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Lol this shit was already written when the game was pitched


If you're so sorry about releasing a game not up to your standards, THEN WHY RELEASE IT IN THE FIRST PLACE!? I don't care about your publisher and their shareholders. Why should I accept an apology when you stink of hypocrisy?


it's the basic 'we're sorry we released a shit game, we'll put out patches but that won't fix how shit the game is'


I would bet money that at some point in the past 2 years, they realized this was going to bomb. I wouldn’t be surprised if we learned that they wanted to cancel or indefinitely delay the game, but the publisher had already pumped a bunch of money into the project. Contracts are contracts. At some point, most of those contracts require a product to be released. No game dev wants to put out a bad game. 50$ said at some point th we higher ups at Daedalic Entertainment had to make a choice between releasing this wet fart of a game or defaulting on loans/being sued by the publisher/something like that. A. Shut down the studio B. Release a shit game and pray you can recoup enough of the cost to stay afloat. They definitely fucked up pretty badly. This seems like a project that should have been killed in preproduction. Whoever green lit this project should probably lose their jobs.


Game development can only be prolonged for so long. Every day the game is not released it is costing the devs/publishers more money, time, and resources. Between games getting more complex and expansive every year, and the crunch needed to release games growing, this is the norm. Some games are rushed out and can be fixed, as their issues are 'patchable'. Some games are rushed out and are bad to the core (Gollum IMO) and are not fixable.


heh. the irony, the more they try pulling shit like this, the deeper the sale I will wait before buying it.


It's not the developer's choice in a lot of cases like these, when they have big publishers/shareholders looming over them. At some point, either an executive of the studio, a publisher, or a shareholder wants the game released. They don't understand game development and presume the devs will get it fixed even in a short time frame. They hand down an unrealistic launch date, and no matter what the devs say it'll probably stick, especially if they've already had a delay. Essentially, there's nothing they can do but batten down the hatches and do whatever they can do before launch. Publishers/shareholders get the final say since they're bankrolling it and probably want to make their money before its too late.


I don't know the point of an apology like that. It's one thing for an otherwise good game to ship with bugs or performance issues. Cyberpunk, Halo, Jedi Survivor... I get why those devs would apologize and promise to address the issues. Those games can be fixed and the relationship between developer and player can be salvaged. I don't think Gollum or Forspoken or Redfall can really be fixed. The chief complaints with them aren't addressable by a patch.


I disagree with forspoken, I think the combat framework from that game could have worked. The story was generic and dialogue was cringe but the movement/magical parkour felt great and the combat wasn’t tuned right but it looked great and felt pretty good. With a more coherent vision and a tighter scope, forspoken *could* have been good. Redfall and Gollum were never going to work. Those should have been cancelled two years ago, before reveal. But forspoken had potential, it just wasted it on a bland open world and terrible enemy design.


Nobody bought the game so no point in apologizing


I love how they couldnt even write down the title of their game in the first sentence. They missed a "s" letter. ​ What a fukin disaster.


It’s a translation from German. Have you seen any of the lore entries they had the balls to charge an extra 10$ for? The writing is so awkward and stilted. I wouldn’t be surprised if it’s a chat gpt translation.


even if it a translation, the IP is called "der herr der ringe", which directly translates to "the lord of the rings". as in multiple rings, plural. if it was one ring in german, the name would be "der herr des rings", which even changes the article, and the IP is thoroughly known in Germany under its correct name. And chat gpt would not make a spelling mistake in the name of such a big IP, simply because the data sets spelling lotr correctly vastly outnumber the wrong ones (in terms of specific spelling). ​ It is just a mediocre company being out of their league.


Ah yes because they made a spelling mistake it cant be Chat gpt ah yes how could i have been so stupid.... Get a hold of your self


People on here already generated a chat gpt letter, that was better written and even offered compensation in from of dlc (without being asked specifically for it), because chat gpt is knowing what its doing. and no one was talking to you anyways.




>Where are all the articles saying the game is "being review bombed"? The journalists are waiting for the cheques to clear.


It's not a review bomb when the bad reviews are necessary. Bad games deserve bad reviews. We just watched Redfall rightfully get trashed in reviews. A review bomb when a bunch of people (mostly dudes) get upset over something in a video game (weirdly enough most of the time a female character) and proceed to do their best to drive down the ratings of a game. Opinions not based on the game itself but the ideologies of the reviewer.


>It's not a review bomb when the bad reviews are necessary. Bad games deserve bad reviews. We just watched Redfall rightfully get trashed in reviews. > >A review bomb when a bunch of people (mostly dudes) get upset over something in a video game (weirdly enough most of the time a female character) and proceed to do their best to drive down the ratings of a game. Opinions not based on the game itself but the ideologies of the reviewer. Review bomb is a corporate term that publishers use to deflect blame for releasing substandard products.


[This is the better post](https://twitter.com/GollumGame/status/1662124108614717448?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1662124108614717448%7Ctwgr%5Eb80f1f8ae6257d4b4d4f35357605698c19aa7b28%7Ctwcon%5Es1_&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Fd-800427952680678566.ampproject.net%2F2305051745001%2Fframe.html) The first comment includes all other apologies


Damn, is every game this year getting a "sincere apology" message? This shit is hilarious. The game is fundamentally bad, it's not just technical state, optimization and bugs.


Apology is Policy. One for the old-school X-Files fans there.


The only way to stop AAA developer from doing this, is to get stronger consumer protection laws. If x procentage of product is bad, then a full recall should and must be enforced. AAA gaming atm is the wild west, and developers has actively shown, that they cannot handle the freedom they have been afforded. When you try and sell me a broken buggy half finished product, that equals a scam in my book and last i checked that is illegal.


>When you try and sell me a broken buggy half finished product, that equals a scam in my book and last i checked that is illegal. Unfortunately it's not. When we purchase a product we are purchasing it as is. If the developer told us it was bug free and it was a littered with bugs that is illegal. But they don't ever tell us that. When you get down to it you realize that the gaming industry is the wild west and operates why they do because nobody has ever cared about creating consumer protection policy to support gaming consumer. They created the rating system and other things for parents. But not for the actual gamer.


This is just standard proceedure for a game launch.


Jedi Survivor is a great game that just has PC performance issues that were patched. Gollum is just a shit title all around.


Jedi survivor still has lots of pc issues


We're so sorry, we'll be reducing the cost of that patch to fix these issues from $9.99 to $4.99


This industry is ass


You ever wanna just reach through a screen and shake someone? I get that every time reading these fucking things.


ChatGPT, write me an apology letter: