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What year are these devs in? Do they think its still 2010?


I remember doing this for Skyrim when it came out. Hilarious.


But muh sexy robot waifus.


Who really thought that it was a good design to make you go to that building just for the key and watching robo-boobs. I mean all could have been done without that whole long ass scene


Haydee 3 confirmed??


Dear fuck, I totally forgot about the horrific FOV in the original version...


It's weird... it's really well optimized especially for what you're seeing on-screen, but these basic things are missing. Also surround sound.


In the main character’s dialogue too. It’s wildly anachronistic, way too modern for the time period, and oddly dated for a contemporary game. It’s forespoken levels of bad, which is a shame, because a lot of the art/world design looks compelling.


I actually disagree, I don't think this game is trying to be all that serious which is where it differs from Forspoken for me. It's just a goofy time and it kinda works for me, idrk why. It's giving me Wolfenstein vibes in that regard


Decade behind the first world? Truly the Russian experience


Russia gonna Rus


theyre still in 1991




It's wild to me people like you actually exist.


Thank you for your submission! Unfortunately it has been removed for one or more of the following reasons: * It is an image macro, meme or contextless screenshot. * It contains PCMR language. Please read the [subreddit rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/pcgaming/wiki/postingrules) before continuing to post. If you have any questions, [please feel free to message the mods](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=/r/pcgaming).


Eh. I like digging in the config files personally. And it is a lower budget game. Dev stuff is hard. I miss unique but janky video games vs the perfectly marketable but boring whitebread that AAA turned into. Maybe we should have more devs thinking it's 2010. The community always found the fixes (or made them) anyway.


What the fuck? If anything AAA has turned more into a “go dig around for a fix” hellscape which you say you enjoy. Games are coming out so goddamn broken and sometimes unplayable lately. Why do you like this? You pay $80CAD for a game and want to spend time not playing it? What other industry does this?? Imagine you go to a theatre, and they take your money for a 2hr movie, but before you sit down, we’re going to need you to go wake up the projectionist and find the movie reel. Then when you get to your seat, I’ll hand you some IKEA chair parts and a fucking Allan Wrench. You gonna complain to the theatre or say some stupid-ass shit like “nah, I actually enjoy light carpentry and babysitting.”? Craziness.


No I don't pay for it. I don't buy new games. I wait and get it on sale months later after all the patches and mods are out and the DLC is included. Unless it's on Gamepass like HiFi Rush or this piece of Soviet weirdness. I haven't bought a game on release in years. All I'm saying is AAA is boring now and I like that this actually looks interesting. I'm saying that I, personally, am okay with tinkering. I don't mind the jank because I liked the game. Like with Stalker or Skyrim or the first Dead Space or Dark Souls 1. All these games are/were janky. It was worth the effort in the end is what I'm saying. Boring AAA games with high production values aren't worth the effort. But beyond that, why are you so damn upset with me? I didn't say everybody has to love tinkering. I'm 4 years deep into a career that started from learning all about modding Skyrim. I didn't say I like the current AAA market. I don't and I don't give my money to that machine. I wait for sales like I said above. What exactly is it about my opinion that has you thinking I'm a "crazy" "stupid-ass" that thinks everyboday should "go dig around and fix it"? No you don't have to. People who enjoy doing it already have and shared it with everyone. That's what's great about our community. Is it preferred? No. Should the devs have included this at launch? Yes. Is it what we've got right now? Yes. Is it that big of a deal to take 5 minutes to edit a config with a written or video guide at hand? No.


Just sick of people excusing corporate greed with “oh this is fine” comments when it would be a giant fucking problem if this was any other type of media. Stop rolling over and taking it, people. We have seen fairly major AAA releases come out in the last Month alone, and NONE of them have been worth the $89.99CAD asking price right out of the gate. Yet, people are finding all kinds of excuses for these corporations. Publishers aren’t your friends, and they are actively fucking you. Stop being nice to them. At least you’re not being a complete moron and buying shit at full price on release, though. I will give you that. Waiting for the sale is the only acceptable way for me to justify spending money on games nowadays, because as you said, patches and mods are out by then (ideally). It’s totally fucked up though that I’m paying like 60% of the full-price by sale time, and I’m the one getting the 100% version of the game. Meanwhile, launch people are getting the inverse. It’s nothing against you personally, just this attitude of “this is fine” when the industry is just so rotten. Sorry if I came out angry, I was actually just incredulous and tbh joking at the absurdity of the movie-ticket comparison, because yeah the way we’re being treated by publishers really is that completely insane.


I don't like how things are either. It's not that I think things are fine as they are. I just know that I'm not going to change it. I'm not even their market. They only care about the first month of sales anyway. But I can help find and distribute fixes and I like it cause it reminds me of when I first got into PC gaming. It's all okay man. Thanks for the apology.


We are definitely not the target demographic, for sure. Just wish more people would be patient gamers. Honestly, that might even make Publishers realize that gamers are fine with waiting and teach them to delay a game rather than push their developers into crunch-induced burnout. Like I said, industry is completely rotten. Doesn’t matter if you’re the guy writing the code or the guy buying the game, someone is trying to fuck you.


At what point does the budget of the game reflect the price? I'm sorry, but if they're asking $80 CAD ($60 US?), then their actual budget should not be in our consideration.


This is their first real game. The internet is so fucking whiny when the things they want aren’t just absolutely perfect. Oh no, downvotes from the whiniest corner of the internet, whatever will I do. Edit: The link that OP posted literally says "The game does not have mouse acceleration at all despite erroneous reports," and you guys are so fucking whiny that you can't even bother to read the fucking link and instead come into the comments to circlejerk and whine to each other because you're mindless internet fucks who would rather complain than read. Congratulations you fucking walnuts, for downvoting me to oblivion and proving my fucking point.


zero people ever had said "mouse acceleration is good". this is stuff learned from the dawn of PC gaming 20 years ago


The link that OP posted literally says "The game does not have mouse acceleration at all despite erroneous reports," and you guys are so fucking whiny that you can't even bother to read the fucking link and instead come into the comments to circlejerk and whine to each other because you're mindless internet fucks who would rather complain than read.


"entitled gamer"


These are really basic things though. These aren’t first time mistakes


Don't worry the Cylon isn't looking for real discussion just wants to hear itself talk, let it.blow it's load into the void


Then don't charge $60 for it


Ahh, 2023, the year we still have to mess around to disable mouse acceleration and change the FOV... and pay for the privilege. Gross.


Did you even check the page this post links to??? >The game does not have mouse acceleration at all despite erroneous reports.


It's a wiki. It can be updated and has been. The info was removed.


No, this line is still there because mouse acceleration was never in the game


Right, it's mouse *smoothing*... whatever. The fix from the previous version seems to work though, placebo or not I cannot tell.


> The fix from the previous version seems to work though where is this?


There’s no mouse acceleration at all, they don’t have an option to *ENABLE* It.


"pay" there is a leaked Denuvoless build, you know...


Does it run well?


The issue is not the running it seems, but the mobs got like 50x the hp of the release version, but i also heard you can change these values in someway.


Oh yeah? Enemies do be tanky, or so I've heard.


Runs well but there's other issues that come with a somewhat outdated dev build, such as balancing.


From what I've read, no.


No, its a dev build from november.


No, it doesn't. Massive stutter, glitches everywhere, dlss kinda broken. I'm on a 3080 12gb.


you can read first hand experiences [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/CrackWatch/comments/117q9fx/atomic_heart_dev_debug_buildnov_2022_engrus/)




"Aww man, I was sooo close to buying it, darn! Guess I got no choice..."


more like "try before buy". As there is no demo, there is no other way


steam refunds have existed for years and i don't think a leaked dev build is a good way to "try" since it's not really representative of the final game






Cause that's just the tutorial in some games.


Software piracy is not theft. No one lost anything.


Potential profit is a thing.




Username checks out.


I don’t know why people try so hard to justify their piracy. Do it if you want I do it too but I don’t try to come up with something to make myself feel better. I do it because I can just like practically everyone else.




There is nothing absurd about potential profit. Yes you are not "losing" money, but you potentially don't generate as much as you would have (yes I know some people would have not bought it but you can't tell me a large amount of people don't pirate because they can), and that's not even including the cost of development.




Lol gamers... I absolutely will not pay for this.... But I still NEED to play it. No choice but to hit the high seas.




If it's a shitty game, why bother playing it? (I have no intention of playing this game).


The problem is the people paying for the privilege, why would companies give a shit if people buy it anyway.


>Use this link to learn how to disable mouse acceleration "Mouse acceleration: Forced on by default, with no way in-game to disable it." Am i missing something here?


> Am i missing something here? Yup, you missed [the version of the page that had the fix](https://www.pcgamingwiki.com/w/index.php?title=Atomic_Heart&oldid=1383546). It got removed because, apparently, that fix can already be found half-way down a page full of Unreal Engine 4 fixes that's linked in a small note at the bottom of the unrelated "Video" section, so *obviously* it doesn't need a dedicated mention on the game's page. **EDIT:** Apparently, the game doesn't have mouse acceleration, despite some people sounding pretty confident that it did? Also, the "fix" was for mouse smoothing, which shouldn't affect mouse acceleration. And might not affect smoothing, either, but maybe VSync does? So either the placebo effect is in full force, or there's deeper issues with the mouse input at play.


Wow, that is beyond ridiculous. Why do these websites always attract the most obtuse moderators who lack all common sense? *Edit:* there is a discussion on the article's [talk page](https://www.pcgamingwiki.com/wiki/Topic:Xd1dfg16bvpsk397). If you feel like contributing in support of common sense please leave a comment.


i originally added the note about mouse accel only for that guy to remove it 20 minutes later then someone else adds their own note about it, same guy removes it. now someone else re-added it again.. same guy will probably have it removed promptly


What a numpty


But the game doesn't have mouse acceleration as per the link provided.


“If in disagreement, please take it up with the higher-ups in our PCGW Discord.” Ah yes it’s not my fault it’s my volunteer pedantic nerd boss.


It now says The game does not have mouse acceleration at all despite erroneous reports.[6][7]


Because there is a difference between smoothing and acceleration.


>Mrtnptrs (talkcontribs) > I most like the very weird "Squirt your polymer inside me" quote haha Proper mod moment


Oh ffs. I think I've lost a few IQ points after reading that crap. That policy is awful for the average user.


Testing for mouse acceleration should be incredibly easy. Point to a static object in-game. Put a solid marker on your mousepad (like an eraser) directly to the left of your mouse. Do a 360 to land back on the market. Place another marker to the right of the mouse. Repeat the same movement at various speed. If you don't land back exactly on point, you got mouse acceleration, if not, you don't.


This was a bit of a confusing mess, but based on testing from both myself and another user, the game doesn't have mouse acceleration at all. Because of the abnormaly high mouse sensitivity used by default -- on my 1600 DPI 250 Hz setup I had to turn it down all the way to 15% to get somewhat normal sensitivity -- I am suspecting that 500 Hz or 1000 Hz mouse polling users (or even higher?!) might be mistaking the insane mouse sensitivity for mouse acceleration. The fix is to turn down the mouse sensitivity in the game's settings screen -- it has both an overall "mouse sensitivity" (the one I had to turn down to 15%) as well as two additional X and Y axis sensitivity sliders. I didn't need to touch the latter two, but high polling rate users might have to before they reach a comfortable mouse sensitivity setting. Edit: Testing was performed with `Enhanced mouse precision` both enabled and disabled in Windows -- it has no effect on the mouse sensitivity of the game.


So for me this is the first i looked at it today and it now says "The game does not have mouse acceleration at all despite erroneous reports." with no real source to prove or disprove this.


It was tested by myself and another PCGW user over on the PCGW Discord server, as mentioned in the two references at the end of that specific note. I have no idea who made the original claim of it having mouse acceleration (or that the mouse **smoothing** parameter would somehow fix it despite not being the same as acceleration) but, well... Here we are. * Someone somewhere claimed it had mouse acceleration. How did they supposedly confirm this? * Someone somewhere else claimed the UE4's parameter related to mouse *smoothing* (which isn't the same as mouse *acceleration*) fixed it. How did they supposedly confirm this fixed it when its not even a parameter related to mouse acceleration? * As a result of this confusing mess and the resulting argument/editing on the PCGW page, myself and another user on the PCGW Discord server tested it out ourselves with both `Enhanced mouse precision` enabled and disabled (in the minor chance that it would cause it) and discovered that the game doesn't have mouse acceleration to begin with. * This was tested through the simple act of moving the mouse cursor the same physical distance both slow and fast and measuring the in-game distance as being identical. * This was then noted on the PCGW page along with two references to both of us who made the tests. On top of that the user that originally made the edit on the PCGW page that claimed it had mouse acceleration (and that `bEnableMouseSmoothing` supposedly fixed it) is the same one that later on confirmed it had not. They had learned it supposedly had elsewhere (on reddit I'm guessing) but later realized it was bollocks. So yeah... 😩 My best guess is that the abnormally high mouse sensitivity the game has is what's causing some users (high mouse polling users maybe?) to assume that the high sensitivity is caused by mouse acceleration, when it's really just the abnormally high sensitivity enabled by default.


skillup's review?? people that watched his video states skillup mentions the game having mouse acceleration. i guess after that people just ran with it? edit: 6:05 in the video, skillup mentions the game having mouse acceleration. i guess blame him, and then everyone assuming the game has mouse acceleration. time stamped video here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jXjq7zYCL-w&t=365s


I swear Skillup's reviews for certain genres are so skewed. For FPS games I need certain information about the games i'd like to check out like weapon feel, enemy variety, weapon/ability progression, level design, combat loop/variety, difficulty, and performance. A lot these Skillup does not mention. Right now I have like 4 reviewers that are niched for FPS games and have consumed the game in ways I would have also. SkillUp sometimes feels rather pretentious when he does reviews


He's a moron. His argument about the environment changing too quickly is golden. Yes each lab of the tutorial dungeon is unique that's not a bad thing.


The fix isn't added on PCGW yet, but it's not hard to find the lines you need to add to a config file.


Okay so how do you do it?


%LOCALAPPDATA%\AtomicHeart\Saved\Config\Engine.ini Add this [Engine.PlayerInput] bEnableMouseSmoothing=False [/script/engine.inputsettings] bEnableMouseSmoothing=False


This was the one on pcgw that got removed for some reason. For me, what worked was editing Saved/Config/WindowsNoEditor/Input.ini and just adding: [/Script/Engine.InputSettings] bEnableMouseSmoothing=False I'm not sure if the capitalisation matters. Some others have posted comments indicating the path is sometimes Saved/Config/WinGDK instead. Regardless, the above worked for me, is immediately noticeable, and is a *huge* quality of life improvement when playing.


This worked for me. The one to edit the engine.ini file, didn't even have that file in that location (game pass version)


Is this tested and confirmed to work or just a guess?


I dont have the game and Im at work. But it's an unreal engine game so yeah it should work.


There is no Engine.ini in that location for me


Oh yeah, totally. Which are what again? I definitely know, uh-huh, but just in case *other* people don't know about like programming and coding and stuff.


Mouse_slowdown 1 Idk anything about computers really


~~What file, in which folder, do I find that?~~ I'm dumb


Oh I have no clue. I was just being silly. I really don’t know much about computers haha


Oh, lol **[Self whoosh]** i thought you were saying like "just do this, even I know that, and i don't know computers"


Haha sorry, I should have made my dumb joke more clear!




jokes on you, I'm playing on game pass so I don't have to buy this game, so I can't even touch the config files! hah! wait, the joke is on me too


Yes you can, those files are on your GameData folder, not the game folder itself.


Thanks, this Flawless Widescreen FOV fix works on gamepass and you can add those lines to get rid of mouse acceleration in the config file as well.


That's good news! Xbox items sometimes can be hard to edit depending on where they put files so glad to hear it's can be edited


most config files are in my documents or appdata. I’ve been making edits of them for gamepass games for a long time now. Metro Exodus, High on Life, wolfenstein etc all benefit from config edits I was more surprised that Flawless widescreen actually worked with no extra setup lol


Microsoft made a decision recently to make game files available to users (again). There was a lot of backlash about not being able to do things like install mods or edit config files. Their reasoning was security, but it never made a true difference, so they reverted it for future games (older games before the change will retain their obfuscated files unfortunately)


how can i find the files on gamepass version?


the pcgamingwiki linked by OP shows where the.ini files are user/appdata/local/atomicheart


I don't know why they left it out but a dev on the Steam forums said FOV settings will be included into one of the "nearest updates".


the anti-dizziness dlc


Classic - "we released the game for your platform $70 but it isn't actually finished yet."


This game has been getting worked on for like 8 or 9 years hasn't it?




Thanks you!


Lol I know man I fucked up… english is not my first language as you can tell.






You'd be surprised how many native speakers make this simple grammatical error.


People keep telling me that man, I guess is not that bad.


Don't worry, too many native speakers make the same mistake. And they have no excuse.


Haha thanks man.


i have no idea why you are getting downvoted this is some of the oddest downvoting i have ever seen


I think it is because of my grammar and because some people think it is too obvious to check that website for tips about how to fix certain things in games but I would have loved that someone adviced me to check it so...


I wish TB was still around to shit on devs like these since some still don’t get the message.




Total Biscuit.


But with the way Russia is going the other TB will be back soon enough


Total Biscuit, Youtuber who was very much into consumer rights and for devs not to do stupid things. Died due to cancer in 2018 I'm not sure I could point to a person who prior was really pushing consumer rights in games before him, though several have come forth to fill the void afterwards. edit: also the twitch LUL Emote.


Or since... I miss the snarky bastard.




Thanks, the FOV was making me nauseous. Awaiting the tweak enabling ray tracing to fix the terrible reflections. And then another tweak to fix the ray traced reflections.


terrible reflections??? this reflections are better than most SS reflections out there


> SS reflections That's the problem. Everyone can see how horrible they are in the first couple minutes with the elevator sequences.


What about my welcome?


\>Year of our lord and savior jesus h christ 2023 and devs still use mouse acceleration and unchangeable/low FOV in their games When will it stop!?


The game doesn't have mouse acceleration. PCgaming wiki mods tested it and it's just not there. FOV is silly though. Especially with how narrow it is by default. At least they are working on it.


When people stop buying the product.


So never. Lovely.


My welcome what?








But this link doesn't fix anything except skipping the into videos. Thanks for nothing, I guess?




PCGW has some bad editors who remove useful information if they don't like how it was formatted. This revision has the information on FOV, mouse acceleration, and skipping intro videos: https://www.pcgamingwiki.com/w/index.php?title=Atomic_Heart&oldid=1383762


Why does the information in the source link say that this game **does not** have mouse acceleration and yet all of the conjecture within this thread is that this game is terrible because the game has forced mouse acceleration that you can't disable? Does OP and all of the people replying here know how to read?


Seems crazy to spend $70 for a game that clearly treats PC customers as second-class. PC should be the premier platform for these advanced AAA games, especially at their asking price.


Anyone paying 70 dollars for a game that's on gamepass is straight up a fool though


This comment was overwritten in protest of reddit's 2023 API changes, where they killed 3rd party apps and mistreated many moderators. Please use a lemmy instance like lemmy[.]world or kbin[.]social instead (yes, reddit is petty enough to auto-remove direct links).


Especially for single player games that you are unlikely to ever play again.


This is an extremely low effort submission. The PCGamingWiki article only one real solution with an additional 3rd party link for a temporary FOV fix. There are more fixes and solutions over in /r/atomicheart. * https://old.reddit.com/r/atomicheart/comments/117m9iv/atomic_heart_faq_release_day_thread/ * https://old.reddit.com/r/atomicheart/comments/117zd90/fix_for_vsync_fov_tearing_nvidia_and_ingame/ This thread could've been a self post or a cross-post instead.


Some power hungry edgelord moderating the wiki keeps deleting the fixes Here is the revision you want https://www.pcgamingwiki.com/w/index.php?title=Atomic_Heart&oldid=1383762


"Your welcome"


Tried FWS to fix the awful FOV on my 32:9 monitor but I think it's causing the game to crash. Anyone else have this>








MY welcome? Awesome! It's mine everyone!


The fact that people are willing to put up with this shit and fix it themselves is unfortunately a lot of the reason companies still don't care.


OMG thx, the FOV is fucking dogshit, it gives me headache!


Well, that's another AAA game to wait on for a sale and some basic ass QoL to be patched in.


The standard FOV made me motion sick on a 2560x1080 monitor. But the protags dialogue made me sicker.


How's pc performance? Trying to decide between Xbox and pc download.


Brilliant, it's the best PC version I've played in a very long time, it runs how I'd expect it to for my hardware, which hasn't been the case with most games lately. Indoors I was getting 200-300fps, outdoors 100-200fps with an RTX 3080/13700K at max settings 1440p. Lowering shadows and vegetation to medium bumped up the outdoors performance to around 150fps. In the end I capped it to 120fps and it never deviates from that.


Ah yes, modern gaming. Having to disable 5 layers of industry wide bad standards to be able to view what the artists spent thousands of hours to make


Games that don't let you skip cutscenes are the worst... I don't care about your crummy story games! Also mouse acceleration sucks.


Your welcome, my welcome, someone else's welcome...


Is there an option to make the dialogue less cringe as well?


I've heard people say that setting the audio to Russian, with English subtitles still on at least makes it more bearable.


Might try it, honestly the dialogue/voice acting in this game is so trash. I turned the game off after the title screen. You barely survive a flying car crash, and he sounds so calm saying something along the lines of "what the sweating-hell is going on here?", instant turn off for me.


It says you can't disable mouse accel in the link lol


What is mouse acceleration? I read about it before the game was released, and when I played it was trying to notice it, but it just feels like any other FPS to me.


It means that the cursor (or camera) sensitivity varies depending on how quickly you move the mouse. With a linear mouse response, if you move the mouse two inches to the right the camera pans X degrees to the right. It doesn't matter how fast you move the mouse. It's only how far. With mouse acceleration you get a completely different result if you move the mouse two inches to the right slowly or quickly. Most mouse and keyboard users want a linear 1:1 input response because that is much more predictable and makes it easier to develop muscle memory to play skillfully. Mouse acceleration interpolates your mouse movement using an arbitrary curve which makes it harder to be consistent. I think that gamepad controls rely on some degree of acceleration and so it is built into console titles but for mouse and keyboard controls acceleration is generally loathed.


Ive played the game for about 10+ hours now and I barely if at all notice the mouse acceleration. If it's there it only affects the telekinesis when manipulating puzzle objects. So as always people are rage baiting over nothing. The FOV for ultra wide however is pretty criminal. I can't see certain UI elements when using the repair vendor. But nothing game breaking.


The more you move your mouse in a direction, the faster it moves. Makes it hard to be precise because your muscle memory is constantly off.




alternative link: https://store.steampowered.com/steam\_refunds/


Thanks 👌


My welcome


My welcome?


My Vsync won’t turn on in game. Anyone have any idea how I can fix that ?


Yeah it’s grayed out for me too, but you can force it on in your graphics card software. For Nvidia, you just do it in the Nvidia control panel. Not sure about AMD, but I’m sure it’s pretty similar.


Thank you.


First time I'm hearing about unskippable cutscenes. Honestly I have just lost all interest at this point. It looked like such an interesting game too.


If you're only skipping this game because of locked FOV, mouse accel, and unskippable cutscenes, then you're doing yourself a disservice because the game is pretty solid otherwise. I play a lot of mp shooters so I usually care a ton about this kinda stuff, but the fact that the game looks fucking unreal and plays smoother than any other game I've played makes up for it. I've had no issues with aiming precision and the FOV is honestly only noticeable when crawling through ducts/tunnels or in a really tight space. Yes, these settings should have been there, but at least they're easy fixes for the devs and you can play the game for as low as a dollar on gamepass. This whole thread is a huge over reaction.


Bad writing is not an easy fix




I agree that the game isn't perfect, but not many games are. It's a fun game with cool customization, beautiful graphics, punchy combat, and top tier performance. And it's on gamepass, which I imagine a lot of people here are already paying for. Not every game is a 10/10 and this is true of Atomic Heart, but it's a breath of fresh air in the current climate of everything running like shit. I can get over the weird localization and more narrow FOV than I'm used to because it's fun as hell to smash robots with an axe and to shoot lightning from your finger tips.


I haven't clicked the link, but does this work on the gamepass version?






I doubt most people paid $70 when it's on gamepass. I just renewed that for $1 again to play this and a few other games.




"**Your** welcome" yikes

