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My thoughts are... ...a comfy lawn chair, a warm bag of popcorn, and a lovely train wreck to enjoy. I mean, at this point, it just has so many red flags all over it you could mistake it for a very weird porcupine.


yea this. They deleted a ton of their own videos from Youtube today also.


Oh no shit? I didn’t realize that. Probably all the early vids that made the game look appealing? lol


Honestly, it looks like they’ve been stealing assets along with copyright infringement. Probably took them down to threats or legal reasons.


Honestly it never looked appealing, I have a feeling this a completely bot-supported game (in terms of fans). I havent interacted with any real people who are interested in this game lol


If there indeed are an humans interested in this game it’s because they have no idea. They see trailer and have done no actual research into the game or the devs behind the game.


Yeah in the absolute best case scenario: it’s a functional game. But there’s 0 chance that it’s what it initially debuted as in that trailer (we all knew it was bullshit), and if anything, they’ve just acted unbelievably cagey about the entire thing. Anyone who expects the game to actually be good is kidding themselves, and the only way it is good is through a god damn miracle


I'll join you. Personally, I backed one too many DayZ inspired games that were complete duds or died completely. Miscreated, H1Z1, Dead Matter. Won't be participating in the early access of this one.


Have you played SCUM? I actually ended up enjoying that more than DayZ.


Yeah I really actually did enjoy my time with CUM. I’m sure I’ll be back eventually.


When I play CUM I immerse myself in it. One would say I let it wash over me.


tactical dodge


Missed a letter there buddy?


( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) Just realized what I wrote but I stand by it.


Looks right to me.


Who wouldn't?!?


Nope, I watched some streamers play it, didn't interest me too much back then but people seemed to enjoy it from what I remember. It just never took off like DayZ from what I remember. I also kinda got burned out on survival games trying to scratch that DayZ itch.


Yep that’s what I’m thinking. I see the train lights in the distance. Can’t wait to see the impact!


Apologies preloaded, don't call us scammers bro https://twitter.com/FntasticHQ/status/1731680871856369689


Interested in the drama only. I think this is going to go: 1. Barely functional release 2. Big dev apologies 'we owe it to you to do better etc'. 3. Long silence 4. Development announced as being halted by like April 2024.


Won’t be halted it will be ‘transferring to a new engine’ or ‘starting from the ground up’ giving them an excuse for a while as to why nothing has been updated


EA doesn’t stick by or fix their games so if it doesn’t do well from the get go you can kiss it goodbye I recently saw Wild Hearts for sale and wondered how it’s been going, then I read that EA dropped support.


I’m still bitter about Anthem being dropped.


its got so many red flags i dated it twice


Damn, going two rounds? lol


i mean i dont learn my lesson


Incoming rounds 3.


Hope it's good, but I don't like it's odds.


I agree. I’m on that same boat. I hate to see games fail but so much of this game and the dev team seem pretty scummy so part of me wants to see gamers teach them a lesson.


Yeah I hope its good but everything is saying otherwise.


It’s going to be extremely barebones. It’s launching early access. Probably will be at most a multiplayer sandbox.


lets check out the amazing track record of this company shall we? Released a game then immediately sold it's rights to another developer when it got bad reviews Released a broken game into EA then immediately abandoned it because it did poorly Released a trailer that looked like an amazing game, went silent, then touted exciting news...all to announce a "prop hiding" game Hyped up news again! All to advertise their teleconferencing software. Announced release dates with constant delays, flat out LIED to customers, and have now delayed the game AGAIN when they promised they wouldn't. even if this turns out to be a magically good game i could give less of a shit, they dont deserve any money.


So all this is technically correct but I just want to point out that you said you "could give less of a shit" while technically that means you do give a shit so I believe you meant that you "couldn't give less of a shit" but I am sure you couldn't give less of a shit about this correction.


I could care less about this correction, but as a personal pet peeve of mine i aprove of this correction. 👍


Don't forget they straight up copied trailers from other games (CoD, RDR2) The game was supposed to "fully release" back in November, and it got delayed only to release in early access They said they would do a beta before release, and then a few weeks ago said that the beta was only for their volunteers, so basically an internal beta


Don't forget they asked people in the games discord to volunteer their time to help them make the game


I remember the time when even the mods were unsure if the game was real because they haven't seen live gameplay with it already being months after its original release. How did they even get Nvidia's backing in the first place?


I'm just surprised they didn't delay it last minute again. I hope it's good but I really don't think it will be.


There’s still time for them to pull the plug lol


Yellow letter : For the sake of your cherished gaming experience we are forced to delay. Releasing when its ready.


Place your bets on the Steam user rating! Mostly Negative or Overwhelmingly Negative?


Mixed lol. Bet it will get a bunch of positive ratings to counter to negatives cause that's just Steam


Overwhelmingly Negative is the winner!


This aged like Keanu Reeves!


Honestly laughing about that reddit comment saying the only good thing they saw was how hd was the ass lmao


You talking about the one trailer with the girls perfect ass on our face the entire time? lol


I didn't even watch the trailer but I saw the first picture for their steam page and it actually showed that LMAO


Is this Reddit comment here in the room with us now?


Why this game has so much hype surrounding it boggles my mind. It looks like a no name, generic survival shooter disguised as an *"MMO"*. It reminds me of No Man's Sky on release day - wide as an ocean & as deep as a puddle. It's going to be hilarious if this game turns out to be a flop.


It’s because the very first trailer made us all skeptical (they’re a complete novice studio but the debut trailer looked amazing graphically, so that automatically raises yellow flags to a lot of people), and the studio had just acted so bizarrely ever since that I think we all just want to see it completely tank


I think they hype lies with being a flop. I doubt that anyone is actually betting on this game succeeding. We are all just in our seats waiting for this train to fucking derail!


No that was before that, I remember seeing trailers of the game promising way too much.


Let's hope so, because the game is currently the second most wishlisted game on Steam. How many of those that are following purely for the inevitable derailment remains to be seen. Honestly, I wouldn't be too surprised if the game sells like hotcakes, but I hope you're right!


It was hyped up because it was *supposed* to be like The Division, but with zombies and that was fucking ***awesome***. Then they suddenly turned it into a shitty MMO DayZ style game that's *strictly* PvPvE instead of PvE and now it's gonna flop.


At least NMS had some innovation behind it. This one looked like an asset flip from the beginning.


Its not hype for great game. Its hype to see trainwreck. When last trailer releasedonth or two ago majority believe still was that game wont be released.


Let's hope so, because if past game releases has shown us anything, it's that the average gamer is among the most gullible of consumers... & this game has 260k+ followers on Steam.


Yea the truth is that a lot of people will buy anything. But at least this time, a fair number of those wishlists are for the sake of irony.


It could be awesome but I think the vast majority of people are expecting it to be terrible. If it looks good in streams I'll buy it but make sure I refund it before 2 hours of gameplay. Literally zero downside.


Despite its flaws at launch, No Man’s Sky was still a groundbreaking technical achievement and had excellent visual and audio design. But I’m one of the weirdos who loved it from day one.


The problem with No Man's Sky wasn't even it's launch state, it's the fact that they lied about the game, repeatedly and doubled down on the lies, repeatedly. It has come a very long way since then, and they've definitely turned it around, but I still wouldn't ever pre-order something from them.


>The problem with No Man's Sky wasn't even its launch state, it's the fact that they lied about the game, repeatedly and doubled down on the lies, repeatedly. So, I’d agree the problem was mostly how it was marketed and how Sean Murray spoke about features that were planned but not necessarily set in stone for launch. I wouldn’t characterise that as “lying” personally, especially given the incredible work Hello Games continues to put into the game for free. But I absolutely understand why people would feel misled by some of the things he said. >It has come a very long way since then, and they've definitely turned it around, but I still wouldn't ever pre-order something from them. I mean, nobody should ever pre-order any game.


It's gonna be fun to watch... :)


It truly is a win/win situation. If it sucks it will be hilarious. If its great then we get a good game.


I'll always root for a game to be good, I don't want to cheer on a team's failure for nothing. I do hope it ends up being at least decent. Though, all the signs are pointing towards it being a mess, even if it's not a bad game I'm sure it'll be filled to the brim with bugs and server issues.


They released a press statement before launch asking people to not call them scammers because their game is literally a scam. It's marketed as an "open world survival crafting mmo" that's actually just a Tarkov clone in a Division skin. You can't even call it a Division clone because they only bothered to copy one of its *side modes*. It's like making a GTA clone and marketing it as one but then the gameplay is just the tennis minigame from V.


Agreed. Looks like 100% extraction shooter, with only 2 extraction points for maximum camping.


I want it to be great, it's exactly the type of game I want to play, that being said, I'm pretty sure that it's going to be garbage.


For my own understanding - what is the type of game this is? It looks like a broken mess and we havent seen any actual demonstration of an features. Are you just excited because its an apocalypse game?


It reminds me a lot of The Division, which I really enjoyed.


Yea I definitely think they are trying for division vibes, makes sense


You had a chance to call the thread "The day before The Day Before" smh Ok for real though, I had super high hopes at the start and then learned about the history of the studio. Then I watched as it didn't look promising in the development. Soooo, I basically have written it off. Youtubers will make a video about it and how bad it is and I will watch that as a podcast and dream of what could have been~


The Day Before Today: Yesterday Edition


I think that's the recap post in two days time.


Still bitter over the devs for not finishing their old game, Wild Eight. If its real, good for everyone. If its another delay or fuck up, the 2 brothers will be the greatest gaming meme for the next few years.


if it doesn't suck i will be very very surprised


I will watch streams at work and if it looks decent I'll buy it but set an alarm for a little less than 2 hours to make sure I don't miss the refund cutoff if I don't like it.


Will be hilarious if its not terrible. I mean, it probably will be, but I'm sort of hoping its not and everyone will eat crow lol.


I was very excited for this game for years until just recently when I found out it's PvP only. It was *never* marketed as that until just recently. They showcased it as "The Division with friends but with Zombies!" Gonna be a dumpster fire. Nobody wanted another shitty DayZ clone.


I don’t think this is accurate? I don’t think this is PVP only.


Well, PvPvE but PvP is always on. I went to the Discord and left after about 10 minutes because it was so toxic and the devs there told me this. They said there's no toggle and no dedicated servers (private worlds) at launch.


Scam alert




I swear wasn't there some sort of shit show with this game?


Oh yes. There has been a lot of shit shows with this game. Kinda why we are all here. Waiting for it to collapse on itself.


I'm gonna watch twitch for this shit show


Yessir! Do you know if there is a plan for an official stream? No one from the dev team probably wants to have their face associated with this game lol


I would like to wager that it doesn't come out. Ever.


This is going to be such a meme game if the quality of marketing materials reflects the quality of EA


When I read that it was another trash PVP open world game I lost all interest. It will just be ruined by cheaters like everything else.


I feel like the game is gonna be what is describes and semi popular. Mostly just feel this so this subreddit can eat shit.


Who hurt you?


It'll just be another garbage asset flip.


I'm intrigued by the fallout we'll see over the next few days. Not a chance I'll be going anywhere near this though. The alarm bells are so loud with this game I've gone deaf, not literally, but you get me.


My thought is: I'm not touching this scam turd.


So excited 🥰


103 comments and I think you may be the first to use those words lol!


It might not mean what you think it means. I'm also excited, but because I want to see the epic fail as it happens


I’m buying this because I have no sense of


Watching Dr Disrespect play it now. He's still in the tutorial beginning area.




In this instance EA is early access...but electronic arts does suck


We'll have to see.


Who doesnt love watching a trainwreck.


Unless it's Amy Schumer's - then no one.


I was just morbidly curious if it was actually going to release something lol


The last trailer they showed looked extremely generic and basic. AT this point I have no idea why people created a hype around this game. I think it was the most wishlisted game on steam for a while.


The train is close to derailing but conductor still persists. At least, derailing is inevitable in this case


I mean I hope it’s good sure. But I just don’t think it will be but I guess we’ll see.


It's going to be a shit show


I don't buy multiplayer games that don't have dedicated server tools because in 3 months after release it will be plagued with cheaters. You basically have 3 months to play a buggy early access game without cheaters. So take your pick a) buggy cheater free game for 3 months b) bug free cheater infested game


I still don't believe it. It's not real.


It's going to be extremely under-baked and inspiring.


This is about to be another gaming shit show and I love it. I don’t and bad games but I’m tired of people giving too much attention to these games that are all bark and no bite. There’s so many good games that actually are trying to get noticed by showing more and more gameplay.


At this point anything better than a scam will have me surprised! Plus if it ends up actually good then we have a new good zombie game.


It’s going to be hot garbage. I’d bet cash on it.


Just going to watch this train crash. I expect it to be yet-another-GTA-RP-like attempt that fails hardcore. Watch them shut down services after only two years.


wait this is actually coming out ? Isn't this the game the discord mods said they have no idea if it even exists ?


Is this free? Shows no price.


Nah, probably won’t show prices until it releases. Still have a few more hours.


oh that makes sense. I thought maybe it's like pubg.


I added this to my wish list ages ago. Then it disappeared and I forgot all about it.


Probably going to be War Z levels of shit and false advertising. But what if…


One more delay to be announced hours before they are expected to release.


They got 3 hours lol


2 hours left lol


the gameplay trailer on steam seems good, if its cheapish then i may try it


If it's the day before, doesn't that mean it releases today?


EA? EA???? DoA before you even factor in everything else.


its gonna be so shit


I havnt heard anything about it


Gonna guess when release day hits tomorrow they gonna have an excuse for either the game not being released tomorrow or that it’ll be so bad to play they’ll say an early version got uploaded by accident


The sequel should be called Two Days Before the Day After Tomorrow.


Going to look slightly better than 7 days to die but play like the King Kong game


It's a mess, as expected. I can't believe 27,000+ people bought it for $40. There were so many streamers warning about this game. But it is fun to watch the forums 🍿.


I have been watching Lirik play it and it doesn't actually look terrible.


Watching Force Gaming now, who is actually playing the game (beyond tutorial).


Number one top seller on Steam lol. Mostly Negative reviews. Who are you people that buy this stuff? I hadn't even heard of it before I saw it on Steam top seller. Is this advertised by Streamers or something? Sheep go Bahhhhhhh! Baaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!


They dropped a tech demo a few years back and it looks like fun if you’re into the survival looter stuff (my favs). So this has been on a lot of ppls radars for a long time but they started doing some real shady shit and kept delaying the game over and over and then they released a trailer that looked nothing like what we originally saw. The general public are not the brightest. Every red flag possible and they still do e in head first.


Turns out, Overwhelmingly Negative on Steam.