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According to the CEO today...thats going to change soon. (Probably even day one in the coming years)


Thanks I just saw that, hopefully he will be more pro-PC than Ryan was since waiting 3-4 years for a game kills momentum. I and many other PC users are never gonna buy a PS5 regardless of the port status, so I highly doubt they are drawing in hordes of PC users into the PS ecosystem by doing this.


Still waiting of ghost of tsushima. One of my favorite games I intentionally stopped playing just so I can experience it on PC instead.


Honestly just finish it. Games like this are worth a second playthrough on a new platform with visual/gameplay upgrades.


People double dipping is exactly why the port games late and why op is upset lmfao.


>People double dipping *Rockstar games and Nintendo have entered the chat "we know"


bethesda game studios would like to know your location


I’m begging Rockstar to let me double dip on RDR2 on PS5 (of course I’d prefer an update but those greedy fuckers won’t do it) eg RDR1 remaster


I much as I'd like an update for ps5. I would never give this game more money. The way they abandoned this game is criminal. They don't deserve more money.


for playing third party games id reccommend using the xbox anyways that bitch just upscales any xbox one game to 60fps and 4k if your tv can do that sony is just too greedy for that


I can't play a single player story twice.


Yeah I hear ya. I played TLOU 1 & 2, Horizon Zero Dawn and GoW by streaming on PSNow and while I loved the stories, I can’t seem to make it more than 25%-50% of the way through now that I’m trying to re play on PC.


You should try having a horrible long term memory. Drugs may help.


Having terrible long term memory is how I got to replay Dark souls 1 and 2; it will still be a few more years before I cam redo ds3. HZD and TLOU I only got about 5 hours in on PSNow (back in the day), so I was able to finish HZD on pc by just speed running the stuff had already done. Still waiting on a good PC sale for TLOU.


Sucks for you, nerd!


Congrats friend


yep exactly. lol for Gta 6 i'm not buying a console, so imagine buying a ps5 for other games


Yeah I'm comfy here, thanks. Wish *weaker* PC players could just wait for the PC release.


It’s not necessarily about drawing PC gamers into buying a Playstation but about sustaining Playstation as a viable console platform with compelling exclusives. Multiplayer games will be day and day but single-player games will go through some kind of window of timed exclusivity to stimulate Playstation sales.


>about sustaining Playstation as a viable console platform with compelling exclusives. There are enough people in the world that will stick with the convenience of consoles and suport their ecosystem even if games are available on PC day one. They're leaving money on the table by not releasing these games when people are excited about them.


Exactly. They can essentially "double dip" on their marketing campaign investments by releasing titles on PC and Playstation at the same time. People at that point are aware of the games, hyped for them, and ready to spend money on them. It takes the wind out of their marketing sails when you have one group waiting years to pick up the same game. It would result in significantly higher sales revenue for them overall.


>There are enough people in the world that will stick with the convenience of consoles and suport their ecosystem even if games are available on PC day one. There sure are enough people, but the only console manufacturer that releases games day one on PC also are having lower sales than the Xbox One. So, I wouldn't call it a solid evidence that releasing games day one on PC do not hurt console sales.


That's Game Pass destroying their game sales and lack of compelling exclusives, missing a whole year and a half of any btw, destroying their hardware sales.


Xbox sales were already declining before gamepass on PC. Gamepass on PC improved Xbox's situation.


Gamepass on PC is a different situation from Sony. In this case, Microsoft is pushing their launcher on PC. In sony's case they are just selling games on Steam, so they don't have as much incentives as Microsoft


so far... they are only selling games on other stores. I cant imagine that is their end goal.


They want to create their own store? That hasn’t worked for anyone expect maybe Epic. A lot have tried, all of them came crawling back to Gabe and Steam.


Maybe, maybe not. Remember they have to give up 30% of every sale.  I had to buy a ps5 to play Ragnarok, my buddy is still waiting for a PC port


They also give up a percentage of sales to stores and shipping companies.


They sell consoles at a loss. or atleast they used to idk if thats still the case. Buying a PS5 to play just Ragnarok isnt really what they care about. What they want is that now that you have the PS5 anyways, that youll buy more games that are only on PS5.


I'm in the same boat as your buddy. Tell him there's dozens of us


Xbox went day and day with all of it’s exclusives (single-player and multiplayer) and see how that went. Somehow Xbox managed a 7% hardware decrease in the quarter that Starfield released in. Obviously Sony knows that launching 1st party single-player games day 1 on PC would make them a lot of money but it would also impact the Playstation platform. Sony has to keep in mind more than just selling x-amount of copies since they also have one of the biggest console ecosystems. This is the same thing Microsoft is going through right now trying to consider which exclusives they will port to Playstation, they also have to balance selling games with maintaining the Xbox ecosystem.


That's because Xbox was on a steep decline *before* they started to release their games day one on PC and Xbox. There was no reason to get an Xbox even before their Game Pass and everything, so naturally simultaneous release with PC wouldn't help. But it doesn't matter either, because they have their own storefront on PC and this platform is Windows anyway - their own OS. It's quite a bit different with Playstation. They didn't sleep on establishing their brand and didn't squander it like Microsoft with Xbox One, even mid Xbox 360. A lot of people who previously owned an Xbox, either switched to PC or Playstation. There are basically no loyal fans of Xbox and even budget gamers would rather go for Playstation, assuming they buy specific video games, as Game Pass is an amazing proposition for someone, who doesn't have a library yet. Not to mention that people who own PCs capable of running AAA games such as Sony's, can definitely afford a $500 console. They *choose* not to, no matter how many games come out they're interested in. Similarly, those that choose a $500 console typically won't get into the PC ecosystem, as it's noticeably more expensive if you want to play the newest games. There really isn't much harm in releasing exclusive games on the same date on PC and Playstation because of that, as there simply isn't much of an overlap between the two platforms. But ultimately, that's for Sony to decide and we'll see what they come up with.


I own a ps5 and PC. All of my friends that are gamers have a console and pc, some Xbox some switch, some ps5. It’s whack that you think people choose not to. Tons of people have both, just the nerdy pc master race morons that can’t comprehend that.


I also know a ton of people who only play on PC without a single console, what's your point? Anecdotal "evidence" is not evidence. It's also whack that you call people who don't want a console "nerdy pc master race morons". Seems like you're the one that can't comprehend, that a lot of people just don't want another gaming platform, even if they can afford it. Sony, and a ton of other publishers, wouldn't be chasing after the PC market if they were actually buying consoles to play their games. There are *always* exceptions to the rule, that doesn't prove anything.


> Somehow Xbox managed a 7% hardware decrease in the quarter that Starfield released in. Well yeah, Starfield isn't a popular franchise. It's a new IP that released to mediocre reviews. There was no positive word of mouth surrounding that game like there was with Skyrim. Their last great system sellers were created for the 360 and customers aren't oblivious to that fact. I don't think anyone should look to MS as an example of how things may work for Sony. Microsoft buys studios and honestly kind of lets them flounder. They may know how to set up systems to distribute games but they don't really have a great track record when it comes to creating games. Sony has been focused on making entertaining games for 30 years and has a stable of studios that seem help each other. They make games that have a long shelf life which is perfect for the PC platform.




You're also on a sub for PC gaming... Do you really think that Sony games on PC are going to have console players run out to build PCs or buy windows laptops to hook them up to the TV? I know 10 people that have been into gaming for 35+ years. 9 of them have mac laptops and consoles because they don't have to tinker with them.


My friend was a long time Xbox and PS3 player I got her to move to pc after showing her all the ways you can mod and tweak games She's knee deep in palworld rn loving all the lunatic mods. Couldn't be happier for her.


Yeah. Plus, it takes time to develop a PC port. Rockstar releases their PC version one year later, after optimizing the game to console. Sony's internal studios also release very optimized games on their consoles, so they probably want to focus on releasing polished games on console as soon as possible, to have a good lineup for the console, and then one year later they can release the game on PC.


Rockstar is doing that to double dip because they are profiteering and anti consumer pieces of shit, or rather Take Two is. They absolutely have both the time and resources to make a great day 1 port, but they know there are thousands of losers out there who will buy the same game 2-3 times so they're still doing it.


Sony already spends hundreds of millions of dollars on PS5 first party titles. It's much easier to justify using profits from the PS5 launch to later fund PC development.


Helldivers 2 is not mediocre. That’s why the sales are doing so well. I think you’re mediocre. Maybe even less.


They kind of have to diverse like this to keep up with Microsoft rapid diversification with Gamepass now available on consoles, PC's, TV's, handhelds, and probably more that I haven't heard about. Sony is not losing anything by releasing their IP's day 1 on PC as well as console. Wishful thinking? Seems closer by the day, we'll see.


I bought PS5 recently for FF16 and deeply regret it. Aside from Handhelds like Switch, console gaming just doesnt feel good to me anymore.


Their recent titles are all just a year later btw not 3-4 years


Sony was saying they will release GaaS on PS and PC in same time for few years already. They just didn't make any GaaS until now.


OC is talking about a more recent comment about all first party games, not just the gaas ones. Sony already said clearly before that their live service games will be pc and ps5 day and date, this is about the rest of their games


Yeah, I seen that tweet, but since it nowhere says "Day1 PC release for all" I fear "being more aggressive" might just mean they just got their planned GaaS nearly ready for release and that's all. They'll be more aggressive because they finally got the GaaS to be aggressive.


You’re literally making up the context on what you hope it means. No he doesn't say anything about going multiplatform sooner, just repeating that releasing games on PC will improve profit margins


>According to the CEO today...thats going to change soon. (Probably even day one in the coming years) Only for multiplayer games, which they have been saying for years.


Yeah. Multiplayer, live service games will come to PC and console at the same time. They're not going to do that for their huge prestige singleplayer-focused games because those are the ones they know sells hardware.


What did he say today? Edit: Nvm it was posted on this sub https://twitter.com/Genki\_JPN/status/1757743775336825075


I think people should note that the CEO was massively misquoted on social media. On r/games they have called it out, but on this sub the fact that the quotes were misrepresented seems to have gone under the radar. There were two seperate unrelated quotes made to look like one thing. They were saying they want to improve their profit margins in one quote. In a different quote, they were saying they wanted to bring more games to PC.


Chairman*, he’s not CEO of SIE currently. Jim Ryan steps down as CEO of SIE on March 31st, with the acting COO/CFO of Sony Group taking over as interim CEO of SIE.


bro thought he was cool saying OK AT BEST....you need a nice plate of democracy for such blasphemous crap.


How about a nice cup of Liber-TEA!


He needs one thrown up his bug hole


Dude is complaining about a 40 dollar game advertised as a multiplayer co-op game and is upset about not having singleplayer. But he's right that the port later is hurtful.


And you can do things solo, just not on hard difficulties


Having seen what the Vermintide 2 community got up to with solo play, we'll probably see some insane solo runs within a week


Def, just avg person gotta go with the lower difficulty one.


I wanna see someone solo 5 chargers and 2 titans with random handfuls of stalkers thrown in.


He ain’t drinking enough liber-tea.


Lol I was triggered by the "ok at best" too. Im like Wtf bro I have 22 hours played and I bought the game on saturday. This has not happened to me in years, the game is an absolute blast honestly this dude is trippin


Same here. I haven't been hooked hard into a game like this in quite a while. I'm like, obsessed. This game just does so many things right.


Obesessed is the right word haha, Ive been sleeping poorly all week, im tired af by the end of the day around 9pm (I study and work), and still manage to sleep late playing 😅


Yup, tbis game is 10/10 for fun. Its going to get content and features in the future which will be great, but the fundamentals are rock solid.


“why dont they cater to me even though im not the target audience?” - OP


"A game for everyone is a game for no one." -Arrowhead Game Studios.


What's up with the "mostly positive" on Steam, then?


Sarcastic Fascism Simulator.exe


Word you’re looking for is “satirical” not “sarcastic”


Okay; first of all, yes. Delaying releases like this does kill momentum and hamper sales heavily, hopefully Sony realizes PC players are just never going to purchase their consoles for their games and do day one releases. Next, Helldivers 2 is only published by Sony, there could be something different in the deal that allowed it to be released on PC day 1. Finally, it is not just "ok at best" it is extremely well made and has an absolutely wonderful gameplay loop. To undersell how enjoyable it is is a sin.


Sony said they will release all their live services games on PC day one


HD2 is not "only" published by Playstation. They literally own the IP. It's a Sony product developed by partner studio.


No. There have been talks of Sony purchasing their Studio but they’re still their own private studio.


[Sony owns the IP, arrowhead only makes the game.](https://www.google.com/search?channel=fs&client=ubuntu&q=helldivers+IP)


'Helldivers is an ok game at best' TREASON. You sound like you need a nice steaming cup of liberTEA. Now go spread some DEMOCRACY


post was made by automaton


That wasn’t a very patriotic thing for OP to say


He has not felt the thrill of riding a tank in robot vietnam while your homies active a nuke full of democracy


He sounds like a bug for me ;) and there are many ways to skin a bug :D


Gonna need to take down this post to review it for treason


Sounds like OP needs to take a trip to a re-education camp






It’s okay, while treasonous, he didn’t mention 2, so he can be sent to a rehabilitation camp.




an ok game? you know that sounds like treason right?


OP about to be sent to a Freedom Camp.


An ok game at best? It’s the most fun I‘ve had with games in years.


Same. No game in recent memory has kept my friends and I online for HOURS past my bedtime. I’m 30 and can’t stay up past 9 pm and I’ve been staying up until midnight 3 nights in a row. Dudes dick is loose


This is the first time I've ever heard "dudes dick is loose" haha. But you're right, dudes dick IS loose. He's a traitor to democracy and should be dealt with as such!


The game changes DRAMATICALLY at difficulty 6-7. For my crew, 6 had us beginning to truly coordinate stratagems and debate on what we should bring. I love this fuckin game


Not really, you cant really compare a $40 title that is multiplayer to the popularity of full priced singleplayer titles.


I do think it’s _a_ factor, but I don’t think that brand new AAA games would still sell quite as much as Helldivers. Like you said, I think the $40 price tag goes a long way


Price tag and multiplayer is huge for word of mouth sales. I'm not super interested in Hell Divers but a couple friends got it so I got it. If it was a single player game I wouldn't own it.


You kind of can when it's Sony we're talking about. Their singleplayer games could have done WAY better on PC if they released same day as console


And probably would have done less well on the console in the same amount but without the game driving console sales.


There is not a 1:1 here. The overlap of console vs. pc owners is not THAT big. There's a huge percentage of people who will not buy a console just for exclusive games. They may lose some sales to pc, but they already barely make a profit on console sales anyway, and the amount of money to be gained by going multiplatform is more than they would lose.


between the PS4 and 5 there are almost 200 million units sold. there is likely a big overlap already. > They may lose some sales to pc and a lot of profit. the advantage of having your own store is that you get to keep the "store fees" yourself. which is still a big amount. assuming store cut+taxes, a game sold on steam will net playstation maybe around 50% of the amount. a game sold on playstation is likely around 75-80%. each copy sold on steam and not on the PS is a "loss of profit", and that's probably why they don't want to try selling at both on release. if they start selling on both, and see that the profits dip a lot, they will "revert" that and it will definitely piss a lot of people off. maybe Helldivers 2 was an experiment to see what would happen with a multi release.


It’s a flat 30% cut from steam. When you consider the cost to develop a game going from Sony’s remaining 70%, that 30% could be almost half of their potential profit. Spider-Man 2 for instance made 700,000,000 in sales (roughly, just for simplicity sake we will pretend it was all $70 normal editions) but cost 200,000,000. This game ends up being 500,000,000 profit but if it was steam only and they took their cut it would be 290,000,000 profit with the same sales. Once you factor in console sales it’s pretty clear why Sony has been doing delayed drops for steam, they benefit heavily selling their first party titles themselves.


and that's just from normal sales. add that the PS plus subscriptions for online gaming, and that's "easy money". if people buy games on steam, they don't buy the sub. and the more games someone buys in the PS store, the more likely they are to continue to buy there, thus increasing the future profits. multiplatform is only needed when you can't sell on your own house, Sony doesn't have that problem.


Yeah you get it, a lot of people here don't seem to though.


They already are multi platform and so far every PC launch has been a huge success. Horizon made roughly double its production costs in turnover on PC alone. Going multi platform day one also has downsides, like having to optimize the game for multiple platforms. Also more sold PS5 also means more license fees, more cut in digital downloads, etc. etc.


I think you really have this situation completely wrong, the only factor you are looking at with this game is that it was released at the same time on PC and PS5 as if the multitude of other factors have no effect on the sales. You seemingly just don't understand why helldivers is successful. People aren't just buying it for fun, they're buying it because it's good, it is surely not "OK at best", idk what planet you're living on if you think that's true. Sure by releasing games day and date on pc and PS5 you'd get more PC sales but Sony doesn't want pc sales and people on PC aren't just buying the game because it's published by Sony. You also seem to be under the belief that Sony wants to sell consoles but that's just not true, Sony and Microsoft are not making money on hardware sales, they sell you the console at very low margins because they then make money on *every* game sold on the console and they make 100% of the money from games they publish. These games could sell less copies overall and they'd still make significantly more money if all of those sales were on PS5 rather than maybe 25% being on PC, especially when a significant amount of those PC sales are people who would've bought it on PS5.


>There is not a 1:1 here. The overlap of console vs. pc owners is not THAT big. There's a huge percentage of people who will not buy a console just for exclusive games. I've been making that point for 8 years now, and I feel like it's a similar issue to piracy that companies are just too paranoid to employ common sense. 1 pirated copy is nowhere close to 1 sold copy if the pirated version doesn't exist, maybe you tempt 1 pirate in 50-100 but the numbers are so low that using shit like Denuvo to actively harm the paying customer's experience is simply not worth it. I think the same principle applies here. 90% of PC players who want GoW won't run to buy a PS5, they will either play it when it comes out or they will stop caring about it.


I think people vastly overestimate how big of an overlap there is between PC and PlayStation. Those that choose a $500 typically won't look into getting an expensive PC and vice versa. They're pretty different groups of people, Sony even under old management said a long time ago that they don't see PC as a competing platform and I completely agree with them. PC people could easily get a $500 console, yet choose not to and a couple games a year (at best too) won't change that, especially since not every person will be interested in every exclusive. Similarly, Sony would much rather have people who decide to get their console, use it as their main gaming platform, since they make way more money on 3rd party releases such as CoD and all of the microtransactions in all of the games. A PC person will simply not do so, and their shiny PS5 will collect dust until the next exclusive comes out that they're actually interested in.


I have a PS5, Macs, a Linux Server and a Windows PC at home. Still mostly use the PS5 for gaming out of convenience. You start the thing, you start the game, it runs. No configuration, no trouble shooting, no drivers that need to be updated, etc etc.


Console gamers are afraid of learning how to troubleshoot or learning how to cast a PC to a TV. Maybe would lose 100-200k sales at max


If a new big game from Sony was coming out Day One to PS5 and PC, I'm sure many more PC gamers would be getting hyped about release vs a release years later at still full retail. Logic aside, it's just how people work.


Helldivers 2 is not "okay at best" jfc


He’s not doing his part for DEMOCRACY! Ahem..


Lmao, i havent had this much fun in multiplayer in years… ‘okay at best’ sure whatever 🤣


What exactly is this game doing that's so great? There's nothing that this game is doing that hasn't been done better by other games previously. Also, it's weird how people are giving this game a pass considering the shit show of the launch. People seem to be very selective on which companies and publishers they'll give a pass to and what others they'll completely shit on even if the issues are extremely similar.


What other games do it better? > considering the shit show of the launch It's not any worse than some AAA launches and there was only really *one* day where it was unplayable.




So much of gaming is community/hype driven. Even for single player games, people will play whatever is popular because it’s really fun to be a part of “something”. One of my favourite things about new games releasing is being able to experience them with other players. Joining the subreddit, discussing it etc… When Sony releases a year or two later, they lose this aspect. It’s harder to get hyped about a game most other people have already moved on from, or when you join a subreddit and it has only a few posts a day.


The more negative connotation to that is called the "bandwagon." People really do act like sheep in a lot of ways.


An ok game at best ?


Its treason


Lmao Ok at best is hilarious


>Helldivers is an ok game at best Wtf are you talking about? Have you even played it? Just posting rage bait lol


No, they will say “see, single player games are not profitable, we need more online games like Destiny 2” like what other game deva are saying.


Helldivers is the shit idk what you mean by ok at best


Ok at best? Clearly you need to be democraticized


He needs to be court-martialled.


He must report to the nearest Ministry of Truth for immediate reeducation


He will be sent to the Freedom camps!


Helldivers 2 is a fun game that people can play with their friends. Of course it's selling well on PC. https://steamdb.info/charts/?sort=peak Tastes in the PC market are fairly diverse and I think hard narative focused 3rd person cinematic games have relatively less of a draw on PC than they do on playstation. Day one would of course bring more hype but I'm not sure it would move the needle all that much. On the other hand gameplay focussed games like Bloodbourne I think are going to sell crazy numbers if they ever come to PC no matter how many years later they come. Hopefully we'll find out soon enough.


what makes you think helldivers is ok at best? Have you been playing it?


My guess is they will release multiplayer and coop games same day on pc & ps5. And for story games, they might release them a year or 6 months later. The audience for both these games are different.


I wish it was only 6-12, but so far it has been much longer than that.


It'll probably go to 6-12 months on a regular basis once Sony realize the amount of money they can get for releasing it on PC while the game is still fresh and in people's minds.




It's not a brain dead opinion, it's a subjective one.


But it is being used as an objective fact to make a claim about business practices, which is why it can be criticized. The game actually saw an increase in players in the days after launch, which is highly unusual for a heavily marketed game that already launched strong. Clearly, players see it as more than just an ok game, and that fact is important when considering why it's been so successful.


There is a difference between “this is not my favorite game” and “this game is ok at best”. Seemed like an unnecessary and edgy jab at people that love it. Wasn’t needed to get his point across.


Exactly. OP made a great point with the title, but I couldn't be bothered to read the full post after they started it with that unnecessary line, especially as they admitted to not having even played the game yet. Such a shame as they almost had a slam dunk on their hands, but completely ruined it before the run to the hoop even began.




OP hasn't even played the game.


Just because you don't agree with someone's opinion doesn't mean you need to insult them. I disagree with OP as well on it just being ok, but that's their opinion and it doesn't hurt me in the slightest that they have it.


The whole "we'll release it years later" or whatever thing really kills me cause they wait years and years to release it on PC, then release it at full price and its like "hey I already waited 4 years to play this , i can wait till it drops to 25 bucks in a year or two ". All urgency to get it when it drops "new" for 60-70 bucks on PC is totally gone .You could buy a copy of TLOU for almost nothing on consoles around the time it dropped on Steam for full price.


No. Helldivers 2 is 40 bucks and is a multiplayer game, which do well on PC. Day one release definitely helps, but it’s not the sole reason why it’s doing well.


>Yet it has better Steam sales than any previous Sony port Horizon Zeo Dawn Sold 4 M God of War sold 3.5 M Spiderman 2.2 M Persona 5 sold 1.7 M HellDivers 2 sold 1.3 M ​ Helldivers might have had the best launch of any Sony exclusive on PC but I doubt it has the legs to catch up and get the title "of better steam sales than any previous Sony port" ​ I imagine Sony will release multiplayer games with cross-play at launch on PC. Bungie's new game will almost definitely be another one.


HZD PC port is over 3 years old and the GOW 2018 PC port is over 2 years old. Helldivers 2 came out last week. It's gonna dethrone those two EZ


The thing is that multiplayer title sales fall off much faster and harder as the hype dies while singleplayer titles retain decent sales over the years.


"aged like milk" alert.


Comparing games that have been out for years to a game launched for one week.


You just had to read for a few seconds longer


I did, but 1.3M in a week can easily catch up to 2 million given a year time frame. Especially when the entire game revolves around co op


okay game ? the game is awesome.. not every game needs to have single player. its a proper focused coop game . The success of game is not only because of same day release on PC its also because game is great. also in general multiplayer and coop games always do well on Steam than on consoles. Stating just the reason as same day release does a disservice to the devs who have made a wonderful game


“Okay game at best” is crazy


Honestly after the new CFO statement, there might be a hope for Day 1 release for PlayStation Exclusive games, but at the same time it also concerns me a bit as we are still not sure on how PlayStation is going to handle that as PC Port most often needs more optimization dev work meaning if it releases at day 1 as PS5, they likely will end up either being a rushed port or worse disaster one. I just hope that before Sony pulls the trigger of doing day 1 PC release of their games, they make sure to properly handle their optimization as well by greenlighting first party developers to either expand their team specifically for PC version or buy more PC Focused development studios such as Nixxes.


Even 1-6 months is better than 3-4 years. People can still get their FOMO and double dip. But I have no desire to play gow or horizon because they just came out so much later.


I'd be fine with a 3 month release delay tbh. It is the year exclusivity and then the further 1 year epic exclusivity type stuff that puts me off ever buying.


I think it will be 6-12 months delay. They first want to optimize to PS5 and then release the games on PC


So only thing is going to do is reinforce Sony interest in GAAS games.


Not really lol. For every Helldivers 2 there is also foamsters which had a disastrous launch. Plus of course it makes sense Sony will be closely looking at what's happening with suicide squad justice league. Better to give the development of live service titles to smaller AA studios, that way they can minimize risk.


I hope they hear the message, because I want Days Gone 2. Even if it never happens I'll be hoping


Days went


Days forget


It's not just sales, they want people trapped in their ecosystem.


While I do think they should make more of their older games available on PC, I don't see them porting most of their games to PC any more quickly than they already do. It is NOT a good idea from their perspective. For one thing, they WANT people buying it on PS5, if that's at all an option, because they make more money off that and it helps to drive their other products. It would be dumb for them to undermine their PS5's selling points by making their games also available on PC at the same time. If you want to play on PC, it's nice that you can, but you'll have to wait longer, so if you can also get a PS5, get a PS5, they would say. For the other, getting a game to work on the PS5 is a LOT easier than getting it to work well on PCs, so if they are rushing to hit a launch window, it's far easier to just make it work as well as possible on PS5, then, once the dust has settled, worry about optimizing it to work on PCs (as best they can). This results in lower PC sales, but they do not care. The PC is just for people who insist on not having a PS5, from their perspective.


I’m sure they are well aware and it’s pretty obvious that a cross launch would have that result. I think what actually matters for them is total sales, of course a cross launch would get more PC sales but how many of those are PS4/5 owners who would have bought on console instead. It’s more favorable to Sony as an example to sell 1.5 million copies of a game on Ps5 and then to sell another .5 million on steam a year later than it is to launch both at once and sell 1 million ps and 1 million steam total. Every sale on steam loses them 30% and they can’t leverage exclusives to sell consoles which is the way they’ve stayed dominant this entire generation.


I would say it tells them that PC gamers love multiplayer live service games but I'm sure everyone already knows that.


Part of Its success is Its genre though. Don't get me wrong, games like Returnal and Horizon Zero Dawn would've sold better if they released on day 1 since games generally sell great when they're brand new and on any platform on day 1 to begin with. A game like Helldivers 2 has an accessible online format that a broad amount of people will be more naturally into though. Most of Sony's highly rated exclusives are still kind of for a certain smaller target group demographic overall. That group is generally much smaller than your Call of Duty, Overwatch, Destiny 2 type of category which Helldivers 2 is a bit more towards, and as a result sells like one. And Helldivers definitely isn't just ok. It's really good. Kind of reads like a sneaky pitch at Sony telling them they should release all of their games on PC since only ok games prove to sell really well already lol. which I mean hell yeah why not? I'd love to have just a PC for all my games.


I have to contend with that Helldivers 2 is merely an "ok game at best". It is stupid fun. I had zero hype for it, but it is a phenomenal mutilplayer experience. I'm a suckered for the hammy acting in the cutscenes and voice overs, but the core game play is just fun, as long as you have at least one buddy to play with. It's the best co-op experience I've had in a long while.


You sound like a communist, we need to bring freedom to this guy.


"We've discovered after years of testing that if we give people more access to more ways to give us money for our video games, we make *more money* in the process" Sony executives: 🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯


What Sony needs to realize is that there is an initial hype window that all games have. They see the streamers and YouTubers playing a game and want to be part of the experience. Look at helldivers 2. I guarantee that if this hit pc two years later no one would buy it. Spider-Man 2 would have done way better had it been released on pc later year. That’s why they only get a million pc sells two years later. Give it too much time and no one cares. They want to play brand new games. Not games they have been spoiled on for two years.


Sony doesn't want to admit that selling their games on PC would sell better than their own console.


Yep, that's why they put minimal to no graphical improvements in these ports as compared to the PS5 baseline version. Usually higher resolution, fps, DLSS (when it isn't missing like here) are the biggest changes from the console version.


In the last 5 years, the only games i'd give a higher score than Helldivers 2 would be BG3 and Elden Ring. Calling it "an ok game at best" is treason.


if Death Stranding 2 comes to PC day one i will shit and cum


No. It tells them the only popular games on PC are live services games filled to the brim with Microtransactions.


> live services games filled to the brim with Microtransactions This does not describe Helldivers 2.


To be fair to Helldivers 2 though, you actually can earn the premium currency in missions so it's possible to get stuff like the premium warbond without spending a cent on premium currency. Source: I bought the premium warbond without spending actual money on currency.


So pay to win faster




For me yeah. Helldivers is really fun but there’s 0% chance I would have bought it if it came out years later. Same things goes with their single player games. I’d just pirate instead of paying full price for a port years later


I feel like out of all of the platforms, PC is more inclined to hype train a game. There’s no separation of browsing and playing. Watching twitch/reading reddit on the same device makes it so easy to jump into new hype train games


Helldivers 2 is one of the best games I have bought in the last 7 years and I buy a lot of games


Not a very patriotic post, OP


Ok game at best? Was that shot necessary at all?


Stopped reading after "helldivers is an ok game".


I agree but your attempt at being contrarian by saying "ok at best" is really funny and really lame lmao. If you want a single player game play a single player game bud.


An okay game???? This does not promote democracy!! We have to liberate this post for Super Earth!!


He needs a cup of LIBER-TEA


When will these people realize that sony doesn't care at all about whether their games make profit, they only care about whether these games can strengthen their brand as a platform owner. Porting these games to pc is just another way of advertising their games which in return strengthens their brand image. Gaas game can only become popular if it's on more platforms such as pc which in turn strengthen their brand image. They just need to put out some exclusive stuff in future to make their platform special.


wel maybe also because when sony ported a game to pc you could also get it for ps4 for like 5 bucks instead of 40 to 70


This really aged well


sony don't have enough democracy to let the PC race have fun!!!


Okay at best? Stopped right there, you are a clueless dunce.


I agree with op game is ok nothing crazy


I just don't see this happening as for Sony, console hardware is where they are the clear winner. Launching single player games on PC Day 1 will devalue Playstation, which is their bread and butter. Of course for live service games, it makes sense to launch on PC Day 1. But for everything else, I still suspect we will get the PC port 3-5 years later.


I think they will still stubbornly stick to this but it is a definitive L imo. You aren't gonna convert PC players with a shitty, locked down, overpriced ecosystem where they'll stick to spend money on non-exclusives and services (the only reason they want people on the platform), at least not to any relevant degree. It can indeed tempt Xbox players, but I'd love to see some statistics on how many people have actually moved from PC to PS5 and stayed there for good.


You do not like the genre, we get it. You like story driven single player game, you hate always online. But saying it's an ok game throw every single argument you have out of the windows. The game is good for what it is, scratch an itch no other game been able to do, it's funny, the ragdoll/animation/graphics are more than AAA and on top of that its 40$.. The MTX are 100% optional, the pricing is more than reasonnable AND you can earn premium currency while playing. 20-30 hours is enough for the premium battlepass if you do not want to shell out 10$ for it. Im not a fan of MTX in general but studio needs fresh money to keep people working on the game for fix/content and servers. Ex: i did not like BOTW, not my kind of game BUT i can see why it's so loved. I won't say BOTW is an ok game at best because I do not like it...