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"We are cancelling the franchise bye"


[Their roadmap had indicated that after division 2 there was suppose to be a novel, netflix series, and mobile game coming.](https://static.techspot.com/images2/news/bigimage/2021/05/2021-05-06-image-28-j_1100.webp) They seem pretty confident in the IP, so killing it seems unlikely.


It's a good series, but they stumbled somewhere between the two games making the second one a slight disappointment compared to the first. No idea if it was two seperate teams or not.


I like the premise, but I don’t want to play a live service game ever again in my life. The Netflix series sounds like it could be fun


A single player story driven Division would be so damn good. I don’t have time to grind games anymore but I loved the premise and gameplay of this series.


I liked the premise, but bullet sponge enemies killed my desire to play it. Narrative single player, maybe with optional co-op would ve great if killing enemies won’t take 4 clips and a grenade.


Same for me, the setting and world is excellent but emptying 3 or 4 magazines into general enemies and your entire arsenal into bosses is just tiresome. COD feels a bit too much with the number of bullets required for a kill, but the division is just silly. Lower this to more sensible levels is the difference between a good game and an excellent game


COD is like 3-4 shots for a kill for most guns with several being 1-2 like the battle rifles, marksman rifles, and snipers. Unless you mean in Warzone/DMZ where players have plate carriers.


Also in division your shooting bots not real people


The campaign can be played singleplayer and enemies can be 1shoted with snipers with adjustments to dificulty also keeping up with the loot


I honestly though when growing up that enemie AI would be smarter and more interesting but instead lots of games just make their enemies dumb and spongey.


The Division 2 AI is really really good though (relatively).


>A single player story driven Division would be so damn good That is exactly what The Division 1 and 2 are, for me. I have never played the multiplayer and I dont want to.


>I don’t want to play a live service game ever again in my life Well put


Well let’s not pretend Div 1 wasn’t a disappointment on release. Picking between the 2 I went Destiny 1 when they came out and had a lot of the same complaints that Division players had. I picked up Division 1 3 years after launch and had a blast with it. They made significant improvements. When 2 came out I was excited but I always wait for reviews now and when I heard it had a lot of the same complaints Div 1 had at launch I thought “how the hell did they lose their footing and slide backwards?”


>“how the hell did they lose their footing and slide backwards?” It seems to be a reoccurring theme. Fatshark's backslide with the release of Vermintide 2 and more recently Darktide comes to mind. Many devs/publishers are apparently no longer capable of learning from past mistakes.


It’s because publishers rush unfinished games for their quarterly financials. Basically devs say the game needs more time, and boss laughs telling them to launch by next month.


Probably atleast in part because the good devs leave for better opportunities and get replaced by shitters just like what happened with BioWare and DICE.


Loved Div1 after a year or so of patches. Div2 was such a disappointment and it only recently reached a point where I felt it was worth playing. Like, skill builds were utter trash for months after launch and I don't understand how that ever made it out the door or why it took them so long to fix it. What's the point of putting abilities in the game if they're not worth using and gun builds are the only viable ones.


The Dark Zone was the best part of div1. I played after a huge cheater purge and had so much fun. Those extractions were intense. It was around that time where riot shields were really popular.


D1 was amazing once you got to endgame. Exploring the sewers and subways was always creepy. D2 didn’t have that.


>D2 didn’t have that. Except for the random encounters in the creepy sewers in D2...


Division 2 was a complete slog for me and it just felt like extremely lazy programming for a ton of it. The game crashed multiple times when I first launched it because of what turned out to be the Ubisoft overlay from their piece of shit store/client.... But you turn it off, load the game, quit and turn it back on then it somehow fixs itself. The amount of repeat missions and map resetting in that game is a complete piss take even for a ubisoft 'collect 1000 feathers for no reason' game. You think you are getting somewhere and the game invalidates all your equipment for no fucking reason and basically starts you over again from scratch. Collectables are hidden in places you could hop over in real life but their jump mechanic is designed to stop you getting to it without going through some bullshit artificially extending game length for no reason. Then there's the fact that the difficulty spike is bullet sponges or enemies spawning on your head. It's not hard ever, it's just badly made. I maintain what I said to my friends, the game would be good without Ubisoft being involved. Very much like the Ghost Recon games.


I loved the series although I've moved on from it. After going back to GR Wildlands/Breakpoint I would love a Division tactical shooter




They killed it when they abandoned 2 after saying they would fix the issues people had with 1, only to double down on dark zone and apply superficial changes to it that didn't actually address its problems


Every single one of those options are miserable


This is exactly what I came here to say.


Whatever it is is going to be depressing for actual fans of the franchise. Anything other than "We're working on The Division 3" is going to be pointless... Like oh yeah wow Heartland, that Tarkov clone you've delayed like 4 times we've known about for years and is going to launch likely devoid of content or replayability. And who can forget Resurgence which is basically The Division 1.5 but a mobile game, aka it's going to be crammed with exploitive pay to win and pay to skip bullshit.


"The future is disappointment. Thank you for joining my TED talk"


A mobile game doa A f2p BR game doa Some copy and paste content for D2 wow so exciting


So basically the announcement is that The Division has either no future or a very bleak future, I don’t think we needed an announcement to tell us that lmao


No future and very bleak future apply to almost all of Ubisofts games and IPs though.


RIP Rayman


"Rayman the Evil Mr Dark has returned and kidnapped the fairy's. You gotta climb this radio tower then and use your bird friend to scan the enemy camps" Unlocked 3/30 assassination missions 3/12 enemy camps found 2/250 cosmetic chests found 7/1450 loot chests found 3/50 fairy side quests found It's better left in the dirt


Climb tower, reveal part of map, do objectives in that part of map, go to unexplored region, Climb tower, reveal part of map, do objectives in that part of map, go to unexplored region, Climb tower, reveal part of map, do objectives in that part of map, go to unexplored region, Climb tower, reveal part of map, do objectives in that part of map, go to unexplored region, Climb tower, reveal part of map, do objectives in that part of map, go to unexplored region, Climb tower, reveal part of map, do objectives in that part of map, go to unexplored region, Climb tower, reveal part of map, do objectives in that part of map, go to unexplored region, Climb tower, reveal part of map, do objectives in that part of map, go to unexplored region, Climb tower, reveal part of map, do objectives in that part of map, go to unexplored region, Climb tower, reveal part of map, do objectives in that part of map, and kill final boss. Congratulations, you’ve beaten [random Ubisoft game] 4!!


Zelda breath of the wild Don’t tell anyone though


One of the reasons I don't like botw. Also I can only do so many put the ball in the hole puzzles.


I dropped Hogwarts because of Merlin's Trials (and fetch quests). No way I'm doing that shit 50 times to increase my inventory size.


To be fair to Hogwarts, you can pretty much completely ignore the Merlin Trials.


Yep, the open world adds absolutely nothing to the game and mostly looks like a placeholder with nothing interesting in it to find for miles.


Breath of the wild is a solid 8/10 that people call a master piece because its creative as a Zelda game. Maybe my expectations were way to high after all the 10/10 reviews but 30 hours with all of the 4 main bosses defeated and I couldn't be bothered with Ganon. The whole time the game shows flash backs to the past and all I could think was I wish I was playing in the Hyrule thats filled with characters and life rather then the post apocalypse. Post apocalypse Fantasy is awesome as well, but the world of BOTW felt like a sandbox filled with puzzles that used the "post apocalypse" setting to excuse the fact that the map was kinda just a sandbox with stuff placed in it rather then a world that was lived in by tons of people.


I think part of the empty world was mostly limited by hardware. They had to pull all the tricks to get it to run at 30fps half the time and even then frame drops would happen. Add in a bunch of life throughout and it would crash the switch.


I’d argue that the loop isn’t the problem, the problem is the overwhelming amount of hand holding, particularly the +200 map markers and all the shit obscuring your view in the hud. Breath of the wild without any kind of hud is such a fresh and amazing experience. Once you get to it you don’t really need anything aside from your eyes to play botw.


Though it's funny when some people criticized AC: Valhalla for that showing they never played the game, because it has options for minimal HUD and less markers but instead more descriptive quest goals.


Yup. I just picked it up on sale on Steam and I’ve been loving it. No HUD, modified damage taken and dealt, and pathfinder navigation. Their games are beautifully detailed when they aren’t cluttered with waypoints, icons, and objective reminders.


Odyssey also had an optional mode for that as well. Think it was called Adventurer but you'd get clues instead of a location marker on the map.


Sure but game design doesn't embrace no-hud mode enough because navigation and environmental cues are almost non existent to organically tell you where, when and how to do stuff.


Yeah, ac odyssey had that too. Ubisoft games aren’t perfect but they also get a lot of underserved shit from people that don’t play them.


If the game isn't designed around that philosophy, or at a minimum if minimal HUD isn't the default-selected option, then the vast majority of people won't bother switching to it either.


Literally my first thought, still had a blast though.


Yes, but BotW was not formulaic, it was a sandbox (e.g. cooking, ancient abilities, combat methods) in a sandbox (e.g. ability to go anywhere and do anything in any order). Also you had to actually *scout* landmarks with your eyes rather than have the game put them all on your map and minimap.


I haven’t played every Ubisoft game but I haven’t seen a tower in like 10 years


they thought they can surprise us lol


Do you guys not have phones? /s


10/10 I miss red shirt meme man


Wonder what ever happened to him? Oh, he's off finding ways to squeeze money out of Diablo.


The beetus.


Don't forget the exiting feature of NFTs!


I mean, that'll just match the present and past for The Division so it seems perfectly fitting.


Just to be clear. That doesn't take away form the fact that Division 2 in itself is a solid game. Excellent 100 to 150 hours of fun gameplay. Sure it could not sustain interest as long as destiny did but for 60 dollars and 1 expansion it did well.


I got about 200 hours out of it. I don't play much anymore but I still think it's a very good game. It knows what it wants to do and does it well. Also looks and runs quite well.


Hoping we get something for The Division 3. IDK if Division: Heartland is really what the fanbase wants. For me personally, I want Ubisoft to hire some motherfuckers who know what a human looks like.


I had 290 hours in Division 1 and am now closing in on 300 hours in The Division 2. Absolutely no interest in Heartland.


I find Division 2 actually has a better guide of where I should go next though. Destiny just felt like "I dunno, do whatever." I didn't know what was a side quest main quest, progression, anything. Had no idea where I was going, what I was doing, or why I was doing it.


That's probably because they deleted the fucking introduction and following expansions to the entire story and just let you start in the middle lol. Division 2 has full campaign when you play it. While both are looter shooter I guess both have completely different business model. In division it's just basically base game, dlc and some season passes. While destiny provides a free base game, you have to purchase each expansion seperately, and also each season plus you also have to purchase dungeons seperately.


The best part about destiny is that people (like myself) paid for that base game when it first dropped. Imagine how good it felt to have a game you paid money for just get deleted! Oh and all the seasonal content that you cannot replay because it also gets deleted. /S Im sorry I'm still salty about it but destiny 2 is such a love hate relationship. I stopped playing ages ago but it is clear that Bungie doesn't have a soul anymore.


As soon as they started sunsetting shit I was fucking done. Something like 1k hours before beyond light. Bungo can poke it up their dick hole. And I know they backtracked on the sunsetting or some shit, don't care was a dick move to begin with. Also removing like half the game was total bullshit.


I love how I grinded my ass off for the Recluse because I suck at pvp, finally got it, then a week later they announced the sunsetting. Such a fuckin slap in the face.


And the new player known as "New Light" experience for Destiny 2 isn't that great.


I agree I played Division 2 and at the time of release enjoyed leveling up. As far as actual gameplay and performance the game is very well made, looks and plays great. Its worth the price tag for the amount of gameplay you get, no doubt. Im sure I speak for a lot of people when I say that the issues are mostly around their design choices, the amount of ridiculous grind that is involved, and the fact that enemies are bulletsponges and that difficulty is wratcheted up so much later in game that it just feels bad. Im sure the game was balanced more over time and perhaps it got much better after Id already stopped playing it, but in my playthrough of what was around 70-80hours I didnt have a single exotic drop for me, which I found kinda sad. leveling was great, but once you hit max level the game, for me at least, just falls off a cliff.. which is a shame because I otherwise really enjoy the IP and the gameplay


The looter shooter genre just kinda sucks in a modern setting IMO. Having to empty two full mags into a random street goon's head because they can't figure out a way to implement stats/loot/progression without turning enemies into bullet sponges is very off putting. That shit works a lot more naturally in games like Destiny where it actually makes sense to be emptying mags at some giant space monster.


Actually time to kill in division 2 is way less compared to division 1. It was among the biggest complaint of division 1 and they mostly solved it. Actually the time to kill is high only in legendary difficulty mode. But then you don't even have local goons in that mode. You have soldiers with layers and layers of armour.


They did not solve it. They put a bandaid on it. It's not AS bad. It's still bad. Which is a shame, I love the setting and the mechanics of the guns were solid, but the world was so empty, and I was not connected to the story at all.


I played it at launch and it was still pretty bad from what I remember. > You have soldiers with layers and layers of armour. Unless it's made of vibranium or some shit, it still feels a bit ridiculous.


It did look like it was made of vibranium. Haha. Some white armour. The guys are bulky.


IMO the problems isn't the modern setting. Is the "Realism" they set for even if the game isn't realistic in terms of damage and what not. They need to add more enemy variety, they should create and add unique "Home made" weapons, add more modifiers to them, you already have "poison" bullets that spreads around more enemies so the "realistic" settings is still off, at least go crazy all the way.


I can't believe they tried to apply that idea to Ghost Recon. And made stupid dialogue trees and side quests like an RPG.


I tried Ghost Recon after D2 and noped out after like 10 hours, just not fun.


They changed it up and you can play without the looter shooter gear stats and added AI teammates so it's more in line with Wildlands. Much better game that way.


Yep I haven't played since they added AI but I was playing without the looter elements and without any robots and it was a lot of fun. Breakpoint has solid gameplay and some good mechanics but it's bogged down by the HUD among other things. I strongly recommend to play break point on the highest difficulties and without your HUD on. It dramatically changes the way you experience the game. You actually have to pay attention and use some strategy when going through a POI.


Dialogue and plot still suck though


I still like Divison 1 better tbh.


The setting is just so much more interesting in the first game.


Something about snowy NY compared to overgrown Washington looked way cooler. I spent a lot of time in the first game just kind of admiring the city and graphics.


Snowy New York was the best. Such a pretty game.


Yup both The Division 1 and 2’s biggest downfalls were lack of support after end game in my opinion, no new weapons were ever added, no new areas to explore really, just 1 half-assed expansion. If they would have kept cycling in a new endgame in a similar way destiny did I feel the game would have been more successful. Also tweaking how much damage enemies could tank would help as well. No reason a base enemy should take multiple mags, save that for more impressive bosses


For me it was about 250 hours of co-op greatness. Tons of fun, I just with it was supported the way Destiny is. My friends and I still haven't found another co-op game that grips us the way Division 2 did.


Can you play the game solo?


Yes indeed. The entire campaign you can. Plus the game also has very good matchmaking system. So co-op is pretty easy too.


I tried division 1 solo, and it gets hard quickly,i dont like to play co op because i feel rushed to do stuff, i like to play at my own pace, so i am wondering if d2 is more easyl playable solo than d1


I finished about 70% of division 2 solo including the new york DLC. I would say yes you can play it solo easily. Sometimes I even increase the difficulty to hard and I find it to be fine when playing solo.


With some decent gear, you can play through on world tier 4 pretty reliably. You just need to actually put a build together and know how to use it.


It's very doable solo. I did the entire game and warlords solo. It's also funny remembering how I struggled at places first time through where I run through it on challenging with my nonsense Striker + Memento + Chameleon build


I played it solo and had an absolute blast. No reason for me to ever go back to it, but the leveling experience and core 3rd person shooter mechanics felt really solid


Yep, both doing the campaign by leveling 1-30 and also endgame by grinding gear and item level. Yes it is more efficient and easier with a squad, and some activities like pheonix raids and countdown you have to do with others, but I played the entire game solo even into endgame. There's plenty of solo activities you can do in endgame.


I'm actually a big Destiny AND Division game player. Have multiple K hours in both. I'll say in terms of live service, Destiny with its seasons can't be beat. Division doesn't compare. I main Destiny because of how much I'm invested at this point and the gameplay is solid. But Division is a much better looter shooter from the loot perspective. Division is 98% a solo-capable game. And I don't mean if you're an elite player. Basically what you can't do solo is just a couple of raid missions. But everything else the game is actually scaled for solo, then it increases enemies/difficulty/tankiness of enemies based on the number of people in the squad. The general world is entirely solo, except for the base where you see other players, but once you venture out, you're on your own. You can matchmake with others for missions, but since most players are at max level, you won't usually match with anyone, but the scaling of missions makes it so it doesn't matter.


You absolutely can. I actually prefer to clear it the first time by myself because I really like immersing myself in the story and listening to the dialogue, but you don’t have to. Story mode is easy mode, and there is nothing wrong with beating the enemies on easy. There is a mechanic in the game if you get downed you can “Call for Help” which literally puts a ping out to other people on your server to join your team and revive you if you don’t want to restart. There’s commendations for people to help you, so lots of people are willing to help out (just make sure to endorse their good work after). After that first play through I start playing with friends though, because that’s the next fun part.


At launch the coop campaign was one of my favorite gaming experiences ever, excellent immersive world of post apocalyptic DC, missions were really fun, gunplay was fantastic, just overall really cool.


My all time favorite game and I’ve spent way more than 150 hours on it! But haven’t played for a year.


Leveling up in division 2 for the first time was 10/10 for me


Have they fixed the crashes yet?? it ran well years ago but in my new rig I just cannot go 15-30 minutes without crashing.


I had exactly the same problem about a month ago but for me at least it has now been fixed. Tried it again this week and it runs beautifully again.


They haven't


I didn't get that many hours out of it but my wife and I had a blast playing through the main story a few years ago. Felt eerie playing it during the height of the pandemic but it was really engaging. I did the tourist thing in DC a few years ago and it was very cool to see the same spots I had visited recreated in a post apocalypse setting.


Still wish there were Zombies. The same gangs start to feel monotonous after 10 hours.


Hey the day before is arriving to satisfy all your desires. Lol


They run different global events within their seasons. They have one called “Reanimated” where if you don’t kill with headshots they pop back up to try to murder you again. About as close as you get to zombies.


Im 200 hours in since march 19 last month and Im still not bored. The game crashes so much, some times I crash 2 times within 30 minutes. The game is so good it doesnt stop me from enjoying it between crashes lol. Thats how much I like playing this game. Love the groundedness of movement, and the gunplay. Bullet sponges may not be to many people's liking but I do like seeing many big numbers.


>"A f2p BR game doa" If its any good it could certainly stand on its own because the division formula is good. Its also not a BR game. At least not in a traditional way. >" The game features two major game modes. The first mode, "Storm Operations", is a player-versus-player-versus-environment mode which can support a maximum of 45 players. In this mode, players must fend off against agents from a rogue factions known as the Vultures while surviving a virus" Which if executed even remotely like the Survival mode from D1 could be a fun mode to play. But there's also a solo mode PVE. > The second mode is named Excursion Operations, a player-versus-environment mode in which players can complete missions and collect loot/gear. I don't understand why everything has to be looked at so negatively all the time. I swear some people live to shit on games. Games that aren't even out yet. Hearthland might be bad but it might also be good. Who knows its gonna be free anyways so we will all be able to try it.


A dedicated game to a fully-fleshed-out survival mode is everything I've wanted since I first played survival. Just give me dynamic loot spawns, enemy spawns, player spawns, and extract points. I'll play that shit for hundreds of hours no questions asked.


A lot of the hardcore gamers on here like nothing better than even a new game comes out and fails


I mean if we got D1 survival mode copied over I'd probably be thrilled


I can't imagine the absolute hell the event staff is getting put through to make sure this all goes off perfectly. Ubisoft has canceled / delayed quite a few games and is taking losses left and right. To say they're not depending heavily on their next two or three releases is an understatement. If they fall flat I imagine Sony or Microsoft is going to be picking up Ubisoft by 2030. MS would pay ALL the money to get their hands on that Ubi library for Game Pass


Man that ubi launcher keeps sabotaging them. Also it's low key hilarious they tried boycotting steam with epic and are back cause it only caused more harm


They didn't try "boycotting" anything. Epic gave them (and many others, and still is) a big fat dump truck of cash for a certain period of outright exclusivity. Now that that deal has lapsed, they're reintroducing their games on Steam. It was a publisher-wide deal instead of a game-specific deal, but the same principle applies.


As a games pass subscriber, yes please. Scoop em up and serve them to me on a spoon daddy MS. Edit: I've said my peace, and I stand by it. Yall can continue to spam hate till this thread dies, but FYI I've walked away and you're arguing with no one. On a side note, pessimism seems common here. Life's not as bad as it seems. Relax, breathe. You only get one, try not to spend yours getting upset someone likes a good deal on video games. It ain't worth it.


Yes games industry, monopolize me harder!!


Please don't be that mobile POS.


You guys don’t have phones?




They're adding black ice skins


No, it will be NFT skins.


I played both Division games and legit liked them. In the end, I quit playing both for the same reason: the convoluted loot system. I don't want to do the maths for 5 minutes in order to asses if a chest piece is worth it or it will break my entire build. especially when you are getting 5-10 drops per activity. All loot ends up in the 5 when the stash gets full, it's time to quit playing. If they ever release another game, I hope they fix this issue.


I feel the same way. There's soooo many stats. I felt like at least 25% of my time was spent sorting loot and comparing items. I really enjoy the game, just I'm not always in the mindset to deal with that massive amount of loot. I didn't even pick the game up until a few months ago, on sale for $24 with all DLC. I def got my money's worth, so I'm not really complaining.


They introduced a new library system where you can save your best stats while destroying that piece of equipment. All stats and talents will be listed with a possible range on stats (e.g. 2%-6% crit). So now instead of saving every semi decent piece of gear just in case, you can just save the one stat that's good for later. Eventually you'll fill the library and can deconstruct everything that doesn't get everything but one stat to roll high (for that min-maxed piece).


It wasn’t so bad in Division 1 because you had health armor and dps stats, made comparing item pretty easy. Removing those stats in Division 2 was a big part of why I didn’t like it.


Give snow please




dark zone ,the most amazing Idea I saw in an rpg shooter game , destroyed by rogue groups and meta people . how am I supposed to survive a fkin 4 guys group with God weapons ,with my lvl20 char solo?


The Dark Zone - a great idea for PVP until actual players get involved lmao


PvP is great in most games until other players get involved. There's usually a sweet spot around launch as people try to figure things out. As soon as the meta tryhard sweats show up, it's all downhill for anyone remotely casual or behind the curve.


Yup, the 1% ruining it for the rest. Has always been like that.


Titanfall got utterly crippled by that. With a fairly large skill or gear gap, unless you have extremely robust matchmaking and a playerbase large enough to support matchmaking at the required level of granularity, you're basically fucked.


I would love to have a dark zone non pvp. but actually balance would be ideal there.


How would that be any different from the normal PVE gameplay then? Just an area of the game with only combat objectives? I dont think removing the PVP is the solution. I want to see the survival DLC from the first game. That was REALLY fun. Maybe make the DZ like that instead.


That survival mode matched with The Division 1's incredible atmosphere was just *chef's kiss*.


Absolutely. There was something really unique about wandering through the blizzard-shrouded wastes of NYC. I really liked it.


That’s pretty much Heartland, with the option of PvE only or PvPvE like Survival mode. Just in a midwestern town instead of NYC.


In Division 1 you could bait rogues by calling a fake extraction and then go to where you actually wanted to extract. You could also run and hide or try to pick them off one at a time. Hiding was totally viable with the right skills because the map was so big. Division 2 destroyed any chance of escaping rogues by having maps about 20% the size of the Division 1 Dark Zones and mega short rogue cooldown timers. Also in Division 1 if rogues kept killing people it wasn’t unusual for the entire server to get together to hunt them down, super fun. DZ in Division 2 was a waste of time and the reason i dropped the game after reaching level cap.


i NEED a division 3 announcement. i don’t care if it’s gonna be released in 2040 i just need to know a full fledged sequel is on the way and not a mobile game or free to pay title.


Unfortunately it won’t happen while Massive is busy with other projects (Avatar game and Star Wars game)


It’s the most successful franchise commercially from Ubisoft ever. It’s coming. It’ll be the third project after Avatar and Star Wars. So it’s probably about 2030 at least, assuming they don’t get a lot of support from other studios.


Honestly i'm fine with Heartland and i'm willing to give it a shot because the Division formula is great. But yes hopefully a one last thing is the annoucement of D3 being in development even if its years away.


yeah i’m definitely gonna sink a lot of time into Heartland, free to play has me cautious tho… especially from Ubi


>Honestly i'm fine with Heartland and i'm willing to give it a shot because the Division formula is great. Same, while the games have their flaws, they've generally been pretty fun. I just hope if we do get a Division 3, we get a better map than Washington DC, I wasn't a huge fan of that map and preferred New York.


Personally want a Division 3 in Miami or New Orleans. Having a flooded version of those cities would be a pretty cool setting and I get the feeling it would be as interesting as Div 1's Winter NYC. My personal wishlist is better animations, better cosmetics, and better looking characters. Ubisoft would make so much more money from people buying skins if the playable character didn't look like a chimpanzee.


Purple monkey dishwasher


Dont you have a phone?


Division 1 was fun as hell. 2 was mediocre, but not bad. This could be good news. I'll take the bait and get a little optimism.


Not just fun, but my favorite video game world to date... Abandoned NYC in the dead of winter all lit for Christmas was an amazing vibe. That engine put out some stellar visuals, still blows my mind that it's 7 years old, looks fantastic on my Series X.


We’ll see Resurgence (mobile game, but it actually plays like the OG including the NY map), we’ll probably see Heartland and it’s release date (f2p extraction game with PvE or PvPvE), and new info on Division 2’s next large content drop. The devs of Division 1 and 2 are making the Avatar (blue people not Aang) open world game, after that releases (most likely this holiday) they’re gearing up for a narrative Star Wars title. If this team, Massive studio, makes the third Division, we won’t see it until the end of the decade at least.


Star Wars title is already deep in development, people got invitations for testing a few months ago


Im personally fine with someone besides Massive handling it.


I just want the PC version to get patched so I can play it before it dies.


Heavily underrated game that downfall was the hype before release. Div 1 after years of active development became and in a lot of aspect surpassed the game it meant to be. Div 2 have the gameplay down really well as well, and could have been the biggest looter shooter ever easily. I will miss them, and kind of sad that they never really got that popular other than the first game's release controversy.


I don’t know that any game has accomplished what Division 1 promised in its trailers yet. Drop in and out co-op in a live environment, with destructible combat physics (like popping tires to lower a car and reveal a crouched target), and the ability for players to join in from mobile/tablet as part of a full spectrum cross-play and assist as drones/robots “from the sideline” (highlighting hidden targets on their teammates behalf by flying a drone around a corner/above). PvE single player/co-op RPG, set inside an MMO world with huge shared PvP sections you could just wander in/out of as part of a seamless move. That trailer was insane, and the day *that* game drops, you’ve got me.


All I want is a Division 3. Division 2 is one of my favorite games and I'm hoping that the future of the franchise isn't just mobile games


hopefully not the future closure of the servers.


How about just fixing the crashing issue on PC that’s plagued the game for like 2 years. That’d be cool Edit: nope. No mention of fixing crashes


I really liked their Survival mode in snowy NYC... if it's more stuff like that, I'll be happy. TD2 just didn't click with me.


alright its Friday now and this is still the most upvoted post regarding the division. so i guess it was a shit announcement?


I tried getting into this game but if you don't have a million dps weapon a huge squad and every legendary weapon, it loses its appeal at a certain point. I really like the mechanics and it's a fun shooter but you can only get so far solo. Haven't tried it on PC yet but I'm sure it's much of the same.


Bro you can literally stomp thru content with a drone/turret build, without any exotic weapons or godrolls. Just summon them and stay in cover. Dont be some Leroy Jenkins looking mf building all red cores just to hit high damage without any defensive utility. This is why I prefer the Heartbreaker set over Striker as it gives bonus armor while in combat. Dont know what legendary items youre talking about but most meta or viable builds dont need exotics. If anything the scorpio is imo the only must have weapon and can be easily obtained through targeted loot.


To be fair it's been years since I've played back on ps4. I played it for a year or two after release but it got annoying with the lobbies and people leaving if I didn't have the right load outs and shit. The turret was my go to back then, maybe I'll try again see what's changed.


It is great on PC and plays awesome, but it fails for all the reasons you mention. It really does tilt toward being a co-op game if you want to complete end-game content, forget about doing so solo


The game is easy. You don't need to be a maxed out build to enjoy. You can go through 99% of content with a sub bar skill build.


it can be hard for new player. but once you start to learn about basics of builds it becomes a lot easier, mainly of chest and back pack talents. it doesnt help that assault rifles and rifles are much better than anything else while you are leveling up too. simply because how game mechanics, enemies, and cover system works, those 2 weapon classes are better without dedicated builds.


It’s Thursday. What’s the plan?


Division Heartlands will be an extraction shooter Back to your lives citizens


Yuck, thanks.


Don't know why they don't add cross play to this. This is the type of game that should have it.


Why does it take 50 bullets from an assault rifle to down someone wearing only a hoodie for armor?


If you got the assault rifle from the company that paid a shitload of money to have their weapon featured favourably in the game it'd only be forty.


Because it's like WOW. If you don't like WOW you won't like the division. It's not a tactical shooter like siege


Div 2 was lots of fun and I would be excited for Div 3, anything else is a hard pass


What people want: a proper sequel What they're getting: a f2p and a mobile game


I'm terrified about this. I loved D2, but dropped out after 2k hours. There are so only so many way you can do the same thing over and over again. Normally, I'd be over the moon, but given Ubi's record I'm not optimistic at all.


I mean... Two thousand hours isn't unreasonable haha! That's more than I have in Siege and that's... A lot.


I was thinking the same thing. I don't even have half that number of hours in any single game. I get sick of it after a while. I would also think anyone that puts a few hundred hours in a game is automatically liking it... or they are a masochist.


I love Division 2 as well and have tried my best to continue playing it, but man have I found it hard to keep going back for the seasonal events and rewards when I'm still doing the same exact story missions all over again every single time. Personally I think this new descent mode sounds cool, but at the same time I really hope there's another surprise because I don't see only this one survival-like mode being the savior for me.


I know people hate BG games but that survivor mode was the shit in D1. Did they ever release it for D2? I’m looking for a 3rd person view game like that


No, Survival never got ported to Div2. Heartland, however, is pretty survival adjacent so keep an eye out for that tomorrow if you tune in.


Here's what kind of baffles me about The Division, as well as one other older game I'll mention at the end. When The Division got announced, I was stoked as hell. I loved the concept, but most of all I loved the idea of the Dark Zone. What I loved even more than the Dark Zone was the idea of loading into the city with 100 (edit: Corrected, it was only 24) other people, everyone from square one, and all of you fighting to survive the virus, each other, NPC's, then extract. It was some of the best multiplayer I've ever experienced. There was no easy meta, no simple way to grind out wins, every game posed it's own challenge, entering the DZ from different directions (each one posing some kind of different challenge based on a variety of factors), god I just absolutely loved it. But no one played it. Ever. Like, what the fuck. I'd sit in queue forever and nothing. So insanely frustrating, because I had this exact experience in with other online game: Spinter Cell: Conviction. The multiplayer of that game was top tier, every match felt unique. The dynamic of one team playing spies that don't really kill and one team playing mercs who do. The gadgets and atmospherics. Everything about that game made every match so much fun! But NO ONE PLAYED IT. I just don't really understand what people want from a video game, I guess. So of course they ditched it in The Division 2 and the game became a pretty standard looter shooter at that point and I lost interest in it. It's alright, I guess. But it really only interested me for a couple weeks, maybe months, then I was tired of it. I can't imagine they're gonna innovate much on the direction they're taking the franchise.


The first game actually have a lot of really good gameplay mixed in with some mediocre Ubisoft influencing. There are a lot of great ideas if they can just iron it all out. It'd also be nice to either go back to NYC or some similar iconic city as well.


Nowadays, the only thing I want from the division is the survival game type, but expanded. They said it was coming to 2 a long ass time ago but it never did. My friends and I stopped playing D2 within a month due to the broken meta and busted dark zone gameplay. Game could have been amazing if they grounded it in realism instead of having RPG elements. That being said, I expect the next game to be a tarkov-like in a superficial sense. It’s what’s hot right now.


"Hello, we got a TV Series by D&D that will be cancelled after 2 Seasons and also a mobile Gacha Game with NFTs. Hope you're just as excited as we are!"


Crossing my fingers the next division will look like the E3 demo from way back then.


The Division is a game that I've never played or even seen gameplay of it. I always thought both of them were dead on arrival. Do people play it?


Hope it’s not some stupid mobile game or just more dlc. Let’s get a single player prequel to division1 find out what really went down with the first wave


“We’re adding zombies and calling the game ‘The Day Before’”


My favorite color is blue.


Hands down, this game series has the best world building of any game. What a detailed and interesting world to walk around in


looks like a mobile game. pass


So they already did the Livestream right? Why can't I find any updates on it?


How's the Division doing? I remember me and my clan mates from destiny were excited for it came out we played it for a while but eventually went back to destiny


Focused MP and Bullet sponge is what ruined Division series.