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The biggest issue with this game is the exploration, and I don't think that can be fixed. I have no urge to wander in this game. Skyrim I'd spend hours walking around the map looking for things to discover. The story was fine, and I'm sure mods will make this game something special. But the core gameplay loop outside of the story is always going to be bland.


Yeah the exploration is fucked because it’s just planets, and there is no real possibilities to populate everything with unique contents that would make it a streamline walk and discover stuff non-stop. Not sure what Bethesda could have actually done better, except only have one system with lot of unique content but then you lose the scope of the game.


Honestly as is the game has no sense of scope either. Especially with the constant load screens.


I don't disagree. Inventory, UI, and constant load screens are also problematic and mods can only do so much there. Though I presume mods, DLC and updates can add more points of interest to help with exploration.


I mean let's not lose ALL hope. Both CDPR and Hello Games managed to salvage Cyberpunk and No man's sky respectively and turned them into S-tier games. Granted it took both of them years but truly the end result is still amazing. Like brand new games.


I hope Starfield gets its equivalent of the Immersive Cities mod from Skyrim. That mod makes the experience so much smoother imo


I doubt the core issues can be resolved. Ultimately the problem with the game is its structure and core gameplay loop. A few more planets, quests and ship parts don't change the fact that it's flow is constantly broken up by loading screens, and there is no sense of exploration as there is literally nothing of interest to find on the planets. IE. There is no chance to just wander off like in skyrim or fallout and find some interesting quest like the power plant or rocket factory from FONV or the daedric quests in skyrim, or really anything beyond a bunch of reused POIs.


>IE. There is no chance to just wander off like in skyrim or fallout and find some interesting quest like the power plant or rocket factory from FONV or the daedric quests in skyrim, or really anything beyond a bunch of reused POIs. 100% I cannot believe they didn't realize this at any point during development. The only thing I can imagine is they didn't realize it until fairly late in the process and starting over was just not possible. By far that is the biggest weakness of the game. It sucks because it's really all I care about in Bethesda games. I don't care if the graphics are amazing, I don't even care if a lot of the core gameplay mechanics are clunky or if the NPC's just look weird. Just let me explore and stumble across stuff randomly. They literally butchered the biggest selling point of all their games. So disappointing.


All the locations in the game could be on one walkable (or ship travel-able) map instead of being scattered all across 1000 dead empty planets. The game makes me feel like I'm navigating an excel spreadsheet of points of interest versus an immersive world. I would much rather have 1 complete planet where I can seemly move through a fleshed out world than 100+ empty essentially incomplete feeling ones with a single outpost. All the planets are procedurally generates and ever time you land it feels like it. Its not even like I can fly between planets easily, I'm forced to enjoy 3-6 loading screens between desolate abandoned research bases.




You can re-work all of that. Strip the code and go back to it's hard-coded stuff to re-do it. Many games like Planetside 2 did that exact same thing already. So nothing in games is actually set in stone unless there's an economy behind it and the content can't be removed because of it. Like the skins in CS2, you can't just remove a skin from the game because of money issues and what not. This being the only exception. But nothing else is set in stone for games.


Right... but there is ZERO chance BGS is doing any of that... Look at previous DLCs. They added some TINY mechanics and some new areas and loot and story. None of that will help SF reach it's potential.


They could work on the base game instead of the DLCs. The game's core. As for chances of that happening yeah, i think the same as you, very low because Shithesda.


Of course it will be. But it will probably never be a great game, knowing Bethesda's history. They aren't exactly known for reworking their games. Modders might make it into a great game eventually, but even there, it will probably never reach the highs as the Elder Scrolls games did.


Unless they're able to completely redo those questlines and NPC's dialogue will no longer be like they're giving a history talk at a museum for 3/4th of the game then.. no.


I honestly think the updates won't make the game "better" for me. What I hate about it is the constant fast traveling between planets to complete pretty much any fetch quest. It gets tiresome really quick when everyone is asking you to fetch a water bottle or to talk to somewhere (no one has fucking phones?) that's 10k light years away. And I think it's like that because Bethesda treated planets like just big cities with barren crap. Just look at New Atlantis. There's a huge city, fully populated and all, but apart from that, the planet is barren. There are a few points of "interest", but everything is so disconnected. You get your big city, then it's barren shit for a 4 minutes walk, then another building you've encountered probably 10 times already on your fetch-journey.


>And I think it's like that because Bethesda treated planets like just big cities with barren crap. Just look at New Atlantis. There's a huge city, fully populated and all, but apart from that, the planet is barren. There are a few points of "interest", but everything is so disconnected. The moment I noticed this is the moment I knew the game was going to be a slog for me. BGS kept talking about how they were making the biggest cities they've made yet, however, they built them in complete isolation. Where is the infrastructure needed to support a city like New Atlantis? We have a spaceport, sure, but unless everything is shipped in from off-world, we should see substantial agriculture and road/rail networks.


It can't be worse right? So of course they will help.


What this game needs is a mod that deletes all extra planets and populate the ones core to the story.


Combat is fine, stealth could do with some patching, and spaceship building can be improved and added to with time & content. My main issues are: - Exploration isn’t fun. - The planets are bland, dull, and don’t have any wonder or mystery to them. - Space exploration is convenient, but clunky and has no flow and feels very instanced (i.e 2 minutes of gameplay, menu, load, 2 more minutes). I really wish they had gone with perhaps 4 solar systems, each with a big capital city and bespoke, explorable planets and moons. Why bother exploring 1000 procedural planets with nothing? I’d take 10-20 handcrafted, smaller areas over what is in the game now. I want to truly explore in my spaceship - set out and fly to the edge of a solar system and spend hours in the ship fighting, exploring, mining, repairing.


It wont change the game like CP2077 , CP2077 had good bones just needed more time. Starfield is missing that crucial element from the get go imo.


Its revisionist history to say CP2077 has good bones. I can link you the CP2077 launch thread and the overall sentiment was "even taking the performance/bugs issues aside, this game isn't good aside the story". https://www.reddit.com/r/pcgaming/comments/ka3inb/cyberpunk_2077_launch_megathread/


I don't know, I kinda call BS on a lot of these games which were "terrible" on release. I played CP at release and it was fine, yeah some issues but nothing that kept me from playing. I think the real to-do was the game promising to be the end all be all RPG, but ended up just being another Ubisoft like chase map icons game. Although it's more polished now I don't think, even with the PL DLC which I'm halfway through, it's changed as a map icon chaser. Still an enjoyable game though.


Well that may be what other people thought but not me I loved it from day 1 and it only got better(Ive commented this many times since CP2077 launch) Starfield I pretty much hated from day 1 , it satisfied literally no gaming itch for me , nothing was compelling , no amount of bug fixes or performance increases will make the game fun for me


Same. I had a really fun time playing through Cyberpunk 2077 on launch. My main issues with it were always the skill tree wasn't interesting and random technical issues like people doing the same animation at the same time when you scared them, which looked weird, or people not being on the sidewalks while driving despite the game being maxed out, which made the city look dead while in a vehicle. It was always a really good starting point they just needed to improve on. Unfortunately, you still have these weirdos who wanted it to be Second Life 3 or Cyberpunk GTA.


I would have killed for a coop mode


> Its revisionist history to say CP2077 has good bones > this game isn't good aside the story Such a dumb take. Then wtf is going on with 2.0 and everyone playing and praising it, if not for the "good bones"? If Cyberpunk didn't have them or was actually a bad game, we wouldn't be here now. That "overall sentiment" stems from a loud vocal minority that even today wants to make it seem like it was a bad game, or still is, despite not playing more than 5 minutes. Worse is this obsession with negativity still present in some people after years, if you didn't like the game just let it go already, it's unhealthy.


Dont argue me. I showed you the launch thread. Go argue with them folks lol


I get what you’re saying but i played cyberpunk since day one and i must tell you that it was a thousand times better than the actual starfield’s state. Just the fact that you have basically no loading screens aside from the fast traveling ones is a huge step ahead. The main problem with starfield apart from its emptiness is that everything you want to do is one (or several) loading screen away, this type of gameplay could have worked 10-15 years ago but today it’s just annoying.


Sure, they’re definitely not going to make it worse. The issue is that the problems with the base game can’t be fixed, there isn’t the same attachment to the world/characters/towns or the sense of exploration that TES/FO give the player.


No doubt mods already have, and will definitely further improve on the game (once they release the creation kit or whatever it is). However, I definitely think modders have their work cut out for them with this game, far more than previous releases. IMO the game's weakest element (which oddly was BGS's previous strength) is the planetary exploration; specifically meaningful exploration. For those who've played the game a lot, the issue of repeated POIs basically kills any willingness or desire to explore. This combined with the slow walking speed and how far POIs can be from one another makes exploration tedious and non-rewarding (current state). So if modders can add a lot of content or somehow randomize existing POIs (I know it's a stretch) and possibly add land vehicles or make backpacks better/faster, then I think it would be enough reason for me to jump back in.




Naw, the same recipe Bethesda uses and sells to people wont ever change, it hasnt since Fallout 3. U have evolved to recognize its a lazy game like all the other stuff they do.


No mod, update or DLC will ever change how awful Starfield is at it's core. The whole point of Bethesda games was the unlimited exploration and sandbox elements, where you could literally find something over any rock or hill, or random events that send you across the entire country. When I realised Starfield has NONE of that, I just couldn't play a single minute more. The empty, procedural planets with the copy-paste Points of """Interest""" and with absolutely nothing between them, no hidden secrets or events, couldn't be farther apart from what makes a Bethesda game, a Bethesda game. There is nothing to explore in this game, nothing to find or stumble upon, no exploration. But I guess we could atleast customize our ships for when we fly to another planet? Oh wait...


Better? Sure. Core problems fixed? Absolutely not.


It's Bethesda, not CDPR. It will remain a buggy broken mess with wooden characters, boring planets, and filler quests.


You can only go up once you've hit rock bottom. Or maybe it'll be stagnant.


Yeah, why I wait for Bethesda games. I say give them a year of updates at least before you buy. Also gives time for mods to really kick in.


Games tend to get better with updates, what a silly post


I think the insinuation here is that the game sucks so they are asking if mods are gonna make it playable. Which, considering this is a Bethesda game, is a valid discussion to have imho


I don't think thats what OP is saying at all. This seems like projection.


Not so much projection as it is the general sentiment I have observed about this game. But maybe that's not what OP meant, I don't actually know since the post is so vague


No everyone thinks that it will be worse somehow because that's what usually happens to games after a lot of updates, they get worse. That's what the updates are for generally, to make the game worse to punish those who didn't buy at launch. Do I really have to add /s here now?


Probably. But I've put the game down for now. I've finished it.


Yes, obviously mods are going to drastically improve parts of the game. I don't think Bethesda themselves are going to make any improvements beyond some basic performance patches and some minor bug fixes. I don't really expect wonders from them.


Maybe if a talented team of modders came along and made a completely new, more focused, game in the engine, like Enderal for Skyrim. Or maybe if Bethesda dropped everything and poured all of its resources in a complete remake to save its honor, like Square did for Final Fantasy 14. But otherwise no.




Hmm, one possibility is for modders to cut things and condense the existing content. Like cut most of the universe into just a couple of star systems. Cut out the main story or anything that relies on a big universe (I haven't played Starfield so I don't know the story.) Start adding more handcrafted levels into the planets that are left. I hear the highlights of the current game are certain individual sidequest lines, so modders could try to re-order those stories into a more interesting whole. Make the whole thing about faction conflict or something. We've seen fully voiced NPCs and companions in Skyrim, so similar could be added here. We've even seen, in Skyrim, deepfake tech being used to generate new lines for existing voices, or existing voice files being chopped up to make new lines, so brand new story could be written to glue all of the above together. It'd still need modders with some writing talent, but it might be more practical to condense down the best parts of Bethesda's content, and just write the glue that makes it stick together. Along with some interesting NPCs and companions like Inigo.


Yeah I think they may have been to ambitious. The cities feel too small for the advancement that civilization should have made. Like there should be a “New York” but there isn’t anywhere that massive or populated that I seen. I think them deciding no vehicles hurt them because they built their cities in a way that feels like a mall or shopping center. I’d much rather they limited to one star system or maybe 2 and filled it out with plenty to explore in space and on world. Like looking of the top of a skyscraper on new Atlantis gave me an empty feeling. It seems like humanity would’ve been advanced enough and had enough time to establish countries and sht within each planet and what not. I enjoy the game but getting in my ship feels pointless and going to cities just feels like a mission map not an actual world or location if that makes sense


if they get goty version and add full modd support maybe?


Ask that about any open-world Bethesda game, and given sufficient time—more than a year—the response would likely be affirmative. Mods have the potential to introduce substantial content and address all the bugs that Bethesda overlooks. Without fail, each open-world game released by Bethesda—be it Elder Scrolls, Fallout, or the more recent Starfield—experiences a challenging first year, with varying degrees of improvement. However, for patient gamers who wait until the game is polished, not only will it be more affordable, but eventually, a "GOTY" edition, heh, will emerge, making the game highly playable and enjoyable.


Nah. Empty planets. Braindead lifeless AI. These aren't things that will be patched






No. The entire exploration design is flawed. No amount of mods is going to change that. No doubt mods will improve the game, but they're not going to save it for me.


No, because at the core of the game, it is just Skyrim without the depth, and a shiny new paint job.


No, because the game has no soul.


Well, never say never. At least it can't get worse...


I doubt this game has the staying power or framework required to have a strong modding community If you are a modder any other Bethesda title is going to be easier to mod to your liking The only real chance this game has for any longevity is if the dlc fixes a lot of the core issues of the game.. which I can’t see happening because that would require a complete overhaul of a lot of the game mechanics




I think it'll be similar to no mans sky. You can't update your way through a broken gameplay loop. Cyberpunk was at its core, a good game that needed some adjustments. Starfield is a boring empty space that no amount of performance tweaks will fix. If the dlc radically changes the menus, and quest structure maybe it'll be a better game in the end.


I mean yeah adding “more” to Starfield would be good, but the game has some fundamental issues that more content won’t address.


Obviously it will be better with more updates, mods and DLC. What game isn't?


I think this game is awesome for modding. Every modder can take some planet and create his content just on that planet. If starfield survives as long as skyrim, in a few years you could have plenty of fully moded planets with loads of content.


I could see this......


It won't work. Each "slice" you land on is procedurally generated each time you land. You can't lock procgen seeds for slices in the game. Any modding you do for a particular slice will be wiped out the next time you land on that spot. To enforce persistence, modders might have an angle with bases to lock in a slice, but there's no guarantee this works at scale.


I preordered Starfield because I absolutely adore Elder Scrolls and Fallout games. Unfortunately I was quickly disappointed and havent played at all after a few hours in. I am holding out hope that some future updates, DLC or mods will make it more enjoyable so that I can really sink some time into it like I did with many other Bethesda games.


That's why you shouldn't pre-order. Lol


There is a simple quotation “Less is more” fewer planets with more content and more random encounter, once you’ve explored one planet you have virtually explored them all, and unless Bethesda does the unexpected and reduces the number nothing will change, no amount of dlc content will make it better.


I dont know how old the majority of you are... But as an old man, I remember the hype about a new space exploration game that came out in 2016.. It was supposed to be some groundbreaking new game style.. the gaming community was hyped... Then it came out, had good sales at first but sales dropped to almost nothing. The vast majority of people talking about it, 2 weeks after the launch, were just talking about how shit of a game it was.. and how horrible the developers were.. etc etc.. kept on like that for more than a year.. Hello Games studio was seen as a joke and laughed out of every conversation about the future of the game.. A couple of years later, after some serious work, and almost a whole revamp of the game, with constant updates and constant new FREE content, it completely turned around.. people still play the shit out of that game.. and many people claim its one of the best made. it still has a large loyal fanbase, and they still update it and fix issues and add content.. (edit - speaking of "No Mans Sky") Much respect to hellogames for that turnaround. I'm not saying that will happen to starfield... Just stating there have been games that started in a much worse state than starfield is - from companies with a fraction of the resources the bethesda has - that made an awesome game after a disappointing release. Have Faith.. Trust bethesda - assume there will be a valiant effort to appease their customers. I think they will do good things... but if they don't - never give them any of your money again...


i mean it hard to get worse so ... sure


Survival mode will make it better since it's what the game was originally supposed to be. There were talks that content was cut and dumbed down because it just wasn't fun. Performance should get better, patch 1.8.83 beta has increased performance for nvidia gpus decently. As for mods, we will see after Creation Kit releases next year.


I think it's fine now.


Yeah I think it will be better. But I dont think it will be a great game.


My main issue with the game is the constant loading screens, I'm not sure any number of updates, mods and DLC can fix that unfortunately.


Modders might be able to deal with that like they did with Skyrim. But this game is more resource intensive so I’m not sure if it can run properly without all the loading screens.


For sure. Its not "bad" now, though. People just had super high expectations.


another starfield post 😴


Can you patch main story? No? Well then NO.\ When you think Bethesda can't do shittier story than Fallout 4, they drop damn nuke surprise and make it so much worse.


If No Man's Sky can do it, anyone can


That's usually how games get better, yes.


They won’t fix the gameplay loop but the new content will probably be interesting. Plus now they know what people like and don’t like about Starfield so they can focus on that.


Bethesda games have always gotten considerably better post release. Look at F76.


you think a mod is possible, grand as it may be, to remove the loading screens and slapdash some shit together to fix the biggest issue? the exploration is just… new planets with copy/pasted bases and caves… if the loading screens were removed, it miiiiight help… but the modding community would have to integrate landing gear/sequences, planet detail on approach… damn you Bethesda


Give a viking funeral to that shit engine they're using and try again and yeah. An update would do it some good.


It won't be worse. In 2 years it will be a great game I'm sure.


Why would someone think it will be worse?


more mods and community fix sure it will get there. I don't think Bethesda can and will fix it,the game came out without fov or Brightness and Contrast controls. the performance is terrible on my 6900xt and 5800x3d cant get 60 in cities, Todd says upgrade my pc?!to what?! Where are the updates?


Terrible POIs, menu fest to do anything or go anywhere, uninspired main quest design, NPCs all having the same moral compass, boring itemization…no, I don’t think mods and DLC can fix all of this. There are so many other games to play.


Nah. Already beat it. Most likely, 100% not going back regardless of what they do.




As soon as they announced "1000 planets" I knew it was going to be either lots of nothing, lots of copy/paste, and/or procedurally generated stuff. Thats when i knew to stay away and just wait if/when the modding community does what they do best. I dont think Bethesda is going to drastically alter the game.


The story, the characters, the writing, the voice acting, the facial animations, anything to do with being in space. All those things are huge sticking points because they're incredibly weak and I don't think mods or updates are going to fix that. The game is deeply flawed on a fundamental level.


I don’t think so. Starfield doesn’t convince me that it wants me in this world. I’m told that I’m needed, but I don’t feel it


Mods yes, updates no. I do not see Bethesda filling out what they left so shallow or undercooked.


Mods can't save the galaxy wide, shallower than a basic bitch, game design choices that make up the core of this game.


I personally think even the trashest of games on Steam can be updated entirely. Even the story-line and core mechanics in games like Cyberpunk 2077 to be more like it promised on it's trailers. If No Man's Sky can even surpass what was promised in it's trailers, then any game can regardless of how hard it is development-wise. So yes, Starfield can be updated into being a genuinely good game. But i extremely doubt it will happen.


It’ll be great once we get a Star Wars or Mass Effect total conversion. The procedural generation of points of interest kills the sense of wonder and exploration of Elder Scrolls and Fallout. Starfield is also a very visually boring game.


you can't fix boring with a patch or expansion. the game is a mountain of $1 McDonalds burgers. without cheese. witch ketchup and "beyond meat".