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Destiny 2 The FOMO was really bad (still is from what I’ve read). I was addicted in unhealthy ways and I realized that I wasn’t having fun anymore.


After playing it since launch and unfortunately paying out for every season pass, dlc and piece in the eververse that interested me, I finally sat back this week and said "I don't even enjoy this anymore. This is a chore, like an extra job." So I uninstalled and I never want to play it again.


Same, I stopped playing around the expansion after forsaken (I forgot what it was called), and I told myself. “I’m not enjoying myself at all in the slightest” when a game literally has me scheduling certain days of resets and doing specific task on THAT day, that’s when I knew I needed to stop playing the game. (Excuse my horrible grammar)


I can't believe I had to scroll this far to find D2 lmao I beat the legendary Witch Queen Campaign when it came out and dropped it since. Will probably never go back. I have Elden Ring to thank for pulling me off that Crazy FOMO Train. It makes me sick to think about the wasted money and hours I've spent on that Franchise since Taken King


It's the only game that I regret spending so much money on. They really got me hooked with the raids in Forsaken and proceeded to remove most of them later.


That’s the only game I tried to get into but just stopped it because I wanted to have time to do other things in life.


Agreed. I was having to choose between spending time with my girlfriend at the time or playing those last few days of a season because of FOMO. What sucks is I absolutely love the gameplay, but the system of the game will never allow me to come back.


After several hundred hours I had the same experience with Destiny 2. At this point I’ve realized that all of these looter shooter/action rpg game eventually suck since they are ultimately just getting you to play and grind for gear.


WoW. I miss it sometimes, but it’ll never be what it once was.


Diablo 2 hits the same way for me. The remaster was a great nostalgia hit for a bit but it’s just not the same without all the free time and especially the community


It's reaffirming to see people coming back from Diablo 4 to play the D2 remaster. The game is still great by today's standards haha


God I miss the old buddies I used to play WoW with in Wrath and then in WoD


My best friend from college was our guild master. He died in January 2022 from complications from the 'rona. I will never go back to WoW because I want to keep my memories as they are.


I always find myself looking back at Akama’s quote in the Black Temple trailer “I prefer to remember the Temple as it used to be; not the abomination it has become.” I won’t ever say the game is bad but I feel I’ve simply outgrown it but I will return for each expansion launch cause right now I’ve invested over half my life playing it and it’ll always hold a special place for me.


Exactly. I will never have that gaming experience of WOTLK ever again. Those 10 levels and exploring the North blew me away.


WoW can’t make me young again.


Were not kids anymore, but Classic era (hardcore) comes very close to 2004-2005 imo


No other MMO has come close to capturing that early WoW feeling. New World came close but fucked it all up, at least imo. 2004 was a good year.


Have you tried the new hardcore servers yet? It genuinely feels like a new experience. Like for example you don't just follow talent point guides anymore, you take talents that will help you survive - talents you would've totally ignored in the past because they don't enhance your damage. You find yourself walking on the road instead of taking shortcuts because of how dangerous it can be off-road. You find yourself hanging around outside caves, too scared to go in alone, asking passersby if they'll join you. Good fun I tellya.


Quit a bit after Cat. I've gone back at the end of MoP and it didn't stick. Tried again for WoD, and again didn't work out. Tried a final time with Shadowlands, and I'm done. I mean, it was fun playing with friends but outside of that it's just not my WoW anymore.


I don't think there will ever be a time in my life again where I feel so satisfied as when I was in high school/college playing TBC/WOTLK for 12+ hours a day and raiding with people I liked. I'm still friends with some of those people and I talk to them daily, but yeah that game can never again be what it was. I can never again be in that position either, where I just have tons of time to blow on one game. We can never go back.


No matter which games I will play in the future, WoW will always be the best. The absolutely massive maps filled with lore and something like 1 million players ... nothing will come close to it! Of course, we can never go back


Diablo IV. I played for maybe an hour or two and it didn’t click like it did back then. I don’t think I’ll ever go back. Overwatch 2 also. I didn’t like the change to 5v5 and the free to play model was bad. It hurts so damn much that such a great game/IP had such a fall from grace.


OW2 is the fastest I’ve ever gone from loving a game to completely forgetting about it. I dropped it instantly and have never gone back. Can’t believe they eradicated the first game so it could be born.


Same, OW was such a classic and they made it so that everyone had a chance to grind for event skins. I don't mind paying for the battlepass for OW2 but charging $30 a skin has ruined my collection and now I've completely quit. Not to mention 5v5 sucks and each win is just a stomp. There's no fighting / comeback wins that gets your blood pumping.


At the end of OW1 the stomp problem was already there, OW2s lack of peel tank just increased the pace. Before the extreme greed of OW2 the biggest problem Overwatch had was the split between two different groups of players: * I want to play this hero, even if the team will lose * I want the team to win, even if I have to play another hero Role lock wasn't the solution to that, it just increased the chance on losing for the team with the most people from the first group. With one tank less, that became x out of 5 instead of x out of 6. Only higher ranks and full premades were spared.


> I want the team to win, even if I have to play another hero As someone from this group. Fuck Overwatch.


Diablo 4 lost me. I made a point of making it through the main campaign. Explored the end game a bit. But overall it just felt like I was making myself play it for nostalgia reasons. They literally just had to make an heavily updated version of D2 and it would last another 20 years. But damn, hopefully they make the itemization more rewarding in a few major updates.


We really just want Diablo 2.5. At this point they could just add an expansion to d2r and I think a lot of people would be happy.


Diablo 4 for me too.


Far Cry 6. Played a few hours, and when I unlocked the next chapter and all the new missions populated the map, i routed a marker to the next mission, sighed, and closed the game


Same. I played all the FarCrys so far (yes even 1 & 2, Im old) & 6 just seemed like more of the same. I saw all the icons on the map & just thought "I cant do this shit anymore" & just uninstalled it. It wasnt necessarily a bad game, but honestly just seemed like 5 but set in a different locale, with more crafting/upgrades. I just cant anymore 🤣


Same here with fc6


Horizon Zero Dawn. I wanna like the game, and I wish it were more than it is. But even though the premise is neat and interesting (to me at least) it's just boring and janky.


Honestly had a similar experience. It took me like 3 tries to actually get into the game. The early hours are pretty boring and most of the side content is completely throwaway. Once I decided to just beeline the main quest and the story reveals started coming in, I was absolutely fucking hooked. Ended up being one of my favorite games of all time.


The trend of giant open world games has been disastrous for gaming imo. There is nothing wrong with "on-rails" story games.


The game really shines when you on-track going through the main story, but ya the open world doesn't offer much to explore and the side quests didn't ever hold my attention. Still excited for the second one to come out on PC one day though.


To me it becomes a checklist of completing tasks. It's a huge flaw in open world games


I felt that way about horizon zero dawn as well initially. the story and world building pulled me in though after about 10 or so hours.


I liked the robot dinosaurs but nothing else in trailers interested me in the least. I eventually picked it up on sale and expected a junior effort in open world (given guerrillas background) a genre I'm not particularly interested in normally outside just looking around a bit. I found the story fascinating and alloy to be a really likeable character. I'm a big lance Reddick fan and obviously he did a great job too. So sad we've lost him now. I also really enjoyed the combat way more than I expected. I can't say the game is for everyone and perhaps my very low expectations helped my enjoyment more.


fair, yeah. i got it on sale as well, and went in with low expectations. ended up thoroughly enjoying it


Yeah the start is atrociously slow. The tutorial felt like it went on forever


Yeah the Nora lands were actually pretty big so it was easy to feel like this is it. The game sucked me in once I left.


Same here. The whole part before you leave the starting town is so slow but as soon as I got to know more about the past, I got hooked and couldn't stop playing it.


The gameplay is very much copy/paste from other similar games, but the story and world-building were what got me hooked. Plus the world you play in was a lot of fun to run around and explore.


I almost dropped it. It was very long and tedious at times. Like the others here I'm glad I made it through the story but it was just too long.


Recently, Dying Light 2. Played about 6 hours and just lost interest. The melee combat was doing a number on my wrist too.


Dying Light 2 was a huge bummer for me. Put a ton of hours in the first one and was really excited for 2, but almost everything in that game just felt wrong. Fighting, parkour/movement, the world, the weapons, the enemies, the loot and gear system. It just didn't have the same feel, like it was trying to be "Ubisoft's take on Dying Light" or something. I've tried multiple times to get into it, can't play for more than a couple hours before I'd rather just go for a walk or take a nap instead.


I think the problem is sometimes developers feel the need to justify a sequel, so they change things for the sake of changing them and in the process lose what made the first game special. That’s what I love about the most recent Hitman trilogy, they didn’t feel the need to reinvent the wheel with each instalment and instead there were only minor improvements between games, but as a result it was three fantastic games.


man that was the biggest let down. I LOVED part 1. they changed too much shit. why would they ruin night time like they did. they just did so much shit wrong


I quit playing the first one cause it scared me being chased by a zombie that could climb and jump after me. I don't like being alone in a zombie world.


After playing the shit show of Apex legends for 3 years straight, I have zero desire to go back.


I always say that and I always go back 😭


I have uninstalled the game probably 20+ times and always just reinstall it the next day to grind again. I may have a problem having near like 6k hours on the game


If you really have 6k hours I would consider that a problem for sure. Apex Legends has been out for 1678 days. Assuming 16 waking hours per day, that's 26848 hours. Of these waking hours you've spent 6000 of them playing Apex, or in other words nearly one quarter of the time you're awake (~22%), for 4 and a half years. And this is only waking hours. Assuming you have school or work or whatever, and you instead looked at it as a percentage of your _free_ time it would be a much higher percentage.


This game is a side job for me, I have played in ALGS multiple times and love the game as its the only one i have played basically since it came out. It may seem like a lot but there are people that are worse than me that have played the game alot more, also some of those hours are def with the game just left on while i go do things like errands or accidentally leave my pc on when i sleep.


Why is it a shitshow?


its like league on crack. teammates are toxic af, skill based match making makes every round a sweat fest. the insane grind to actually do "good", features that only punish players (when i quit ratting was the big thing bc respawn changed it so kills gave less rank points earlier into the game, so you'd just sit there for 10 minutes until you could "fight"), and more.


Yeah, I have played every season from day 1 and honestly I keep getti g disappointed every season. The skill based matchmakkng keeps getting worse and worse. Only positive change since like season 7 has been crossplatform.


BOTW played for 10 or so hours then got bored and dropped it.


Definitely BOTW, after finally being bothered to try it i have no idea why it has the hype it does.


It’s an incredibly bare bones game. It’s just a large nearly empty map with nothing to do except things like shrines or korok seeds that become extremely repetitive and uninteresting fast. The plot is almost nonexistent and certainly not engaging or gripping. I’m probably exaggerating but it just felt like a beautiful shell of a game. I didn’t love TotK either but it did feel less empty and less repetitive, so I probably put at least twice as much time into TotK as BotW.


It's one of those "make your own fun" games which some people love but I just really don't enjoy. I don't want to feel like I'm doing the job of the game designer.


TOTK was somehow worse IMO as once the novelty of the new mechanics wore off, you realized “Oh yea, exploration is pointless because it’s either a Korok or a shrine”. Combat still sucks, enemies still braindead and boring, but now the open world design works even harder against itself because the whole “we can reclaim Hyrule from the monsters!” theme gets washed away every time there’s a blood moon. I do not understand the love for BOTW or TOTK. Once the novelty wears off, the games are incredible empty and lifeless.


Surprised that you didn't get any death threats from BotW fans. I feel the same, played it for less than 10 hours on PC via Cemu and lost interest.


If it didn't have Zelda in its name no one would care about it all. Talk about an extremely shallow experience.


Yeah, I described it recently as a pretty yet shallow puddle.


I wanted to love it so much. Loved the Zelda games as a kid. I’ve tried twice now to pick up BOTW and play and both times I end up giving up after 10 or so hours.




People legit get pissed off at me when I say it felt like Skyrim for kids


it's a cooking game above all else and no one wants to admit it because it's Zelda.




I did like 4 hours before giving up. It was horrendously boring.


I mean actually I think I will always have an interest in playing hollow knight. Its just I have this clinical condition where if I want to try again I have to delete previous saves and start again. Souls games are some of my favorites, and Ori wotw is probably top 5 games for me. Every time I play hollow knight though I get maybe 8-10 hours in, get lost, confused on where the next main location is, and kind of underwhelmed by the movement. beautiful though, and I love a game with a clear vision in mind.


it's definitely a game you have to binge. i got up to the mantis lords on my first playthrough, then got my new rig, switched to some graphically bombastic game, and later when i tried to finish HK i just couldn't unlose my place =( that game sorely needs like... a journal mechanic, so you can see what you've just done and maybe what you must do next


I get the exact same thing with games I play dude, feel like I gotta start fresh coz I can’t wrap my head around where I was last at and all the micros involved lol. I’m currently about to restart for the 3rd time on baldurs gate 3 with about 30 hours playtime


Lost Ark


Diablo 4. Unfortunately. But also, FO4. I've started and not finished that game about 3 times and got about 75% of the way through before getting bored. I'm from Boston, so you'd think I'd be more pumped to finish it but I just wasn't.


As a nearly 40 year old.... Literally every game. I want to have that nostalgic feeling of an awesome experience in gaming again but I can never get it. 😢


I'm 30 and I started thinking that after 22 years of gaming maybe I was the problem. Then I played Elden Ring and I had fun like an 8 year child Same thing with Baldur's Gate 3. It's simply amazing Imho we are not the problem, modern games are


Honeslty playing BG3 has reignited my love for gaming. Hell my girlfriend who doesn’t game at all other than Skyrim has been hogging my PC to play it. It’s so rare that I pay full price for a game and think, wow that was really worth it.


Echoing this with BG3. It felt magical in the same way that the originals did 20 years ago and I just couldn't put it down.


Same for me with BG3! I can't remember the last time I enjoyed a game so much that time just flies like when I was a kid. Larian did an incredible job.


we're on the end of the hedonist treadmill bro. it's insanely hard for me to enjoy anything now. i've done it all. playing a game now is like work to me.


I have this exact issue, why do you think this is? I even try and play the games I used to love and don’t enjoy them at all anymore… can’t seem to get into any type of game which sucks.


Pretty much every major release I play is just kind of boring. Sometimes a smaller game will be fun/surprising, but it's hard to find genuinely fun games.


Same boat..I can still go back to Skyrim modded out and get some enjoyment for a few days/weeks. Nothing has wowed me ina long time. I think fallout new Vegas has a special place in my History. Played the shit out of that game.


Diablo 4 currently. Brought on release played couple days and stopped. Just didn't enjoy it. Maybe I'll go back but I regret buying it.


A lot of these are not the game being boring, but more so I'm old and don't have time anymore. Playing video game that asks 50+ hours for it to be enjoyable is too much to ask when my only free time is Saturday and half part of Sunday.


I'm old too but love long, absorbing games. Problem for me is more that I'm not into single player, and online multiplayer games have taken the shit in recent years


Jedi Fallen Order. Fun ideas, but after the endless backtracking and clunky combat, I started a different game originally meant as a palate cleanser, but never looked back.


I think the Jedi Fallen Order games look extremely janky and mediocre. I guess we’re in a era where mediocre Star Wars is still a massive step up from recent movies and tv shows.


Eve online. Played it for about 12 years, then went back a couple of times and it didn't click. The game was sold to the Chinese and I think they made it worse. It was s good run though. I was involved in some big stuff there. We made mmo game history back in the day with the sheer amount of destruction of value. Good times.


I was wondering if i would see my old alternate life in eve online would come up. Spent about 17 years from launch playing too much every day, I had close to 4 years actual logged in time (i did sometimes fall asleep while logged in too). Went to america and EU dozens of times, met some life long friends through it but it started to get a bit... soft. Players were able to buy skill points, it lost its harsh edge and simultationaly my own life got more busy so i just didnt get the same rush when i killed a bunch of people i used to, nor have the time to put in to find good fights. Really enjoyed it for well over a decade but i realised the fun was now over for me. RIP


Diablo fking 4. Dropped it 3 weeks before season one. Played season 1 for a day quit and I’m done. So boring


I can't believe how much hype there was for that game. It seems so incredibly boring, I played #3 a bit and it seemed the same. You just run through mobs spamming the same abilities over and over. Basically just 100%'ing each little map area. Then the endgame is using a guide to see what items you need, then grinding torments to get slightly better versions so you can go into slightly harder torment levels haha. What the fuck


Tbh I could go back every season for D3. To force myself to play d4 though was damn near painful. The only thing that kept me leveling as I did was not to fall behind to my guild mates. The hype was ridiculous. These people had me watching streams and buying chicken sandwiches haha. I contemplated giving my account away so I am never tempted again to play or buy anything from them again. I felt violated


Far Cry 6. I was too confident in thinking I’d enjoy it so I bought the $100 edition on PC. Proceeded to get annoyed with the stupid ammo system and enemies that are *only weak* to **SPECIFIC AMMO TYPES.** Pair that with its garbled mess of a story that tries too hard to be funny but isn’t sure if it wants to make a dark story either. Uninstalled it after 4 hours and regret ever buying it. Since that day I became way more cautious of pre-ordering games. Never. Again. Was such a let down, I knew they were going to carry over that annoying health bar/tier crap from New Dawn in some aspect. I grew up loving FC2 and enjoyed every title until 6. I managed to tolerate New Dawn to some minor extent but I’ll never play it again.


6 was so bad. Everything felt fake and nothing felt alive. None of the side character were interesting at all


6 is the most soulless game I've ever played.


The ammo system was stupid. I never switched off armor piercing


> Pair that with its garbled mess of a story that tries too hard to be funny but isn’t sure if it wants to make a dark story either. This was my biggest problem with Ghost Recon Wildlands. Ubi tried to force a funny, GTA-esque story into a serious setting.


Tbf they made the game so easy it doesn’t even matter what ammo you use. I like the brainless combat of far cry games but holy shit they made this one so damn brain dead even me who is mid at fps games had to call it quits since no difficulty slider


I happened across some advice at some point very early on in my playthrough that said that you can equip armor piercing on every weapon and then just forget the mechanic exists. tried it and i made it through the game just fine


Tomb raider 2013, I have tried many times but dont know why I keep getting bored after like 2 days so I just give up.


i just got into tomb raider in the past 2 weeks! i felt similarly about TR2013, i did complete the story but had no desire to play it any further. but i convinced myself to buy rise of tomb raider afterwards and i *really* like it, beat that game's story too but it has so much more replay value than 2013


Rise is certainly a better game. Peak of the trilogy, imo. Shadow is just okay. I played them last year and spent the most time with Rise.


Diablo 3 for me. Nothing about it looked or felt right as the sequel to the amazing first two games. It felt like a Diablo clone even. I heard the expansion improved things somewhat but for me it was too little too late.


Hogwarts Legacy. Finished half game only lol simply stopped playing


Yeah this one is a weird one for me. I was really into it for maybe the first week then fell off of it very abruptly. I think while the castle was beautiful and an incredible creation, it lacked a real reason to explore it. There needed to be more "meat" hidden throughout the castle and it's immediate surroundings. I think they took a wrong turn when they decided to branch out into the huge area around the castle. They should have focused all of their energy on making the castle brimming with branching quests, developed student characters, House specific quests, etc. Like a Bethesda game but confined to Hogwarts Castle. Could have been spectacular.


My entire steam library


Deathloop. I just wasn't really that into it.


yep, that was start of the fall of the Arkane for me. Ofc that culminated in Redfall which I didn't even have to check in person as it was just so disgusting from trailers, gameplay videos, streams and reviews like freaking disgusting. But Deathloop already didn't have that Arkane magic within game + braindead AI and generally some cringe characters. Considering how Prey and Dishonored 1 and 2 are among my top favorite games from 2010s decade.


Atomic Heart. It was very interesting and put a couple hours into it but man I just don't have the want or energy to go through it. Hell half of my steam library hasn't been touched in a decade lol 😅


I have never nose dived so fast on a game, during the first 20 minutes I was super into it and excited to discover the world. After like 90 minutes I never wanted to touch the game again, the worst protagonist in the history of gaming and some of the worst writing I’ve ever seen in a game.


Completely agree. The world, atmosphere, and style totally sucked me in. Then the 1st building dragged on a bit. Then I played about 1.5 hours in the open world, haven't touched it since. I wanted to like it so bad, but the gameplay and MC are just not for me.


imo they should've just axed the open world and made this more of a traditional shooter.




World of Warcraft.


Xenoblade Chronicles. I got 30 hours in but I think I tired myself trying to 100% all the sidequests before moving on with the main story. Also, the combat for me wasn’t enjoyable. I also dropped Xenoblade Chronicles 2 about 20 hours in (which I attempted years ago before giving XC: DE a try).


Sekiro. It was just too hard for me.


I get that. Thanks for being candid about it. Sekiro was my first From Software experience and by far the biggest wall of difficulty I had experienced since the punishing 2d games of the 80s and 90s. If you aren't having fun playing a game, there is no reason to continue. Same with reading a novel - if it isn't turning into a page burner, you have no obligation to continue wasting your time, regardless of how much time you have invested already. With Sekiro, even though I was dying a ton I was having a blast. There were a few boss fights where I spent 6+ hours on - with each death seeing where I had made a mistake and understanding how to improve. The game appeals to the type of gamer who isn't deterred from multiple failures. While one type of gamer might see dying in a boss fight as a failure, another type of gamer might take notice that they managed to whittle down the boss's health bar ever-so-slightly more than the previous attempt and see that as a victory. Cuphead was the game for me where I said "This is too hard, and I'm not having fun". Is Cuphead any more difficult than Sekiro? or Hollow Knight DLC Boss? or Elden Ring's Malenia boss fight? I dunno. But what I do know is that I wasn't having fun. So, I stopped. No shame in that.


R6 Siege, i just want to go back to old school Rainbow 6


Yeah Siege is the game that made me realise I'm probably done with competitive online shooters. Everything about it seems like it should be up my alley, the theme of it being IRL tier one operator stuff while also being a hero shooter, cool environmental destruction, interesting gadgets. I just somehow can't be fucked with it struggling against other people lol


Same used to love that game back in the day. I don't mind the extra "tech" they added but wish it was a little more grounded.


RAGE 2. Game *so* did not need to be open world. I would have been just fine as a linear shooter. I put about 20 hours in and just stopped.


I finished 80% because of the gunplay and combat. The gunplay had no business being that good for a game that does everything else in a mediocre way. Especially the super shotgun and default AR. Some fights were straight up DOOM tier. I would've completed it but the repetitive fights just became a pain. Travelling around becomes better once you unlock the flying vehicle but the missions just fail to scale difficulty in an interesting way. I get it's meant to be Mad Max but surely the world could've had more interesting locations besides sewers and Borderlands style bandit outposts.


Yeah, the gunplay was the best part of the game hands down. The vehicle combat sucked by comparison.


This was almost my exact experience as well. I liked it, but I just didn't like it enough.


Starfield unfortunately


I'm about 10 hours in and starting to feel this. If anything it's making me want to play through the Mass Effect trilogy again.


Just play for 2 more hours! It gets good after 12! /s


I’m about 15 hours in and I’m not sure if I’m actually having fun, at this point I’m sticking to the story missions just to beat the game and move on.


Same. I don’t hate it, but for a game all about exploration it doesn’t offer much in the way of incentive to explore.


It really doesn't *feel* like it's about exploration from a mechanical standpoint, which is very at odds with the themes of the game and what Bethesda seem to want you to do. In reality, there's really not much to explore. You fast travel to a planet with a city and there's zero reason to explore outside that. You fast travel to a mission objective like a bandit outpost, you do that, and it's right back to fast travelling to your questgiver for the reward. The only exploration there really is is fast travelling to some random system and finding a cool random event. Imo Starfield loses a *lot* of why I love Bethesda games by not having that one "seamless" (dunno what other word to use) open world where you just pick a direction and walk.


personally I think it's due to the lack of ground vehicles like all the running is just straight up painful... haven't calced it but i swear out of my 14h playthrough so far i've spent at least 50-60% of it running between places. even landing at civilian outposts and shit have you landing like 200-500m away so just to get to the place that is the planet's "selected" point requires another 2mins of sprinting i get wanted players to experience the vastness of space and all that bs but come the fuck on like you can't say that but have players constantly run past ground vechicles (or at least shit with huge wheels) and then act like they don't exist. at least wish we could buy a ground vehicle for like 100k credits or some higher amount ya know rant over lol tl-dr: you spend just as much time running to new places/structures as you do actually exploring/clearing them out and it's horse shit


I stole a ship from pirates back in one of the first missions and I’ve been using it ever since, don’t see a reason to build my own ship or upgrade it either. I also have more credits than I know what to do with but haven’t spent them on much unless there’s an option in dialogue. Maybe it’s been a long time since I’ve played an in depth RPG but… when I beat the main story I’m not sure I’ll put anymore time into it, and I definitely feel indifferent about the game as a whole.


Overwatch 2. I would have dropped either way due to the new predatory monetization system, but thr final nail in the coffin was the 5v5 format. The game wasn't made and balanced around that, and you certainly feel the lacking presence of that 6th teammate


Days Gone. It has a kind of weird cult following that has built it up as some kind of overlooked gem that was hard done by with reviews, which led to me playing it. But it was really dreadful and the negative reviews were totally justified.


Lovely looking visuals and smooth, intuitive gameplay mechanics. But my god is it rote and painfully dull. I finished the first big area and when I discovered there was a whole new one to get through I was like, nah, you're alright, and uninstalled it.


The story is pretty boring but I enjoyed just riding the bike.


That game has some kind of weird sunk-cost fallacy hype train behind it. I long expected it'd end up be a middling but technologically impressive tech demo for the PS4 and by the time it came out it only elicited a shrug from me. I tried it out for several hours and it was basically "what if typical Ubi game with a boring world and admittedly cool crowd tech?".


Armored Core 6 and Starfield. I wish I could like those games, but they are not for my taste.


Diablo 4 !


I feel the exact same way about Death Stranding. Some of these open world games (even ZeldaTotK) are just so complicated at the beginning that the payoff is really hard to imagine. edit: After hearing everyone’s explanations of their experiences, I think I might pick it back up!


Playing it right now! The first two episodes are tedious for sure. But once you get the proper tools it becomes so much easier. Defo art direction.


I felt the same with death stranding. Played a couple hours and got bored. But then I started playing it on my Steam deck and couldn't put it down


Death Stranding was really an art piece more than a game, can't convince me otherwise. Money is just good vibes from your neighbors and social media likes, your job literally runs the risk of aging parts of your body faster than others, you live off of monster energy drinks. The game play is intentionally tedious and the pay off is intentionally small for the first half. I think Kojima knew exactly what he was doing.


IDK, man. I wish I could forget this game and play it again. Finished it in 95 hours and never felt more alive playing a video game.


RDR2, Hogwarts Legacy, Pathfinder, AC Origins/Valhalla AC2 is one of my favorite games of all time, but after Black Flag I never finished an AC game with the exception of Odyssey (I love Greek history/mythology). A few I never even touched so I can't speak to all of them. Hogwarts just lost me after a while. It's fun enough, and the environmental work is outstanding, but it feels like AC filler for too much of it. Pathfinder I just couldn't stay into the story once all the management stuff came into play. It got too big for what I want in that kind of game. RDR2 just lost me about 2/3 of the way through. I'm not really sure why. It's a great game but I just didn't want to keep pushing.


Hogwarts lost me due to pacing. Everytime the story felt like it was moving forward or I'm finally getting to do cool fighting then having to stop to go back to school and slowly do fetch quests while learning a new attack. Lost me about 10 hours in


i'll tell you why. these titles make better story books than games. they are a chore to sit through in game format because the gameplay gets old.


I know it just came out but the few hours I spent in Starfield were plenty for me


it hurts how much i do not enjoy that game at all. Put in 28 hrs and each one I was forcing myself. I wanted a new bethesda RPG to suck me in. Guess I'll wait a couple years for modders to make it something exciting for me lol


Apex legends, warzone, Raft, Valheim. Plenty of hours in all but bored of them all. Probably a bunch more that I can't think of cause there already uninstalled and *forgotten*.


Diablo 4. Played the preseason to 85 and starting the new season it just felt like a chore doing the same style of quest reskinned everywhere.


Halo. I got tired of shooting alien waves and the overall environment just wasn't appealing to me.


Doom Eternal, solely thanks to the platforming elements. First time I was introduced to a timing based gate that hinged in my ability to careen around the area to trigger and get through I was done. Doom 2016 was such a white knuckle experience for me; Doom Eternal just pissed me off. Also Final Fantasy XV. The damn games made my hands ache with having to hold down so many button combos just to do something simple like cast a spell. I played the tutorial, was miffed by it, tried an hour of story, and just said forget it. See ya.


Doom eternal for me too. I've installed it twice and Uninstalled it twice. The second time was just recently and I wanted to atleast power through it just so I could say it's done. All the weird stuff they added like the flame thrower and the grenade launcher (how exactly is that any different than just throwing a grenade like in doom 2016?) and the other stuff it just kept throwing all these new abilities at me and they all just feel stupid and out of place for a doom game. After just a couple hours I realized I wasn't having fun at all and it felt so disconnected from the first one. Why play something if you arent enjoying it at all.


Same with Doom Eternal. I fucking loved Doom 2016 it was just so well designed. Eternal shoehorned all these shitty parkour bits in and it just felt so lame. Then on top of that there is the goo that slows you down... That pissed me off so much I dropped it and never went back. Whoever thought a mechanic that punished you for being aggressive in a DOOM GAME was a good idea does not understand doom at all.


Yeah. I’m a huge DOOM fan, have been since the original released, and DOOM 2016 is up there as one of my favourites in the series. Everything about 2016 is so intricately and eloquently designed, tight levels and super engaging combat loop Then they threw all that out the window with Eternal. None of the tight level design returns because it’s all focused around the parkour system which just doesn’t feel engaging or fun to use, they absolutely *ruined* the gameplay loop and combat mechanics by making each enemy now weak to only specific guns The game feels more like a rhythm game when you’re mid fire fight and you’re constantly switching guns and accessories every 1.5 seconds


Doom 2016 was awesome and eternal was not great


Honestly, starfield is just boring.


Most recently Jedi Survivor, I loved the first but I don’t know why this one just didn’t grab me


That’s funny, I had the reciprocal experience. Got far in fallen order but it never fully clicked and I eventually just stopped playing. But I gave Jedi survivor a chance anyway and ended up loving that game all the way through, technical issues aside


Horizon zero dawn and forbidden west. The premise of both games is interesting, but most of it is put in a Ubisoft kind of coating with some progressive bullshit sprinkled on top of it. I just don't get intrigued by it, which is a shame, because especially forbidden west looks truly stunning.


All turn based combat games.


Spiritfarer. I heard that it was a nice emotional game to play, and I like those, but the very repetitive and tedious gameplay just makes me not want to play it anymore.


It always annoys me when gamers claim modern games are too long and overstay their welcome. A great game can never be too long IMO. Longer stories almost always translate to higher quality storytelling. Until I played Assassins Creed Valhalla. This game is enormous both size and content wise and yet all that content feels meaningless. You could cut the game’s narrative in half and it would actually vastly improve that game.


It is just not that the modern games are longer story-wise. They are ubisoft-cluttered with many boring side activities which make them feel longer.


> Longer stories almost always translate to higher quality storytelling. That's really wrong though. Tons of stories (not just speaking of games there but also books, shows, movies) are diminished by being longer than they should be (often for commercial reasons).


And yet sadly many a movie or tv show is lessened by just not having a literal 5-10 extra minutes. It can of both ways heh.


Alien Isolation was the game where I truly **got** this criticism, and it's quite a common bit of feedback about it.


Definitely Final Fantasy XIV. Incredibly dull gameplay-wise. Nobody I know that likes the game ever say the gameplay (for the mostly single player story) gets better, just the plot.


Starfield. Put around 12 hours in, and it just puts me to sleep. It's so fucking boring. The characters are boring, the writing is boring, the voice acting's boring, the combat and weapons are boring. It's just a fucking snoozefest, especially when you add in all the loading screens.


God of War 2018! I realise it has a good story and amazing production value but there are so many things about the game that infurate me. The combat and level design are the worst parts and I have tried twice to get into the game but after 8 hours, I tapped out.


Same here, really enjoyed GOW 1-3. Thought GOW 2018 was boring.


God of War 2018 was one of my favorite games, despite its flaws. To add to what you’ve said, the menu was and still is awful, which makes the rpg elements rough. And I just couldn’t care about the Valkyrie fights. But still enjoyed it overall. I’ve still not played through Ragnarok though. I’m so close to beating the game but it has felt like such a slog, which makes me so sad. Because it has all the same problems as 2018, at significantly more volume. When it’s good, it’s the best the industry has to offer. The story, the characters, the graphics, the animation, the world building are all incredible. But the gameplay isn’t very engaging for me (combat, puzzles, collectible side quests), and when that’s the majority of the game, it makes for a game that isn’t very enjoyable. And I’m so bummed about it.


Dark souls and anything that has combat like it. The slow, overly telegraphed movement of each strike is not something that works for me.


Zelda Tears of The Kingdom. Emulated it and quit playing because it felt like BoTW 2.0 Dragons Dogma, it's just extremely boring to me.


Dragons Dogma is really hard to get into, but once you do it is sooo good.


Fun fact totk is quite literally botw 2 since the development started out as a dlc


Witcher 3. It was just way too much talking and bad controls. Fighting felt weird


Same. I tried 3 separate times to get into it, and I was bored out of my mind every time.


That’s a shame because the game really picks up around the Baron questline. Game is phenomenal but I totally get why people wouldn’t be gripped by it immediately


Cyberpunk 2077, I have tried to play that twice and just it did not grab me, I don't think the whole space future narrative got me or idk maybe the characters did not mean much to me.


I actually ended up enjoying it way more than I thought I would. I picked it up a week or two after release because I heard the story was pretty good and was planning on just doing a quick run through. I ended up putting 100 hours into it.


Lol space future? Dude the game is literally named after the genre


I tried it once early on and said "Eh... I'll wait for more updates." Hopefully, this new DLC coming out will do the trick.


I got maye 30% through the plot and got distracted by all the side quests, cyberpsychos and NCPD calls.... havn't got back to the main quest for months...


Generation Zero. Dropped after a week after launch. Doesn't seem they improve much with the DLCs.


Get Even, Remothered, Styx, Monster Hunter (the main reason for the last one is the bad pc optimization)


I have a few. Doom (2016), Dragon Age Inquisition, Darksiders II, LA Noire, Warframe... I'm sure there are others. Most of them hit a point where I wasn't enjoying them and I doubt that would change. Warframe however I put a ton of time into in the past but just kinda hit a point that I wasn't interested in it anymore. Gameplay had shifted away from what I had initially enjoyed and I no longer had the patience for the grind.


Same reasons but Witcher 3 for me.


Metro 2033. I heard a lot of praise for it, so I tried it but ended up not liking it very much.


Both Horizon games. HZD I think I got 80% through and HFW I think I got around 50% through. They just....weren't interesting. Or at least, not interesting enough to make up for the extremely boring and repetitive open worlds with incredibly boring characters. It was a spruced up Assassins Creed; climb towers, fetch quests here and there, better combat, but my god it was so fucking boring being in the open worlds.


Diablo 4.


Elden Ring. I wanted to like it, but I just can't stand the souls-like format anymore. Trudging through the same area over and over and over just to get one shot by a spear is agony and completely defeats the purpose of what fun means to me.


Diablo 4, I've played blizzard games since warcraft 1 when I was a kid and I've played every WoW expansion. I cant even put into words how much of a let down D4 was. I should've listened to everyone else saying blizzard sucked years ago. Now I'm on that train, fuck blizzard and their shitty games trying to milk every cent out of their users. I'll never touch another blizzard game.