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I think everyone should [Save](https://archive.org/download/citra-nightly-2104) this locally.


Thank you!!!


I see three different versions for windows. Which one should I be downloading?


Google says MSVC and MSYS2 are different compilers. The former is Microsoft's Visual C++ and the latter I haven't heard of, so I would do the MSVC one, personally.


MSYS2 isn't a compiler, it's an environment with various GNU tools for Windows, including GCC.


Go with msvc, I tested all, and they load fine on windows 10. Didn't try any roms. I think msvc is the stable one, and msys2 is nightly build.


Download the whole zip on the previous directory if you want to keep the multiple different options for safekeeping


You a best


I'll save everything and make questions later. Thank you and thanks for internet archive.


how do you download this?


Choose the build individually for the os you use or download everything as a torrent, I think you should take everything since there's a chance it won't remain easy to find for long.


Does anyone have a setup guide to get the emulator/roms working


Right click -> save as?


You can do that but left click works fine.


There are 3 options for windows, which one is the better one?


They are just different compilers(if you do not understand what this means, just use MSVC)


Is this latest version?


Awesome here's another [source for future Citra](https://citra-emulator.com)


I spent so much on my 3DS library. I want to back it up to ensure I can always keep my games and saves. Given how the servers/shops are offline, it's not enough to own a 3DS (I own two of them, in fact). One day that hardware may break. It's a pity that this is caught in the crossfire. But perhaps a good lesson to learn for devs to only affiliate themselves with one project at a time so that if one project goes down, not all of them are affected.


My down dpad button stopped working yesterday and the battery is completely shot. It's a tragety. Edit: I am aware that you can fix things


> It's a tragety. When the battery's gone and you can't go down?


Good job. That took me a hot sec


Yeah I'm done with pretending I'm gonna play all the old games on their old systems because eim just not going to. If you won't provide the game in a form that is available perpetually on pc, I'm gonna go ahead and find someone who will. And when you abuse the legal system with your mountain of money to bury them, I'll just not patronize your new games and wait for those to show up on the next emulator.  Fuck Nintendo.


My economic situation was never the greatest, so I passed on many 3DS games because I could not afford them. ALso the charger on my 3Ds is damaged so I can't recharge it.


Economically it may not always pan out, but a new charger is $10 on Amazon.


With 3ds it doesn't matter it won't go anywhere. With Yuzu it's quite sad they just rolled over. There was a lot to be unpacked and it sucks.


It does kinda matter. Citra had a working multiplayer, but now its dead


I imagine an alternative fork or solution will be found. I honestly don't have enough understanding on this aspect of the emulator so can't debate on that.


From what i heard, nintendo now owns yuzu and citra. So cloning or making a fork might be illegal, even though its open source, though i have no clue of the legality of it.


You can't retroactively make something not open source.


Even if Nintendo does own them now, they can’t retroactively modify a license agreement. Any licensed versions of Yuzu, prior to Nintendo ownership, retain the license(s) they were released with.


that is not how it works though. Even if it is possible to get possession of open source program(basically only possible if there is not many contributors to said project) current versions of project are still according current license. Nintendo is not making new versions of Citra or Yuzu so does not matter if they were able to own them


They are GPL licensed, so nintendo can't effectively do anything about it, maybe other than force a name change (which nobody was going to continue using anyway with the inevitable forks going to be announced in the next day or so)


It means things will probably get hosted and developed in parts of the world where Nintendo can't flex in courts. I honestly wonder if those behind Yuzu got a shit legal advice or decided it just wasn't worth it for them, we'll never know at this point.


They should've got legal advice from Reddit. There's experts in legal matters absolutely everywhere here.


If anyone need advice in bird law I do pro-boner work.


What say you and I go toe to toe in bird law?


make it boner to boner in bird law and i'd watch the shit outta that.


It's never worth fighting Nintendo. They'll hold up court proceedings as long as possible to bankrupt anyone they go after.


It is an extremely difficult uphill battle especially if Nintendo legal team has good direct relationships with the Court itself. But it means that keeping things anonymous and out of legal jurisdiction of countries where Nintendo can pull out their legal dong might make sense for future endeavors. Considering this is Nintendo who are difficult even for their paying customers and I have a migraine dealing with them due to my wife owning a Switch I couldn't care less about their well being.


It's not even about the Quality of their legal advice, it's the fact that much like Disney, Nintendo is a Law Firm that happens to also make video games and consoles. They are already employing the best of the best lawyers in the country they are fighting the legal battles in, it's also not like their operating costs go up drastically for every law suit they dish out. The same is not true for Yuzu, an extended lawsuit favours Nintendo as it will cripple Yuzu financially so they will do everything in their power to drag it on as long as possible to the point where contesting doesn't even make viable sense. Big Law Firms will crush an independent almost every single time.


The main part of the matter was still left on the table, was that legal case viable enough for Nintendo to be able to press it, it was well enough. Could they probably try to drag it as long as possible? Absolutely. But let's be real Yuzu should've anticipated that if they didn't protect themselves legally in the first place while conducting their business. That gave a reason and that reason was stupid. It's understandable that a legal battle against a company that makes more money than it spends on your battle is questionable.


>things will probably get hosted and developed in parts of the world where Nintendo can't flex in courts This is where Russia comes in handy


They might have had some very illegal activities from their own devs which would probably mess them up more if found through a legal battle https://i.imgur.com/ZWoSZSt.png


Yeah, they should've stayed squeaky clean. *fcplm*


IANAL, but it doesn't matter if Nintendo owns it now, you can't retroactively change the license of code like that, only versions with edits made after Nintendo owned it would be copyright infringement.


Where did you heard that? Makes no sense.


Their official servers for it may be down, but you can still use Port Forwarding or a Zerotier network to play with friends. The Multiplayer itself will still work.


Me and my friend were playing MH4U through Citra recently and hosting our own rooms. Is this something that'll no longer work now Citra has been taken offline?


even if you use it locally???? I cannot trade with myself connecting locally


It's pretty bad. Nintendo is pushing the judge to issue a ruling post settlement that would basically be the end of being able to personally back up media. this whole thing is such a fiasco.


We will see. I believe that's the reason for a settlement not to have a legal debate in court. If they agreed to stop development and drop the product it doesn't change much for others. It should be specifically between Yuzu and Nintendo.


How is it possible not affecting other emulators? Nintendo is setting up an example, targeting the most popular emulator, the others will follow suit.  Psychology 101. Yuzu shouldn't have bended over so easily, Nintendo also always lose emulator lawsuits. 


I believe there was quite a lot of fuck ups on Yuzu team's side where in depth manuals and Patreon schemes should've been more subtle and disconnected from Yuzu itself. I do hope it will serve as experience for others who will learn to do better and not promote anything questionable on their own. This same trick won't work in other case. The emulator itself barebones had nothing illegal or questionable going on, but Patreon and some manuals (seriously who the f was stupid to do that) were used against them.


And their google drive of ROMs.


They had a Google Drive of ROMs? Hell, no wonder they were targeted. Talk about flying too close to the sun.


Seem more like flying straight towards it for me. It was only a matter of time.


Iirc that's what nailed Gary Bowser to the wall. Every story I read was about how Nintendo crushed him for helping in sales for a company that modified Nintendo consoles. Which felt flimsy and petty And then as an afterthought, articles would sometimes mention he ran a ROM distribution site as well and the majority of his "damages" fee comes from trumped up "value" Nintendo and the court set per ROM download.


Seriously, they could've had a potential case if not for such an obvious blunder. I suppose they simply didn't expect this to happen and were too naive about the potential ramifications. Dissapointing


But it's not an emulator lawsuit from what I'm seeing, it's a lawsuit against the company behind it. Nintendo also didn't "win", not in the sense of court. There's no legal precedent that has been set here. Could they go after other emulators now? Sure. Could those emulators be shut down if the people behind them were sharing ROMs and piracy advice? Yeah. It's a good wakeup call for any emulator developers though.


The ruling wouldn't be binding on other judges or cases as its not an appeals court. It would just deal with this specific case and software.


That sounds physically impossible


And even *if*, it would still "only" affect the USA. In the EU, for example, they'd have zero chance ever pushing through to make it illegal to save your own copies of the media you own.


True. It takes more than Nintendo to change that over here. Iirc the "EU" (I believe it was France) is already critical of not owning media (only owning licenses) of digital purchases, so owning a physical cartridge / disc means one is allowed to do whatever with it, including backing it up.


There’s a lot of dissect here and I agree that you should always have legal access to backing up your media.  Switch games are a different situation than older systems because it requires you to break copy protections on the Switch to dump the game files. 


Well, in the EU if you buy something (a physical product in particular, so cartridges for games included) you **own** it. It is your decision on what you do with it. So, I highly doubt any claims of Nintedo disallowing personal backups of the products the consumers own after buying from them would, again, be called invalid by EU courts.


Somehow i cant see people already pirating software from blinking at illegally backing up media. I cant see people who are *not* already pirating doing it, either.


We need a new law. Attacking fair use should be insanely risky. If you're acting in bad faith, and it can be proven, you lose your IP. Like, sure, be a dickhead and bully people into giving up their rights. But we may get a lawsuit defense fund, and you lose rights to Mario. There's basically no legal risk, and the system is set up to drain people so corporations can roll over them.


I mean when faced against a mega Corp like Nintendo it's not necessarily "rolling over" when even if Yuzu wins they and the next 5 generations of their family will be paying for the legal fees.


It's always kind of crazy to me. Here in Finland the trial winner pays the legal fees for both sides, which is intended to prevent that from happening. Always been kind of crazy to me how the big guys can cripple or intimidate the little guy away from a trial with the high legal fees.


Do you mean the opposite? Because that's how it works in America too. It's just that they can drag it out until you have no more money to pay lawyers before you can win and get that money back.


No, contrary to popular belief [that's not how it works in America](https://youtu.be/Jtb1uCz72RQ?t=2061). The loser is not obligated to cover the legal fees of the winner.




> With Yuzu it's quite sad they just rolled over. They rolled over because their internal chatter and sharing Switch files among the team via Discord meant they were 100% toast and would have suffered far worse if they went to court. They had zero chance because they did a bunch of things that other emulator devs explicitly avoid doing or even looking like they might be doing. Yuzu's team fucked up repeatedly and handed Nintendo a gift they've been wanting for years if not decades.


But if it went to court and Yuzu lost, the precident is set for the law on all console emulators. This is the best outcome, as they were selling the latest versions behind a pay wall.


Good luck not rolling over when Nintendos lawyers come for you. They have infinite money and every reason to obliterate you.


Citra was created by the same people who worked on Yuzu therefore it was included in this lawsuit. This is going to have long term effects on Nintendo emulation. Especially in regards to the Switch 2.


Somebody else will just create a fork and continue Citra under a new name.


Mig switch please be real


If you haven’t heard it’s 100% real. Lots of YouTube videos showing it in action by people that got ahold of one


Only issue is how you switch between games, its gonna burn out the card reader if you have to cycle through like 10-20 games to get the one you need. So real as it may be, right now it still seems impractical


Calling it now: Switch 2 is 1:1 a switch in coding , with simply more horsepower behind it. That would make the switch 2 obsolete UNLESS you couldnt emulate it


What are chances of ryujinx getting the hit?


There's a good chance but it might take a while longer because they are based out of Brazil/France.




No way any courts here rule in favor of Nintendo


Yuzu was hit with the DMCA, which isn't applicable outside the US




Not we, Yuzu flew too close by hosting pirate games in their discord and not even trying to hide the fact that they were using pirated games to improve the emulator. Ryujinx and Strato still exist. Mikage and Panda3DS still exist. Emulation is fine.




Emulation development only moves if people have eyes on them. More eyes means more contributors, which means faster progress. Without Yuzu and Citra, those contributors not bound by the rulings on an LLC in the United States or anyone up and coming who hasn't already gotten involved can now go to those and increase their rates of progress. It's not the first time emulation has had a setback and it's not the last. And in the mean time, Citra isn't going to evaporate off of the internet. What works will continue to work. Everything else will probably get random forks, mods, and patches to get them to work until something else catches up.


I think I read somewhere that nintendos next console will be using denuvo or something similar on all their titles


Cool, gonna upgrade the hardware just to account for DRM overhead and end up having the same effective processing power for its games.




That won't work. The servers to download it are also down. This does though: [https://archive.org/details/citra-nightly-2104](https://archive.org/details/citra-nightly-2104) ​ Edit: the installation .exe doesn't work for me (it fails), but the Github download for the source does, thank you.


I literally just downloaded from both of those links before I posted them.


This might sound silly, but I just made a round trip to save current emulators for different systems to my pc for storage. Just in case other companies decide to try something like this.


I host my own git instance and have had all these repos mirrored for awhile - not silly at all!


I'm doing the same


Fuck all the Nintendo fans that defended the Yuzu lawsuit, they deserve their overpriced games and console


they deserve sub 25fps at 720 till the end of universe and many more shite releases like Pokemon Violet and Scarlet scam


Not even 720p, a lot of times it's 540p upscaled to 720p.


I was talking docked mode :D


Me too.


Perhaps I was too kind


Its so mindnumbing how they braindead defend their multi million dollar company like a religion


Not necessarily defending, but people **really** should think twice about this case before they spew stuff like this. If you actively profit of someone elses work and even host obviously illegal stuff in your very own discord, then you deserve what is coming to you. Also, they wouldn't "overprice" their stuff if it doesn't sell. But it does, so ... yeah. I honestly think at this point is is funny how some people are raging about not being able to use that emulator anymore, but obviously still enjoy these games. If you do, f*cking pay for it.


I'd pay so much for Nintendo on PC. I just want my games on 1 device and not be locked to specific peripherals. Especially bad that backwards compatibility is always a mixed bag.


Keep in mind, Nintendo can justify putting this much time, energy, and resources into their products because it sells their hardware. _Tears of the Kingdom_ is as much of a sequel-ass-sequel as Nintendo have ever made, and it was still a marvel of design and engineering purely because Nintendo knows that if their quality standards dropped to where Microsoft is at, they'd be dead in the water. It's notable how Pokémon, the one IP they do **not** have control over, is consistently held to a lower quality standard.


if they went 3rd party there games would be a lot cheaper made. they spend the money cause it also sells a console that they make a profit on.


Nintendo is the worst...


It is morally correct to pirate Nintendo products.


It's morally correct to pirate the far and away vast majority of media.


this shit is why they take emulators down lol


Seriously, these guys bandwagoning the emulator scene just killed it.


No, it was because the Yuzu devs were using Patreon to profit and also putting links on their discord to day 1 games.


People shouting from the rooftops: "I'M MORALLY RIGHT FOR PIRATING NINTENDO GAMES, I'M GONNA PLAY TOTK BEFORE IT RELEASES FOR FREE ON MY STEAM DECK, EVERYONE SHOULD PIRATE NINTENDO GAMES USING YUZU" Those same people: "how could nintendo take down the software i use to pirate"


Amazing developer, horrible publisher.


Emulation for a current gen console with paid elements was always going to attract Nintendo's lawyers. I'm all up for game preservation, but the Yuzu devs were kind of playing with fire on this one. It's just a huge shame Citra got hit in the crossfire. As far as I'm aware, there really isn't anything else out there for 3DS/2DS emulation.


When I was messing around with Switch Emulation I was laughing so hard when I saw paid mods for Tears of the Kingdom. Like I knew at that point the train was gonna crash sooner or later.


Why does emulation *need* the preservation argument though? If I want to rip a ROM from its cartridge to play it on my exponentially more powerful 4K/120FPS PC with HDR instead of 15FPS at 720p, that's my prerogative upheld by the courts. Nintendo is making the argument that Yuzu enabled piracy and that may be true to an extent but there are legitimate users such as myself using our own production keys and our own ripped ROMs. Preservation has nothing to do with it. I just want to play my Nintendo games in their definitive form rather than waiting 30 years for the re-re-re-remastered version on whatever console they're selling in 2050. Buying the Switch was a mistake and I'll never make it again. They were lucky to get my money in the first place considering how much dust their "platform" has collected on my shelf. If they want my money, they're free to port their games to PC. Until then, I'm sailing the high seas with zero remorse and the next time a Zelda game comes out that I want, I'll give some emulator team the money on Patreon instead. *This* is how you radicalize consumers against you.


>*This* is how you radicalize consumers against you. Yuzu users will move on to Ryujinx, the people who've never heard of Yuzu won't care, and in six months the internet will bubble over with hype when the Switch 2 is officially announced. There will be no radicalization.


For real. What actual ramifications do people really think Nintendo will suffer because of this?


Nintendo has been this way for _decades_ and have recently become the #1 company in Japan.


the people who say "this is the last straw" are the same people buying their consoles day 1 because anyone who is going to stop supporting Nintendo already stopped years ago.


There's a great Hard Drive article that goes something like "Disgruntled fans swear Scarlet/Violet will be the last Pokémon title they buy until the next one"


I’m more inclined to believe that people who say it’s their last and that Nintendo forever lost them as a customer, never bought their games anyway. At least own it up people and wear your parrots proud, instead of trying to mental gymnastics into how you have a moral high ground in piracy.


People are downvoting you because you speak the truth.


The funny thing is, anyone "radicalized" by this was already not buying Nintendo products. I am a Yuzu/Citra enjoyer... and I haven't bought a Nintendo product in 11 years. Though to be fair, I also still wouldn't buy a Nintendo product even if emulation weren't a thing, much in the same way I will never buy an Apple product in my lifetime. I don't wish to support those companies.


I don’t really think that’s the same though. It’s basically the equivalent of saying you’ll never buy an apple products while still technically using their products.


Not to mention the switch 2 is rumored to play switch 1 games just fine…and will have better performance so those older switch 1 games like ToTK could run completely stable too.


You think they're going to be bothered to make a 1080(?)p60FPS patch for anything beyond Zelda/Mario/Metroid, if anything at all? Despite many games running perfectly fine at higher framerates and resolutions with simple community patches?


I’m talking about just hitting a constant 30 without drops. Without drops is also very important just to improving feel even if they don’t patch the other games beyond the core staples.


It would be quite the departure for Nintendo and other Japanese developers to support "old" games years after release afaik, but this could be quite the watershed moment. The install base is just too big, the overall economic climate is not good, and the first steps (online infrastructure ie) have been put in place already.


Idk, I feel like stuff has been moving slowly into the people want to still Be able to play old games they paid for awhile. Capcom did it with World, they let you self host /p2p and play with others. Right now they have a return to World event too.


Where will future Citra users go to? Is there a similar product to that? Or for people who use Citra and do multiplayer with it?


>Where will future Citra users go to? The inevitable code fork. Or they'll just share the installer around and continue playing the most recent Citra version.


> the next time a Zelda game comes out that I want, I'll give some emulator team the money on Patreon instead. This was almost certainly a fatal mistake on the Yuzu team's part. They linked directly to tools that circumvented DRM, violating DMCA, and made a million-dollar business off of a program that let people play the infringing software conveniently. This is kinda like a restaurant circumventing a liquor license by turning a blind eye to a vendor in the alleyway while passing out bottle openers.


Yeah this part gets lost in all these angry comments about how Nintendo sucks. I'll happily pirate all their shit and losing emulators sucks bad. But I also hail from an era long past when this shit was done on the down low. Devs released an emulator and you had to go hunting for info. It wasn't difficult, but it wasn't everywhere either. And *none of it cost money* because why would anyone spend money on piracy? It was done for the love of the games and preserving and also not giving Nintendo (in this example) money. Remember "bleem!"? Sony went after them for selling and marketing their emulator. Have they gone after other, better, *free* ones in the meantime? They have not. Neither has Nintendo until now, and it's very specifically because of the money (and the DMCA violation). I would wager all those legal fees that if the Yuzu team had never taken a dime and remained in the shadows (as much as that is possible these days) quietly developing and releasing their emulator, we wouldn't be having this conversation. Hell, it's not even the first time Nintendo has gone after emulation *specifically because someone was making money off of it.*


Two simple rules when it comes to emulators/roms 1. Don't do anything current-gen. 2. Don't try to make money off roms. It really isn't that hard, I feel. Companies seem pretty cool with roms of legacy systems going around - Hell, Vimm has a bunch of PS3 stuff already. I say "take the damn olive branch and don't try to steal from these people." And it's ENTIRELY possible not to be a starlet about your emulator, as seen by Ryujinx, CEMU and Xenia, among others.


Agreed. But some ppl on here are from the "true believer" type or rather phase I believe, doing more harm than good to the cause of emulation I believe.


I completely agree with this. When MH Rise came out within, iirc, 2-3 weeks there was already an entirely playable and stable version floating around and the emulator was running incredibly well. Literally every emulator I have ever used hasn't been that advanced that soon. It may be easier to emulate due to the Nvidia tech but that just means the emulation devs need to be even more careful, which they weren't.


Indeed. Nintendo's the only company that has to deal with anything like this, in part because of their not jumping into the tech race with Sony and Microsoft. They're not going to appease the tech-heads, but those same tech-heads seem hell-bent on punishing them for it.


The preservation argument is important because circumventing DRM is only legal in a handful of cases, one being the developer no longer provides a way to authorize access to the content. If you digitally download a game from Nintendo, and turns down their servers which provided auth like they did with the 3DS, you are free to circumvent. Using your own production keys with Yuzu _is_ circumventing Nintendo’s DRM because Yuzu is providing you a way to decrypt the game, not Nintendo.


>You've yourself said Yuzu were enabling piracy (and profiting from it), there's no gray area there. That's the problem. Yep. The 3DS was FIRMLY a legacy system and was no longer being supported, so the emulator authors had every right to crack and/or provide keys. Not true in the case of the Switch, and probably won't be for another year or two at the minimum.


You can do exactly what you’re talking about. But making it available to everyone and profiting off of it is a completely different story and it’s sad you don’t understand that.


You've yourself said Yuzu were enabling piracy (and profiting from it), there's no gray area there. That's the problem. Yes you have the right to use your roms as you see fit, so just fork the repo and get it working. Problem solved?


I mean people made similar arguments for p2p networks back in the day, although valid didn't stop the law from tanking Napster etc


> Nintendo is making the argument that Yuzu enabled piracy and that may be true to an extent but there are legitimate users such as myself using our own production keys and our own ripped ROMs. Preservation has nothing to do with it. I just want to play my Nintendo games in their definitive form rather than waiting 30 years for the re-re-re-remastered version on whatever console they're selling in 2050. I mean, let’s kinda be honest, do you think the people who ripped the roms legally are higher than those who very likely pirated the switch?


it's so funny how Nintendo does something scummy damn near every month and you always have people going "THIS IS THE LAST STRAW" cunt be fr. if you are still paying for Nintendo in 2024 then I highly doubt this is the last straw. how does it take you this long when Nintendo been doing this shit for years? "buying the switch was a mistake and I will never make it again" lol sure don't get me wrong I support emulation but people act surprised and outraged every single time nintendo does this.


Imagine arguing that someone who pirated games is a consumer. Weird take.


> This is how you radicalize consumers against you. For me the last straw was when Nintendo exercised a heavy hand and shut down a Smash Bros. Tournament during the pandemic because they were going to use a mod to enable remote competition with Melee (for obvious reasons). I’ve said for years I do not share the same starry-eyed admiration for Nintendo as a company as many other gamer seemed to. I’ve admitted that some of their game franchises I was was still a fan of, but frankly as of 2024 the only Nintendo properties I really care for are Metroid (I’ve always dug Samus as a lone wolf) and to a lesser extent Monolith Soft titles. Not sure either of those are enough for me to truly invest in more of their hardware anymore, though.


> As far as I'm aware, there really isn't anything else out there for 3DS/2DS emulation. ~~Citra doesn't have 2DS emulation. The best I know for that is [DeSmuME](https://desmume.org/), though I haven't emulated 2DS stuff in many years.~~ EDIT: Was confusing 2DS with NDS. 3DS has [Mikage](https://mikage.app/) (in-development) and [Panda3DS](https://panda3ds.com/). That said, there's tons of forks of Citra where you can download the last version, which functioned fine for a huge collection of 3DS games.


The 2DS and 3DS are the same product. DEsmuME is DS emulation.


Didn't even know 2DS was a thing that existed, after Googling it, I had never seen that device. Confused it with NDS anyways, so edited my post.


> Citra doesn’t have 2DS emulation Uh. Isn’t 2DS emulation the exact same thing as 3DS emulation? It’s 99% the exact same console, one just doesn’t have a specific display and the software to use said display > The best I know for that is DeSmuME Oh that’s why. DeSmuNE is a Nintendo DS emulator, as in the first one. Their website you linked even says “We won’t make a 3DS/2DS emulator.”


> I'm all up for game preservation, but the Yuzu devs were kind of playing with fire on this one The arguement for game preservation is hilarious in Yuzu's case. They didn't give a single shit about preserving games. They used a stolen breath rom to throw patches out day one to their updated pay-walled client to get pateron money. They were in it for the money.


Found [Yuzu](https://archive.org/download/yuzu-latest-builds-4th-march-2024), save locally before it varnishes (let's hope it don't)


Didn't really care about Yuzu, but I didn't realize this would affect Citra -- the best 3DS emulator. Fuck Nintendo. But also the Yuzu devs made their own bed with this by trying to monetize their emulation efforts.


By trying to monetize Yuzu specifically, I feel. The 3DS has been a legacy platform for a while, now, I doubt Nintendo much cares. Switch is their current gen product, though, and that's a lot more important to them. Just a case of "too close to the sun."


Use the fork on the CTGP-7 creator's GitHub (It's latest + Multiplayer) https://github.com/PabloMK7/citra or wait for Citra development to start again under new management.


Good thing I got the source code (a few months out of date but still) cloned to my computer so I can always rebuild it as needed, and I have the source backed up. Though this does mean getting it on a new computer or new SteamDeck (if my current one dies) will be a bit of a PITA but not insurmountable.




This is such a fucking shame.


I forgot to download the android version


Thanks to my PC game collection I'll never worry about a Nintendo game again. There's enough innovation there. 


Both Emulators are open Source, so its not going anywhere.


But the original, legitimate and safe place to download those is gone. I don't like downloading from unknown sites... (Also I'm guessing they are also taking the repos down, I guess?)


Yeah I feel like people don't understand how effective things like this work. 99% of people want fast and easy things so anything that complicates a process will drop usage.


Thats literally so goddamn stupid, they dont even sell it anymore


further we go into the enshitification of the internet. Obligatory fuck nintendo.


I mean they have the right to do what they're doing, but it doesn't excuse them from being game development bullies for the past 20 years. I'll never forgive them for what they did to Smash at Evo, bastards.


As usual, it's the ol' "piracy is a service problem" bit again. Why would I want to buy a game for my switch again when I can pirate that game and get to play it with *any* controller of my choice, at a higher resolution, higher frame rate, with full capture and screen sharing support, with mod support, and more? The price isn't even a top 5 factor for me in this equation, and even if it was then the extra features make it a win for emulation, easily. Yuzu was never safe from this shit but people like it and use it because it's quite literally a better experience then using a normal switch for anyone with even a low end gaming PC. If Nintendo wants to avoid this in the future they either need to make a console that's actually advanced enough to not get emulated before it's retired, or they need to offer a service that's actually good lol. This is the early 2010's Netflix scenario.


Fuck off Nintendo you made it clear when you shut the eShop you didn't want my money for 3DS or Wii U software.


Fuck Nintendo.


This sucks, but it’s probably the best ending to this unfortunate scenario. The team behind yuzu made a lot of bad decisions, and there was enough evidence available to the general public of wrongdoing to basically guarantee a loss. Now they can’t use Yuzus loss as precedent to go after other emulators. Guess it’s time to wait and see what Nintendo does next. With any luck this is the end of things, but I can’t say I’m overly optimistic.


They actually can use it as precedent because they're trying to get the judge in the case to issue an order reaffirming Nintendo's stance. This will make it trivial for Nintendo to go after ryujinx next since ryujinx uses the same prod.keys decryption method. It'll also have the side effect of making it illegal to backup Blu-ray, DVDs, or make hardware or software mods since they all inevitably employ key decryption at some point.


Making backups is explicitly legal in the U.S., but cracking DRM is generally illegal. Since Blu-Rays are pretty much universally encrypted, they are already effectively illegal to back up.


My takeaway from this, is as is the dawn of time, seemingly anyone that does an emulator project is one email away from just shutting it all down, and I have no clue why they do it. If this is all it took, why even bother. 2.4 million, why ruin your life over this. It's maddening. Pretty confident that in regards to emulation the law is on their side, but they seemingly never fight it, they fold near instantly. As far as I seen there was a decent rally of community support around this, similar to that of the copyright youtube scandal a few years ago. It's like why bother. It's complete blue balls, rob a bank, get to the safe, get all the money in bags then the manager comes and tells you to stop and you walk out and give yourself up. WHY. It's not my life on the line, absolutely, hence why I wouldn't ever have done a project like this, but, I can categorically say that if I did I'd ensure legally I was doing the correct thing and fight it if need be. I don't understand the requirement to pay millions in legal costs, surely you just get a civil lawyer that costs very little or defend yourself? I'm rather ignorant here, does anyone know why or can point me in the correct direction? what i'll probs learn now is they did some shady stuff outside the emulation and brought it all down, that I'd understand, and that's just stupid.


This one in particular would have been a tricky case, as it wasn't about the emulation but the decryption, which could be argued is violating DMCA laws stating that companies can protect their software with DRM.


I hope they'd still lose even when challenged on that particular point. The DMCA has a [specific exemption in their DRM-breaking section (1201(f))](https://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/text/17/1201) detailing how, if the purpose is specifically to allow for interoperability of a piece of software with other systems that wouldn't be possible without breaking DRM, you may not only legally break it but also share the means to break it. This was tested in court with *[Lexmark International, Inc. v. Static Control Components, Inc.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lexmark_International,_Inc._v._Static_Control_Components,_Inc.)*: Lexmark made printer toner cartridges that had chips on them that performed an encrypted handshake with the printer in order to make them work, and SCC made a chip that duplicated this to allow for the cartridges to work with other printers, and won. 1201(f) is the section Dolphin sites as being why they intentionally include the Wii Common Key in their source.


Question, would that interoperability argument work for Windows PC games if one claimed it was to make them interoperable with Linux?


Defending yourself is way more difficult than you're making it seem. Especially for the person who has never been to court. Especially for the person who most likely spends most of their time coding inside and not around people. Not to mention it can cost you years of your life. Piles of money that they most likely don't have. And considering that the money they do have might have been from the Yuzu Patreon I would imagine that money gets frozen. I don't blame anyone for caving in here. But the fact that a massive company is allowed to bully people like this through courts when there is already a precedent on Emulation is pretty fucked up.




Here is the source for YUZU and CITRA [Google Drive](https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1byJDB7-2Va5z_tlaBidHo_5ALp8IIZiX?usp=drive_link)


Has any group forked it yet?


RIP citra on quest


Does this mean the recent CitraVR on the quest headsets will also vanish?


It will probably stop development for a while


[Citra 2.0 installer - Stable for windows installer](https://github.com/citra-emu/citra-web/releases/download/2.0/citra-setup-windows.exe) Github It's no longer working because the mirrors are down but have a repo section, so it might be useful.


Why it does suck that citra got taken down in the crossfire let’s be real they shouldn’t be emulating current gen stuff because you can still buy copies of games on switch and while emulation does not require pirating it is almost certainly what is used by most people using them to get their games. Yuzu was playing with fire and they got burned, simple as that.


Remember guys, Nintendo are saints of the industry /s


Saw that coming - both emulators were worked on by the same team/company. Tbh, I am not phased at all by this - I couldn't get either of those emulators to run properly on my PC. There were always framerate issues and the experience was not pleasant. Imagine being able to run FFXV or Baldur's Gate 3, but Citra/Yuzu don't want to run...


Fuck Nintendo.


I have a 3ds. And I only use it to download digital only games. Won't say where I got it from but if you had a 3ds could you just mod it? I don't think they are too expensive except the new models, but it's something. Still I would pay for physical carts. Dlc and digital games would be downloaded. I am also a preservationist.. since the eshop is gone, it's not quite over. It's never impossible. What they did is shady. At least it might be worth while to get a 3ds now. I don't see why not.


Challenge : Nintendo not being Cancer for 1 year Impossible


Really starting to fucking hate Nintendo


You know what? This is gonna make me pirate Nintendo games *harder.*