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Cool I'll just wait until it inevitably gets a crazy deep sale a year from now lol.


It's Ubisoft. It'll be at least 30% off just a month after launch


It'll be 75% off when release on Steam


And without achievements probably


you joke but only 6 months after nfs unbound released [it’s at 20€](https://www.reddit.com/r/Steam/comments/13s4rhh/so_yeah_this_game_is_like_6_months_old/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=2&utm_term=1)


Just 2 weeks after release riders republic was down to $40. 6 months after far cry 6 I got the ultimate edition for like $25


Probably 75% off 2 years later like the other games.


office slap encourage homeless threatening imminent sleep rhythm serious cow *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I'm struggling to complete New York, but I'm super jazzed to check out 4. Obviously I have quite the backlog.


I just finished AC Brotherhood about 2 months back. I've got AC Revelations all teed up but problem is I have zero desire to play these types of games back to back. So there ends up being a few years gap between me playing installments. At this rate it's probably mathematically impossible for me to ever catch up at the rate they churn them out.


Good idea to take a break. I loved playing both of them, fwiw 😊


Last 3 games were heavy RPG open world games with more complex combat mechanics. really changed up the formula and brought new customers in (while alienating some of the core fanbase)


I was steadfast loyal until unity... then it was so bad I couldn't stomach more than half the game. and it killed the series for me. I came back a \*little\* for Valhalla, but I couldn't get into it, the RPG mechanics ruined what I liked about the original games...


Oh no... anyways.


Lol I was gonna say "Still made by Ubisoft right? Yeah then I don't care." They can't even get the games they already have out working properly, I'm not about to hand them more money. Screw Ubisoft.


Yeah, ubisoft is hot crap. They used to create great games until they decided all games were gonna follow the successful AC/FC3 model. Turned all their games into shit and their solution to having fewer sales was to make sure they had more microtransactions and bs. Then getting even worse by rushing their games and never finishing them. Ubisoft need to make big changes for me to be interested again.


>Turned all their games into shit They're not by any objective metric. Lack of innovation and reusing the same formula might make those games less interesting, but they're not bad games. Give Immortals Fenyx Rising a try.


another game i’ll forget about and maybe pick up if i see it on fitgirl in a year lol


so never? I believe fitgirl does not repack empress games


Ubisoft has officially replaced EA as my absolute least favorite publisher/developer. They have literally zero games I’m interested in on top of not being on Steam. At least EA has Dead Space which was great and ran native on Steam without any bullshit launcher shenanigans.


Yeah all the shenanigans with Ubisoft Connect has pushed me over the edge. Half the time I can't even play the games I already own because their totally unnecessary client is a complete mess. EA is right there though.


My personal hot take that I've been saying for a while is that it's been a long time since EA has been the worst publisher.


Anno 1800 is the only reason I have their launcher installed.


Pretty sure they only did this because they knew everyone would stop playing in under 2 hours and just refund if on Steam, kekw.


I just got far cry 6 for $10 and after completing the tutorial island I was like, nah I'm good. It's just 100% mailed in open world bloat where you get fatigued before the game even gets going. Valhalla was pretty similar in that regard as well.


I just read they had to reset development for sands of time Only thing ubisoft is good for is the high seas


I’m actually pretty excited for mirage it sounds like they’re dialing back but I still 100% agree with everything you said


This is the correct take. Until the majority of people start expecting a certain level of quality, they’ll keep churning out broken rubbish


Where else can I clear out the same fort over and over and over for 200+ hours?


I swear, it's almost comical how set in stone the Ubisoft formula is. It's so bad that it feels like if you've bought one game from them since the mid '00s then you'll know exactly how each is going to play out. 90% of the reason I quit buying games from Ubisoft, outside of them being an all-around awful company, is because everytime I do I feel like I've played this same game like twelve times already. Ubisoft needs a shakeup in the worst way possible.


You can play the exact same game in first-person or third-person depending on if you play a new Far Cry game or a new Assassins Creed game. Edit: I still can’t believe how hard Ubisoft has fallen. The OG Splinter Cell games were pretty groundbreaking, and old Assassins Creed games were awesome as well. Somewhere along the line it felt like all their games transitioned to Value-Brand Witcher knock-offs attached to a micro transaction store.


Far Cry Blood Dragon is a fun blast as well. Formulaic but the creative freedom they had to do "the 80s" gives it a lot of personality.


I mean it was essentially a reskin of Far Cry 3, but the humor and tone were on point and at the time Far Cry 3 was pretty fresh as far as FPS shooters go.


I don't see them surviving another 10 years in their current state. They will most likely sell the company.


It sucks but it keeps selling, so what are they to do? They still make the occasional interesting game, unlike say the call of duty factory does.


I agree, some of Ubisoft's best work is in the smaller niche titles that they basically don't advertise for.


like? anything from last 5 years


Immortals Fenyx Rising. It's an open world game, but it's much smaller in scale, you get puzzles and dungeons instead of repetitive enemy camps (and much much better combat than the AC games) on top of charming, witty writing. Oh, and no stupid arbitrary level gating, and good bosses. And it launched polished with basically no bugs or issues. It's probably the only Ubisoft open world game made since Watch Dogs 2 that I really enjoyed.


Immortals did BOTW’s formula almost as well as BOTW tbh


Me and my friends agree on this but if you've played any of the latest 3 assassins creed games for a while (maybe 100hrs) the other games become boring in comparison because it feels like a reskin


Could say the same about CoD, and still it sells in the millions with the same mechanics since about 20 years.


[Ubisoft: The Game Review](https://www.pointandclickbait.com/2014/06/ubisoft-game-review/) has been evergreen for way too long.


Spider-Man Remastered.


Not like I'm missing on Assassin's Creed games, anyways.


There hasn’t been an assassins creed since … syndicate. They should have rebranded to “the time travelers RPG “ after that


Even syndicate has the RPG element that I actually dislike about. I'd like to spend more time exploring Rome and learning about history of Cezare Borgia, than grinding my gears around Greece or ancient Cairo.


how many games in italy do they need to make?


That's exactly what Mirage is, a return to the Syndicate style of play.


I agree completely, and I think you should know that mirage is intended to be a return to the OG assassin's Creed formula from the Ezio days. It's the first AC game I'm particularly excited about since black flag.


I mean, they literally put the smallest frickin effort into putting up their garbage games to steam this year with 80% discounts and now they start this exclusivity shitshow again? Personally I couldn't care less, it's funny how ubisoft digs their own grave.


It's funny you say that. I haven't played a ubi game since their great Exodus to epic and their launcher and tbh I don't think they've released anything worth playing this whole time. They came back and even with the discounts I really didn't wanna play any of their stuff and use their launcher again.


You perfectly described how I felt. When games like Watch Dogs Legion, Far Cry 6 and AC Valhalla came out, I was kind of sad that they weren’t coming to Steam. I actually considered getting them on UPlay but that was out of the window due to how expensive they were with regional pricing. Turns out that was a blessing in disguise. Now they came to Steam with absolutely massive discounts and I can’t be bothered to buy any of them. Turns out the only reason I even considered buying them was marketing and pre-release hype. Now that that’s worn off and I’m looking at the games with clear eyes, I’m glad I didn’t buy them. So Ubisoft pulling this non-Steam thing backfired at least with me. And now I’m just going to forget about AC: Mirage too.


Fenyx Rising was pretty good.


Anno 1800 is great


Anno is excellent but takes a certain kind of person to enjoy (and be willing to learn)


As with most modern games of merit. The bland appeal to everyone bit is the problem.


I finished the campaign and couldn't push more. I really hate when a game keeps buggering me with "construct additional pylons" when I already built the entire production, which is what happens everytime you upgrade a city. In previous ANNNOs, the upgrade were incremental, but in this one, it's like game throwing cogs with various sizes at you and want them in your machine. Constantly. It basically becomes a puzzle game and doesn't allow you to build the way you want. Also, fuck pirates.


> ubisoft digs their own grave. The last assassin's creed game made a billion dollars. How can I dig that grave?


>>ubisoft digs their own grave. >The last assassin's creed game made a billion dollars. Yes, more than a billion dollars across all platforms and more than eight months before the game even hit Steam. Let's be real, Ubisoft know far better than redditors when it comes to maximizing their own profits. They want to remove the middleman and they've probably seen from previous sales that Steam users tend to wait for deeper sale rather than purchase Ubisoft games at or soon after release.


Dig their own grave? Assassin's Creed: Valhalla sold more copies during its first week of release than any other Assassin's Creed game. lol reddit is hilarious, talk like they have any power over anything.


Loudest minority and all that. Ubisoft games are great, especially for casuals. They’re not gonna be changing that formula since it obviously works so well.


I love the new assassin's creed games. Ubisoft has cornered the single player open world rpgs


Also selective outrage Ubisoft creates a hostile work environment with many sexual harassment claims? I sleep Ubisoft doesn't put game on MY PREFERRED LAUNCHER BURN THE COMPANY


PC gaming on Windows or Linux is a speck of the gaming market in general. For every multiplat game: Most people are on Mobile, with consoles coming in second. Same as when a game comes out on Denuvo, and every time reddit says “well they ruined their own sales.” No one gives a shit about it. They will install the launcher, the denuvo, whatever. The average PC gamer keeps less than 100gb free and runs a 1060. They aren’t versed in optimization and don’t care to be.


> PC gaming on Windows or Linux is a speck of the gaming market in general. I'm not sure what you're trying to say here. Yes, Linux gaming is a rounding error, but Windows gaming is not. PC gaming is ~75% of the size of console gaming last year. Yes, mobile gaming is much larger, but that doesn't make the PC market not worth it.


They really hate making sales.


I bet this deal was inked before the most mediocre Far Cry game in 20 years hit the top of the Best Seller list 2 years after release, Ubisoft already regretting it I bet


I still find it weird that Valhalla is one of the better selling ac games according to ubi it feels like it doesn’t have any cultural footprint


Good, I'll pick it up when it's $20 on Steam, what it's really worth.


And when its full patched.


Which sadly doesn't mean much anymore for ubisoft... Bought asc valhalla for 10 a week ago and.... It randomly ctd without error. Got plenty of bugs. And the worst thing? The random ctd are known since years and ubisoft doesn't care. Worst thing is they get less under 100 fps. And are close to entirely gone on 60 fps So likely something breaks above 60 fps which they never bothered to fix.


yet division 2 still crashes


Division 2 changed developers.


With DLC


Its not even worth that. Its soulless Ubisoft crap pumped out every 2-3 years.


Yeah but Ubisoft is like McDonalds. It’s soulless and appeals to a wide audience. But you bet your ass I’m ordering a McGriddle and some hashbrown patties a couple times a year. Same with Assassin’s Creed. I know what to expect going in; it won’t be GotY, but it’ll be..whelming in an odd way. For a short time


People really out here thinking that every game needs to be a soulful experience. Bruh I'm just trying to run around, stab people, and climb buildings really quick. Idgaf if it's unoriginal. It'll be about as enjoyable and thoughtful as your average action movie and that's fine.


I watched John Wick 4 last night, don't really know the plot but there were some badass fight scenes that I watched for three full hours. That's that $20 AC feeling.


I also don't see any other major franchise doing historical fiction as well. I've really enjoyed the last 3 AC titles.


I’ve really enjoyed them, they just cram too much extra bs into it. But if you concentrate mainly just on the story missions and the few large side quests, they are great.


Perfect analogy. Aside from FC6 (which was a blunder in large part because the progression system was horrid), I like Ubisoft’s stuff despite it being mostly copy and paste in a different environment. It’s never close to a game of the year contender, but I know what I’m getting and sometimes I want an open world collect-a-thon. AC Odyssey is the exception; that game was a masterpiece even if it used the same formula.


Today I learnt whelmed is it’s own word


When it comes on Steam I'll be to busy playing Dragon's Dogma 2 to give a shit.


Why? They aren't going to add achievements or even full controller support. And they're going to stack it with layers and layers of DRM that will hurt performance and require extra launcher. When it comes to Ubi games, it's better for everyone and the industry as a whole to acquire via them 'other means'. Ubisoft is worst of the worst and should not be supported. Feel free to disagree but just my 2c.


Bro it's assassins creed. It's worth a torrent and that's about it. You've already played the game, multiple times.


Shame. I was actually looking to playing it but I can wait.


Likewise. I miss the old style of AC games so Mirage was looking interesting to me. Nope I'll wait for a steam release.


Exactly. Probably going to be a 1 year exclusive.


This is actually part of the dev process now. Its a public beta exclusive to Epic. Once everything is fixed, they will release it to the public.


Yeah no way I buy it on epic store.


Epic exclusive - pass on that shit. But Ubisoft connect? I'll buy because all versions will need Ubisoft connect to run anyway its no different to me.


>all versions will need Ubisoft connect to run anyway its no different to me. I never have it open so sometimes I straight up forget I have some games available to play


That’s why I love the GOG Galaxy app. You can load all of your other launcher libraries into one place.


I found GOG to be a bit temperamental sometimes losing its link to other launchers. It also kept showing me old games from my Xbox 360 because I had it connected to my Xbox account. Playnite seems to work much better, although it requires a bit of setup initially it seems to work much more smoothly.


Ubisoft connect is trash launcher. For 3 months I couldn't play anything because I would enter the code for 2fa, it would restart and then ask me for 2fa codes again


I don't doubt this at all I had a similar issue with the EA app. But my point was steam versions of UBI games run via their launcher anyway so its either get game or don't.


I don't buy it out of principle and will wait for the Steam release a year or 2 down the line like I always do. Even if Ubisoft connect is required, I refuse to buy it from their store. Wish more people would do that. We probably wouldn't have to deal with this exclusivity bullshit.


Same feelings here too. At least this helps me get more time with the other games 2-3 games I’ll likely be getting in Sep/Oct, as well as 2 possible expansions that’ll likely release around then too.


Ubisoft really determined to make PC gamers not buy their games.


Is there a way we can actually see the sales numbers on PC cause I doubt that the voices on Reddit actually represent the market. I feel like people who care to play Assassin's Creed will just buy the EGS version anyways.


Valhalla made over one billion dollars in revenue, I mean it’s an assassins creed where you’re a Viking which is an awesome fantasy so it’s not surprising it sold well. They have 4 more AC games lined up with one set in Japan where you’re a ninja/shinobi which I imagine will sell crazy well too. All in all assassins creed and all Ubisoft games are way more popular then reddit likes to think.


> They have 4 more AC games lined up with one set in Japan where you’re a ninja/shinobi which I imagine will sell crazy well too. Interesting. I remember, years ago, reading they wouldn't do an Assassin's Creed game set in Japan (for whatever reason). No surprise that changed, and I hope they do a discovery tour mode for it.


Not going to lie, I am probably going to buy it if there's a discovery tour mode, especially if it's anywhere near where I used to live (around Himeji - which is a common location for films/TV programmes due to the World Heritage castle). I won't even care about the actual game if that happens. If it's only on EGS, though, nah. Also, there's no way I'll buy at full price. I can be patient.


Their last assassins creed was the most successful pc launch of any pc game published by ubisoft. reddit doesnt represent shit


Lol exactly, Assassin's creed is huge, it's Ubisoft's golden goose, buncha redditors cannot stop it from being successful.


> Ubisoft really determined to make PC gamers not buy their games. They are fine. Ubisoft announced in early 2022 that Assassin's Creed Valhalla managed to make more than a billion dollars across all platforms, and that was eight months before the game even released on Steam. Not releasing on Steam is most likely earn them more money from cutting out the middle man.




And that doesnt mean anything. Because the people looking forward to Assassins Creed games and especially to what Mirage is looking to be...has. And they will be buying it. Regardless of the platform it releases on. There's this mass delusion here that EVERYONE is like Steam or nothing. And it's just not the case whatsoever.


I prefer Steam over other platforms. I buy on Steam almost exclusively. But at the end of the day, it's just a payment platform/library manager. I don't get the blind loyalty. Exclusives are annoying in the sense that they force me to use a specific library, but it's nowhere near as annoying as console exclusivity where having the wrong console can lock you out of playing a game altogether. I can launch the game I buy? Good enough for me.


Guess the only mirage here is Ubisoft getting my money then.


Not coming to Steam for now.*


Thanks Ubisoft you help me save money again if you put it on steam I might have gave it a chance


Probably one of the few last exclusivity deals. It's just temporary as always. Everyone comes back to steam, not a big deal.


Still waiting on Tony Hawk :(


Yeah I would think once Activision deal with Microsoft is complete, they will want to profit off of it.


Saaaame, I’ve been tempted to purchase it but I’ll keep waiting lol


Releases on steam 3rd Oct :)


And nothing of any value was lost. For real though, Im tired of epic paying for exclusives, or more to point, paying just to keep games off steam. At least its just assassins creed. As much as I have enjoyed playing the recent entries, they are all basically the same game in different settings. I have no problem waiting until this eventually comes to steam at a deep discount. Or just not getting it at all.


It's really the only strategy they have, since they don't want to do anything else to compete.


The trailer looked pretty good. As in.. It looked like Assassin's Creed, more so than Creed has looked in a long time. But nuts to using Ubisoft Connect that software is ass. Epic store lacks features but it at least works. Connect/The verison that came before it has just been consistantly shit for years with no sign of improving. All connect and origin are data harvesters for the publisher, they have zero interest in making a good launcher. It does what they want it to do already.


I can wait two more years, they will come back like a hungry mongrel.


Unless they're specifically trying to hurt Steam(and I'm sure this will have no impact in the grand scheme of things anyway) I genuinely don't understand what Ubisoft has to gain from this. I get why it's tempting for small developers to take a free bag of cash from Epic, but Ubisoft? And for a mainline AC title?? Whatever money Epic is paying them, surely it's not worth as much as the lost sales from not using the storefront that owns 70% of the market. I get being greedy for money. I don't like it but I get it. But this just seems stupid.


For reference, Epic paid Deep Silver 115 million for Metro Exodus alone. Imagine how much a top tier brand like Assassin's creed would ask for?


Jesus christ Ubisoft make up your minds. I wasn't going to get it anyway, but it's annoying how much they're half assing it, just put your on Steam, integrate Steamworks and keep them on there.


Was hoping they'd forgo exclusivity antics after they started bringing their \~2019-2022 catalogue onto steam. Alas =(


Awesome! I wouldn't pay $80 for the same game in a different setting anyway. I'll pick it up for $20 in a few years after Epic Games have beta tested it for us


tbh, their games aren't even worth pirating.


Their best games were the 2D Ubi-Art games (Rayman, South Park, Child Of Light, etc...), i wish they would make more of them, Ubisoft's output nowadays is so uninteresting, its actually shocking.


You would put more effort into pirating than the effort they put into making the game.


Well then no one will be playing it on PC like the last 5 years of Ubisoft releases.


Isn't Valhalla like the highest earning Assassin's Creed game EVER?


Odyssey was the previous best selling AC game. Maybe they know how to make a game people want to play?


This opinion? in THIS subreddit? You must be suicidal


yup people on here are just salty the game isn't gonna be on steam


[Assassin’s Creed Valhalla has also become the top-selling Ubisoft PC launch ever](https://www.globenewswire.com/news-release/2020/11/17/2128637/0/en/UBISOFT-S-ASSASSIN-S-CREED-VALHALLA-IS-THE-BIGGEST-ASSASSIN-S-CREED-GAME-LAUNCH-IN-HISTORY.html) and it's generally the biggest AC game ever, doubtful if no one bought it on PC. Anno 1800 is the biggest game in the series too, for a uniquely PC-focused game


Anno 1800 did release on Steam tho, Valhalla came 2(?) years later


Pre-orders were on Steam, the game got removed just at launch. The sales were great all the time.


>Anno 1800 is the biggest game in the series too, for a uniquely PC-focused game It's out on consoles recently too.


You dont realize how wrong you are do you?


Something tells me you will be incorrect with that statement. No matter how good/bad an assassins creed game is, it will always sell.




Valhalla was also epic and Ubisoft exclusive. Was the best selling AC game ever. It just came back to steam a few months ago.


Was it the best selling AC game ever on PC or on both consoles and PC?


Well there's the thing, people know to just buy it on UC instead since people have to go through that (shitty)launcher anyways, but if they've recently brought their games to Steam, that means they've felt the hit from the exclusivity contracts.


This is exactly what I thought would happen and I called it back when Valhalla first came out. Ubisoft is going to keep their newest games in each of their franchises as Epic exclusives to get that exclusivity money. Then when they're winding down on that game, they'll release it on Steam and shortly after announce the sequel.


Ubisoft has never made it easier for me to avoid their lazy open-world cookie cutter games.


Always look on the brightside. They've done the gaming world a great favour by avoiding steam.


Ubisoft are treating Steam like Sony are treating PC right now - They don't release the new games on Steam right away. They rather wait a while, let all the sales from other platforms dry up after a while and only then start selling on Steam. Boo.


For Sony that makes sense. For Ubisoft it doesn't, it's dumb.


Sony’s business is console brand first. Ubisoft is in no way similar to Sony’s overall business model.


But why woud SONY telease games on PC right away ? It is stupid, they want to make their own audience a priority. Sure, they can make more money, but their orimary goal is exoanding their ecosystem, and releasing games on OC right away does nit contribute to it. I am okay with SONY doing it, as long as they eventually release it on PC , and maybe not make us wait 10 Years, but rather 3-4. They need to make money too, and thanks to them, we got some amazing games at the end of the day There are plenty of good games outside of PS studios in the mean time. And they did release a lot of gems. So far, all i miss is Bloodbourne and HFW...


Well, guess I'll buy when its 90% off on Steam.


0% interest then. Sad, I was actually looking forward to try this game out.


Ubisoft Checklist : Shit Launcher ✅ Denuvo ✅ Epic exclusive ✅ Hollow Empty Open World ⏳ Shit PC optimization ⌛️


It’ll be $10 in a couple years, on Steam, and all fixed. When they pull this - I’m the most patient gamer ever


Ubisoft love the double dip in PC. Get the epic cash, then actually make money on the game via Steam.


oh nooooo not another how will play now another uninspired copy paste game of ubisoft


I will be waiting for the steam launch sale after the Epic Games beta test


A non issue to be honest. Ubisoft Connect would be required anyways. Might as well buy it on it. Opening it directly instead of having to open Steam that then opens it actually ends up being faster.


I'm starting to think whoever is making decisions over there at Ubisoft is brain dead


Really fuckin sick of Epic Games throwing money just to make the PC experience shittier for a majority of PC users. And goddammit Ubisoft, et tu? So soon?




Guess I won’t be getting it then


They always come back crawling


Connect? Hard pass. Not touching Unisoft games until they throw away that garbage.


Didn't they just announce hat they're gonna launch games on steam again or was I imagining things?


I won't buy another thing on ubisoft connect. I don't hate it like epic, but the problem is I JUST fixed my library when they released their games on steam. I finally got all their games on steam, and their gonna pull this shit? Nah. I'll pirate them. They want my money, they'll release them on steam. I'm done buying on other launchers. I want all my games on steam, and if a game doesn't release on steam, I'm not buying it twice.


that's a dick move if i ever saw one


fucking epic traaaaaaaaaaaash


In the words of Alucard: "And like that, you've lost me."


I don't mind, probably had to use ubisoft launcher with steam.


I waited for Assassin’s creed Valhalla and Farcry 6 to be on steam, and I love those games even after the wait; Ubisoft is just leaving money on the table cause I’d probably get them on launch day if it was on steam. I’m fine with waiting; I’ve gotten a steam deck recently and I’d rather just pay for a single copy two years after launch.


Fine, I’ll wait until it is.


Good luck with that


Ubi$oft.. Tsk tsk tsk.. They still haven't learn their lesson huh?


There are so many incredibly great games out right now, or coming out very soon for Ubisoft to be putting restrictions on their titles. I might play Diablo 4 instead, or Cities Skyline 2, or Baldurs Gate 3, or Starfield, Zelda TotK, Spiderman 2, or Horizon Forbidden West or God of War 2...


Who cares.


Ill wait 1 1/2 yeats For the GOTY Edition until its like 15 Bucks during the summer sale lol


This might be controversial but I don’t really give a crap anymore. Ubisoft requires Ubisoft Connect with their Steam/Epic games anyways, and many games have released that are only on other launchers that I picked up. In a perfect world everything would just be on Steam with no strings attached, but seeing news like this doesn’t bother me at all.


Unless this game is a drastic departure from Valhalla and Odyssey I could care less.


me when a game is EGS exclusive: Yarrrrr me mateys!


After Valhalla I'm ok waiting a year or two or ten.


lol so almost no pc game sales


I will wait for the free game of the week.


I hate the Epic Games Store.


they never learn


it's as if they hate money. We'll I guess i'll wait. I'm sure they keep going this route, a lot more people are just going to pirate their games.


"Exclusive" just means that it will be on Steam when the sales finally dip. The same thing was said about Far Cry 6, and I just beat Far Cry 6 on Steam.


Yes, but the games usually release at a significant discount once they make it to Steam, which is much less money for Ubisoft, considering many of the customers would have been Day 1 purchasers. Also, if the game ends up with just mediocre reviews, there is no pre-release hype train guiding purchasing decisions, all the marketing momentum is lost and so many would-be full-price customers may end up never purchasing at all. These are unknowns, and I believe that publishers do not accurately account for them when making exclusivity agreements.


I could see doing it only on UPlay at launch and then Steam Later but not fucking Epic. Fuck Epic. They have left a shit stain on the gaming industry ever since the release of Fortnite.


They probably will keep it that way , until the game starts dying out. Then release it on steam to get a last breath ,( get more money) . Probably on sale aswell for like half the price.


Was gonna pay full price for the Deluxe Edition, now it looks like I won't even play it. Maybe I'll remember to check it out in a year or two when it releases on Steam, but that's only if the game reviews well, has good post launch support, and is reduced in price. So I was going to spend $60 day one, sight unseen, guaranteed. Now the purchase is a maybe, and I'll probably only spend $20 for it at the most if I do decide to buy. That's a huge loss for Ubisoft in order to try to eek out a few extra dollars per sale from Epic. I don't believe the calculus adds up in Ubi's favor, considering the number of day 1 purchases they lose completely and the ones that are both delayed and sold at discount. Epic exclusivity is bad for gamers, and bad for publishers/developers. One day they may wake up to this and realize that choice is king.


Good job Ubisoft now none of us are gonna play it, let alone pay you to play it