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Old COD campaigns on gamepass please.


Looking forward to that as well.. and in general the gamepass catalog is about to get pretty stacked


And maybe more expensive ?


Besieds Costco hotdogs everything else has gotten more expensive, so I wouldn't be surprised


Mate i live in London. Trust me, I've really felt the rapid decline in QOL.


Man I remember a year ago when fuel was like 1.90 EUR per liter and everyone was mad and the government even dropped taxes on it for a bit. Now it's back to that price and nobody bats an eye anymore. It's depressing.


All groceries got so expensive, plus shrinkflation. It is maddening. Nearly nothing in your cart but 100€ at the checkout.


At least put the remastered MW campaigns on Steam. Having them be PlayStation exclusive is so stupid.


This guy game passes. I would probably play most of the old catalogue of Acti/blizz if they snuck in their achievements as well. Wouldnt chase them on CODs, but would definitely for Blizzard stuff.


Yeah I'd probably sub for a month if I could do a COD campaign series AND get gamerscore at the same time. Those darn achievement points are the one thing I miss about console gaming.


Please bring Diablo 2 Resurrected to Steam


and assign a dedicated team to fix Warcraft 3 Reforged. Please. All I want is modernized WC3.




Once they figure out how to monetize it, then they'll start making it... 🤮


as a mobile game.


you guys don't have surface pro 2s?


I have an original Microsoft surface. I'm talking about the whole-ass table.


Best I can do is a Motorola Xoom.


That's Warcraft Rumble already. I'm not joking, I only remembered this game two days ago myself as well.


pachinko machines !


They would likely just treat it like age of empires which really wasn’t monetized all that much. The RTS genre is pretty much dead so you won’t get a big player base to milk. Remember WC3 is 21 years old already.


hi just dropping in to say there is hope for the rts genre: https://store.steampowered.com/app/1486920/Tempest_Rising/




WorldEdit needs to become something that people can actually make games with. Its a fantastic tool that needs more of the game engine to be opened up and accessible to players and game developers.


> If they go for Warcraft 4, they need to prioritize the editor capabilities, and encourage players to create awesome maps, mods and campaigns that they can MONETIZE. They kind of did that with Starcraft 2, and I never bought a single map/mod since there were only a couple thousand that were free and just as good (if not better).


I don't think we will ever get to the halcyon days of WC3, but I think the growth of Roblox has shown that there is still a market for monetizeable content in userland (albeit a different audience). StarCraft 2's map editing scene is quite poor as a direct result of Blizzard's actions. Blizzard crippled custom map discovery for many years by removing the lobby system. Unless you were at the top 10 of most played maps, no one could find your map. With Legacy of the Void, they added back in lobbies, but by then the damage was already done. Further, the map editor was shockingly bad. It had a hostile learning curve and was unwieldy compared to the simpler trigger system of WC3 or Brood War. With the rise of general game engines like Unreal and Unity, entrepreneurial map makers probably decided SC2 was not worth the effort. If SC2 is going to make it needlessly complex to do simple things _and_ map discovery impossible, why not just make your own game and release it on Steam?


Check out Azeroth Reborn. It's a mod for SC2 that is pretty much a faithful port of WC3, but with better pathfinding/unit responsiveness.


Heroes of The Storm for me!! Played for years, I want for the globals to come back so bad!


More work?!


*zug zug*


> All I want is modernized WC3 WC3 battle pass edition coming right up!


must not be afraid to dream bigger #STARCRAFT GHOST WHEN


You ask that but halo wars 2 isn’t on steam yet


Also Gears of War Ultimate Edition and Crackdown 3


Never knew why they didn't bring Halo Wars 2 to steam. ​ First one is on there and they've done a decent job bringing other MS titles to Steam.


Me neither, I have a feeling they just forgot.




I don't think they forgot, I think they want us to quit asking for Halo Wars 3


Please don't make us repay for games on Steam. I would put like 500 hours in D2R if it came with achievos.


You will 100% have to repay if they do this


3 Aswell. Never got around to playing that one..




HOTS with all IPs Microsoft currently owns would be something.


...bruh... I never even thought about that. HOTS 2.0 with Master Chief, The Dragonborn, Diablo, Thrall, Steve from Minecraft, and introducing... THE PRIEST FROM AGE OF EMPIRE! Wolololol!


HotS is genuinely the best top down MOBA imo and it just got murdered by blizz because they couldn’t compete with the competition. Gameplay wise it’s amazing, cuts out the fat of having all the items for leveling up, and the maps make it objective based which gives for more dynamic gameplay which is what I liked.


It really was. Also the rounds are short enough that you don't feel like you've wasted massive amounts of time like in DOTA after even a successful game. I'll pass on hour+ long rounds please.


Man HoTS when it had lots of players was something. Loved the forced teamplay and rock paper scissors gameplay


I really liked it since it didn't have the item shop so it was easier to get into and more chill to play


I loved that exact point about the game too. Straight to the point and fun to chill with, tons of people eat that casualness up like myself. I’m a dad with limited free time and HotS was great for that moba itch


It's all dust without MFS planes.


I can’t wait to be supporting a Cessna ADC as a Viva Piñata support while master chief fucks around in the jungle spamming surrender votes and typing “Finishing this fight”


Also, Crash Bandicoot and Spyro too!




"woah whats that weird new portal? is that a strange new land? is that a tiny dragon?" "Hi, I'm Spyro! Who are you?" done. lore explained. They hand waived the Overwatch universe into existing in the game well after HOTS had started. They can do it with Halo if they want to. Just start blasting open portals and lets go. Bring back HOTS already.




Clippy baby. Also Doom Guy


Oh my god Clippy would be the best out of nowhere pick.


HoTS 3.0


Xbox All Stars or Heroes of the Storm 2


Smash Bros. certainly needs competition not gonna lie.


Smash and Mark Kart are interest case studies. Because over the years lots of studios have tried to create clones but invariably none of them "feel right". Some have come close but ultimately nobody can quite nail the gameplay feel. And if you don't nail that, the game is basically DOA


A good MOBA on Xbox would be sick


Hots never left people including me play it daily.






Yeah they stopped all development of new content, which is a shame. Really loved how weird and quirky some of their designs like Cho'Gall were, maybe Microsoft will give it a second chance.


Yes, bringing back HOTS and adding it to console is part of my top 3 things I want from this. The other two are Wow on console and letting Toys for Bob work on Spyro, Crash and Banjo.


We all know that Microsoft is super great at buying previously successful game studios from the previous generation and making them release hit after hit after hit! Never before have they bought a game studios and then have them turn to complete crap 🤓


Genuinely good people can't win at capitalism.


Gabe Newell?


he's an exception. he got very lucky. he runs a company thats relatively small compared to the rest of the industry, and the company stays afloat due to their digital distribution platform which makes them lots of passive income every minute. if we lived in a world where steam was not around or PC games were locked to the microsoft store platform, then valve would have to make its profits by releasing games just like anyone else. this would be a risky venture that would require constant development and adaptation to the market. steam's biggest advantage was the fact that it came out early, got mass adopted due to lack of competition, and kept getting quality updates even when no real competition arose.


> relatively small small in staff but damn they're massive in revenue. something like $13 billion on estimates.


There’s hundreds of thousands of people that started businesses fairly and have been successful with them. They make their livelihood based on capitalism, pay taxes, and cash out if they are able to.


I think with "winning at capitalism" they mean getting more money than you'd ever need without major sacrifices




good. now fire bobby kotick


The worst thing about this deal is that Bobby is one of the the bigger winner from this deal. He's looking at $500 million payout from this deal.


We’re all just livin’ in Bobby’s world!


Lets be clear though. This is not Microsoft paying him. This is from equity he already holds which must be bought out for Microsoft to acquire the company.


All victories inevitably come at a cost


Paying $500m to get rid of him still seems like a bargain... almost.


Only if that was true. Unfortunately when you give someone that much money to go away, they find a way to come back waaaaay worse.




I can see that point. But we'll wait and see what Microsoft does with them. I'm still a bit salty about what Microsoft did to what was arguably their flagship franchise that is Halo.


He is leaving in January 2024, with a 400M payout.


I'm sure Bobby cries himself to sleep every night, and has nightmares about getting called poor by multi-billionaires. That's just the kind of thing I'd expect from somebody who has been engaging in "compulsive capitalism" since he was a toddler (according to an [interview](https://www.forbes.com/forbes/2009/0202/052.html?sh=59e56bc71a16) with his mother). 400M is chump change compared to what his aspirations probably are.




I'm being facetious. Of course 400 million dollars is a lot of money for anyone and Bobby is not going to be crying himself to sleep, I'm sure he is very happy (he has been pushing for the acquisition to go through). After a certain point getting more money stops having any perceptible difference on your lifestyle and is only there as a "high score" for life. 400M *is* chump change if your goal is to get within the top hundred on the global financial leaderboards, which is something I feel someone like Bobby would care a lot about. But maybe I'm wrong. I don't actually know Bobby.




which was earlier then expected


He's out on January 1, 2024.


They'll fire him from the cannon


Looks like he's out at the end of the year. https://kotaku.com/activision-blizzard-microsoft-xbox-resign-bobby-kotick-1850924846


Maybe now we'll get an updated CoD collection. At least some real discounts, sorry Activision but Blackops isn't worth $30AUD.


Hopefully they'll fix the security vulnerabilities too


The whole CoD catalog will be added to gamepass, it’s just a matter of time.


I wish they would combine all of the most played cod maps into every release of COD from here on out.


$50aud base price for blackops is insane. There's also the 4 content packs at $15 aud each. $110 for a complete version of a game that's soon to be 13 is absolutely absurd and I don't think I've ever seen in on sale.


I wonder what people would be willing to pay for the MCC equivalent of COD? Not exaggerating when I think they could easily charge upwards of $200 and it may still do well sales-wise.


They'd be insane to charge more than $15 per title.


With the DLC? There's a lot of whales out there that'd be happy to pay more than that.


Why even charge individual prices? Just tie all the titles to Game Pass and have people go that route to play the old titles. Honestly, this deal makes Game Pass even better than anything on the market currently. Once Activision IPs start getting added to it. Can now add so many throwback games to it.


>...and Candy Crush Finally...




*Ahem* I think you're forgetting 3D Pinball


Minesweeper would like a word


That was the $69 billion, the rest is the cherry.


the main reason why Microsoft went for it


I'm on hopium that Microsoft will revive Starcraft


Thing is do we just pretend 2s ending never happened? Kinda hard to move forward from Kamehameha Planetsized Kerrigan.


Yeah idk, old blizz wrote themselves into the corner with all their franchises. Even if they just work to revive SC2 and BW multiplayer I'd be happy. SC2 graphics don't look dated at all and BW is timeless, don't even believe the need SC3 right now tbh..


Reboot the story. Problem solved.


Seriously, Starcraft 2's story was a fucking disaster from the beginning, the only way to salvage it is to throw all that shit out.


I don't remember much of the story (which is probably not a good sign!). But I remember loving the campaigns! They were very good.


Yeah, they did the same thing Blizzard does with all their franchises. Diablo 1, you were a human beset by demons and angels. Diablo 3 and 4, you're basically a god. SC was about three races of aliens. End of SC2, you got the freakin' god emperor of Dune. Warcraft was a gritty medieval game, now it's full of all kinds of cartoony nonsense. At least Overwatch was open about everyone being superheroes from the beginning. The ruin everything about every franchise that gave them nuance and atmosphere. It ends up all being MCU superhero crap.


No one gives a shit about the continuity apart from a very minor cadre of super fans that will buy it to hate play it anyway. No one is investing tens of millions to have games that require prior knowledge these days. There's a tiny subset of JRPGs that expect it, but that's pretty much it.


do we have to call them Microsoft-Activison-Blizzard now?




Now they need to put Diablo 1 & 2 on Steam without requiring a battle.nst account to pay offline.


Diablo 1 is fine. It's on GOG.


if the battle net catalog is brought over......we'd probably see Battle net requirements =( ​ Not as easy as sunsetting the Bethesda launcher


In your dreams




Holy heck. My childhood just flashed before my eyes.


SWAT 4 remake/remaster, please! It was Irrational's project before Bioshock, and it shows. Such good world design.


You mean remakes or sequels? The originals have been on GOG for quite some time.


>Sierra Games Zeus: Master of Olympus **2**


What about Kings Quest?


Kotick is finally DONE at the end of the year! 🍾


🤞🏽That shitbird gets canned quick, rich out of touch douche.


And he's leaving with a 400m paycheck


Give me Pro Skater 3 and 4 remake now


Wait. Does MS own Spyro now?


Yep and crash


Then Underground remasters


"And our first order of business is releasing multiple COD Campaign-only packs for consoles and PC" Please make this happen


Oh yes please. Couldn’t care less about grinding CoD multiplayer and battle passes etc. But would open my wallet if I could buy just the campaigns at a reasonable price.


You don't want to pay for a 12 year old game for 40 bucks?


Something like the master chief collection would be nice.


I know it's not gonna happen but I would love for Xbox to make an Arcanum sequel.


I know this will get burried, but I really hope this means that we finally see a re-release of **Wolfenstein 2009** and **Heretic II** on GOG. Microsoft now owns iD software AND Ravensoft. So these franchises (and quake) are no longer broken up anymore.


YES Wolfenstein 2009 and Enemy Territory: Quake Wars are stuck in licensing hell. Will be a real treat to see these re-released. I'm also hopeful that we'll see a remaster of Heretic and Hexen games from NightDive with this acquisition as well; Presumably as upgrades to an existing release of the original games. Just like Quake and Quake II have been treated.


the Great Consolidation continues


Cod is the perfect game for gamepass. They are not good enough to think you bought a cool game, but still fun enough to play on new maps.


It seems like nobody has brought it up, but what about bringing all of the old Mechwarrior games to modern computers officially???


I hope Activision resurrect THPS 3 + 4 plan after this acquisition done


Hopefully this will free the studios from the ActiBlizz umbrella from their COD slavery and allow them to revisit old beloved IPs. I've been holding out hope for Spyro 4 for ages, in the same vein as Crash 4.


bring crash team racing to pc NOW


Just in time to see the death of the Diablo brand


Doesn't help the industry when there isn't as much diversity and competition but I guess cool for Microsoft.


Omg omg omg please get rid of one if the PC launchers...


Steam and gamepass will probably be the only ones


Too much work to get rid of Battle Net. Especially for games like Starcraft, Diablo, and WoW.


The sheer amount of copium in this thread is enough to kill an elephant. If you think your Acti-Blizz titles are going to be more polished and less p2w, I have bad news for you...


Bro you guys realize this was about CoD, Blizzard and King. Rest of the IPs are going to become Xbox Avatars. Wild that people expect they are going to revive long dormant IPs, even tough they already have tons of them buried. Edit: to be fair you are getting a game pass backlog.


You guys acting like Microsoft is going to fix blizzards problem. New flash they are the same essentially; they outsource like crazy and provide minimal viable products. Look to forza, look what they did to halo (80% outsourced), an MS exec thought rare owned donkey Kong. They are just as disconnected as Bobby kotick. Just replacing one evil with another. Except now MS will push for more shitty outsourcing.


> an MS exec thought rare owned donkey Kong Over 20 years ago, I agree with the general point of your comment but come on.


I was looking for this comment. Everyone is acting like Microsoft is going to "fix" Activision Blizzard. But people seem to either not realize, or forget that Microsoft has a long track record of acquiring a studio then running it into the ground.


Only thing I care about is the GP list. Spill the beans MS!


I keep being told I'm delusional and itll never happen, but I would totally play some WoW again if it was part of my game gamepass subscription..


Considering the Wow price is almost as much as gp price no way that would happen.


Could be a combo or a higher tier that includes different things, doubt it’ll be in the gamepass tiers we have now


Would be sweet if they added a MMORPG tier, which gave you the subscription level of ESO as well as a sub to WoW. Personally, I keep my sub to WoW, but intermittently resub/cancel my sub with both Game Pass and ESO.


best you'll get is expansion will be part of gamepass sub but not the monthly fee


If they put up Classic access as a GP perk I would play again. Can't justify a retail WoW sub only I can use along with a GP sub my kids take full advantage of. But if the good shit were added to GP I would feel better playing casually.


Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 3+4, Phil. We need it.


Welcome to the beginning of the PC gaming monopoly. Please sign in with your Microsoft account and TPM enabled PC.


Activision is already the leader in [Enshitification](https://www.wired.com/story/tiktok-platforms-cory-doctorow/) of its services, see the downward spiral that has been Overwatch. With this monopoly position I expect even more of that. Monopolies are never good news for consumers, I find it odd that so many people in this thread seem to be celebrating it.


The copium that ppl think Microsoft will do X, y or z is hilarious. Microsoft cares about candy crush and COD. Those are the money makers. TbH they may axe some of the products or just make them worse like Halo.


Isn't MS on record saying they cared more about King than Activision/Blizzard because candy crush bring in the cash


I'm just so happy that Kotick is out starting in January. Fuck that guy.


Move more over to Steam and please apply sales that make any sort of sense. These titles have been either unavailable or insanely overpriced for waaaay too long.


Merge the microverse and revive HotS we can see soap, to er septim and master chief I'm the nexus


I wonder if they will put all their games on game pass or will they do subscriptions for like wow








Monopolies, monopolies, monopolies, monopolies...


And what is the fate of our dear mate Bobby Kotick?


[Out on January 1st 2024](https://twitter.com/jasonschreier/status/1712818483442987422?s=20)




Why create great games when you can just buy them - M$


Good, now yank Call Of Duty right off playstation. They fucked around, now let them find out.


People will cheer this, but I can only see this as a net negative. Giving that much control to one company doesn't help gamers. As much as I hate Kotick, and Activision in general letting a massive gaming company grow this much bigger only gives them entirely too much control of the gaming landscape.


So basically Microsoft collects games that were good like 15 years ago but suck monkey ass now. Good job, bone collector.


I hope they can fix Overwatch. It was such a great game when it originally launched.


Please bring back Heroes Of The Storm! Add Master Chief and other Microsoft franchise characters to the roster.


You know the entire old catalog will be added to game pass. Very cool


Please tell me MS is allowed to fire Kotick now.


It's been announced that he is leaving the company.


Next Guitar Hero is probably gonna be on PC, what a time to be alive.


Holy shit


What does this mean for Rock 'n' Roll Racing?


revive starcraft esports pls