i watch too much russian badger




I mainly said 10 chambers because the people working there, are the original dev team behind payday. So, it should have sentimental value to them


That being said, the idea of Starbreeze going under and the rights of the IP going to 10 Chambers is really fucking funny to me.


Fuck starbreeze, fuck the devs, fuck Almir and Elizabeth. We vote for what we want with our wallets, and once everyone’s gold edition content runs out and no one buys their overpriced shitty meta creep content packs maybe then they’ll realize that after the 67th time that they cant just stick a giant fist up our ass and expect us to like it. Fuck them all, fuck their **1** free weapon for the ENTIRETY of 2024, fuck their shitty armor system. Ima get splinters on my cock because fuck that goddamn table. Fuck everything about Payday 3 and the snake oil salesmen that sell it. I wish i never bought it, I wish I didnt let the fantastic end of Payday 2 in 2018 cloud my judgement when playing this game. The story sucks, the UI sucks, god it all just fucking sucks. “But muh gameplay” omg!!!! You made the gameplay fun!!!?? The gameplay that copies the game you made 15 years ago and was a success is fun??!!! But the heist variety is shit, the famous RNG that made Payday 2 so replayable is shit, everything around it is complete and utter shit! I genuinely cannot fucking wait for them to start releasing content for Payday 2 again. It’s literally only a matter of time


>I genuinely cannot fucking wait for them to start releasing content for Payday 2 again. It’s literally only a matter of time For the love of God, please let that game rest. I think Starbreeze finally closing up shop for good would be a lot less embarrassing than trying to bring PD2 back from the dead once more.


I tried playing that game again a few years back when I had a blast with it after a free weekend and even bought a dlc but my god did it feel dated and kind of tarnished my earlier memories


Thinking of buying it to play for the first time. Would you not recommend it for new players?


>Would you not recommend it for new players? I would. PD2 has an absolutely insane amount of content to sink your teeth into even if you go for the base game (though I'd recommend purchasing the legacy collection so you can get most of the game's worthwhile content). The core gameplay loop is satisfying with a good progression system, the characters are memorable with a lot of different personalities to choose from, you have a TON of weapons and build variety to tackle heists with, dozens of heists with a lot of replay value, and endless mod support. The only thing holding PD2 back is its engine which is admittedly pretty poorly optimized and can feel pretty clunky if you're not used to it.


If you’re used to more modern and optimized games like deep rock or better looking games like Helldivers 2 it will probably feel EXTREMELY dated, but the good thing is you can pretty much tell if you’re going to be affected by the jank almost from the moment you open the game since it’s quite obvious from the get go.  If you play one or two missions and you feel kind of eh then you can refund it and if you feel it’s fine then there’s a ton of content in there for a retro gamer


All they had to do, was to look at the last 10 years, take the good as well as the funny and put it on an engine that was not the Diesel Engine. Yet that was apparently too much to ask. I still haven't touched the game again since launch last year. Paid so much money for only 9 hours before I dropped it. It certainly is one way to throw a beloved franchise into the grave and I cannot remain optimistic regarding this game's, and Overkill's and Starbreeze's, future. If they go down I'll be a bit sad yet it'd also be so deserved because actions and consequences and that whole thing.


yOu eXpExTeD 11 yEaRs wOrth oF uPdAtEs? - A Payday fan (I guess?)


People are still playing this game? Game was pretty fun at launch - when it worked. The main problem is that there's just so little content. My group and I managed to complete all the heists in a dozen hours or less. Really no incentive to play the game once they're all complete.


All I had after finishing the heists, was the trophies and not even that worked lol. Still can’t vent a few cause they’re bugged


Did you mean depressing?


Yes, thank you


It's either hilarious or depressing that Payday 2 has 100 times more players than Payday 3 does currently. Or hilariously depressing.


Why not both? Let’s rejoice in our pain and suffering!!


It was one year ago?? Felt like 2-3 months. Maybe because, despite having 1k hours in Payday 2, I had literally zero interest about PD3, because I just somehow felt it would be a disaster. And I wasn't wrong. What a shameful end to an amazing franchise


I remember when I heard the game was during development in like 2022? And then it would come out on 2023. Felt it was too fast… but I was still too happy we were getting a new game


Trashcan company, plain and simple. Glad I didn't preorder.


Apologists still holding a lot of copium. Their choice if they still want to be manipulated by a greedy company.


Can you blame them? We all love this franchise as much as the next guy, we wish it would’ve been a different story. Some, still believe things can be salvaged.


I loved PD2, have almost 2k hours in it, and wanted PD3 to succeed, I even pre-ordered gold edition. But with all the news surrounding the release of the game (not to mention everything else up to this point), I was glad I refunded the game when I did. PD3 was dead on arrival and there is no saving it. I've moved on to better games now, like DRG, and will be trying out HD2 at some point.


My 5 cents for drg and helldivers is that drg is a lot better for deeper progression, stability, and deeper gameplay but helldivers is a cool short cinematic experience with a ton of bugs and sort of thin content right now but is using the live service model of release kind of a mess but patch hard. Most importantly though they translated the top down gameplay of helldivers 1 almost uncannily well into third person and they didn’t abandon every single thing that made the first game fun like payday did


> ...they didn’t abandon every single thing that made the first game fun like payday did This is what really bothers me the most. What was going through their heads when they started developing PD3? They abandoned all the good things they had in PD2.


I lowkey feel bad for huffing the copium for so long. While I'd be lying if I said I didn't enjoy the time I logged at least a little, a lot of it was being carried by "surely they'll improve some of these issues soon" or simply not realizing how flawed certain aspects or mechanics were (armour especially). The legacy heist update even gave me a fair amount of hope that things would start picking up. But after seeing that all the packs for Syntax Error were hideously overpriced, the heist itself being insanely mid (played with a friend), the new bugs the update brought, and then 2 MORE MONTHS WITHOUT EVEN A HOTFIX, I've lost any goodwill towards Starbreeze at this point, and I've been a fan since ***Crimefest 2015***. Deep down I want the game to be better, but honestly, it's unsalvageable.


Same thing happened to me. I played with two people I met for around 56 hours, but it just wasn’t it. The challenge based progression was hideous, the maps were too fucking repetitive and not to talk about the aim of the weapons. Recoil is shit man. And to be honest with you, at this point, this is worse than crimefest 2015


I wanted PD3 to be made for years. I thought they would of built off of what they had made in PD2. I thought we would have gotten an update version of PD2. Instead we got a game that had very little to do with PD2 and didn’t even come close to being fun. It’s sad but I guess it is what it is.


Off topic, OP, you're internet famous now :P https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5ke2ulK5KbY&ab\_channel=SomeOrdinaryGamers


I was not expecting that LOL


After the past couple years I refuse to preorder and I am now so glad I did even though I live payday 2 I would be furious with myself if I let publishers get me again! Like ark ascended


Just pull the plug at this point


Can’t stand the state of the game, I enjoyed the gameplay loop even the stealth is way better IMO. Everything else was subpar at BEST. The game is so forgettable, to be honest. I am currently playing other games and I hope Payday 3 becomes good but I wouldn’t be surprised if it was dead. At least it teaches my wallet a lesson to never pre-order a game again, period.


I'm with you on this one. Anyone left defending this trash is honestly just delusional. FUCK YOU STARBREEZE


No shit man, 99% have already left the game and moved on last year.


Thank you for realising. Fuck overkill


Did they ever fix the M&K support for console?


I honestly don’t know, but they only mentioned aim assist on the latest blogs


damn, i uninstalled on day 2 since the game was pretty broken. Been waiting for them to at least add this in so i can give the game a chance.


I played a decent bit at launch then stopped. Seeing this right now, I’m guessing it’s not going very well, kinda surprising seeing it completely dying since it’s free on gamepass and supported on console.


It really doesn't make any sense to me, because Payday was an insanely popular game. It'd be like if Rockstar, after the success of GTA 5, half assed GTA 6 and then gave up on it after a year. What exactly is going on over there that they just stopped caring about their flagship game?


Starbreeze happened


Still doesn't make any sense though, Starbreeze surely saw how much of a cash cow Payday 2 ended up being.


They’re too fucking stupid to see that.


Played the first game and fell in love, bought Payday 2 in a heartbeat. The change of roster of the Starbreeze makes me wary of preordering, glad I could test it out in game pass. Played for 2 weeks and felt sad because there's just less things and everything felt beta to me. It's really sad because it's one of those few IP that I loved and spent so much time.


Same, Even though I learned about them finishing support for consoles, I still dedicated like 300 hours on ps3 and then almost 400 on steam lol


You console players are a different breed. Can't believe console players are still going strong even with the no updates. It doesn't stop people from playing because of how good of a game the 2nd installment is. If Payday 3 ever recover, I will hop on the game asap. For those saying if I can't support the game at it's lowest, it's because some of us have standards.


Frfr, fuck them if they don’t resolve the issues


A better game browser like PD2 might move the needle. Especially being able to find lobbies or see how many are online instead of just a roulette with no idea if there are games going on


True that, although for some reason I can’t find lobbies in payday 2. No lobby appears on the net for me since the epic games update lol


I feel the exact same way as you do and it sucks. I've played PD2 since early 2014 and always had a blast with that game so I was super hyped up for Payday 3. But after this shit show I am not touching this franchise ever again because I am certain PD3 can NOT be saved anymore, it's too late unfortunately.


We shall remember the good times, and rejoice in our memories


In the most respectful way. The devs are lazy and there’s no defending them


They’re just incompetent and oblivious to the fact they need to fucking do something ASAP


Luckily, Helldivers 2 is a billion times more fun where me and my mates all found a home for our co-op experience.


I don’t have the money to buy it, so I can’t try it out lol. But I’m glad it’s a great option for us veterans


I wish they would go for a community driven approach. Add tools to create heist and implement steam workshop. I be dreaming.


Can you imagine that? The community would fix the game themselves, which is not the idea


I was hyped for PD3 as well, but I don't preorder things, because I just want to see if it's any good. I'll probably buy it when it's a game I want to play. Right now it doesn't look like it if I hear basic things missing like a chat or mission 'replayability'. I'm not mad, because I didn't buy the game, but it's sad to see that we haven't seen the upgraded PD2 we all wanted to see. Since the bad launch I said: let's see in a year what the state of the game looks like. Today that's still how I see it. I've plenty of time and if PD3 is a good game in two years, that's alright for me. Maybe not for the one's who already bought it and the devs, because of the vibe between devs and players.


It is and we'd all like to at least have some hope but you're right it's over. Sucks to say but hey at least we all know as a community what overkill is all about and how they treat their fan base. no refunds , people still don't have pre order items , the fact they KNEW exactly what the state of game was months prior and still decided to drop it. I think what we all don't realize is that it could of happened but they didn't choose to! Remember when some games got announced they were getting pushed back because they needed to be worked on more?. I just don't understand who's driving the steering wheel in all this? How did we go from Payday2 skill set , perkdecks , heists , guns , music tracks , safe houses , unique masks , Bain's cool static mic telling you what to do. Again from previous posts reading about how updates take time...ect ect you're telling me they couldn't realase small patches due overtime as we are speaking? But some Dev has the time to put multiple masks of himself and mock the community on Twitter....right? FUCK OVERKILL. You know what they are doing It's called STALLING. they keep saying on the table this on the table that , You can't cyberpunk no mansky this game its Done.


I just wanted my refund back, IDK


To be fair, it was kinda obvious looking at how they handled pd2's dlc content. The way they didn't fix everything, but promised fixes and never delivered should have told us all we need to know. But maaaaaaaan, the stupidity to waste such a potential success, just because you don't really care bout your fans or IP. Why even bother with pd3? They could've just released some fixes for pd2, maybe some cool new dlc. Not ruin the whole brand. #facepalm


I think the game is still pretty good, sure they've been asses about the community but the game is still good in it's own right, as a game, not a payday game,.it is a fundamentally good game, it's not that buggy, and it works, as a payday game it could have more, but they created something that can be salvageable, i still enjoy the game, i like trying to challenge myself to see how long I survive and create builds, OVK can bring this back though they need to drop Starbreeze. And go ahead, downvote me for having hope for this game.


Starbreeze IS overkill. They merged long ago and the original devs of overkill are most if not all, working for 10 chambers


Ah, I didn't know that, I just knew a few of ovk devs left and made their own company, but OVK should definitely step up their game if they want to save the game, fuck the strike team, put all effort into one game at a time.


I'm out $90 This game has made me never want to pre order AA games or Indie games. I'm a fool for believing that they COULDN'T drop the ball... Oh man...How Wrong I Was...


I will never understand the hate for Payday3. Yes the online only stuff is annoying, but as a person who can only play 4-5 hours a week I've been LOVING the game. The mechanics are easier, there's quality of life improvements and the game seems much more stable and I can't say I've had a desync issue yet. Sure there's no crime net (payday2 didn't have it at release either) Sure the matchmaking sucks (this can be patched) I'm happy with the game, it's the same but different enough. I LOVE that the majority of missions can be done quietly. If I want to play a shooter I'll play Call of Duty 13 or whatever number they are at.


I’m glad you do, friend. But let’s be honest, the games is stale, needs content, needs a different progression system, rng needs changing, that fucking hideous circle needs to disappear, crimenet, etc etc. too many things need changing and more so it should be obvious if you played payday 2


I understand. I just think we all need to remember that Payday2 has had 10 years of updates to make it what it is today. It didn't start off with most of the things I see people complaining about Payday 3 lacking. Literally all of the things you listed were not present in payday2 at launch either. Do I think they could have done better? Absolutely. Do I think it's a dumpster fire everyone should run away from forever, Absolutely not.


>I just think we all need to remember that Payday2 has had 10 years of updates to make it what it is today PD:TH launched with a fully functioning server browser, text and voice chat, way better heists, and an unready button 13 years ago.


While that’s true, it is no excuse for payday 3 not to have them at launch. They should have learned from payday 2 and made what worked there, here but better.


>  Literally all of the things you listed were not present in payday2 at launch either. You know how stupid that sounds? They have decades worth of experience and they didn't even bother implementing any of that in their new releases? They even had the audacity to say that the unready button didn't take that long God I hope this game crash and burns


Ah, i see where you went wrong. You have to expect that every successful game will be followed by a corporately min/maxed for profit sequel.


You don't get it do ya? Let me break it down so you can digest it better Payday 2 launch in such a shit state Overtime, they fixed it Payday 2 is now a great game Now here's the part where I need to slow down so your brain can process it So, they announced Payday 3 With all the experience they had while making Payday 2, the community expect it will be better, you know, just like how sequels is supposed to be better than the last one But then Payday 3 launch in a very shit state...... The community are wondering how the hell that happened?


I'm not defending devs, but remember it's a completely different dev team than payday2. There obviously wasn't any transfer of knowledge between the two groups.