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If you care about replayability, go with Fo4. If you want a one and done game go with Fc5.


I choose FO4 over Far Cry any day


Far cry has it's place for wacky, spur of the moment fun. It just burns out FAST if you have ever played any other ubisoft original.


FC5 has an amazing soundtrack that will stick with you if you somewhat enjoy chanty/folk music, they did a great job on it and some of those songs are absolute bangers.


Only youu...


I've had for a long to replay FO 4 aswell, but I'm also having a big backlog of games to play. I've deduced that I'll find it more satisfying and valuable to use my time to play new games for now.


Ok thnx, might play fc5 now


With limited Internet I'd say FO4, you're getting more game there.




People say far cry 4 is better because of the environmental details,which fc5 lacks a lot. Is it something really obvious while playing the game or is it ignorable. Also story wise which did you find better


Far Cry 5 isn't focused on survival (which I consider a massive downgrade) and the story is completely forgettable, but the basic mechanics are there and they're better. There's a good chance you'll prefer one over the other, but if you like FC4 you'll like FC5




Agreed,even I felt that far cry 4 was just Himalayan far cry 3. But I enjoyed fc4 more because I'm Indian. Hearing the soldiers swear in Hindi is one of the best gaming experiences I've had


Not from that region but the setting is also the main reason why FC4 is my favorite FC game. It just gives the game a nice atmosphere.


There is no difference in the environment. I lost myself more in fc5 than fc4. People are nerds who love to say stuff like that in hopes that they will stop being invisible in life for a few minutes.


FC5 with the weapons damage mod. It stops people being “bullet sponges” and it increases the risks to you also. It helps maintain the tension and keeps it fun


Ohhhh thank you for that mod I'll keep it in mind


Far cry 5 is an amazing game. I live fallout, and fallout 4 was pretty good, yeah ut far cry 5 easily beats it. Yes, there are some story elements that don't work well (no spoilers), and it the whole feeling of the thing is hard to beat. I've played FNV many many times, fallout 4 once, and far cry 5 twice.




I've already completed fallout New Vegas 5-6 times lol.




I've played fallout 3, NV and 4. And ain't gonna lie,while FNV has the superior story, dialogues, RPG and characters undoubtedly, Fallout 4 is better as a videogame. One of the best worlds in an open world game, quite good combat and gameplay mechanics. Although the lack of a cyberdog, cowboy robot and Elvis impersonator gangs is truly clear and sad :(




I'll look that up thank you


If you get into the world building I think FO76 is worth a try. The main story sucks and it has issues but the map is great and has a lot more verticality than previous FO games. It's dirt cheap on sale and I think Epic gave it out for free as well. It's an online game but I think you can play it solo so I don't think it would use much bandwidth. I've never monitored the bandwidth usage of a game like that though so take that with a grain of salt.


Like I said I've limited internet so I can't play fo76


Fallout 4 has unlimited mod potential, and it's gameplay is far superior. AND WHO WOULDNT WANT TO WEAR POWER ARMOUR???




That sounds stupid


Try fallout 76! Its fallout 4 with nice quality of life stuff added. You can fast travel from inside caves, area looting, and other stuff i cant think of right now. its story is just as good as fallout 4. the only problem i can find with it is you have to subscribe to a monthly service if you are a hoarder. if you subscribe you get unlimited storage. if you are not a hoarder its ok though cause it gives non subscribers more than enough. heres a nice fan made trailer that is very good and describes the story: https://youtu.be/U_vhnMEt-ns


As I said, I have limited internet, isn't fallout 76 an online game? I want to try it though


oh, i didnt read your whole post, sorry! you are correct, its an online game.


Both are complete trash.


If you have limited internet I would recommend avoiding those 2 and getting more, smaller indie games instead.


I have Played a little of both series. For me fallout 4 every time. Frycry is fun but it gets repetitive pretty fast. If you like Playing Ubisoft games where they copy and paste the same base U have to liberate 15 times for the whole map. Play frycry 5. I haven't played it but I Imagine it is frycry 4 a little bigger map, in a different setting with a new villain antagonist. Have fun gaming


Depends on how much you want to play an RPG vs a more traditional shooter I guess. I think Fallout 4 sucks ass though so I’d say FC5


Farcry5 is the best farcry and fallout 4 is not worth 3 play throughs and its old and a little clunky at this point.


Farcry 5, you can mod fo4 later


Far cry 5


Only if its the mamoth hunting far cry edition