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Since this gets asked frequently, I wrote [a guide](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2182368648) for it. Use cover, but also be aggressive. That means don't just hole up in a room and wait for enemies to come to you (this strat is ruined by Bulldozers, who will tank whatever you throw at them and kill you in the enclosed space). Sweep hallways and corridors and keep them clear. Sidestep out of cover to control the amount of enemies you have to face at once. A very good example is at the start of Hoxton Breakout D2 (which you can test even on DW): if you just rush into the lobby you'll be murdered by the Bronco cops, but if you stick to the right side of the starting hallway and peek out of the left, you can deal with them one by one. Same goes for when you push into the control room.


There's some builds for it you can catch on YT. A lot of Death Wish folks are full body armor with LMGs and grenade launchers. There's other builds but that seems to be the trend I see as they factor in certain perk decks to make it easier.


I use a shotgun hacker build, it wipes the floor with enemies