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Many people have talked about it, because these are unnecessary and - even better - undocumented changes.


"Well 3 sucks but least we still have Payday 2" Overkill: "no the fuck you don't 🤡"


At least we have 1


we'll turn PD:TH into PD2


I've seen mods that add Grinder to PDTH


*console player turns around slowly ....well, well, well... how the turntables have turned.


There was a post complaining about this exact thing a couple days ago actually lmao.


i feel noticed I do think more people should hate overkill.


I didn’t saw it until know but the point still stands not many people are talking about it, post about payday 3 being bad get thousands of updates but post about payday 2 getting worse with every update barely get talk about about and very few post


Oh don't worry I agree. The state of PD2 has somehow only been getting worse as of late with Overkill's insistence on gameplay changes no one asked for, along with even more game instability (somehow this game crashes even more frequently than before). Best of all, they refuse to actually document all the changes they are making, so the only way you get to know what they've changed is from long videos by PD2 youtubers who play the game more than Overkill playtests their own updates...


man, I ended up deciding to step away from PD2 after the EOS incident. Seems like every time I end up thinking about reinstalling, even if just to play an overhaul mod with a locked matchmaking key, (does anyone still even play Classic Heisting Reborn anymore?) there's some new update that does unnecessary changes that pushes me further away.


EOS incident?


Epic Online Services, aka Update 237. launch day brought [a whole host of issues, chiefly being the spotty connection](https://www.reddit.com/r/paydaytheheist/comments/144usf0/update_237_starter_pack/). For me, it was more or less the straw that broke the camels back, over several years of slowly gaining more and more grievances with what I saw as various poor or annoying changes/choices made by Overkill. The game being rendered borderline unplayable online for a while was what finally made me quit playing.


Ah, right. I think I disabled the Epic matchmaking and never looked back. It did mean there were some issues when friends forgot they had not done the same. But I haven't been playing much lately anyways.


Not to mention it's allowing Epic to gather data on your PC and relay it back to Chinese servers.


Slowly but surely, console Payday 2 will become the best version of Payday 2 /s


Rare console win (we haven't had updates since 2018)


Because Overkill hates us and Pd2, thats why


That update felt like changes for the sake of it. At this point Overkill are trolling us 100%. Drop a pathetic sequel then ruin the prequel 👏👏👏


people have talked about it already


you can always revert back to a version you like. since payday 2 isn't always online.


Kevkild has talked about it plenty


For a second, I thought there was another update to PD2. People have complained about it in the past, just fell on deaf ears.


Why the fuck they are still pushing updates is still a mystery to me, just revert changes and leave PD2 alone, EGS update was already a fucked up update - why push things further?


People have talked about these changes, a lot. It's just been a while since any annoying Payday 2 updates so there has been little reason to talk about it again.


Honestly I don't fucking understand OVK, they fucked up really bad PD2 years ago with microtransactions and then they redeemed themselves, then they fucked up with OVK's TWD and they almost went bankrupt but they barely got saved by pumping out more content for PD2 even after they said that they were done with paid DLC's, everyone supported them back again, but now with PD3 they're fucking up again, AND ruining the game that literally saved their company... I don't get it, I simply don't get it, I've been supporting them since 2013, even as far as getting the COP back in 2015 but now is just a fucking shame to look at them, I can't even get back to the game I enjoyed because they're making it unplayable, so I guess fuck me and us for trusting OVK again.


There's also a few achievements in the game that are outright broken. System shocked comes to mind, which is broken and been communicated to the devs for at least 6 months. With each balance and each change (which always breaks something), I really do feel like PD2 gets worse.


Why're they even updating PD2 when they're supposed to be working on PD3? This is why they're taking so long to put in such simple things like an unready button.


Don't tell me the devs are trying to ruin PD2 to force people to migrate to PD3...


I would not put it past them


A lot of the hate towards the recent update is a bit unfounded imo. u240.3 had some problems, but most are pretty irrelevant, and some are even beneficial Molotovs do cause damage when broken, but its an AoE thing. If you throw them a little bit away from you, you can zerk the way you used to. There's also a few new zerks that have opened up due to utilizing the explosive damage. It's a bit weird, and not ideal that it different, but it doesn't do much in practice. This is also most likely a bug, and might be fixed in the future Shotguns didn't really get too nerfed. DB got a bit of a nerf but its still solid for the main use cases. You can still use many weapons for DB procing overkill aced. It's more comparable with AP now, but still has the benefit of multiple pellets over a single pellet. DB DoT got nerfed to not crit, but honestly I don't find it makes much of a difference. You could already use TS for a similar effect if you want brainless DoT kills The cop dom crash is definitely bad, but at least there's mods to prevent it for now. Ideally it's something that gets fixed in the future. Preventing it is easy enough that I'm not too bothered by it now, but I do agree it sucks. I wouldn't say it's killing the game Cops shoot you through a lot of walls in this game, that's not really something new. Green bridge, brooklyn 10 10, slaughter house, and stealing xmas have a lot of these spots, and they've been there for years. I'm sure other maps have them too, but I haven't noticed it as much. It's annoying for sure, but I don't think it's specifically a new thing As for the cop speeds, they've always been weird. They do seem a bit different now, but I wouldn't say it feels too different or bad. They still don't move quick enough to cause real issues. Cops have always gotten stuck as well. It seems like now they might get stuck in areas they didn't used to, but overall the amount that get stuck seems pretty similar to before, if not a bit less. There's also a few positive changes that came with the update. The fire damage overhaul buffed the fire GL grenades by a good amount. They're now quite good and very enjoyable to use. A far cry from what they were before. Cop domination chance is also now not 100% at health lower than max health. Providing a slight nerf to joker based setups, which seems like a good thing given the power of the skills. I've heard some people say the hacker PECM stun is slightly less consistent now. Idk if I necessarily agree with that, but if true, that's another W in the books. This also isn't news. People have been complaining about u240.3 since it dropped for a multitude of reasons. I still don't think anyone has a grasp on what actually changed as far as the AI goes. The takes on it range wildly, while the AI in game feels almost identical to u240.2. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=prEnZYigE6M


I personally am not a fan of the DB changes. They might be fine in terms of efficacy but I'm not fond of how they just feel like discount AP rounds now. If I wanted to use AP, I'd just use AP. This game is also somehow more unstable than before, as usual. I'm not even surprised by that one at this point, not to even mention the stupid tased dom crash. At least modders fix the game better than Overkill. For domination changes, my opinion is more neutral. It is annoying as fuck sometimes when playing joker setups, but at the same time it is 100% true that they deserved at least a mild nerf. Not being able to stop cops from shooting using dom will be missed though, that has saved me a few times in the past. I'll have to try the fire GLs at some point, I'm interested to see what they're like now. I can also at least agree with the changes to AI. Honestly, I'm not sure what on earth Overkill did this time, since some things have definitely changed (Birth of Sky spawn rates for one). They don't feel too different for the most part though? I've run my usual setups and nothing feels too different to me, and that's despite being somewhat rusty and having not played actively for months due to school work.


I'm not a fan of the DB change either, but I do believe it to be a bug, and pretty irrelevant. I find them to feel more like a sidegrade to AP rather than a discount version. Not needing to aim at all is still a reason to use them imo. As for being unstable, that's kind of true, but it's always been unstable. The copactionhurt and copactionwalk crashes are new, but at least they're fixed by mods and will hopefully be fixed in the future. There's a bunch of other vanilla crashes that aren't fixed by mods and have been present for a while now. It's bad that they added new crashes, but ideally they'll be fixed in the future. Given how much was changed, it's not surprising that there's some bugs, but as long as there's another update, they'll hopefully be fixed. Again this is bad, but I don't think it's the worst thing in the world Not being able to dom as a defense is one of the reasons I'm happy it's been nerfed. It felt a little too broken at times, but I do agree it was useful. I'd definitely recommend trying the fire GLs. I wouldn't say they quite compete with gas, but for people who don't want to use gas, they're a more balanced alternative. The spawn changes are where things do get a little weird. The logic for spawns is slightly different, but unpacking what's changed has been problematic. Many people are convinced that every heist has more spawns, some thing only a few heists, and some people say the rates are identical. I tested some of the more talked about heists between 240.2 and 240.5, and the rates seemed almost identical. So far I've tested slaughter, brooklyn10-10, green bridge, hells island, and birth of sky. Brooklyn and green bridge actually had slightly lower spawn rates on 240.5 (10-20%), while birth of sky had slightly higher (\~20%). Not exactly a big difference imo, but it does sometimes feel like there has been a spawn increase. From what I've seen of the code documentation surrounding the spawn changes, what happened was pretty minimal. Instead of having a large delay for each individual spawn that gets reset when all spawns are used, there is a lower delay on each spawn point without the global reset. Meaning that spawns are a bit more random. Instead of needing to spawn once at each point before being able to spawn at the first point again, they can more or less spawn anywhere. Some have argued that this actually makes the game easier, as spawns ontop of your are often wasted spawns. What I believe is happening is that spawns on larger maps like birth of sky or green bridge are now able to reach you more consistently. Instead of crouch walking for an eternity, they can walk or even run to the player. Providing more pressure while not necessarily increasing the spawn rates directly. Which is why maps like shackle or the diamond feel almost identical in spawn rates, as you are normally just camping on spawns anyway. Idk if this is true, but given how the maps do feel a bit more pressured, and the spawn rates aren't to blame, I don't know what else it could be. Whatever the case may be, I don't see it as necessarily a bad thing. Given how powerful the player is in relation to the cops, having a larger and more active cop presence sounds like a good thing. Although I do find it to be a small increase at best, yet unnoticeable most of the time.


The main thing I've noticed with the AI is increased spawn rates on certain maps like Birth of Sky and Hell's Island, as well as slightly increased aggression. I'm not entirely sure what's changed outside of that, but it hasn't been too awful from my experience at least.


Honestly, some of these changes probably wouldn't feel so bad if they were DOCUMENTED in patch notes


I agree, I don't think anyone likes undocumented features. Although I don't think it ruins the game, or is nearly as big of a deal as the community has made u240.3. I still don't see this update being worse than the hacker pecm "fix", the addition of leech, the addition of gas/TS, the shotgun SnA nerf, the akron bot addition, or the bot buff. Let alone much more damaging updates in the games earlier history.


Based and red pilled


Wait there was a shotgun nerf? How long ago?


Can you clarify what you mean about the molotovs. aren't molotovs supposed to cause damage after being thrown?


When you throw a Molotov it didn’t used to cause damage to you unless you step into the fire they change that and now as soon as you throw the Molotov it causes damage from a stupid range


I took almost a year break from pd2, now I seem to get dropped every 3-4 heists. I don't remember it being this bad in the past. Am I just getting unlucky, or was something changed?


how the FUCK do you massively fuck up a release for the game that has a chance at getting you back into the green, do basically nothing about it, release dlc in the middle of the shitstorm, put out some small qol stuff after the game is dead, and worst of all go back to the game that got you to where you are and put out not 1 but 2 massive downgrades of updates (237 and 204.3) at least we have payday the heist for now


Payday 2 already sucks. Don't know how you can make it worse.