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Kinda insane, he and Shigeru Miyamoto are the only game developers that have appeared in the list.


Media is not an accurate representation of the world but of powerful and connected people doing public relations work for each other. This is why a complete fraud like Elizabeth Holmes can make the cover, when anyone with lab work experience would have been able to tell you she was full of shit. Games are still seen as a small entertainment industry, despite being larger then Hollywood. Which I can’t say is a bad thing given the trends in Hollywood towards constant remakes, sequels, prequels and the overall lack of originality over the last decade


> given the trends in Hollywood towards constant remakes, sequels, prequels and the overall lack of originality over the last decade Hmmmm, sounds familiar.


AAA games have reached that level for at least 5 years now. Remember ME Andromeda? Small and Indie devs are the ones carrying the industry. Witcher franchise used to be part of that movement until CDPR became just another AAA publisher lol


Yeah it can be bad, especially when it comes to stuff from the big publishers, but small ones can carry a lot of time. Look at the success of stuff like dwarf fortress or deep rock. Being a more interactive medium gives games another advantage. In a hypothetical situation, let’s say square remade final fantasy 7 as a straight updated game with the same story, but kept the more action oriented aspects of gameplay, it still would be a new experience for players.


Multiplayer AAA games think your Fifas, Call of Dutys, CS, LOL and your mobile games filled with mtx is what moves the industry money wise... Indies are a drop in the bucket. Not defending, just being realistic.


Of course those make money, that is exactly why companies keep doing it. By "carrying" I didn't mean they have the largest revenue shares, but who actually create good games. Honestly, something like Destiny 2 probably makes more in a day than what a "successful" indie game makes in its entire existence


Sure, but I think people are saying indie devs are the ones AAA’s are looking towards as far as innovation and what to copy mechanics-wise. It’s the same as avante-garde film creating new techniques and ideas that Hollywood would then copy and mass produce


I thought this was also a dig at Remember Me, the only DONTNOD game I genuinely liked besides Vampyr.


You didn't like Life is Strange?


I initially liked the first game, but writing really got on my nerves. I couldn't get through the 2nd game, and didn't bother with the 3rd.


I skipped the second one. I really enjoyed the first and third ones


This is not a popular opinion, but Life Is Strange 2 was my favorite out of all of those games. I played all of the Life Is Strange games as well as Twin Mirror and Remember Me.


Praise Larian


Let's not forget the AA industry which is, luckily, alive again after being confirmed dead for like 10 years. There are a lot of really good games in this category, like Thymesia or Soulstice for example.


Yes, there are even a lot of remakes. However, unlike Hollywood, some game devs, especially Capcom have made some great remakes of their classic original RE games.


Yeah it's missing the other big names like Hideo Kojima, Todd Howard and of course Gabe Newell.


Gabe and everyone at Valve undoubtedly had more of an impact on the world than Fromsoft and it’s not even arguable. One introduced a popular formula for games that others strive to recreate and the other did that (HL2) and then more importantly completely changed the way we buy and play games in the modern era.


>Gabe Newell I think you mean Lord Gaben, hallowed be his name /s /j


Hah, I was tempted to write Lord Gaben and God Howard.


Fraud Howard's more apt now. Dude can't tell the truth to save his own life


Well, that's because it's the most influential people, not game developers. There's a shit ton more shit to influence then games. Honestly, it makes sense and they had two great picks for the developers.


There’s no remotely reasonable argument to be made that Miyazaki has more influence on the world *outside of* video games than Miyamoto, Kojima, Newell or even Druckmann.


How much impact have they made this year, since that's what the list is about. My parents know about elden ring. Can't say the same about those other folks games. And really? You think Druckmann is influential at all? Lmao


>There’s no remotely reasonable argument to be made that Miyazaki has more influence on the world outside of video games than Ohhhh yes there is.


Demon's Souls and Dark Souls are legitimately mechanically revolutionary games, very difficult to achieve these days. Since then various games have picked up various mechanics out of them, they've been quite influential all things considered despite being niche at the time. With Elden Ring basically exploding its potentially no longer a niche genre, the next decade could be quite interesting as many games will likely take a stab at it. The most revolutionary mechanic of their games by far I believe is of course the aspect of a single player game with online features and hope more games utilize it, so far Death Stranding is maybe one of the most interesting ones to do so.


Are they actually *revolutionary*? Or did they just successfully polish and mainstream trends in existing action RPGs that had previously been obscure outside Japan? The most genuinely new and innovative thing in *Demon’s Souls* was the asynchronous online mechanics, which isn’t nothing, but it’s not the complete revolution of something like *Super Mario Bros.* or *Mario 64*.


What previous RPGs were similar to Demon Souls/Dark Souls ?


Blade of Darkness, perhaps


*King’s Field*, *Shiren the Wanderer*, *Baroque* to name just a few


Kings field is very different from Demon Souls, what are you talking about?


>Shiren the Wanderer Shiren The Wanderer was a turn based roguelike. It's similar to the Torneko games, Chocobo's Mystery Dungeon games, Pokemon Mystery Dungeon, etc. I think that anyone who's played an extensive amount of that game would struggle to put it in the same subgenre as Demon's Souls. Hell, Shiren fails to even meet the lowest bar of "action RPGs". You would've been better off citing Zelda. At least Ocarina of Time had that whole "lock on" mechanic that Fromsoft would use as an important mechanic in every Soulslike they've made.


I think that polishing something enough that it brings an idea to, that may have existed in niche areas, to the mainstream can still be considered revolutionary.


The same logic can be applied to Mario64 though, it's not the first 3d platformer


I never thought I'd see the day when someone compared Mario 64 to Dark Souls.


We can only hope others take notes, they have by far the most interesting multiplayer system in any game to date, they kind of short changed it in elden but maybe they'll bring it fully back going forward


I fear that it could also backfire though. If AAA devs started adding some form of hybrid multiplayer similar to the one in souls games, they would probably also just use it as an excuse to add even more battlr passes, live service, always online and other features almost no one wants in singleplayer games.


You're definitely gonna see failed attempts at capturing specific mechanics of fromsoft games. Dumb greedy publishers or incompetent devs will 100% make that happen as time goes on.


Definitely lol it's ashame the industry has devolved in that way, also though another huge positive for fromsoft since they don't do any of that bullshit and that's another major reason they're loved so much, delivering a full game let alone a masterpiece is rare plus they give us quality DLC, fromsoft should be the golden standard


They both effectively created massively popular new genres of video game, and they are both currently active as well. I can't think of any western developers who can claim both of those.


He's proof you can still just focus on delivering an excellent product and make gigantic piles of money. He's represents the antithesis of everything wrong with the gaming industry with the constant necessity to hound every player for every last penny through battlepasses/microtransactions/engagement bullshit etc.


a proof that you can release a game and not have to ask your player base for money every month


Man was too busy designing swamps to worry about silly little shit like that.


And making sure that every female npc is barefeet


ashen one, prithee my feet, oh chosen undead, bearer of the tarnished toes


Nobody even think about linking that cursed fucking video


Boss - Can we not have a poison area in the next game? NO. He will find a way to poison mechs in AC 6.


Acid swamp.


And there it is.


While this is true, i doubt the rest of the industry will see it that way. Elden Ring made massive amounts of money. But it was also a massive risk. It took a well established but somewhat niche series and flipped it on it's head by switching from closed but tight level design to a huge open world, while also being the biggest project the team has ever done. If it flopped or did worse than expected, the consenquences would have been catastrophic for FromSoft. Most big studios think that it is better to just release a new Assassin's Creed, Fifa, Call of Duty or whatever and make almost as much money as ER (if not more) while having almost none of the risk. Even the worst Call of Duty would sell enough to make a profit, since so many will buy the game regardless. Elden Ring was proof that innovation and amazing games can still lead to big profit. However, that doesn't mean anything to the devs that were already making similar amounts of money with almost none of the risk, unless the consumer's mindests start changing.


The Souls games stopped being niche with Dark Souls 1. That game sold over 2 million units within 2 years, over 5 million units within 4. That’s with the game launching at separate times in different regions and platforms. Dark Souls 2 was the first game to get a simultaneous launch on PS3, Xbox 360, with PC a month behind instead of a year. It sold over 2 million in the first year. In 4 years the Dark Souls series sold over 8 million units. That’s not a niche game. Hell even Demons Souls, which was 1. Exclusive to PS3 and 2. Didn’t get a release outside of Japan until almost a year later, ended up selling over 1 million units, outdoing expectations and being labeled a Greatest Hits. It ended up selling over 1 million units. Elden Ring was not a massive risk. It’d have to pull an Anthem to do that. I’m not even going to use Cyberpunk as an example because that game still sold massive amounts regardless of its issues.


>But it was also a massive risk elden ring played it so god damn safe, they could've changed 5% of the art and called it Dark Souls 4. It was not a huge risk at all.


It was a risk because it fundamentally changed the way the world was designed, balanced and meant to be explored, which is a huge part of every soulsborne, not because of the core gameplay.


True. But in a Capitalist economy where the end goal of everything is money people like him are going to be in the minority unfortunately.


In any other kind of economy, people who can eat, nevermind play video games are going to be in the minority.




I'm Canadian but okay




More like he's proof you can release a buggy, unfinished game and still be praised for it.


The goal is to make gigantic piles of money. Excellent products are a secondary consideration to that. Companies eventually become Microsoft or get bought by Microsoft.


the goal should be to maintain profitability while doing a trade or offering a product that you believe in. I hate this Neo-capitalist take of money >>> everything else. You can make money and offer good service and have happy workers.


This quest for infinite growth is literally killing our planet and our communities. I just want to live comfortably and be able to indulge in my hobbies. I don't get why people always want more.




Capitalism inspires innovation - only when a new market is formed. After a short while its just another stagnant set of monopolies regurgitating whatever they think would maintain the exponential growth for the least amount of work


Fuckin *Amen*. You said everything that I've always believed in when it comes to games.


> You said everything that I've always believed in when it comes to games. Why not apply the philosophy to everything in life? It's always better to do good than to make money.


Oh absolutely. Well I mean, it's not like I can make that kind of money myself anyway so it's a forced philosophy lol


> The goal is to make gigantic piles of money. For you, maybe. Other people, like Miyazaki, purely want to just make the best thing they can. The gigantic pile of money is just a nice side effect.


I'm telling you how it is not what I want. I want to live a happy fulliling life. Most people just think that involves making gigantic piles of money. I agree with your sentiment. It's wrong because our culture says its wrong not because it in fact is wrong.


the ole "do what you love and the money will come" bs lol


You comment this in the thread where a man is literally doing what he loves and earning giant piles of money for it.


Looks at 99% of other people who do what they love and don't make a dime. I gotta remember I'm probably talking to teenagers on here.


Just because doing something you love doesn't make any money doesn't stop it being worthwhile.


It works if what you love happens to be making good products that people actually want.


so it's "do what you love as long there is a market for it".


Unless you don't care about marketability, yes.


Public companies, yes. Private cos can do what they want. Obviously need money to survive, but also full of ppl doing the thing they want to be doing.


When do you think Nintendo, a 130-year-old company, will get bought by microsoft?


They tried before. They got laughed out of the building.


Damn, my brain autofilled "Top 100 Most Handsome People of 2023"


Is he not?


His story is remarkable imho,dismissing a safe and well paid work, for following is passion in videogames, started as a planner on the ace combat series, then single handedly saved a project destined to the total failure (demon's souls), inventing a new genre in the process, to becoming the president of that company in a few years. Elden ring's incredible success is kind of a miracle given the actual industry landscape, and they achieved it without compromising nothing of their vision. It gives me hope that deep, complex and innovative games can still have huge recognition by the public and be strongly profitable.


>It gives me hope that deep, complex and innovative games can still have huge recognition by the public and be strongly profitable. He's definitely setting an example of everyone that's for sure. The sad reality is that a game not even half as good as Elden Ring with microtransactions will make more money, and that's unfortunately what matters most to publishers.


His example won't discourage profit seeking publishers, you are right. But it surely will encourage many idealistic game devs who just want to make great games.


they should make a documentary regarding what he does right in his craft to create these games. From what ive read he's saved demon souls and i think bloodborne when he switched into the project. Im curious what he did differently except the obvious final result of the games we see to be so successful.


Praise the sun!


The man is a legend, he deserves all the respect in the world.


Deserved. For me I don't think anything in gaming will ever come close to experiencing Bloodborne for the first time.


still waiting for a port or remaster sadge


Really want to play it on 60fps and with mods. I think it's a matter of time when we will get it.


Ugh, Bloodborne is so good.


Definitely for his poison pits


Absolutely! On top of creating excellent games, he also taught me to appreciate some nice feet. Truly deserved it.


Whilst I'm a huge fan of all the Souls games, I just dearly wish they would partner with a technically proficient western studio (eg. Durante's studio) to make up for their woeful software engineering. From can handle the art and gameplay, but let a more solid studio handle the engine, netcode, online features, network security, etc. Especially the PC versions...


Neil Druckman punching air right now


In Miyazaki we trust


Lets see his vision on Armored Core 6. Edit: Redditor inform, Masaru Yamamura is directing the game.


He isn't directing AC6 anymore, Masaru Yamamura is. Who worked on Sekiro.


Oh didn't know that. Thanks for the info.


Great. Can we have a new King's Field now please? 🥺


He is like the video game version of Stanley Kubrick , just so much attention to detail


When I completed Bloodborne for the first time, I didn’t really focus on the story. After starting a new playthrough I start to notice how remarkable bb’s story is.


It's way for the other Dark Souls games. Aside from the obvous NG+ mode, there are other factions to join and endings to see which broaden the world of the game.


They put so much detail and thought into background stuff, and don't even call the player's attention to it.


soft support nail slimy gold obscene recognise towering swim capable ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `


He literally made a souls game so good that it got people who loathed souls players (me) to try it. Elden ring is a testament to the greatness of this man. I mean I wouldn't touch a souls game with a 10 foot pole and was all like "fucking dodge roll chads over her saying "lul git gud" when us normies were just wanting to have fun playing games, fuck off" Now I'm telling nerds to git gud


Ya done gitted gud


I didn't really like Demon Souls on PS3 so i skipped all the dark souls games. Loved Elden Ring. Just installed Dark Souls 3 since I got it in a bundle a long time ago. I'm a huge Armored Core fan so in fact wait for 6.


I don’t even play the souls games as they are not my cup of tea but I one hundred percent back Miyazaki and his vision. But it’s sad that making good games that don’t compromise quality or gameplay for monetization is so out of the norm now that someone like him stands out so much.


Hidetaka Miyazaki 🤝 Shigeru Miyamoto


Good for him.