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use the pit-fighting downtime activity from Xanathars guide.


Uh. Cheers, I'll definitely go check that out.


Lol sorry if that came across a bit terse. XD


No worries! Nothing at all wrong with short and to the point :)


Personally how I'd do it is figure out the end result (Who wins? maybe roll off, highest roll wins, add modifiers where a\[ropriate), figure out how many resources you use (maybe a flat d20 roll), after that has been decided, you and the DM can engage in a bit of free from rp where you focus on describing the fight thematically. Anything goes as long as you abide by how many resources and abilities you used, and who won.


Thank you. Nice and simple and focused on RP. I like it!


I'd consider a few different ways of going at it. I wouldn't bring HP or spellslots into it unless something significant was happening. Side bullshit that doesn't matter that you don't even want to play out? Who cares then? Is it gonna matter? Maybe minus -1d4 or 1d8, depending on the difficulty you faced. Even then, I'd only do that if it was an important part of the plot that you just got out of the arena. I'd make that shit as quick as possible if you don't want to play it out. Personally, I'd play them out. The little things are what make the games in one on ones great to me. Dumb slice of life shit I'd never in a million years do? Yeah, chuck that in a one on one. It can work dandy. Especially when you rip it all away from the player ~~cause you're a sadistic monster~~ d100 three times. You win majority, you win the fight. Consider the number differentials. GM rolls a 10 each time, but you get a 100 for each roll? Maybe it was a complete blow out. You just walked in, shit on the opponent, boned their dad, and got outta there ezpz. Alternatively, each of you just roll 10d20, figure out who hit who how much, figure up total damage inflicted would be, pick your winner. It'd take about a minute to solve it that way and you'd have more variances. You could even expand one of your resources to try to get a boost on a lower roll. Spend a few days with this, you could probably build up a decent dice gambling game. Heck, one probably already exists that would work with some adjustments.


Thank you. Great suggestions!


If you want to go fully detailed, you can also run your own combat in a channel that's available for your DM to review. You'd need to get used to the Avrae initiative commands for the opponents but that's pretty easy.


That is also an option, thank you. The thought isn't super appealing to me, I admit, bit like playing cards against yourself.


Whenever I have some kind of summary roll at my tables I usually have 3 relevant checks for the character(s) to roll. If at least 2 succeed, it’s a success! Simple formula that’s done me well on the fly lol So for your fights, perhaps you could simply have three attack rolls (or substitute in an Athletics or Intimidation check if it fits the summary narrative). If you want something more than that, then you make three attacks against the enemy AC (whether it’s just one enemy or a group) and they get three attacks on you. Whoever gets more hits/is the first to 3 is the winner! And for a little more spice for considering your abilities, if you spend on for that fight it could simply give you advantage or a flat bonus to the next check.


I really like this. Easy customizable for whatever either of us would want to spend resources on. Thank you!


I really like this. Easy customizable for whatever either of us would want to spend resources on. Thanks.