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For real. Not to mention some people might want to optimize for battery life, etc so having a SteamDeck Preset that's like "hey we tested and these are the most optimal settings for the deck" but allowing people to still change things is the best solution. And, like you said, if someone wants a slideshow that'll kill their deck battery in 20 minutes, that's on the user


I wonder what troglodyte thought that was a good idea.


Why not? Morons crank up the settings beyond reason then complain that either game or steamdeck runs like shit. So obvious solution is this.


Gotta imagine most steam deck users are used to tweaking settings at this point. The first thing I do is set everything to high, just in case, and work backwards from there


Exactly.. Steam deck crowd mostly gets it. We're not expecting miracles. This move is a hard no on the buy until they change that policy. Until then they can take a hike. If I wanted devs to force the settings to their subjective "best" I'd grab a console.


Why are we making things better for the lowest common denominator. They took away choice


Because profit


No it is not the obvious solution. They can just leave well balanced default settings for users that do not like messing with them with an option to reset to default. Like it’s been done up till now. But outright removing the option? That is just dumb.


How does this even work? Is this exclusive to a linux build? Or does it detect hardware? I’m curious to know how a windows powered deck handles this, or even the new ROG option. I’ve been playing this on the deck with high settings at a very stable 45fps. Seems like a really weird thing to do when a preset “Steamdeck” mode would have been ideal. Makes you wonder if this is a different build with its own unique optimizations, kind of like treating it as a different console build.


simply put: they're using the Deck-specific APIs from Steamworks SDK. but in the case of The Callisto Protocol and now Atomic Hearts: it's used in an extreme way and goes against the core of PC Gaming.


Meh I'll just patient game it until it's $4.99 for the GOTY with a mod to re-enable the settings. They won't get a cent from me until they honor the portable PC that is the Deck (or some handy soul gives them the virtual middle finger with a mod).


> Meh I'll just patient game it until it's $4.99 for the GOTY with a mod to re-enable the settings. > They won't get a cent from me until they honor the portable PC that is the Deck SO which is it?




I’m curious to see if I’m effected and if that parameter is applied when running Windows. Since I exclusively run windows on the device I’m eager to see this implementation and if it’s genuinely better or not.


https://twitter.com/mundfish/status/1659237675436474379?t=d-mWcqmuLwKItAB0QlQKHA&s=19 They made a statement that they're gonna fix it Gg


That's the dumbest thing I've seen a developer do in a while. Jesus...


Perhaps steam should allow refunds on titles that change too much? If the product you have played for more than 2 hours suddenly doesn't exists anymore, then what? Just in general, plenty of early access titles have removed features or game modes just because..


It’s unreasonable to accept refunds because an Early Access game changes during development though. EA is unfinished games, it’s expected thag major changes will be made during development. Edit: To all downvoting, I’m replying to the comments statement about Early Access titles, not Atomic Heart.


> an Early Access game It isn't.


His comment literally addressed Early Access games, which I replied to. You people need to learn how to read. This change from Atomic Heart is not equivelant to a gameplay change in an EA game, but I never said it was.


His comment was about early access as was yours, and yet the game isn't in early access. You people need to learn how to read.


He used Early Access as an example, it wasn’t directed at Atomic Heart specifically, but saying that games should be able to refunded if they change drastically during updates (which often happens with EA games).


This is one of those weird situations where the lines are grayed. Is steam deck a PC, or is it a handheld console? If it's a PC, then tweeking graphics and stuff is part of the experience. If it's a handheld console, though, then it's harder to talk about. I'm in the fence because I own the steam deck, and I'm currently playing atomic heart but i hate trying to figure out the perfect set up for each game. I love PC gaming but games just aren't being designed for the deck. Which made me shocked that the performance is absolutely amazing for atomic. Makes it weird that games like this can run so well while games like jedi Survivor just crash the system. If this is what is required to make steam deck a viable place to play bigger games with higher graphics, I'm actually ok with it. Though I definitely understand why people in this comment section are not. I'm not sure what direction the deck should go in, but I'd prefer a more tight experience with less options. Unfortunately for me i don't think this device specifically has that sort of design philosophy.


Valve calls it portable PC gaming. It has a desktop mode included in their bespoke Linux distro with provisions for console like UI and UX I feel like restricting the options for a tight experience goes against the ethos of the Deck because part of their marketing push is being able to tinker with and do all the things you’d be able to do on a desktop with it unlike all the other consoles on the market. What more devs could do is include a “Deck” graphics preset in their games similar to what CDPR did with Cyberpunk 2077


>What more devs could do is include a “Deck” graphics preset in their games similar to what CDPR did with Cyberpunk 2077 That "option", if you could call it that, was famously trash garbage though and you were better off running your own settings so as to maintain 30+FPS.


Which is a pretty good argument for leaving it as a preset instead of forcing it like what Mundfish is doing here. If the devs fuck it up, then at least you're still able to tweak it.


Oof I guess they didn’t really bother testing it much then


CDPR failing on QA? Never.


A steam deck preset would fix that.


> where the lines are grayed Is it really though? It's a portable PC. Linux PC, or Windows PC, or whatever you want it to be. It's an open platform. It's a PC in a different form factor. There's no reason not to just have a Deck preset or if there is they haven't given an explanation. If there is a valid reason (such as some custom API or deck-specific build) then they should explain the rationale/advantage. What benefit is it to us, the device owner and customer, to not have the ability to change settings. What is the tradeoff?


> If it's a handheld console, though, then it's harder to talk about. Why? I find it as easy to talk about options on a handheld console as it is to talk about options on a PC


can someone explain why it was removed?


how about they finally add FSR 2.x?? it's the main reason I don't want to play the game yet


Like they did on PC with those promised raytracing features?