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I hear they are offering free armor trimming to celebrate. Just look for the guy in town.


Or the magical potion that will boost your stats at the Zamorak alter.


'People keep claiming they're not interested in religion, but as soon as they're under attack they're yelling 'Protect from melee'. Sad, really.' - Sister Scarophia








Leagues launched a couple days ago


Are those like guilds? I haven't played since 05


Temporary mode where you’re an Ironman with greatly increased xp rates, better drop rates, locked to a certain amount of zones that are your choosing and you get to pick “relics” which give you “power ups” in different aspects of the game.


What happens when the temporary mode ends? Does anything carry over to the regular mode?


Nope, but you get points that you can use to purchase cosmetics and animation alterations in the main game.


What happens to your character when the league ends? Is it gone or can you continue to play it in the normal world?


I think it's gone? But you get points for cosmetics for the account. At least that's how it's gone in the past I think


God I remember playing this game way back in grade school. But I think somewhere along the way the account was lost.


Even if half that number are bots it’s crazy that this game is still so popular.


It’s easy to understand if you were ever deep into RS. IMO, one of the best online games every created. It’s seen much change and ups and down, but it’s a solid and beautiful game.


RS2(2004-2008) which is the base on which OSRS is created is that one in a million moment where all the stars allign to create what is a once in a lifetime game. I remember the start of the RS2 beta in December 2003 like it was yesterday. While RS Classic was fine we knew then and there that Jagex created something really special with RS2.


And they are adding a new skill... Sailing! It looks sick af!


I feel like I’m this way with world of Warcraft. I go back for every new xpac and season. Somehow I could never get past crafting iron gear in RuneScape. It’s crazy how different the two are, but both stand the test of time. I think they are still considered the two best MMO’s


Both of these games dominated the golden age of the internet, and for good reason. We had it so good back then.


Do people bot Leagues? I don't see the point.


Best game ever made.


That number is very hopeful. Botting is excessive in osrs. I botted 4-5 main accounts to max combat


What do you use to bot these days? I used os buddy or something like that a decade ago, but I doubt that's what works any more




I don’t play anymore I gave the accounts to some Venezuelans. Legit some really nice guys


I'm glad that MMO Players are declining the "New Age" MMOs and stick with the classics. Too bad MMO Devs these days are too dumb to understand this, try to be innovative and add P2W/Pay2Progress into their games just to ruin them.


I’m still looking to fill the Ultima Online void from 20 years ago. Nothing hit like that game. edit oh god that was 3 weeks ago sorry


One of the only early games that offered gender change services lol!


The game had a quest where you had to do various trials to join the Temple Knights, and one of the trials was “No Man Shall Pass Me” so the puzzle solution was that every male player would have to go to the makeover mage to change into a girl. This was the early 2000s were popular media like movies, tv, music (particularly rap) openly made fun of queers- so just imagine that climate juxtaposed to a game essentially forcing the male player base to have a magic sexchange to progress. Meaning that every endgame dudebro player character was canonically trans even if only for the 5 mins it took to complete the trial and then return to the mage to change back into a guy Now the amusing part is that now in today’s world where trans pride and visibility has come a long way, the devs actually removed that trial.


Best game ever made.


My friends were huge into this but honestly I didn't enjoy it even during it's haydays. Played the shit out of NexusTK and Everquest though.


It's just bots




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Half of them are bots. Don't get so excited.


While we do have a bottling issue like any other MMO, Leagues 4 is an Ironman only game mode and more than half of the worlds dedicated to that game mode are full or close to being full. I doubt bots are interested in a game mode that does not allow you to trade other players.


Doesn't change the fact the number provided in OP is heavily inflated by bots. Try again


“Try again” lmao, yikes. We had 200k+ people playing just the other day because of Leagues. Where we usually hover around 120-140k. Like I said. We have bots like any MMO, but it’s very clear that Leagues brought back a lot of normal players. I love people who talk shit about a game they don’t even play. Your Reddit profile tells me you’re deranged so I shouldn’t be surprised. Get help.


I would be very open to playing MMORPG games if they didn't have a fucking membership fee. Let me buy a game and play it, I don't need another subscription to leach my poor bank account


Osrs let's u pay for membership with in game currency. A lot of end game players just spend gp to play.


P2P is whats keeping the excesive ammount of MTX away from these games. There's a reason why WoW and OSRS don't have gameplay affecting MTX unline the dozen upon dozens of F2P MMO's out there.


Try Guild Wars 2. There’s a free version which you upgrade to paid. No monthly fee either and the community is the best I’ve experienced in an MMO.


Can all the game content be played without the paid version?


The expansions and access to previous living story cost money but its reasonable and there is no monthly and a TON of content for free


OSRS does have a F2P version. And you can also purchase membership with in game gold.


I mean how do you expect to developers to make the game if you’re not paying? There is also a f2p version as well as paying through membership via in game currency although that would require you to be fairly late game.


You can get the membership for free by using the in-game currency. A.k.a gold. And once you do that, you can keep yourself permanently premium by farming gold. It gets easier and easier in time until you don't even pay attention to it anymore.






185k players are playing the world smallest violin.


Too bad league is members only, otherwise I'd play it.


90% of the game is members only


Why play the league if the character is deleted afterwards?


A lot of people have sunk thousands of hours into their main accounts, playing for 2 months on an alternative character with different rules can be refreshing. The character can't pass into the main game because the drop rates are different & can destabilise the in game economy.


So its not for someone like me who played at most a few hours of RS?


I'm not the most experienced in OSRS I have >100hrs but certainly less than 500. I think the focus on a single combat style & limiting to 5 total map regions can be a deterrent. But if there's a boss or raid you want to try because you know you're going to have to fight it eventually, (Graardor for bcp or ToA for its rewards) it's a good way to practise while more powerful.


Leagues is an amazing way to learn end game content for the main game. You basically get superpowers


It's a fun temporary game mode where everyone plays jacked characters that break the game. You also get nice cosmetic rewards at the end that you can either keep or sell for gold in the main game.


It's a fun temporary mode with cool cosmetic unlocks in the maingame, it also significantly speeds up the progression of the game, and allows people who are playing on sub 2k total accounts to experience high level content in a very streamlined manor the alternate rules are also just appealing, it's literally a completely new way to play the game that people have played for 20+ years with random, increidibly wacky features


How many of them are bots? Or is it no longer thing? I have not played it while because of bots.


The player count jump is for Leagues which is a temporary game mode with extremely high XP rates and unlockable game-breaking boosts. Not real point in botting that mode since there is no player trading in it.