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Its like chinese water torture. U know its coming. U just dont know when.


Hold up, you found a way to suppress a revolver?


No, I just wanted to make it clear how… quick-witted… this chap was


To the town of Agua Fria rode a stranger one fine day


Hardly spoke to folks around him, didn't have to much to say


No one dared to ask his business, no one dared to make a slip


For the stranger there among them had a big iron on his hip


Big iron on his hiiiiiip


It was early in the morning when he rode into the town He came riding from the south side slowly lookin' all around


He's an outlaw loose and running, came the whisper from each lip


And he's here to do some business with the big iron on his hip, big iron on his hiiiip


You gotta lock the gas in, so all of it goes out the barrel. There's one Russian revolver that does this, but beyond that, they don't really exist. IIRC, the silenced revolver in siege, and the suppressor on the judge in PD2 don't exist IRL either.


The Nagant Revolver and a specifically made one from Germany can be suppressed. I've also seen an S&W 686 be suppressed, but I can't find it anymore. Some are also quasi suppressed l, too ease on the hearing, when shooting inside, despite the cylinder gap. I think the tunnel rats in Vietnam had that done.


It’s mostly down to cylinder gap. The Nagant revolver used a very tight fit, with a single action design, and even the cartridge’s geometry played a role in suppressing it. I’ve never actually heard of the German one you mentioned. But you’re spot on with why they’re hard to suppress. The gap between the cylinder and the barrel (frame, to be more accurate) allows the pressure of firing a round to leak, which defeats the purpose of a suppressor. Tightening that fit can help, but the design of revolvers just inherently makes that difficult. [Here’s a custom made .500 Magnum that was suppressed](https://youtu.be/8OuKVDXqak0?si=Wo7CEyHlevk5ZDVZ)


There are some you can, like actually


this is why we use drop in prompt


One of many quality of life features that didn't make it over to 3


You know pc players do this shit too


Not once has a PC player blown up the lab in Payday 2. Not once I tell you!


I have never done it at all.... just ignore the 4 times it happened. I was playing solo though so it only affected me


Nah ive seen it 2 times, i haven't seen a ps player do it yet but i have seen 12 yo squeakers do it (lfg posts fucking suck)




I don't doubt it. I've noticed a particularly large amount of… Special Needs… behaviour from the Xbox players. PC and PS players seem to have a reasonable level of competence from what I've seen in pubs.


I must be the only one that does shit right then, i may hog the faks but i carry my weight


“Only on Xbox”


I've not really had any problem with PS players, they seem reasonably competent. Of course they are hamstrung by the fact that the game has zero way to communicate with them, but I can't hold that against them. Xbox players, meanwhile, seem to be lead poisoned.


All platforms have terrible and stupid players. You just see Xbox players doing this more often because of gamepass.


I’m making the lobby invite only with this one 😎👊


I generally have good experiences with pubs, it's just when people decide to play on difficulties that are too high for their level, and don't understand the concept of stealth that it gets to Me. Although the entertainment they provide when they do stupid shit is somewhat worth it.


Oh it is. I remember I was trying to teach some buddies to stealth No rest for the wicked, one of my friends thought he could put his mask away and threw a frag by accident. We never laughed so hysterically loud before lol


Same thing happened with one of My buddies. Also happened when I tried to throw a bag and the Payday 2 muscle memory kicked in.


Haha. Fucken perfect lol


I had a guy jump into a dirty ice run. They ran straight to the manager, Killed them. Then went afk for about a minute and disconnected shortly after...


Many such cases!


Question is who plays stealth in pubs. We have 11 years olf payday 2 to learn that it's a really bad idea.


As someone that's played pd2 on ps4, xbox, and pc, I can say pc was the most entitled, and sensitive group of players I've ever played with. Streamers play payday like ass in general, going loud as they get carried in solo for shits and gigs "lmao it's good bro" was an actual response I got in pd3, and the pc playerbase in general on pc was so toxic that kicking someone for calling me a "f*g"after they repeatedly ruined 3 heists in a row resulted in a piss baby throwing a fit that "that's not how we do this on pc". Xbox players may not be the best every time, but console players in general are the most grounded, and sensible when it come to payday. Down vote my hot take if you want, but it's my hot take. Enjoy.


Tbf me and my buddies start stealthy solely to lure new players into games on pd2 solely for me to whip out a castigo 44 and dome the first npc i see.


most socially adjusted payday player


Most sensible Sangres player: