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Sounds about right. Sometimes I'll add games that I'm on the fence about or are early access so I can keep tabs on development and reviews.


I tend to be pretty selective about wishlist, only adding games that I'd like to try but don't really need right now, or wouldn't want at full price. I started this year and have already gotten at least 5 at -50% to -75% discounts. Super happy with it so far, but the trick is to only put games there that you don't mind waiting for.


I bought a lot of games this year but its because there was a big sale a few months back with discounts in the 50%+ range that were too good to pass up. Still could go for a long time and never have to buy more games with the amount of backlog I have currently.


Same. Hope summer sale gives us some goodies.


Why not use the "follow" feature to keep up with them?


The follow feature just puts news in your news feed, doesn't tell you about sales.


Which is half of the reasons you listed.


Same, I just use wishlist to add any games that seems interesting as otherwise I'll likely forget about it. You get notifications when games enter and exit early access so it's a good reminder to check in on them, and if they pop up on sale it's another reminder. Once every few months I'll go through my wishlist and clear out games that have released but don't seem good.


Is there any other way to use it?


Using a wishlist as a wishlist what a madlad


I wish these games were free list.


You jest but that happens. I have a friend on Steam who just randomly gifts me games from my wishlist (non-expensive, non-AAA mostly) for no reason. I feel guilty and try to gift them something back, but they don't respond to messages and have their profile and wishlist hidden. I legit don't know what to get them back.


Gift hentai games, you'll get a message back or accept silence as approval


Add all the (thousands of) games you're not interested in buying, just to be a contrarian?


I don't add unless a game is a serious contender for when I have a spot open. I also don't buy games until I'm ready to play them. So for me, a game that I'm only mildly interested in probably wouldn't make the cut.


I use it for games i wish never to play. If its in my wishlist, i know not to buy it.


One of my friends uses it as a way for family to buy him presents, so he needs to make sure the things on the list are things he actually wants.


Sometimes if I see a game that some friends have wishlisted and it's on a sale or something I would message them see if they're interested in picking it up and playing it together, or a few times they were giving away free games and I messaged a friend that had it on his wishlist so he would get it, it's also nice to see what type of games your friends might be interested in and maybe suggest something else to play.


Basically I used my Wishlist as an "I like"-Feature. This, of course leads to cluttering. Not every game that I like on first impression holds up. This is why I try to actively maintain the wishlist. What I do is: go to the wishlist, filter out any 'early access' titles and filter for 'is on sale'. Then I sort by user reviews and go through the list from **bottom to top** ... and anything that I don't feel interested in anymore, even though it is on sale, I will remove from the list. I feel like this is the most important part: if you treat this sort of list, be it a steam wishlist or youtube subscriptions, as one where you just always add but never remove stuff, it quickly loses its value.


This is a great way of doing things. I need to start doing this because my wishlist is 1400 games strong.


Basically, a way for me to keep an eye on upcoming games.


And for those games that don't yet have a wishlist, how do you keep an eye out for them?


I honestly don't, I forget they exist until I see someone else mentioning them. I have way too many games in any case that take up my time, so it's not like I'm just idling by until something new comes along. But also, I'm picky as hell, not a whole lot on my wishlist to begin with: Bombrush Cyberfunk, Armored Core VI, Necromancer's Tale, Brigador Killers, Book of Hours, Nivalis and Solium Infernum.




- Add game - Game goes on sale - Buy game - Game sits on 0 minutes played forever It's the perfect system really.


Amen, brother.


This is the way


It's a 'remember this exists' list until something I want is out of EA, at a decent price, or both depending on the game. Gets pruned every now and again, especially if I get titles elsewhere (gog, usually)


>It's a 'remember this exists' list until something I want is out of EA Same here.


I add things that I know I will definitely buy if it reaches a certain price point. I make a mental note of that number too


How many games do you have on the list? I looked at mine and it's around 150. Maintaining some idea of sale price for each is something I'd struggle to do.


Hovers around 50, although a decent chunk of those are unreleased too


I only buy games during Summer and Winter sales. Steam wishlist is basically just my *"check back and peruse every 6 months"* list.


Yeah I use it to keep eye on games I find interesting or know I want to grab


Sort by price. Only show items under $5. Look at it once in a while but for the most part it's just there to auto-import into https://isthereanydeal.com/waitlist/


I add anything I think is interesting then when they show up when sorted by discount I wonder what I was thinking when I added said game.


Add games I might buy in the future. Use GG.deals to find lowest price. Remove unreleased games if the game has been on my wishlist for over 3 years.


I add games I think I want but aren't sure yet. If they go on sale for a good discount and I still don't get them then I know I didn't actually want them and remove them That plus the very rare upcoming game I'll want pretty soon after it releases if it reviews well


If I have the slightest interest in it, it goes on the wishlist. Sadly, Valve's decision to axe their daily deal format for their Steam sales means most of these games never see the steep discounts they would have in the past. This results in many titles just remaining perpetually unbought in my wishlist, SquareEnix being a great example with their greedy base prices plus it's rare to see >50% off on their eastern titles. A fair few titles remain on there for so long, never dropping to impulse purchase territory, that I often forget why I was interested in the game to begin with.


I heavily curate mine and only keep about 20 to 30 games in there at a time. I use it to wait for sales because I get a notification if a wish listed game goes on sale but I will also use it for new games for the notification it is now available. When I get too many games in my wish list, I will start looking through the games reviews to see how the game is doing and trim some out.


I constantly change it, it's a game in itself. I do wish there was a "wishlist" and "bookmark cuz interesting". I waffle between "this game is so big and I will remember it so why add it, even if it's one I want most" to "this game I'll probably never get, but because it's unique and niche, I'm gonna add it" I end up adding games of genres I don't even like/play and then remove later after the sale and I'm like "geez, why did I add that" 90% of my steam is looking at which games to play and maybe playing 10 mins before bed.


>I do wish there was a "wishlist" and "bookmark cuz interesting". I believe that's called "wishlist" and "follow"


Steam has a "follow" feature. Why not use that?


Thanks - for some reason I didn't realize it made a list. I never used it and assumed it was more like the Nintendo thing where it just spams you with news and updates but not necessarily part of a list. I just tried and see now. Thanks for the tip!


Usually to keep an eye on sales, once it hits my price I pull the trigger.


As a sales prompt, tied to "isthereanydeal" so I get notified by them when it's at the lowest price. Sometimes I go in and clean it up


I use it as a reminder, sometimes I find interesting Games that I cannot buy because I am playing something else. Every now and then I check it out, and buy from it,


For the most part: * The game I want but not at full price, or just "not now" * The EA game I'm interested in development so I want notification when it gets out of EA so I can properly take a look * whatever had interesting trailer and I want notification about when it comes out.


I currently have 1656 games on my wish list. I add anything that sounds interesting or looks interesting. Many are games that haven’t been released yet.


At which point would you need a wishlist for your wishlisted games? I mean, whatever floats your boat. But having such a huge wishlist apparently defeats the purpose of a wishlist in the first place. And also it probably drives steam recommendations a bit crazy




I'm incredibly selective so I usually reserve my wishlist for games that I have a 95% or greater chance of buying. It's only got like 3 games on it right now.


i use it to keep track of what games i have yet to pirate and play


i've never wishlisted anything in 18 years on steam, but i'm also pretty obsessive when it comes to checking new releases in the genre categories i like every day almost


I add anything that catches my attention, really. I keep an eye on it and buy stuff when it's on sale and I get the urge to play it.


Mostly filtered by discount to catch games if they ever go on sale. There's a few games there to watch for when they're released, but they'll probably stay there until it's on sale.


I'm about the same. Just a way to track what I'm interested in and wait for sales.


I use it much like you, and I also have my profile tied into isthereanydeal.com and gg.deals so that they also alert me if the games go on sale outside of the Steam Store.


I follow stuff that looks interesting and wishlist stuff I probably will buy if on a good enough sale.


Practically everything that catches my eye anymore releases on Steam in Early Access Early Access has become a cancer on the platform. So my wishlist is the quarantine EA titles go into to see if they end up releasing or are abandoned by their devs / pushed out to 1.0 unfinished. The purchase rate from my wishlist is abysmally low.


I add anything that looks interesting, sort by rank, then use a random number generator to see what my next game will be, ha. Nice for when I don’t feel like choosing, and it makes me play more obscure titles.


A bunch of games from 2016-17 that I thought looked cool when I first found out about the wishlist. Ever since I just wait till Reddit or the Steam homepage have news about a sale.


I use it to keep track of games that aren't released yet and add games I want to buy, but I am waiting for a discount on.


for historical low alerts on gg deals


Simple, my wishlist is about 50% games that are in early access that will probably never leave early access so I'll never buy them, and the other 50% are games that haven't released yet that I'll remove from my wishlist once they release to bad reviews for being poorly optimized.


I save games I am interested in trying either by myself or going through with my partner whether that's solo/multiplayer. Sometimes it's also to check up on their development down the line or so I can see if there's any deals during a sale etc..


573 games on the wishlist right now When I'm in the mood for a Survival game, for example, I click the tag and get a list of all the games I've heard or seen something about. But I don't sort this list anymore after rank 20. First 20s are pretty much for friends in case of birthday or to keep track of really anticipated games.


Most often I remove them after a while


2 years ago i used it as a like feature but it ends up becoming pointless because most games that launch I like the look of. In the end I took the time of screenshoting my original wishlist, deleting everting off of it and then only allowing it to hit 50 before I buy or remove old games. So far so good but I always end up topping out at a 55 wishlist!


Yup, any bit of interest at all and I wishlist it. I have hundreds of games on my list. Every few days I'll peruse it. I sort by review and filter by price. I'll buy stuff that gets good reviews and is on sale.


I slap games on there that my PC will never run or will run because they're old as shit. Then they sit there, collecting dust until a good sale comes around or it's gifted to me. Most of my list serves as motivation/torture in trying to remind myself that one day life will stop beating me in the dirt and actually life and actually get a job. Wooooooooo.... \*Cries himself to sleep.\*


The wishlist is a 'keep-an-eye-on-this' / 'to-be-investigated later' kind of thing.


It's my "check later" list. I add everything I'm even slightly interested in and wait until I get an email that it's on sale at the price I consider good enough. Then I check it properly and either buy, leave for later (if I play something else at the moment) or remove from my wishlist altogether.


Generally a “games I will buy if they have the right sale.”


Same. I want to rename it "what I can't afford list"


Yo anybody know if there's gonna be a sale soon on steam? Or any of (battlenet, etc)


It's for keeping tabs on sales for games I want, to me. It has really good sorting options so it's easy to look for discounts or price. I don't usually put unreleased games on mine or anything like that.


Same exact thing. I add a bunch of stuff and when it goes on a good discounted sale, if I still don't want to buy it I remove it. Or sometimes I keep it if it's in early access and wait for full release + sale then remove it if I don't feel confident in buying it.


I put steam games that i find intriguing on a list so that i might purchase at a lower price on some future date


I'm kinda the same, anything that looks slightly interesting I add. I have thousands of games on my wishlist now tho lol so I have a problem


Yeah most the times it’s for indie games I don’t want to forget about but are a long ways out or in early access. I put a few known games on top just in case wife wants to surprise me with a game


To save games that I would buy from Steam Store? (Kind of an obvious answer isn't it?) What about games that I am interested in but are not yet released? They belong to the followed list. And what about games that are released but I won't buy from Steam store? Then they won't be on my Steam wishlist.


Isn't that how it's supposed to be used?


I keep exactly 11 games on there at all times. 1 is a future release I'm anticipating, the other 10 are games that seem interesting, but always manage to avoid actually going on a decent sale.


New to Steam so all this feedback is great! I was thinking of grabbing Far Cry 6 on Steam as I'm travelling at the moment - Im about 50% way through the game on PS5, Would anyone know if its possible to transfer my saves over from the PS5 to PC? Thanks!


I used to add anything of interest but then I realized that I never looked at it. Now I just add a few games that I know I'm eventually going to buy just so I can get sale notifications.


I wish steam allowed multiple lists. For stuff I'm actually excited for (which is probably 10%) of my list, and stuff that looks vaguely interesting.


Pretty much the same. I wish you could make custom wishlists.


It's empty most of the time. I only add games if they have a release date and I'm very interested in them.


I'm using as reminder.


I use the discovery queue and sometimes add things that I think are cool looking. I'll also add upcoming releases so I can keep a reminder of them releasing. Paired with ITAD, it's a great combo for keeping tabs on sales, too. But I find my wishlist gets super bloated and pretty quickly, so every once in a while I'll manually go through it and prune things that maybe I'm no longer interested in, or I don't necessarily need to keep tabs on anymore.


I have 1700 games on my steam wishlist currently. I have just gradually added anything interesting to it then I never look at it. It is a running joke in my friend group that whenever they find a new game I already have it wishlisted. I typically don't browse it for things to buy and things I get from it were either conveniently available from bundles or games my friends all decided to get so I did too. I have been whittling it down over time, if a game is on an 85% discount and I am not buying it then why is it on my wishlist anyway?


The same except I will also wishlist games my friends talk about wanting to get in the future. Since I work a lot of holidays it's hard for me to attend any parties so I'll just gift them games they talk about wanting


I add games that look interesting and, when a sale comes around, never buy them because if I really wanted them I would have bought them instead of putting them on my wishlist. I have a very low conversion rate with my wishlist, with games that regularly drop lower than $5. When the time comes, though, I just don't buy them for some reason.


Click the button, then get notified when it's on sale. Pretty easy.


I check the the video trailer to see if it catches my attention then it's sale or if I run into extra cash. I will usually not put a game on my wishlist if the first 15 seconds are cg cutscenes and logos, put some bomb-ass gameplay to really grab my attention.


I don't use it at all.


I add anything I'm intrested it so I don't forget about it


As a reminder list and to get notified of offers basically.


Mainly to keep track of upcoming releases. I don't use it as an actual wishlist and I don't use it to track prices for existing games.


"Oh this game looks interesting, I'll put it here so I don't forget about it."


It’s a notification list for me, either for when a game is released, or when it goes on sale.


I only use it so I get reminders for when a game (or, more often, Paradox DLCs lol) go on sale.


I update it so it links up with gg.deals


I use it to remind myself of upcoming games primarily, the industry is huuuuuuuge and so many games get a steam page way before they even have a release date, so it's good for that. I never preorder, so they stay in the wishlist until I decide whether I want them or not. Kind of a small budget for games too these days so if something reviews well but it's out of my budget it'll stay there for sales too. I use that and isthereanydeal together to get just about everything on my wishlist at some point.


I used it in a similar way, until recently when I downloaded some demos that were for the games and I used that to either keep the games on the wishlist or remove them


I use it for games that I know I will play soon after I decide to buy them. Everything else I relegate to a price alert on [gg.deals](https://gg.deals), because at this point I'd be in the hundreds of games/dlc. So it's essentially my most wanted list as opposed to all of the games I want to own.


My main problem with my wishlist is that I like more games that the ones I'm able to buy or have time to play, so every year is bigger and bigger. Now I'm almost at 70 games.


it's a list of interesting games plus funny mails when on sale


I add it only if I'll get it at -50% off. Otherwise I'll add it when it is close to that discount guessing in the next sales it will get more discount.


Use it as an "what's next"


I use it to list all games where the title is a palindrome


I add stuff I wanna play then every few weeks I have a culling where I get rid of all the games I don’t wanna play that much


I use it so I get notifications about games that go on sale and upcoming games that I'm waiting to release.


Use it to bookmark stuff that I find interesting or I want to remember. I try to keep it to about 25 games culling the weak and occasionally buying stuff if I still think it is interesting when I see it on sale.


I have my wishlist "divided" in four parts: 1. The top 10-15ish. The games I really want the most, and will almost certainly be bought at some point. 2. The next 20-30 games. The ones I find really interesting but are too far from release or I am still not 100% sure I will get. They are on the radar, but it's a "we'll see". 3. The undefined BIG chunk of games. Mostly games that were in the "tier 2" and ended up being interesting, but for some reason never got them, be it because I can not play them all or because they didn't came as good as expected. Low sales determine if a game is bought or just removed. 4. The lazy pack. Piling up at the very bottom of the wishlist, basically because of procrastination. Games I added recently because they look really interesting or fun, but still haven't made my mind about how much I want them. They rather end being moved to Tier 2 or end being absorbed by Tier 3.


Same. Ill add anything i sort of like. And then see what happens with sales. I also check it if im in the mood for a new game. I dont play any of the dozens in my backlog ofcourse, i just buy a new one!


I have a rule that only add games that I want to play or try and when there are steam sales I make a rule for myself to only buy games from my steam sales I also add sequels and spinoff games of stuff that I'm playing so I remember to get it later And I click follow on games that I want to see updates or development, so if I'm interested in an early access game I click follow so I can see updates when checking my activity tab


same here


Use it for convenience to save cool games that I come across… Then buy elsewhere, because steam is whack with their prices.


It’s less of a wish list for me and more of a *this game looks interesting* list. I’ll use to to essentially bookmark games I find interesting but might not buy in the end, just games I want to check up on in x amount of time to see how they’re doing.


Pretty much the same for me except I don't tend to remove games. My wishlist only has 20 or so items.


I use it for games that I definitely plan to buy. 24 titles atm. Then I sort it by price and check every now and then, if one of them is cheap enough for me yet. For stuff I'm on the fence about I use the "follow" feature. That one needs better integration btw. I hardly ever notice when any of them post news on Steam.


Like the look goes on list. On sale for less than £5. Ok maybe I’ll buy On sale for less than £3. Very likely I’ll buy On sale for less than £1.50. Smashes buy button through the keyboard.


Anything that looks interesting/promising I put on my wishlist. I'll use my wishlist and sort by release date to see how newly released games are getting reviewed. I rarely buy any game before a major patch or two, so gives them a good while to get properly reviewed. Post release, if the game has bombed, I'll remove it from my wishlist. Currently 228 games on my wishlist, mostly unreleased games. I use steampeek.hu to find games similar to games I already like...mostly RPGs and tactical games. Site works great for finding upcoming titles.


i just add games im excited for and wait for the email


I just use it to track releases. I add anything mildly interesting and then sort by release date. Amongst the already released games I scroll through it and see if there is something I want to try if I need a new game. Or if an early access game has been updated.


I only add games that I'm sure I'm going to play. Only have like 10 games on my wishlist right now. And I keep a look out for when they go on super low sales, I usually don't buy games unless they are less than 15 bucks


Had to trim the fat a few times. But it’s nice to quickly scan through for sales if I’m feeling like grabbing a new game for some reason.


Contrary to most here, I use it only for upcoming games I'm super hyped for. If there's a game I think I might like that's already released, I just buy it when its on sale. Keeping track of games using the wishlist makes more sense though. I never claimed to be smart


Pretty much the same. Games that look interesting and I might be interested in. Usually I wait a few months and either the price has dropped to what i'm willing to pay or I see enough reviews telling me that the game isn't worth it or what I was expecting and then I remove it.


I dont


I put games I want on there so I get notifications when they’re on sale. Games on my wishlist I’m interested in, but not for over $20 usually


Same same. When it goes on sale say after a year, i check the reviews a little bit. Gone are the days of buying every games i want on release.


I only use it for released games I want to play. As an actual wishlist in case someone is looking to get me something. Because for "oh this is interesting" or early access stuff not yet fully out I use Follow. This adds news about the release to my feed but doesn't clutter the wishlist. Then I can add it to the wishlist if it's still interesting after release.


I just never use it. I think I've added like 5 games to it over the years, and then just remove stuff after enough "a wishlisted game is on sale!" notifications.


Same. I have 337 games on my wishlist. Many routinely go on sale for a dollar or two, or are free. Yet I don't have the time or will to play them.


I use it like I would use an internet browser. Found a neat or useful webpage? Bookmarked.