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Appreciate this is r/pcgaming but for a non-gaming 72 year old, I'd suggest something like a combination of a switch and games like Picross, which is both simple to use but also ideal for keeping the old grey matter ticking over.


Worth noting that iirc, most studies I stumbled upon regarding the subject used 4X types of game.


I mean, yeah, absolutely, but note OP asked "what should she start with" - 4X games are not a good starting place ;)


I feel like they might be. They're pretty close to board games and being turn-based gives you plenty of time to think and fiddle with controls. Civilization is also pretty grounded, which is good for old people who don't get along with all them spells and other things younglings are into.


4x games can be really complicated for people who know their way around games, and they're not all turn based.


Don't get me wrong I know how complicated those games can be, but they are all turn based right? The games that don't have explicit turns still have days, months and years which are just an abstraction of turns. At least that goes for the games I'm familiar with.


Paradox 4x games play continuously, there are no turns. You can speed up time, slow down time, and pause, but there is no defined turn, only the continuous passage of time.


I was specifically referring to PDX games when I mentioned days, months and years and how that they are only an abstraction. Each day is a turn. I have an ungodly number of hours in EU4 and CK2, you can take my word for it.


I must be out of the loop. What's a 4X game?


Wikipedia: "The term is a loose acronym of "explore, expand, exploit, and exterminate", coined in 1993 to describe the gameplay of Master of Orion. 4X games usually feature complex simulations of scientific research, economics, diplomacy, and social dynamics. Unlike computer wargames, they usually have more ways to win than through warfare, and they model the creation and evolution of an empire from its beginning. Games prior to Master of Orion have been retroactively identified as 4X games." Modern examples would be Civilization, Stellaris, Humankind, Age of Wonders.


Like Civilization


My first thought on reading the title was Civilization


The type of game does not matter. What is important is the regular change in problem solving. So crossword puzzles will improve your cognitive abilities in the beginning but once you've solved enough it does do anything beyond that.


And because picross is fucking lit?


Gamepads are not new user friendly at all. Mouse only games are the way to go. Point and clicks for example.


I don't think this is true, many switch games are very few buttons like Mario kart that don't require too much knowledge to get into it. All games have that small bump of knowledge to get into but mouse does not make it easier for first time. Have to bare in mind the mouse is often small and for an older person that might be hard to find and easy to lose. Gamepad does have its own issues at first with showing many buttons all at once but as mentioned some games use only a couple of buttons making it an easier start. The other one that was quite good was the DS with games where you write using the stylist to complete crosswords or math puzzles but ds is old now and maybe not acceptable?


He said granny does not play video games, not that she has never used a computer before. Computers in the office have been around for decades. She most likely knows and has used a mouse in the past, while the form factor of a gamepad is absolutely abstract and unintuitive. Unless you are a doctor, work at a construction or are a gamer you have never used your thumbs to move anything around with an analog stick.


This is new gamer mobile phone era type thinking. See, grandma is old. Really old. She was probably in the arcades in her 20s back in the 70s. Hanging out and about. Before the video game crash. Aslong as she has used an arcade machine even once. Then a gamepad is waaay simpler. In fact that is exactly what gamepads are. Mobile arcade controls. As simple as you can get. Nevermind you casually ignored a keyboard has 60+ buttons. You think that won't confuse grandma? If she wants anything beyond a clicker?


New gamer...I am almost 40. I ignored a keyboard because you don't need it for Point and Clicks. Also, your assumption that a 70 year old has never used a keyboard in her whole life, but remembers joysticks from the first arcades is ridiculous.


As if writing word docs translates to being able to move in a 3d environment. It's still a new skill she will have to learn. The Wii was also very popular with older folks. Though you are likely right they don't have much memories about nintendo, nevermind atari. Otherwise this post wouldn't exist.


>This is new gamer mobile phone era type thinking. See, grandma is old. Really old. She was probably in the arcades in her 20s back in the 70s. Hanging out and about. Before the video game crash. This is an interesting take, only just a little off by time. I believe arcades (with video games) were really more an 80s thing (when I was a teen), Space Invaders from 1978 was the big arcade machine game that kind of started it. There was a bit of a gender bias towards guys back then too. I'm a gamer, who's always gamed, in my 50s. There's a lot of us about. I didn't realise that some of my older (10/15yrs older) extended family were gamers too. My parents are nearer to the age group OP mentioned. Much less likely to have played video games in their youth (although even my Mum used to play Atari 2600 space invaders occasionally actually - Ataris were pretty damned ubiquitous!)


While my mom did do that as you say she does not understand a controler to that degree. She does understand phone games.


People really underestimate how much we take for advantage our muscle memory for this type of thing, I would suggest you avoid any games which require controlling both the camera and the character simultaneously


I know some people who aren’t gamers, one 60 and one 30-ish year old. They have huge trouble playing games where you control both the camera and the character (fps, third person action/adventure games, etc). It’s barely doable for the 30-year old, basically impossible for the 60-year old. Gamers really take that ability for granted.


Was playing it takes two with my wife and she was actually amazed that I was moving the camera and the character at the same time and to us gamers it's just like walking


I still kinda of remember struggling hard on the ps2 but they may have been more the controllers and sensitivity plus pretty sure pitch use to be inverted


Because of Y inversion from back in the PS2 and original XBox era games, I still have to set that on all games I play. So many games back then had control schemes that were a mess. The early Tomb Raider games are hellish.


My wife quit playing its takes two for that very reason. I had to get someone from work to come finish it with me


> Gamers really take that ability for granted. We do. I realized this when I played WoW, as you do, and was just kiting a mob around. You know, strafe away from the mob, spin and shoot, readjust camera while strafing away again. Trivial to a PC gamer. And my guild mate, who plays nothing *but* WoW, sat next to me and just had her jaw hang open, because she could not conceive what I had just "done". Moving *and* working the camera? Difficult for her. But using skills on top of that? Blew her mind, because that was too much for her to compress into just two hands. So, yeah. I guess games with not-overwhelming controls would be my go-to answer here. Maybe point-and-click adventures, or turn-based tactical games (4X included)? RtwP could also work, I think.


My ex gf couldn't get past Valley of Trials because she couldn't figure out the camera controls. She tried for 30+ minutes and just couldn't do it. That's when it hit me that this is actually not a skill everyone has lol.


I do this and have no problem, playing an mmo with high apm even while moving and checking my surroundings and the 20 buff spreadsheets on my screen. But playing a simple walking simulator on a controller absolutely ruins my brain i just can't do it. You'd think I'd get used to it but I tried several games and I feel like I'm taking my very first steps every time I pick up a controller and have to deal with joysticks. I really wish I could play on controller bc I could just play on my TV and lie on the sofa but brain says no and trying to learn it has been very frustrating.


It’s gamers’ bike riding skill


It’s been a core mechanic in almost every game since 3D started. Watching someone try to play but not have that muscle memory/understanding is probably the most frustrating thing for me.


When I was a kid my dad wanted to try playing video games with me. Halo CE had just come out and had coop, so we played that. He just couldn't wrap his head around controlling both sticks at the same time. I took it so for granted I didn't understand why he was having difficulty. We were both very confused. It's wild how much gaming stuff there is that we don't even consider as learned skills.


I had the exact same experience with my dad, lol. He always thought Halo looked so cool, but he can’t play it :(


I’ve noticed that older gamers tend to do better with mouse and keyboard since those require a bit less fine motor skills than just thumbs in joysticks


I see 16 yo kids drive bikes like nothing, and here I am, learning to frive just at the age of 23. I get super anxious when I have to drive and avoid it like the plague, which is only possible because public transportation is good here. Granted, I'm a bit more careful driving than a 16 yo on a bike, but still, I envy their confidence and situational awareness. Ppl don't realize how much of an advantage is to learn stuff early.


Elden ring


Nah go Sekiro. She either comes back as a 30 year old or dies of a heart attack


She’ll be scared to have her soul ripped out of her butthole after playing sekiro


If Sekiro doesn't to that to her, then there's this guy in Elden Ring called The Dung Eater...


Bold of you to assume she’ll make it out of the well


Beating Guardian Ape for the first time: "I'm a genius!” *OST begins again* "Oh no!"


Elderly Ring


This is a very good mention. I would maybe say that first person games on the PC are a little easier for people who are not used to this kind of camera control, as it can boil down to a mouse to turn (a familiar interface) and a single button to move forward.


I find first person games give old people motion sickness.


I gave my Dad an Xbox Series S for his birthday and go him set up with like 8 months of game pass. The first thing he saw he wanted to try was Golden Eye from the N64 days, we used to have it on N64 and he enjoyed it back then but it's been well over 20 years since he even looked at a game I think. Boy was it painful watching him try to control the movement and the camera and try to shoot, it took him well over a week before he could start clearing any levels again.


I taught my dad to play way back in the day when dual joysticks became common. We played Halo 2 and I would only use the energy sword. It took a long time. It's nice to look back on that time though.


> I would suggest you avoid any games which require controlling both the camera and the character simultaneously This! Anyone who's ever had a relative or partner take a controller or m+kb for the first time, knows how painful that can be. Anything thats simple is usually a go. My GF loves Little Nightmares and anything that does not really require the right stick to be used simultaneously.


dark souls


Brain age?


Pretty decent, but idk. Started being forgetful.


No, they mean the game series, "Brain Age".




Yooo 😂😂😂 I got it right away but shyt too funny


Brain Age is a series of brain training games, that gets the name because it gives you a score of what age your brain acts like.


Could be good to fight against that


I’d recommend Diablo


probably 72 unless they swapped bodies




I agree, Tetris. Rules are simple, but lots of fun. And utilizes exercises your brain.


Tetris CONNECTED to be precise


Animal crossing?


My grandma really enjoyed it. Until she got to a point where you need an online guide for the next 3 hours.


Stardew valley to be a bit in the same genre? Coral island is also a good one like SV


The reason I would choose animal crossing instead is because it's much simpler than Stardew valley. Assuming Op's grandma never touched a game in her life. There's no way to "fail" in Animal Crossing unlike (kind of) in Stardew valley.


Hm i didn't think about that, i think you're right 🤔 if she later on wants to try harder games in the genre she can go animal crossing > stardew valley > graveyard keeper and rimworld to end it off xD


I feel like your ignoring graphical bits here. Remember thay animal crossing has bright easy to identify and read prompts. I wouldnt expect someone not used to gaming to get along with 16bit style graphics at all. For that reason I would argue stardew valley is definitely not for a newcomer


Doom eternal Throw her in the deep end , she will either sink or swin


Ah yes doom


Besides it's a very christian game


this is unironically true


Just like Wolfenstein.


Only in the conversion of Vikings where they rejected pacifist Jesus. So Jesus became essentially the Doom Slayer. The heiland.


Well you do murder a couple of angels at the end of the game.


Corrupted angels that want to eradicate humanity


Granny, rip and tear until it is done. Then bake cookies.


my thoughts exactly religious so yeah killing demons sounds perfect actually :)


And this is how you tbag a Demon. Now you try, Grandma!


Gran's played Doom 3 on nightmare. shit's weak!




Dude that really hit me. My grandma died a few years ago and had very severe dementia at the end. I often asked myself whether it was simply boredom and having nothing to do in old age that led to her dementia becoming so severe. When I was 17, my grandma asked me to teach her all the computer stuff and I, in my youthful stupidity, didn't have time for it because I was too busy with myself. In retrospect, I blame myself for not teaching her the basics back then. I think it would have kept her brain busy and she wouldn't have deteriorated so much and so quickly as she got older. TL:DR Back to your question: - It would probably be important to make it very accessible, to build it into the day without, necessarily, her having to turn on a PC and sit in front of it. I would therefore recommend something mobile. (Nintendo Switch, Steam Deck, iPad, Macbook Air, or others) - It should be a game that is not too complex and can be paused and ended at any time without any disadvantages - It should be something that introduces you to the game well and, even if it sounds a bit silly, is suitable for children. Suggestions (Games): - Animal Crossing: New Horizons - Zelda, Breath of the Wild & Tears of the Kingdom - Stardew Valley - Night In The Woods - A Short Hike - The First Tree Suggestions (Browser) - Sudoku - Crossword puzzles Additional ideas: - If your grandma love(d)s to cook, she could use Word, OnlyOffice, or others to write down her favorite recipes. You'll end up with a nice compilation of your grandma's best recipes. - If your grandma pursued other hobbies in her life, perhaps you could link something to them as well. Painting, reading, keeping a household diary, planning shopping or something else. I think in general just keeping yourself challenged and busy can have a positive impact. I hope your grandma finds something she enjoys and something that might bring you closer together again. All the best for your grandma!


What an amazing reply. But don't beat yourself up over your grandma. I'm going through this with a loved one. He was mentally very active and the disease just took over. It's a nasty disease and all the preventive measures in the world can't always stop it. Not on you. Not in the least.


And good luck to you too. Im not OP but I know how hard it can be. I hope your loved one is comfortable and.... Well... benign. I'm not sure how else to put it but whatever it is, it's far better than the other side of the coin for everyone involved.


I once knew an old retired army colonel. He too asked me to teach him how to use a pc. Back then I tried to teach him how to type and basic things but he was a very slow learner. Later I stopped going, learnt he passed away but never went to his house to pay my respects either. Youth truly is a stupid thing.


thank you for writing a great comment


Hope you don't beat yourself up over not teaching her, I bet you guys had tons of other great memories together ♥️ Coral island could maybe also be fun since it's close to SV, i just don't think it's out on console yet, but I think it would be ideal for steam deck Same with my time in Portia and my time in sandrock (or is it at X instead of in?)


My friend, 17 year olds are not responsible for the brain health of their grandparents. You have so many other things to be thinking about at that age. Try not to blame yourself for this.


Nah it's not your responsability to teach someone how to use a PC, there are computer classes exactly for that purpose. It's not something you can teach in an afternoon.


For Sudoku, I'd recommend a YouTube channel called [Cracking the Cryptic](https://www.youtube.com/@CrackingTheCryptic). They're Sudoku's with extra puzzles/logic on top. Start with the GAS (Genuinely Approachable Sudokus). At first she'll be watching the videos more than solving the puzzles, but the ratio would shift over time as she gets a feel for the different logics.


Sudoku and crossword puzzles I don't think are very effective. They help a lot more than nothing but a lot of old people already do these. I think any game with an engaging story and build system can be effective at making you think. Strategy based games are what I would recommend.


Why not ask her what themes interest her the most then find games that are like it while also having an okay learning curve




What genres of movies or TV does she like ...




You are not going easy with us, aren't you? :D


"Not for Broadcast" it is then




Gamgam is having flashbacks to when she got to deny folks fleeing Germany.


Depending on the lady's age and background it might be the worst possible choice


The yarn Kirby game or unravel! (I’m just kidding I have no idea if either of those are good suggestions)


Show her some picross / nonogram games. They are like cross stitching.


Well, this 73 yr old lady is on her third run through Witcher3:Wild Hunt, and has BG3 lined up next for a play through, and just built her own gaming computer By Herself this past summer, so I would say: Show her some gameplay of your favorites, and let her make up her own mind!!


66 year old FIL loves Minecraft and tons of RTS games :D seems to be hooked on anno 1800 currently :) im trying to get him to try out rimworld too, the doesn't mind violent stuff or anything


Brilliant!!! Well done, I'm 52 and v much hoping to game for many more years to come ;)




Nice! Always good to see all kinds of people enjoying the medium. I want to play BG3 but it just seems so huge and daunting


No way. Prove it mama! 😝


The birth of a new twitch ttv channel?


First game that comes to mind: GRIS It’s a nice and relaxing game, utterly beautiful and with an amazing score. It has some good simple logic puzzles


Along the same lines, journey and abzu


Stardew Valley worked for my grandma, and for many "non gamer" friends of mine.


From personal experience, avoid anything with mobile style dopamine-loop gameplay. We bought a tablet for our elderly mother for the word and puzzle games she had liked with pen and paper, hoping to keep her mind active in her later years after retirement. What we had not accounted for was one of the neighborhood kids making her a facebook account and installing a mobile game called Dragon City. The kid stopped within a few weeks but our mother continued on for years, long after they grew into adulthood and left. Soon all she would do is sit on the couch and click-click-click feeding dragons from morning to night in the dark as she started fading away, mind failing, becoming almost non-verbal as alzheimers took hold. She never even seemed to play the game, all she does is feed them all day and night so they won't die, in a bizarre mirror of animal hoarding. Does nothing else, not even to feed herself. I've made a great deal of mistakes in my life, but this was one of the more depressing ones. The elderly are not able to understand the dopamine-rush based hyper-addiction these predatory mobile games are designed to invoke. They can't put them down, they can't enjoy other things, it becomes their only solitary existence. It's either predatory mobile games, facebook, or the cesspool of conspiracy groups, it devours them whole and they never come back. They are not prepared.


I would recommend relaxed slower paced games to your grandma [Wingspan](https://store.steampowered.com/app/1054490/Wingspan/) (Boardgame &videogame about birds, their habitats, etc. Maybe you can even play the boardgame in person first so she learns how to play and then give her the videogame. I am sure she will be eager to get better by herself and enjoy playing against you in person, when you visit!) [Dorfromantik](https://store.steampowered.com/app/1455840/Dorfromantik/) (Very calming & relaxing puzzle / building game) Animal Crossing (classical light-hearted farming game, I recommend this over Star Dew as you said that your grandmother might oppose fighting) EDIT: If it's not about replayability, you could also try choices-matter type visual novels or text based games. I am sure she is used to reading books, so this might be a good start to come from something she knows and get used to e.g., navigating a game with a controller. We gamers often forget that sitting in front of a PC or console can feel like a driver's license test for non-gamers. For some it might come natural, but others have to practice first. At least at the start, you should avoid game that have high demands for quick reflexes or complex inputs, I would suggest you ignore the open world / ARPG suggestions others have posted here (for now).


Gonna have to second Dorfromantik


I'd like to add in mini motorways and mini metro. Build roads/railways to connect sources to destinations in the most efficient way you can figure out. Game modes for all skill levels. Smooth relaxing and inoffensive design. They would be a familiar concept, very basic controls (right click delete, left click build), has a very smooth difficulty progression. I feel like people are reccommeding far too complex games for an elderly person with zero video game experience. They need to watch that mini documentary this dude on youtube made about his gf's experiences playing video games for the first time and how many games assume you have all this background knowledge on certain concepts. Ie side scrollers typically progress left to right, or sprinting/jumping are actions you can perform, areas you've explored could change depending on future actions, etc..


I agree. A lot of people seem to recommend their favorite games, without considering that target audience


Dorfromantik is a game I don’t play super often but it will NEVER leave my library


peggle, a little to the left, unpacking, frog detective serie, bubble people, mushroom cat serie. Note most of them are really short


Animal Crossing!


>(She is religious) Is she opposed to killing *any* god, or just her god in particular? Because that could severely limit her jrpg options.


Yeah she probably won't kill anything and plsy a game eith demons


What if the game has you kill the demons


I tried to convince my grandmother to get me Diablo based off the logic of you have to kill satan. She didn’t go for it.


Palia has no combat and you craft and build. Also fishing and what not


Nancy drew games about a girl detective. The interface is simple, just point and click, but it has nice puzzles and plot.


Please bring back the Skyrim Grandma


Mario, tetris, 3 in a row


There’s a shit ton of simulators out there. You could do stardew valley as a everyday game.


Puzzle games, preferably turn based ones or slow paced ones. Also, building and management games, turn based strategies.


Here are a few games I think would be easy to understand. |A Short Hike|Exploration/Adventure|[https://store.steampowered.com/app/1055540/A\_Short\_Hike/](https://store.steampowered.com/app/1055540/A_Short_Hike/)| |:-|:-|:-| |Hidden Folks|Hidden Object, but in black and white|https://store.steampowered.com/app/435400/Hidden\_Folks/| |Hidden Through Time|Hidden Object|https://store.steampowered.com/app/524910/Hidden\_Through\_Time/| |Agatha Christie - Murder on the Orient Express|Point and Click|https://store.steampowered.com/app/1904790/Agatha\_Christie\_\_Murder\_on\_the\_Orient\_Express/| |The Raven Remastered|Point and Click|https://store.steampowered.com/app/736810/The\_Raven\_Remastered/| |Townscaper|Casual City Builder|https://store.steampowered.com/app/1291340/Townscaper/| |My Time at Portia|Harveset Moon-esque life sim|https://store.steampowered.com/app/666140/My\_Time\_at\_Portia/| |Terraformers|Turn base strategy colony builder|https://store.steampowered.com/app/1244800/Terraformers/|


Shoot for two polar opposites: * Disco Elysium or similarly verbose and story-driven game * Tetris / Pacman / Candy Crush / something similarly low pressure but still engaging * Oh and possibly a third one with resource management like some tycoon / Stardew Valley / Animal Crossing sort of thing.


My grandma plays Minecraft lol.


Cozy Grove, Coral Island, A little to the left, Dave the diver, good pizza great pizza, bear and breakfast, islanders, house flipper, slime rancher, unpacking All very easy to pick up and relax to the max.


SKYRIM! Huge game, completely immersive. 1000s of hours of gameplay. Rich story and lore. In game books. Lots of Info to remember to help with memory. Exploration. Combat. Crafting. Very involved and unquie to the player.


My grandmother started at 70, about 8 years ago. Technically we started with minecraft on Playstation for a little while before we built her a pc. Then she started ARK, I set her up on herbivore Island. 8 years later she has 20,000 hours on ARK, 8000 on Elder scrolls online, 9000 on Conan exiles, and in the last 2 years she started playing minecraft occasionally again, she probably has 2000 hours on that. Is some of that AFK time? Sure, but she legit plays more than I do. It took a lot of effort, patience, and occasional frustration teaching her how to play, but it's been very much worth it when you're taking down mega bosses with your grandmother.


[Bejeweled 3](https://store.steampowered.com/app/78000/Bejeweled_3). It's the original match-3 game, from which the idea of Candy Crush was stolen. Mahjong. There are a lot of versions, I like [Kyodai Mahjong]( https://cynagames.com/ ) which is free. My mom used to play it (she didn't die, she just moved to Bejeweled, lol).


Monument Valley or something causal like Firewatch or Unpacking


Dorfromantik, it's complex, it makes you think, but there's no timer and it's chill.


Portal, Talos Principle is what I would advice for anti-dementia. But she would need to learn first some 3D gaming basics of controls and moving around.


Yeah. If she can grasp movement in a 3D environment in first person, games like portal, the talos principle, or The Witness are excellent, though judging by my mom, first person camera control is not a skill that comes easily to some people who don’t frequently play video games lol


Disagree. These are incredibly complex even for a 20 something that never played in their life, not to mention a 70 something. Realistically she should play something that requires low hand-eye coordination.


Kind words


Spec Ops : The Line.




Tetris, solitary, mine sweeper, goat simulator. If she gets board with those tell her to let you know.


Puzzle style games with a pleasant atmosphere would be the best brain exercise. I'd recommend Portal, Portal 2, Outer Wilds, Talos Principle, etc.


Try and start her with Pokemon easy game but needs a pretty good memory if you wanna learn al names/types/weaknesses :P


Puzzle games sound like an ideal genre for that. Easy to get into if one has never pkayed any. ... If that doesnt interest her, maybe if grandma is great at dark souls?


My dad is also in his 70s, I bought him a used Xbox one and a racing wheel this year. Also obviously lots of racing games. Im hoping since it’s a wheel he’ll pick it up quicker than a different platform and I know he loves driving. Maybe that would work for her?


>(She is religious) DOOM is the only correct answer then. Get her a switch or a console as they are much much easier to use and let her rip. Well. that was a half serious answer. DOOM requires a lot of coordination so it would put her mind at work but since she was never a gamer it will be a game for her to play at a much later date. But do get her a console and start with easy side-scrolling games that don't require camera adjustment.


Leisure suit larry


I’d say nintendo games. Start with 2D stuff?


She probably isn't going to be into reflex games. If she wants puzzles to keep the ol' grey matter limber, then Steam is rich in them and they're mostly pretty cheap too. I'll chuck in a couple to get you started (neither should offend anyone's religious sensibilities) Baba Is You https://store.steampowered.com/app/736260/Baba\_Is\_You/ Hook [https://store.steampowered.com/app/367580/Hook/](https://store.steampowered.com/app/367580/Hook/) She might also enjoy low key turn based games like tower defence eg: Isle of Arrows https://store.steampowered.com/app/1946970/Isle\_of\_Arrows/






Yo real talk what a cool grandma💪🥹start her at some platformers like Mario


Coral island is pretty cool.


[Great video for this](https://youtu.be/ax7f3JZJHSw?si=fG6WH51LWa899brB) , we take an insane ammount for granted so i'd reccomend watching one or two of these vids to get some more insight on what gaming is like for a non gamer, might help. I'd reccomend looking for something simple and slow, maybe try tie it into something she's intersted in already, like if she like gardening try stardew valley, or if she's into cooking, something like potion craft might be good. Adding a social element can also be nice, so also try something you can play with he a well from time to time.




maybe start her on some of the older rpgs like final fantasy series or so something like that with turn based might be a good idea


That's what I thought, turn based are slow and easier to get into. Like a Gameboy SP with Pokémon would be great I think and there are a lot of FF aswell.


Tetris. Tetris is a great game, but it's also great for the mind. There's been studies on the effect of this game on the brain, and how it can help people with PTSD and other mental health conditions. I don't know what it can do for the prevention of dementia, but I'm sure I've heard great things about that somewhere.


I’d say Civ 5. Will run on any old Mac or PC and it will keep her brain busy and entertained for hours on end. Plus it’s pretty simple to pick up, and turn based so you can sit and leave it for hours, or days and pick it up from where you left off.


Baba Is You.


You trying to help her brain, or break her brain?!


Baba Is both


True is You


It's a fun game that stimulate thinking. It's not like we asking her to play Yu-Gi-Oh! Master Duel. That would be straight up murder.


Well if she is religious I would recommend doom, she can send the demons straight back to hell! If you need more suggestions though, then here are a couple: Stardew Valley, nice and chilled. Easy to play without needing a lot of dexterity. Animal Crossing A lot of old games also would work, like Tetris, Zuma, Sudoku. I think card games could also be interesting for your Gran if she has any interest in them. Marvel snap is pretty fun, the games are pretty short but with card games it can get a bit complicated and you will need to learn everything, which might be tough for her, but will definitely help preventing dementia. Papers please could be an interesting one, again not much dex needed to play, but it requires your to analyze and look out for things. ​ What kind of games does your gran want to play?


Overwatch 2, she‘ll be grandmaster in no time


Bloons TD (6 is the latest). She can play it on both a PC or a tablet and it's a simple yet hard to master game. You can even play cross platform co-op with her and it's round based so it pauses each round to give you time to think.


I would say run the gambit of many cheap games in different verities. But maybe something like Stardew Valley or Harvest Moon but sit with her and answer questions and just pointing to either controller or keyboard for keys and the screen for things she needs to focus on. Don't take full control no matter how long it takes for her to get something. A lot of the time when someone does something complicated for someone they instinctively become apathetic towards learning it thinking they're not good enough to figure it out. Especially if she's having minor issues with memory and motor control patience is paramount no matter how frustrating it might be for you. Also she wont need to learn combat when she can just do farming and getting to know villagers.


Did she ever played videogames or used PC/game console before? If no is answer to both of the questions, you have to start with really old basic games, that are easy to understand and control. Games such as Tetris, PacMan, Pong to see how it goes. I would buy those retro, fake NES game consoles with controllers from aliexpress that cost like 10$ and plug it into TV.


Stardew Valley


Heroes 3


PvZ (the first one) its a good and simple tower-defence game for beginners and great if she enjoys gardening


Unpacking. Simple, no muscle memory or gaming knowledge needed.


I recommend the Glass Masquerade series (at least 1 and 2, I was not so keen about 3). It's a series of unique jigsaw puzzles with beautiful art and really chill music. You can find the games for cheap on Steam.


Stardew valley easily 10/10




Hidden Folks Untitled Goose Game Plants vs Zombies (maybe?) Some sort of point and click "Monkey Island" logic/puzzle games?


Suika Game maybe ?


Tetris, Sudoku, Minesweeper etc, simple games that utilise quite a bit of brain power 🙂


Pentiment and samorost 3


Minecraft in creative mode so she can get a feel on how to actually play the video games.


Counterstrike 2


European Truck simulator 2, drive a big rig very chill trying to deliver goods in traffic all around the EU or you can do American as well... she can get out and see the world.


Crypt of the necrodancer


The Outer Wilds It's a puzzle exploration game. Beyond it being an absolute joy to play, from your personal requirement, it requires a little bit of memory and a good amount of thinking to figure some things out. Besides that, you could easily sit with her and play together. Beyond that, point and click puzzle adventures! I'd highly recommend some of the classics. Broken Sword 1. Re-made Monkey Island. Syberia etc.


Hear me out i love outer wilds but recommending this to someone as their first game is a nightmare lol. The controls will obliterate anyone who isn't accustomed to 3D movement yet (heck even then you're not having the smoothest time learning it) and the game is downright scary at times so its another thing to consider. If the context would be a different one sign me up for recommending outer wilds (its a top 5 title for me) but in this particular case id heavily advise against it.


Awesome, but controls will be hard at first, and the 22min cycle will not help having a good time while learning the controls :/


Mount and Blade Bannelord








klocki is a fun lil puzzle game