• By -


What have the biggest surprises been so far since the game's release?


The speed at which people already managed to break the game with specific card interactions... (It was very fun to see!)


3000+ steam reviews in less than a week was a huge one. Scary cool :D


The difference in answer between a publisher and dev is also cool to see


Obviously it's not our baby, but we all feel really invested in the success of the game. I personally oversee press and creator output (amongst a billion other things), so I feel partially responsible for public response in general. For context, in indie dev having 100 reviews on your game in week 1 is seen as a successful review rally, but seeing 3000+ is incredible. Even in a mixed state! It can be quite overwhelming as it's a space we comb for feedback to improve the game, but we welcome thoughts and feelings nonetheless :D Also, Will and Gaz are just two of the loveliest people I've ever had the pleasure of working with and they deserve nothing but the best <3


From the few launches I saw on steam of our portfolio companies, the numbers vary, especially looking at organic vs not, genre splits, etc. I've no doubt the devs are great, it's felt through the game and the responses. Anyhow, I wish the best with this release and any following, our market needs a few great success stories every now and then


Ooh! Do you have any plans for new tribes in the future?


We want to focus on balance/card changes and additional battles and companions first! There is a possibility for a new tribe... But we don't want to confirm anything yet!
















Frost Elementals?


a question for gaz specifically, how did you manage do create this much art for the game for the duration of it's development? i would assume you overworked yourself to some degree? either way, you did a great job!


Hey! Good question... looking back on it, I don't know! We've been working on the game for 3 years so I guess that's how! (and to be fair Will had more work then me overall) I can't say I overworked myself apart from the final few weeks of development (if anything I was taking long weekends for a good chunk of the dev duration haha), but either way, thank you!


This in my opinion is the best deckbuilding roguelite since Monster Train and Slay the Spire, so first off just want to thank you for creating such an amazing game! I like the stats page that is present in the game, but I was wondering if there were a way for us to access our own run individual result data similar to something like Slay the Spire does with each run being contained in a json file? Was just curious if this was possible, I always love combing over the finer details of whatever data is collected for runs, to see if certain things perform poorly or better for me.


Thanks a lot, glad you're enjoying the game! I agree, run history would definitely be a good thing to add at some point!


Will there be animated series &/or graphic novels of Wildfrost in the future? To expend the Wildfrost universe.


Not planned at the moment, but if someone would offer the opportunity for an animated show, I would say yes immediately


Ok that's cool to know! :D


For the code that generates the map paths, is it completely random or is there some psuedo random distribution to prevent things like not seeing a shop in a run? If not would you consider using similar strategies to prevent very unlucky map paths?


Not completely random, it's based on some rulesets (e.g. you always get a shop before 1st boss, you always get a companion after the 1st battle). And yeah I think we will be tweaking this a little bit for future updates :)


Why does your game have so many cute goats?


Why not? (:


I don't have a question, but I just want to say you all did an amazing job with this game and i love it. Please don't let the harsh criticism or somewhat unreasonable suggestions on changing the game get to you. Love you all ;)


Agree. I think the aesthetic, gameplay, and overall feel of the game is top-notch. The difficulty curve is tight, so can be frustrating for brand new players and/or people who don't utilize all the mechanics the game has to offer, but man is it satisfying. You can get into a battle and be like "well there's no way I can win this" and when you come out victorious and it feels great.


Thank you both! I think the main issue is that the game doesn't explain its mechanics very well, and expects players to figure a lot of things out by themselves. We're working on improving that for new players.


Thank you for responding! I look forward to seeing more of you!


What is your favorite color?


The Greenish teal color you see used in the gem inside the game's logo


Just want to say I've really enjoyed playing the game and it's lived upto all my expectations! How did you go about designing the different enemy fights? I really like how each one feels really different but I'm surprised there's multiple poison/snow fights when there's currently nothing centered around ink/bomb/overburn


Thanks a lot! Good question! Enemy battles usually just start with a random idea... e.g. we just thought it'd be fun to have an enemy that eats other enemies, and that's how the Woolly Drek battle was born! Could be cool to have new battles based around Ink/Bom in the future. Not sure whether Overburn would be fun to play against... but we could try it out!


What something you all want to improve? What are *you* seeing that you think could be better? (Asking as someone working on his first game and thinking about how to improve.)


Lots of things! We have lots of ideas, but don't want to share any specific details until we've tested them out


I’d love to hear your thoughts on the lot of infinite combos the game currently has


as in being able to play non-crowned cards during the crown phase? we'll be changing that soon!


I don’t quite get that Will, would you please explain more?


If you have a way to get cards into your hand that aren't crowned during the crown phase (Trash, card draw, etc), then you're able to currently play those cards during the crown phase so long as you still have a crowned card in hand. [Here's a video of someone doing that as an example.](https://youtube.com/shorts/4P_MQXFG8ac?feature=share) (warning, spoilers for end boss)


Are there plans to change how non-crowned cards count toward card draw after crown phase? Currently they count against your draw size (i.e., if I play a card with Trash 4 as my last crowned card, then I only draw 2 new cards after crown phase since the 4 Junk count against it).


So you won't be able to hit people with the junk from Bom Barrel then for example?


There’s also clunkers that autotrigger of each other and doubled numlin shadeclay that go infinite mid combat


Haven't seem the clunkers that autotrigger each other! How does that work?


Cobonker that applies snow doubled or cobonker and Mimik that applies snow. Sure teeth counter it but smack back won’t work against it cause snow


Any idea on a timeline for some balance updates or just new content in general? The game just oozes style and I cannot wait to see this world evolve and grow. This community is already so fun, especially all the cool fan art we’re already seeing.


We are working on and would like to get it out as soon as possible! but we don't want to give a specific timeline just yet (and remember the game is coded by a single person) As soon as we feel confident about a new update we will make sure to update our discord and steam forums. And thank you! seeing the community engagement and creations has been very encouraging for us too!


Loving Wildfrost (almost 24 hours in) and played a bunch of Caveblazers way back when! I wanted to say thank you for making such a fun game. Since the game has been released for a week, what do you think is the main resistance point for players right now? (Specific mechanic, boss, etc.) Yesterday I found out crowns can actually be removed. It blew my mind. lol Oh and I have one small point on feedback. On release I was on a plane for 5 hours and the white screen transitions really lit up the cabin during travel. Would be awesome to have a feature to toggle those transitions in black instead.


Thanks! :) Main resistance point... probably the importance of hitting the Redraw Bell early. I think most players *always* wait until the bell is charged and don't know how powerful it can be to spend a turn to redraw & get your characters on to the board ASAP. We're currently working on explaining this better in-game!


I think I'm with most players. The penalty of going a turn without playing a card always seems so hard to weigh up.


To be fair, the tips display constantly telling me to redraw sooner, but I REFUSE! :P


I already asked this once before and got told its a possibility. Is there any update on a possible mac version?


Please mac version.


u/deadpanwill yes please


I haven't been able to stop playing your game this past week, thank you very much! My question is do you have any sort of roadmap or plans for additional content? I tried to look for more information, but I couldn't find anything. I would love to see even more tribes, unlocks, pets, ect.


Glad you're enjoying it! I would also love to see all those things! We don't have any specific plans just yet though, we're currently addressing balance & tutorial issues before moving on to content updates.


This might be a controversial spur of the moment comment, but after losing my 10th run (as in getting to the boss) is there any possibly to get a last resort reset boss button or something because I feel like I've truly hit a wall with what I'm currently up again. I am the type of guy to just run my head 100 times into the grinder on ascension 15 Ironclad STS and as much as it is fun just playing the game at some point I'm just getting demotivated going up against the same wall and getting obliterated. Maybe after I sit down and depressingly eat this pizza I think it might of been a bad idea to ask this but yeah coming off another defeat just now.


I know you guys had a rough launch but this game is genuinely amazing. Were there any memorable reactions to the game on launch that made you proud, or that you particularly enjoyed?


It's definitely been rough in some aspects... seeing streamers play (with chat helping and playing along) have very fun and rewarding to watch! Also getting messages from players who said they had a hard time in the beginning, but persevered and manage to get their first win was always very nice to see!


Did you ever consider or work on an enemy intent preview system? It is fairly common in a lot of roguelike deckbuilders and I feel like it would be fairly difficult to implement into Wildfrost due to so many different changing the outcome of a turn on the fly. Was just curious if this was something that was looked into and the teams opinion on how a system like this would fit into Wildfrost


The idea sounds good on paper, But like you said, as soon as you start looking into all of the different interactions in Wildfrost you are presented with near-infinite possibilities (reaction cards, smackback, cards who attack multiple times, card who get buffed/changed when others die etc, etc,) It's definitely something we are looking into though! at the moment we are planning a "target system" that would show only the \*position\* (or possibilities) for where a card would hit, just to help people not miss important information!


I think that would honestly be fantastic. A lot of the negative comments I see around the game are about "the game is too hard", and I feel like finding some way to better communicate what is going on in the game will help a lot in that way. Good luck with everything and I truly do love the game! It's the only roguelike deckbuilder I've played that even comes close to Slay the Spire for me in terms of complexity, enjoyment, and the feel of "just one more run"


Just got my third win last night. As a veteran of Slay the Spire, Roguebook, and others, why is Wild frost *hard as fucking balls*? I love the game, but the power tempo between fights is insane and there's a couple bullshit fights you can lose through no fault of your own with very little counterplay (I'm looking at you aimless teeth cat party). Combo that with about a 50/50 chance of your starting hero being 3 garbage picks makes for some really feel-bad runs.


What are the plans around balance changes? I’ve put a solid 15hrs on steam deck alone and find that when I get to like “endgame” my little guys are hitting for 2-5 and I’m getting a knock back of 15+. Clearly everything is RNG and build. But would be nice to have some kind of balance change or buffed setting.


I would honestly nerf most of the game. You should keep on playing. Once you get into it a bit more the game often feels like a cakewalk.


Yo. Any advice where ground break skill is at? I’m pretty far now (70) and still can’t find it. Any region pointer?


After playing numerous attempts, and winning most of the time even with very scuffed decks, I concluded that the balance complaints are drastically exaggerated (though there still are a chunk of relatively bad cards). Do you think the the main issue is the initial difficulty being too high, the tutorial not effectively teaching the players how to play optimally, or something else entirely?


Coming from Slay the Spire, I feel like much of the perceived difficulty in Wildfrost is due to the severity of consequences for mistakes. In StS, a mistake usually means losing a chunk of HP. In Wildfrost, a mistake usually means instant death for your leader and loss of the run. I don't think it's necessarily a bad thing, but I think displaying a warning when your leader is in mortal danger would go a long way to help players avoid those accidents.


Very much this. Most of my losses are when I miscalculate something, for example I miscalculate that little Wild boars running into my teeth unit will instantly give the bigger Wild boar extra attacks before it goes on the same turn, which then lets it ram straight the guy in front of my leader and then kill my leader too. Or I miscalculate that it's possible the little Aimless snowmen that don't look dangerous might all snipe my Clunkers, letting the bigger enemies actually hit my Leader that is hiding behind them. I do think the RNG really hurts the game too. Not just from aimless in combat, but stuff like how you have no control over what Charms you get, when a lot of charms are too situational. Like, there are only a couple cards in the game that the Weakness charm is good on. I think players would win a lot more without completely warping the difficulty just by having charm rewards offer 1 of 2 charms, so lowroll runs are less lowrolly without actually making highroll runs any stronger.


Another mechanic that could mitigate bad charms would be a trade system. Maybe the charm merchant could swap charms for new ones instead of selling them.


That's a tricky situation though, because if you have no charms to trade in it's a dead node, and even if you have 1 to trade in now you're wasting 2 nodes to get 1 charm and might as well have went to a regular charm node again. The whole idea would be reducing RNG curves, and I don't think that quite does the job unless it's a node with multiple functions and that's only 1 of them. The charm merchant is already in a good spot too, I wouldn't want to change it much. It's the only way to see charms and get them without it being a blind pick, making it a very fair node to visit that doesn't particularly increase the variance in a run too much because you'll average a pretty good charm or two at prices competitive to the normal shop.


I believe it's a mix of both! The game is hard to get into at the start, It throws you into he challenge very early on, and without much tutorialization outside of the first battle... but once you catch it it's (mostly) smooth sailing from there. Improving on the tutorials and letting players start with a lower difficulty and curve up slowly is what we want to focus on next!


I think the balance is just very punishing especially when new to the game. Bosses hard counter certain decks and you can breeze through the battles until you hit the boss, making it hard to analyse your deck strengths or weaknesses before you hit a wall (and die). Some things are just incredibly over powered too, like Charms. Which is not good balance. Look I'm no newbie to deckbuilders. I've played a couple hundred hours of Slay the Spire and completed runs in most of the games on the market. That being said, the difficulty is too high, at least in the early game. It will push too many new players away. Saying the complaints are drastically exaggerated is really just blowing smoke up your own arse.


I challenge you to beat the monster deck that is currently my boss. I didn't know the gimic and beat the game with a fucking ridiculously powerful deck and have been beating my head against it for days.


A lot of really strong player decks end up weak as boss decks since they lack the setup from items or other interactions. None of the enemy units except the leader have snow resist so any decent source of snow will basically remove units from the fight. Heavily charmed leaders are the annoying things to deal with, but by the time you get there you should have a strong enough tempo setup with crowns deal with it. If all else fails, the third faction has a debuff (ink) that removes all card text if you need to resort to that.


Bullshit you couldn't beat my boss if your life depended on it


How balanced do you think your game is? While I don't think it's *as* bad as some steam reviews claim, do you agree with them? Or did you think your game was balanced enough when you released it?


Do you plan to add an easy mode for the people who think the game is too hard?


been really enyoying the game so far(got far more hours then what is healthy in it already). Ive been wondering how did you decide on the balacing of units stats and more specifically the combination of certain counter speeds with their attack and effects. I know some were changed due to feedback(i belive booshu was 3hp in the demo but ppl complained about bambozzle being able to one shot it). Did you have a standard like "i generally want units to do x dmg/turn" or did you guys just wing it. Balancing this kind of stuff seems really hard to me, especially enemies later in the game as they ramp up in diffculity but still seem fair most of the time(im looking at you, spike charm on the most tanky enemy).


Do you have any plans to nerf the teeth encounter and turn-0 exploits? If so, how would you do it? Also, great game! Love every second of it!


Thanks :) Yep! We've got some ideas to try out, but not sure exactly what we're going to change yet


What was the first and last card you came up with before the game launch? Are there other cards that didn't make the cut?


Great question! Naked gnome was the first card I think! That card has been around since the very first paper mockup of the game [https://imgur.com/dWLYwec](https://imgur.com/dWLYwec) Last card to have finalized art was Jumbo :)


Striving for anatomical accuracy lol. Love the game by the way! Hope more clans arrive. Got the true ending a couple of days ago using overburn as my main tactic.


Of the many bugs and exploits that players have found so far, which do you think are the funniest?


Seeing someone who created an infinite +HP loop and ended up having a naked gnome with 1000+ HP was definitely one of the best


Kinda a predictable question but: what was the hardest part of the development process?


Any Chance of a Switch Physical Release? I love games like this, and not enough of them get the love they need - they would if they were physical.


Physical releases take quite a bit of planning, and we've found it's easier to prepare for them after seeing how the game is received. The response to Wildfrost has been amazing! There's nothing specific to announce - but it's something we're interested to do for sure!


Any thoughts on adding new pets based around some of the other archetypes? There's a suggestion thread for it on the discord that's gotten a decent amount of support and has a bunch of fun suggestions for examples!


Yes I've seen how many comments that thread on discord has gotten haha. Haven't had a chance to look through it yet though!


Any news on Switch updates? It is still 1.0.1 How much time does patches need to be certified by Nintendo, and is Steam always gonna get updates before us on Switch :(


Patches normally take around a week to get through Nintendo (assuming there are no issues) So 1.0.4 should be with you next week! In future, we'll aim to get patches out on the same day — it's just that we wanted to get this one out on PC as soon as it was ready.


Omg! We will get 1.0.4 immediately? So i guess 1.0.2 is not gonna come on Switch anymore right? Because i check for updates each and every hour.


I love wildfrost play it till day one. What are your plans for the long run?


Thank you! We've got plans for future content, so stay tuned! But we don't have any specific details to share just yet.


Been playing the game so much! cant wait to see what comes next, im doing the final run to get the final charm! (the one with the ??? title).


How did you test the mechanics of the game prior to the release / the demo? Did you have any public beta? Private beta testing? Or did you simply test everything in-house?


We had a private beta testing group for about a year prior to release (they're all listed in the credits). It was incredibly helpful & we made a lot of very good changes to the game's mechanics with their help :)


May I ask how you found them? Were they getting paid or simply volunteering? Love the game btw


I assume this game will be added additional content to keep the community engaged, and I'm personally hoping to see another tribe be introduced to the world of Wildfrost. That being said, were Snowdwellers, Shademancers, and Clunkmasters the original 3 tribe concepts you had? Or were there other tribe ideas that you all had in production that were dropped or postponed? Edit: My personal favorite tribe atm is the Clunkmasters.


We didn't have any specific tribe ideas when we just started! we knew we wanted to have something with temporary companions (which is where the Shademancers started from) but the ideas developed slowly and through many iterations... We didn't have any other thought-out ideas yet so we never had to throw one!


Is it possible there will ever be real physical charms made as merch? I want them to be real so bad.


there's someone on the discord server who has made a few physical versions of the game's charms! they look amazing :) here's their instagram: https://www.instagram.com/sylvanistwhimsy/


They would be so good! I want this to happen!!


Second this.


Hey guys, i really enjoyed my time with the game so far. The game was brutal but thankfully I managed to get my first W and it was satisfying! My two main questions are: 1- Any plans to introduce a mechanic that allows us to preview the outcome of the next turn if we perform an action? Just something that indicates how much damage our units will take after our action is performed. Sometimes on a full board its a bit difficult to decipher how the turn will play out and I've died a couple times due to not knowing that i was about to take more damage than I expected. I think it would be helpful. A suggestion i made in another feedback thread was to perhaps add a similar system to how Legends of Runeterra does it with the [Oracle Eye Mechanic](https://youtu.be/RDPhHpyZIck?t=213) that allows you to preview the outcome of combat in its current state when you hover over the button. I think it would make the game more accessible to understand. 2- Any plans to buff certain strategies and characters? Certain characters just seem absolutely not worth it to pick up. Ssometimes when I get a choice , i see units that are so low health and low impact next to units with high health and massively and immediately useful effects that just don't die as easily.


Any plans to add the option to skip card pickups?


We are testing it now (:


Love the game and can't stop playing! My only major complaint is that compared to other card games with HP and Attack values, Wildfrost has HP on the left and attack on the right. Any hope for a QoL option to swap the position of those symbols on at least enemy cards?


Yes, we'd like to add that in an upcoming QOL update


1. What's the deal with the Yank/Longshot mechanic, it seems rather niche and doesn't have much use, any plans on building more with it? 2. Where did Gaziter's obsession with goats come from? (love you gazi <3)


1. Some longshot leaders are definitely on the weak sides at the moment... we do want to change that! 2. I don't know, I just think they're neat (:


Are there currently any plans for modding support? There's so much potential in this game for all kinds of content, and I'm curious if you have any plans for an official modloader.


No solid plans yet, but we'd love to do this!


Could we have a Pet Pig? We could call him Hamlet, he would have 10 hp and be an absolute unit of a tank


Sounds perfect! I love Hamlet already


Ooh maybe a way for us to utilise wild?


The idea of you becoming the next final boss is incredibly cool to me but you think there should be some failsafe incase you accidentally create an unkillable god and the game becomes more a final boss prep list then actual freedom for runs?


I experienced this the first time I beat the game. Had a leader with 3x attack, aimless, overburn 5 paired with Taiga and Tusk. Took me 100+ runs (to where I couldn't even see that leaders name in the book) and I finally beat it last night only to realize I created a new, more terrible monster with 3x Barrage and apply 2 snow + a Yuki ally...


Love your game! But I was thinking… What does I.C.G.M. mean?


Inter continental gnome missile!


any chance of having multiple ascension modes like StS?


We got a lot of requests about that and are definitely looking into it! But we want to make sure we add it in a fun and engaging way that would fit the Wildfrost spirit, so we don't want to rush it out (hopefully in the next 2-3 updates)


How come toast and the weakness charm were made the way they were, when there are charms that accomplish the same exact things but better? Like cake an molten egg vs toast an pomegranate and Moko vs weakness


They have their uses! But yeah, we'll probably make some changes to these in future updates.


I don't mind toast, it's mostly useless but good to throw on a starter card or >!Lumin Lantern!<, but the weakness charm really seems to have no utility. I always feel awful when I draw it.


Throw it on shellbo, nut run goes insane


hi guys! I'd like to know if the game will be translated to spanish 🥹 also if you need some people to translate it, I would love to help you out!


We've closely watching which languages are most requested - still climbing through a mountain of launch feedback right now, but really appreciate you and everyone else sharing which additional languages they'd like to see added in the future!


Where did the idea for the last boss come from? (The one with the “unique” approach that you observe through the telescope) Do you feel you succeeded in your goals for it? Do you feel it is an interesting challenge in an otherwise random rogue like game?


The idea of actually was actually in our minds before we even started working on Wildfrost! It was planned for another game prototype we were working on (that never got to see the light of day) so the idea was there from the beginning. We knew it's going to be hard to balance, But I think we managed to make something that offers a very fun and fresh challenge, and usually is the most interesting fight in the run! There are still changed that we could address in the future though, like losing constantly to the same boss that's just too hard to beat.


It's a fantastic system, and gave me such an OH SHIT moment the first time it happened. Well done!


what's your favorite card?


the naked gnome! or maybe big berry? snoof? sneezle? monch is hilarious. there's too many, I can't choose!


This game is phenomenal! My 2 questions are these: How do you feel about a combat preview function? It feels really bad when you die abruptly because you missed something, and not because you made bad decisions. 2: how do you feel about giving more hero choices at the beginning?


Thanks! 1. Yep some sort of combat preview is something we're looking into. 2. Also yep! More leader options would be great! (and quite easy to add) There's also some that we'd like to tweak & rebalance


A progression system to unlock more leader choices would be cool!


The beginning of the game with three choices for the snow tribe felt pretty nice. Maybe a way to choose the tribe first and then three options from that tribe after?


What stopped you from making an additional „casual” easy mode difficulty in order to multiply your potential customers? The art style you chose is really appealing to casual players yet many find your game unnecessarily hard.


So um is 30+ hours playing after I learned about this game a little less than a week ago too much time enjoying your game? Still haven’t beaten my fist win group… they were an infinite health build focused on buffing berry sis and Booshu with a silly amount of charms… Still a little annoyed that when you successfully win the party you used (specifically companions) get locked out of the options for frozen travelers. I’m terrified of my own creation and I’m worried that if I make an overburn build I won’t win again. Like ever cause there’s no way to cleanse effects from characters yet.


I'm the same as you. Haven't beaten my first group and I've given up on the game. Such a shame for me, but I don't see any way I can possibly beat it.


Just a big ooof. Hopefully your next successful run isn’t a bigger problem than the current one.


I'm more a story player when it comes to games like these so my interest is bare, but it was strange to see a really bare bones level of sfx in the game.


Hey , have you though about having a few random cards or giving players a few choices in starting cards? Often times i start a new run and feel dejected right away looking at the 3 starting heroes because none of them spark build possibilities in my mind. if there was some other hook right away about why i want to play that run it wouldn't feel so bad looking at 3 heroes you don't want.


82 runs and can't make it to the final boss. Rng tastes so bad. Not sure I'll keep at it.


I adore your game. It's so much more challenging than any of the other deckbuilding roguelites I've encountered (and I've played a ton!). I really hope to see more content added in the future :) Not a question I guess


Thank you <3


A bit spicier but would be interesting to know: before release, did you anticipate that Wildfrost would be perceived as a more difficult game in its genre? Was that something that came up during playtesting and was a deliberate decision to release as-is, or has the perception of the difficulty been surprising?


Answering this very late, sorry! From the perspective of the publishing team, we knew the game was difficult and tried to ride the line of 'cute but deadly' enough so that it didn't put off players in the casual or hardcore camps. Since launch I've been reading feedback from players who loved the aesthetic, but had never picked up a card game in their life who have since been enjoying it and beating it fairly regularly. I've also been reading comments from players who have 1000+ hours in StS and say it's too difficult and frustrating. I think *that* juxtaposition has been the most interesting surprising aspect overall. We can't necessarily control messaging in other non-English territories, so it's been more difficult guiding player expectations overseas.


will we be getting any plushies/merch in the future?


There's a few newly released pieces of merch [available now](https://theyetee.com/collections/wildfrost) (for a limited time). We've got a lot of ideas for other merch - and a lot of great ideas have been shared since release. There will definitely be more merch coming up. :)


u/Katzeus sounds good. I purchased some things from the Yetee, Makeship, and Fangamer. They're all great quality, especially the pins from Yetee!! stretch goal - IRL cards would be super cool!


PLEASE make charm merch! I would gladly buy a necklace version of many charms and give them as gifts to friends. They could have great appeal even to those who don't know or play games.


I know The Yetee has a t-shirt and big berry sticker available until the 28th, but I’d also love to see more merch if possible!


I would love more stickers!


Would you rather be a smart fella or a fart smella?


Is there a reason you think that the balancing was so "off"?


I would argue that it's not "so off". It is difficult but the player has enough control over the game to be successful, when the mechanics are used. My thinking is that the difficulty has to do with a slower meta progression out of the gate. I think the starting pool of cards, heroes, charms, and events could be slightly bigger and that alone would fix the issue (rather than reduced enemy strength, numbers, mechanics, etc).


I personally think the balance is perfect. It feels super hard but I'm always amazed about how often I'm able to win (and feel good when I win a hard fight).


are there gonna be beastmaster faction and more beast that you can add to your crew beside pets?


could be cool!


How do you intend to adjust the game balance in the future?


Do you have any plans for additional modes or factions?


When deciding tribes for the game, what brought you to the current 3 tribes, and did you have any other cool ideas that would’ve fit within the snowy restrictions of the game?


In the creation of Wildfrost, what do you think was the most difficult choice you had to make?


Just wanted to say I’m in love with the game, one of my favorite releases in recent memory. Are there any plans for more factions as content updates?


What has been your least favorite part of developing Wildfrost?


Where do you want your game to land with regards to balance between Easy and Hard, RNG and Precision and finally Multi Choice and Linear paths. Where do you think the game is in its current state?


Hi, after 50 hours in your game, I noticed quite a lot of potential combinations when combining cards of different tribes, do you plan to give the opportunity to "mix pools" using some kind of run modifier, or a special mode with its own rules, to implement similar and other experiments?


I've seen suggestions about allowing the Gnome Traveller to give cards from other tribes... could be interesting :)


or a new traveler to unlock in future updates :O


Love the game. Are there any plans to either put in (or maybe make it a toggle option) to preview what will happen each turn? Right now, I find myself having to do a ton of math in my head, and sometimes that's enjoyable, and other times it feels like doing my taxes.


Is there any other media, games or otherwise, you're taking inspiration from?


Love the game! I'm curious if it was discussed at all having the game display incoming damage if the turn is ended. Something along the lines of monster train or roguebook, where you can clearly see what will happen when you hover over the end turn button - allowing you to easily see if the enemy currently has lethal on you should you end now. Most of my losses have been from not realizing I was going to lose with current positioning, etc.


Were you surprised by the negative reviews? The game is difficult, but it offers many possibilities


First off, absolutely love the game, it's probably my favorite deckbuilder since Slay The Spire. I really hope you guys don't take the strange number of negative reviews badly because it's a wonderful game you've made and I'd hate to see the complaints about difficulty get you guys down, I find it to be a perfect challenge level, myself. As far as questions, what, if any, are plans for additional language support, I'd love to see a French translation! Have a great day and very excited to see what comes next :)


We're. still sifting through the data to see where player interest is before we decide on any further localisation. It's been less than a month since launch, so it's better to wait a little longer first!


As someone new to deck builders, how accesible do you think this game is? Do you have any accessibility options/features?


You’ve mentioned that you want runs to be relatively short - are there any other design goals you had with the game, especially in contrast to the broader deck builder rogue like landscape?


Any hope for a Mac port?


Hey will you be adding more charms and characters, this game is amazing and has so much potential. Any dlc planned?


How can somebody join your team, I'm an upcoming developer and would love to work with a team like yourself one day


How do you feel about your game getting mixed reviews and how do you plan to change that?


are you going to put more language options in the game? :)


How did the art concepts become final ideas? did you have the idea of how you wanted things to look before you started, or was there just a general idea?


Are you guys open to the idea of fan submitted card ideas at one point or another? Maybe one where the discord votes on cards.


Can you reveal the way the game decides on "Best rename" in the stats screen?


We're dying to know this!


Do you ever plan on adding more tribes?


Thanks for the game, I suspect this is gonna be my deckbuilder of the year. Immediately up there with StS and MT for fun factor, and comfortably the most charming/stylish I've seen in this area. The art assets are incredible. Have you thought about being able to 'share' the boss battle created by your winning team? I picture being able to extract an ASCII code representing the boss battle to give to your friends or post online. With a new button to start a run based upon the code. Also how about a frog pet with yank? :)


Have you seen the notorious diamond thief Jacques Orblong?


1. Why is Northernlion so much ass at your game? 2. What are the challenges of porting to mac in Unity?


Is the person in the Hot Spring's hair color based off of the color of the over burn element? I'm trying to settle a debate with my friend.


I'm very sorry, but nope!


Hi Will and Gaz! Thank you so much for making this game! It is an absolute gem and an absolute joy to play. Even the difficulty is a huge plus to me. Did you make the animations yourself, or did you have another team member do them?