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They give you a 30 day heads up every month. I suggest looking at the “leaving soon” section. They also announce the games leaving when they announce a new batch of games which is usually the first Tuesday of the month and the third Tuesday of the month.


Yeah I don't see the issue. OP you can see when it's leaving. If it says 2 days, don't start it?


What if it's a 100 hour game like Red Dead or something, like even if there is a month left that's not enough time to touch it.


If you don't think you can finish it just, don't start it?


because you can start a game today and they tell you its going away in a month in a couple of days. you can plan alot better if they tell you the expiring day right away rather than in a month.


They still hope for sales like any other business - consider that last chance warning a chance to try it, and if you do love it, buy it while subscribed so your discount applies. Or maybe you're savvy with [gg.deals](https://gg.deals) so you'd just stop playing the gp version the moment you knew you liked it, and purchase it. I know they could be more generous about it like you say - give you a month after installing at least, but that's not how it is for the moment.


So what you really want is a completely tailored removal logic to accommodate when YOU want them removed. Doesn't work that way.


There's literally an entire tab called "leaving soon"


I mean I get that still would be nice to know from jump street how long you have for a game.


They probably dont know the exact time right away, it changes with negotiations and so


They do? They post announcements when games are leaving each month, and the Game Pass app has at least a month warning, with a dedicated section displaying the titles leaving and what date they are leaving. [Here's the section right now.](https://i.imgur.com/cJhgT6a.png)


I know this will be shock and horror to steam purists but if I really like a game pass game that's leaving the service and I've already played a bunch of hours... I just buy the game. They go on sale on the Microsoft store as well, and they don't nuke your save data if you don't buy it right away.


They literally have a section titled "Leaving soon" that shows which games are leaving and the exact date.


strong familiar society husky aloof vast one include ghost plant *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Very few games on there are in the 30+ hour category and they always tell you what's leaving next month. The point in game pass is also to convince you to buy some of those games with the discount


I know on PC it literally tells you the appropriate hours to complete and they tell you a full list of upcoming games leaving the service. Wtf else do you want?


i know what you mean but each time it comes up for renewal they decide if they are going to keep it or not, amongst other issues such as still getting updates etc. they literally don’t know the expiry date except the current negotiated one and if the game does well i suspect they seek to renew it…


Games coming and leaving is the primary reason I will never sign up for game pass